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OXFORD e student's Book BT Sa) 5 re oy Present ple sd present elec paste ard past perfect ond paste p11 ‘ces p12 Theatre a alg f 2 peer rangement 5 pe central p33 so. tha p34 Refioive pronouns 937 Everyday English Everyday English Everyday English cenvonants? p25 Everydey English: Gung warnings and rere rs Ea Reading and listening Reading: Develop your wing: Reading Problems onthe Fredo tp 2) tere Changing an appomment p25, LUstening ‘Making generations p31 Reading ecru wat yous fo 938 Ustening and speckng: Speaking hat woul woud you do? p23 Develop your writing ‘cure Popmsica6 ‘areas the cad Histor: Te Sik oad ‘Write your project Mase pro Song Tevble 9 cute: Education nthe USA Pere he coc: Belogy: sce p29 ‘wre your project Feton your ‘county 31 song: Suntine ory ayt cate: Regons of frond pao ‘Acros theca: ‘oor late teconce pa write your project Theregen: of your county. song: Panning ta sk pts Sli glee reat ETRE esion fons {Tada pt os ier CGrunds 47 Fatale 3p Sepwrtle 398 Crme p50 sale Seeder Engle phrasal vers ws eso os Making equets pio Comecive sess 1 p47 Conecve sess 2 p48 EET te sss 057 |MGSaF Pod eda vets Tal p60 ed the pase p59 everyday English: Prepositions Bing eke pt pel Pronunciation: Penne Past parce erings re 27 eee Seance tec with the poner Word ss. p61 EOROESESE coon) evenydey Engh: ~ say/tp7!—Foltequestions p73 Sno no: a ers - ‘uestonep73 ‘Wording T p69 pretee ‘Word inking 2571 CEERI votes Reading: Job aes 986 Murder athe tea 50 Lstening and speaking: Dien kind of bet? Speaking: Find someone who. pS Develo your wing: ‘orn eter p35. Reading: Una hoes p58 ‘The sale he entry 52 Speaking ‘tan oumey p61 Listening: unteetig 957 ‘place tsa p59 ‘tan journey p60 Writing and speaking: “our hate psa Develop your wsitng: False uses 57 asding ‘Abus ide into he history books p70 esmeoadhlet 97 Speaking: ‘Shing abestons polly p73 stoning: Protstprt ‘king for information p72 Develop your writing Scene tes p79 Preys ctor Project ature: Teenage and money ps2 ‘Aeros the cum: Seal stabs 10353, Weta your project: Teenage fen ur county 655 Song: oul be god? 85 The Engl angge pee (lord and came pe ‘ros the curios: Faltes goverment 977 ‘write your proget ‘Aforcus ede p79 song: ire te word ve ‘cesta? 979, La Look at the picture. What do you think is happening? bb BB uisten. choose the correct answers. 1 Wha ae the people’ Carlos Paul” Tamas Maia Bob Holly 2 Whereis the vitor fom? Hungary the USA. the Czch Republic 2 @BBuisten again and answer the questions. 1 How longs the vstor going ta bein England? 2 Where's he staying? 3 Where does the vitor ie? 44 How lang bas he been in England? 5 Did he hve 2 good journey? 6 How dis he travel? Everyday English Asking for clarificati 3a What does Tamés say when he doesn't ‘understand? Compete the expressions. 2 What whereabouts — 3 How dovyou ‘that word? 4 tm Vane 5 Canyou that please? b BBuiston again and check Introduction 4. 2 when someone doesn’t understand, you can ‘ty to xay things in a diferent way. Match the ‘questions with similar meanings. 2 - » ] ay England before? i i ow tong are you going fo say? What do you nink of England? (5s your fs sk tw England? ED i ‘ ‘Bid you have a good ‘eurey? 7 ° Whoresbouts oe a "you from? Cree 1b Work with a partner. student A ask ‘questions Student &, choose some ideas rom $55 below. Make dialogues. Use the expressions in exercises 3a and da This is your second thi vist to England ‘You traveled by train plane Yeu've been here a week stone doy ‘eure going to say for one week a month, You'te Staying ina hotel ith a fen. You think Englands great col Change roles and make new dialogues using the other cues from exercise a, | ME ys eh pat eee Ages Comprehension 5 Look at the pictures. What are the boys doing? bb HED Read and listen tothe txts. Answer the questions. 1 What does Bob’ class normally do ati time? 2 What s happening today? 3 Why does he have tobe caefl in the set? \What does he normally have for breakfast? 1s Tesday aftemoon MeSimons usualy toches tus Geography at is time, bute sn teaching the lesion today Tamas ging a talk o ou das instead Tamas nes in Hurgay, in Oxford fr 3 coun vec. My fen think Tams is teat. Tey want to know about his county and about time hee a Tas phot, Bek and ae wating forbs At home shod ori the ty Cente, bu there sent And people dive on helt hee solve ibe ery cael vine eos the street We drive on the right in Fung In this photo Fm siting in Bob kitchen. ts Sunday morning and we'rehaving a vadona English breakfast of bacon and eggs ith fed mustoors and tomatoes. Bob ay that he only has ‘big, cooked breakfast on Sundays, butt never have oe in Hungary. At home Lalas eat salami or cheese ‘uth gren peppes fr breakfast | ie bacon and e99 Out prefer my seal breakfast Grammar Present simple and present continuous 6 © complete the sentences from the tins tie, bat he today b what are the two tenses? Find examples ofthese verbs in the texts, What tense are they in? lke want prefer think have to 7 Complete what Tamés says. Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct oy) my me with Bobs fami nis photo we the chen. We wat) TVand wwe (eat sh and chigs. Bob and his ail alvays © (have) fh anc hips on Fidoyevering Bob usa ge} tthe fish an chip shop 10 get ther ik} fh anid cis 1S (preted them to burgers. he + rot nave) hand chip sors in ry country Theres sathng eb tats ‘ferent in my court, You cant see ts in 1 think) hats svange. nme county people ahvys ® (ake) ter shoes when they (gio ‘ase or ft, but hee most people dt. £ What do you like? Vocabulary ‘Sport: places and equipment 11a Match the sports tothe places. * (eotvatl hockey cunby 2 ° a pool : . boxing wrestling a pith: © (athetics motor racing * "sere ) Sie 8 Ce hockey skating 1b Check your ideas in a dietionary. {© Which sports use this equipment? 2 anet 4 cbs 5 abat 6 astek 7 ashutlecock 8 puck 4 Work with a partner Student A, describe '2 place or piece of equipment thats used for {8 Sport. You mustn't mention the sport tel. ‘Student B ry to guess what its [A Itisn't very big. There are white ines round it ‘and ies gota net in the middle 2 tsa tennis cour. 1A No, its indoors and the nets quite high 8 is ita badminton court? A Yes Its 2 What sports do you play or watch? Do you njoy them? What other things do you doin your fre time? 3-2 BBB Read and listen to what these people ‘ay about sport. Complete the texts. 'b Which opinion do you agree with most? lots and tying them on dont mind spor ke playing ‘oth my mates, but fm not ‘ery good a prefer watching ron "W Menow isn’ realy 2 sport but ealy ke playing = Everyday English Likes and dislikes 4. a Find allthe expressions inte speech bubbles ‘compressing kes an dss Put hem in 8 hart te thi Tove playing tennis @ 1b Choose two expressions from each part of the chart. Write sentences about yourselt “ove chatting on the Internet. Speaking 5. How do you feel about these activities? Ask and “answer with a partner Use the expressions in ‘xerdse 4. + Do you lke shopping? Yes Tove its fun. | No, Iean‘tstand it Fad SS, = 2 computer games eer = 4 muse 5 books 6 animals 7 watersports 18 roler coasters 6 a Think of some more questions that you an 3 about your partners kes and ses Why do don’ you ke? How often do you? What are your favourite? 'b Ask your partner about the activities in ‘exercise 5 again. This time ask the follow-up ‘Questions from exercise 63. + Doyou tke water sports? * Yes Ilove them. Theyre great * What is your favourite watersport? © ike windsurfing. + How often do you go windsurfing? © usually o every Sunday afternoon inthe + Do you go windsurfing in the winter, too? © No, Fdon'. It too col + Where? «Join with another pal. Tell the other pair bout your partner. ‘Sam loves watersports. His favourite water sport is windsurfing, He goes windsurfing every Sunday afternoon in summer. He Pronunciation Comprehension Tray 1 embed an tsten tothe tory. Why is eth in truble? chin dog ined Tidy evening Bas paar are og wy ford ning Weekend Theyre gong toa wedsng Beha rte l he isn eho ft party Bu She al er pe a=— ‘They wen aba on ads party ty 4 a ae That erty greet ny parent have let me inthe house, the 1380s, A on my own fra weekend Gar’ stopped Fen tat your ‘cute pare ar? cme ba ase, el whe we were They've come back. Quick se wen presant. ow mad aly tae ceeyone no Tound and came bac. ag 3 itst a problem for chien « 4 The poblemis worse for American students clock ‘Why do you wake up inthe moming and goto steep at igh? The anaweristhat we all have a body cock. Your brain prodces hormones, ike melatonin and adrenaline which contol the way your body works. The body cack onvls the production ofthese hormones, 0 that your body produces more at some mes ofthe day andless at ther times. As result, you wake up and fel sleepy at ‘en light hits your eyelids inthe moring, your brain switches ofthe sleep hormone, melatonin, your ‘temperature ies and you wake up. nthe evening, when its dark, yourbrain tarts to produce melatonin again, end yourbody gets ready to got sleep you dont get enough sleep, you wl fea tired the next. ay Accordingto recent survey, mostteenagers say that they dont get enough slep. They need about ine hous, bbetthey normaly nly getabout seven hours. However, teenagers say that they goto bed at about 100 10.30in ‘the eveningand they get up a? or? 30. That nine hous, saw dantthey gt enough slep? The problems thatthe body clock does stay the same ailtrough youre, When yore ach, your Boa clock wakes you up naturally at about? alec, butwhen you become 2 teenager, your body clock changes, The natural time fora teenagerto wake ups 9 lockin the maming because they start school eter. because they wake up natural 2t 7am. because thelr body stops predcing melatonin, because they don‘ get enough see. nthe natural ime to goto sleep is midnight When you became an adit the body clock wil go backto the aly time again Scientists dontrealy understand why tis happens, butt oes Dennis, 14, one ofthe teagersin the surveys g> ‘tobod st 10.15 every ght. but! dont getnine hous sleep says Dennis. know that won go to seepit [switch the igh of straightaway So, normally read and isten to musi or the rad til about mieight. Myparents don understand. When m awake nthe evening, they 34, "Ge tobed"Then a7 30 inthe ‘morning when im asleep, they say "Setup bootherteenagerinthe survey, Arita, says: bad forme in Eglan {startschool 9 icock, but its worse formy fiend, Suzie inthe USA She tarts school at 7 iclock 3 a answer the questions hats maton? 3 Neha dacs maton do? 5 aa ec does ght hove on melatonin? 4 Now uc seen 9 terages eed? $ ow tach do they normaly ge? é ; \what happens toa teenager’ ody clock? \why dosen't Dennis get enough seep? 8 Wy Susie's stuation worse than Anta? bb Work in a group. Do you agree with the survey? Discuss your ideas. Pe A Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, 1 You {feed beter inthe moring i you (a) 10 bed now. 2 Ifyou (top drinking coffe, you eee batter 2 ifyou (21 up late tomorow, you (Patsleep wel torarrow right. 4 Sou trot have) enough enery ater ifyou (not ea breaks. 5 if jou want to play tenis, (ook) a court Listening and speaking 5 2 What time(s) of day do you usually feel: tied? hungy7? stressed? alert? worried? 1b Go round the class and ask questions. Compare ather students’ answers to your own. ‘Mest people fe! tred early in the morning ‘and so do but dont 6 @ Look at the pictures. Whats happening in ach one? 32 BE « Answer the question. 1 What are the high and low pains fr: = energy levels? tes levels? 2 What are the to best times for stung? 3 Why do people wor inthe evening? 4 How does your temperature change during the ay? Draw’a graph <4 EB sten again and check your ideas. Voiced and unvoiced consonants1 Put your fingers (= fon your throat and AL. say these sounds. 1 fl, Pb Ml, 2 ip 0, M19 Voiced consonants vibrate in your ‘throat. Unvoiced consonants don’t Label the lists Volced and unvoiced. Listen. Say ‘give’ for voiced words Say ‘take’ for unvoiced words. LUsten again and repeat. Changing an appointment Vocabulary Listen! Time 2 2 Look at the picture and the dialogue. What is | happening? 1 2 copy and complete the spidergram. 1b Put the dialogue inthe correct order. Tuesday January spring A 2 Yes. Thankyou, Goodbye Tk Letme see Can you ome at hal past 0 on Thursday? OK, Sowell se you at 3.45 on Moncay 2 Febru, — © Helo. My name's Bod King ve got an ‘appointment at four o'clock on Tes, but Fata cant make it nae paying in football match afterschool 1 No, rm sory, bu thats no good for me. We on fish schoo! tl ten pas thee. — 8 Goosbye Ta vests Lh Hel, Dena surge. 11568, Would youtte to make another ‘the morning Christmas appointment? festivals Day 4: Next Menday? Yes, that willbe fine. Oh, of course. Wel just a minute, What ‘about quater to four next Monday then? #8 Bitfora checkup? 2 Yes, pease aster © QED usten and check. 'b Write in on and at inthe spaces 1-6 in the Sane «Work with a partner. Pract spidergram, the dalegue. ‘¢ Extend the spidergram as much as you can. 3 Why can’t Bob make the appointments on Tuesday and Thursday? x) | Everyday English ‘Talking about arrangements 4, complete the expressions suggesting Can you nat Refusing tm 208d Thursdays o_o me. Fm sony but make Wat 2.30 Thinking etme. on Thusday? "3.45 next Monday? ‘minute accepting Yes, that wl be. plete this sentence from the dlalogue. iat tense does Bob use to talk about a future rangement? mata | cant make tow |_____ina i match afte schoo 5 a (iD uisten to the dialogues: Match the Dames to te places. Daa Arthur Ola ba ae 'b EB Listen again. Copy and complete the chart RIES 1 Original tine 2 Reason for changing 2 New time: fst suogeston 4 Reason for fusing 5 New tine: Second suggestion Listen tothe dalogues again. You wil conly hear the person who answers the phone Use ‘the information in your chart to take the rleof Delia, Arthur and Oliva Speaking 6 Work with a partner. Make dialogues to change: 1 an appointment tthe doctors 2 an arangement to go swimming witha rend 3. the tne for an interven fora Saturday ob 4 an arangement to play tenis witha fend Pronunciation 7 GED some words sound similar. the “ference between them howe 3 the ‘ansonentisten and repeat these pais to fen 2 bi ae 3 gave cave de Spending time Extensive reading ‘1 Read the poem / don’t know what to do today. How does the writer fee? happy ected ‘word bored 2 a Complete the poem with these verbs. feat scratch chink climb ask stay cook play do. tide brush read b OBB uisten and check your ides. 3. Match the pictures to the lines of the poem. ae nem 4 match the words to their meanings. 1 blue a awake 2 indoors it with the palm of your hand 3 alte unhappy 4 3i9 4 inside a house 5 peter) © alvaly dance 6 sap stoke 5 & Workin a group. Think of five other hinge thatthe witer could do. » biscas hese questions. 1 when doyou fe these ya the te? 2 What do you do when ou el tht wor 6 work witha pres Red te pom toes other I don’t know what to do today I dontt know what to do today Perhaps Il go outside and play, | or ‘indoors and watch TV, | or take a bath, or? ate, ‘5 Ormaybe Il go? my bike, or pick my nose, or take a hike, for jump a rope, or my head, or? ‘a game, or tay in bed, ‘or dance a jig, or pet the cat, wort some milk, or buy a hat, for sing a song, oF” book, ‘or change my socks, or learn 10% or diga hole, ot a pear, or call my fsiends, or "ny hai, 15 orhold my breath, or have a race, or stand around and slap my face 1'm so confused, and bored, and blue, to not know what Lought to 1 gues that I should just you. 1 So, what do you think I should do? Kenn Nesbit ead an tan oth pon Geography Te inant untone $ My dee te enanbe a wae 'B What was the lesson thatthe wrlter learned? Choose one. 1 Schools don’t teach you anything about there wore 2 You should learn how 1 read map, 3 You should follow your cream, 4 People wl forget you when you de Find words or expressions that mean the same ts the following. realy wanted Ini imasinaton ice-smaling cimbing
    6 Rdcacive haa Do not ent: Authored personnel on 2 would goin 7. Warring. Song curens, No swimming. there |were you, ey 8 Doma kano ot the window 3 Couto! Fors spre when ve 3 don thinkitsa % “my t ‘the road here. coe” OG = easton seman 6 ont thnk ts 3 bps ure were you. 2 You could burn yousel lective from these nouns. © You might cat youre a eaten € You ould get ten ‘Adjective [Noun | Adjective 4 You might get elecrocted rr . f You might et stung dangerous [tuck _| fucky You might get sunburnt tk «You might get hit bythe bl heath | Fr You could gt run ove. — t 'b EB tsten and check caution anger infection ‘anf | £8 agin Do he pope take the vie? Cee Everyday English Giving warnings and advice 5» complete the expression. 1 Look. : 2 art. 31 do that you 4 Ya a that, 5 I don thinks a good to dothat 6 its 7 You coud biter. 8 Youright cut 'b What form of the verb do we use after get? ‘© What verb can we use instead of might? Speaking 6 took atthe picture, What dangers are there? The woman who’ talking on the mobile might ‘burn herself on the kettle. 7 Work with a partner. One of you is a personin ‘the picture in exercise 6, Follow this pattern (A Gwea ee (B ask way? (ve areason — (8 Respond ‘& Faputa Fshirt on if} were you. 8 Why? es hot today. A Yes, but you might get sunburnt. B Maybe youre right. Word stress 3 Copy the chart. Put the words inthe ‘correct column to show where the stress. survivor eleccty lifeut medical ‘attention emergency infection cigarette potonous “hospal situation temperate Immediately -elecrocutehuricane rst syllable | Second | Third syflable | syllable aif [survivor | electricity Listen, check and repeat. Extensive reading 11. 2 Mead and tisten to the story. Which things does Frank wish for? He wishes that 1 he could de a hose, 2 seas Saturday morning again 3 ieparent would go aay 4 he and his fends had a fas cat 5 hehad something to eat 6 woud tp ri b What happens after each wish. 2 a Look at the pictures. Who are the people? What is happening in ech picture? 'b Put the pictures inthe correct order. Complete the sentences. 1 No, don't think that’s @ good 2 Your clothes are all the foo. 3 Areyousure thats you want? 4 eat a hove 5. Of, heb a 00d 6 Yer, dontbe 2 — 7 How di ge int tis? 8 Wel. ae you to get on or aren't you? 9 Wevehada about the party 10 Que 1b Who says each sentence? Why? 4. Tell the story. Use the pictures. Be careful what you wish for Wel defintely want my fst wish; sai rank and heg °. He couldn’ blive it bus wae ree First he he thought wih had something to eat I could eat « hore nafs, here wae args, lack horse standngin fpren dea with you tomorow he sd ees ses Really cool sd Frank, He wae dancing with Sam's coin, Molly Suddenly Sam grabbed hs arm. birthday presen’ that a goodie?” said Frank. Yur brother's had lt Oh, hela god driver Don't worry! sid Maly, ‘Com on: The yes squealed andthe car shot int theroad Through he town they went, ery fast, sn the car almost turned corer on the corners, Frank fl lc. Noi great fun!” sui ely. “es, dn'tbe a wir sd Sam No. t want to get out! shouted Frank Stop the cr? rid. Why did et on that stpid magic bus? {wih it wel ae you going to geton or arent you?” His parents were siting the Kitchen table Mand Mis Sith Inked at etch ote m ging to sty my beinvetheirears. Frank tured ogo wpsta. Oh, Frank said his father. "We've hed talk abou the party and we tink willbe al rght. ot ois OK sid Frank don’ want to gor He went upto broom, That was relly wee be thought. "Wasa dream? Hub, magic bus! Crazy Aad he laughed. Maybe will goto the pary afterall father “Quick” she shouted. ‘Quik! Lok "here's abig back hore in ourback garden! ° Culture 1 2 Complete the texts with these words. cotton. dry vilages ty cars holidays expensive indusvies vegetables coal football population coast banks” climate bb MB uisten and check. 2 Find these places in the texts ~ tno indus areas = two agricultural areas = the most crowded pat of England = popular holiday area = Sten fat part of England Regions of England The Nocth ‘he Indus Revlon ofthe 18h and 19a ceturis begin nthe north of Egan, base thee wa la of cote, Manchester bce the cee ofthe indy Newean ws ig shpbng a, Shelia wis nous orate. at of hese Beary ones cies are bi commetcl and cla cents. heya he meal he mos es Engi es, Ike Macher United on Liverpool The Midlands “he Midlands ithe cent of be engnerngndstry ‘Thereare lt of tei ee — machines and lets eter hngs are made ee. There wed tobea loot mies, 1, but alos ale hem hve coed down now The min cy Brminghn the second ages inthe UK and npr 3 8 trde and conference cent Seer motorway go gh around thee. One othe unos s 30 complised ‘hace Spaghet uncon, East Anglia The eaten pat of Engng ian psa re. The lind ixvey ar ont has sey chia which Sse for whet, drut Alot oftrkys arched ee, oo, TWo af glands mos fous pater, “Thoms Gasborough (1727-178) and John Comat Ee cite fom Ene Anglia Coosble mad he 3 a Match these things to the correct places. football motorways The City Constable suring 'b What do the texts say about them? 4. what different regions are there in your y ‘country? What is each area known for? fax Eastman county amous through hs ining eas Et Ang ery low et of hel ‘eflooded ea level rie aa of gal waming The South-east “The South-eat of England i meting cle’ The Home Countess ne of mest crowded places in Ene ‘One ofngands ves bee, the on pa of England oie Ao fhe people ‘whose the Sut rel Landon vey ‘won the eee eter isc, the Cay of Londen people often seal The (iy) sone f the gest ancl centes nthe wo The South-west ‘There ae aot fans in th pa of Eghnd tsk a ‘ery populirplice fo The "__i6 senenly war and sun Thee re ena ike dhe Cots, moor lke Dareoor, ld owns nd A Nd arch coast with sandy beaches Newguayin Comal ies popular place or sing Pr Tee aT) Geography: plate tectonics 1 Look atthe title, What do you know about this topic? 2. GBB Read and listen to the tent. Are the statements true or false or doesnt it 39? 1 South America and Africa used tobe pat of the same continent. 2 There were thre continents 210 milion years 290. 3 The Earths cust ve hlometes thick 4 Magma very hat 5 The pate mave fe centmetis a year 6 nc was pan of Gondwana. a The Ais were crested 20 mulon years ago, Only the Afrcan plates mening now 3. a EE icten. You will ear more about plate ‘tectonics. Which ofthe topics does the speaker talk about? global warming eon Ear other plane's how als formed bb EMD ston again, Match the places 1-8 tote items a- 1 The Pacficand North topical forests Amevcan plates B the Ring of Fre 2 The Pactie © animals 3 Antarctica 1 the San Francisca 4 australia earthquake youlk ata nap ofthe worl out se oceans and cannens The shapes and postans lok permanent but ‘hay arent Lok lsely atthe 25 coast of auth meio andthe west nat of Aiea Thy have ery similar shape, Tis isbecase at onetime they were part ofthe sme ‘antinentyouhad time machine and you went bck 180 mon ers, you woul fd todas omnes you wuld find tt large etna Laurea nthe north ‘Gondwana inte sah, 30 millon yess efor that yo ‘aul fi ony ane continent — Pangaea. ‘The continents ae part ofthe Earths cust This isathin harayer frock 5-50 mews thik const of sherallarge pte. Thesepntes oat nthe tt sft ‘magmnabelowk. Theat inthe magma rakes the plates move. Thay nove ery lowly — ely ew centinetes 2 ya bt oer mon of ars hey can travel haus of lates Peters atic, has proce he ath tht we seetodoy When theladan pate eke away om Gondwana, "Rmovednarthandsunderthe urs plats. Thi pushed upthe mauris he Hinata. The Aen pate crested ‘helps wheneathsina the urges pt ‘he corinne naving fee pling itt parts. The Mederrenean wl rotably disappear asthe ‘orthn part oi ins Europe. you tne machine tak youto the ature you would se avery erent wr =a [- Revision Grammar 11 a How would you spend an deal day? What ‘would you do? What wouldn't you do? EMD ster, ow would Petr and Sonia spend I day? Complete the chart. —— 1 oct 2 spend he day wath 3 eat do during the da 5 onthe evening 6 goto bed ‘© Work with a partner. Use the char to make ‘questions. ASk your partner about thei ideal day. When would you get up? 2 what would you do in these situations? What ‘wouldn't you do? 1 became famous, rd 1 became famous, | wouldnt. 1 become fous 2 my favouite spon tars my schook 3 find someone’ mobilephone 4 my fend /win alotof money 5 hear anos in the mile of the night 6 bum myset 3 complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun. 1 Jon has cut fon some glass 2 Becarefl chides. Youll burn 3 Ow! ve sratched 44 Were looking at. Tn these photographs. 5 Switch the electric of, Mary. Youl eletocute 6 That dog’ looking at in the mio 7 Jane dnt hur when se ello her bike. 4. Delete the where necessary. Hi We'e on the holiday inte south of he Spin. Our hotels ery good and “the wether is ice. Yesterday we hed te breakfast ey late 4d then we went nt he town ante the ‘aternaan we went tothe beach. We hada {game of the voleybal That was "te fur Ate the game we swam in "the sea fora while. ‘Than we went back ta "the hotel ar "thedine Everyday English 5 2 Complete the dialogues with expressions {rom the box. You can use some expressons more than onc. 1 & fd usea cloth to pck up those plates fl were you Why? They're very hot | suppose you're right don thik it ood fea to have our picrc hee We shouldn't lyfe here woul’ eos the rad here were you Newshour un rao the sirimingpol wouldn't touch that dog ere you F You should ust the \ suppose you're right. Yuta Dorit fuss, Well be allright, Yes, then. You shouldn't go near a There's some broken strange dog, as over thers. Don't worry. You might get run ower Why not? Why? We might gt slung, ‘You could fall and hurt yourself. Yo te oro You ih pn Thun sippry, Threat eat Til irae tj wey Th a res ey, b Work with a partner. Practise your dialogues Cee Cd 19 Develop your writing Song Articles 1. HD Read and listen to the song. Put the parts Inthe correct order. You wll hear some parts 1 & Look at these rules for using the definite ors none article, the 7 2 Find all the pars of words that shyme. We usualy use the Running the risk ‘when theres any ne of he item, 9 the arth, the equator ‘uth Superlative adjectives, eg, one ofthe aL] tcouldn't see the danger, Ie was usta litle aste of temptation. } |_| pier ei ranean ages wie tea amcatny dene ee eh ee ea aie Bs ence reeks Serta wien Sueno en | aera ae ees C1 fate dessa eas erp, ‘horse out into the back garden. ve got one simple need. as 1 bo youu define arden your Neeeereneee Tague Un ayo teat Unt ne, ooh gone | could nat read the silence 2. Delete one or both of the articles. pcre ticle 1 A/The south sone ofa the most crowded ee ba Sorcerers ‘ve thre workin athe London. |_| And theres nothing more ican do. 2 There ured tobe athe factory anda / the "keep running the risk of losing you. warehouse hee, The factory produces ‘Thete’s nothing more Lean say. 2 the carsbut ts closed down. Theres a im til running the rik of you ‘the supermarket there now net toa the Walking away. warehouse #1 seeing you, watching you, watching me, Iola back my emotions, | keep them veiled in secrecy. can’ let go ofthis thing we've started, Wasn't looking for love, t No conspiracy of the broken-hearted, I don't know how far to go Until rm gone, gone, gone. ‘aL tes a complicated picture mall tangled up. In temptation, Write your project 1. Make a project about the different ragions of your country. 1 Draw'a map ofthe regions in your county. 2 Wte a paragraph about each region. ite about: the geography (mountains, rivers, et) the economy industries, tours) the things thatthe aes fous foe 2 tustrate your project with some photographs ofthe places. — { “ _ i _ . ‘Grammar + question forms + gerund» separable and ieeparabe paca verte 11 2 How many different kinds of media ‘an you think of? the radio bb BED Which preposition do we use? Listen to ‘the dialogues and complete the chart with i, ‘atand on. The theatie the Ghema _aconcert TT the acho the interes aC awebste ‘newspaper a pay 2 programme 2 fim Comprehension 2 a EBB Read and listen to the dialogue and the ‘questionnaire, What is the questionnaire about? bb @EIDuisten again. Complete the ‘questionnaire with Holly's answers. {¢ Work with a partner. Ask your partner the ‘questions, wan Excuse me, Can ask you some questions, plese? uy Why? Are you ding 2 surveyor something? ua Ys is about how young people use computes ou Wl take ver long? ai No, only a few ou OK, then Have you got your own computer? yes] ol] CYB: 8 i & desktop on a laptop? Do you use wi? ves] nol] ovr aten da yoo nse your semper Bvery day? LT Brey 8.8 age Ch Once weet? Se? "ass than onc a week? [] oro you ung the area 8 pm yo Yes) mol] nnd CYR: What ware you using i fox? Ao you going o us the Internet tls evening? YesC] MeL) ‘Mayte ] Do you use the ntamnet to fd infrmation for your echootmork? YesL] ol oos anys in ves] oC] ‘ave you ever dowloaded «TV programme fra the Internet? boemanes YesC) WoL] YER: 8 What eid you dowatoea? your family buy things one? lve owned 7 psu vee} mol} aay Grammar Question forms 3 How do we make questions? Match the types ot verbs tthe rules. ‘Types of verbs 1 the verb be (present spe and past simple) am, & are as, Were 2vetbs with an auton: ‘with 2 modal (can, must should) ‘the present perfect have + past partcile) continuous tenses be + ng) the future with wi! passive (be + past particle) 3 verbs with ony one part the present simple the past simple Rules A Weuse: cos or cid + subject «verb stem. Wie vert the subject and the verb. ‘© We invert the subject and the austany 'b Find all the questions in the dialogue and the {questionnaie. Which rule does each follow? Mark them &, Borc. 4 a choose the best answer in B for each ‘question word in A A 8 1 What? Tye got two bothers and asset, 2 How? My keys 3 wh Fes about ten lometes, 4 When? Wella at sic 55 Whattime? she was born in London 6 How many? Go down here and tun right 7 Wowfer?”—_maoing to buy the green ones. 8 Where? Two years ag. ‘9 Howlong? Bacatse | had toathache, 40 When? Since 2003, 'b Write the question to match the answers for ‘each question word in exercise 43. What ae you looking for? ‘¢ Ask and answer your questions with a partner. Speaking 5 Look at items 1-8. What questions will you ‘ask to find the information? 0 you watch the news on TV? Find someone inthe class who: ‘natehes the news on TV ‘went to the cinema yesterday ‘an ply the guitar has ben in a newspaper ‘would ike tobe a ratio D2 ‘was using the internet yesterday evening i gong to have a bthday party this year ‘won't be at home ths evening bb Go round the das. Ask the questions. 6 2 Work na group. You are going to do 2 survey for local ado staton Write a juestionnie with six questions. Ure these prs nl 1 Have ou go? 2 int a ton itn to? 5 Vee isterng a @ pn ot gh? 4 eve phoned mad? 5 so unat i> 8 outer we? 1b Go round the class and interview people. {¢ Tell the dass what you find out. Pronunciation ewe Sd Vocabulary Reading fobs 3 a Look at the advertisements, What kind of 1. BB sten and repeat the names ofthe jobs. jobs are they for? Ri = 'b Write the names ofthe jobs. Bi Ba £ae HY 10 andecican 11 abicklaer 12 aceaner b What other jobs do you know? Work with a Film extras wanted partner. Think of six more jobs. "Haye you ever waned to ben the mova? « What ob would you like todo when you leave school? Why? 2. @ Look at how we can talk about jobs. Jed isa diver, He chives buses, He a bus driver. 'b what do you call these people? 1 Fatima isa monoger she works na bank 2 Bilis reporter He wore for newspaper 5 rand Ns Kng mae os 4 Andy workin an office. femanig aon 5 Corl ton diet fis Ieelaorte oe! 6 Jock 52 mechanic He works on cars Fear 7 Mary ates protographs at weddings 8 Fred an engineer He repairs computrs ert rere yas 4, mateh the descriptions 1-7 to the jobs A-F Some descriptions match more than one jb. 1 You mist have your ow transport 2 Youhave to work outdoor. 3 You have to send a phtograph 44 We con't know how much you get paid. 5 They need more than one person 6 You get more than money. 7 You have to work on Satudays talk about an actvty, we normally use the The Coffee Pot Restaurant era fr Sony sina pn ot 57 ‘encore Deere dest an tartar toe rd tein thes Wet oong rote an rend pope ‘ono ne ps os: 1-4 aur anh ea Piceerersec {tke th dogs oa an we lei young peopl ob dog wales. 5a Work with a partne people can't do. Patty does ike animals, ‘Mark pays football on Saturday mornings. enriata doesn ke geting upeary Peters gong on holiday in August Freya hasnt got a bike. Marin tite years ob Katina goes to dance dass on Wednesdays and Frcays at 5.30 om, 8 Alice doesn't ke doing housework, Decide which jobs these 'b Which job(s) couldn't you do? Why? Whicr fone would you choose? Why? «Find ways to describe people in the adverts enthusiastic Listening 6 2 GBB iisten. Freddie and Megan are talking ‘bout their jobs, What do they do? 1b EBB usten again. What does each personiike land dsike about thelr job? ‘Speaking Ta Workin a group. Thnk about all the jobs and places to wark inthis lesson. Choose: = the mostinteresting ~ thehardest ~ the bast = themost boring = theeasest — the wost 1b Tell the dass about your ideas. Give reasons. 8 2 EB Usten. Undertine the words in Bs answers that have the main stress, Why fhe stress here? 1A Doyou Ine at twenty-two Water Street? No, Ilve at twenty-four Water Stet. 2 A Doyoulve at twenty-two Water Street BN tlve attwenytwo Water Avenue 1b EBB Listen and repeat. Copy the stress. Requests Vocabulary Listening Phrasal verbs 1 3a Look at the pictures. What do they show? 1 Alot of verbs in English have 'b ERB Listen. Number the pictures to match the dialogues more than one part complet the f-4 Mere ae two pltures foreach dialogue. sentences with these words. Dom an oF ay bak yi 1 colds sic on te, Lady jewel 2 FeeSpet—yorsterteee 7 ON re - ) 2 Baton _ te magaains, pease. 4 Please take —— your shoes before you come in 55 Canyou tun the vlume, please? its very oud 6 itOK Fi gre the DvD 1b GBD ston and check « Give examples of other phrasal ‘verbs using these words. sit look come get fll pick err) ees << EB sten 1 Who ae the people? 2. Who want something? 2 What does he/she want? 4. & Copy and complete the chart. Use the pietures and your answers to exerise 3. Dialogue 1 The son wants to go 0n a schoo! sailing tp. ‘is father thinks it might be expensive, He says that al his fiends are 3 Response 1D Rewrite the sentences in exercise ia ‘a, Separate the verbs. “a nest | HE wil find out how much ts going 0 be 1 Request 2 Objection (BED usten again and check your ides. «) Everyday English Making requests 5» Label the pais of sentences a orb 2 asking someone to do something Basking for permission pip Cant goon the sling vp? Isitalight if do tomorow? eee Do you think you could you gata birthday card? Could you put Channel 4 on? 1b What form ofthe verb do we use after Would you mind? Complete the requests. ‘Would you min these things inthe dishwasher? Pronunciation Corrective stress 2 6 2 EBD Listen to the B sentences. Tick the comet A sentence. 1 8.1 tm going to John pry on Saturday. 2. tm going to Fetes pry on Fay. Jot’ paty son Frey. 8 B ‘A sour bithdey in August? 2 Is your sisters birthday in Jub? B No, myithday in us. 3 ‘A.1 Are we going to Budapest tomorow? — 2 Are we gong to Prague an Sunday? — B No, We're going to Prague tomorow. 4 ‘AI (syour phone number 7452587 2 s your phone number 8482647 8 its 749264, is A Acheese sandwich anda coffe. 2 ham sandvich anda ta, 8 lowered ham sandwich anda coffee. 'b EBD uisten and check. Speaking ‘7 Work with a partner. Make dialogues for situations 1-4 below. Follow this pattern. Cm ss aw bb Practise your dialogues. cm Extensive reading 1 Reed and listen, Answer the ‘questions. 1 How dl John Russel le? 2 Why does the police constable think that ions was the murderer? 2 Why does the iepectr tink that she wasn't? 4 Who Isarested forthe cme? 5 What wae ‘the ite secret? {Who are the people inthe pictures? bb Find these things. 1 thestage 2 thecurtain 3 the audience 4 the cast, 5 the gun 6 able, {< What is happening in each picture? Complete the sentences with the 1 is ecoring the performance "in fe wth John 2 ase recoeded the ‘onversaion between John and Ursula bed onthe stage. thought Johns Performance was bilan, etna an argument this afemeen normaly puts the bulls inthe gun, 8 Changed the bul 9 wanted £1,000 from Usa 10 eared the gun. Murder at the theatre 4. complete the sentences with these words. motive backmaiing jzleus ‘eiled robbery blank firested fingerprints murder prion fed threatened 1 The inspector 2 Ursula spent sme time in for 3 Ursula Jon Rusil, because he was het 4 Fiona the gun, but she thought t had bulletin '5 OniyFionas ___were found on the gu, and she ao forking John Ruse 6 Fiona ‘ork Jn Ruszl, because she wae 5 Work in a group. Act the play. | Conable So a you gong to aret her al sr very Ths wasted age nce de drecre ecg te ly nea teen of re rat ck Fe Gee on Mano ote age Te ec ‘ning ten fo these Roe pn our thet bd Gao becse she oe fd kg Marina Rowe av gone oo fa tiie, Gang [George Pat that un down, Rom Dont be oo ssf th ym, Cn fl he fark his char ‘Martin Anh Yo ile hind Te arto fs Te ater cns Decor Oh wall dove. evry Tt as wonder Pret forthe rcv oe yo edit? Fi ena Oh nol Hes nt Herel dead Scene 2 Aca inpectr no plc hing he eon are Inspector Se Mas Myo hot hn Ruel. Di you know ‘hat the wore rel ble the gu Fons Of course not speciosa blk ult Inspector Wo neal pus the ln the gu Sage manager 1d. Inspector Can ou sew me ha eu do Sage mang ofcouve Lhe te. InspeciorThark you Aad you pu bk bls inthe un heennng Sage manager Yes. The dcr sow me Oyu! Director Yes hats ree niece Inspector So set changed he lets Now Ms Mi, you were going out wth Mr Ruse waren ya Bt you had ‘in angry amprent he stemoen, drt yu! Eero head invinetwaet ou Fone. i lng fo Ural Fa ase hi what vas abou but he dd el me anything Ne sen thon ing Ie bee, Inspector S you were lus Did eu sy 00 monte ‘you? ona Wel. es db ean i es ang kd lb wa ee hen lope iyo rer een be a, Sar Inspector No. Fon My cit a | Constable But ew dou nn? Inspector You se. Now | nest tak the stage mange he mgt hae someting tht nan Scene 4 ‘henge sting he pei a te ere pai Inspector Now ss Tuan What were you and MF Ras tar aout tester? sala He ates me ta mary hina fre that he ves ine Thats se asa ona No isnot rue He loved ment hes Inspect Youre ing Mis Twan You see whe ou were {aking 1 Me Rusk he stage manger nas tesig the son ‘aurene Latent These manger sat on tape Jobe tsar pounds tomar Usa or ee Ursa But avrg Ree, John Wel youd bene fru dant want everybody to now your ite sere da you! The sage manor ance of the ape Inspector Musa war chm you wah is “Ta What was your le ree Ur Inspector You ser soe nen robot ssf Urals Yes al ght le hin Fra was ght He wat a ontarm ga e de Inspector Ur Tos tn aes son dn you For rgyou forthe mater of John sal Take ar any Conse EE Scene 5 sate Constable But how did yeu now tit wasnt Miss Hi? Tooled o dex She had 2 ote She tesened to Andon her gepis ware ound onthe Inspector Thats the pot We wtced the sage manager ing some bak ules anne dit clan he pom ‘fear So wty werent hs ingests on he pins 7 Constable Because th pron ho changed the bats ‘emed the in Inspector fv Bu he stage marge and Mes May a noresson odo hat So thad to be srncane ee CConsable rita hspectr Abela bra! Culture 1. kB Read and listen. Which ofthe topics does the text deal with? shopping homework watching T spots parctimejobs Saving money Pocket money housework school 2 are the statements true or false or dowsrt it say? 1 Not all teenagers get pocket money rom ther paren 2 Alltzenagrs have to make ther own bed, 3 Teenagers buy alo of things onne 4 Most teenagers save about a quarter oftheir pocket mone. 5 Teenagers aren't allowed to work outside 6 You cat doa parttime jab when you are twelve yeors od 7 you deve newspapers, you have to star at 60am, 1 You cat work for more than five hous on Satur {9 You can werk fr the whale ofthe summer oly, 3-2 EBB uisten. You will hear some teenagers: talking about ther obs Complete the chart. ‘Wesley! Mel _| Bernie they work? Wen do they work? | What exactly do they do? Linda 'b @BBisten again. How does each person feel about their ob? {© Which people: 1 work during the week? 2 clean things? 3 work outdoors? 4 work with other people? 5 have to getup ea? 6 work nthe evening? 7 do something with robes? 18 work on Saturcays? Compare what British teenagers do with teenagers in your country Wee cces am meee ere Unlp with jbe around the house to eat tes pocket ‘money. Tay bap with te Bowsrwork -hoowring he foor, mashing up eng the sabe aad aon = they do things oui, suchas wasting Wa cas fd cutting the gust te ene ‘Taay spend most of heir money on going ou, loth, taiers, muse aod compute gene, Mot ‘mary teenager chop saline boots they ney (ing othe shop with tain finda, However hey ‘Buy things online ey can got em cheaper thal ‘way. Alot of tenagers ty to save rome many in bank, oo Older tenagars usually ave mosey 20 Day fr driving iesona You can dive aca te ‘UK when you aro seventeen years old) Some tenagers do part ume ob to gt some money. ‘Teay usually work in shop, perma ar cas tthe weekend, bot some Venagers doje ding he week, Ons ofthe moet popular foe a Raving ‘8 paper round (tverng nawapapere to howe fd fas) You can 40s partie ab when yea are ‘hirteen. Howover, thre ae los of setters on lace and hours of work, + You cant work in exy dangerous ples 1s Dulding sts or facie, or work a plac that se aleonas drinks or on aie, + You cant arive or id on aay veils, xcapt _yourewn bial fora newspaper round, ‘You can only wor fora maximus of to tours on a weekday ab you aren’ lowed to work before seven ocean th moming orator seven ‘eon in the evening ee ee) Social studies: TV 1 vo a survey in your dass, Ask about these things. 3, 1 Haw many hous 2 day do you watch TV? 2 What ae your favourte programmes? 3 Do you normaly watch TY on your own or with other people? 4 1 What does the text say about these numbers? 7.000 3-4 hundreds 40,000 ‘a Work in a group. Discuss the questions. Which ofthe problems do you thnks the 2. 2 GED Read and listen tothe text. Which topics does italk about? 2 Who invented TV? bb Violence on TV Watching TV and heath Realty TV shows © The growth of Fh Familes and TY 1b Mateh the topes tothe paragraphs Televisio oe. cence oe, Seeiercnre @ Are we all becoming ‘couch potatoes’? A enamine #6 TV good thing? {9 How does 2 TV work? ‘mostimportant? wy? 2 What should we do about he problem? bb Present your ideas tothe class. ‘any families have more than one TV, 50 ‘members of the family lt watch afferent programmes ls this good for families? If they font share experiences, do they have less to talk to each other about? And shouldn't parents know what their children are ‘watching? @ 1st OK to show violence on TV? According to research in the USA the average 18-year- ‘old has watched 40,000 murders on TV Does this make young people mare violent? ‘The answrer seems tobe yes’ butit's very Alificlt to prove. Ifwe don't advertise ‘igaretzes on TV because young people ‘ight become smokers, should we also ban violence, because young people might become more violent? © Tis now a big par of most people's lives, Inmmany way i's made our ives richer, ‘as we can watch almost anything that we ‘want when we want-But has italso made ws Tale, less friendly and more violent? | aa Revision 1 a Ayear ago, Cameron was chosen to be a member of a new group called Mind Games. "Make questions to complete the interview with him. Use the cues in brackets. (you / always / wand to bea singer, Cameron? Yes Ihave (900 playa musica instrument, t00? No, lean". stared team the guts, but gave itup. (ov long yous be) n Mind Games now? Sie months (Wat / ou / do) before that? | worked in a bank (Gour if change) sine you joined the group? Yes, thas. ts changed wemendousy (You tke) your new ie? Yes do — 5 eat fun, (what you do} atthe moment? We're recording our st abu. (you wnt) any ofthe songs? No, didn't. Amel, one of the ther members, ‘wrote some of them, 1 (She/ wit) a lot of songs? No she does’. but think she win the future, Fe So what de) nest? We're gong to make a movi, (that be your st lm? es, it wil but not the ast, | hope 1b EBB Usten and check. © Work with a partner Read the dialogue. 2 lia wants to go to’a party. Make her dialogue ‘with her father Use the cues. '90/party Tonys house Friday /? What time tinh? not know sue at late (Ok /but home by 11 thanks give tt No/ gout (Ok get it with sarah Listening 3 2 EBB Listen, What do the two people do? ‘Choose from the lit. a magazine reporter 3 fasion buyer afi stars personal assistant 2 party organizer ‘2 make-up att 23 dothesasigner 'b EB Listen again. complete the chart. ae a i Bradley kes Doesn't ike {¢ Work with a partner. Choose one ofthe other jobs in exercise 33. Make an interview with the person. Vocabulary 4 Work with a partner. Write down four words for each eategory. ~ kinds of media that you watch = swords todo with computers = jobs connected with ranspot ~ achectives for deserbing people in job adverts separable pasa verbs ~ inseparable pasa verbs Bee ty 144 Develop your writing A formal letter Look at the letter. answer the questions. 1 Who has wate it? 22 Whichjob on pages 46-47 she applying for? ‘sandra Tones 12 Dalton Street Home Farm ‘Newtown Newtown NTA TMU NT3 IEP 25 May ar Mee Tones, Poe yur adversemet onthe Terscne Baan te toa fra job os eg sar fim fin ears od cn im ropa “Ae Sebi tm voy fd of anil ~ Stoel dogs. have got deg of ay om cen n'a smal fl ul Tv en Stendmaher’s deg fora wl weotende ence fae tree. fin sre I wold eey Ming athe people's dogs for al, fo. Tan come ora evi any weekday of 2 a Find these things in the letter: 1 thesendersrame 4 the receiver's name 2 thesenders address 5 therecever’s address 3 thesenderssignatue 6 the date 1b How does Arthur start the letter? Why? Dear Sandra Dear Mrs Jones Dear Mrs Sandia Dear rs Sanda Jones ‘¢ What expression does he use to end the letter? Why? 3 choose one ofthe jobs on pages 46-47 Write yout own letter to apply fort Write your project Make a project about teenage fe in your county 1 Wate a questonnae, Here ae somethings toa about “vow do you spend your time? = Do you do a parttime jb? = What do you ke / se about youre? = Wat tings do you worry about? 2 Intern some teenagers about theives. Make an audio or vdeo-ecrding of your intensiews Song 1 EB utten to the song Wouldn't it be good? How many people are talking? 2. who says the following lines? ‘Man |Woman| oth Tis geting harder You've got no problems. ‘he cola bg The oasis avays ‘greener over thee Stay out of my shoes. "You must be joking You got it aay don't want o be here no moe ‘Wouldn't be 9008 tbe your shoes? ‘got iba. 3 what do they think of the others situation? ‘Grammar =the posive 11 a match these words tothe pictures. receipt foreign curency cheque ois fash 1 bankcard notes 3 cash machine b EBB Liston and check, The story of money Hetero men nd you se 1 sree py fe Ba ti soot that fora mint Youve scaly sven the shopper jus lee fpr fe pee of etl or sje pe te avery ny andi app every fay allover word Things ae bough and money usd ay forthe: However, st he ays Deen sostmple A ene ue there an any money How were shings palo then Iman that youre a fame and youve gt some es, bt you want ome bed Ihe ale ed seme en wold cy Your us weal be achanged or the Iker bread. Theale are Ina baner sytem, hinge ae cachanged by people Sofas good, bt wh the baker oct ed any eg? What wl app hen? Maybe he eas wll betschangd fora lib. Tela sul be exchange for ashit ond then thes wl be xchged or thebread.tsinds compen Bor atshow ade wae doe for ‘hounds year BUTTE Rey + mod verbs inthe passive» prepostions Comprehension 2-2 WB Read and isten tothe text. Answer the ‘questions 1 Whatis barter? 2 Who made the fist coins? 3. Where wete the ist notes produced? 4 What do some peopl think wil happen te money in the future? 'b Find the atferent ways of paying for things ‘that the text mentions. ‘¢ What isthe problem with barter? What problems do you think there are withthe other ways of paying? “he problem ws soled by he induction of mney The et things that were used 5 ney ‘vee hl and stones Le, preous mets god and ther tree oe The Sat elie wee ‘ey he aan i boa 00 2 They were made of gold and ‘ier, a they were sped wth ‘hon ead =the king yal ‘he Uylansived nha now sweser Trkey. They ere ders nd som thei one wee being Seal over the Medierianeat “hee was ike tdi by Aleaner the Gre dis ry, Grammar The passive 3 a complete these sentences rom the text Active: You a magazine and you 2 money 0 pa fr Passive: Things and money 10 ay for them b How do we make the passive? «Find the passive form of the sentence below inthe text SUBIECT VERB OBIECT ‘Active! nabare system people exchange things. SUBIECT VERB AGENT Passe: nabanersjtem ——— 1d What word do we use to introduce the agent? 4. Find examples in the text ofthe passive in these tenses 1 the past simple 2 the past continuous 3 the present perfect, 4 the future vt § the second conditional frm 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple passive. The story of a banknote 1 Mitions of banknotes are printed by the central bank (pit) 2 Thenotes tobanks (deliver) 3 Anote ‘ofa cash machine by customer (ake out) 4 The note by the customer to buy things (use) 5A the end ofthe day al he notes 0 ‘the bank by the shopkeeper (tke) 6 The notes. by the bank. check) 7 Od notes ‘wth new ones. place 8 Alte old notes (oun) 6 imagine you are a banknote. You're now old and ly. Youve just been used to pay for Something. Tell your story. Use exerse 5 and ‘the tense guide below to help you. “ur ete the pas snle ‘Your experiences: the preset perfect Wet happen rect the future th wl Listening 7 & EB isten and choose the correct answer, 1 Whats countering? 22 making fake money. stealing money 2 What nas the problem with early coms? 2 They were easly cope. 'b They were made of valuable metal 3 What made counterfting easier in moder tines? 2 cedtcarcs paper money bb What mistake did Alice Pike make? {¢ {EBB Usten again. Find the information. Use ‘the words below to answer the questions, 1 What methods id people use to counteret cons? tmx Dat 3 cover 2 How have governments ed a stop countereting? Tilines 2 punch 3 design 4 helogams Pronunciation An unusual place to stay Reading 1. a Look atthe pictures, Des the hotels 1b EMD Read and isten to the texts. Which hotel i not shown in the pictures? WSUALL TELS 1 Over 30.000 ones of now and 19.000 onaes atice a ‘sed fo bul he ee Hota in ulasn, Sader Tha oa & Is made ino factory wth war rom the verTone. Thor's ‘nice cinomes and an ce ber. and almost everything in the backoome made tice - chal abies even the ‘bods Yousleop ina sleeping bag on rindoar skins. he -mesming you Gon take @ sauna oF uenp in he hot eath cutide. The famparature inside he hotel naver rss above minus 4°, but snow suits boots and gloves ae provid In Moy the note mets. so must be bul every year. ices are tom €200 par double om per right. lots ot paca ie ost in ae earth 2, but wht ‘about hotel hats actualy in te sea? he Poseidon ystor tna resort n i has got 25 rooms that re 12 rotres under he surface of he Pace Ocean, 70 per Cent of each room is covered n cis acre 0 you can "watch ih swenming post Th fsh con be fed by pushing {a blon. Guess ae foken down fo the underwater ooms byelevator There's ako lbary ond a wedding chapel clown thee, One week at tha resort nlucing two righ ‘an underwotor om, cots €19.00 foro double om. 8 tryou want coon with cn unforgetable view you wont do bates han The Tee Howes in eta, nea. The two ree houses have been ‘ulin the miele fo ranforet 30 motes ‘above the ground. Te reach ham, youstner hha to wolk along @ Rah rope bridge, © You conte pulled up en a rope Fem thehole YoU can ook out ver the aires rd watch ‘he beautiful bd fying past. Bath ee houses have gata sting reom.a bectoom ond & shower The larger house nas goto double ‘bectooms. One night costs om €160 Wout you the fo spend aw righ in prison? ‘You can in Mount Gambier, Sour AusTa, \ihere the local al has been converted nto hotel for young backpackers isis luxury otal. Guess sleep inthe od pson cals and ‘acls must ba eaten at ong tables nthe se Saar Sur aes Sea eam Delage sae nae Sw 1827 819 3 5 ot o Oe a ea Vi__Tainopatcied by Vigin Trains , ee Fares to Oxo Srole 218.90 Dayreun £19.00 Westy eure $97.30 1b Work with a partner. Make new dialogues at the station. Use the information above, These ‘are the times when the dislogues happen. ail Read the text. Answer the questions. 1 Who was probably the bes salesman ever? 2 Where nas he fom? 3 When dhe star sling things? 4 Who did be sel things to? 6 Where was he between 1925 and 1930? When and were ci he ce? Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. 1 Which of the places did he ty to sel? 2 What was the price of each ane? 3 Which one war: =hs fists? pe sale ofthe centuy? 4 What reasons id he give forthe sales? 5 How were his ticks covered? The Tower of tondon } [retanerscore "Match the words 1-8 to the meanings a, 1 aconman a aplace where ships 90 2 aroun” b bout something Sats 4 immediately day No’ 5 adeposi one that you have berowed 7 8 ‘harbour —f avistor refuse the fist par ofa price suspiceus fh someone who tals es 1 get money Work in a group, Write a short play about ‘one ofthe following, Furguson’ sole of Taal Square his sale ofthe sate of Liberty an imaginary sale of a monument in your town ‘Act your play hur Funguson was probably the genet salesman of {tine ews aoscriminal besos esd things at dnt belong him ot just sll hing, Do Jo fhe met anos bldngs and omtuments nthe old ie was bom in Scotland, but he began his eater a5 = san in Leeda i the 19205. One sunny day he was Sang in ‘Faigar Square, when he noticed an American {ours admiring Nelson’ Column. ‘hats Adil Nelson up there’ sid Furgson cst ie pone to the ate on top ofthe cole. ‘He won Ae bate of Tela Thats why ths Is ealed Tale Equi ‘that so? si the American This ine square that ou fave Bee” ‘Can 1 show you around” ofered Furguson, The vistor del aceped, 50 Furguson to him all about Nelson, {he colann, the equate sd the Los. He abo asked the [hmerican oUt of quesone and fund out hat the tour spas entree ch “sal very presi sald the American ‘Thank yous eed Fangusn. 1 such py that we Rave toselltll headed, Sel?! The American was amaze ‘es, unfurately Brin no longer ch country sd Furgnson sadly So the goverament is going t sll our Ton mous buildings and monormens 0px seme of the “vest Berd anyling aboot thas he visitor ‘No wel the goverment sto epi secret 0 now! ‘tapered Furgwon Ii news of this gt out, people willbe {eo aay There ibe alot of touble “Wy, yes, cam understand tha sald the American, But Tw di ox naw abut i + Fungson moved loser. ’As it happens be sid que Tim {he peso wh sto find» ber Thats why Tn here {poking or people who might be teres in buying ‘yl, Tm interested sid dhe Amencan, ‘Cou you tel the ees How much does Your government wan forthe sue? ‘About £5,000; sid Farguson. That was. Tot of money those day) We ley have thre possible buyers" ‘Do you think you cold pu in word for me with your nconmetit? sid the American. Tn fact, TH gay py soo. ‘x thowand? sid Fargson, and he dhought fo a while ‘Then he said at nomen i go and phone my boss. ‘when he returned, he congratulated the American, Hs oer tras acceped. Bat we mst comple the deal mediate. Ibe added, because eter buyers might ofr mae. we Wa! That aot problem sud the visitor, and he wate eheque for 5,00, Forgan gave hi receipt and te Adres of shipping company tha woul send the sq {othe USA for im. Then they sid goodbye and Fergie. wen strait oa bank cash the cheque “The people st the shipping company, of cours, mere wry fuprsed ‘when the Ameran phoned them. The pole Ste ealled in, but by thes urgcon and the £6000 wee Jone Tht sumer Arthur Purgason made alot of morey fom rch Amencan vistors, He sold Big Ben fr 1,000, ff anther tourist put dawn + depest of £2,000 on Bckangham Pace. 11925, Furguson decided ot his luck onthe ther se ofthe Alan, He travelled othe USA and sated ello hrm ofthe famous monsters ther, including the WE Howe in Washingon DC He was son very rich, but bebe he vied, he deeded to have oe st bigs sien or the ale ofthe century wasan Auslan fom ‘Spey. Furguson persuaded im tat the cy of New York Samed to sel the Sate of Liber They gong to male The havour wider: he explained beeuse modern ships tre much bigger now Unortonmely, ibe sand wis flout ein he way “Bat the people of New Yr il be very angry about tht, ‘voit thy? sad the Asan, "Yes, they wil’ sid Forgson, Thats why you musi ‘yore abut “They ago a price of $100,000, However, the Aston ‘eed few days to ge the money tha ve Furgson pore lithe victim, incase he told someone ce atout the deal One dy wie they wee sting the statue, the [Ruston suddenly stopped another wster and. sid ‘use me, Would yo mind tang cur photograph in frotof the satu? “Of cous sid the oer visor, aking the camer. Frarguson coulda refise, soe stod arm in are wi his ‘isi fr the phoogaph, And hat was a big miso, ‘efor the money sre, the Astalian sare to become ‘upicious aber he dea and he went tothe police th the phouograph They koe ll about the supe salesman ete andthe photograph matched the descriptions fom fis ther vine, The Auli led he police sig TFngusn, He wasted advent to pisonforieyars. Forguson was rlnsed in 1930, but he dit hangs his trop He moved Las Angeles, where he became very ch ps with mov hs tics: lived there tn ya be dein 1938. La GMB Read and listen. Put he people in the order they invaded Britain, TheNormens ‘The Vikings = The Anglo-Saxons b Where did these people come from? {¢ Match these words tothe groups ‘of people in exercise 1a beet sky good language break get patlament “man husband 2. a What effect id the invaders have on: pronunciation? ~ grammar? 'b How did English become an international language? 3 a English has borrowed a lot of ‘words from ther languages. ‘Match these words tothe languages Word Language bank Turkish te Hungarian yoghurt Hind ‘utar ran robot Casch coach Chinese pyjamas Spanish bb EBB uston and check, «¢ What words has your language borrowed from other languages? 4. what contact do you have with English in your everyday life? os survey in your dass. Ask ‘bout these things. vettes tourists TV programmes shop signs sims Internet chat rooms bake music magazines products Do you vist any English websites? Do you watch any English TV programmes? The English language Pe 25 te Est language began inthe ‘th centry when bes from north-western Europe Invade etn, We cll ese ‘oop the Anglo Sons ‘They spoke langage that ‘vas arto madrn German ‘ot of common Eris ‘wor ke god, man ad Teak eee from the Ago- Soon language, Over he next “he est change start nso 800s when nan wa ced yh kings rm Novy and Denna They sgh mea ike eran hs fs Ege The oan wos ke its, hing nd fri cone rom te iin anes 1 1066 fe Norms from note Pes conuce Eng The Normans sake Ren Forth mt he fond yee yet igang gina The orstay pope poke El Bathe asec pe enc The to pe undead exch he rtm iat hey al Eecame muh ses & ret rrchwor e pane go and So ca te Eris ts Sly the mer any of gh es or Fo he 17th snr Eh prea many ter prs he ‘orl Mest fhe ny pan etn Neth Ane ac om Bran gi cate he lng oth Ud Ste th carat the Rah Eye ol ehh Aa New ate South Aen, ic nd teen oes ou es ‘Scand he cane an rer 400 milon rove sk i at tens, {hls of peopl sea gg: ih has cometh inno gins buss erates port Secs, tort an there, Langs chang al the i Eg in hese al on the worl Hee ome diferente she ‘anon gic

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