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THIRD EDITION da JOAN SASLOW ALLEN ASCHER ACCTING PEARSON Grammar Readiness SELF-CHECK ‘The Grammar Readiness Self-Check is optionel. Complete the exercises to confirm that you know this grammar previously tavaht in Top Notch. QUANTIFIERS FOR INDEFINITE QUANTITIES AND AMOUNTS 1A PRACTICE Crcle the correct quantifiers. 11 There isn’t (much / many / some) milkin the fridge. 2 There are (much / many / ny) beautiful figures in the Gold Museum. 3 Weneed to go shopping. We don’thave (much / many / some) shampoo forthe trp. “4 She doesn’t use (many / lol of / some) toothpaste when she brushes her teeth 5 moma diet | just want to have much / any/ some) soup for lunch. 6 There aren't much / many / some) calories in a salad. 8 USETHE GRAMIVAR Complete each statement with rel information. Use an affirmative or negative form of there's / there are and the quantifies some, any, alot of, many, or much. 1 in my bathroom, vs right now, but 2 in ny dye, fight now, but ‘THE REAL CONDITIONAL [A PRACTICE Complete the Matements and questions withthe simple present tense or the future with Veena MELOMOTOW MOANG, nnnnnyaenenee YOULHEInormation you need 2 ona sgggge OEM cc yggnon af 6OOP 3H =a: = sos Open. 4 cage INEERPIESS HAIN cong yacennne attestation afer 4007 5 msgs an the sel bat sgeees wp and dover 8 USETHE GRAMIVAR Complete each statement, using the real conditional 1 f1g0 om trp to New York, | 2h .ifitrains tomorrow. ‘THE UNREAL CONDITIONAL 1X PRACTICE Choose the correct way to complete each unreal conditional sentence. 1 something ina sore, would you pay frit 2 Would bes” “Seale break 2 What ityour computer crashed? a wouldyoude "b were you doing didyou do 3 IF Hound someone's wallet in arestaurant, the server, a wouldtell— b will tell © told 4 I would go to Sam's Elecronicsif «to geta great deal ona new tablet. a wouldwant want © wanted * your husband got cosmeuc ‘would you ‘e will you to New York, | would go to the top of the Empire State Buildir Beton te ehage " 1B USETHE GRAMMAR Complete these unceal conditional statements in your own words. 1 if thad alotof money, 2 I would stop studying English if. COMPARISON WITH AS. AS. [® PRACTICE Combine each par of statements, using comparkons with as. 1 London i exciting Rome is exctng to. Us .2 The ceramic vase is beautiful. The glass vaseis much more eauttul. (rot / near) 3 V'm very rebellious. My ster is much more rebelious. Coot /quite 4 The Green Hotel sexpensive. the Chelton Hotel sa tte more expensive, (almost '5 The move fl Bll was violent. War of the Words was violent to. (us 8 USETHE GRAMMAR Write satements with comparisons with a 11 Compare two peoplein your family. 2 Compare two products, such as cats or elecronics. GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES |X PRACTICE Complete the advice by choosing a gerund or infinitive form of each verb. ‘Are you an introvert? Are you afraid of (1 speaking / to speak) infront ofa group of people? Are you tired ‘of (2 worrying | to worn) about what other people thinl? Let me give you some tps for (3 changing / to change) how you feel. First ofall, enjoy (4 being / to be) who you are. There’s nothing wrong with, (getting / 10 ged) nervous in social skuations. if you want (6 feeling / to fee!) comfortable in those situations, you can learn how. Finally, lean (7 accepting / to accept) that you have unique strengths. 2 USETHE GRAMIAR Complete each personal statement with a gerund or infinitive phrase. 1 after finish my English studies, hope 2 dislike ; but Lteally don't mind THE PASSIVE VOICE, |X PRACTICE Change each sentence from active vcice to passive voce. Use a by-phraseifitis important to ‘mention who performs the action. 1 Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote One Hundred Years of Salitude in 1967. 2 People eat fred cheese balls for lunch or snacks 3 The Spanish artist Diego Veldequer painted Las Meninos “4 People tum down the beds every night atthe Gates Hotel '5 They grow mangosin many countries around the world. 3 USE THE GRANIVAR Write two facts about your city or county, using the passive voice. For example: In my country, shis usuelly served with rice. THE PAST CONTINUOUS |X PRACTICE Complete the paragraph with the past continuous or the simple past tense. 1 ‘problem yesterday. While | ‘Some information on the Internet, _. a great website with some cool applications. $01 ‘te download one of ‘them. While | spggeeens Mal my computer but nothing happened. While |. ‘as my fend Mark. He. i v9 _ to solve the problem, the phone ... that the website found had a vitus. oy 1B USETHE GRAMMAR Complete the statements, using the past continuous or the simple past tense, 1 While twas leaving home for class today, 2 Someone called me while... USETO/ USED TO |® PRACTICE Complete each sentence with the correctaffirmative or negative form of use io or used to, Vidlike) to eat seafood, but now | do. a near the mall, butt moved to ancther location. 3. =» you (90) tothe beacha lot when youwere a kid? 4 My brother (have) {a tattoo on his arm, but he went toa doctor and she removed it 5 Ube) save .» kind ofan introvert, Butniow Ilike being with lots of people. 6 There (be) ‘so many hotels on alis Street, but now there are los of them. 1B USETHE GRAMMAR Complete the statements with real information. | There didn't use to be our ciy. 2 tused © when twas 2 kid, 3 Ididn’tuse toltke -nonennee y but now! do. ‘THE PRESENT PERFECT ‘A PRACTICE Choose the present perfect or simple past tense veib phrase to complete each conversation. 1 A: Im worried we're going tobe late, Has Tom taken a shower yet? No. Actually, he (hasn'tgotten up / didn't getup) yell 2A: Did you get Mr. Bland"s message this morning? BB: Yes, I did But (didn't have /haven’t hee time to respond yet. 3 A: Have you seen DiCaprio’s new movie? BB Actually | (saw /have seer) last night. It wasn’t great. 4 A: Have you stayed at the Greenvale Hotel belore? 1B: Notat the Greenvale. But I(stayed / ve stayed) at the Huntington next door twice. 5 USETHE GRAMMAR Complete the statements about yourself. V thaven’t «yet, but "dike to, . more than three times. 2Ive 3 Men 4 thavent ETT 1 Mate smaltalk 2 Desutbe a busy schedule ; 2 \ Diary vector UNIT 4. Dscasshow cuture changes over sme. —— aes epson eee, org, Told, Merch 24-27 Neetng Eauet + snc wo al come tenet tare ae ae aes ter brn ier wasn ed as Se area «Ras irae stan “eae mea Pekar ts ars pa ok ee oss ae gon atte ving oped or aioe FE Irxrrtine uo ksingrce 2a SeeMate ron ro Repionst martetie Cus emesis 7 CCl es gy Sk A Read and summarize the etiquette guidelines “atta Cater Sine for an international business meeting. Write four rene 8 Cy a 2 (ceee Coeowe war oe see B pIscUssION Why do you think Rowan Paper International feels t's necessary to tell participants about the meeting etiquette? What could happen ifthe company didn’t lanfy expectations? 2 uN (© petsaipHoTo STORY ead and listen to a conversation between two participants atthe meeting in Bangkok people o be onastname bass? Surat: Wel atcompany mesings in Surat: Where did you lem the war? Teresa No need be so formal, Engish,alvays in other stators, You Chea ae you? Pease call ne Te ‘ough, peop tera to bea ele havea rendin Sut: And pease cll me Surat matt pst Chie fom halard. Teresa Of Surat doyoumindmy __Watth thatottersdo.You know ‘skongyoua quesion aboutiha, _ Whatthey sy: "Whenin Rome... though? Teresa:M-hmim. 0 5 the Surat: Nota. pees ‘tharos ca ferwah goturecallal he acy ying “Senate as" (women Seale aS” en. 1D. THINK AND EXPLAIN Answer the questions 1 Why was Surat surprised about the way Teresa 3 What did Teresa mean when she said, “No need to ‘greeted him? How do you know he was surprised? be so formal"? 2 Why do you think Terasa decided to say ‘4. What do you think the saying “When in Rome, “Sawatdee Kaa”? ddoas the Romans do” means? SPEAKING A. PERSONALIZATION If you tock a business or pleasure trp to another country, how would you like to be addressed? Complete the chart. Then discuss and explain your reasons to a partner. dike to be called Sa as by my tie and my family name. a a a by my fist name. o a 3 by my nickname. - a a 3 ''d prefer to follow the local customs. a oO o B ISCUSSION Talk about the questions. | Inyourgpnienstinappropfatefor twa people 2 Ingenta when do you think parle house of very diferent status Guch asa CEO and an lirst ames with each other? When should they ‘estan to be ona itst-natme basis? Explain use ules and last names? explain your reasors. wari 3 CONVERSATION MODEL |. ab Read and listen to ewo people meeting and making small talk. [A: Good morning. Besuttul day sntit? tral i By the way, I'm Kazuko Tosinaga. {I'm Jane Quit. Nice to meetyou. B: Nice to meet you, too. A: Rowyout mind cll you Kavuko? ~ Tee wnidyuliatn ome Bs dlsoletety net. Plessets. Aprdo joubrete be sceresec? ‘A: And please call me jane. Devevealiae tat Tealyoutneury? 8 PENH RHIPTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. ‘Then practice the Conversation Model witha partner. GRAMMAR Tag questions: Use ad form Sear feats erence genes Use tag questions to contirm information you akeady hk istue or seam he tw encourage someone 19 make small talk with you. "rma tire aren BUT rm tlt, em Wa a besutiul cay, sent Use pronoune not nares ar ether une intag questons. nen the statement is aitirmauve, the tag is negatve. When the Eangiok sin Talars erie ‘statement is negative, the tag is affirmative. Use the same verb NOP aetaongaie ‘ene or modal in the tag question asin the main statement. ——='Vvd Youre ize, eren't you? You're not Amy, are you? She speats Thal, doesn't she? tor Hes gong todive, —n'the? re we? ‘Thayl'ba here ister won't tay? villi Trerearea tof rules, aren't there? ‘was het There isn'tany sugar, is there? id we? ‘You were tnere, —weren'iyour | Ste nasntDeennere ing, nas shet Thoylof, cide toy? "Youwouldn't co nat, would you? lsbeen agrect day. hasn't i? He cant speakJaranese, can he? Ann wouldlike Quito, wouldnt she? az @ Tneycan ear me, cant they? + Tag qastons:shon aswers A. FIND THE GRAMMAR Find and underline a tag question in the Photo Story on page 3. 8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement with the correct tag question. 1 Rob is your manager, sevens ? 7 The agenda can't be printedin the business 2 Ltuned off the projector, .. 7 centerbefore 00 4.M., 7 Bellon fe peaatrill 8 They were expsining themecting squat, 4 She won't be at the meeting before 2:00, 9 she wants tobe ares by her est 10 There was no one hee from China, '5 We haven't forgotten anything, . 6 Iwasa great day, orenninrnnnnnn ? © unt "3 PRONUNCIATION Intonation of tag questions A PI Rising intonation usualy indicates that the speaker is confirming the comeciness af information. BING Falling intonation usually indicates that the speaker expects the lstener to agree. Read and Read and listen. Then lsten again and repeat. Tsten. Then listen again and repeat. 1 People use frst names here, dom’ they? 2 That meeting was great, wasn't it? 1 People usefirst names here, don’t they? 2 That meeting was great, wasnt? 3 it’s beautiful day fora walk, ive? 3 It's abeautful day fer awalk, ent? PAIR WORK. Tate turns reading the examples of tag questions in the Grammar chart on page 4. Read ‘each with both rising and falling intonation. Listen to tracks 1:06 and 1:07 to check your intonation, STOTT make sma tare FIZIA. CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, personalize the ‘Conversation Madel to grecta casemate. Make small talk Askaach other about how you would like ta be addressed. Then change partners oe B tt oll is By the may, dea fr tg uesions Atm fet ‘DONT STOP! [Bod] tose ca « Thee * Contras mang anal ta: vi, ‘Reroute lobe (sari, wit Deon. ‘our oem ay 8 EXTENSION Write your name anda few facts about yoursel! on 2 sheet of paper and putiton a table. Choose another clasimate’s paper, rad it quickly, and put t backon the table. Then meet that person and corfiem the information you read, using tag questions ia Carb ise coma eamprastes Tal. 1 started studying Eaghshshen Twas qf steered 4 EIT sre ssa GRAMMAR The past perfect Statements Use the past perfect to describe an action thet occurred before a specific time in the past. Lookat the ‘Umeline 1 see dhe order of te actions. Form the pest pertect wi had ~ a pas: participle. —_} _, ‘The mesiing enéedat 11-00. We arfived. “Timo markers by, already, and yet aro often uses with the past perfost By four o'clock tho tour had bogun. ‘They had already eaten wien ther friends called ‘When the fight took off, the storm hadn't started yet (OR hadn't yet stated. Use the past perfect withthe simple past tense or the past of be t clarity wiih of two past actions occurred fist. ‘The meeting had begun late, so we didn’ have unch unt 2:00. (Fist ne meeting begar, then we nad lunch ) 1) the time the tout was orer, Ann had slready met Kezuko. (Fist Ann anc Kezuko met: ten the tour was over) |A. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Choose the correct meaning for each statement. ‘The meeting hed ended before we arrive. Note:tn informal pezch, you can we ON by el hestartge ne neon Borel germs, isudied st -Afar sve made the orsertatn, ‘hey promoted rer on = O tet ep neat sind 1 “Before they decided to have the meeting in Bangkok, had already decided to take my vacation there.” 1 First they decided to have the meeting in Bangkok. Then | decided to take my vacation there. 1 First decied to take my vacation in Bangkok Then they decided to have the meeting there. 2 “By the time she got tothe meting, she had already reviewed the agenda.” 1D First she reviewed the agenda. Then she got to the meeting, First she got to the meeting. Then she reviewed the agenda. 23 “They had already asked us to turn off ourcell phones when the CEO began her presentation.” 1D Firs they asked us to turn off our cell phones. Then the CEO began her presentation. 1D First the CEO began her presentation. Then they asked us to turn off our call phones. 3. W’snow 7.00 pi. Read Meg's to-do list ard complete the statements, using the past perfect, lady, andyet 1 At 830 Mag her launcry, but she ‘the cat to her moms house, 2 8y 10:45 che the eat te her mam’s house, butshe conn f0F the meeting. 2 By 12:15 che sews the sales binders at Office Solutions, but she _ lunch with Adam, 4 RETO tHE core lunch with Adarn, but she the DVDs to filmPix. 5 By 215 she seen Ue DVDS to Flix, butshe he dentist, 6 ALS:55 she 7 the dentist, but she a manicure Monday, Janay 4 Ragman 00 (ite to ce went haze 190 [Pak met 00 [Peep tests bres Sate ae 00 [Tine 200 [rearn te obs ores 400 [seo ante $00 | 5-0 Pek hee woo eaves” CONVERSATION MODEL A. PBB Read and listen to someone describing a busy schedule. AA: Sohow was your day? B: Unbelievably busy By 9:00 I had taken the placement ted, tegitered for clas, and bought my books. ‘A: That’sa lot to do before 9:00! B: That was nothing! At 10°00, | had a 10 iene meeting acrosstown, but by 10 uneslecby had ead) arved bak atschoa oer, 'A: What did you do about lune? vay 8: Well when | got to clas, hadn't 2 ccaten ye, 301 Just got a snack, 4 ‘A: Wowl 'llbet you're pretty hungry now! we 8 PN RHYTHR AND INTONATION Liston again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. COTTE) describe a busy schedule = ‘EI A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Made! to Es ee ee 6 eee rere A: Sohow was your wens ? 1 BUSY. BY eons I That’sa lat to do before B: That was nothing! . ‘A: What did you do about... 2 5: well. A: Wow! Ilbet you sreschinas B CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the ‘conversation again. Ask other > 1B:Oh,no. That must hurt. |B: That's good. ft must not be an erergonoy. ‘Drang conclusons wit alabama gust hy GRAMNAR PRACTICE Complete the staternents by drawing conclusions, using must or must not 1 You look av YoU so nenzsenenes a YL of pain 2 Hyour daughter feels nauseous, She ncyegnesees tO@at anything. 3 The doctor said you're in perfect health! You really good, a 4 Gary has. headache, Ne osname WO take a nap. 5 Icalled the dentist’ office, butno one answered. She . pesmi today. SERB 6 AMA csc paynonen Sick anymore ifshe’s gone back to work CONVERSATION MODEL |A. 122 Read and lsten to someone showing concern and offering help. A: I'm sorry, but I don't think I can come to the meeting this moming, Really? Ie there anything wrong? ‘A: Wall, actualy, | don't fel very well. 've been coughir Sine stright and false shor af ea 8: Oh, no. That must be awful. Would you like me to calls doctor? [Ar That’sreally nice of you, but 'm sure Il be fine. 1: Then call me later and et me know how you feel, OK? AA: Iwill. Thanks. 2 PINGH RHYTHIN AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. COTITET stow concern and offer help BA conversarion AcTivaror With a partner, change the Conversation e Model to describe other symptoms. Then change roles. |: 'msony, but don't thinkI can B: Really? Is there anything wrong? We su done ey wal Qa Rea a Sn Se ee aes Se ee Bs Then call me later and let me know how you feel, OK? ‘rats footee’ tence, 2 same) Yorrnst oe sot sna narnia preys = “Change the DONT STOP! 1B CHANGE PARTNERS Change theconversation + Qessnse more symstons again, using a diferent event or activity. Mate shor ofa f heb. CT) Make a medical or dental appointment GRAMMAR Wile able to: Modals may and might Will Or wont) be abl to + base form: future ability The doctor vill be able to see you tomoron.(=The doctor can see you iomorrew.) ‘he won't beable to come to work this week. ( She ean't come to work ths Weck) ‘May / might (or may rot / might no.) + base form: possibilty “The dentist may os might arrive atthe office a tle lee this momirg. ‘You may not (ot might not need to come inrigit aay. Note: You can use be able to with may and might for possibility or with must for drawing conclusions. Tisxsarnay sean ayaa Timp able gure i vomabane penta sn meips =.= © Tye erciiee [utieaceuse eon i aaa GRAMMAR PRACTICE Completeeach conversation. Use might, might not, mightbe able 10, oF ‘mustnot beable to and the base form. 1 A Id ike to see a dentist right away. think t's BAS TIHIOKD ssn litle sick this on emergency. ‘morning. feel nauseous, and I've been B: Well 1 a . youan vomiting. appointment at 2:00. Would that be OX? B: Then you should see Dr. Anders. Buthe 2. A: fF. Undtin this morning? t'm not eetng i any openings today. Sen well 4A: ve been calling Mr. Res for an hour. | know 1: hei, but she doesn’t have any openings. he’shome, butno one’s answering. ez HOWEVE, SNE neers HME B: That's strange He 282 tp see you this afternoon: the phone, ~"§B VOCABULARY Medical procedures |A- PBI Read and listen. Then Este again and repeat. ansuminton ——aniicton—aneectecaingam = 8 PAR WORK Discuss when a person might need ‘each medical procedure from the Vocabulary, CONVERSATION MODEL A nas Read and listen to someone making a medal appointment, A: Hello. Doctor Stars office. Can thelp you? B: Hello. This is Ann Webb. I need to make an ‘appointment fora blood test. wonder if might be able to comein early next week. AA: Lets see ican fit you in. How about Tuesday? ': Could! come in the morning? ‘A: Letme check ... Would you be able to be here at 10.007 6: That would be perfect. AA: Well ee you then. Bs Thanks! I realy apprecate it. 2 IND RINTHI AND INTONATION Listen ‘again and repeat. Then practice the ‘Conversation Model witha partner. 42225 A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, role-play making an appointment to see a doctor © _ersenuse suggests day anc ume wate he ‘appointment on the schedule. Then change roles. A: Hello, Doctor wenn “sooice. Can thelp you? Be oon « need to make an appointment For wander tf might beable to A: Let's see can it youin. How about a ? B: Couldt come wor. ? A: Letme check ... Would you be able to be here at ren ? B: That would be perfect. A: Well 20 YOU wovnn Be coco really appreciate ‘DONT STOP! owes "= Dsas otnar posse days owas re intermatin, sion | * Pet nee 2 CHANGE PARTNERS Make another appointment SCOTTI Make a medical or dental appointment [a se week of he sp 44 youhave painin your arm, you rmgntneed'an Xray. $7 BEFORE YOU READ WARM-UP What do you do when youger sick or you're n pain? De you weat the problem yourself of see « doctor right away? READING waz Consider the Choices... Te bepmnin bbetracad nace tote it century BCE actent creer I hotedon thescientiie Study ofthe burma body ant Inthelastcestury. there thas been great progress ‘what doctors ave Been able {ao wieder srpay Stim sdvancestavernade ‘methed many people choose first when they need medical, Homeopathy was founded the te siphteeth century InGermany It aw cost, ‘jst of natal meee {Gedby hundreds malls ef people worlwide Inhomenpathy. 2 patents shnplons are ened wid meds at cause simalsr ‘Symptons. Therersedy is ‘ken in very aut fr ‘ne part remedy tone tilion (@ocoban.6n0 060 per Hexbal Therapy Herbal mediene often takenas eure foritossandect year inaost all suiuresaouad he ‘medics wre Ascend by Soe Purposes “Phe World Heth Oration iamathat a te wes forthar requir Feat cae China aver 8.00 yeas ago. “Today tis used worl for avant a protien Instead at certain pints on the body to reve psn snd Scupuncture maybe tect i ircpenlstoy ce spiritual Healing = ‘Also kon fh fealing or"mand and boy Esword Thies fermot ‘healing at uses the ed or lector say at when they bnnve mot enable tone patient sirtual neangjust ay work A. UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT Four cf these words have similar meanings. ‘Cross out the four words that don't belong, Look at the Reading again fer help, medications treatments symptoms remedies uses purposes therapies illnesses 15 RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Discuss the questions. | Which of the treatments in the Reading have you or your family tried? 2 Which treatments do you thinkare the most effective? Why? © DRAW CONCLUSIONS Decide which Ueatmentor ieatments each pailent would probably NOT want to try and which he or she might prefer. Explain your answers, using might, might not, must, oF must not. (ore than one therapy might be appropriate) 1 £Ei definitely wanttosee 2 LE tbeove you have to 3 E61 think twould be sly to 2 doctor when thave 3 heal yoursell You can’t tty ahealth care method that problem. Butl want toavoid _justexpecta doctor to do isnt strongy suppored by saz Lakingany strong mediaions everything or you. 99 scenic research 39 EE orhauingeurges. 2 (ATT piscuss types of treatments ‘A NOTEPADDING With a partner, discuss treatments and pracitioness you preferfor ‘each ailment. Write your views on the notebook. om vos pare: Pan tt es 13 homenpathie doctor ea fiasco scission compacted st ueaneis Tete twin) fred precitones youand yourclsmatcs bas ueeeigreser esate lee re peel oa poorer senior icakeran Coens. Mite lyeaane peirccieiess., oats iia «ne eee Sete) | (ean Se eenventonal ose) ‘un 2128 edsne abel formation BEFORE YOU LISTEN ae ee ere ete erty GBA eam vocnsuians Hecuatone Readondinen, Li Saesfon aca ren tna oon (SS: Then listen again and repeat, = AV ‘panier cold tablets anasalspray / eye drops ‘an antihistamine decongestant ‘ough medicine ‘an anuiouc 8 PAIR WORK Discuss what you might use each medication fer, 46 tight eke an antacid fprastomadhace. 7) LISTENING COMPREHENSION A. PIKIG LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to each conversation with a doctor. Use the medications Vocabulary above and the symptoms Vocabulary from ppage 16 to complete the chart for each patient. ee it pate yr : = tug ferindee Nore: Mark Geob__ ‘Whatarethe pent sigs) | MATE se matoms? | “iterate irae ee we dass? hve CN } ‘se pat cent taking any ‘rie pao curently taking any iracistons? Ces On mete tons? E1¥es CINE 30, which ones? — et | | ___j Dae pac ota On : peal ™ Dre One | Dikthepaie ass peigsane |_| Dethepatent gta presen a | Gres no ae {Gives ne oa 1B PIES LISTEN FOR DETAILS Listen again, Complete the amen injormaton about each patent. ‘Doage:Aivitnen_——__—— #487 "Side Secs Ys IND es ‘9, hat ae hoy Sedecnteoe ‘No tuoyFemander x, wtolaehe?——_______Dosege-_aty 1 so,wtat arth? MEAT tak about medications A. PREPARATION Imagine you are visiting a doctor ‘Complete the patient information form. B GROUP WORK With three other classmates, role-play visit toa doctor. Firs, choose roles. “Then roleplay the thiee scenes bow. Use ‘the patient information form. oui |Draises | # |Drootness | | 0 [Daren = firth Roles fs patent + Fine, coteage, baenate orate Teeptenst | Brow orp tavescone | # How ong ave vou had theca syopianay 3. Are youre a [_ teowicroneys rethuerecommends scocer™ ‘Scene 2: The pater calsthe eceptiisto aan apport. oune 3: Tha coir sts he pated abot he [yma sos revormanc masta, ac jebean[ehessingcsushngl. | Iness tomate appoitmert‘or_ | Thavks for ttre mein orcer tI might be abe te Dretner ay 00 ease? Yes fy nase) ave fanny [ost ros), | Wvely apprenas ieaay ds eecaec lnnkseu mows lace on Lets hve ioc . Youmay hare Vousyeuoeazeiecome oni? sveyouslegetasry mescatore) Deval?) Geeta a ete ron non youtee! "hope jou fel or soon (© PRESENTATION Perform your role play forthe class. A PSB Listen to cach conversation and complete the statements. Then listen again to cchackyour answers. 1 The patient lost when she was eating 2 The patient has Sheneeds to take | 43 The patient needs . of his | 4 The patient would lke to try for pain in her 18 Suggest a medication for each person. (Answers wil vary) ha F< 2 Complete each conversation by drawing your own conclusion with must. 1A: fee really nauseous I've been vomiting all morning. 3. You mat feel:terrible. 2A My dentist can’t fit me i til next month. : Your dentist 3 A: My daughter was sick, butit wasn’t anything serous, thank goodness. You «. 4 Ac My husband fell down and broke his ankle. Be L D_ Rewrite each statement, using may (oe might) and be able to. 1 It's possible that the doctor can see you tomorrow. 21s possible that an acupuncturist can help you. 131s possible that the hotel can recommend a good dentist 4s possible that she can't come to the ofice before 6:00. 51s possible that you can buy an antihistamine in the hotel gt shop. the dector might be able to see you tomorrow. Opemil.. “Keay My Hes WRITING ae Compare two types of medical eaments. Use the Reading on page 20 ee ee eee +) + How ate the two medical treatments sila or diferent? + Which treatment do you thinks more effective? i. © + Why might people choose each teatment? 1 Compson ane orate + Which weatments do you-or people you know—use? Why? + Gudsie ers wang eose 4 wr ORAL REVIEW 1 Create a conversation forthe women inthe Photo, Stat lke this: Van corny but Tdon'# think Ton 2 Create a conversation between the receptionist in the dector’s fice and the ‘man on the phone in the pictures below. Make an appontment.Strt ite this A; Hello. Can help you? B.Twonderif I might be able to GAME Take turns with your classmates Describe the doctor's alfice and draw condusions, using must or may and might. (2 student can'tsay arything, he or she is out) For example: He's touching his arm. He must bein alot of pain show concarn and ote slp. Mate ametical or dental appsiniment. Discuss types of treater Bratt aboutmedcations ize} Getting Things Done _ Be aoe 4) vmenyounave ato ris Raieneeen vopnros sores calenaar DD & the hardest things first Da ebvays meke to-do lists for you Bite. net ———- Gc. anyfting but whet you naedito do Go Seen damrgandatt “ens — ” hg ‘done in a short 2) wen you need to buy someone — ee A peor 807 eae erriny FS ee eaten Bo iSetecoecret eee ©) You __teet bad when thore are: 1D pokserhing uo on the day you semeah Tangs you haven gotten done yet. Da irc ein todo opted Bb tettraconenerttcuset s Do megtenoegtn you enema" four omer nes Coenen onsainaor euro A teosct -rowered"b four of mor ues Her cepommarar Daur) eatin ren ine rowed at fox or mare ee: Nye ang ane Yara” BA 7a Uc OM | PAR WORK Compare responses on the survey with & DISCUSSION Based on the survey questions, what 4 partner. Does your score accurately describe the isa procrastinator? Whatdo you thinkit means to kind of person you are? Explain, using examples, be an “organized and ce motivated” person? What cdo you think are the advantages of being that type of person? © SH PHOT crORY Read andlisten to xome customers placing orders ata cepts (Cooneria Ohne ier Manager What can !dofor you tsy, Manager: icuse me .. Hell Manager: Soy tokeep you waiting. Ms: Kuss? Happy Copy. Ms: Kaus. Customer 1:1 needtohavethese Customer 2: Hy Sam. KenUhere. Customer 1: Wel see you've gota ecumerts copied sap." Deyou Manager: H, Mr. U. How cant {ocon your platetoxay.| on thnkyoucoedmale 280 copesty Mes aa ra pie a i190 ‘customer 2. Wel, 'mgong trough Manager: Dont wory, Me ras Manager: I'm afraid that rught be ‘ny to-do st and stead | ‘Your order wil be ready on time. dificult. vegota et of ordersto ecto have ty 3D-pagesales_ Customer T: Shou ve you call compeie ns momng, binders made upforourmeetng far? Customer 1: Soy. ‘ext week Any chancel Could” Managor: No medforthat. Come nat a st hve thom st hing temortow 11-00, are have your decurenss Manager: Wel ‘apod ‘moming? rey ‘Customer. get someoneto tke Manager: Tomorrow morning? Guaseerl nae carol it aght away. "No sweat. Can youbring the Customer 1 Thanks milton Youtrea, _ sects blows noon? ie customer 2: Absolut. owe yo ene, Sam ‘asap =assoon a posse D_ FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Findaan underined expression in the Photo Story you might use for ‘each ofthese situations. (Two of the expressions can be used for the same situation.) 1 You need something 2.5... 4 You want to assure someone that a request isno 2 You can see that someone is really busy. pec het 3 Thamitntatotof inet de somthing 5 Youwant to expres: gratitude for avr. 6 Youdon’t want to taketoo mach of someone's time. SPEAKING ‘Based on the survey on page 26, how would you descrbe each character n the Photo Story? Complete the chart and then compare opinions with your classmates. Which character are you the most lice? Procrastinater? | Organized! Explain Sam o a Ms. Krauss a o Meu a o uwra Zz CONVERSATION MODEL A. PS Read and listen to somecne asking fora faver. ‘A: Do you think | could borrow your car this afternoon? . Mine's atthe repair shop, and Ineed to pick up my mom at theairpor. Gee, 'm sony, but 'm going to needit. have 3 doctor's appointment. A: Noomhlem Ilthinkot something. 385 ways toma Hey. Ihave an idea. Maybe : Hogmben eed Colidge Jako lendyou Bsc. THESE ‘Goodies. go askhim. oo ery tot 1B PEROK RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. ‘Then practice the Conversation Model witha partner. GRAMMAR The causative Sy causative Itoprasses te idea that one person directs Use me causative 10 express ihe Idea that one person ‘rotate ao semaine prevadee or “causes” another parson to do something. a I Use get + an object and an infinitive. Vunave — myasicart call your coe, a Vehed han bring beaten toourroon. Vitget the waiter tp correct the check. ——_—_—_—_—_——— Trey got fim. 1 pay or aimer. . Did sheget her friends to give money to the school? (EUS ». 20 ‘Cauatne make 1 nine obliatin Litto siese permission (aura bau sonman evore [A GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each sentence with the causative get. 11 (give) Why don’t you your assistant them aride to the meeting? 2 (buy) might be able to . my brother Us tickets fo the game. 3 (pick up) Could you ‘your fiends , some things forthe party? 4 (make) You should ... someone. ‘hotel reservations for us. 5 (wash) Whydon’t you . your kids. the dishes after dinner? 6 (lend) I'm sure you can. sven the restaurant soe YOu ate, 15 Now rewnte each sentence from Exercise A, using have. anaun wus © GRAMMAR PRACTICE Choose the correct forms in these sentences ‘with the causatives get and have. 1 have someone atthe front desk (recommend {to recommend) a restaurant. 2 Will your trend get someone (qo / to go) shopping for her? 3 Did you have the salesclerk (find to find) you a larger size? 4 Fmqoing to getsomeone (clean / to clean) up this room. '5 They should have the waiter (bring / to bring) them the check, Dist LISTEN TO ACTIVATE GRANMAR Listen to the conversations. ‘Complete each statement, using the causative gat. 1 She's going t. theassstant. 2 They're going to susan hi 3 Atthe pany, they tried to... 4 He might ty £0 ron nnnen his parent. 5 She's going to herhusband = thy. to the postotice . for the meal for everyone. him some money. «the kids their picture. TED ofr vin GBA CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model. Change the request, the © weer to: umingt down, andthe solution. Use the Ideas from the box or your own ideas. ‘Then change roles. [Az DOYOU thIAK sn? B: Gee, I'm sorry, But saa. & Yl thinkof something, B: Hey. | have an idea. Maybe you could get ton As Good idea. Mga ask . ‘OKT STOP! Make other suggestions het ateat_— 8 CHANGE PARTNERS Make other requests. (Offer other solutions. eas for request lef you Bre lap. same mores arye tou 0 fe area ae up (ame of uch or you pickup someane fom he apor he ral) Some reasons 1 ux dow 2 request 1 You's ne faran spain 4 You have a meat in an out ‘Narre sccecing # impocart phen cl GRAMMAR The passive causative ‘The sasve caustve focuses on he obit ther thanthe subst tthe Wh kw ngs a anng Sees as eae eae Wepenn pense ‘set panicle ———— vena 26a Eattan e meng te ma someone ket) Toypiniie Seotee pecan Cri cers a tot) ‘Gnapehare berks fonts maming? Canshe hve sores cond ten?) cere a ee ‘We hadi the office painted last week It looks grest. (no ay phrase) ™ Werenamnethecsorpanteety Rojivantne nce: heyrenere! ELIS: Toe passe enue tha ay shrace A. FIND THE GRAMMAR Look atthe Photo Story on page 27.Find and underline two examples ‘of the passive causative with have. (GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write statements and questions, using the passive causative with have, 1 Fdketo make an appointment to my teeth / clean. 4 need to / my luggage / bring / to my room. 2 could / these two sweaters /gif-wrap? 5 yesterday /he/ bis hair cut / very short. 3 where can / my car/ wash in ths neighborhood? {6 we need to / these photos| upload / “VOCABULARY Services A iat Read and listen. Then Isten again and repeat. SStengtnen / shorten a sat ‘6 pmnta sign 5 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Name other things youcanget_ 4 You cn abo get swear the services on page 30 fer. Use the passive causative, lrpantsdy-ceared, (CIB LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. Listen to the conversations. Complete each statement with the tem and the service. Use passive causaives. 1 Shenesdsto have her 2 He needs to have the 3 She's thinking about having 2 . 4 He needs to have his 5 shehas tohave her .. a sen a 6 He needs to havea this morning, 7 He wants to have his new CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A (8308 Read and listen to someone requesting express service. 1A: Could | have this jacket dry cleaned by tomorrow? Br Tomorrow? That might be dificult. A: 'm ony, butits pretty urgent. My riend ie {getting married this weekend. BB: Wel, ll see what | can do. But itwon'tbe ready until after 4:00, |: [really appreciate it Thanks B PI2IO RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. (ATTTTTIET] oiscuss now tong a service wit take iia EBA convensarion ACT ATOR With a partne,changethe Jam fr ores eves oo Conversation Model. Use the deas io equestan express wna (est apse an = Service and quea reason fr why it's urgent. Then iy parol e es Tibor shot fo ie dan fer wy H's zt A COMA se By ons 2 etree Omae May 8: ... ?Thatmight be dificult. yar genean een ra A imsony, butts prety urgent heres ea Biel See what can do. But kwon i — Be wady ent A coe! DONTSTOP! Co [i onpendenier Tras en sont veep you ary Snr 5 CHANGE PARTNERS Request other express services. BEFORE YOU READ WARM-UP What ae the best ways for a business to keep its customers coming back? Explain your reasons. READING vam * a tem coming back. Don't procastinatel Make sure you get things done ontime. Con’ waste you" customers valuable ume by making thers wat or coves. Giving custorers what thoy be atthe tp of your t dels. The business that gets the Job cone ffciraly and fas is ‘the one thet customers wil ome beck to, ‘Be really reliable. If you sy youre going todo something, dots preblen keeps ‘you rem éoinet palogiee and promise tofinda selution However, avoid making Promises you vont beable tokeep. Treat Eustomersrigh by beng honest and they wilrecarmmond yout thee callespuwe, Friends and family Stand by your preducts end services. “The good workmanshio ard attention that 0 intoyour high quay product. excllnt ‘servicer reasonable pics willbe cepreemtel Hao eerie ecketife falls arartor doesnt work fthatharpers tale espesbliyanéarange ores orreplace They say “Te customers alvays night That may nat be Completely tos bat owner es eee eae ‘hey ae Whether your fos bines or have your en rememer this secret customers dn'trealy buy series ard Free ix) lsd ns eiaee ae Be extremely friendly and courtecus, ‘aswell asa good listener. Bo sure your ‘ustomers fel respecte¢ and heard Pay stontont complaints wall ae price ‘Ahways try to behelpful.Somezimes its Sek eee eee forfulll request irstesd of" dont koow sy, "Imay no: have the answer ‘ight now bur lfind out Instead of "dort have me ight rosa," make time’ Randa” atte. even under ses, azsure customers that you will eat them professonally and that you ae ready ‘and wiling ta hep. Abowe all make our ‘uctomers fel inportare aed valued ed always thank them fer their business ‘want now is key toyour success, anit should INFER POINT OF VIEW Complete each statement, acconding to the point of view expressed in the Reading, 1 you waste your customers” time, they ne come Back a wl b won't 2 you don’t co what you say you wll do, your customers a wil won't 35 you aren't courteous to your customers, they . a wl won't 4 Hyourcustomers don't feel valued, they . a wil won't 5 you don’t have a “cando” attitude, your customers a wil b won't wr complain. . feelimportant. «thnk you are relable. think you're willing to help. 8 ACTIVATE LANGUAGE FROM A TEXT Find andundetine thesewerdsin the [_felable_rearonable workmanship helpful _ professional Reading on page 32. Complete the descriptions, sing the words. 11 find Portel's prices really compared to other places. Fve shopped around, and can’ tfind another service with such low price. 2 What like about Link Copy Services is that they/re so cn «Even ifthe job isa bit unusual, they’re wiling to try. 3 Jamco Design isextremely ‘You never have to worry about their doing anything less than an excellent job. 4 Dom's Auto Repair is incredibly {i thay promise to havea job ready in an hour, you can be sure that they wi the 4a JN Is amazing. Their products are all hand-made, and they lastfor years. ~B PRONUNCIATION Emphatic stress to express enthusiasm ‘9383) Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat Finally, read each statement on your own, using emphatic stress. 1 They'e REALly reliable 3 They'reexTREMEly protessonal. 2 They're inCREDIbly helpul 4 They're SO reasonable, NOW YOU CAN JESSE eso Se refer |A. FRAME YOUR IDEAS Complete the chart with services you fees | fr someone you know uses. Wite the name of the business ‘and list the reasons wy you use that business. Then compare charts with 3 partner. service os 8 DISCUSSION. Recommend local businesses from your chart. Explain why you ‘and their other customers use them. Use acive and passwve causalves. 4&6 Ialwaysaetmy clothes dn-claned “Te mitngoptona) 2 Quek Clean. They rene ny hae Frc and unéerie tre wc or paasin he eadng Woreanpe:wettemige 6 arty nave ry oes repaid. Sut hear hat A's Shoos fast and rable. 17 mc pated "st BEFORE YOU LISTEN ‘A RIBEE YOCABULARY + Panning and running an event Read and Isten. Then listen again and repeat. Testng testing, 1 3 sot up the projector 4 putup the signs the agenda forthe marin 9 handout the agenda 10 ahandout 1 Introduce the speaker the quest 8 PAI WORK_ Whichof the actvits in the Vocabulary have you done yourslf or seen someore do? Which activites would you valunter toda? LISTENING COMPREHENSION A IBN UCTEN TO CONFRM Listen tothe conversations and check the tems and equipment they mention, agendss coffee handed mikes] lapel miles [) projectors [) snacks announcements desks handouts podiums sgns tickets BRIBE LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Listen again. Use the Vocabulary and the causative to complete the statements Conversation 1 4 She's also going to get them to 1 Brian’s going to gethis wnrinmesnsene 10 ineach room. bbeiore the event. Conversation 3 2 Brian will also try to get to 5 Lester's going to get people 8 wnennnnene the morring of the event. with enough chairs for 30to 40 people. ‘Conversation 2 6 He's also going to get people to 3 Myra’s goingto gether to things and get someOn@ 19 onmsenvnnrne at Teach room, and they'll make the podium and introduce each speaker. sure there's a choice of mikes for each speaker. « uNTS TY) Pinan A GROUP WORK Plan an event for your clas, school, or community. Fill out the form. Discuss ‘each person's strengths and weaknessesand assign who wil be responsible for each activity. TYPE OF EVENT LOCATION DATE AND TIME 5 ‘Some ies Sich sat pen eR ect ae? pal mati Srctegin rst” cay Z| Tp ior eer g 2 ip ts Pap argo snon 2 puerta Z g SS yay ogni yy Desousrerasint ard it tines of | Hey Ihave a in - reas offea ES can na! fie ote fl te Nese £4 tmmatraty god wits wehtony, ‘m sony. a ‘Thani 2 million! ‘but! can get people to... 77 thir sone Tee rouere 8 DISCUSSION. Present your plas to your class. Be sure to use the causative with get and the passive causative with have. Then choose the best plan wr 3% [A ®IBIH Listan to each conversation. Then complete the statements, using the passive causative with have. Listen again F necessary. Example: He'd ike to have his shoes repaired by tomorrow morning 1 She'd tke Complete each question of request, using the passive causative have. 1 (can / my sweaters /cry-clean) 2 ("dike / this sit / lengthen) . 3 (where can I these pants/ shorten) 4 (could you / thisdocument / copy) 5 (where did she /her painting / frame)... 6 (how much did he pay / his camera /repai) 7 (we'd tke/ some handouts / print) 8 (can /this package / deliver) © Complete each causative statement in your own way, using the correct form of get. Remember to use the infinitive form ofa verb. 11 After dinnar lastnight, we 2 Last week, we « our teacher 3 When Iwas young, my frends always 4 When you artive, you should ... 5 Don't forget io 6 Ian never . theserver . wrITING ° A Ds poll ha bana Spe aLNREARTRA anRSE REST FE ease ‘pain your views by giving examples from personal experience es aa 10 oo coe + Gidaoe for ts wetng exercise ORAL REVIEW GAME Study the picturesfor one rrinute, paying attention tothe time in each picture. Then close your ‘books. Ask and ansver questons about the phoias, usng the causauve. Star ke this What does Paul need to have done at2:00? PAR WORK Create conversation foreach situation, Start tke this: Doyou think] could have this_by_? ‘STORY Close a small group, tell the story ‘of Paul's day. Start ike this A19:00, Paul needed to have_ Dora station, DBbiscusshow lena sevice wil tke CD bvaluate te qualy ofserice Pian anevent UNIT f enemas Reading for Pleasure PREVIEW EB) enka fo ord cas cn arenas, kn can Fiction NoveLs KR < prom = ‘pele Karo reponey | freien tryin shorter by se Eigtsicte: Gaimeanrttia Seen teat fink variyeee nie eae osapiics “AUTOBIOGRAPHICS mv ‘smear wi a vouiea “& & 3% A. IBID VOCABULARY + Genres of books Read and listen. Then listen again and repet. oma So ‘novel aromancenovel | ablegraphy 3 memoir mystery a sclenceficton book | an autobiography 2 self-help book athrller a stort story atravel book DISCUSSION Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? What genres? Have you ever read.a book in English? How about a magazine or a newspaper? Inet, what would you like to read? Why? se NTA (© iawo pHoTo STORY Read and isten to a conversation between two friands at a bookstore lynn: Hey, Soph! Ive never run into Lynn: This one doesnt ookbad. Its ve you read the new John Mahone Thogaphyortcentalee what, Cisne Sophie: lynn! Goodto you. ‘out yeu? AreyoU Texting anying Sophie: No, haven't dt know ‘tboting for anything specs? ped tesa yt opie eee Lynn:No, Fm justbrowsing. How Soph: Wall, get now area ‘my ri table, but ea seem ‘Sophie: 'm just picking up some ‘rening magazine my Mon. ‘nk’ couldborow when you'r Shean gt exo of the ‘tone or a ‘ute shop: lym: of oun. you cn wat ow ‘ic end tthe eth Yabo happy Todt joucoddmcanmend (lout something 1D THINK AND EXPLAIN Classify each af the six underlined expressions from the Photo Story by its meaning. Explain your choices. Doesn'tltke 1 5 5 6 E PARAPHRASE Say cach underlined verb in your own way. 1 Tvenevernun into youhere before. 4 Doyou thnk! could borrow t when you're done 2 I'mjust browsing. wath i 3 l'mpicking up some gardening magazines for «> @Behwppytolend t10 you mymnom SPEAKING A" Wiatpacartage:ct yourtota nearigiinna de you magazines fiction Gedoifia exiogccdanee edt pee oo eee (Wake sure it adds upto 100% Compare a = percentages with your classmates. a ae Tella partner about what you read the mest and the least, and why. 2B VOCABULARY Ways to describe a hook 1A. WiaaH Read and listen. Then sten again and repeat. It'sa page-turner. 1's so mieresting that you want to keep reading t. Isa elif hanger. 1's so excting that you can't wait to find out what happens net. It’sabest-seller. t's very popular, and everyone is buying copies. IWsafastread, Its easy and enjoyable to read. shard to follow. 1s difficult to understand. Wstrash. It's very poor quality rat arpa 8 PAIR WORK Discuss which types of books you find the most ee Hci Shot erably endear pagel ‘ge atria 2 ay GRAMMAR Noun clauses Noun clauses often follow these ‘Anoun clause functions es anoun, often es adirect object. A noun clause verbs and adjective. ‘can be introduced by that, ie new ‘eppoinee — or dee ray ‘oun aust flere uniertand | tas Iedidot know that he wrote this book. fen hose sy think that Isabel Allende’s novels are fantastic. somes fort, | soe is you forget that her biography was 500 pages long? es ‘When a noun clause functions at 2 direct objec, that may be emited, al expecially in speaking. 1 didnt know he wrote this book Inahort onavors, tse sot replce noun cease atter the verbs think belive euess. and tone Pee teen, ‘8 Does Stephen King rave anew book out? BUTI guessroe/ ops aa B:Ithnkso./loelbveso./ gues so./Thapeso. ‘oT entgoumar aoropeso. (go = that Stephen Hing has @ new book out) = O Be care ‘Anoun clause can also be an adjective complement Ita interesting (that) she wrate a new book. Mote ves anc acjactes ''m surprises (that) he hasn't written a new novel yet. nat as befotaves by A FIND THE GRAMMAR In the Photo Story on page 29, find three examples of noun clauses that omit that. B GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write statements and questions with noun clauses using that. 1 ithink/ the author Paulo Coelho be from / Bra. | 145-4 hat the author Paulo Coeho's fiom Bra 2 I believe / the novel juliet / take place /in tly. 3 I didn’t know / U.K. author |.K Rowing / write a new novel /in 2014. 4 Areyou sure / Peruvian author Mario Vargas Loss / wite the novel The Feust ofthe Goat/ in 1998? '5 Areyou disappornted / U.S. author Stephen King / not win the Nobel Prize for Literature yet? 6 \'mhappy / the Chinese author Mo Yan / win {in 2012. © GRAMMAR PRACTICE Now rewrite each sontance from Exercce 8, omitting that. wT “GB PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress in short answers with so COTTE) recommenda book S238 8 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, a [A EBBR Read and listen, Notice the stress on the verb in short answers with so. Then listen again and repeat 1 Ate there. lot of characters inthe story? THINK so. 2 Har she read that book yet? | don’t THINK so. 3 Doyou think ths thiler willbe good? 1 HOPE so. 4 Doss thestory have ahappy ending? 1 beLIEVE so. CONVERSATION MODEL [A 833 Read and listen to someone recommending book. [As Have you read anything interesting lately? B: Actually, t'm reading a thriller called Don't Close Your Eye ‘A: 've never heard ofthat one. Is R any good? 3: Oh shirkir's 2 great book And t's aclifnanger.ighy ‘A: Well, do you think! could borrow it when you'se dane? eve clif-hangers. B: Surel| doubt ll finich it before next week, though. A: Neo problem. can wat. IED RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. “Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. A NOTEPADDING Wilte some notes about a book B PAIRWORK Write five yes/ np questions about your partner’ future plans. Then read your questions alcud. Respond to your partner's questions ‘with short answers, using think, hope, believe, or guess £6 Areyou geing to ead ying ns ween? 77 6 Tumse. 77 Genre of book: ‘you've read, or choose one of the books on page 38. | Lice the Vocabulary fram pages 38 and 40, Tele: Author: personalize the Conversation Model. Recommend | ‘a book, using the notes on your notepad. ‘A: Have you read anything interesting lately? Br ACHUAlY, | coon. Called «. ‘A: I've never heard ofthat one. 1s Rany good? BE Oh, HhINK W'S «nw. book. And ts 4 highly recommend ‘A: Well, do you think! could borrow it when you’ done OVE von B: Surel| doubt 'l finish it before... , though. A Ican wait. pay sTapl ‘Ask questions about the book. nate ta wat ist about? Your dosription: ETT sa a | CONVERSATION MODEL A. 838 Read and listen to someone asking about an article ‘A: Is thatthis months Car Magazine? Yes, tis. ‘A: Couldyou tell me where you bought i? I can’t find it anywhere. B: Atthe newsstand across the street. Sut! thinkit’s sold out. ‘A: Too bad. There's an arte in there about SUVs. I'm ding treed. | B: I can understand wy. It was really interesting, Listen, Take my copy. t'mdone with I ‘A: Are you sure? B: Definitely (5 PRE RHYTHM AND INTONATION. Usten again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. GRAMMAR Noun clauses: Embedded questions ‘A question can be embedded in a noun clause. Use i to bezin an embedded yes /no question. ‘Yes ro qusstons Enbeddes ye suestons © punctuation Tsthat magazine interesting? ‘Tell me i that magazine is teresting. Dabs lie the ation? Ta keto row fhe iked the aril Have yourinshed that newspaper? Could you tell me if you'v finished that newspaper? Use # question word t0 begin embedded information questions. Wats the article apout? Icant remember wha the article's abou. Way have you deciced to readit?’ ‘I dort understand why you've decided to read it. Wio's te writer? wonder who tie write i, Waoae magazine ist? Im not are whose magazine itis. Winen vine writen? [rit know when i was writen Woere isthe wrter from? Do you ow were the writer is from? oe a IFanempedéed uators eu coreeal ooanr a astamant ase Use normal word order (not question word order) in embedded questions spate Don'tsay: | wonder ithe wrter Oa you know wera‘ the vite fom? + Bsaeson es A FIND THEGRAMMAR find and underline wo embedded questions in the Photo Story on page 38. 1B GRAMMAR PRACTICE Change the questions to embeded questions. 1 Does her daughter lke to read? 4 Why con't you read newspapers? Ponder os ‘ | don’t understand . 2 Where did you get that magazine? ‘5 Who told her about your article? Could you tell me > Hoegot 31s be abl Bryson fan? {6 when didt see the new website? dike to know. Vean’tremember usr (© GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the chart. Look at @partner’s chart. Use embedded question tolearn more about your out ou tl me which partner’ likes and dsties pein oats, My favorite magazines My favorite sactions ofthe newspaper photography magazines Newspaper sections theinteraiondl news thespars tom Peartetanmen section eo ser Some magazines | don’t! Newspaper sactions | don’ ike a BT as abut an rice EEA CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With apartner, change the hdece Nes describe an sete Conversation Mods, using a magazine or newspaper iting e you know. Use a different adjective. Then chenge roles. excelent AsIs that con ? fant ete ‘oceaey ‘A: Couldyou tellme where you bought n? iearrtfindit [= anywhere. irsprng Bee - Bat think t's old out eee ‘A: Too bad. There's an article in there about vm thought-provaking dying to read i. B: Lean understand why. Iwas oo. « Usten. Take tSpy none wih ”, ‘Ate you sute? DoWTsTOP! & eee noe uti but tn rite B CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about another magazine or newspaper. ‘33 BEFORE YOU LISTEN 1A IBA VOCABULARY « Some waysto enjey reaaing_ Read and Isten. Then Isten again and repeat. u a ea read [articles] entine skim through [a newspeper] amen do puzzles read e-books / read electronic books 2 PAIR WORK Discuss which activities from the Vocabulary match each situation below. Explain your reasons. “convenient when you are driving “+ Helps pass the time during a bus or train commute +s a good way to rlax “Isa way to keep up with thenews LISTENING COMPREHENSION (P228|LISTEN TO TAKENOTES._Usten and take notes to 66 in doing puzzle ‘sreatway forex Betty Song + Tawan anower these questions about each speaker. Listen ——— again f nacereay. 1 What knds of reading material does he or she like? 2 When does he or she lie to read? 3 Where does he or she lke to read? Melissa White * U.S.A. —— 1p) shee v PALL ociveyourracinghaoits A FRAME VOURIDEAS. Complete the questionnaire. What are your reading habits? ‘Do yeu cancer yoursolto be abig ‘Acs you a big rowepagr roador? reader? Why or why nt? ‘Why or why net? ‘Do you ssené lt ime reading Do yourea oto magazines? Why or why rot? coin? Why a wy not? ‘What kinds do you preter? ‘Do yu ten to aut books? Is, Qnens Osparts Oravel when and where? ‘Qphorgraphy Opoltes Omusic (Ocomputes& elecvuncs © finance Oeatetaiament © fashion her ang whered you peer read 4 tine erreur are Sate Obra 8 fitness O business ‘Oience © food & coking é Hare you evr ead aloud io sumeane? Hs anyone evr rad aloud io you? When? 10 etecetionss eaten sou your reading habits? 3B PAR WORK Compare questionnaires with your partner. Discuss your reading habits. Askand answer questions, ‘and take notes sbout your partner's habits. s believe oa tat ie Upae’/ incerta (see tet (rerineg supresal st [ese supraed] inet Jeyoutalimelt=-? © GROUP WORK Now tel your classmates about your partner’ reading habits, 46 Eten hrks te best pace to ead sinbe beoreshe goes fe'eop Shoateotie 99 uns [iN biscuss online reading BEFORE YOU READ WARM-UP. In what ways do you think reading something online is diferent from reading in print? READING 220 Most experts agree that the Intemet has fundamentally Ganged how we read think, and ‘remember things Hewever whether fhishas had a postive ornegative impact i ill known. How has the Internet changed the way we read? ‘hare ts evidence that we are mading fever books, paricularly nan-ction, Let's say you need medical vice, cooking imtructom, or biographical “information. Who wants toby a 3Nipage book svhen you can find a3-word article om the Internet abou the seme subject? I's easier to read, Ws free, and i’ lot faster, However, we are, in tts inoered at oan! offline reading, we wad online throughout te day ‘as we check our smart phones, suf the Internet, Visit social medis sts, and eaich up on our e-mal. Wealko doa bt mor skimming and scarming on eee peer eaga ee eee “Aeweurfthelnioret wedi topicathat terest us an scan for the eee tens \esdcee re ‘eiltions of possiblities ont fogertip= ee and remember? ‘Before there was an Item people penta lt of tmetaking noes in ibraveeso Bey could estesterand real erat esl. Today, SES eet efit ‘eft yout ooking frin an iretan, hat Kind of Scmetestontant ancestry. You cn my Soukrarkany page and retard tony. Pontes, SS Se eee {onincrmnsand cave usted, so we nocd tbe ‘now coef chen we os them, eee acre acres sence Sica ereens on auctor geng dececetty aie Ge Waecomceaily Dies eter ee ae ‘nl nenager We low inkato ober webatos Mee oalistcieelt kb oie stead eee eee {rita ota jonk—for example, newafeesboat IS a any ae sieayre ‘want ce nee ant arming outro See ee ele eileen Te ees coemael fo eauealcfling ring, ChE ieee ry vegeta aes, Yedda he Ira Some fae a ing Sn helneret ie exercise forthe brain, ‘aking temier for unto cope with dlaractions pet ee eres thos work forts Ina cen sty, 819 of tose surveyed agreed tht our ise ofthe Ineret has Actually mase us smarer Iryousre a digtat et Internet—thats very good news, decd. A. RECOGNIZE POINT OF VIEW The Reading mentions both pasitve and negative aspects of ‘reading on the Internet. Summarize some of each inthe chart. _Postiveaspects | Negatveaspects 1D UNDERSTAND MEANING FROM CONTEXT find and underline these words in the Reading. Use the context to match them with thaie meanings. 1 skimming {the abil to pay careful attention to one thing 2 scanning 'b reading quicky for a general understanding 3 concentration ¢ made to see er read things continuously qq wren A distracted dreading quicky in search of spectic information PEE un S bombarded —__unableto focus because of interruptions. DAL oiscass reading onine A Nore#ADDING What do you ead :bout onthe Inte? Wie sme notes about your habits wy? \wnat topics do you Ike to read about on the nternet? What websites do you vist regulary? What Internet content do you think is high quality? What Internet content do you think is “trash”? 5B PAR WORK witha partner, compare what you wrote on your notepads and share your experience: with reading online. Do you think the Internet interferes with concentration, ordo you think it makes you a better reader? a Feely ito ici mec. Fd and unde tre werd or rats inch Reding tower {aceite ste. Suiuwe tentoyen catenin tar or by osnon, [nna games don in me on. SS [Gesoriy vasstes|paimeto seep, ora ‘A. i230 Listen to each conversation and write the type of book each person is discussing, ‘Then listen again and decideif the person likes the book. Explain your answer. = ir a ale[sy= z|z|z|z 8 Write the name of each type of book. 1 A novel about people falling in loves. 2 Abook about a famous person: 3 Abook that afamous person wats abouthisor her own ife- 4 Avery excting novel with people in dangerous stuations: 5 Boks that are about factual information: 6 A strange fictional story about the future: Use the expressions in the box to change cach question to an embedded question. (Use each expression once.) Use correct punctustion at the end of each one, wonder Could you tell me...I don't know. can't remember Do you know .. 11 Where does the story take place? 2 Who isthe main character in the novel? 3 How much was that newspaper? 4 How do you say this in English? 5 What doc: this word mean? WRITING ‘Write areview of something you've read—a book or an article from a magazine, newspaper, oF the Internet. nue ° ‘+ Summarize what it was about. sum matang “+ Make a recommendation to the reader, * S¥ssne#fortne wrting exercise unre ORAL REVIEW 3 (GAME Close your books. Make an “I” statement about the reading hatits ofthe man or woman. Your partner {guesses il you're describing theman or woman. For example: like to do the puzzlesin the newspaper. PAIR WORK 1 Create a conversation forthe man and woman in which he asks about the book she is reading, She e makes recommendation. He asks fhe can borrow the book. Stat lke this Are yeu reading anything interesting? 2 Use the pictures to create a conversation in which the man and woman discuss their reading habits Forexample usualy like o curlupin bed with » good book. ee ed ee al a » (e oo DF dsk about an article Deserve my reading habits, HAs & Ts 30 sarah Nordoatere Us.wits ey mowfall 260000 peplediel in : Somalninoneof tie D and higs winds Snowfall wos fod shonage it some ars mache 10cm, mater cory sng rae elias choo fours an power eure. [A DISCUSSION Discuss one or more of the topics about the content of the news. 1 When stories about natural disasters such as epidemics, famines, and weather emergencies appear in the news, afe you interested in knowing about them? Why or why no? 2 Whiy do newspapers cften put stores lke this on the front page? 3 Natal dastersare cqused by rature, What re some other binds of sass? What are urs B bz PHOTO STORY Read and Isten to aconversation about a natural disaster. Rachel: Oh, my goodness. Takealook Rachel: Itsays,*No repers of deaths Rachel: wonder how ths ood this! fornjutes:o ar. "BuIEsInthe compares tothe one theyhad in “om: Why? What's cong on? Idle of acy, for goodness sate. New Orcas afew yas back. Rachel Taw’ tis caoteeustood «eck toloudendup bey _—Remernbertha? ae ace eo huge Tom: You bet do. How cout anyone fntherodt The water's up tthe Tom: Argan you imagine tho Yorget? And tht lode slmestralt Secondo Andlockatthese cars. __ roperty damage? thea, oo. {Sure hope there wasnocnein Rachel: Wl hay estate almost Rachel Ls tumon CN. They thar, 30% othe hoses town ae usualy nae beanies about ‘om: Tat sounesnorrnaous. Any tundra aed stu, werd onesuales? “Toon: What adit © FOCUS OW LANGUAGE Complete each statement with words or phrases from the Photo Story. 1 Two words that mean very big are . and 2 The number of Indicates the number of people who are injured or killed in an event. 3 A two.word phrase that means the destruction of or harm to buildings, cars, and other things thet belong to victims of an event is 4 Atwoword expresion that is used to describe the fst news reports ofan important event that is happening atthe presents SPEAKING |. Check your news sources and write an advantage and disadvantage or each one. ‘Advantages Disadvantages a newspuper eaeeental co Pans ‘Da newspaper Biintermat news sites DTorradio newscasts ‘Ga weekly news magazine wordot mouth 5 PAIR WORK Compare opinions with your partner. Do you both use the same sources? Why of why not? wurst GRAMMAR Indirect speech: Imperatives ‘To report what someone said without quoting the exact words, use indirect speech DDon'Tuse quotetion marks wen you write inirect speech. Died gpec: Pee sath, “Be careful you go out during the storm ee ‘An imperate indirect spech becmes an ifntvein indirect spech. ‘They i, "Read tne weather epar."-> They sido ead te weather por. ‘Sieeays-Dan't gout wit ofall of ar Se ays fo goat wtb ofl ink of change ne aenoun in niet specs at necessary fe logic Matin st, “Tel meas soon a You mo." > Norin bd me el im 3 30028 | on. Soetuae, ene oat me nen you get roms" —> sheasiee mero cal serine gnome l =: = ‘A. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Rewrite each statement inindrect speech. *Dresiicn puscunon as Make necessary changes tothe pronouns. 1 Martha told me, “Be home before the stowstorm.” _|1. Martha told me to be home before the sotrbrm. 2 Everyone is ssying, “Get ready fora big storm” 3 Theradio says, “Getsupples of food and water in cae the roads are closed” 4 They od her, “Don’t be home wo late this afternoon.” 5 Mata aways tells them, “Dor' leave your doors open.” 6 Cari told me, “Cll me when you hea the news." 8 PAIR WORK Foreach sentence, say what you think the speaker's original words were. Take tums. 11 He asked them to call him when it starts raining. 2 The newspaper said to leave a window or docr open when thete's going to be a severe storm. 3 shed is parents to rea the emergency instructons nthe newspaper. 4 Ray told Alison to leokfor the story about him inthe paper on Tuesday. 5 She asked him to pick up some food for heron the way home. EE 6 they told menot towat unti the snow gets heavy. 64 Pease cal me when stirs airing, 79 4S PRONUNCIATION Direct and indrect speech: Riythm A. $i Notice the rythm af sentences in drect and indirect speech. Read andlsten. Then Esten again and repeat. 1 He sig, [pause] “Be home before midnight." He sad tobe home before midnight. 2 told your parents, [pause] “Geta fl shotat the cliric."-> I told your parentsto geta flu shotat the clinic. B PAIR WORK Take turns reading aloud the sentences in Exercise A Grammar Practice, above Read both the ‘original sentences and the sentences you wrote, using correct rhythm for direct and indirect speech, CONVERSATION MODEL A. P2RH Read and listen to someone conveyinga messace. ‘A: 'm on the phone with your parents. Would you like to say hallo? B: | would, but I'm running late A: Anything you'd like me to tell ther? B: Yes. Please tell them to tum on the TV. There's a storm on the way. A: Will do, IMIG RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. COTOIET) convey a message A NOTEPADOING Read the possible excuses and messages. Then write one or two more u ‘excuses and messages Possbie excuses {Nave anspor: son" hoe ee CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR wath apartner, change the Conversation Medel. Role-play’ ‘conveying a message. Choose mesrages and excuses from the lists in the baxes, Posie messges a story about Otek te wet elie Thr De nas Thoe's Be ero et sence od segs Seen: Would jouke'o yhoo? estou te Anning yor ike te tote eras s ie ‘DONT STOP! ‘Continue the cotversation Aakyyour partner whnimenee sev sees fe ealiyou ater © CHANGE PARTNERS Pracice the conversation again. Use another meseage, Use anather excuse "233 VOCABULARY Severe weather and other natural disasters A. tse Read and listen. Then fsten again and repeat. atomado ——ahurricane/a typhoon aflood alaneslide adrought 8 PEROT LISTEN TO INFER Listen to the news. Write the kind of event the report describes. 1 a Ao CIB LISTEN TO CONFIRW INFORMATION Listen again. After each repon, say the statement is ‘rue o: fase. Explah your answers. 1 She said it hadn't rained ina month, 3 She sid the storm had done alot of damage. 2 He said ithacn‘trained fora week. 4 He sid the storm wouldn't do let of damage. GRAMMAR Indirect speech: Say and tell —tense changes pie oe rect pate: opine tv eran Use tell when you mention the letonor. Uso say wher yeu don't SSS “a Maggs told hor paronts to stay hams. letonore mentionod) Magge said to stay home. stoners rot mertioned) ‘wren say and ell aren the past tense, the verbs inthe indirect speech statement often change. Present becomes past. Past becomes past perfect. Wil becomes would. Can becomes could ‘Thay sid, “The westher is sw." They ssid Chat) the westher was awful Dan said, “We af hed the fu.” Dan sala (taf they al hed had the fu ‘They saig, "There wil be snow tonght” ~> They said there would be snow tonight. My husband sac, “You can come with me."-> Ny husband sad lcould come wth him. A GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the comedt verbs for indirect speech, My Great-Grandmother Meets Hurricane Cleo arroneCk ruck he Une Stein Aga 1968, My eat gore Anaerobic eck Shel sid / tol me hat deal enembcs ow sete everyone ‘Shel2said od methatthehtel[shascaled/hadcati croc enemomningand ad si / ol herhat big stem x / waco te way Theyl sai / old tata het gucdst) have naichaayon ee ‘ote ihe wenherserice( tl / said than (9 dea leg Shestyedtnherraom end che dds kaow What happened ait orm was ener Whm she tured the TV he rsport i all to that alotof peopl it ave been /hadbern) jane andcharalltne toa Zare/ ere Tee yeaa heaters e/a rsa wNTs 8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Change each statement from direct speech to indirect speech, changing the ‘verb tense n the indirect spesch statement. 1 The TV reporter said, “The landsideis one ofthe |The TV regorter said the landlde was ene of worst in Fustry.” the worst in history. 2 He also said, “It caused the destruction of half the houses in the town.” 33 Mysister called and said, “Theres no lecticty because ofthe humane.” 4 The newspaper sid, “There willbe a typhoon in the next thirty-x hours.” 5 The paper said, “The drought of 1989 wasthe worst natural disaster ofthe twentieth century.” “exp 6 Alter the oret snowstorm in 1888, a New York newspaper repried, “The blizandof'88 2 © caused more damage than any previous storm.” CONVERSATION MODEL A fit Read andlisten to a conversation about the news. A: What's going on in the news today? B: Wall, the Times says there was a tebe storm in the South. fete Breitelaidivccswocdoad (emer Sinisa Peano B: But there haven't been any deaths. ® Thank goods for that! aw ka90% 8 ERI RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. “Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. TIE) ret someone about tne news A NOTEPADDING Read each headline. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, wnte what it sald. Use nidrect speech. Daity POST. the Daily Post Or carthqvakelilled 20,000 n Ira ain cnet in WBE 8 CONVERSATION ACTVATOR Tellyour partner what thenews is,using the neadlines. Ten change roles and headines. © :whars gang on nthe news today? B: Wel, 1 sete Pe ee B: Yes. Itsays 1 Eipesjourrestors, AoE ees ProvGHT IN enon Shuses w EAS! cera FAN ‘says Wrst a nara! ‘Tani gpocass ort Thats lenomo.s / geri! mugs / CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the conversation again, usnga dfferent headine. eae oo BEFORE YOU READ EBL A em vocABULARY + Aajectives of severity Read and listen Then listen agen and repeat. 8 WARMUP. Have you or someone you know experienced a natural disaster? What kind of disaster wasit? How severe was it? Tel the class about. READING waz EARTHQUAKES Earbguskesareamang fo oodiesinaual disasters, cara ‘he gest raburs of casutios thefighst dea ls, nde gees esructon In 1556 n Cana the desde earthquake ‘histor led 62000 people. But many ater earhquaioe have causedthe deaths fare han.200.00 poeple. andi ot rusia enn modem ies, ler aneartqaks dea tal ‘reach 20,00-30,00 people wth unced of housands et homes and wih ceuntessinjae. heflodwaters ol he 2001 tuna in Surat whic filed over 20.00 pope ware . 7" ‘200, eathauake in Porta Free, te cx of Le 2 ee Hai, casad he dosrucionetsenenious rumba he y's ee a as ay met ‘ads, met cet por consm.aio. corr alee, artquston mat, eatin suatyofcancructon too eriep cheer eer Chae eee eee bing. and nina, case of at cours use of sarhauske sigan conan. ‘Themacritue,o stongh fan eathauak is meaured onthe Finally, he tmecf occurance of an arhaunks can fet the ictter scale ranging em 110 0, wih 1Obng the retoc. rumba cats and crushes, Eels that coor he Earbqukes over an he cher cao aro itn deal and right. whan pecla ars indoors usualy cause a reser det tol ‘Pose over Baregereray caistopnc,causng mrple damage, than ones tar coou when peopl re olders Locanon | severe carnquako nats cata fer tem popuancn cotrs dos notcaise fhe sre rage as sever oe tht coarsin themida acy Asan exam. 1950.the strongest eathquske ovr recorded 95 magico onthe iter eae, stuck nthe Pati Ocsan oa theChisan coasting, desroyngbulangs, ling ove 2,00, and ‘rote 000 nreginl ei new he coat The eaton of arts Sr anny rom 3 open cantor howe, provera [rom bengcatasrcphie, wi handedsof tourands of Seas. QUALITY oF constRucTION oder buldnaconsruciontecrigues canlessan the ath tl srdeconome fypac ofa odanto care Pat would cthawisa causseveredestacto of ary bung. A. PARAPHRASE Rewrite the statements in your own words, changing the underlined word or phrase 1 The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale. 2 There arefour factors that affect the casualty rate of an earthquale. 3 Good construction techniques can lessen the danger to people in buildings afected by an eanthquabe. 4 Damage is olten duc poor construction. 5 If an earthquake occurs near a major populaton center, more people wil be affected. 56 NTS: 8 CONFIRMFACTS Answer the questions, according tothe information inthe Reading. Use indirect speech. 11 Where did the deadliest earthquake in historytake place? | 2. The article said the deadli 2 Which earthquake had the highest recorded Richterscale reading? — | oo ay te iapighony took ylacein. 3 How can location afect the death toll ofan earthquake? [Soh hone Iesk elses ines) ‘4 What else can lesen the dastauction and economic impact af an earthquake? iggy © IDENTIFY CAUSEAND EFFECT. Discuss how magnitude and timing affect the casualty rate and ‘EEE economic impact of earthquakes. Explain your ideas by putting together information from the article, PAT ottnwatdscc Te A. PAR WORK Partner A, read the fact sheet about the Indonesia typhoon. Partner 8, read the fact sheet about the Bangladesh ccaithquake. In your own words, tell your partner about the disaster £4 Asovore yphoon hit ndeneca. on October 12 There were tagh wings _ sand catastropiic property damage. 77 Oe aoronen: | ce pot oe grest winds cer | Ln StBtember 20 “pm ae Se ain eww anu onsomccuvmen |S Seay Cans St Ty | BI Se Sethe io snore mje nnd 3. NOTEFADDING Choose one of the historic diastrsfrom the ist. Find information about iton the interne, at Hear. or ina bookstore. (oR choose a disaster you are already familiar with.) 7 Wete details about the disaster on your notepad She finteaes artbante of 006 U5) ihe Seneseee 9 25 fo bate erent Place: fingura danse ofyourchoce © GROUP WORK Make anews broadcast or presentation about the disaster you researched, (Ok one of the disasters in Exercise A above). Describe the natural disaster to your class. Ch a Types cf dsasters Adjectives | Features earauate mie cassstes Teceining option) Seone froze | Sento ‘ra aa urcerine aves wos cr pase me Feaong pay ms ‘renee ‘heer ew 901. Use hm yor Gun Wok food as) Dopey camage Forecaate Gea” eae suena UNTs 7 mW" Prepare foran emergency ‘3 BEFORE YOU LISTEN A. PISS VOCABULARY = Emerguney preparations and supplies Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. evacuate to remave all people rom an area thet is too dangerous an emergency avery dangerous situation that requires immediate action a power outage an interruption inthe flow of electrical power lover a largearea shelter a safe place where people may go when the area Tivetnhas been evacuated” We? first-aid kit 2 smallbox or package containing supplies to treat ‘minor injuries and linesses flashlight 2 portable, battery-operated light non perishable food food that doesn’t netdtetrigeration | \ AF rca eal “i oN" Bestre to have set ach B PAIRWORK With 2 partner, write sentences using x the Vocabulary words and phrases. They tied to evacuate the entire population of the city before the flood, but lots of people refused t go. LISTENING COMPREHENSION ‘A. ORM LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS. Listen to an emergency radio broadcast. Write a sentence to desenbe the emergency the broadcaster's reporting. B MIS LISTEN FOR DETAILS. Listen again and correct each ofthe following false statements, usingindirect speech. 46 tio. He sidnotta and neat Example: He said you should stand near windows during the storm, peter ieety ptalg 1 He said you should turn your refnigerator and freezer of 2 He said hatin ase ofa food, you should put valuable papers onthe lowest faorofyourhomes pe 5 He said you should read the newspapers for the location of shelters, 8 WTS © PARAPHRASE What dd the radio announcer say in the emergency radio broadcast? With a partner, ‘discuss the questions and complete each statement, using indirect speech. Listen again if necessary. 11 What should you do to get your carready foran evacuation? He said to 2 What should you do with outdoor furniture? Hesaid to 23 What should you buy for flashlights and portable radio:? He said to “4 How should you prepare to have food and water incase you have to stay indoors for several days? He sald to... '5 What should you listen toin case of an evacuation? Hesaid to COTTE) Prepare for an emergency | A GROUP WORK Choose an emergency from the list. Write some plans for the emergency on the notepad, Provide reason foreach plan. + esewre tem piczo, Futana a gideme 2 drousht 2 lance Sonia 14 Our grap prepared fora storm, 8 Present your plans to the class. We said to be sure cell phones were ‘Compare your plans. ‘working. Apower outage might occur. 77 UMTS |A. nl Listen to the report. The reporter describes three kinds of disasters. Listen carefully and check the ones that fal into the categories she describes. listen again ifnecessary. Disaster Place Year Kiled, D1 [epidemic | wortdwide 1917 | 20,000,000 D2 [famne Sowietunon [1952 | 5,000,000 D3 [toot ‘China 1931 | 3,700,000 D4 [drought [china 1928 | 3,000,000 TS [epidemic | worldwide 1914 | 3,000,000 6 [epidemic | SovietUnion [1917 | 2,500,000 D7 [food ‘China 1959, | 2,000,000 D8 [epidemic —_|Inda 1920 | 2,000,000 D9 [famine Bangladesh |1943 | 1,900,000 10 [epidemic [China 1909 | 1,500,000 8 Complete each statement with the name ofthe disaster oremergency. Vin 3 mud and sel cover 4a isa natural eventin the houses and can bury entre towns. ‘which there is no rain for a long perod of ime. 7 Abie sek wih tesome tines se 5 gohungy, 3A storm with high winds and rain is Complete each indirect statement or question with said or told. 1 thy. te to call the office inthe 3 He morning a Whe 2 The students the test had been very dificult. Rewrite the indiect speech statementsin direct speech. Be sure to use correct punctuation. 1 She sad she knew the reason there was somuch 3 The radio announcer told the people to fill up property damage. their cars with gas before the storm, 2 I said rot to tell the chidren about the storm. 4 He asked if the epidemic had been severe. E Rewrite the direct speech statements in indirect speech. 11 Robert told Marie, “Don't wat for the evacuation orden.” 2 Svan, “think heeathoate cred rng hence”) orm ys 3 Theemergeey boast ad “uy bate water eforhe cme” seen 4 Thy tld Mire, “al on Teed” WRITING \write about how to prepare for an emergency. Choose an emergency and include information on what to do, what supplies to have, and what preparations to mate. 0 NTS ORAL REVIEW TELLASTORY Give the people names and relationships, “Then tell the story of Tuesday and Wednesdayin the pictures. Forexample: On Tuesday, [Rebert] called [his father] and tld him to PAIR WORK 1 Tell your pariner wnat the TV announcer said on Tuesday. Then saitch roles. Your partner tells you what tke ra announcer said on Weeneday Use indirect speech. For example: “The announcer seid etrepical storm was coming 2 Createa conversation between the two menon Tuesday. Stat like this: Allo, [Dad]. There's going t be a bad storm. “They soy "TROPICAL STORM. EXPECTED, WTH HOH WNDS, DAMAGING RAIN POSSIBLEFLOODNGNEAR ‘COASTAL AREAS. THE SHELTER Is NOW (OPEN AND ACCEPTING PEOPLE FROM AREAS NEAR THE BEACH. Di convoy a message. A Dret someone about tne news Di Descriteratiral cater. Prepare or an emergency C (ances zt Life Plans PREVIEW ? What’s the best career for you? See Ee 2 om 6 9 8 z 8 smb dec ats yooh A pIscussION Talk about the questions. + Which feld orficlds did you have the mastcheck markein? + Were you surprised by your resulls? Explain + hat are some jobs or professions in that field? 8 mim PHOTO STORY ead and lsten toa conversation about a career choice, CCharlotte:Or Mile, wonder Dr. Miler. 1 must have changes CCharlote:1 know there ae seme Cou plckyonr bran. ‘mine ten times before seed en good options, ut Fmhaving trouble Dr. Miller: Sue, Charote. Wha’son_-Medcne! Have you decided on makingup my min. your min? something else? Dr. Miler: Wel hiveyou gien any CCharlote: Wo always thought! Charlotte Wel, actualy, rye ‘nought to becomng a prysical akin iste ee ‘developadaninterestintheheath —_therpbs? Is agra fd. You hd Brutnowt Fm nasa sir anymore, and snceyou'e a doctor people. and there's always a pb Dr Mlle Wal soto unsuafor Dr. Mller: Are yeu thnng of oleae '3 person yourage to change her rlote: Hmm. ng Crariotte Netspeencary.somoinng “shuld hae hut at Fi ‘elstedthat doesnt ake thatlorg» ——_9ep that in mind tostudy © FOCUS ON LANGUAGE. Find the following expressions inthe Photo Story. Use the context to help you match the expressions and their meanings. make up one’s mind a decide to do something else keep something in mind remember semething, be-on one's mind € think of something settleon d decide todo something ater considering conflicting choices change one’s mind «€ asksomeone about something pick someone's brain make a final decision that won'tchenge SPEAKING A Have you ever changed your mind before settling on something? ‘Check any areasin which you have changed your ind. D a career or job choice D adivorce afield of study the chotce ofa boyfriend or gifriend Da mariage D other DISCUSSION. Survey the class. How many classmates checked each box? Discuss the reasons why people changed ther plans. CONVERSATION MODEL A. ®EBH Read and listen toa conversation about a change in plans: 'A: So what are you doing these days? B: Wel, min dental school. ‘A: No kidding] thought you had other plans. B: That’ right. | was going to be an artist, but I changed my mind. A: How come? 3: Well, t's hard to make a living as a painter! 1B PERRI RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. “Then practice the Conversation Model witha partner. GRAMMAR Excressing intentions and plans that changed: Was / Were going to and would Express and esk abou pasintentions a plans that changed with was / were ging 10+ @ base form. Twos going to get maried (btn “They wore eving to atid ar (bu hey did. Was he going fo tke he course? Wereyou going to study with Dr Melon? Wiren'tyou going to tue tw? (es, was. / No, wasnt) Where werethey going to eri in ule Lurpur) Who'was gongto teach bis lst? lysis wes) ee cet You can also use would (the past of wil) = abase form to express pans ard Den'tuse woul a base frm alone Inertions that change, but ony in noun clase following verbs ech ax” ‘mon be edn ara cour. toe ect on cerebro ae | ‘We always believed they would get married (but they never did). ie ao ‘They said they would pay for their caughter’s studies (but trey didn’) =O Note: You can alo use was /were sing tin noun clause after thousht believed orsaid neko megs ‘They said they were going to arrive betore noon ut they dn). tee [GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Write what each person said he or she was going to do. Ey} Le LHe reid he war acing to. 4 wwe 4283 VOCABULARY Reasons for changing pans ‘A. PUR Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Iwantedto be a rock Iwas going tobe thought | would | wanted to become | was going to ster, but my tastes anartist, butlt’s—bealawyer, but’ —_afirefighter, but my _ marry George, but changed. hardtomake a —_Ididr’t pass the familytalked me I changed my living as anartist. exam, out of It. mind. 8 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each sentence, using awould and a reason {rom the Vocabulary. Then compare reasons with a partnes. 1 Laura thought /he /a doctor, but 3 We were sure / Bill and Stella / get 2 divorce, but 2 | thought | become / an astronaut, but. 4 Joe always believed / become / a writer, but. C_ PIRRS LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to the conversations. Complete each statement about the decision each person made. Then listen again and use the Vocabulary to write the reason each person ‘changed his or her mind, 1 She wanted to be a 2 He was going to 4 She was going to snus but she changed her mind because . Jessica, but he didn't because 3 He always thought she would become a... 1 Romanian named Andre, but she didn’t because but she didn’tbecause ... nica Explain a change of intentions or plans NOTEFADDING On the notepad, wite some intentons or plans you had in the past but ‘changed your mind about. waite the reasons forthe changes, using the Vocabulary or ther rearont EIB CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, ‘change the Conversation Model, using the © _twbration on your notepad. Then change roles. ‘A: So what are you doing these days? 5: Well, [A: No kidding! | thought you had other plans. Be That's ight. 25 going to soos , DUE ‘A: How come? B: Well, ‘other intentions or plans fom your notepad. for my te: {or my tudes: for my career pain yout sroice ad dein. Gaus ee CHANGE PARTNERS. Practice the conversation again about aid [IL express regrets about past actions GRAMMAR Perfect modals Use perfact medals to exoress feelings and belies about past actions and events: + Ropes er judges: shoud hare ~ pat parse ——— . SM I should fave studied medicine. (But unfortunately, | didn’t) eae ee re ey — faster eelae ailuine meee [a Ee = {yO mt tte eta ear oo Hemay (OR mign) nothave been able ta make alvng 0s painter. ‘+ Abiity (OR possbilty)- could nave + past participle He was the civer. He could have prevertedthe accident ‘The museum wos cased, butane couldnt have known thet. Hs auelly ‘open on Tuesdays. + Certainty. woule have + past participle ‘You shouls have gone te Ric. You would have ovedit It's good he broke uo with Anne, They wouldn't have been happy together. *+ Conclusions: must have + past participle . Sb cia seme iemlemeieroay om... © tn a ha ged) ows termepeeeh “They cdnt buy te nouse. The price must not have been acceptable. il thnk thats the reason) A GRAMMAR PRACTICE Choose the modal that logically completes each sentence. ‘ite that modal and the verb in the perfect modal form. 1 don’t know why she mated him. He ones the only man available. 2 | saat” OE ssroxsassye ~~~ IY POM aE 3 Jenna's not studying Chinese anymore. t. and Japanese atthe same time. too hard to leam Chinese i 4 Wedidn’t know we were going to have five children. We: such a small house ‘eaeraroNRaRET TEES 5 Ella stil loves Ben. she with him, ‘ia i a 66 When | was young, everyone thought Iwas a great singer. But | decided to become a lawyer instead. Looking tack, | think I. v= on the wrong career. 5 PAR WORK Provide three possible reasons for each statement. Use may / might have, rust have, end could have, follow the example Example: John slate for dinner. {Mia 466 He might nave Z all the classes were canceled today. eee 3 Michael is forty, and he just became a doctor. PPR 44 Rachel grew up in New York, but now she lives in So Paul. ‘akan his all phone. 77 5 They ad one child, and then they adopted three more. 6 They bad their honeymoon in the U.S. instead of in France. 66 Orbe could have fad an Important meeting at work 17 | “Gy PRONUNCIATION Reduction of have in perfect mocals ‘A. pER24 Notice the reduction of havein periect modals. Read and isten. Then listen again and repeat. fotov! Inv! ae a ratty Jkodov 2 They FGREENE left. 4. She BOUIGMGWE been on time. B_ PAIR WORK Take turns reading the sentences with perfect models in Exercise A Use correct reduction of have. CONVERSATION MODEL. | [A tins Read and listen to a conversation between two people discussing a regret about the past. ‘A: I should have marred steven, Why do you think that? ‘A: Well, Imight have had children by now. B: Could be. But you never know. You might net have been happy. AsTrue. 8 ORE RHYTHM AND INTORATION Lsten again and repeat. “Then practice the Conversation Model with « pertne. COTTITET) express regrets aboutpastactions A NGTEPADDING. Wrte about rome regrets you have about past actions. Say how you think things might have been diferent in your lil today. astacton avebeen tte eee ee eet Dastaction Regret How might things have been diferent? | ajo carer choice afd of stu —_| amamage /avorce aboyfrend /gitrend chotce breakup oe eee epee i eae ee aera 6 See ‘should (OR! shouldn't) have. DONTSTOP! B: Why do you think that? ‘Ao. you parr more Az Wel one Gian bos nace B: Could be. But you never now. aE sacs as joensen ieee faye BEFORE YOU LISTEN A. RERBE VOCABULARY « Qualifeatins forwodk or stidy Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat talents, abiitues n art, musi, mathematics, etc, thatyou are born with She wos born with talent in both mathematic ard ort. skills abilities that you learn, such as cooking, speaking a foreign language, or éiving Shehas several publishing skils: wating, editing, ond lusrating. ‘experience time spent working ata jab ‘Marun has alot of experience im sales. te has worked at thee companies. knowledge understanding of or familarity with a subject gained from experience or study James has exiensve knowledge o! the history of film, You can ask him whch classics to see. qualifications talents, sills, experience, and knowledge that make a person a good candidate fora job "have two qualitcations fer the English teaching postion: Ihave ateaching cerifiate, land Ihave taught Engish for vo yews. THINK AND EXPLAIN Explain the following in yourown word. Use examples fram your He, + thedliflerence between a talent and a skill, + thedliflerence between experience and knowledge LISTENING COMPREHENSION A. EBBELISTEN FOR DETAILS. Listen to nine people being interviewed at an International job fir Stop after each interview and match the interviewee ‘with his or her qualification fora job. Listen again f necessary. Interviewee Qualifications J Sonia Espinava 2 a.good memory 12 Sihano Lucastro b artisticability 13 Wan Martinovic mathematical ability 14 Agnes Lukins d logical thinking 15 Elena Burgess fe compassion 66 Karen Trent £ manual dexterity 7 Ed Snodgrass 9. common sense Akiko Uzawa dr athletic ability 9 Mis Kim 1 leadership skils B PAIR WORK Wiha partner, classify each qualification from Exercise A. Do you agree on allthe classtications? Discuss and expiain your opinions. athletic ability 6 tink attic aby ea ent, ‘You're bom with hat 7? 66 eoagree think you tain ana work at you can gavel nto Soren atte tines sh 99 POL viseas sits, aitites, anc qualifications A FRAME YOUR IDEAS Take the skllsinventory Peer ie Cme C a Ce Dee se eae eee eee Ere geen pet et eae ee ee ee eR eee re ar ea erat Interests Quatitications Check ne ld that nto you Chock the quacatons you bofovo you hav bail ‘manual destorty ‘atstic ability ‘Sere 0 manvlacurhg al campassen SGicaton 5 cher manera $Sgoed memory ‘cannon soos ier it ‘shee ait Cher asranced compe ‘sklls, for example) Exporionce tly not nforation about your experiance sls, ancl any spacial knowcga yo ha. Sxcoinoe: ‘ids ‘Spectal knowledge: ® NoTEPADoINa On your notcpad, write pectic ecamples of your quaifeatons. Then share and discuss yourskils, abilities, _| quateaton ane and qualfications witha parner. eae | uation Examy ' C_ PAIR WORK. Use the information on your notepad to do one of the following activities +* Role-play an interview fora jab. 44 Please comein./ Haves seat. 7F + Role-play an interview for carer advice. + Role-play an interview forentry into £4 rem samsung atoutyur sis} 77 professional (or other kind of) school = Gama 46 Wat (work experience] do youhave? 77 Thave sxpererce in teach} Iressa mat 64 do ycu have any special eli? 17 I falar yar ot Feney D_ GROUP WORK Tell your lass what you learned about your partner in the interview. 46 ty pariner hac lat ofexperoncein... 17 a BEFORE YOU READ A. warmup. How important de you think the folowing lacorsaet carer sucess? Number The fodoerin cede ofpportten ely} the unt ngoriartaed 6 at Roper Osis D tatent wrk hats Checcmaae Cjobinowleige Dotter i pstals peace 3B piscussion Explain the reasons for your mest important and leastimportant choices. Use concrete examples. READING 328 ; Advice to new workers from a CEO you aro now to tho: ‘world, you are cager to paea ae eer ec emiie ose. stare { those, some basc work habits may be even more affective in ‘success. Read the following advice to new ey Yolunteer for assignments One ofthe ‘you zo moro Cea ene a teokdatassicisen. keener eet ae Oss ae eee Sone Carne accomplish it successfully. “you are not used to office | wl @ Bernice topeople fe riceto people ‘ailture. And there may be office regardless of their rank cr positon. When. thatcompleate things. yoUare nice to people, they go out of their eee May to help you, ardevery new weaker positive in the face of challenges: When ‘noads holp in order to got ahoad. St een Fae ee a5 oe es HRN ee CREST. @ High oproblomnatang wane fe + “urgent ahd important in our isto tasks to solution aach time you highlight problam to your boss or do, Have alist of things to do according Youneed to! that when young 10 theirstrategic importance toyour [problems and not solutions, peoplemay thinkof you: ‘company. Whan you prioritize your werk, “complanes. ee eee sense. ‘i people tend However, in actual ‘environments, to forget the basics | counsel new workers in our company to Imrematze thé behavier and consiterly use eto increase hee Sware Adapted fom yaa sces- Jor ens com. [A UNDERSTAND FROW CONTEXT Findand underline the words below in the Reading. Use ‘contest to help you waltea definition foreach. Then compare definions witha partner. © conrmm conrenr Answer thequesion, scowling i what the CEO sugges 1 Which maybe rostimpotantin determining new worker’ succes: knowledge, work habs, esis? 2 Why should workers vlureer todo tasks? 3 Why is"beng nce” aalabl habit to develop? 44 What the value ofpiricng tasks? egy How ces ayn pastvehep you be moe productive? 256 what’swrong vith stating problem vthout propesing alton? MOTD visas actors that promote sucess (ae [A NOTEFADDING On your notepad, write some factors that have helped you be successful in your life, studies, ‘or Work, and some actors that have prevented you from being successtul. (You can chose one, some, oF all ‘reas lo comment on.) Then compare notepads with a partner ry Factrs hat helped Facorethat hurt © | ey person fe love patience, commen rare! _netlintening to er payingattentionte ethers 2 IscUSSION Discuss factors that you think promote success and factors that don’t. Use your notepad for “support, but expand on itwith specific examples from your life to illustrate each factor. Talk about plans that changed and any regrets you may have. = ‘Changes in plans | Reyes ies rouge vous t_— | stous rave sa Webs Eee | Sees at re ont oft ites fiytees args ‘Tesemining pions) Fe ant undein ore wes or passin we Reng ‘ujave ome oyou Use then njes Ouuzsen Forecanle: prvase jeu work™ uNTé 71 ‘A 0 Listen to the conversations between people talking about fe changes. Write information on the notepad. listen again ifnecessary. \Why aid the person change his or her mind? Any regrets? Explain the meaning of each of the qualifications. Then write an ‘occupation oF course of study for aperson with each qualification. a iy 2 __[anistic ability 3 [mathematical aby 4 [logical tunkng abiity 5 [a good memory 6 [leadership stills © Complete each statementof belt, using would. 1 When was achid, | thought 2 My parents believed 23 My teachers were sure co 4 When Ifinished school, I didn’t know sso D_ Read cach sentence. Complete the statementin parentheses, using a perfect modal. 11 Marie was very unhappy in her martiags. (She should...) 2 Nee a Wo theycoueess shy eevee ney | should have tr 3 My paren were sony they sold thir country house (hey shouldn't...) 4 can’t understand how she learned to speak Italian so fast. (She might. 5 Look ations car. is al smashed up. (He must.) Serres WRITING ‘rie a short autobiagraplly. include information aboutone or all of the opis below. Ifyou have any regrets, express then, using perfect modal. + yourbinth + your studes + yourchiidhood + other aspects of your life ‘Dividing esi aio: 1 ulcnes font wring erie more with her husband. ORAL REVIEW SSTORY IN PAIRS. Choose one ofthe characters: Michael or Carlota. Lookat the fictures for each ofthe three dates. Tell the story of your character to your parine. ‘Then change partners and choose a different character. Wish somecnea good holiday. Tonksvog cine i Ue Uae ‘ioe footing to tacional ‘mam sho rasttrtey eople plerickng and viewing te chery ozone atslonam! pay ie span nds who have come together fi: Seircarerao cette ages Ieenth orticay and ter ety Ino adulthood in Mixa ‘couple dressed fhthe tadlional hanbok dunngthe Norean holla) of Chuseok Dancersin the fantastic (ostumes ofa ork anon yar Seton of Cama ‘A. Lock at the photos. Which tradition: are you already familiar with? Which ones would you like to know more about? Why? DISCUSSION Why do people keep tracitions alive? Do you thinkit’s important to leam about the customs of other cultures? Explain your reasons. 4 WNT ‘Basina: Wow! Tat dres your sster’sBasma: So what else doss everyone do Basa: Wank every county's got at ‘wearing Ieergents! What wastho onChuseat? Teast ono lily he that occasion? Micha: We got iogether wth our MChas Whathaliday comes tomind 'ML-Cha: Oh, that was for Chuseok Telatves. And weet let! or you? ‘he dress called a hanbok. Basia: Wel that suns nce. Basma: It reminds me of dakAdha, ‘asma: Did yousay Chuseok? What's MLCha: Not only tat, butwego ta Ou-cay religious okay we that a holiday? ‘curheretowas asthe graves cekbrate where | come from. Micha: Tha’ ght I's radtional of ourancstors, Mucha: In hat way? Korean hl. tales place asa: So suppose the aiports_Basma: Wel, people putonthet best September or October each year ‘and tran statlonsaremebbed with clothes and we et ton of erat tw tekbate the harvest peopl, nant? Tood. vie aso rave tobe wi our Basa So doeseveyone dress up —-MI-Char Toaly. An the tric ‘eatives and vat the graves of our ike that? Isimpossbie It takeshours to get _ loved enos wha have died a Cha Sore peor anywhere ML-Cha: How about that Sounds just 1D PARAPHRASE_ Find each underlined expression in the Photo Story. Write each sentence in your ‘own words. 1 “It kes place in September or October.” 2 “We get together with our relatives.” 3 “The tain stations are mobbed wth people,” 4 "The traffic isimpossible.” 5 “Ityeminds me of Ed al-Adha” E FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Wiitefive sentences about holiday or a tradtion n your country, Using the undeilined language from Exercise D. Songkran taker place in April ‘ke ourhotay. SPEAKING Complete the chart about tradiuons in your country. Present your iniormation to the class. | LETT wish someone a good holiday CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A $i Read and lsten to aconversation about a holiday A: | heard there’ going to bea holiday next week 8: That's right. The Harvest Moon Festal ‘igo ‘A: What kind of holiday isit? B: It’s seasonal holiday that tales place in autumn. People spend ie with Ulf families ard et moon cakes A: Well, have a great Harvest Moon Festival! B: Thanks! Same to you! BIKA RHYTHW AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. a MOOREA Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. "BB VOCABULARY Ways to commemorate a holiday ‘A i486 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. fwish each otherwell Tememberthedexd = B PAR WORK Match the Vocabulary with holidays and celebrations you know. BP Seve ren emieneen 99 C PNG LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen and use the Vocabulary to complete the chart. Type of holiday What people dota celebrate GRAMMAR Adjective clauses with subject relative pronouns who and that ‘Agjecive clause entity or describe people or thing. introduce adjective causes about people with the ‘tie pronouns wha or a Amarioci singers someone who (otha) sings tredional Mesicon sic. Carnaval agent holy for pele who (os that ike parades. Familes who or that} wart to watch the fireworks goto the park. ‘Use that, ot who, for adjective clauees that describe things. “harkping ea cleraton that take place n November. ‘Te parade that commemorates Bastille Day very excting. L Be careful ETE » ss: ‘Bunt use subject pronoun after the relative prenoune who or shat 1 Ajawa nrs eames erat Den’ say Thankeghing is elebratin that takes place November viene gatos [A UNDERSTAND THE GRAMMAR Underline the adjective clausesand cle the "#1828088 relative pronouns. Then dravr an arrow from the relative pronoun te the noun ‘or pronoun it describes. 1 Ramadan isa religious tradition hadbegins on a different day every year 2 Chuseok is a Korean seasonal holiday that celebrates the yearly harvest. '3 The woman who designed those amazing costumes forthe parade Is really talented, 4 The celebrations that take place in Brazl during Carnaval ae really wild! '5 People who remember April Fool's Day every April 1# havea lot of fun. 66 The Dragan Boat Festival in China isa holiday that takes placein May or June. 3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Ona separate sheet of paper, we ve irareligius thet. | --sitagreat holiday fer people who...) rege sentences with adjective clauses to describe some holidays and == traditions in your country. COCTTUTIET) wish someone a good holiday Se 2 en eee em role-pay the Conversation Model witha visitor to yourcountry. Ey your ehsoN © Bese oie eas Rieger als ed pour: iaital ‘A: What kind of holiday is it? ‘Ask and anewer mare questions. Use peer erme || Cee ne Arie! me remeoe B hse inde of ose co you ext E Tus co tey ay? where do ecole rach in pads]? 8 CHANGE PARTNERS Exchange wishes about other holiiays. [EIN Ask about tocal customs CONVERSATION MODEL A. 2 Read nd listen to a conversation about local customs. ‘A: Do you mind ifs ask you about something? B: Of course net. What's up? ‘A: I'm not sure about the customshere. f someone invites you for dinner, should you bring the bost agit? B: Yes. t's agood idea. But the gift that you bring should beinexpensive ‘A: Would itbe appropriate t bring flowers? B: Detintely! ‘A: Thanks. That's really helpful 2 I RUTH AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. “Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner GRAMMAR Adjective clauses with object relative pronouns who, whorn, and that In some adjective clases, the relave pronoun isthe subject ofthe clause. In other adjective clauses, ‘the relaive pronoun isthe cbject ofthe clause. ‘ho a subject = The pesple are the gusts) ‘tho object (ouinve the people) ‘The people who are the guests should bring grts. The people who you ite should bong gs When a relative pronoun isan object ofa cleuse, use who, that or whom for oeople and that for things ‘The relative proncun's often omitted, especially in speaking. (Note: whom is very formal) ‘The peogle who (os thet / whom) you iste should bring gifs. The peopl you invite should bring gts. ‘Te gts tat you bring srould be inexpensve./ The gifts you bring should De inexpensve. Be care! We is flaps pretonn ts enecit ines ea NOT rama Def leeran penlenre erent sore pe Do not ute an abject pronoun eter the verb, sages ots in nen Tey ne foams wc for boone awe bg ia en A UNDERGTAND THE GRAMMAR Correct the etrrin the adjective clause in each sentence, Explain each correction, 1 Putting buter on achld’s noses obithday tradition who people 64 Only we whotor people. 77 beers on the Atlantic coast of Canada 2 On the Day of the Dead, Mesicans remember family members whe they have died, 3 The tomatoes that people throw them at each other during La Tomatina in Bufo, Spain, make a terble mess 4 The performer sang that tracitional heliday ong is world famous. SS The fireworks people set them off during the summer festivals in Japan are very beautful 2 8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the adjective clause in each sentence, using the ‘cues. Omit the eave pronoun when possible. 1 The traditional Chinese dress 2 The man is called a cheorasam. marcos plays ina marachi band, 3 Theyoung people «..: solace were al wearing traditional costumes. 4 People should find out the local customs. ap a i ese 5 Anzac Day is a RO GaY von | to remember the soldiers who ded in wakgh= Aa PRONUNCIATION “Thought groups” eer A. ptt “Thought groups” clay the meaning of sentences. Natice how sentence rhythm indicates how thoughts are grouped. Redd and listen. ‘Then listen again and repeat. 1 The person who comes for dinner should bring flowers. 2 The man we invited to the partys from Senegal 3 The song that you were listening tois fado music from Portugal 4 The Cherry Blossom Festival ga tradition that people observein Japan every spring. 8 Practice reading aloud the sentences you completed in Exercie B above, breaking the sentences into thought groups. TE as: avout cat aston: GE} A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the ess ‘Conversation Model Role-play conversation in which 1 soe reyes tr core e ‘you ask about local Customs. Use the Ideas from the See 2 CHANGE PARTNERE Ask sbout local customs in other situations bbor. Then change roles. Sameone hares = spe ator to nep you 'A: Doyou mindif ask you about something? ES Bsn « What's Up? [As Frm sure about the customs hee. Wace» SHOW ene? Sey = > DONTSTOR a ee nen em A: Thanks. That's really helpful Mio eetomary mone farsi? BEFORE YOU READ TN iacengsetomstin stort WARMUP Lookat the photos and the names of the holidays in the Read 1 in the Reading. How would you categorize each holkday— fiebvil asora or eigjous? drayou funirvithany ofthe hekday:} What doyoutonesboutten? READING mean Ramadan, the Month of Fasting May yoube wel thiouyout te years he pia pect tng Ravana, he nth mondo he amie Soadaraspeeid aceason for over one bilior Maslin roughont he world According to Tami train, FRamalan aks the ine when Muhanad reved fh werd Got dough te Koran. Throughout the oth Mose fst tay antag rom Fos ad “Si rom th brat of dwn unt the sting ofthe Sin isagoa Geof ners! worship and vin, tothe pooe al inc communi, Rarmadan end wth the Ral of Ed eh diys of fay ‘clcvaona and eatin! The Chinese New Year ‘The Chinew New Yeas celebrated by Chinese sound the world and mals the begining of the fist month ia the Chinese ealedar The cleanin usualy aes place fh Februy and lass Gr cen day. Before the hobesy Tegjny lames cleun cut their hones to sweep aay bad Ick and they decorate dhe doors wth el paper ad bg (Chisese characersforappines, wedth an longevity “Thenigh befor: faties ther ogee: for x dlions tne Outs people rt tf Srecrackers hat rake loa toes all out the sight fn dhe moening, chien ws 0 wT Holidays Around the World hie parent heey an happy new ya excel envelopes wth tony as ae sails offsite and sweets {nl wo vist ole family moter lathes, Ti addy seco more Tecrakers tochase avay ov sp Stret arin age doth ragon hday Simén Bolivar’s Bit Sina Malivar was kom Jus 24,1783, n Caracas, Nenevuels Tle knowa throughout Tain America 2s “The Liberon” because he le the ftforindepeadeace fom Shain Hi arse Fred Venere, olivia, Colombia, Feud, and Peru Hetsmemoralizad fe many was, bur evo cei Cclcteatchisbichay every Jaly 4" Venn and Feuador On tat dy, ebooks Jad most gene usiosses a ‘Gow the ar litany atadcs and goerement ‘eremosics. But the mal are fey and poo wsualy we the alia 0 By shopping [A SCAN FORFACTS Complete the chart. Check the holidays on which each tradition is ‘observed, according to the information inthe Reading. Explain your answers. ‘On this holiday, people... ChineseNew Year Solar: Bitheay ve ite, pay. Sch aach other well _get together with their aries perform eraceional ances. ‘decorate ther homes. peeieeteiereeeeslieet gre aay money, ave parades. snd eating during the day. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 20000000000 ‘Which holiday Is celebrated in more than ene country? O Rian © ChneseNewvar © Sinn eoharsairacay SH ® COMPAREAND CONTRAST Which holiday ortration| RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Name one {rom the Reading do you find the most interesting? Why? holiday you know foreach tradition in the chart. OTD exchange intormation about holidays A NOTEFADDING. With a partner, choose three holidays in your radia pea ‘country. Discus: the trations of each holiday and write notes oe about them on your notepads. 1s probaly bes __ A historical holiday A seasonal holiday A religious holiday name of holiday| purpose typical food typical muse typical clothing other traditions GROUP WORK Choose a holiday from YOUF exis Notepad and present it to your class. Your Find and undarin thea words or shrat inthe Reading classmates ask questions. ‘Barware new teu Ue en nj Group Nor Pees umT7 #1 EIT rows atin BEFORE YOU LISTEN ERE A RUGS VOCABULARY Getting mewried_ Read and iste, Then listen again and repeat. Oo THEEVENTS anengagement an agreement to marty someone—get engaged v. a (marriage) ceremony thesct of actions that formally makes two single people become a maried couple—get married v @wedding 2 formal marriage ceremony, expecially one with a religious service ‘B700M a man at thet a reception alarge formal party ater awedding ceremony ied "he gots a honeymoon a vacation taken by two newlyweds after newlyweds. the bide a, thei wedding Immediately afer tea 1 IScUSSION Read about wedding traditions in many Engish speaking counties. How are these smilar to or different from traditions practcedin your country? The bride throws the bouquet The newlyweds cut the The groemcarries the bride “across after the wedding ceremony. The cake together at the wedding the threshold,” thraugh the doorway ‘woman who caiches its believed reception. to their new home. Soon after the to be the nest to get married wedding, they go on their honeymoon, LISTENING COMPREHENSION A. MR LISTEN FOR WAIN IDEAS. Listen to Part 1 ofa lecture about. tradtional indian wedding, Which ofthe statements best summarizes the information? 1D 2 An indian couple gets engaged long before the wedding 1 b There’sa lot of preparation before an Indian wedding, 1 € An indian wedding ast for days, 1B HRM LISTEN FOR DETAILS Usten again to Pat | and ctcle the best way to complete each statement. 1A traditional Hindu wedding celebration can lastformere than (two / five) days. 2 The bride’s and groom’s brthdates are used to choose the (engagement / wedding) date. 3 Before the wedding, musiians vst the (bide's/ groom’s) home, 4 The (bride / croom) is washed with ol. 5 An older relative offers the (bride / groom) money. 6 Relatives spend 2 lot oftime painting the (bride's / groom's) skin. 2 wt7 (© PREIS LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS. Now listen to Part 2 ofthe lecture. What i the information mainly about? Da thewedding ceremony 1b the honeymoon ¢ the reception ater the wedding D_ PIRI LISTEN FOR DETAILS Usten again to Part 2 and check the statements that are true. ‘Correct the statements that ae false. D1 Relatives wash the bride's and groom's hands. D2 Thebrideis seated behinda coth so the groom cannot see her. 3 Relatives throw nice arains at thebride nd groom. D4 Thecouple gives each other rings made of flowers. 1D 5 Thegroom places aflower necklace around the bride's neck, [OCTET exptain wedding traditions |A. FRAME YOURIDEAS Witha partner, read each saying or proverb about ‘weddings and marriage. Discuss what you thinkeach one means. “Marriage is just Friendship if there are no chidren.” South Airica SSION Do you lind ary ofthe sayings oF proverbs offensive? Why or why nol? What sayings or proverbs about weddings da you knew in your own language? © NOTEPADDING On your notepad, make alist of ‘wedding traditionsin your country. Compare your lists with these of ether groups. D PAIR WORK Role-playa conversation in which you describe local wedding traditions toa visitor to your country. Askand answer questions about the details. Use the Vocabulary. eee [ahugeleaubraton Freee! goon /merewnyuens sepia Frond fone itn [soa] {Pe autora /comman /2pprpeta io. Wet pee (6 ogsged ty veto 77 £4 Sonow does acouple ‘getengaged here 77 erore the weaaing: ‘attne weaai Alter ne weaaing: UT? A IKIZ Listen to each conversation and circle the occasion or the people they are talking about. Then listen again and circle Tf the statement i true or Fif itis fase. Correct any false statements. Listen again if necessary. 1 Ganengagement / areception / ahoneymoon) —|T_F_Theman whois speaking isthe groom. 2 (anengagement/ areception / ahoneymoon) —|T_F_Theman whois speaking will be the groom, 3 (a bride /a groom / relatives) Tr 4 (a bride / groom / relatives) Tr 8 Complete each statement, using verbs rom the unit Vocabulary. Then write the name of a holiday you know for each statement. Name a hollday when peopl Ea reworks, in parades. picnics. time with their families. costumes. ais. eachother wel. SJe[e]a[o]xy= Complete each sentence with an adjective clause. Find the informationin this unt, if necessary. 1 Agwom isa man .tehe herjurt getten marries 2 Fld ubfitrs areligious holiday 3 Ahoneymoon isa vacation .. 4 Ahanbokis traditional dress 5 Awedding reception isa party 6 Chuseokisa holiday Dona separate sheet of paper, complete each statement about local adtions in your county. 1 If someone invites you to bis or her house for dinner, you should. 2 lf someone gives you an expensive gift, you should 3 lfyou are invited toa formal wedding, you should wear... 4 Ta triend or colleague gets engaged, you should, 5 If someone wants to get marred, he or she should WRITING ant een hy arcana in °o osecreateenotis tate + What kindof holiday is it? | When isitcalebeated? om °o + Howisit celebrated? + Deore det + What do people do /eat/say/wear,ctc.? "Sune rhe wig ence 4 NTT ORAL REVIEW PAIR WORK CHALLENGE For one minute, look a the Fact sheet for one of the holidays. Your partner looks atthe other Fact Sheet. Then close your books. Askand answer ‘question: about each other’: holidays. For example: Why de people eslebrate Songkran? PAIR WORK. Create conversations forthe people. 1 Ask about one of the holidays. Slat like tis: Theard there's going te bea holiday. 2. Askabout local custorns during the holiday. Start ike this Do youmind # Laskyou something? GROUP PRESENTATION Chooseone ofthe holidays and give 2 presentation to your group or class. Use adjective clauses. Songkran is aseasonal holiday that Celie on Siptenber IS and. he inning he Wer independence ‘isons with tect othe Meson (ek te and gan) sol rework oasis Comte rf, white angen), ESSE Weaetmacytorpecle Losec Viva Mako! Even arent Meccan, youcan jin. ch someene geod hotday 1B ace spout lea customs (D xchangeieormation about hotideys. CD xpi wecting triions. hau! Inventions and Discoveries PREVIEW A DISCUSSION. Most ofthe pictures represent inventions. Do you know which one(s) resulted irom a discovery? How would you ‘explain the difference between an invention anda discovery? Provide some examples of inventions and discovers. 6 wre, 8 pau PHOTO STORY Road and listen toa conversation about how an invention might have helped someone. Leste Tastings vngmecrary! Les: Wel, thy dd butourshuda jody: Wl wall due spec to ley: Look ous andl tase big hole, art we rete Ben you jus have be ie Bullet. Canes Unt! themidleofthenight What encetn swileanduse the ti hat leet ete matin ‘wor Whether you ket orn the Tastweekend. We wertawayors_Iody: Too badyou dn'tbnng ay poten Fett. onl raihmeue ile Rsttrepelent Tere aretons of Leste: lage, butBen won'ther of SStanioesantintherourtans, — Mosjulbesin hemoumans tis 1 YeAsRnov, XL ume we go aay Dutthemesqutos werebrual. eof year. Hao! {oraromanic wes, I'm pacing 2 hake sl Lesa: Ne ctuallyckdhave some tit one of those mosqultonets to hang Tomante: Did they haw sceensin ‘stadt workthat wel Youknow ver thebed the windows? how Ben eveything has tobe organcancnatural ana... © PARAPHRAGE Say each ofthe underlined expressions -D_ THINK AND EXPLAIN. Answerthe question, from the Photo Story in your own way, according to the Phato Story. 1 *Ben and 1g ps ast weekend.” 1 What eflect does a mosquito bite cause? 2". the mosquitoes were brutal.” 2 Where were Leste and ten when they got _mosquitoes in the mountains this the mosquito bites? 3 How did mosquitoes get into their 4°"... you Just have to te the bullet once ina while tear? and ee the stuff at works.” 4 Why would Ben object to “the stuf that 5 "Whether youlite itor not, the poison & effecive” worst is 5 What i another preventive measure aginst 6 “Lagree, but Ben y obit enol ries s SPEAKING ead the lit of important inventions and discoveries and add another important one to thelist Then rank them in order of importance from 1 (mostimportant) to 10 (least important). With a partner compare rankings and ‘explain your reasons for ranking one the mostimportant. irtrvel che printing pres I antibocs the intent smart phones vaccination insect repellents water purlication systems ‘mosquito nets other: ure ar oo 4383 VOCABULARY Describing manufactured products |A- Pear Read andlisten. Then Isten again and repeat. User new technology Offers high quality Uses mew Ideas high-tech OR high-end OR Innovative OR stateoftheart OR top.ofthetine OR revolutionary OR cutting 2dgo. fiestrate novel 8 GZ LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to the ads and choose the corect word or phrase. 1 The Strawberry smart phone is (state-of-the-art /top-ofthe-ne). 2 The Blackstone isa (revolutionary / high-end) device. 3 The Micro scanner isa (high end / cutting edge) product. “4 The Digicon B1X Beta isa (novel / first-rate) camera. 5 The 174ndh LCD monitor (innevative /top-of-the-ane). you weuld 18 youre he/ sre would hea shea ebay nous > we tne Remember Unreal cotitiona sentences descrive unreal conitions—condtiors tht dont exist Use the simple past tense or wete inthe i clause. Use would or could in the result clause. if clause unreal acon or condition) result clause (fit were rue) GRAMMAR Tho unreal conditional: Review and expansion If lwanted acutingedge phore, Id look for one at TechnoWorta. (But | don't want one) you were hare, ‘we could sud together (But you are rot here) Init werent so expensive they vould buy OR Tey vould buy iit werent soexTensNe. eve ure wouldin anf aise “he if clause can occur fist or lest. Ifthe i clause comes first, use a comme, fe careful! | Questions See! Ifyou saw a Fghter laptop, would you buy it (Yes, would. / No, I wouldrt) Where would you go'f ere were an affordable cruise? ENE) > > 3° |W your ear died on the highway, who would you cal? = Realane unreal sanction revew faucet te Ineo cndialcemencer A. UNDERSTAND THE GRAMNAR Check the statements that describe unreal concitions. 1 1 ifthey see something frstrate, they buy it Gi 2 if you turmedoft your phone in the tater, it wouldn't bother the othe: theatergoers G3 Fllsave alot of money on gasifIrentthe Alva, 4 She could show us how to use the Digicon remote keyboard if she were here. 15 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Choose the correct forms io complete the unreal conditional sentences. 1 the Tekicon 17-inch monitor (were / would be) on sale, (will would) buyit right away. 2 I they (would invent / invented) safe way to text-message while driving, people (will /would) be happy. 3 If she (new / would know) about the Fictopia camera watch, she (will would) use it on her ti. ‘4 What (wil / would) you do ifyour laptop (broke / woul break)? =e Use the prompts to create unreal conditional sentences. 1 (Most people / buy) highend productif (they /have) enough money. 2: (there /be)anintemet connection inher room, (she / send) her ofce the report now? 3 {/ n0t/ get)a Lunett phoneif (/ have all the money in te world. They say Ws cutn uti don’ tunkitsfirserate, my They ay Wscating-edos 4 F (ou o>) to Airport Electronics, (you /pay)a lot les fora top-o then tablet? D PAR WORK Complete the statements. Then share and explain your statements with your clas. 1 if money were not a problem, .. 2 People would stop getting infected with diseases... 3 would stay up all night tonight i CONVERSATION MODEL A KGS Read and listen to a conversation about new technology. [As | just gota new car. B: No kidding! What kind? A: The Alva 500. The 500medelis topof-thetine. I thoughtl'd trast mys Bs Wel, congratulations! had the money, d get a new car mysel 8 MAM RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. TOI) vesctive technology A NOTEPADDING Write one product you've recently gotten (08 would ol Produc name ay Tike to have) foreach category. [ses nen SS aS Leite fet prone | Proguct name Agjectve Uses new technology: fers high qua | ses new ties: "23 & CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, role-play anew DONTSTUP! conversation, changing the Conversation Model with one Disons ona st and use cher © clive preducts and ajecives on your notepad. Use the nel Sijeciven ack hantoas about ke conditional. Then change roles ‘What doce took a How soe tur A: Lust got How fast accurate /poveru ist? No kidding! What kind? Bees Pac el & Wwe I thought treat mys lst guarantees Bs Well, congratulations! IFT a... Pd CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the conversation again, using other products on your notepad, unre H LED ake responsibility for amistake CONVERSATION MODEL 1A. kas Read and listen to someone taking responsibilty fora mistake ‘A: Sony late. | thought the meeting was tomorraw. BB: What happened? ‘A: 'mashamed to say! just forgot to putt on my calendar. B: Don’t worry. That can happen to anyone. ‘A: Well i had written it down, | wouldn't have forgotten B: Nohaim done. We were just getting started. 8 IAQ RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. GRAMMAR The past unreal conditional Cee perfect in the if cleuse. Use would have or could nave +a past particplein the result clause. gould intheif Cause. Wane had ried ate esnaral ar aba woulent have spent sa muchmney ongse. Seater eat, (Gut se cnt rent amore eeonarics ca") Sokredersnore IfJonas Sikhac’timented vase to protest pode gains poo, may marepecple mead would nave ententne eee (uth i Ie avacshe} ions and answers ‘Sula they hve prevented the accent the hae known the tres were 3 ol? (Ye, they coud have. / Wo, ney coun have) pao What wouldyouhae done f you hast had your phone with you? Th re endo {Toul nave Sores ne) ries tome A. UNDERSTAND THE GRAMMAR Choose the meaning ofeach pastunteal condor sentence. 1 would’: have gone to casif had known had thet 2 Tent cass b I didn't goto cass. 2 f we had used our GPS, we wouldn't have gotten ost. 2 We gotlost. bb Wedidn’ get lost 3 ff they hadn’tplinted that new variety of tomatoes, they would have lost this year’s rop. 4 They lost ths year'scrop. Bb They didn't lse this year's crop. 4 Theaitne wouldn't have canceled thelght the weather had been better a They canceled the flight. b They didn’t cancel the flight. 8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences in the past unreal conditional. Use would. 1 What you 3 ityou " the tain? 2 We nna ths daft video conference an Internet CONNEC gener Babe, 3 Hfour hugs old cameonder owe this smaller one wai wr Abe cosas REFER Phone he oo on they anced er fight Shey ne gob weathe hey nn ns Asa ts moming 6 f the weather ~ beet, we to thebesch, # (© PAIRWORK. Read each case study and complete the statements with your own ideas and the past unreal condition. D_APFLY THE GRAMMAR. Retead the Photo Story on page 87. Complete this statement: oe oo wwe + Leslieand Ben wouldn’thave gotten eaten alive by mosquitoes. "GB PRONUNCIATION Contractions with J in spoken English A 27 Notice the pronunciation ofthe spoken contractions of had, would, and did. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. _ 1 vee ddyesge? > Borge? 2 tacakionon > fifo - ve ebay e sy Awiecyouse? > Mlle? 4 stad adamant mag e vey na nc aninyeen vena >i cenne conreenin wnt esenee yeu Mr We atone as : : y BEA. convensarion ACTIVATOR Role-play anew conversation with a patiner, taking responsiblity fora diferent mistake. Use the Ideas (OR e ‘your own ideas) and the past unreal conditional. Then change roles. a : What happened? A Fmashamed to say ust FB Dowtworn. That ean haben to anyone, DONTSTOP! A Wel, if sae 1 ne have Corte : eee [ BpediSrer at 5 CHANGE PARTNERS Take responsibilty for another mistake. pone damage tone + Another reacon. oo BEFORE YOU LISTEN "BBA waa vooanuianr ore descriptive adjectives Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. ig low-tech / high-tech ‘unique effilent/ inefficient 8 Complete the chan with the correct adjective and one productor invention you know. Defntio the only one cfs kind peaty sly doesn'tuse modem technology ‘ses medem technology doesn’t waste time, money, oF ereray waste ime, money, or eneray ce = LISTENING COMPREHENSION A. MENG LISTEN TO DRAW CONCLUSIONS. Listen and write the number ofthe conversation nest to the invention oh should have had. Slee (PUGH LisTeN To SUMMARIZE Listen again and then write each problem in your own words. 1 - 3. 2 4. © Discussion Describe exchof the inventions. Use Seeereesiocebcecbeetcveciiay ierouseniia me cbre it ‘hore anid from pega 88 Lion damit nocessay. Soran’ mood slectrarsen ce machineny PP COTTE descrite new inventions A. FRAME YOUR IDEAS Read the checklist and check the boxes of atleast five categories ‘where you think new inventions are needed. forsafatyin fo car {or safsty at home {or organizing things athome {or cooking and preoaring food for eatng or snacking for gating imo shape forraising chiran fortakngcare of pets forrelaxrg at home oooo000000 EUR aa ine Glenn ima oo oODOo0 {or raacing faster {ot preparing fora natural disastar {ot witing atthe ofice {or training office stat {ot communicating wit colleaques {or learning new English words and gamer ‘or praparing for tests (your own iaoa) 1B NOTEPADDING Imagine an invention for five stuations you checked. On the notepad, ‘write description and benefitof each invention. Descriptions of your inventions © PROJECT Workin small groups. Choose one invention from someone's char. Give ita name, drawa picture oft, and write an advertisement forit-Include real and unreal conditional sentences Inyour ad. (For fun, the inventon can be low-tech, high-tech, wacky, or even impossible! The name ‘can be funny.) 8 esti voneiaie rises /Tortech herers ‘rigue Huchest | Sten/neteert Sees reSutoney D GROUP WORK Present yourad: tothe clas, TTeteteeceiminthecee any dost a aeop eng Benefits ou, Fdget the nen revelutonery raveto I Twere Drive Ane” alarm, Youll rever worry det felling asleep while dvi your cer, Be sufe. ‘stay awake with the Deve Aueke Alec ee 3 she hed boucht the ‘sf0re-0F the-art “EARRINGS. * she would } have gotten your phone call. Very Practical! Ene Discuss the impact of inventions / discoveries BEFORE YOU READ WARN-UP_ In your opinion, what has becn the most important medical discovery in histor? Explain your reason(s) READING maz ;- Antibiotics spi apse ps Uc Sos porep en opera ore So es, Soar ‘What are anti satiate a baie Some entbiorics, such aspencilin, kil disease-causing bacteria Ochers, such a cettacyelize, stop them from sulplning History Insts, Durch Van Leeawentioek, avon eiactineee, soceeeee: decovered the sstence of| smicroorganiems However, rwas could cease disease ‘saul French scientist Lewis Pesear confirmed thet eppreximately soo paste fates Pasty ig, ish oe estat Aleks Ele noticed shat a mold, penicillum, growingin one of his, petri dishes ores capable of billie bacteria, andthe SGevelopment of anibitics became povsible Fleming med the scive agent in the mold “peniciin” but was nalts ee ea ec 122940, unng:he Second World War, ovo stennste ices cose ny Wine tne dire peniilin wasted forsaious diesaces such as pneamonia ne tuberculesie, which had abvaye caused men deaths Fleming, Hlorey, ane Chain received the Nobel Prize a oe Rice cid ioe ead ease ay se penple to sures conditions tharswoald have filed sham befere the antbictic age Overnse of antibiaties Since ther discorery and widespreaduse, antibiotics bhave been consicered awonder drag. Meni common diseases, bowever, ore chased by viruses, not bacteria, nd Nevertheless, Soa many pecplewre ansibistice regal, balering they will cure viral illness such as common apperresiretory sfections colds, and sore threats, Why tes problem? Sueucks ok effete ageiot First ig avraste ofmonay to use antibiotics to treat amuses Our bods immune sete eventually combate snort rises, anc we rerover without eeatmant. But moze bape al eciere Gare ean beset resistant to it making tae antibiotic less effective, or eve seins [fenuibioics no longer work ageinet infections xd diseases, people willbapin :o ei fom them agen, fsientsts had recognized chat baci could develop ssitance, peraaps they would nave warmed tanless a patient has «bacterial Infection. Hopefily worldwide swareness of the threst to an Uimportant cass of drugs wil syorking st Oxford Unressin, Emet Chain ard Hemere | convince esto voidueig Flores were able mo mate an antbectrial powder from | chem for coniitionsthet ‘penicilia chet was safe rouse ox humans. Penicilinwas | don't require :hem. fase preduced foruston solders in the war If chers had Deeniio peniclin, many would ave died from bacterial Some diseases causedby bacteria | [ Some diseases caused by vines Titers nae “he Fog ot ‘Van Leeuwenkook use Foruis os amierscapeto cbseve 1] sropocozl or toat Th commen ld imicrooganisns. (c*srep tar) Hepa oo wre [A FIND SUPPORTING DETAILS Answer the questions in your own words. Explain your answets, based on information inthe Reading, 1 What i the benefit of antibiotics? 3 Why are antibiotics effective against strep throat? 2 Why are anoscs not fective agus the 4 What problem has overuse of antibiotics caused? 5 UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. 1 (An antibiotic / A vaccine) prevents diseases 4 (Penicilium / Penicilin) sa drag that kls bacteria, Svar Oceana 5 The common cold and influenza are common 2 (Bacteria / Tetracycline) can cause infectious (bacterial / upper respiratory) infections. eare 6 Some antibiotics ae no longer effective because egg 3 Bacteria are small organisms that can only be certain bacteria have developed (overuse | cael seen (ina pat dish / with a microscope). resistance) to antibiotics. (MATT discuss the impactorinventions/ discoveries A. FRAME YOUR IDEAS. Look at come key inventions and discoveries and how they changed people's lives. 1sth Century Tohannes 1914 The wodem zpper ‘ypecasing, suiting ‘osnadlclethes wiht he pining pres which buttons andro ‘outs pant ore nan one 1940-1945. Theat econ computer, tien fale nom, 176. The dscovery erable ers io ougarize 2W00BCE The plow bya eor andeamne niomaton Tose and tars the ay ‘Tre computeropeneda sells cepscanbe ‘acai mace ‘now em olcormunicators ‘aniston Tetistucest Semon echlogy sane pessbke the pret | the apper | the computer ‘Tesmitine bstona) Pegancuncerira ne wre or ‘ipa Use bem yur Como Root, fe esrmie "ators © GROUP REPORT Present a report about an invention or ‘a discovery to your class. Describe ts impactin history. 44 tar he plow wat inverted farmer could Use the past unceal conditional Dlantlarge areas thadn tee verted, they Esulay ave plnted enous food tos") A. PIER Listen ta people talking about new products. Match the name of ‘each product with the best adjective to describe it. Name of product ‘Adjective — 1 TheUltraphone a tpp-of-theline — 2 Dinnersrom-s-distance unique — 3 Kinder-Tv € efficent — A Ten Yeats Off d cutting edge Check the statement thatis rue for each situation, 11 We wouldn't have gotten lost if we had remembered to bring our portable GPS device. 1D Webroughtit, and we got lost. 1D Webrought it, and we didn’t get lost. 1D Weedidn’t bring, and we got lost. 1D Weeidn’t bringit, and we din’ get lost. 2 the salesclerk were here, she would explain how the Omri works. 1D The salesclek ishere, so she will explain how the Omni works. The salesclerkishere, but she won't explain how the Omni works. 1 The salescler isn’t here, but she will explain how the Omni works 1D The salescle isn’t her, so she won't explain how the Omni works. 3 1f Ron had brought the Ulraphone with him, he would have already sent those emails. 1D Ron broughtthe Utraphone, and he has already sent those e-mails. 1 Ron brought the Utraphone, but he hasn’t sent those e-mailsyet. 1 Ron didn't bring the Ultraphone, but he has already sent those e-mails. 1D Ron didn't bring the Uttraphone, so he hasnt sent those e-mails yet © Complete each conditional sentence with your own ideas. 1 If the computer hadn't been invented, 2 If Lhad to decide what the mostimportant scientific discovery in history was, 3 If most people cared about the envionment, 4 Would new cars beless expensive if. 2 '5 If Bla had known that being a teacher was so hard, 5 ? WRITING Choose one ofthe inventions ordiccaveries on pages 86, 94, oF 95, oranother invention or discovery. Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and historical impact ofthe invention cor discovery you chose. 1 Uses of the WHEEL ORAL REVIEW ‘CONTEST Look atthe pictures about the uses of the wheel for one minute. Then close your books and try to rememberall the uses ofthe wheel in the pictures. You get a bonus point for thinking of another use, PRIR WORK. 1 Chooseone use ofthe wheel Piscusshow Iichanged history and people'slives. Present ‘your ideas. For example: The log helped people move heavy objects over great distances. They could build mere easily with stone. 2. Thefamily in the picture below islate. Create « conversation forthe two women, For example A; Helle, Mom. im sorry. Welte going tobelote. F we hadn't the horse-drawn chariot = the potter's wheel CFE 1 Deseite tectnotoy. OTe responstily fora misake. 1 Deseite new invention: Di oscuss me pact ef inventions ure 7 TAT 1 Tak about pote, 2. Duce controvena asus pate. UNIT repo olutonsto global problem Controversial Issues PREVIEW eC O LT [Choose the correct term foreach definition. Thenloak atthe answers a see haw you di © d group of people who govern a ourtyor state Q teat ortae parin aseresofactons tended agovermment —[-] aconstittion _»~ towin an election fora goverment positon ) © Chsanpagn LE vete © inearcorscience of government @ Aspen at govenmentin wich eerjciceni the Oi pss ie aais panes eee tice iceraeditieieess © tse ofasiclans.and principles that a countrys governed by, which cannat easily te changee bythe potical partyin power I sconsttuton [) ademocracy © Asustem in whicha courtyis uted bya Kingor queen 1 aditaorship —C) amonarchy © sn cccasion wnenpeopievorerocnnose © covernmencoy ase who nas complete power someone for an oficial psiton Di acemocrary — C) adicarastip Daren: (OD Stoen | ee @show,bumarknga paperorusng poveristinted by constaton Di adictatorship —C) aconstiutional monarchy amachine,etc, which person you want ina government position Open Owe A isa VOCABULARY + Fottcal terminology Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. agovenment politics ‘constitution anelection vote campaign ademocracy amonarchy _adictatorship a constitutional monarchy 8 PAR WORK How much do you know about world poltcs? On the chart, discuss and write the name of atleast one country for each type af government. Then compare chars with other classmates ee aut: What a comnccence! was ust thinkeng about cling you been sucha fong time. " Carlrltsurehas Le’ st down and “atch up... Whatareyou upto these cys? Paul: Buy, busy. The oe hasbeen ary, wih he ectonconing up next month, You can image. (© WISH PHOTO STORY. Read and lsten to a conversation about discussing politics ano butrtpet workng ata TY stn nating. ey, Pau co yourmind yt pals queston? nope es rot Mappropna. tm notes pote teat aboutpots haem eS. Pas rats Ry eye ot tkabout en or Pals, bit everyone does Shot ato: Ok. Who ae you lamang to conerescay aul: Well,becauso wor fend ‘answer. But should wam youthatt might not be a good Idea toast just ‘ativone that question. Some ‘might find i ite persona. Cato: Oops. Paul: No worres. Actual, [haven't made up my mind. Fmleaning tonara Caney, though. tanks better tan the other guy. 1D. PARAPHRASE Restate each ofthe following sentences from the Photo Story in your own words. 1 “Let's st down and catch up.” 2 ‘What are you up to these days?” 2 “Some people might find ita itle personal.” 4 “Noworres.” 5 “Actually, haven't made up my mind.” 6 “Y'm leaning toward Cincy E_THINKAND EXPLAIN. Answer the questions, based on your understanding of the Photo Story. 11 Why does Paul say “What 2 coincidence!” when he sses Carlo? 2 What docs Paul mean when he says, “Busy, busy. The office has been crazy.” 3 Why does Carlo ask whether Paul minds if he asks him 2 political question? 4 Why does Paul warn Carlo not toask some people about thet political opinions? SPEAKING Discussion topics 1 Do you tik to tak about politcs? Do you think poites ita good lope fr dacustion with “hist anybody"? Or k polis always “atl co personal” Explain, 2 Revew the tyes of government am page 98. Do you think every courey shoulg have the same form of smment? Why don’t al courties have the same mol government? In your opinion, there a “est” form of government? Explain eer GRAMMAR Non-count nouns that represent abstract ideas CEE ee cations an important issue. nn a ‘NOT: he education is an important issue. stuesiion eye Sees NOT: Eatestone-oe ah import asus eth salen Ee "Newsbou pote aways intesing. "Satan Pots NOT Nowe sbtt the polis oanare interest snenmer! Sor NOT: News about plies are always interesting ‘Cour ar renceure nase: |A. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Choose the correct form of the nouns and verbs. review a een 11 Our (advice / advices) to you (is/ ae) to avoid discussing politics. 2 (Poverty | The poverty) (was / were) the topic ofthe intemational conference. 3 Both candidates have programs for (the health / health) and (educations | education). 4 Making (peace / the peace) takes alot of (work / works) anda long time. '5 Good news (is /are) hard tofind inthe newspaper these days. B GRAMMAR PRACTICE Correct the errors. Here's some pitcal intormations about the election. The good news are that both candidates have programs for the education. The liberal candidate, Bill Slate, says financial helps for the schools are a question of the justice, The poverty has affected the quality of the schools, and students from schools in poor areas don't have a success. joanna Clark, the conservative candidate, disagrees. She believes a progress has been made by investing inthe teacher education, Her advices are to keep the old policy. “Creating better schocls takes the time and a patience,” she sae VOCABULARY A continuum of political and social beliefs A. PES Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. radiealladj _sipporting complete political ar social change —a radical n Uberal adj. supporting changes in poitical, socal, oF religious systeme that respect the ferent beliefs, ideas, et, of other people—a liberal n. moderate ad. having ofinions orbetefs, especialy about goles, tht are notextreme an that nos people conse esonatle orsensbie aederaten, conservative ad, prciering tocontirue todo things as they have been done than wing anges acomsesatven nS et reactlonary cdj._ strongly opposed to political or social change—a reactionary . 2 SISOS LIETEN To INFER AND ACTIVATE VOCABULARY’ Listen to exch conversation. Then, with a partner, complete the char. Listen again, ifnecessay, to check your work or settle any disagreements EEE oser1e co thes 2 Ses dies 4 Ses Sine the past rather 00000 CONVERSATION MODEL A. ISG Read and listen to a conversation about pois. ‘A: Doyou mind if ask you a political question? 8: No prablem. What would you like to know? {A Wall are youa ber! or a conservative? 1: Actually, im nether. keto make up my tind Based on the sue ene A: So, would you say you're an independent? 1 | guess you could say that. If you don’t want to answer B: No offense, but feel alitve uncomfortable talking about that. [hope you don’t mind, [A: Absolutely not.’ a good thing | asked, 8 ISG RHYTHW AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. ‘Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. "PRONUNCIATION Stress to emphasize meaning A FINO Listen to the different intonations of the same sentence. Then listen again end repeat 1 Areyou a consewative! (normal stress—no spacial meaning) 2 Are you aconSERVative? (’m surprised that you wouldhave such a bei.) 3 Are YOU a conservative? (tm surprised that you, among all people, would be aconsenative) 4 ARE you aconservative? (I think you might be a conservative, and dike tobe sure) 8 PAIR WORK Practice varying the stressin this statement: “Would you say you're an independent?” Discuss the afferent meanings. MMA rar accu poicics LLL A PAIR WORK Which poitical questions do you think would be too personal or controversial to ask? A (1 What advice would you like to give the president / prime minister/ king / queen? A AN\, 1 wna co yor think about the president / prime minister / king / queer? FEE) a eye nc ato our overmats potesr x ‘AY | |_| Ae youliberal or conservative? Nv [) Wino re you voting fo in the cloction? FEE 8 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model to bring up a topic that might be controversial. Partner 8 can answer or e decline to discuss the question. then change roles. ‘A: Doyou mindif 1ask you a politcal question? B: No problem. What would you like to know? AEWA, snes DowTsTon 8B: Actually, © CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss another political subject. uwro t0t CONVERSATION MODEL A. §00 Read and listen toa palite conversation about 2 controversial ecu, A: How do you feel about capital punishment? Bs ("min lavor cf 1 believe f you hill someone, you deserve to be llled. What about you? [A: Actually, 'magains the death penalty. | think it'swrong to take alife, no matter what. Bs Wall, ques ares. to. digest BUSI AHYTHI AND INTONATION Listen again ‘and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Mode! wath a partner. © DISCUSSION Are you in favor of capital punishment? Explain. Pas iecgreement (2) agreemenn saan oie lien et fede! Batre ape re | leoutnt agee more Boyeusint soll rotsurelagree | Ieouant have aa foeter myst Ne ofarse oa jaca apres. "EB VOCABULARY Some controversial issies ‘A. RIS Road andlsten. Then Isto again and repeat 02 unre ‘aeing the voting age prohibiting smoking Indoors B PIRIM|LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen C_IBISILISTENTO NFER Nowllsten again and check to people's opinions about controversial issues Foror Against in the chart, according to what the ‘Complete the chart wih each issue they cscuss. person says. Use the Vocabaulay. Against vfafo[e]= GRAMMAR Verte followed by objocts and infinitives ‘Verbs fotowed by an object before an infriive: Certain verbs canbe followed by infintves, ut some verbs musthe $38 SDV85E cers ue {followed by an object before an infinitive. ose ee ‘The newspaper reminded all eighteen-year-lds to vote. = a We urged them fonts etre aga: te ceath penal er ‘These verbs cannot be followed by an object. However, they ea °o Erne oloved sresty by snimoane ETS anpee, decide eam offer rete Sen ewe. Bic Ga fase pe en cage sar sarin verte |A. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement or question with an object and an infiritive. 1 Therewspaper advised lL etarsta.regiser...eatly for thenext election. 2 Did you remind ssc rcsgaae~ Het VOL reasraion card? ar ag Te ns i 4 Ourteacher always encourages 3 We persuaded for our candidate ‘every night, not just the day before the exam. unis aay 5S Can't we convince taxer on property? ‘gia lower ag; 8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write two sentences using verbs that can be followed rectly by an infinitive and (TTT oiscurscontroversa iss pottely two sentences wi verbs that must have an object before an infinitive. GEE A. CONVEREATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Mod, 2 CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss ancther issue, {giving a reason lor your point of view. Use the Vocabulary and expressions of ‘Agreement and Disagreement from page 102. Then change roles and issues. [As How do you feel about one ? Be cen - nnens «What aboutyou? Imagarst_ ‘A Actually, | Ithinke Fin aor F_ Bee | ice bela et DONT TOP! 15 wrong 9 mater what ‘At your pariresopnont amperes cher suse giving reasons to support your opinion EIT ronnie BEFORE YOU READ EXPLORE YOUR IDEAS Whats the difference between a problem and a global problem? Do you think your generation faces more ‘serous global problems than the generation of your parents, or grandparents? Explain. READING mists eee te aetna generar ost) TERRORISM Every dy, we see crear sboursulcice bombing: and omer teria Innocent people forrelgioss ce poltealrestons Many sak way Some sora evertats believe that twlsvion ane movies may contrite to growing ger They lain tat some people say fel Euwtated and poweriae when they mesure heir Hmesaganat the lives ofexeniely ‘wealhy people they sez inthemedie terri canbe vey connoverss, snd many people daagree about is (uses or peeine soluoons. wre ‘at peone's extreme povery and ‘powelesmness mustbe reduced 10 rakes affsence. RACISM AND DSCRMURATIN Zaciza (Wepetermatone'sown rececr Genie qoupis supers ste) Gd recie end stuns Geeiminatin (Geatng members of otter 2002 [Unany) extn many pacer. These fs comsion protien seuss human ‘ght violations all everthe wer nsons ces emer powerl fetinieorracal group Juries ne amination and naviny, oven the complete destruction ofetmnic or sie minoriies they ccnider 0 be fates When tent hist, enocides such s the European olocsut end the massacre in ucen have threatened to wipe ou! erie ‘Can rain and discrimination ‘pesliminatei ora tesesinily ‘rfomunite tres otsunen ‘nears? Many people belive that (ucetion can help til erence fhe other and may convibute to (resting « more pescena were Gres underthe age ftve ie of | SEES OTPoz =e frratoncrpevennble miecioas ay fel at reign cn em [A UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT Maicheach definition with a word from the box Tne 1 alackofnecessary money to survive B genodie 2 the attemptto destroy all members of racial or ethnic group spore 3 judging or harming people because oftheir racial or ethnic heritage Seinction 4. money paid or some other reward given to a person to perform adishonest | fradimm ‘runstical act orto provide favor o the abuse of power by people in government or business 6 the belief that other racial or ethnic groups are inferior to one’s own, 5 ACTIVATE LANGUAGE FROW ATEXT_Basedon the information in the Reading, cross out the one word or phrase in cach row that is unrelated ta the others. Explain your reasoning, 1 people poatucs races 2 money property racsm 3 bribe corruption money 4 hunger starvation Tack offood ‘5 acim business ‘dscrimination preiudice © CRITICAL THIVKING Discuss each othe fllowing, 1 Reread the section on corruption inthe Reading, What do all ct of compton have in common? Do you thnk ts possible to end comuption, oo you fee that i 3 par of Furman nature? Use'specfic examples in your discussion, 2 What we same cases of povrty ad what a ec? 3 inyour opinion, in act of teroris? Is terrorism an expression of power er Poke snd Yosrsuok! Moule ecplesto support your option pow 4 What reasons do people have to hate other groups? Is hatred of another group ever understandable, $ppropate,orjsthec? Explain tne reazons for your opinon. '5 Do you see single prablem connecting al four ssues in the Reading? Wf so, whats &? MATTIE Propose soiutions to iota preblerns iii A” FRAMEYOURIDEAS On ascale of 1106, putthe 8 NOTEPADDING Write some possble solutions to {goals in order of importance and dificulty to global problems. accomplish (1 =most mportant or most dfficul). | Proce Fossble soutions 17 Ca cid © DISCUSSION DISCUSS the solutions to the global problems you proposed. Do youll have the same “Texemisingoptons) a ig ru penn Rt forearesoae 7 Hi Debate the pros and cons of issues ‘382 BEFORE YOU LISTEN 1A. ISR VOCABULARY + How to debate an sue paltey Read andlisten. Then laten again and repeat. £6 tinksmoking think more people ssaasqueing | “! Tarmay betrue, butte Soul be actve in ate TP os only emote in your own paler That wy, we | ut house, you'renothuting ‘would havebeter ‘eect everyone to care.!7 anyone but yours. 17 boven. 7 thin we shold jest ‘oteagainsteveryone | {4 That's one way to look Whosinoffce row | att, Buthow do we know hats agoosway 2 | inopecereedcandidates ate wile any beter than what wealeady have? 9F Ithinkooe presidents dcing | (4 Wall, cn the one hand, aneccelent job 77] —Re'sotcomupt But on the ‘uch to improve the ruts. 27 B PAIR WORK Take turns saying and responding to each opinion. Use the Vocabulary abeve to disagree poottely. Or, you agree with the opinion, use the language of agreement irom page 102. For example: 1 “In some countries, dictatorship hashelped stop comuption.” 4 leoule’tagree more, Counties ‘Thatmay bets, but mo one should fwthidetwonhprarebeterat py OR favetoveunseragieatonhip. 2 “There's no real democracy. all governments are controlled by a few powerful people.” ‘3 “I think moderates are the only people you can tustin government.” 4 “I'm not going to vote. ll the candidates are coup.” 5 6 “Terrorism is geting worse and worse all aver the world.” “I don’t thinkit’s important to vote. Nothing ever changes.” 06 uns LISTENING COMPREHENSION SIRILISTEN TO SUMMMARIZE._Lsten to three conversations about dictatorship, demecracy, and ‘monarchy. Then listen again and, on a separate sheet of paper, take notes about the arguments in favor of and against each system of government. Then work in pair. Partner A: Summarize the arguments in favor. Partner &: Summarize the arguments aganst BATTTDIIGEY ostne tc pros anton ot cs A GROUP WoRK Choose an issue that you'd like 1B NOTEPADDING On your notepad, wite to debate arguments in favor and agains. Arguments infavor: Banning text-messaging while driving Decriminalizing the use of llega drugs Preventing chilren from going to movie theners 2 see extremely HOA movies Using the military to fight terrorism Permiting people to say or write anything as long as ft doesn’t cause physical danger ‘Your own local or politcal issue C_DEBATE_ Divide the group into two teams, with fone team in favor and the other team against. Take turns presenting your views. Use the ‘Vocabulary fram page 106. Take turns and cisagree politely. Then continue the discussion. — Ss Dicuss comoversies gress ageenen: Express chagreenent ageemoe. nate uhat uwro 407 A. PIEM| Listen to the news repert about four news stoies. Then listen again and circle the correct word or phrase. 1 Sorind.ans and Famays are two (ethnic groups / governments) that occupy land areas next to each other 2 (Sorindians /Ramays) want to be able to cbserve their dictary laws and traditional clothing customs. 3 The problem between the Soxindians and the Ramays is an example of (omuption / ethnic discrimination). 4 A package let in the bathroom atthe central post office raised fears of (errors / corruption). '5 Poor people are migrating into the (city from the countryside / countryside from the city). 6 Another story in the newsis the reported (corruption / poverty) of apoiice captain, 2 Complete the paragraph about an election, using verbs and count and non-count nouns correctly. running for election make ~ Pad 10 et. VOLES WOUD BE 10 98 oor bbelng folowed. For Instance, we are st iow notvery good. Complete each sentence. 1 The law doesn’tallow the Constitution. a thepresidentchange the presidentto change _¢ change 2 Ourfrends advised disappointed about the election. a nottobe us not 1 be € usto be not 3 The Constitution quires nueonnsnenninnnnane Office ater two terms. a toleave b senators to leave senators leave 4 The election commuttee permitted 1 about thelr educational poles. fa the candidates to speak the candidates speak to speak D_ Disagree politely with each statement, using a diferent way to disagree each time. Then adda reason why you disagree with | 2 Tay each statement. 11 Monarchies are dictatorships. oan 2 There's no such thing 2s areal democracy anywhere in the world, +5 All people with power are corrupt. DQ... WRITING Write at least two paragraphs about one of these issues compulsory military service, capital punishment, or censorship of books and movies. Include both the pras and cons of the issue. 08 uaa 8) ORAL REVIEW CONTEST Lookat the pictures for one minute. Then close your books and name the three sues depicted inthe news PAIR WORK Create conversations. 1 Create a conversation between the man and ‘women in Picture |. Continue the conversation, fiscussing corruption in general. Start ike this Look af this article about the judge who was taking bnbes in court. 2 Create a conversation between the two women in Picture 2. Start like this and continue the Conversation, discussing tertoriim in general: ‘As Lock! Another ferrorirt bombing B: Terrible! What do you think caures this? 3 Create a conversation between the two men discussing the elecion in Senecal in Picture 3. Start ike this and continue the conversation Doyoumindif ask you a question about the elections in Seneg. 1 Tak ou pats Eee contr line pale. 1D Propose stutons to albal probes. 1 Debate the pros and cons ofissues. unr 400 1 Describe 2 gesgrapical cation. 2 War about a porsibe rk UNIT 3 Describe « naturel ting Beautiful World a gulf sn ocesn ‘a mountain range: A IS VOCABULARY + Geographical features ead 2 7 and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Find a bay ssea ‘anational park these features on the map. lake volcano 8 Use the map to answer the questions about Costa Rica, 1 What two countries share a borderwith Casta Rica? 4 What ic Costa Rica’ largest lake? '5 Approximately how faris Puntarenas from San Joss? {6 What boctes of water re on Costs Rica’ two coasts? 2 In what mountain range is Costa Rica's capital located? 3 Whatis Costa Rica’: largest national park? 10 UaTi0 Max Hae youtoltsbeennerelong? Max: Hey, youwould’t happen to ‘Frank: Butbe sure ota t slow on Fark: lite owr eWeek. Unbrtunakty, HOw anhing bout the La Fortuna tho path down tthe Bottom af ‘we've onl gor twa aye bi You?” waterll wouldyou? We planon the fal. tcan get pretty wet and Max. We just ot here yesterday,

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