Chapter 10 La

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Chest Pain
 History of angina (chest pain
CHAPTER 10 brought on by exertion and
 Indicates the presence of coronary
Medical History artery disease with attendant
*Ask additional question: ischemia of the myocardium
 Have you ever received a local  Stable angina – ASA 3
anesthetic for medical or dental care?
 Present of dental fears – inhalation
 Have you ever had a negative reaction
sedation with nitrous oxide
to a LA?
 Pain control – LA with
 If so, what was the reaction?
 How was it dealt with?
 Unstable or recent-onset angina –
ASA 4 risks
1. Determine the patient’s ability to
2. Swollen Ankles
tolerate physically and psychologically
 Pitting edema or dependent edema
stresses involved in the planned dental
indicates possible heart failure (HF)
 Other cause of ankle edema:
2. Determine whether treatment
varicose veins, pregnancy, and renal
modification is indicated to better
tolerate the treatment
3. Is psychosedation indicated?
3. Shortness of Breath
4. Determine which technique of sedation
 Clinical signs and symptoms of
is most appropriate for the patient
heart or lung disease may be
5. Determine whether contraindications
exist to the planned treatment or any of
 Positive response to this question
the drugs to be used
does not always indicate that the
patient suffer such a disease
Physical Evaluation
 used to describe steps that involve in
4. Recent weight loss, fever, night sweats
fulfilling the aforementioned goals
Three components:  Not intentional weight loss (e.g.,
1. medical history questionnaire dieting)
2. physical examination  Unexpected weight change may
3. dialogue history indicate HF, hypothyroidism
With information (data base) collected from (increased weight),
these steps, dentist and hygienist will be better hyperthyroidism, wide spread
able to: carcinoma, uncontrolled diabetes
 determine the physical and mellitus (weight loss)
psychological status of the patient  Night sweats – such as tuberculosis
(establish a risk factor classification for
the patient) 5. Persistent cough, coughing up blood?
 seek medical consultation, if indicated  Persistent cough or hemoptysis
 appropriately modify the planned (blood-tinged sputum)
dental treatment  Most common cause of hemoptysis
are bronchitis and bronchiectasis,
HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED? neoplasm and tuberculosis
 Cough ssociated with an upper presence of intestinal polyps and
respiratory infection – ASA 2 thrombocytopenia
 Chronic bronchitis (smoked more
than one pack of cigarettes daily for PREGNANT
many years – ASA 3 risk  Administration of LA with or without
epinephrine is acceptable during
6. Bleeding Problem, bruising easily? pregnancy
 Hemophilia – prolonged bleeding or FDA Pregnancy Categories
frequent bruising A. Studies have failed to demonstrate of a
 Incidence of coagulopathies or risk to the fetus in any trimester
other bleeding disorders, injection B. Animal reproduction studies fail to
technique with greater incidence of demonstrate a risk to the fetus; no
positive aspiration should be human studies available
avoided C. Only given after risks to the fetus are
 Supraperiosteal, PDL, intraosseous considered; animal reproduction
(IO) – less likely to produce bleeding studies have shown adverse effects on
 Technique might be avoided: fetus; no human studies available
maxillary (V2) nerve block (high D. Definite human fetal risks; may be given
tuberosity approach, PSANB, IANB, in spite of risks if needed in life-
Gow-Gates and Akinosi Vazirani threatening conditions
mandibular blocks E. Absolute fetal abnormalities; not to be
used at time during pregnancy because
7. Sinus problem risk outweigh benefits
 Allergy ASA 2
 Respiratory distress when placed in Known Fetal Effects on Drugs
supine position Drug Effect
 Distress is present if a rubber dam Anesthetics, local No adverse effects in
is used dentistry
 Postponing treatment until the Articaine No adverse effects
patient is able to breathe more reported in dentistry
comfortably, limiting the degree of Bupivacaine Does not cross
recline in the dental chair and placenta readily; no
foregoing used of a rubber dam are adverse effect in
advisable dentistry
Epinephrine No adverse effects
8. Difficulty Swallowing reported for dental
 Dysphagia – inability to swallow use
 Determine the cause and severity of Lidocaine No adverse effects
the patients complaint reported in dentistry
Mepivacaine No adverse effects
9. Diarrhea, constipation, blood in stool reported in dentistry
 Causes of blood in feces – anal Prilocaine No adverse effects
fissures, aspirin-containing drugs, reported in dentistry
bleeding disorders, esophageal
varices, foreign body trauma, Physical Examination
hemorrhoids, neoplasm, use of Patient must be:
orally administered steroids,
 Aware of the presence of any medical  Vasoconstrictors are drugs that
condition constrict blood vessels and thereby
 Willing to share this information with keep the anesthetic at the site needed
the dentist  They added to LA’s to oppose the
Vital Signs: natural vasodilatory action of the LA’s
1. Blood pressure (BP)
2. Heart rate (pulse) and rhythm Vasoconstrictors added to LA:
3. Respiratory rate  Epinephrine (mostly used)
4. Temperature  Levonordephrine (used 2% with
5. Height Mepivacaine)
6. Weight Normal dose do not affect CNS or CVS
 Overdose does affect ANS & CVS –
Blood Pressure anxiety, nausea, headache,
hyperventilation and increase BP
Medically compromised patient especially those
that have ‘heart’ issues are restricted to 2
Vasodilators cartridge per appointment
*All local anesthetics are vasodilators
 When injected they dilate the blood Conditions
vessels around the site. This increases Malignant Hyperthermia
blood flow to the site and also carries  One of the most intense and life-
the anesthetic away from the site into threatening complications associated
the circulatory system of the body with administration of general
*The degree of dilation depends on: anesthesia
 The particular anesthetic  Genetically transmitted by a dominant
 The injection site gene
 Individual patient response  Seen foremost in males increasing with
Increase blood flow in the site of injection  Triggered by certain anesthetics during
(perfusion) in turn causes: general anesthesia
 An increased rate of anesthetic  Amide anesthetic were once considered
absorption into the blood stream an absolute contraindication, but now
increasing toxicity they are considered a relative
 A decrease in the duration of the contraindication
anesthetics actions because it is taken  Based on limited clinical evidence, all
away from the site local anesthetic drugs appear to be safe
 Increase bleeding in the area due to the for MH susceptible individuals
increase flow of blood in to the area  Usually will volunteer the information
 Higher plasma levels  Recommended that the dentist contact
the patient’s primary care physician to
These disadvantages can be overcome to a discuss treatment options
certain extent by adding vasoconstrictors
 Vasoconstrictors also called Atypical Plasma Cholinesterase
vasopressor  Approx. 1 out of every 2820 person
 Helpful in Dentistry where longer possess an atypical form of plasma
duration and more profound anesthesia cholinesterase
are required
 Genetic. Patient volunteer this are given doses of Prilocaine within
information on the medical history recommended limits
 Not all cases produce clinically
significant signs and symptoms
 Should alert the dentist to increase risk
of prolonged apnea in patients
receiving succinylcholine (muscle
relaxant) during general anesthesia
 Of greater importance is the increased
risk of developing elevated blood
vessels of the ester local anesthetic
 Signs and symptoms for LA overdose
are more apt to be noted in these
patients even with normal dosages
Because they undergo biotransformation in the
liver, amide LA do not present an increased risk
overly high blood levels in most of these
Ester anesthetic may be administered, if
deemed necessary by the doctor, but their
doses should be minimized

 Genetic condition where a cyanosis like
state develops in the absence of cardiac
or respiratory abnormalities
 Patients volunteer this information on
the medical history form
 Severe condition show chocolate brown
blood, blue nail beds, ashen complexion
with respiratory depression and
 Benzocaine topical can also produce
symptoms but only when administered
in very large doses
 Other substances can also produce this:
crayons, ink, shoe polish,
dermatological, nitrates etc.
 Signs and symptoms usually appear
within 3-4 hours to healthy patients and
sooner with smaller doses in patients
with the congenital disorder
 Treatment: slow administration of
methylene blue
 Do not have to worry about this
development in healthy patients who

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