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Getting to know your group of students

While you watch your tutor’s lesson, focus on the learners and aim to identify your first and
second choice to interview for the FOL – Focus on the Learner Assignment.

At the end of the demo lesson, you will have around 30 mins to introduce yourself and ask
students a few questions to get to know them better. Your tutor will put you into breakout
rooms to interview 2-3 students at a time.

Please ask any of the questions below and complete the table with some notes. Not only will
this information be useful for Assignment 1, but it will also help you choose or design activities
for your lessons ☺

Language mistakes
Name General comments (write exactly what they said /
how they said it)
He is very curious and asks Media plays a huge Role in
questions when he has doubts people’s lives
Correction : Media plays a huge
Speaks fluently, good Role on people’s lives .
pronunciation, doesn’t make many
accuracy/grammar errors, good “When they receive bad words
knowledge and use of vocabulary from other peoples”
Junior Palacio
Caldas “Alter” instead of “alter”
Some pronunciation errors, like “Foundation” with /tʃ/ instead of
overusing the sounds /tʃ/, /t/ and /ʃ/
/r/ sometimes (“rolling” the Rs as
well), good knowledge of
Hilda Aguilar Mallqui vocabulary
She is very confident in her “We don’t know so many about
speaking and she talks fast. face swapping”
“At the end, we are agree”
Good pronunciation, good
knowledge and use of vocabulary,
Maria Fe Paredes some collocations errors
Celia Jimenez
Roberto Vinicio
Paspuel Bastidas
Liz Margot Flores
she is very confident and eager to “Invention” with /tʃ/ instead of /ʃ/

Some pronunciation errors, like

overusing the sounds /tʃ/, /t/ and
KAROL YANET /r/ sometimes (“rolling” the Rs as
ARMACANQUI well) or mixing up /tʃ/ and /ʃ/, but
LAUPA speaks fluently and well
Jesus Isaac Callata
Martha Juana Copa Martha looks like shy but still tries “Money” with /eɪ/ instead of /ɪ/
to collaborate with the other it is “Steal” with /oʊ/ instead of /iː/
necessary “Image” with /eɪ/ instead of /a:/

Some pronunciation errors, like

overusing the sounds, /tʃ/, /t/
and /r/ sometimes (“rolling” the Rs
as well) and using wrong vowel
sounds as well
Gisele Analis Good language proficiency and “Edited by Photoshop”
pronunciation overall, few errors

● Age, nationality, occupation, L1 Gizelle , Argentina , architect
● Have you studied English before? at school
● What did you like/dislike about your previous English lessons? no grammar
● Do you have any experience learning another language? positive
● What are your reasons for studying English? What motivates you to learn English? she
likes it , it is very exciting to communicate with other people
● What do you like doing in class? (e.g. pair activities, reading activities, etc.) speaking
● Which areas of your English do you feel you need to work on? pronunciation
● What do you find easy/difficult to do in class? pronunciation
● Do you read English books/newspapers/magazines in English? Watch movies/TV in
● What topics are you interested in and would like to see in your classes?
Peruvian (from Huaral), Spanish, works as a teacher (English), has studied English (not as good
in school, studied at ICPNA and he really liked it: friendly teachers, lots of exposure, took MET),
hasn’t studied another language, likes to practice and NEEDS to, likes all activities, doesn’t love

Peruvian (teaches English at a primary school), studied at Británico, German, wants to travel,
likes group discussions,

-Maria Fe:
Peruvian, studies and works (Communication and teaches English, French, wants to take the
FCE, she wants to study abroad, group work, Listening skills,

Ecuador, works at a local primary school, studied English for almost two years at the Cambridge
school, wasn’t helpful because she didn’t feel confident, she feels IH is better, French (many
years ago), for work purposes, wants to get the FCE,

Peruvian, works in the Ministry of Education, took some English lessons, learnt independently,
has been to the USA, Portuguese, wants to move to the USA, her husband is from there, wants
to take the international exams.

Argentina, studied English at an institute when she was young, studied at school and university
as well, looks for ways to keep improving, she’s an architect, a little bit of Portuguese, she really
enjoys learning English, she thinks being able to communicate with people from other countries
is important, she likes Speaking activities and discussions, she doesn’t really like Reading and
Writing, she thinks she needs to improve her Vocabulary and Grammar,

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