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Name: Tria Rizki Husmia

Class: 5 TP 2
Student ID: E1D118111


1. What is Taxonomy? Define Completely!

Taxonomy is a hierarchical structure that identifies knowledge, attitudes and skills
from the lowest level to the highest / most complex level. Taxonomy refers to the parts of
students skills or abilities, the way the students identify the abilities from low to the high.
This is how teachers can identify students skill one by one in the classroom.

2. Why must a teacher use taxonomy in planning instruction before teaching in

classroom? Explain!
Because teachers need to position themselves as observers in behavior, how
students solve problems and student skills. teachers must evaluate students' abilities and
understanding so that teaching and learning activities are carried out properly.

3. There are three domains in taxonomy-affective, cognitive, and psychomotor.

Differentiate  them in detail!
a. Affective goals are goals related to feelings, emotions, value systems and attitudes
(Attitude) that show acceptance or rejection of something. This can we called the way
students express their feeling through something good/not for them.
b. Cognitive goals are oriented towards thinking skills that include simpler intellectual
abilities, namely remembering to the ability to solve a problem (Problem Solving).
This is the students intellectual to solve the problem, what way they are going
through and the way they put theirself to the right place, solve all the problems that
they are actually face.
c. Psychomotor objectives are oriented towards motor skills related to limbs or actions
that require coordination between nerves and muscles. The psychomotor objectives is
the action of the body, inside or outside the way they react.

4. In cognitive domain, there terms “LOTS” and “HOTS”. What are they?
Terms " Lots " and " Hots " in cognitive domain.
Cognitive domain is a domain which orientation with thinking skills or including
intellectual skill. Cognitive domain has divided into 6 main categories, there are :
Knowledge ( C1 ), Comprehension ( C2 ), Application ( C3 ), Analysis ( C4 ), Synthesis (
C5 ), and Evaluation ( C6 ). On chategory Knowledge ( C1 ), Comprehension ( C2 ), and
Application ( C3 ) is called Lower Order Thinking Skill ( LOTS ) and Analysis ( C4 ),
Synthesis ( C5 ), and Evaluation ( C6 ) is called Higher Order Thinking Skill ( HOTS ).

5. Why we prefer to HOTS in planning instruction rather than LOTS?

We as a teacher certainly want our students understand with what we teach at
previous and want our students clever, so if teacher using Higher Order Thinking skills
( HOTS ) the capability of students while learning process can improve and their thinking
skill can develop, while if teacher using Lower Order Thinking skills ( LOTS ) it can't
developing students thinking skill. So for me HOTS is more important to using by
teacher on learning process.

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