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Risk factors for Parkinson’s disease

J.P. Hubble, MD; T. Cao, BS; R.E.S. Hassanein, PhD; J.S. Neuberger, DrPH; and W.C. Koller, MD, PhD

Article abstract-Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been associated with rural living, well-water consumption, and pesti-
cide exposure; however, the individual risk contribution of these variables has not been established. We examined
social and medical histories of predominantly rural populations to determine relative risk factors for PD. Patients and
controls were surveyed regarding residency, occupation, medical history, and social and dietary habits. An initial mul-
tiple logistic regression model was confounded by excessive variable collinearity. Principal factor analysis yielded three
factors: rural living (including years of rural residency and ground-water use), pesticide use, and male lifestyle (male
gender, head trauma, male-dominated occupations). Other variables did not load in factor analysis and were entered
separately, with the three factor scores, in a second multiple logistic regression model. Significant predictors of PD
emerged (in order of strength): pesticide use, family history of neurologic disease, and history of depression. The pre-
dicted probability of PD was 92.3%(odds ratio = 12.0) with all three predictors positive. Pesticide use (distinguishable
from rural living) can be considered a risk factor for the development of PD, with family history of neurologic disease
and history of depression serving as weaker predictors of PD.
NEUROLOGY 1993;43:1693-1697

While the etiology of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is were recruited from a university-based PD clinic and
unknown, increasing evidence supports the hypoth- from PD support groups in the urban area. Urban study
esis that environmental factors contribute t o its site controls (n = 31) were recruited from a university
cause.’ The occurrence of PD has been linked to hospital neurology clinic; also, PD subjects were asked to
recruit nonfamily controls, accounting for 10 of the urban
rural residency and associated lifestyle features, study site control subjects.
including farming and well-water US^.^-^ In studies All subjects were examined by a neurologist (J.P.H.).
finding an association between rural life and PD, it The diagnosis of PD was based on the presence of two or
can be inherently difficult t o examine specific more of the cardinal signs of PD (tremor, rigidity, and
aspects of rural life for causation. If a control study bradykinesia) and responsiveness to levodopa. Patients
population is significantly more urban when com- with historical features or signs and symptoms suggest-
pared with a group of PD patients, features com- ing atypical or secondary parkinsonism were excluded.
mon to rural life, such as well-water consumption Controls presenting with any parkinsonian signs or evi-
and farming, would be expected to be more common dence of o t h e r neurodegenerative diseases (eg,
among the patients, but the significance of such Alzheimer‘s disease, essential tremor) were excluded.
Information was collected by means of a self-adminis-
associations is obscured. To distinguish and refine tered questionnaire returned by mail, with an average
the known risk factors for PD, we examined life- return time of 8 days (range, 2 to 18). The questionnaire
long sociodemographic features of PD patients and was modified from an instrument previously employed.6
unaffected individuals with a high incidence of Included were categoric responses to queries determining
rural backgrounds. whether subjects had ever lived or worked on a farm;
used pesticides for more than 20 days during any 1 year;
Methods. The study was conducted a t a rural site and an used pesticides for more than 20 days a year for more
urban site. Hays, Kansas, served a s the r u r a l site. than 5 years; lived or worked on a farm with livestock;
Located in the wheat-producing western half of the state, vaccinated animals; smoked more than 100 cigarettes
Hays has a population of 17,000. At the rural study site, lifelong; suffered from an infection involving the nervous
PD subjects (n = 31) were recruited via a PD outreach system; sustained a head trauma for which medical
clinic in Hays, and controls (n = 45) were recruited via attention was sought or which rendered the subject
news media releases and from a senior citizens’ luncheon unconscious; received professional help (from a doctor or
program. The urban site was Kansas City, Kansas. The counselor) for depression; had social, medical, personal,
metropolitan Kansas City area had a 1990 population of or financial problems due to alcohol use; and consumed
1.6 million. At the urban study site, PD subjects (n = 32) fresh produce more than twice weekly. Subjects provided
I Seealso page 1641 I
From the Departments of Neurology (Drs. Hubble and Koller and T. Cao), Biometry (Dr. Hassanein), and Preventive Medicine (Dr. Neuberger),
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS.
Presented at the 44th annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA, May 1992.
Received July 17, 1992. Accepted for publication in final form February 1, 1993.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Jean P. Hubble, Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow
Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160-7314.

September 1993 NEUROLOGY 43 1693

Table 1. Demographic data Table 2. Principal factor analysis*

Urban study site Rural study site Rural Male

PD cases Controls PD case8 Controls living Pesticide lifestyle
factor factor factor
Current residence*
Rural 8 (25%) 4 (13%) 21 (68%) 11 (25%)
Urban 24 (75%) 27 ( 8 7 4 ) 10 ( 3 2 4 ) 33 (75%) Eigenvalue 6.05 1.97 1.16
Male 17 (53%) 14 (45%) 17 (55%) 20 (46%) Loadines Loadings-
Female 15 (47%) 17 (55%) 14 (454) 24 (55%) Age <40 years
Mean age iyr k SD) 69.3 f 8.5 67.6 k 11.0 69.0 f 10.2 69.8 f 9.3 >20 yr rural living 0.918
I * Expressed as number of subjects (% total subjects).
>20 yr ground-water use
>20 yr farming
>20 yr farming 0.905
a listing of their country of birth and those of their par- >20 yr ground-water use 0.898
220 yr rural living 0.892
ents and grandparents, and were also asked to list neu- Ever work or live on farm 0.669
rologic illnesses (descriptors of such conditions were pro- Ever vaccinate animals 0.365
vided) among their grandparents, parents, siblings, and Pesticideherbicide use
children. Subjects were asked to characterize their eth- >20 diyr for >5 yr 0.921
nicity based on a multiple-choice listing. Lifetime smok- >20 Cuyr 0.889
ing history and estimation of alcohol consumption was Gender -0.697t
obtained. Lifelong occupational histories were obtained. Ever smoke cigarettes 0.601
The questionnaire specifically listed occupations known Alcohol abuse 0.568
to be most common in the Hays, Kansas, region based on Agribusiness occupation 0.494
data obtained from a local civic organization. In addition, Shared variance 62.2% 82.4% 94.4%
subjects were asked to supply descriptions of employ- explained (cumulative)
ment, if not specifically listed, to account for all work
experiences (full- or part-time) lifelong. Residencies were * From principal factor analysis with promaxoblique rotation,
loadings <0.350 deleted. Loadings are given for individual
obtained as continuous data. For each residence, subjects variables within each factor.
were asked to specify the water source as city supplied, t Negative loading = male.
cistern, spring, or private well. For analysis, continuous
data were collapsed into categories. Rural living was
defined as residency in a town of less than 2,500 popula-
tion; population statistics were obtained from the US es and two were adult children). No control subject
Census Bureau for each residence a t the time the subject had assistance. No errors or omissions in responses
lived there. Ground water was defined as water from a were detected in phone follow-up interviews.
private well or spring. Years of rural residencies, ground- The initial logistic regression model was con-
water use, and farming were analyzed as follows: <20 structed t o attempt to determine the contribution
versus 20+ years total lifelong, <25 versus 25+ years of each study variable to the likelihood of occur-
total lifelong, <30 versus 30+ years total lifelong, <20
versus 20+ years total when <40 years old, <25 versus rence of PD; however, the analysis was unsuitable
25+ years total when <40 years old, <30 versus 30+ years for interpretation because several variables were
total when <40 years old. The stratification based on highly correlated (excessive collinearity). To distin-
variable exposures during early decades of life (<40 years guish which variables formed correlated clusters
old) was conducted because of earlier work suggesting and which could be used separately, all responses
early-life rural exposures may be more strongly linked to were submitted to a principal factor analysis. This
P D . 6 The reliability of questionnaire responses was process yielded three factors (table 2). The rural
checked by phone follow-up with 10% of all subjects. living factor included (in order of strength of associ-
Statistical analysis was performed on the SAS statis- ation) having lived for more than 20 years in a
tical software package using chi-square tests and multi- rural area when less than age 40, ground-water use
ple logistic regression, with alpha set a t 0.05. Initial
logistic regression modeling was confounded by excessive for more than 20 years when less than age 40, hav-
variable collinearity and, therefore, variables were ing farmed as an occupation for more than 20 years
entered into principal factor analysis with promax when less than age 40, having farmed as an occu-
oblique rotation prior to final analysis. Promax oblique pation for more than 20 years lifelong, ground-
rotation method was chosen in order to obtain what was water use for more than 20 years lifelong, having
anticipated to be the truest configuration of the factors, lived in a rural area more than 20 years lifelong,
given the excessive collinearity observed in the initial having ever lived or worked on a farm, and having
logistic regression model. Promax rotation allows for ever vaccinated animals. The pesticide factor
intercorrelation of factors if such exists. included having used pesticides for more than 20
days in any given year and having done so for more
Results. Demographic features of the study popula- than 5 years. The male lifestyle factor included
tions are described in table 1. The study was com- male gender, having ever smoked cigarettes, histo-
pleted by all recruited PD subjects; one recruited ry of alcohol abuse (alcohol use interfering with
control subject failed to complete the questionnaire. employment or personal life), and history of occu-
Three PD subjects at the urban site and five at the pations pertaining t o agriculture (examples:
rural site had assistance (six assistants were spous- farmer, grain elevator worker). In sum, these three
1694 NEUROLOGY 43 September 1993
factors accounted for 94% of the shared variance family history, and history of depression (table 4).
among responses. When all three predictors were positive, the proba-
The occurrence of exposure to the chief variables bility for PD in the subject was 92.3% (odds ratio =
of interest in subjects from the two study sites were 12.0); when all three predictors were negative, the
compared. The rural living factor was the only vari- probability for PD in the subject was 28.7% (odds
able differing significantly among the subjects ratio = 0.4). Because depression may be viewed as
based on site (table 3); positive exposure t o the a common clinical feature of PD, the analysis was
rural living factor was more common in subjects repeated, deleting the history of depression vari-
recruited a t the rural site compared with the urban able. The pesticide factor and neurologic family his-
site when examining all subjects, cases-to-cases, or tory remained as significant predictors of PD (pes-
controls-to-controls, but did not serve t o distinguish ticide factor, p = 0.005, and neurologic family his-
PD cases from controls. Data from the two sites tory,p = 0.008).
were pooled prior to the final analyses. A second
logistic regression model was then constructed, Discussion. The notion that the occurrence of PD
including the three factor scores (rural living, pesti- is associated with rural living or farming dates to
cide use, and male lifestyle) as new variables, with the m i d - 1 9 8 0 ~ . In
~-~the intervening years, the
individual variables that did not load into the prin- issue has been examined numerous times, with
cipal factor analysis. The nonloading variables most reports corroborating but some refuting the
included neurological family history, ethnicity, his- association between PD and rural l i ~ i n g .The
~ - ~dis-
tory of CNS infection, history of head trauma with crepancies in results may be attributable, in part,
loss of consciousness, history of depression, age t o differing study populations and methodology.
under 65, and fresh produce consumption. From Clearly, rural living is not the sole determinant of
this analysis (both stepwise and nonstepwise), PD because there are many patients who lack such
three significant predictors of PD emerged in order a history. Assuming that rural living is a link to
of strength: the pesticide factor, neurologic disease the cause of PD, distinguishing which feature of
rural living serves as the actual risk factor for PD
is difficult. Consideration has been given t o well-
Table 3. Comparison of subjects from urban and
rural sites water consumption and its constituents, including
chemicals and minerals.1° It is also possible that
certain ethnic groups are overrepresented in some
Urban Rural
site site
rural areas and t h a t thus a genetic component
exposures exposures could contribute t o the association between rural
Variables n (%I n (TO) living and PD. Aging itself is associated with rural
living because one of four Americans over age 65
Age 65+ yr 19 (30) 23 (31) resides in a rural setting.ll
Rural living factor 16 (25)" 46 (61)" To examine the relative contribution of rural liv-
Pesticide factor 10 (16) 21 (28) ing lifestyle features to the occurrence of PD, we
Male lifestyle factor 27 (43) 37 (49) studied populations in which rural residency was
Neurologic family h i s t o r y 16 (25) 15 (20) common. Most of our subjects (both patients and
* Exposure to the rural living factor differed significantly in urhan- controls) had a history of living in sparsely populat-
site versus rural-site subjects (cases a n d controls comhinedi, ed, midwestern regions. Our most nonrural study
urban-site versus rural-site cases (31% versus 66% exposed), and group was the control population at the urban
urban-site versus rural-site controls (19% versus 53% exposed).
Chi-square analysis (df = 1) for each comparison, respectively: study site, yet even in this group, 51% had lived in
value = 1 5 . 3 5 8 , ~
= 0.0001; value = 7 . 5 7 0 , ~= 0.006: value = 8.930, a rural setting for more than 20 years. Rural living
p = 0.003.
was so common among these subjects that it did
not serve to distinguish controls from patients and

Table 4. Predictive variables for PD

Nonstepwise logistic regression Stepwise logistic regression"

x2 pValue OR 95%CI x2 pValue OR 95%CI

Pesticide use 6.94 0.0084 3.15 1.30-6.63 8.24 0.0041 3.42 1.27-7.32
Neurologic family h i s t o r y 5.11 0.0238 2.84 1.12-7.21 7.04 0.0080 3.18 1.22-7.05
H i s t o r y of d e p r e s s i o n 2.95 0.0284 2.95 1.08-8.01 4.29 0.0383 2.74 1.07-7.57
xz Approximate chi-square statistic to remove terms (df= 1).
OR Odds ratio.
CI Confidence interval.
' Chi-square statistics for improvement to the prediction were significant at each step ( p = 0.015, 0.010, 0.030, respectively). Hosmer-
Lemeshow goodness-of-fit chi-square statistic = 0.240, d f = 5, p = 0.999. C.C. Brown goodness-of-fit chi-square statistic = 0.261, df = 2, p =

September 1993NEUROLOGY 43 1695

i t could not be successfully differentiated from elusive; however, various metabolic defects in PD
other rural life features, including ground-water have been reported,2326 raising the possibility that
consumption and farming as an occupation. On the PD is the result of genetic error that becomes clini-
other hand, pesticide use emerged as a variable cally manifest with cumulative exposure to endoge-
distinct from rural living and served as a strong nous or exogenous toxins.27
predictor of PD among these subjects. In some Reported history of depression was the third
reports, pesticide exposure has not been associated strongest predictor for PD in this study. As with
with PD.6J2This seeming incongruence may be due family history, reports of depression among PD
to the high degree of rural exposure in all our sub- patients may be biased compared with controls’
jects, making it more likely that a specific feature responses. I t is possible, for instance, t h a t PD
of rural life, such as pesticide use, could be distin- patients have more ready access to health care or
guished and analyzed as a risk factor. Our finding would more easily recognize depressive symptomol-
supports the hypothesis that the neuronal degener- ogy and seek treatment. Patients may be more can-
ation of PD is determined, in part, by environmen- did in reporting psychological problems because
t a l toxin exposure.13 I t is consonant with the they are likely to be well motivated to respond com-
results of Tanner et al,I4 who demonstrated PD to pletely and correctly t o a survey that may shed
be less common among rural versus urban resi- light on the cause of their ailment. Despite these
dents in China, where chemical weed and pest con- reservations, our findings can be taken as corrobo-
trol has not been extensively employed. It is incon- ration of the long-recognized association between
ceivable, however, that PD is solely due to pesti- depression and PD. Depression is reported to occur
cides because not all patients have had such a n in 20 t o 90% of PD patients, depending on the
exposure. In addition, PD as a clinical entity pre- methodology and study p o p u l a t i ~ n . ~
dates the development and widespread application has either not correlated or has been only weakly
of these chemicals. Isolated reports have been linked to motor impairment s e ~ e r i t y . ~ ~ , ~it~ , ~ ~
issued linking pesticide exposure t o individual i s unlikely t h a t depressive symptoms i n PD
cases of parkinsonism in grain handlers, farmers, patients are merely in response t o the disabling
and workers in pesticide plants.15-17Semchuk et all8 nature of this illness, ie, “reactive” depression. In
found occupational herbicide exposure t o be the many patients, depression predates all motor signs
sole risk factor for PD when examining several and symptoms.31-36 The nature of the relationship
agriculturally related factors in a case-control between depression and PD remains uncertain.
study of Calgary residents. Evidence suggesting a Depression and PD may represent two totally dis-
higher occurrence of PD in agricultural regions, as tinct clinical entities frequently coexisting because
reported by Barbeau et al,4 further supports the of overlapping at-risk populations. Alternatively,
association of pesticide exposure and parkinsonism. depression can be viewed as an integral clinical
When taken in consort with our own work, the feature of PD and, therefore, could not be appropri-
most likely explanation for the role of pesticide ately analyzed as a risk factor for PD. With this
exposure in PD is that it is but one of a number of last consideration in mind, we reconstructed our
precipitants of PD. Furthermore, the toxicity of statistical model, deleting the history of depression
such exogenous factors may be determined by variable; pesticide use and neurologic family histo-
inherent vulnerability within the individual. For ry remained as significant predictors of PD among
example, prior nigrostriatal injury, aging, or genet- our subjects.
ic factors may determine individual susceptibility Several variables examined were not predictive
to such compounds.19 of PD. For example, head trauma, ethnicity, history
Second to pesticide use, the next most powerful of CNS infection, and fresh-produce consumption
predictor for PD in our subjects was a reported fami- were not found to be significantly more frequent
ly history of neurologic disorders, including PD, among PD subjects compared with controls. These
Alzheimer’s disease, tremor, dementia, or palsy. No negative findings do not exclude such variables as
attempt was made to differentiate these ailments possible risk factors for PD. The sample size was
because corroboration of diagnoses based on clinical likely too small to examine adequately some of
examination or medical records was not possible. these variables, such as CNS infections. In addi-
The stronger family history in our PD subjects may tion, some variables could not be sufficiently distin-
reflect recall bias because the patients may have guished from others. For example, men tended to
increased awareness of PD and related disorders. have a history of head trauma, smoking, problem
Control subjects may be unfamiliar with such condi- drinking behavior, and occupations related to agri-
tions and have little reason to ascertain and recall culture; thus, these variables were ultimately ana-
neurologic diagnoses i n family members. lyzed as a single factor.
Alternatively, this finding may be taken as evidence When studying risk factors for PD in individuals
supporting the notion that PD and similar ailments with high occurrence of rural exposure, we found
are genetically determined. A familial tendency for that pesticide use, family history of neurologic dis-
PD has been postulated for decades,20but a clear orders, and history of depression emerged as risk
inheritance pattern is rarely distinguishable.21,22
The factors for PD. It is possible that these results are a
nature of the conjectured genetic defect also remains reflection of selection bias, ie, inherent differences
1696 NEUROLOGY 43 September 1993
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September 1993 NEUROLOGY 43 1697

Risk factors for Parkinson's disease
J. P. Hubble, T. Cao, R.E.S. Hassanein, et al.
Neurology 1993;43;1693
DOI 10.1212/WNL.43.9.1693

This information is current as of September 1, 1993

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