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Introduction to Facebook:

Facebook is the latest in a long line of what we now know as “social networking”
websites. But what sets it apart from the competitors, is its popularity. At last check,
Facebook boasts over 2.23 billion active users. 
Established in 2004, from the college dorm room of Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard student, the
website is now worth billions of dollars and is one of the world’s most recognisable brands. It’s
even had the Hollywood treatment, with The Social Network, a film exploring the site’s
conception, released to wide acclaim in 2011. But, if you’re not quite on top of technology or are
new to the internet, as a parent, or a teacher, you probably have a few questions.

In Get informed, Parents

Explained: What is Facebook?

Facebook is the latest in a long line of what we now know as “social networking”
websites. But what sets it apart from the competitors, is its popularity. At last check,
Facebook boasts over 2.23 billion active users. 
It is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work
colleagues or people they don’t know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos,
and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.

Users send “friend requests” to people who they may – or may not – know.

Facebook has over 1 billion users

Once accepted, the two profiles are connected with both users able to see whatever the other
person posts. “Facebookers” can post almost anything to their “timeline”, a snapshot of what is
happening in their social circle at any given time, and can also enter private chat with other
friends who are online.

People with profiles list information about themselves. Whether it be what they work at, where
they are studying, ages, or other personal details, many users post lots of information which is
easily accessible to their friends and others. On top of this, users can “like” other pages which
interest them. For example, a Liverpool FC supporter can follow the club by linking up with its
Facebook page. There, the user can post comments and receive club updates, pictures etc.

Facebook is a social media, which was initially named “facemash”

and then “the Face book,” before acquiring the real name. It started
as a hobby project, but grew rapidly, initially among students of
Harvard, Stanford, and Yale, and later among general masses.

In 2005, a domain name was registered, and it saw a

phenomenal expansion after that. At present, it has more than 750
million users worldwide, with USA having the most number of
Facebook users, followed by India and other countries. However,
70% of the Facebook users are located outside the USA.

A huge company like Facebook is bound to have a hierarchical set

up. Earlier, according to its employees, the company had flat
hierarchy, but nowadays it is becoming more corporate in nature,
which obviously has some cons. The hierarchical set up of Facebook
is as follows.
CEO and the Board of Directors

The Company is headed by a group of directors, better known as

board of directors, among whom the CEO, who is also the founder
of the company, occupies the topmost position.

The second rank of the company constituted of a few chief officers

such as

 Chief Financial Officer: The duty of the chief financial

officer is to lead the teams of finance, facilities, and
information technology.
 Chief Technology Officer: The current chief technology
officer is also the vice president of the engineering section,
and it is his duty to gather the speed and creativity of the
company, and construct products, services, and
 Chief Product Officer: It is the responsibility of the chief
products officer to lead the global teams of Facebook’s
product management and design.

Chief Operating Officer

There is also a chief operating officer in the rank, whose duty is to

oversee all the operations undertaken by the firm, from marketing,
to resource development, to communication, human resources,
mobile, platform Advertising and global platform, etc. Each of these
operations is headed by one person and is supervised by the COO.


Under the board of directors is the head of the security operations

too. Under this department is Security services department headed
be another person, which looks into the security issues of the social
network company.


The department of product consists of product and advertisement,

and again head by one person, who is responsible for all the related

There is also a legal department, which deals with the public policy
concerning Facebook.


The engineering section have several sub sections such as

Infrastructure engineering, software developments, and engineering
and product.

Communication and Marketing

This section has consumer marketing team and platforms, public

relations under its scope.

This is the structure of Facebook Management Hierarchy. Also

know about Hierarchy of Facebook vs Google.

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