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FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION , INSPECTOR (BPS-16) : eee FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY (FIA), 2011 1 wt L By lod cells (b) White blood cells (c) Platelets (dy ® ‘the abbreviation of: : Memory () Reading Access memory (d) Metabolism (d) Pathogens (d) 206 Bain and nerves A Brain, spina! cord and nerves id of specialized nerve cells, rods and cones iy de (©) The sclera (d) The retina (©) Cockroaches (d) Rats {© Soybean (d) Noné of these (d) Botha & b fission of hydrogen into helita fusion of helium into hydroges (d) None of thes? i the moet b} e (}) Double to that on the earth, wl mee ine carth (d) Halfto that on the earth * em po arn te oon pvbose house became the: centre of preaching of Islam? ase EE, Bakr (RAD (b) Hazrat Usman (RA) Bg) a rg (RAD (d) Hazrat Talha (RA) Oe ace in Istaea was thi house of: ~ ‘pin Abu Talib: (RA) (b) Hazrat Argue r a sa RA) (@) Hezrat Umar bin (RA) * in of: ‘Natafal was 2 cous 3 Meee te BAD (@) Hazrat a fam Urey ‘Salma {RA} (a) None of 10 air beet in Iman-e-Mufnssal? * allah: () The Divine fp Te keophet a (4) Nonpa -s The soap was Hirst made byz Hazrat Ishag (AS) {0 gm Lot AS) Hast Yousat (AS) was the son of: (a) Hamat Ishaq (AS) (6 aaat sal (48) 7 ‘Which ane of the following prophets suift i ; (a) Hamat Youras (AS) B) Hazrs 5) net (@ Hazrat tscrail (AS) ¥ s 2 Yoda he on oh (i Haat Loot (AS) Hazrat a staaesy (9 tlamat Yousaf (AS) e teat meant ‘3 Hazrat Yousaf (A‘ (a) 3aays a 1 a Oats AS) was thrown into a wage Ser (h) 15 years | *¢plng for w 100 ees) ae leh (AS) came from the Sky ¢ © cook (b) Hazrat Uzair (AS) th (d) Hazrat Ilyas (AS) the following prophet was born; {b) Hazrat Yahya (AS) (d) Hazrat Uzair (AS) : arried to the daughter of. oma ener (b) Iltutmish i ats AS) PAY *@) The Angels of Alla : (d) The Prophets pt Allah aoc N ve (b) Hazrat Khadija's (RA) family oe mek (RAS (@) Hazrat Umar's (RA) fiimily years afer the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW); Hazrat Amin (AS) deg? tb) Fight ©: oY @ None of these the need for carrying out Faritiz, Fardizi Movement to save whom from the tyranny of iu loci he (c)Ulema (d) Peasants (©) Dhaka (d) None of these (b) Khushab Nuclear Power Plant (d) None of these (©) Khund (d) None of these (6) 1956 (d) None of these (© April 16,1991 (a) None of these (©) Nazin-ud-Din (d) None of abort BB : Crating PA i (d) None of thes? Private ‘TY Channel of Pakistan? de BE ) STN {e) ARY (a) Hag TV Big NIM est sports pant of Paklitac : whit isthe (uy) PTVO (@) Geo Super (a) STN 3B (NM gage of Pakistan was established at: 4 st S08 (b) Islamabad (c) Lahore (d) None of thes: o ach {place in Pakistan? ane pimey) Malam Jabba (¢),Skardy (a) None oft $4) AMP jog requested! Napoleon for help to drive the British from fed? % wit tb) Jai Singh Ce). Shiva @ Tipe L ® oF ae a. Yet Angi War was fought wind @ born in Delhi on: a Sire ctabe 1817 (b) 15th November’ \ oh Oetaber 1818 (d) 25th December 1818 \_) ) mad Khan started government Job in the sea 1837 as. # ng (b) Chief Judge (©) a Jevated to the Pere oc Cc # — map) 1846 (ee Si 1847 q. Tubal project is disputed berm een: (a) Pakistan and India = oe hu {@) India and Nepal 2d adesh Ge anit inthe e (a) John B, Zoetlick: ¢b) William Backjohn (e) Juan Antonia Samaranch “~ > —(d) Jacques Rogge 4 Who is the current president of the World Bank: (a) Roben B. Zeollick (b) 'WalfpetedJobn —(€) William Robe (d) None of these 4 ural pass connects Deosai areas With () Asore 7 - (b) Muzaffarabad sae ( ra (@) None of these 65, Sost Dry Port is established onthe border of: 4a) Palktslaarand Afghantstast (b) Pakistan and Iran (©, Pakistan and China, (q) India and Russia ‘@. “Goverment of Pakistan celebrated 2009 as; a) Natibgal Year of Environment (b) National Year of Mountains 3 (0. National Year of Water (d) National Year of Wheat = 1. “Sindh Baile began operation from: (4)tune.2010 (b) May 2010 © And wie (@) December 2010 Who was the first elected chief minister of Gilgit-Baltistan’ < é _— Shah (b) Zafar Shah © hate Sih (@) Nawaz Shah li pirates hijacked Pakistan flagged fishing vessel on: (4) 19” December 2009 (b) 13% December 2009 © 12" December 2009 (@) 10° December 2009S int (e) Apa 2009 (d) g, by Govt. of Pakistan on: (b) 27th September 2009 (d) 25th September 2009 ‘Chamber of Commerce and Industry? ‘ Babar Hirt (c) Tang Sayeed (4) Shahzada ay pakistan? ‘ey siyeed =) Shahzad Ali (d) Nawag js located at: (e) Islamabad (d) cy 2009, education is to be allocated ape (@ 6% ‘sims fo increase literacy to 86 per’ } (© 2014 on; Pte. in, 10 percent byams, ? (a) 15 pereent of the GDP, we (d) Foil (¢) Spur (d) Worship 4) Bankrupt (d) Wealthy a {¢) Delicate (d) Solve j © Retain (d) Talkanve t ; (© Benign (d) Treat (Leen (a) Blast f Acnihiae (d) Restore # © Sway (d) Faseinate in yaGoaRD: w Relaxed (b) Emacrated ee cose mryrd that is opposite in meaning a (a) Guide Pa yypaRTIAlé a) Unbias (b) Sluggish ee o KERNEL a s (a) Nuclevs (b) Core we a HARASS! ) Surroure (a) Soothe (h) Pester mea € ao. peciLe: ) Closely b (ay Idiot (b) Clever ; “a Lucid: (ce) Heretic ol) Distinet (b) Glory o¢. MYTH: (@) Parable (b) Story qr. NATIVE: co an Cree; "ay Haunt (a) Harass 9. PALPITATE: (b) Cease (a) Censure 1, REVERBERA TE: ‘| (a) Resound (b) rio! é ei

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