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Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101

Preliminary Report of Findings

Description of Job: Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test

Separator. (V-0101)
Client: United Energy Pakistan Limited.
Location of Inspection: Asia Yard Karachi
Revision: 0

Design Data ( Trailer Mounted Test Separator.V-0101)

Sr.No 1779817 Design Temp. 275 Far.

Tag. No V-0101 MDMT 32 Far.

Material (shell) SA-516 Gr.70 Material (Dish) SA-516 Gr.70

Desig.Thickness 84.074 mm Head 76.962 mm

(shell) Min.Thickness

Cor.Allowance. 3.175 mm PWHT Yes

MAWP 1900 PSI Hyadrotest Pres. 2470 PSI

Radiography RT1 Purchaser’s item JE2017UPS-16


Table of Contents

Intent....................................................................................................... 2
Inspection Criteria................................................................................... 2
V-0-101 (Trailer Mounted Test Separator) ................................................ 2
Report of Findings with Pictorial Evidence & Recommendations: ............ 3
Conclusion: ............................................................................................ 10

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 1|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101


Intent of this preliminary report is to present in proper and befitting manner the major
and salient findings in result of Inspection and Integrity assessment with subsequent
NDT conducted by M/S Inspectest on trailer mounted test Separator at Asia yard
Findings and results provided here are initial and offhand as accrued from visual
inspection and UTG Measurements, detailed and thorough inspection reports listing all
the details, sketch, findings, recommendations and conclusions will be shared

Inspection Criteria

 API 510 – In-service Inspection Code for Vessels.

 API 572 – Recommended Practice for Inspection of pressure vessels.
 ASME Section V – ASME Code for Non-Destructive Testing
 API 571 – Damage Mechanisms affecting fixed equipment
 API 576 – Pressure Relieving Devices
 ASME SEC VIII – Construction code for Pressure Vessels

V-0-101 (Trailer Mounted Test Separator)

Visual Inspection:
Test Separator was visually inspected for susceptibility of any damage pertaining to cut,
dent, gouge, crack, corrosion general or localized, pits, paint, coatings and appropriation
of support/saddle and platform. Inspection was also done to asses for any damage
affecting vessel shell and head appurtenances i.e. nozzles, threaded connections, name
plates, lifting lugs and reinforcement pads telltale holes. Internal coating on shell & dish
end was found severely damaged it is recommended that damage coating should be
properly removed, sand blasting application required on shell & dish end after removal
of damage coating, After Sand Blasting detail internal visual inspection & MPT/DPT can
be performed for assessment of welding seams.

Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement:

Ultrasonic thickness measurement was carried out on shell, dish end, and Nozzles. No
major deviation is observed in UTG measurement. Following are the details of minimum
measured thicknesses:

Minimum Thickness Measured on Shell : 85.62 mm

Minimum Thickness Measured on Shell : 85.58 mm
Minimum thickness Measured on Shell : 86.20 mm

Detail can be found in Annexure-A.

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 2|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101

Report of Findings with Pictorial Evidence & Recommendations:

1 General View of Trailer

Mounted Test Separator (V-

Recommendation: Nil

2 Longitudinal Seams
contained in vessel shell
were found in satisfactory

Recommendation: Nil

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 3|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101
3 Lifting Lug welding seams
were found in satisfactory

Recommendation: Nil

4 Paint failure was observed

on davit arm of M.W.

Reapplication of paint
required after proper

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 4|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101
5 1-Process Deposits were
found inside associated
piping flange connection.
2- General Corrosion was
observed on flange face.


Process deposits should be

properly cleaned from
associated piping

6 Coating damage was found

throughout on interior
surfaces of shell & dish


Damage Coating should be

reapplied as per approved
procedure of UEPL after
sand blasting on shell and
dish end interior.

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 5|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101
7 Another view of Coating


Damage Coating should be

reapplied as per approved
procedure of UEPL after
sand blasting on shell and
dish end interior.

8 Nozzle coating was found

cracked from interior.


Reapplication of coating
required as per approve
procedure of UEPL, after
sand blasting application.

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 6|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101
9 Reference picture of UTG
Measurement on shell.

Recommendation: Nil

10 Circumferential &
Longitudinal seams
contained in vessel shell
were found in satisfactory

Recommendation: Nil

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 7|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101
11 Reference picture of UTG
Measurement on Shell.

Recommendation: Nil

12 Reference Picture of UTG

measurement on Shell.

Recommendation: Nil

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 8|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101
13 Severe Coating Damage was
observed on interior surface
of Top Man-Way.


Reapplication of coating
required as per approve
procedure of UEPL, after
sand blasting application.

14 Coating damage was found

shell & dish end like loose
flakes of scale/rust.

Reapplication of coating
required as per approve
procedure of UEPL, after
sand blasting application.

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 9|P a g e
Preliminary Report of Trailer Mounted Test Separator V-0101


During External visual inspection of subject equipment, no evidence of bulging cracking,

and out-roundness on vessel shell & dish end, overall condition of Test separator is
found satisfactory. Internal coating on shell & dish end was found severely damaged, it
is recommended that damage coating should be properly removed and sand blasting
application required after coating removal, Detail internal visual inspection & MPT/DPT
for assessment of welding seams should be conducted before the application of
paint/coating. During UTG survey of subject vessel no major deviation observed in
thickness reading on shell & Dish end.

Subhan Ali
Certified API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector
Inspectest Private Limited

This report is strictly of preliminary nature and cannot be considered final and is subject to amendment. Sole purpose of this report is to present salient findings so as
to make the future planning more prudent for safer and reliable operations. Any unsanctioned alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of
document is unlawful and delinquents may be prosecuted to the completest extent of law. Date: 24-02-2021
Inspectest (Pvt.) Limited 18 km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan
T: + 92 42 3540 2053 -58 UAN: III-INSPEC I F: + 92 42 3540 2050 E: 10 | P a g e
Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement In-service Inspection Report (Annexure-A)

Client UEP Report No. 2021-001

Dia Measured Thickness in (mm)
Sr No. TML No. Location Location Asia Yard Date of Inspection 24-Feb-21
0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° Minimum Average Area Karachi Page No. 1 OF 1
Dish End A Equipment Name V-0101 Procedure No. NDE-102
01 01 Dish End A - 86.59 86.24 86.39 86.24 86.15 86.59 86.15 86.37 Test Equipment DMS-GO+ Technique Pulse Echo
02 02 Dish End A - 83.28 83.86 83.84 83.49 83.76 83.86 83.28 83.68 Transducer Dialog Reference Code ASME Sec-V
03 03 Dish End A - 82.70 82.92 82.61 82.98 82.98 82.51 82.51 82.78 Design Data
Dish End B Design Pressure 1900 PSI W.L Capacity -
04 01 Dish End B - 86.73 86.26 85.33 86.27 86.31 86.88 85.33 86.30 Years in Service 3.2 Serial # 1779817
05 02 Dish End B - 83.66 83.01 84.84 85.27 83.42 83.84 83.01 84.01 I.D - Construction Specs ASME SEC VIII
06 03 Dish End B - 83.01 83.11 83.79 82.87 82.89 83.36 82.87 83.17 Original Thickness 84.074 mm Design Temprature 275 Far.
Shell 1 Conceptual Sketch / Digital Picture(s)
07 01 Shell - 85.89 86.67 86.96 86.60 86.39 86.84 85.89 86.56
08 02 Shell - 86.72 86.46 86.93 86.70 86.72 86.87 86.46 86.73
09 03 Shell - 86.73 86.77 86.81 86.74 86.70 86.87 86.70 86.77
10 04 Shell - 86.32 86.76 86.46 86.71 86.47 86.83 86.32 86.59
Shell 2
11 05 Shell - 85.96 86.78 86.52 86.14 85.96 86.22 85.96 86.26
12 06 Shell - 86.01 86.13 86.37 85.79 85.90 86.16 85.79 86.06
13 07 Shell - 86.68 86.69 86.37 85.57 85.98 86.23 85.57 86.25
14 08 Shell - 86.15 86.77 86.34 85.42 85.99 86.20 85.42 86.15
Shell 3
15 05 Shell - 85.99 86.82 86.44 86.57 86.80 86.86 85.99 86.58
16 06 Shell - 86.47 86.64 86.51 85.80 86.45 86.73 85.80 86.43
17 07 Shell - 86.64 86.55 86.44 86.35 86.49 86.59 86.35 86.51
18 08 Shell - 86.76 86.69 86.46 86.36 86.33 86.00 86.00 86.43
- 0° 90° 180° 270°
19 M-1 Top 138.20 138.00 138.30 138.30 138.00 138.20
20 - 137.80 137.80 137.61 137.80 - - 137.61 137.75
21 N-1A - 72.60 72.48 72.46 72.41 - - 72.41 72.49
22 N-1B - 72.69 72.61 72.63 72.71 - - 72.61 72.66
23 N-2 - 26.58 26.62 26.70 26.77 - - 26.58 26.67
24 N-3 - 26.04 26.12 26.27 26.12 - - 26.04 26.14
25 N-4 - 26.82 26.54 26.60 26.11 - - 26.11 26.52
26 N-5 - 45.55 45.63 45.74 45.60 - - 45.55 45.63
27 N-6 - 42.81 42.84 42.79 42.88 - - 42.79 42.83
28 N-7 - 72.31 72.25 72.36 72.29 - - 72.25 72.30
INSPECTEST (Private) Limited
29 N-8 - 26.51 26.55 26.40 26.62 - - 26.40 26.52
30 N-9A - 8.30 8.08 8.84 8.58 - - 8.08 8.45
31 N-9B 8.86 8.89 8.92 8.60 8.60 8.82
32 N-10 8.60 8.48 8.10 8.24 8.10 8.36
33 N-11 26.50 26.74 26.54 26.66 26.50 26.61
34 N-12 40.14 40.17 40.31 40.26 40.14 40.22
35 N-13 26.70 26.81 26.02 26.18 26.02 26.43
36 N-14 - 45.83 45.82 45.96 46.04 - - 45.82 45.91 Signature:
Ayaz Iqbal
February 24, 2021
Issue 04, October 2007 Form : NDE/008
Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement In-service Inspection Report (Annexure-A)

Client UEP Report No. 2021-001

Dia Measured Thickness in (mm)
Sr No. TML No. Location Location Asia Yard Date of Inspection 24-Feb-21
0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° Minimum Average Area Karachi Page No. 1 OF 1
shell-1 Equipment Name V-0101 Procedure No. NDE-102
01 01 shell - - - 86.81 86.65 86.57 - 86.57 86.68 Test Equipment DMS-GO+ Technique Pulse Echo
02 02 shell - - - 86.99 86.98 86.90 - 86.90 86.96 Transducer Dialog Reference Code ASME Sec-V
03 03 shell - - - 86.65 86.81 87.44 - 86.65 86.97 Design Data
shell-2 Design Pressure 1900 PSI W.L Capacity -
01 01 shell - - - 86.28 85.95 85.67 - 85.67 85.97 Years in Service 3.2 Serial # 1779817
02 02 shell - - - 86.07 85.88 86.04 - 85.88 86.00 I.D - Construction Specs ASME SEC VIII
03 03 shell - - - 85.94 85.58 85.87 - 85.58 85.80 Original Thickness 84.074 mm Design Temprature 275 Far.
shell-3 Conceptual Sketch / Digital Picture(s)
01 01 Shell - - - 86.58 86.37 87.31 - 86.37 86.75
02 02 Shell - - - 86.29 86.40 86.93 - 86.29 86.54
03 03 Shell - - - 86.20 86.29 86.63 - 86.20 86.37

INSPECTEST (Private) Limited

Ayaz Iqbal
February 24, 2021
Issue 04, October 2007 Form : NDE/008

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