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Subject Information :

a. Course code and title: Independent Study/Special Problems/Research capability building

b. Credit/Schedule: 3 units: Saturday (Feb to April) (54 hours)
c. Online scheme
II. Professor information:
a. Complete name: CELBERT M. HIMANG, Ph.D.
b. Designation and rank: Associate Dean/ Professor IV (SG 27)
c. Contact information: fb: celbert mirasol himang; cpn: 09177718145 e-mail:

A. Student information
a. Complete name:
b. Course:
c. Institution connected:
d. Rank:
e. Years of experience
f. Brief description of your research experience (from topic selection to publication or

B. Read the CMO 15 s. 2019 or Policy, standard and guidelines of Graduate Education Program.
Provide the following
a. What are the types of graduate programs?
b. Identify the major requirements for each type of master’s program.
c. What is the publication requirement for each type of master’s program?
d. What is the minimum number of faculty for each type of master’s program?
e. What is the required adviser-student ratio for the master’s program?
f. When will be the assignment of adviser in the graduate program?
g. What is section 22 of CMO 15 S 2019? What is the significance of this section for the
subject enrolled?

C. Basic references
a. Copy of the CMO 15 series 2019
b. Copy of the CTU research manual (highlight the research agenda of CTU)
c. Copy of the Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda for 2017 – 2022
(highlight education-related)
D. Research minimum requirements

a. Analysis of at least 25 related research articles from indexed journals will be required. To
facilitate the analysis, you may use the suggested template below to document your
review. You should include at least five (5) review papers of the 25 articles.

Number ____ of 25 “How to…” use either of the following:

(a website used for (a website used for Provide here
the document used) the video)
Reference (APA format)
Research database used to access the
Starting facts mentioned in the
Issues/Challenges mentioned in the
The gap of the study
Theory/ model used in the study
Variables of the study
Hypothesis(es) of the study
Research methods used
Description of the subjects/respondents
Sample size
Sample size determination used
Instrument used
Scoring or treatment of data used Include: What is
Percentage of retrieval
Data cleaning used Include: how to
use excel especially
standard deviation,
missing data,
Statistics used for establishing the validity
Statistics used for establishing the Include: how to
reliability use excel
Descriptive statistics used Include: how to
use excel for this
descriptive stat
Inferential statistics used
Major results (about the relationship of Include: what is
variables) the meaning of p-
The pattern of presenting results
Pattern of discussion
A pattern of conclusion or implication
The pattern of presenting limitation of the

Note: student may add row(s) if there are other relevant information. Professor may also specify videos
of interest for the discussion of the topic.
Schedule of submissions:
First submission (two (2) articles) : Feb 20, 2021 (Presentation and Lecture);
Second submission (three (3) articles): Feb 27, 2021 (Presentation and Lecture);
Third submission (five (5) articles): March 6, 2021 (Presentation and Lecture);
Fourth submission (five (5) articles) 5: March 13, 2021 (Presentation );
Fifth submission (five (5) articles): March 20, 2021 (Presentation ) ;
Sixth submission (five (5) (articles): March 27, 2021) (Presentation );
Last submission (Outline of your research paper up to conclusion adopting patterns learn)
(Presentation )

prepared for Feb to April class

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