Who Am I

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Who Am I?

Name: David Jang

Go to www.16personalities.com. Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? Protagonist

What is your code? ENFJ-A

Letter Percentage

A 61

E 59

N 56

F 53

J 57

What do each of the letters mean?

E = outgoing and socially confident. ___

N = using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.

F= Feeling, emotion

J = Judgment and perception preferences in the context of personality types refer to our
attitudes to the outside world and the way we live our daily lives. The judges' preferences want
to be neat, orderly and firm.

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths o Tolerant
o Charismatic
o Reliable
o Natural Leaders

o Overly Idealistic
o Too Selfless
o Struggle to Make Tough Decisions
o Too Sensitive

Friendships o Looking for long haul relationships

& o Communicative about relationships
Relationships o Keep bonds with others strong
o May come off as needy or overbearing
o May upset others when pushing them to improve
Career Paths
o Social worker 
o Teacher 
o Counselor
o Advisor

Habits o Intelligent
o Warm 
o Idealistic 
o Charismatic 
o Creative 
o Social

1. Write a reflection using Word on TEAMS (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
 Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this

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