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co Guess sa uss Adeocot frauen 61S Ona ruber p10 ‘ents p20 ‘gusts an chan a preertsmple me Object pronaur p27 Pectin “eos aur vets pe regular vs me arr pronunciation eta rote 25 erry Spina ead Seeaking: — een sig tak aout cure ass 25 Reading: Ustening eres crete Project song key Coke 9? cute ‘tye yearn rian ‘etal pis ‘res the cari ‘Sexe athe iresurng be 17 Project ‘yearn mye pt? song Fran min ove The cue pio utr: ‘ain 2 ‘Aas the crea Boley anima aaa Projet Anal 631 song ona sts ine gum eee 31 cotre: Brash alos pao ‘eros the rian: Fete onspo pt Project Hes as ong Funaway oan ps re poate ees Culture, Across eters Project ‘countable and ‘curt reuns pt a/anpis Some any pa? Hew much 2 ps some thepst Ate afew I to questions pee Compete secs 59 Sipetave sects pt As. 5963 Food p46 Pronunciation: Peal se pas ri ani 87 ips rt wth he same sound pst Goat ars 86 Tre weather p58 Adee 9 Pronunciation: Sires ae tin 57 saya ‘yale ses 61 ined sound 3 ‘ype of TY rors oe “ype of fins p72 Pronunciation: Senae espe Theleter 971 hele’ 973 jim p75 p00 54.8578 Reading Stone soup ps Speaking: ing for wigs cal pas ‘ean cut esr pa? fw mary oy pis Listening What do peop hve ferunch? pe B shop it pa? ‘Ace eae pt Weng: What yeu eat a8 ang aeepe p51 essing Tre UKES7 Pizsevet Speaking: Comparing sean food et 58, ompening youre pot Usteing: Trex pst 25. 2963 wrting Compan seasons oo, p89, Comparyur fe ot Reading DocterX 70 Speaking hot aryou gin to do? 6 beng wy ‘rang a retina p75 seeing What ate people gong co? pe Wycanta.673 What are pple going wo do? p75 Weng: Thebesning of story 61 care: eat mes 52 ‘Across he cha Geogaphy fos rn Brera he wer 9S Project Foes Sona Sages ocean ature: Tre USA pes ‘Aero the ie: (Geary est ant este Projet yen 957 Song Tish your sr cuba: ‘hearth enemas aes te crc: Fito 2 Grok ‘hesvepr7 Project: Favour foms of ‘menainment p79 song Aernacrly 973 CERNE Woribook pos Introduction Grammar +e +) 6 correct the sentences about Jessica, She doesn't pay table tennis on Thursdays ‘he plays table tennis on Wednesdays. 1 She plays table tennis on Thursdays. 2 shelikes French. 3 She has 8 guitar lesson on Saturdays. 4 She walks to schoo}, 5 She does her homework inthe evening, 6 She goes toa primary school Make true sentences. Use the cues. ike history. 11 don't like history. 1 ike History. 2 Jessca/ stat / school at nine o'dock 3 1/ play tennis on Saturday. 4 Cameron / gota the same school a his sister. 5 Jessica /have /darnet lessons, 6 Jessica and her fiends meet / at 830. 7 Cameron eave / home after Jessica, 8 17 wateh TV in bed, Writing 8 Write about your life. Use Jessica's text asa model, ive in. 190 t0... School. Pronunciation Birthdays Vocabulary 1 a GHD Listen and repeat. January, July February August March September April October May November June December 1b Say the months round the class. 2-8 GHD Lsten. which months do you hear? october Write about yourself. Complete the sentences with the names ofthe months. 1 My favour month is 2 Mybinhday sin 3 We o0 on hoidoy in 4 dont ike Grammar 3a Read about the months. January the fst month of he year, February the second month ‘March the third month. ‘Aprils the fourth month May's the fifth month. 'b Which months are these? 1 thetenth month 5 the eighth month 2 theseventh month 6 the sith month 3 thetwelth month 7 the eleventh month 4 theinth month 8 the thie month { Copy the list. Write the ordinal numbers 2nd second 2nd th «th 3st 3d Sth 2nd ad Sth 11th «Dah 38th Sth 16th 2th eth GHB Listen and check (GB tisten again and repeat. Comprehension 4. Ga Read and listen. Match the dates to the ays, Today Tune Cameron's bithday 20 September Jessica’ birthday 21 September 1b Write the dates in full. 10 May 1105 5 au 952 zon 6208 10 299 3238 Tin ane amo 0 8 «Say the dates. the tenth of May Listening and speaking bb Read the text again. Answer the questens. 1 what do people give ta someone on thei (GED Listen, Write the dates you hear wirthaay? 3 Decembe’ 2 Where do some children go on their bithda/? 3 Does everyone have a party? b Talk about six important dates in your lf. 4 Do peoplein Brain have name days"? 5 + The frst date on my lists the fifth of Do people give flowers? Wat 810? « Write about how people celebrate * tes my birthday. What’ your fst date? birthdays in your country. Reading and writing Pronunciation "72 GHD Read and listen. Find these things in ‘the picture. 1 birthday cards 2 abirthday cake 3 bihday resents 4 candles ‘th /@/ and /6/ 8 2 Putte words Inthe comet column. month brother ths thy. fouth there tink Maths fatter 2 7 mon |B b (BD Uisten, check and repeat. © GBD isten. say this tongue twister. They thnk that Matthews thirteenth bicthdays on the thitith of ths month. ‘On your birthday you get cards and presents fom your emily nd nds. Parents often by big rose ike a bike o MP3 player. Other people ge oye seats, banks dothae CDs, OVDe ad tinge ho ho, People normaly havea bithdoy party fr thelr fends. There's usual birthday chs wth one ‘endo for each yer of your age. Te person “uth te bithdoy blows et the canes ond ‘makes 0 wish. Then everybody sings Happy Bit! People often have o pty ia thei oun hme. ‘Soin oder dulcen donthove a pr). They tke thal fonds tothe chemo, a bouing ale oF someuhere te tat [My fled, Fano, n Hungry says thot they hove rome doy in er coun, but we dont hows name ois. Arno also soys thet people in Hungary ave Rowers on name doys ond birthdays In itoln we usually only ove Rowers to women, Cameron ood give flowers to our mum on hor bianco Comprehension Dpolarbeas Ca computer Ds bb What does Mickey le Grammar 3 a Copy and complete the table with questions ‘rom the story. Choose the correct short answer. Geese ca the US President in New York? __ polar bears inthe Arctic? b Complete the questions with Do or Does. 1. Do youlike Mut? 2 you lve ina vilage? 3 your best friend ive near you? 4 Mickey ask alot of questions? 5 ___ Mille answer his questions? 6 __— his parents answer his questions? «¢ Answer the questions Use short answers. 4. a complete the questions from the story. Wh. questions 'b Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 do/ they / What speak language fin chile? 2 start/ When (winter does ? 3 lions! do / Where ve? 4 your name /How /spel/ do you ? 5 Jessica / does / getup / When ? 6 What time/ she does 0 school go ? «¢ Answer the questions. Listening and speaking 5 a GED Look at the chart. Listen to an interview ‘with Harry. Tick (/) the answers Harry gives. 1 ve? 2 getup? 3 musical instrument? 4 spons? 5 brothers or sisters? % so /O8 6 pe 7 help inthe house? One RN\S [sown bb Work with a partner. Ask and answer atou Harry. + Where does he live? © He lives in © When? « Interview your partner, Use the questions ‘rom the chart. Pronunciation Daily life Vocabulary 1 ee uisten and repeat Peels Por 1 wash up 2 cookthe inner 3 dothe shopping 4 make the bed 5 vacuum the fo , se IPA Ls | a‘ (ory \@A Comprehension ‘quasr always des 2 WB Read and listen. ‘my room, but he doesn't often put things “in te right pacer My chr’ usa ‘Quasar normal ‘Answer the questions. thei lcs hy cars ually ‘washes up But be aways ‘beaks some plates ands i 1 What’ the robots name? 2. What obs does he do? 3 Wich jo ishe good at? This ou robot. is names uns ea Ios ED (inte Fore henry ste tab, at ‘inthe ight plac. ra But ke Quasar becouse ‘me with my homework, 2nd hes ie eles ‘hways bilan 3 that! Quaser, Listening and writing 7 2 GBB Listen, Jessica staking toa radio Di Tick () tha jobs she does. Jobs 7 | make her bed tidy her room| How often rormally vacuum the floor bb Rewrite the sentences below with the correct adverbs of frequency. ‘Quasar tides my room, but he doesn't put ‘ings inte ight places. My chair inthe wardrobe. Where do the adverbs of frequency 90? vith a oxmal vers? wth unin ere (ed eee? wh he ve be? 4, pute adver of truancy in the conect place. Cuaser avy takes out the rubiss 1 Guar ates ou thei sa) 2 He dean do te sopping corms) 5 hy homework vary eas ard 4 Tons npn the have, 5 usar feeds the ct Gometine) & te takes nenpapes tothe recycling cee (csuayp 7 Quasar bus, aha) 8 ean theca neve) 5 Look atte ctherjbsin exercise gain. What do you think Quasr does wrong? Use the echesbs of requaney. He sometimes cooks the dinner, but he usually. bust 6 How often do you do these things? {alway make my bed 1 make my bed 5 do the shopping 2 play the piano 6 go swimming 3 tidy my bedroom 7 getup early 4 wash up 8 cook a meal set the table wash up cook the dinner ‘eed the dog do the shopping - b GED Listen again. How often does Jessica do the jobs? Write the adverbs of frequen. {© What does Jessica do? ‘She normally makes herbed. 8 write sentences about your life, Write about something that: 1 you always do. 2 you usually do at the weekend 3 you don't often do 4s usually inthe kitchen 5 doesn't often happen 6 is usually ood 7 you never watch on TV 8 you don't normally play 11 Read the text, Answer the questions. Culture 1 How many weeks’ holiday do British schoolniren have? 2 Which holiday isthe longest? 3 How long are holidays in February and Cristina ithe bgt fetal ofthe ya Fans asally ome October? apeterto alert it Pople ut ep dcratins and dcr & 4 How many txms ate there inthe Crisis tre On Crista Day (25 Deembu hey open thie school year? resets ad thre i 2 ato meal of ey with epee, faloned by Chriss pding The | est day (2 December i day ton We call it Bing Day. Becing ay, peaple ten visit edo 9 tu prs maths. A typical year in Britain School Holidays ‘The school year always starts at he Be me AL Hew et, tof pepe hae iming of September «party ‘ei the new eat ‘ight, hey sual join hands and sing Al any Sy New et is am important feta inSain ‘There are sx terms in a three main hol + the Christmas holidays to weeks + the Easter holidays two weeks Te Lab here ig ste + the summer holidays sx weeks ty ith ames ae ad froma, ‘There are also short holidays in October February and May. These ar : We tte ati. See The Laster holiday Lasts four ton Gt ye na pt eed foal ens ba at the ct ic 1e things ‘Geod Friday aad on Taste Sunday fereah tesa en ee yg sue Tar og ner ‘Gwisimas | _ NewYear ane Taster eg ants eth prs fac ren turkey a chocolate e995 presents fireworks 3. answer the questions. 1 What school holidays do you have in ‘decorations your county? cae 2 What festivals do you have? 3 Which is the biggest festial? ‘Auld Lang Syne 4 How long des it st? 5 How do you celebrate it? TS ee maa) Science and Maths: measuring time 11 Here are nine units of time measurement. Put the letters in the correct order. 1 odsnee second 6 bntom 2 tiumen 7 nae 3 roun 8 deesed 4 yda 9 ytnurce 5 kewe 2 2 What things can people use to measure ‘time? Find three objects which measure b What time units do people usually measure with these things? Answer the questions. 1 How long doest take you to change your shoes? 2 How long does it normally take you to eat breakfast? 3 How long do you usually sleep? 4 How long iit tothe end of the month? 5 How long sit until your next birthday? 6 How longi i unt the nest school holiday? bb Tak to other students in cass. Compare your answers. 4 Read the puzzles and answer the questions. ‘The party starts a 7.30 pm. and lasts for ‘three hours and fften minutes. What ime oes it fnsh? 2 The film lasts for 87 minutes. I ends at 10.45 pm. What time doesit tart? 13 Sarah has a 45-minute Maths lesson four times a week, How many hours of Maths ‘does she have at school every week? 4 Tom needs to beat the station at 2.15 pn. Itisa 25-minute wak from where he lives. \what time does he have to leave? '5 Every summer Kati visits her grandmother forthree weeks. After that, she goes to 8 ‘summer camp for 14 days and then spenis ‘ten days with her fiend. How long does she stay away from home? 6 Jack leaves home at 7.30 arm. He walks the bus stop for 12 minutes, then he takes ‘the bus for 34 minutes and finally walks for another 4 minutes. When does he are school? * 7 The sun ses at 4.54 am. and sets at 8.13 pam, How many hours of dayight a there? 5 a Write your own puzzle. Use some of the ‘expressions below. start finish at last for how long What ime when how many b Tall other students in the class your puzzle. Do they know the answer? (’ Grammar 2 Purthe words in the correct order to make questions. 1 EBB Listen. Complete the sentences _ mae) Gana about Clare’ fe. Use the pictures 1 ay) Ges) (SS) SSE) {and the times below. the | what's) time 7.20 inthe evening 2.30 815 7S) Gee) (ee) fon Wednesdays. before dinner 3 ee) es) ae) ee) SE) wa =: =:- 1 She gets up at half past seven. ‘oe SS) ES) < 538) RE) eee) See) ia Listening 2 Sve gait the ori numbers you eae 1 2 3 a $ 3 oe : Za Vocabulary eS 4. Find the letters in the sentence below. Use the _ Teter to makes word What does atic get for is birthday? ‘My cousin Patrick’ bithday ison the twelfth of May. the fst letter ofthe tenth word M the thd lete ofthe second word. ‘the fist letter ofthe sich word — 5 she —— the third letter ofthe eighth word — ‘the fist letter ofthe second word ‘the thie letter of the fourth word — ‘the thd letter ofthe tied word — the fist letter ofthe thi word His present was 3 — 1 Tell people about your year. Write about these os : . ; Ven months do you he? AYear in My Life When are: < ee your school holidays? peal sa ‘noon thd Sedan pa go Sekt schon ‘peo evens reas ‘Sera cas honasne Dror alent and dl soe photos o dow February ‘Wehive a weeks otiday sual go rity pants andy bro, Coneror love ing Aad wo have pancasda ioe oi Pancake dye April ‘Were to mook ody for Easter We gt Exe cope met ctomly cote ctober {buy thee bahay presents in October Mm Dad and my coin Beth al ve tha Dithday in October We have nates Noy imOcter, December December is my feourite mont Wo haves ‘est hla be Chnmar nd uot Presents My couin both comes ose hes Ker Christmas wither pons and oe ees isto some pictures to ilustate your year, Song 1.8 Find words in the song with thes sounds ft! J ‘b GB Listen and sing. Friday fm in Love by The Care {do care if Monday’ lve 4 v Peeler ee eer = Vaan en inte. I don't care if Monday's black cence Meurer 92 Se ieee pee ee Dieta eed rie tat teaiday min love FRIDAY, oer bbe “Monday you can hold your head Saturday wait Tuesday Wednesday sty in bed ‘And Sunday always comes too ate Or Thutsday wateh the walls instead ut Friday never hesitate fe Friday rm in love ~ 2 GE Grammar + Present continuous v present simple «object pronouns + must Our school trip eta ‘No moths or Coograpy fday! We're Teaming about the anal Wee watching te Comprehension LB head and listen. Why aren't Dominic “amelra the moment They are looking {and his fiends at schoo! today? ts 9 o'clock and Dominics ouside his schoo. He's very happy He fn going to his classroom. Hes getting on a coach with his fiends. They're going on a school trip, We're having our lunch athe 200: Fim eating sn apple The bra are watching us now! tes half pas eight in the evening. My sisters watching our favours programme, but Fm not watehng TV "im doing my homework. rm ring about th schoo! tia! 2. What's Dominic doing at these times? Grammar 3 a Complete the sentences about Dominic's 7 7 school tip. 4 They ona schoo! tip. 2 He ona coach 4 3 |___ about the schoo! tip. This isthe present ‘continuous tense. Hoo do b Look at exercise 1, Make sentences with the correct subjects. Put the verbs into the present continuous tense. The zebras are watching Dominic in picture 3. 1 wateh 3 wite 5 do 7 have 2 lean 4 go 6 geton 8 eat a Find the negative ofthe sentences in the story 1 Fm watching Tv. 2 He’ going this dassoom, 3 Theyre looking at us. 1b Correct the sentences. Dominic and his friends aren't going to their «lassroom. They're going on a schoo tip. 1 picture 1, Dominic and his friends are going to thelr dlssroom, Picture 1, They're geting on train Picture 2; Dominic's watching the ons. picture 2, The camels are running picture 3, Dominic and his frends are playing footbal 6 picture 3, Dominic eating @ hamburger, 7 Picture &; Dominic’ sister i doing her homework 8 picture 4, Dominic's listening to the rao. Listening and speaking 8 GED Listen and repeat. es Ww ae § bb GED Copy the chart. Listen. Then write the animals you hear. ‘Animal ‘Action 1 bats They're fying. 2 WO © GED Listen again. What are the animals doing? Complete the chart. Choose from these verbs. swim run hide fy climb fink jump eat sleep throw 6 Work with partes Mime an anima. You partner must guess what animal you are end ‘what you are doing, Take turns. Mickey’s model dinosaur Comprehension 8 5 < : i ie i z 5 i a Read and listen, Wien part ofthe verb do we use ‘nthort answers? Grammar 3 a copy the able, compete the question and short answers. @ pened eee He's eating the glue. ‘the glue? No, he “How do we bb copy and mate qstonsin he complete the table, ~P’eren ontinvour? ee a 4 a make questions and answers. Use the cues. Are they going to the park? No, they aren't 1 they/ goto the park? / No 2 it tain? Yes 3 yous ead a magazine? Yes 44 Wat /you /look for? The glue 55 Mut eat the glue? /No 6 you/siton the glue? / No 7. Were they / 90? To the park 8 What / Mut /eat? A bone bb Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues. Stress and rhythm Listen and repeat. 1 What te you doing? 2 Where are you going? 3 Who are you phoning? 4 Why are you ough? 5 What are you etng? Listening, writing and speaking 5 a Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues. 1 Fruno What 2 sue Im waiting forthe bus sae To the sporis cent. reno wth you? ae No, he ist 2 fn What___? ckey A sandwich, ry meno VP racer Yes, Lam, Fano _? exer Is a programme about sinosaurs, bb GED tisten and check. {© Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues 6 ‘make new dlalogues. use the cues 1 What? 2 where? play tennis tothe park Mile/too/? Mickey to0/? Yes No win? What rhe? No make 2 madel Say the rhyme, I raining. ts pouring The old man is snoring, He went 1 bed ‘And banged his head ‘And couldnt get up in the morning, Listen again. Underline the words with the stress. Vocabulary 1. GED Listen and rope. ae @ a ® 7 A eP we ZF Copy the chart. Put the words from ‘exercise 1 in the correct colurmn. ‘Will animals | Farm animals ‘a giraffe {© What other animals do you know? Add them to the chart. 2. Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What animals do you tke? 2 What animals don't you ike? (4) My favourite animals Comprehension 3. Read about Ben. Answer the questions, 1 Where does Ben work? 2 Whats he doing in each picture? 3. How often does he do the things? Pronunciation Syllable stress 4. 2 GBD Listen. which syllable has the ses? iniment programme favouite today kangaroo elephant animal instructions giraffe fleven dinosaur afternoon 1b (BD Uisten again and repeat. po ee te Grammar 5» complete the sentences What tenses are they in? 1 Althe moment the apis. every 2 Ber one ofthe animal houses naw. He anys ' Trem nthe aterroon b Complete the sentence with the verbs in the eee Te eerie 2 clean / Today, he the monkeys’ cage | ee eee Meerkats a Arca in the Kalahart Desert a cetera a ‘We often. the wildlife park at the weekend, ‘They're quite emall ~ about the same size as a raabit. i aeerema are Pe ea ee Theycaelandentwologe aos a emeeeat Peete esd 6.30 now and he. 10 work. Resch laa group. ae rien eect teeing theron cna or a ta Reading and speaking Pa nan Perce 5 a Read the text. What are Dominic’s Teri oa. ome tension Tn en fevourte snes? Where do they fe? ee b Ae the statements tue o fase? eel 1 Meakats are ok ae 2 Me goto ag Baa 5 hej ese turd ool. a. 4 They prs | ae 3 The Seep nln he gun eee & they eat ah 9 heya et sions 3 toeentmens 7 Work with a partner. Tell him / her about your favourite animal (= The story of Chicken Licken Comprehension 11. GB Read and listen to the story. Answer the (2. Match the words tothe pictures. ‘questions. Vacick = A thesky 7 aduck 1 Where are Chicken Lcken and is frends going? 2 aut 5 the king 8 agooe 2 Why? 3 ave 6 ahen 9 afox 53 Why don't they get there? Chiken ken inte fay et eng | ee suddenly a nut falls on | Koken | “Oh, noy says Chicken | Tide they ling tentang Rinne: Sinan rem mais | Someytootey un dove soad Atte eo te chien teenie ewnihermad When he ‘oeiFogton.Hesatungunderae Wen | ret Henny Pee sop Wher te se * ea ae eu he ay ony any here ae you ging? $24 ess cucen iter theshy “ON FoR ny ay che cone iy fall {stalling down and''m going toLondon totell down and we're going to London to tell the King Do | ed youwantto come with us? | ‘Well Tmustcomewith you'saysHenny __-Tolandon'saysFoxy Lon. Well youte going the | ne cry ay. Tha ln the fondo ondon-Pllow'me Sochickenticken, Henny Pena, Ducky Inc and Gootey Losey fellow Foxy toxy- But. oh dear, he doesn take ther to London He takes them tohis den His wifeana ctuldcen are waiting for m=and theyre very | hungry! | SoChicken ken and HennyPenny rundown the road in the village Ducky Lucky and Chicken tcken, Henny Penny Ducky Lucky and | Ghuccytnospareseimmungonte pond. So0seyLoosey never getto London and they never ‘When Chicken icken and Henny Penny see ‘elitheKingthat the sky | ‘them, they stop Hello says Ducky Tacky. __‘fallingdown. | Where are yourunning 0” \ ‘Oh, Ducky Lucky’ says Chicken Licken'the sky fsfalling down and we're going to London to tellthe King, Do you want to jon us? "Yes, we must come with you, say Ducky Lucky and Goosey Losey, “) Grammar 3 a Look. ues. 'b Copy and complete the table with pronouns Choose the correct words. 1 ve gota pet rabbit. 1/ Me put he heron the gras. She Her les it, but ny fiends doo ‘watches she er. He / Him wants to eat she / her, 30 don leave she her inthe garden 2 ve gat a hamster | can't keep he/ him in ry bedroom, because he him makes alot of noise at night and fe / him wakes 17 me up. 23 There are lats of animals in the pet shop, 1/ Me love to watch they them, We Us don live in the town, so my mum takes // me to the shop. ‘She / Her likes the pet shop, too. 4 a Look. bb Look at the pictures. What must these people do? Use the cues. We/ dean the car They / wash up We/ feed the dog They tidy the room She get up He /havea dink . wy es > ‘She must get up. fil & ik. write two things that you must do this week. 5. Write a different ending for the story of (Chicken Licken, Pronunciation ‘Same sound? (3) 6 2 Which pairs of words have the same ‘vowel sound? Tick (7) them. Tet head 5 tee feed 2 must duck” 6 wong down 7 they them Brn nn 3 take wait 4 goose look b (HD uisten, check and repeat. , Culture 11. Read the text. Match the topics to the 3 Ate the statements true or false? paragraphs. 1 Families don't normally havea pet. TVprogrammes pets 2 Horse shows are popula. satat parks farms 3. There arent many TV programmes about arial 2008 4 Zoos can help to save wld animals 5 The animals in safari parks vein cages. 2. Find all the names of the animals in the text. 6 Most children live on farms. 4. Look at the paragraph topics in exercise 1. \Write one of two sentences on each topic about your country. © There ae ots of 206 n Britain, but nowadays they don't keep big animalsin cages. They are usually in big pens, where they can run and ump, 2008 are very © Moet people in Britain ike \mportant,because alot of animals are animals. lotoffamilieshave disappearing in the wil.2o0scan help to gota pet Dogs, cats, hamsters, save them. rabbits guinea pigs and ‘budgerigars (budgles) are all popula pets Horses ae popula, too, Some ctlden go to ring school, ‘where they lear how toride and how to look after horses. There are lots of horse shows called gymkhanas with prizes for ding, jumping and other events @ You can also see animals in safari parks. In these parks, the animals don't live in cages ‘orpens. They live in fields and woods. People drive round the park in their cars to watch ‘the animals You mustn't get out of your car! (© Most children in Britain live in towns andeties so they don't see wild or farm animals every day. Youcan visit some farms and learn bout farm lifeand see animals ike sheep, pigs and cows. Some of these farms are inthe country but others are in towns and pupils go tothem on school trips @Alotof TY programmes are about animals. There are programmes about wild Animals from allover the ‘world from lions, whales and ‘beats to fish and even insects. To GD Read and listen. write the names of Tx the animals in the correct column, There are five different type sus tds ran Mopsbons » [ORME bee a 1 MAMMALS A La waar ae ddsome ere sina tothe chan-use fl homme by you detonate yeu Rea thee ato Lak tthe anal nh pce. Caaclat dagran wth he hanes anerritis ae ana) renee ca aera {sit mammal? ofthe world. Snakes, liars cess farrier 3 BIRDS Bd ap tout ty ar ooded Bs Rave oat feathers a esp them warm, estes ao ap deo ‘Nota bis can fh Some bse stiches arto big a ea bu they eras eas emmy cteeaten hae alse ine ‘Rar ol en y aris anf) er oe eo end by I ni 299s. Some fi, ie shacks, ve esac atee Has it aaa ive in lakes and rivers. Whales a) 208 dolphins lve in the sea, ath ase pve acta aa 5 AMPHIBIANS Tes alia can ees pte) wats ard on nd The aii ood dy eg i rept butthy cn ve Al tre on ad they rst oy har fegsin wae Grammar took at the pictures. write sentences in the present continuous. Use the cues. He's having breakfast be isn't having lunch, 11 have breakfast have lunch 2 wmte/ use a computer 3 watch TV iste Wo mnie 2 Match the questions to the answers. 1 Whats Amy doing? o 2 Ave they doing their homework? 3 Who ae we waiting for? 44 Whats Tim doing inthe kitchen? 5 Who are you writing to? 6 Are you going out? 7 | Daniel geting dressed? 8 Is Arm plying computer game? ‘2 No, he isn't He stilin bed bb He making a sandwich ‘© No, she isn't, She using the Internet. She feeding the cat © My penfriend in Hong Kong kell She’ on the phone, 9. Yes. 1'm going to the shops No, they arent. They’ watching TV 4 lay football pay voleball '5 wear shorts / wear jeans 7 stand up /sit down Vocabulary and listening 3 8 putthelettersin the correct order to make imal names: 1 torch ostrich 2 tel 3 ‘ephopavip 4 hein 5 Sean 6 gee — 'b HD Usten. Which animals are the speakers talking about? (What to do 1 Tell people about an animal that you are oes it find food? 2 Find or draw some pictures ofthe anima Draw a map to show where it ve 1 @ BB Listen. what things does the Kookaburra do? b ED sten again and sing. rears s eee erences Marg merry king ofthe Bush sear tn the od gun Laugh Kookaburra, Laugh, Kookaburra, Cookepura asin te old Sum wee Suen ee ‘Stop, Kookaburra, stop, Kookaburra, Kookaburra stn the old gum tree, Thatsne monkey thats me. Eeting all the gumndrops he can see sks pricolabera sot kackabir eerie rd a (Grammar «Pas simole: equa and equa verbs 7) Where were you last week? Comprehension 3 Dominic was 1. eB read and tsten, Match the people to pictures a creer ae . (on Saturday mornings Helena and 2 Jessica was ata ton holayo at her friends are normally at the sports ‘Tema park wih a theme park. centre. They weren't there last week. ‘ner brother 1 Helena was in ‘Manchester Grammar 3 a Complete the sentences with was or were. 1 1__ here last Monday. 2 @ Copy and complete the table. We —— on a school trip yesterday. ur neighbours —— on holiday ast week 2 3 4 You away atthe weekend, 5 Dominic in Croatia for two weeks 6 7 Heat the sports centre yesterday. ‘Our Maths teacher hee lat week 8 Tim ll yesterday. bb Make the sentences negative. 1 wasn't here last Monday. {¢ Where were these people last Saturday? 1 Helena 3 esica and her b Make sentences with the table. 2 Dominic and brother his parents 4 Geoige Listening Reading 4, GB Listen to the instructor at the sports 8 & Complete Dominic's email with was, Centre. Write the names ofthe people he's wasnt, were and weren't talking to 1 2 4 Hi Pate, "vas on Roliay lat week wth my parents, We *___ in Coatia We ina Rota We >In an apartment in {Smal town ear Split The aparemant®_———very good. I. SR noe t the beach, but the beach there 7" "5 swimming poo at the apartment. “There! some boys and gris inthe other apartments, fa, s0 haku They ®_—_— from Brain. They tte trom Germany ana Hungary One boy "fom Shoveka “The weather very good forthe rat wo days, but after that it ™ great Wo thre for tn days ‘nd how are you? Hope you're OK. Were you at hom ast weal Dominic eros 6 2 Make the dlogues. Use the cues bb (BD usten and hock Wes George atch ast week? epee Arethe statements te o false? Connect ae the false ones 1 George at school ast week? NO 1 Doc was on hoy wh i eds. mene 2 Theyre inn arent 2. Peta and ak athomelast ight? / No 3 The opomet won Spt they tthe chem? Yes 4 fea ong ay fom he ea 2 youn ya wet? Ys 5 There asa swimming pol at he apartment You! nspan? No & lth poplin tect parents were 4 Zoe/ at the sports centre on Monday? Yes {rom Croatia her brother there toa? / No ‘The weather was bad for five days. 5 Dominic here lst week? / No Dominic was in Croatia fortwo weeks. he /on holiday? / Yes 'b Work with a partner Practise the dialogues, Pronunciation Speaking ‘T Ask and answer with a partner where he / she was at these times. fon Sunday afterncon yesterday evening Tast week. ‘on Friday afternoon + Where were you on Sunday afternoon? © Iwasa the park. Our holiday Vocabulary 1 @Biisten and repeat. 4 8 Tasuiase 8 avoley —-Sanaipot’. WO ahotel_—« M1 acaraan 12 atent Comprehension Grammar 2 Read and tsten elenaistalking 3 Copy and complete the table with verbs bout her holiday What was the problem? from the stony They mised ther pane = Someone picked up thei bag. pete eee = They picked up someone else's suitcase, bb which ofthe words from exerse toes | Mon verb aed Helena mention? Vers ending ne ad- ccantcasnaagencess:-cco2s. | mbt aan Youn ahd SF ‘he consonant double the ore nt pg toledo Sean | eneconanane cele Dylan. We ave atthe aport in Malaga. A ‘man checked aur passports ad then we waited ‘Soon the bags and suteases ean Mum and Dad's bag was fs. Verbs ending in y: remove Frank, shoute:"Theros our -yand add -ied grabbed and we olowed Mum Sens 1b (HD Listen again. what do you note nen waved ato hotel we stared to ‘about the verbs? Unpack: Mum an Das opened their bsp ana Frank vied t open ou suas is this th ight waited stared shouted needed ay?! pe asked. "cant pan it Then oked at thenamecnthelsbe. Raat ou suitcase! ; © Write the past tense of the verbs. eerste npon. Oy nina ‘pen travel phone play. ike ‘There was a very angry mn there, oo. Dad wasnt stop dose want collect. practise ‘vary happy, because we needed txt take the opened ‘mars sstasebackto te sport and cole sutesse 4. wit sentences about Hslena'sholiny. xe Writing and speaking the vers in brackets nthe past simple. & Yesterday a man ced But who was he? Tose 1 We tenis.) things were in fis pockets Wite everything Ito speak Spansh, ty) that you know about Mr X. Use the vrbsin 2 3 We/onour ast day. (ain fated elles ceevieer oes Grae play be live like work collect stay vsit 5 11mg fends at home. (phone) fea a 6 Wer'a the beach (wal) 7 a We / Granada. (st) He played table tennis We / around Spain by bus. (rave) 6 5) GD Read and tsten. Q Positive Negative ‘We checked the label. We didn’t check the label atthe airport. Frank grabbed the bag. I didn't grab it Pi pen torn, er re Con occa ee 6 Make the sentences negative. We crt vey oan Vi ead ya saan sine Sosecad hoe xch ey Fennel ey sence Weta Sacer moar wane Taal be amin Pronunciation -ed endings T 2 Ave the ed endings of the verbs pronounced fil al or i? play played start_—stated decide decided Sook looked ave arived watch watched ‘wat waited need ned hone phoned want wanted 1b GED isten, check and repeat. Problems Comprehension 1. GiB read and listen. Match the sentences to the pictures. 2 a Copy and complete the table with the past perenne es past Lookat thes fn ur workbook 'b What problems did these people have? ‘Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the past tense. 1 We our keys. ose) 2 They to the wrong station. (go) 3 James ‘an accident. have) at ‘my camera in the sea, (top) 5 Suzzy the tran. miss) 6 7 8 | iy acm. break) t allweek (ain) “The weather was bad so they airport. (lose) the Which verbs in exercise 2b are irregular? “] 1 She went sling and she broke he eg 2 ate something and | had stomach ache 3 He forgot his ticket. 4 Someone stole her passpon. 5 We left ou suitcase on the tran 3 a Look atthe table. How do we make the negative with an irregular verb? eens He forgothis ticket. || didn’t forget my tleket ‘We didn’t leave our suitcase on the tain. ‘They left their suitcase con the tain. bb Work in a group. Play @ game. A Thad an accident. 8 I didn't have an accident. A dog bit me. J didn't have an acident and a dog didn’t bite me. [lost my passport. F Reading and writing 2 Complete the postcards with the past tnae of the verbs 1 forget have put find lose 0p play wavel_ drive 2 look play vist swim antve have tan sleep go. enjoy — 5 orate toe The eens ecpthee pons in te ear aa rales a Spin cael om the ung We F—— probten sterdly bene = rien Yo eit. it catia tole ma testawaat cant ite Laakty peeiteaT, top eure OC Sen bb GB Usten and check your ideas. 1 Tamara on holiday in 2 She wrote a postard to 3 she raveled by 4 On the journey she 5 Yesterday she... because bb Write five sentences about John. Use the ‘expressions in exercise 5a, 5 Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday. 2 Complete the sentences about Tamara. 2 Hi Angle Sere on hay in ct ve | Along tninjourtys bot Rand Opa window om Sunday wg Te, besos ther oe bres ea fos tne ner a cme as, on Eo old. Yesterday ie a ea ee very Pronunciation ‘Negative auxiliaries 7 GED Liston. which words change the sound of the frst sylble nthe negative? Tick (0) them. dow dosnt has have havent oo cn ant ao dam ae hase ‘don't isnt aren't 'b {BB Listen to the short form and say theta form Comprehension Answer the questions. _b Work in groups of three. Act the story. No, they dn’. We took him to the Hapoy Hounds ellay Home, but re didn't want 90. 2 Are the statements true or false? 1 Mickey and Mile went to Spain for ther holiday. 2 They traveled by plane 3 They enjoyed their holiday 44 Mut didn't go to France with them. 5 The neighbours looked after Mut 6 Mut didn't want to goto the dogs’ holiday home. 7 He didn't have a good time atthe dogs! home, 8 He wanted to stay at the dogs’ home. Grammar 3 a Copy and complete the questions and short answers from the str. Serotec) eed 5, a Complete the questions to fit the answers. + Where oid you go on holiday last year? © went to Austa, + What? © went sing, + Who with? © | went wth Mark and his sister. + What "inthe evenings? © We went for walks and played games, bb Work with a partner Read the dialogue Listening speaking and writing 6 2 GBB Lsten. Copy and complete the chart Charlie | Elie | Maik Where 'b Complete the sentences with these words: took, have, take or had. 1 Did you good time? 2 Yes, we dd. We ——a great time, 3 id you __ Mut with you? 4 No, we didnt. We him tothe Happy Hounds Holiday Home. 4. a Make questions and answers. Use the cues. Did you go camping last month? Yes, Ici. you / go camping last month? /7 you tke your bike?/7 you swim in the sea? 7x You /have pines on the beach? FY You speak English? You! buy anything? you! eat poe? 7 b Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues. ‘Where did they go? What did they do? How did they travel? Where id they stay? Dia they have @ ‘good time? 'b Work with a partner. Make dialogues. Use the chart. + Where did you go on holiday, Charlie? © Wewent ‘© Ask your partner about his/her last holiday. Culture 1. Hetena and her grandfather are talking about holidays. Read the texts. Complete the chart. (Grandfather | Helena How many holidoys year? When?’ Where? Travel by? Stay? ‘yen wae abo most pacple dat goto oer eure or herby Some ich poople west broad bt ost people aye in Bran ‘Tey tava by plane an ae of people aid have a Tey waved by tao us. "on na oe pac Yt Seer Ragu tm fey sms sed tm SEG aa mnt he hey ten ‘We aweya won righ for oro We at wea espe iy aul Ty Sedna higton vwedianihae 9 talent womdageea tre Ne pied cna beet Strcowi a Grate ‘octave ss Sungate Soya 2 How many of these can you find in the texts? places forms of transport places to stay 3. a Read the text again and look at the chart in ‘exercise 1, Copy it and make a column atout your holidays. 'b Write about typical holidays in your country. essay have twoholdaye spear ~Slongtolday 2shortone the hobayin yor Aogust when sre atch! Wego aay fortwo eels ane i fowsdifeent Pace We goto Fomenheren Europe “aly France oft —ut st yer We abo tate hoon wit fora weekarten dope We roma gto war paces the Canay ands or the ribean, but st winter we went king in Sowers iar grest fun Wesivays vey plane then we go abroad nde say innate wert alto ny tends take scarvanorgocomping Theatr ron ona eyo hough the Chane unne TS et mae) History: transport 1 a Put the forms of transport in order of speed from the slowest to the fastest. plane boat car bus motereye Bile train 'b Work witha partner. Compare your list. ‘st Today people travel a Tt. You can travel from one side ofthe wr othe other in one day. Travel wasn't easy in the past. It was offen dangerous ‘and journey look months or even years. Buses Th fst hus apeared in 185 Pople call it an ‘omnibs, This means Yr eeryhedy in Latin) Afr 196, ues hoame vary ppl Boaks The it kid wang as be oa ett 10 ce ayn mde ats te aod ade he Grek Rnas and ‘ig bit toto Planes ‘The iat aeoplane ein190.The Weight Bre’ 2. 2 Put the forms of transport in the correct order from the oldest to the most modern. Boats 1b GBD Read and listen to the text. Check = - Yet ng ate ici ee ac ‘in 18. Gotlieb Daimler deciged the Sst ne. ‘wa mae of wad and i, Trains ‘he ft rays agen in Tala in ‘the 1A Fr the frst time pel coud tree from ‘ne sie ofthe cout tothe tbe in jt a ew bes. Cars 1 185 Kart hich Bene ‘mae thet car in Germany Ey cars wee ery expense any odin the USA change that He but ged, ceap cars in his factrin. Bioyoles Bam is mle te re in Tt was a hazy, wooden bite wih no pda. a ED Listen to the story about Ted's day. Put the pictures in the correct order. rite sentences about Ted's day. Use the pictues in 1a and the cues below. At7.30/Ted /be /in bed He / not heat alarm clock Mother / come /in his bedroom She tll Ted the tie He / jump / out of bed and brush /his teeth Ted / run dowrstas He / arrive / atthe bus top He/ be too late The bus / leave / without him Ted / ave at school The teacher be in the dassroom She / say / Where's your homework? Ted /ook /in hs bag His homework /be/ at home The teacher give him more work past tense? Tick (/) them, verb past 1 dence danced 11 2 want wanted 12 3 ply plyed 13, 4 wat waited «14 Sue ued 15 6 watch watched 16 7 need needed 17 8 phone phoned 18 9 rive arived 19, 10 decide decided 20 ver paint check Took happen start help le work Which verbs have got an extra syllable inthe past pained chectes looked happened started cleaned helped lived worked Your project What to do 1 Tell people about your last holiday or your idea holiday. Write about these things: Where did you 90? ‘what was the weather ke? Wh aid you go with? What tings eid you do? Where did you stay? ——-Howlong did you stay? What was tke? 2 iustrate your project with pictures and photos 3. Wit a postcard to a friend about your holiday Listen and sing, The runaway train ‘eas in the year of 99 on that old Grest Western i nen the winter wind was blowing sil ‘The rls were frozen, the wheels were col, then the ar brakes didn ald ‘And Number 9 came roaring down the hll-oht ‘The runaway tain came down the wack and she blew, (repeat) The runaway train came down the rack, her ‘white wide and her throttle back, ‘And she blew, blew, blew, blew, blew. ‘Te engineer said the train must halt and she blew repead ‘The engineer said the train must helt he sid it wasallthe feman’ faut, ‘And she blew, blew blew, blew, blew. ‘The conductor sald theie'd be a wreck and she blew, (repeat) ‘he conductor sald there'd be a wreck and he fete the chils run up is neck, ‘And she bw, blew, blew blew, blow ‘The runaway train went over the ill and she blew, (repeat) {Te runaway train went over the hill and the last Wweheard she was going il ‘And she bw, blew, bl, blew, blew. Grammar + Countable and uncountable nouns = ares = some and any + How much / How many ry Food and drink Vocabulary Vegetabes 7 ecage 1 BB uisten and repeat. jue &. Drinks a You an count some Grammar (Pepin 4 a Look. — “Some things are ‘uncountable They have on) ‘one form 2 What other kinds of food and drinks do you cheese cheese know? bb Are these words countable or uncountable? 3 a which things inthe lst do you ike best? Write Cor U, ‘Choose four things. Which things don't you like? lemonade U coffee fice Ask and answer with a partner. tomato ¢ banana tuna i vegetable ut ag + 0 you ike coffee’ sandwich chicken fish © Yes, do.! No, | dont. never drink ft oe a Fa + Do you like grapes? cay “1 meat bean With plural nouns and ‘uncountable nouns we don need ‘Soran With singular noun we ‘must hove Soren. Listening and speaking 72 EBB Look at the menu. Listen. What does George order? Menu 'b Complete the sentences with a or an where necessary. 1 Cant have orange, please? 2 Do you ike fish? 3 | usually have egg for breakfast. 4 don't eat meat. 55 We adways have —— tomatoes with our wea © EE nr epan anton olga tyre tie Benin a = ae 9 ee rl Sse Seon ene ee ae = Listening ‘wartness Is __ everything? 2 EBB Liston. what do the people have for peel = ea 6 ein en i rer a ronce Here you wamess Thank you. {© Work with a partner. Practise the dialogue, 8 Make new dialogues. Use the menu. Pronunciation bb Describe each person's lunch, (Carl has. He usually has or Jnit. He has with that. He drinks Stone soup Look atthe diferent kinds of food/drink. Listen and repeat the words. ‘What kindof things can you make with these foods? Comprehension 2 Read and listen to the story. Which Of the things from exercise 1a did the ‘tramp put in the soup? ne diya temp came tan old woman's house excuse met sid the tramp. Ti very hungry Have you got anything to et?” Bat dhe old woman was very ean ‘Go aay she idl havent got any food for you! “Oh? sid the tramp, wel have you got any water You see, T¥ve got agi stone and Tcan make soup with it But need some waterA mage stone, sd the mean ld woman, Ye ve gotsome water Se fetched big saucepan of water and putt onthe ‘cooker. The tmp pt the toe into it After awhile he tase the soup. ‘Minn. fs ery good he sai ave you. fot ay sat and pepper? The old woman fetched vme Saltand pepper "Mmm. That's bette said the tramp. it realy neds some vegetables. pity you havent got ny weptable"Ob, san fn some vegetables! ald the ‘Ld woman, She ran into the garden and brought back =e water Feabbage) (ham ss Werean M salt ‘Oo a BGonions ¥* (47 mushroems potatoes sone potatos carts, beans and big onion. The tramp putthe egetablesinto the saucepen. “tit ready now? asked the old woman ‘Almost? id the tramp. it really neds some meat 15a pity you haven't gt any mest! ‘Oh, I can find some meat! id the old woman She ran tothe lla and came ack vith Some ham and some sasages. The tramp put them nto the sucepan “Right aid the tam aftr while.‘ cant se the stone non 30 the soup ready. Bread is ery god with stone soup. Its a pity you have got any bread! Ch, 1 fam find some brea sid the woman, She went othe Cupboard and fetched loaf of bead, some butter and {bottle of wine. She pu them onthe table with me ives, forks and spoons. “Mmm, this dsicious sid the old woman when she tasted the oupAnd you made it with just that magic Sone! The tramp set, picked up his knife and cut nother slice of brea, Grammar Listening 3a Complete the sentences from thestory. 5) a HB George and Alice are making a 1 thave' got_—— food for you shopping list Listen and write their list. 2 Wel, have you got water? 3 Oh, Ian find vegetables, Copy and complete the table. ed We use for affirmative statements, We use for negative statements and questions. { Look at the things in exercise 1. Say ‘whether the tramp used each thing to make the soup. He used some water. He didn't use any lemons. 4. a what have you gotin your cupboard? rite five kinds of food or drink from ‘exercite 1. Don't show itto anyone. 'b EBB Listen again. What things don't they reed to buy? Speaking 6 Read the story again, Work with a partner. ‘Aetthe story Pronunciation Afsand /ds/ 7 2 €BB Usten. If you hear the // sound 'b Askand answer with a partner. Find out say ‘cheese’. f you hear the /ds/ sound ‘what's in your partner's cupboard. say ‘oranges’, + Haveyou got any water? {b EXD isten again and write down the © No, {haven't got any water. Have you got any water? + Yes, Ive got some water. Have you got... 7 Cz Mut goes shopping Comprehension 11. ERD Read and listen to the story. Answer the questions. 1 Where do Mickey and Mille go? 3. What does Mut want? '5 Where is the dog food? 2. What do they buy? 4 Why does he think they need #26 Who putit there? oetol ve go the tole tin eee 5 The rule wasn't Tor see ian cant see any dog “‘oodin there.) it ra {ae tire oO ane got Soares or | 2 Read the story again. Are the statements true or false? 1 Mickey and Mie ae gringo dosomeshoping. 5 Tey buy sk banana. 2. There int any dog food on the shel 6 They don't buy any dog fod atthe marcet. 3 ites ot te ees 7 ie dees feed Hut when they get hore 4 They by eveting a th supermarket eae raieneearen 4s Grammar (a Are these ~. B Look. (ord cota 3 a Copy and complete the table. emai Use the dialogues from the story. How much / How many We need some bananas. “do we need? ‘We need some cheese, do we need? b Copy and complete the table. Se © EBD ston, Make questions. 11» Wensed some tomatoes * How many do we need? 2 + Werneed some bread * How much do we need? < Usten and check 4, a Match the words tothe pictures. 1 aloat 4 aglass 2 acip 5 atin 3 a packet 6 bar e 5 ") a > atinof dog food two tins of dag food {© What's in the pictures in exercise 4a? three packets of crisps Speaking and writing 5 Work with a partner. Find out what he/she ete and drinks ina week. Ask about these things. craps mike sweets eggs_chocoate bananas” lemonade. cofee How mony packets of crisps do you eat each week? ow much mi do you drink? 'b Write about your partner and yourself. In a week my partner eats six packets of crips don't eat any crisps He /She eats Pronunciation Ih 6 2 Look at these words. Which words have the sound? Tick (them somes tame tam mech scone lec deable mney tine iter fut ap bb ERD Uisten, check and repeat put pound Comprehension 11 a George is making apple crumble. Look at the pictures. Put them in the correct order. bb EBB Read and listen to the rec Number ‘the pictures in the correct order. ‘rm mating aple crumble {for our detrert tose. 1s dellous. We Teernt the recipe st school You ned 9 fw spe, “ome flour rome butter or margarina, some Sagar and le water Apple Crumble We write: 1009 sugar We says hundred grams of 5098) Ingredients ‘You wil noed large apes ‘200g N04" bg batter oF margarine 0g sass water Instructions 1 Peel the apples and sti ther 2 bet the apples ina eaxcepan with ite water end 80 grams ofthe sugar, Bol the apples or 10 rinutes. 15 Put the flour the butter or margarine and the rest tthe sugar into a bow) Mix them with fork ‘4, Pour the cooked apples into a dish 2 a Look at the pictures. What is George doing § Cover the apples with the lor, bur and age in each picture? arure 2 Hes puting butter into a bow 6 ave dah ino the oven at 10°C for $0 minstos 6 Patek ino be cgthcronm criceaream. Find these things inthe pltures knife afore asaucepan an oven ‘bowl adsh a spoon a peer =) Grammar 3 @ Look atthe sentences. ‘You need a saucepan and some water 'b Complete the text with a, some or the. 1 Put __ four and» butterin*__ ‘bow, Now take “fork, Mix? flour ‘and "butter with "___fork. Then pour sugar into * bowl and mit th flour and "butter, 2 First, you need "__ mushrooms and *_ knife See» mushrooms with «knife, Now put *__ol in‘ frying pan and put 3" mushrooms in al. Then fy 5 mushrooms in ® fying pan for five minutes 4 a Look at what George says in exercise 1 Complete the sentences. You need a few apples You need a water. b Look at exercise 4a. Copy and complete the table, Complete these expressions with alittle or afew. 1 oranges 5 salt 2 buner 6 cheese 3 sugar 7 peas 4 tomatoes 8 sausages Listening and writing 5 a EdD Here's another recipe. Listen. Tick (/) the ingredients you hes haf whe we Pas seg grand hee ae at . pee rons te b EBB Now listen to the instructions. ¢ EBB uisten again and write down the Instructions, Use these cues, 1 Grate 2 Add 3 Then mix 4 Make... toast 5 Cover with 6 Put... the ail 7 Chop .. and put 6 2 Which words have the same sound? Tick them. cit want tomo mot bony ed. sad fouwe round ont oes oun tot Bean bead school look fone stone slice dish flour four ‘b EE Listen, check and repeat. Say this. Peter Piper picked a pint of pickled peppes. Culture 1L. Read the text. Are the statements true oF false or doesn't it say? 1 Most peonle in Britain eat a big breakfast every morning People often have grapefruit for breakfast. People have lunch at 3 o'clock All children take a packed lunch to school People usualy have dinner in the evening ‘Most people eat breakfast inthe kitchen Meals na PREGI Ties pie ete of dye eat ~"urually between Zand 8 o'clock. The traditional British breakat is very Big: acon, ‘999, sausages, tomatoes, mashrooms, Baked beams and fried bread! Bat nowadays people don't usually cook a big breakfast every ‘morning. They only havea cooked | Deaklast on Sundays, ‘when they stayin ‘hotel 2 a Complete the chart about food in Britain. Time Food 'b Make a chart about meals in your country Most people have light brakfas These ae sometypica ‘Hinge peopl he or break toast i a, honoy oF marmalade ‘cereal wih ilk and sogar fruit (grapetrait is popular) yoghurt Between 12 o'clock an 2o'lock people have neh. This {soften alight meal of soup, sandwiches and / or «salad. ‘Most cldren have that lunch at school. Toy ean take “redvichee fom home (a packed lunch) of ay an Bay food athe school canton, ‘Tae main mol ofthe day ie dinner People weully 2 this Deleon abou sx and eeven sock in the even 3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer about the meals you eat. 11 When do you have them? 2 What do you eat? 3. What do you like to eat for dinner? em mea) Geography: food from around the world 11. Match the words to the pictures. avocados coffee peppers tea chocolate potatoes tomatoes sweetcorn turkey Lp, ey, <~<@r ®: ah Be ‘2B Read and listen tothe text. Find the words from exercise 1. yom s, s ws ata tof diferent kinds of food today. Before the t6th century, people in Europe did't have alt of the things that we et and rink every ay ‘Alte end ofthe 15th contury, people om Europe started to ave to other parts ofthe world. They ‘went to America, ica and Asia. Tey brought back lat of new kinds of food. (Chocolate came rom Mexico. The Artes there rank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they wer the fist to put ‘sugar nit Ul the 1870s, choclate was oly a ‘rink Te Sviss made the st bar of chocolate in 1876, 3 Read the text again and match the food to the places. 1 chocolate 2 North America 2 sweetcom b china 3 potatoes Mexico 4 coffee South America 5 tea Africa . complete the sentences. 1 The Aztecs drank chocolate with pepper. 2 The Spanish 3 The Swiss 44 The Turks 5 The Britsh— 5 8 White a quiz question about the text. Where do avocados come from? 2 Africa b America Asia bb Read your quiz question to the cass. “Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, to. The Spanish took seds back to Spain and started to grow the plants ther. Soon they spread to other counties Europe and then © ther pars ofthe world ‘The words tomato, chocolate and avocado a come from the old Ate language. Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather They grein the mountains of Pan Sweetcorn (or maize) came ftom North Americ, “Turkeys came fom North America, to. They didn't come from Turkey Cates came rom Arica, The Turks tok it to “Turkey and then to Europe “ea came from China nthe 17th century. AL fst Iwas very expensive and only ich people crank it, but inthe 19th contury the Brits stated to grow tea in Ind. They produoed a ts twas cheap and everybody rank It 2 1 ‘Complete the sentences with 2, an, some or any. 1 There nt salt inthe cupboard 2 There ae tins of tomatoes in the cupboard. 3 Do we need vegetables? 4 Cant have: apo, please? 5 thad plate of cheese and bread for lunch, 6 For ths recipe you need —_ apes, flour, sugar and 09 7 We didn't buy brea. 8 put ‘onions, tomatoes and olin frying pan and stir them with fork. Puta, an, some othe in the right place. 1 = tsDonna an the phone? © No, shes watching video in the living room, 2 To make tis model you need i paper * plastic cup, *____ pen, scssors and #____gle. Fist, put plastic cup on”. paper With *___ pencil draw pO cide round "cup, Now take "__ scissor and cut out cree, 3+ Te got! parcel and 2 Tete for Mr Smith © Give *___letes to me and put parcel on ® large desk over there, 4 + canthave apple? © Yes, theres = futon a shat Vocabulary 3 a Write the things you see in the pictures. = biel 2 — 2? —_ te A 7 'b Write questions about the things in exercise 32. Use How much ../ How many How much milk is there? 4. Find the names of eight more types of food and drink Inthe square. GrayD 4aownHore by buld tage 8 great ead sy 3 thin white coal 10 south down cious M1 stot worst or 12 bone wort es 13 size dy ese 1a cat hea bovng cempensie ERB Listen and check. fat hot ‘orgeous ted oy Zoli and Rita are thinking about their holiday. Compare the places. Write a sentence for each of the adjectives below. wet long cold expensive good far bad Short dry interesting near hot Alma is wetter than Brigtown. 40 minutes | thou | 30 minutes 65 78 £46 Pronunciation Complete the chart. 3 a Tiek(V) the pairs that have the ame ‘vowel sound. Your project a What to do 1 Tell people about your country. Write about these things ciferent pars ofthe c 3 interesting places. the weather. Song 11 2 GBB Listen and complete the song with the words. forest sind my sow me highway land valey. went iW bb EB usten again and sng This ands your and THs ed gour ond, seas Tila island That ibbon of From calforia eae To the New York Tie ended sve? ier (ae aaa i ree cseataes The golen oo Figs aoe ere eel aS Mr ar ear er yo ond 7 6 ssa Grammar + going to adecties and adverbs. + have t+ making suagestons| zy TV programmes Vocabulary Comprehension 1a CBBuisten and repeat. 3 GE Read and listen. Answer the questions 1 What does Nick want to do this evening? Why? 2. What kind of programme's Frank's Friends? Megastructures? 1 aquizshow 2 asoap opera 2 Whycan'thewatch V2 @ renny Hi What are you going to do this evening? 3 cartoon 4a police drama oe Well my parents aren't going 2 be at home, so "'m not going todo any homework. fm going to watch all my favourite TV as 5 adocumentary 6 thenews programmes. sey What about your sister, Liz? ls she goingto be at home? vce Yes, she's, but going to keep the remote con 7 areaty show 8 comedy programme gry Are you going to watch Frank's ends? ‘That's my favourte comedy programme. nck No, mot. 'm going to record it, becese 1m going to watch Megastractures. I's documentary about big buildings and tunnels | ¥ iN # 9 afi 10 anatue programme and things ike that. Yes, its going to bea ae great evening, £2 i | 11 aspors progamme 12'a chatshow 'F bb Give an example from TV in your country ‘of each kind of programme. 2 Answer the questions. water 1 What are your favourite programmes? sc Mum! Why i the TV set inthe hal? 2 What kind of programmes ae they? ‘Mut We'e going to take it to your grandmas. Her 13 When ae they on? Wit working ‘4 What programmes don't you normally watch? exh, no} Grammar 4, copy and complete the table withthe ful fone Listening and speaking 6 2 EHD sen. what are the people going ddo.on Saturday morning? Write te actives. panel ‘watch TV. ie rote frat. ste | sat | gohato | beat home records Bye programme. You | aren't hey ioe rg ra ened bb Complete these sentences with going to. 1 ery read a book this evening. 2 We —play basketball on Wednesday. 3 |__wateh the news at 10 o'clock 44 Heidi do her homework ater dinner. 5 Nick’ parents buy anew TV atthe weekend {¢ Make the zentonces negative. 5 a Copy and complete the questions and short going to: questions You are going to watch TV. Yes, going to wateh TV?) Ni 1b Write down six TV programmes that are ‘going to be on this week. Ask and answer ‘with your partner. + Are you going to watch the Nine o'clock news? © Yes, 1am No, fm not Work in a group. Plan the perfect evening's ‘TV. What programmes are you going to watch? Tell the class. Names 1 Rick 2 Melanie 3 Alice and Mie 4 Max and Jin 5 Olver © Bart and liz bb Work with a partner. Ask about the people. + What's Rick going to do? * He's going to «Ask and answer with a partner about the ‘+ Are you going to play football? © Yes, am. /No, fm not. "7 Ask your partes what are you gong todo at these tines? ‘his evening at New Year alter school (Saturday morning ‘on Sunday aternoon on your next birthday Pronunciation Comprehension 1 a Look at the pictures. Find the names of the ‘people inthe story. 'b What is happening in each picture? 2 EBD Read and listen to the story. Number the Pictures in the correct order. Doctor X Justin Time opened his yes slowly. He was on a bed na strange toon The bed was ery hard Chelsea was ‘there, oa she was ery sad tre you alright she asked quietly it doesn't matter. Youre bath going to die here It was hus oldenemy, DI she laughed hom. T¥e fot the computer nowSo goodbye, Mr Time’ rXleftthe roam an the guard lke the dor "We mus top het said Justin With that computer shecan contolallthe wer satelite. T think we can escape easy whispered Chelsea “That guards very love Listen: “That's a good idea sald usin Then be shouted very Joudly Oh my stomach Help Help ‘The guar rushed tnto the ror. ‘What’ all that home noise? he sald Chelsea was by the dor She thew the banka over the guards head whilst (gly grabbed the keys fom the gua elt They {bck the guard the rom and an outside "oud that very well said Justin ‘Oh sta eazy sald Cheers sel can youran ast too? he saiandthey rantothe harbour “Too sid usin Thats DrX's boat she's ging totake the computer to her secret island Come on! They got Intotheboat and behindthe seats Soon DrXarrived Shecareully puta refease on the seat and started the engine ‘The boat was vey fast When they were near the island Dr opened he briefcase viththiscomputertim goingto contol the world she sal Suddenly Just jumped up and took the efease. (Ge that to masa Dr she grabbed the riefease and pulled hard But the briefeave was open and the Computer flint the water “are you going to jump n and get De XY asked vost ant si” he said sai asthe computer slowly sarixto the bottom ofthe sea. “The wor s safe again now; said Justin. Whee vaeied Dr Chelsea tock the baat safely bak othe ato 3. answer the questions. 1 Why did De X want the computer? 2 Hove dustin and Chelsea escape from the ‘What did they do withthe guard? Where did Justin and Chelsea go after they escaped? Where oi they hide? Where eid Dr X want to 90? ‘what happened to the computer? Why di’ De X try to save the computer? Grammar 4. a Copy and complete the table. renee -b What letters do alot of adverbs end with? Find more adverbs inthe story. ‘© Complete the sentences with words from the story Are the missing words adverbs or adjectives? 1 "Tats a idea. sai usin "Yeu did that very" 2 ‘Wel can you run, too?" he said ‘The boat was very The bed was very —. She grabbed the briefcase and pulled 5 choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 The quard moved very slow! sony. 2 Deis hormble/horably woman, 3 Chale spake quiet quit. 4 They ran to the harbour quick quick 5 The engines made avery loud loudly noise 6 Justin grabbed the briefcase sudden / sudden. 7 DrX opened the briefcase careful! carefull. 8 She pushed lstin very hard hardy. 9" We're safe/ safely now sid Justin happy oappih 10 chelsea can swim very ood wel 6 write sentences about yourself with hese siete well fst lady easly sony Ian speak Engh wel Writing and speaking 'T a You only have the last part of the story of Dr Xin exercise 1, Think about what happaned before this. What happened to Justin? Why were he and Chass in the oom? ow un bs X get te computer pt Wy ids want? b Work with thre friends. Write the first part of the story. Actthe story. Pronunciation le a b Give examples ofthe different types of film Film, cameras, action Vocabulary 12 Look at these types of film. What type do you like best? 2 comedy film Comprehension corm 2 ED Read and listen. Answer the questions 2 scifi cence fiction) 1 (romantic comedy) don't have to do ‘anything inthis scene, 50 practising ‘mylne forthe nevt sone. have 1537 “ook! This aries hath, they reed me now 50 1have £096 Its Saturday morning. Nik doesn't have to go to schoo! today, but he has to getup earl, He going to bein afm Grammar 6 3 2 Complete the sentences from the text, uz Doyouhave to say 1 He get up early. any ines? 2 He —— 90 to schoo today. rock Yes, do. 3 | say ‘Look! This is Caries hat” uz Do you have 4 |e anything inthis scene. tobe in every Copy and complete the table sex No dont learn the tines. go to the theatre. 'b Use the cues in exercise da, Ask and get up early. esere + Does Nick have to say any lines? te © Yes; he does "Does he have to be in every scene? © No, he doesn't. 4 2 GBB Liston. Lizis asking Nick some questions. Tick (/) the things Nick has to do. say any lines wear makeup bein every scene dance learn alt of lines play a musical instrument i Bly arse ist 77» ExBisten, Why ca Lz do the things? ‘match the invitations to the stuation. bb Say what Nick has to do, aS a He has to say some lines oat Pavieey aavceaens He doesn't have tobe in every scene. ie visit my grandprens 2 goto the cinema |b dony homework Pronunciation 3 watcha DvD € go othe dentists P x 4 playa computer game | d practise the piano 5 go tothe park « help withthe housework [6 90 tothe shops clean the car bb Write sentences about Liz. Liz can’t ply tennis, because she has to go to the dentists {© Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues (- Ey) The lost penguin Comprehensi Grammar 3a Look atthe story Copy and complete the 1b Find the answers to these suggestions in ‘he story. 1 Shall we goto the park today? 4, a Match the cues to the pictures. qe be $3 |b Work with a partner. Student A suggests fone ofthe things. Student B gives an answer. A Let play a computer game. B That'sa good idea. 1 go.on the ntemet 2 gooring 3 lay table tennis 4 go-swimming 5 playa computer game 6 watena ovo 7 9010 the 200 8 have a drink Listening 5) 2 Eston to the dialogues and answer the questions. 1 What ae the poole going todo? 2 When are they going to dit 3 Where ae they gong to meet? 4 What me are they going to met? 'b Complete the dialogues. 1 wor Lets 0 Thats 3 good \Why don't we meet outside the OK, What? Isha past Fine sors this morning "Where shall we meet? ? al ight for you? you outside the sports contre athalf*__ eleven. (0k.*_— you. ‘What "__we do today? Why don't we play". ‘OK, Where shall we "__? Lets meet atthe bus © OK "time? How about twenty past wo, There's & bus at half past *__ Fel see you at the bus station at past two. 0K, See ™ {© GBB usten again and check. 6 Work with a partner. Make new dialogues with ‘the cues. 1 gotothe cinema 2 play table tennis this afternoon {hig evening atthebusstop at the sports centre half pas ee ‘quarter past eight Culture 1L Look a the names inthe four headings inthe tent Which of them is an ator? 2 Read the text. Match the names to the films. 1 Charie Chaplin 2 DrNo 2 Aled Hitercock The Wrong Tousers 5 Sean Conns © The kid 4 Daniel Craig Casino Royale 5 Wallace and Gromit e Psycho The British inema Charlie Chaplin was the first International film star. He was bom in London, but when he ‘a8 23 years ol he went to the USA, He worked in the theatre ot iret and thon mov to Hollywood, He starred in ‘eval allnt movies In most of his early films he played ‘the litle tarap.People al over the world loved his lm His moet famous film was The Kid (182). director Like Charlie (Chaplin, he was bom wn Britain, but he made ni ima in the USA. He made thailaa, ke North By Northwest ‘and Fear Window Hie ‘mest finous fm wa Peycho. He wasntan ‘ctor, but he always ‘appeared in one scen snail hi fms. *) visi fiat film, A Grand Day Out (1989), Wal goto the moon, Two later films, The Wor A Close Shave, bth won Oscars. 3 Answer the questions. 1 Inwhat year did Chare Chaplin go tothe usa’ 2 Who was the litle tramp"? 2 What kindof films di Alfred Hitchcock make? |4 What cid he doin al is ims? 5 Who wrote the James Bond books? 6 What does James Bond do? 7 Who made the Wallace and Gromit fms? 18 How many of his films won Oscars? 4. write about some famous people in the cinema in your country. 1 What are their nar 2 When were they born? '3 What fms have they appeared in? EEE... famous characters in Brie lms isthe secret agent, James Bond (€0?) lan Flaming created the Ccharactar He wrote the fret James Bond book in 1952. Ten years later the first James Bond film appeared rio starred Sean Connery o¢ James Bond. In 2006, Daniel Craig became the sixth fames Bo Casino Royale. Nick Park created these two charatare = Wallace, the inventor, an (Grom, his very lever dog, ‘Thoy're mace of plasticine. In thelr sand Gromit 1 Trousers and Pa ee History / Art: the Greek theatre ‘1. GBD Read and listen tothe text. re the statements true or false? 1 Greek theatres were inthe open ic 2 They bul them on top of hls 3 The theatres weve very smal 4 The stage was atthe bottom, 5 6 COniy women acted in Grek plays, The actors all wore masks, “The Greeks but heatresin the open ai fen on lls. They called them amphihcttes: The mphiteatres were very big. There wer about 1,000, ‘eatsfor the audience in some theatres. The theses bd semi-circular shape Allee actors inthe Greck theatre were men They ‘Theses monte = wore with big holo the oth There were Paar Im with hp ces come and ma ith ple ‘Alfa for tagein. Trapt were fen aboot the past. The ators in rapes usally wore dark ‘colour. Comedies were funny and told ries about everyday ife-The actors in comedies often wor ight ‘colors “Two of the most firmous playwrights were Euripides and Aristophanes. Euripides live in the Sith entry between 480 ac and 406 2c. He wrote teagedies. Aristophanes ved beeen 446 nc and Sa. He wrote comedies and is known a the "Father of Comedy Today people stil remember ‘heir ames sould se the stage very well 2. Complete the sentences with the words. comedies the past light Aristophanes. tragedies Euripides happy sed dark everyday fe 1 In tragedies, the actors wore masks and othe, These plays were usually about ‘raged. 2h the actors wore masks clothes These plays were usally about eis {> Grammar 1. ite te avers ted [badly —[pomble | teeta | [ood | — re a eo So inc a a tamer [faa lel a ie Teng [— [row [— 3 a what are they going to do? Complete the bubbles. Use these expressions. pat the dace wath up ay the violin go king (Atm going to) play the violin) 1 make herbed ¥——& cook the dinner x 2 gether breakfast x 7 setthe table v 3 makeherlunch¥ 8 do the washing x 44 clean hershoes V9 feed the dog ¥ 5 do the shopping x b What does Mia have to do? Use the cues, Do you have to do these things She has to make her bed. have to don’t have to make my bed. aL ale NDE To tea bb Use the cues, Make dialogues pictures. 1 Adam / play the trumpet ‘Is Adam going to play the trumpet? © No, He isn’t. He's going to play the violin. 2 Anna go sking 2 Paul and Tamsin cook lunch 4 Charles / paint hs bedroom ee ca (Cad What to do 1. Make a project about entertainment. Choose one of these. you watch and listen 10? 2 Who are your fa My favourite films My favourite lms are the three Pirates ofthe ‘caribbean fms. Theyre reat fur Tike them al, but think thatthe second lm, Dead Man’ Chests the best ‘thestars ‘The ms’ stars are Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley snd Johnny Depp.Orlando Bloom and Keira ‘eighty are both from Sitan but Jenny Depp Song 1. GB Listen and answer the questions. 1 Hove does the snger fee? 2 What ae they going todo to him? 3 What does he have to do? Act naturally Theyre gonna put mein the moves theyre gonna makes ig trout of me © Wiettmake fm about aman thats mee anda got do act natraly ; might win an Oscar you can never tel the movies gonna make me a big star "Cause | can play the part so well 1 What kind of entetaiament do you Ike best? What things do jutte actors, acreses, TV stars and pop stars? ‘write the story of a book, film, play oF TV programme that you liked. ‘orlando Bloom was ‘bor insg77 Head Well hope you come and see me in the movies then | know that you will plainly see The biggest fool that ever hit the big time {and all gotta dois act naturally ‘Well hope you come and see me in the movies then | know that you will plainly see ‘The biggest fool that ever hit the big time and alll gotta dois act naturally gotta shave Getto

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