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Marinduque Midwest College

General Academic Strand

Senior High School



Precious Hope M. Pastoral

Charles Justin L. Salazar

This descriptive study focuses on how online games affects the academic

performance of Grade 12 General Academic Strand students conducted at the

Marinduque Midwest College. Purposive Sampling Technique was used to

select the respondents of the study since it only focuses to the students who

are inclined in online gaming, a total of twenty nine (29) Grade 12 GAS

students are the respondents of the said study. A questionnaire was used as

an instrument to gathered necessary data for this study. Frequency,

percentage, weighted mean and Pearson correlational coefficient were used to

analyze and interpret the data gathered. Result shows that males ages 17 are

fond of playing online games. Among boys, gaming is part of the male socio-

cultural communication context. Most of them identified themselves as casual

gamer and the online games they commonly played are Clash of Clans, Defense

of the Ancient and Mobile Legends. Although there is a relationship between

online gaming and academic performance still it is very low and it cannot be

supported. The researcher found that there is no significant relationship

between playing online games to the academic performance of students.

Keywords: Online Gaming, Academic Performance, Grade 12 General Academic

Strand, Effects of Online Games


First and foremost we thank our Almighty God for giving us strength,

wisdom and perseverance to face the challenges in making this research study


We are deeply grateful to Mr. John Mark P. Mercene for guidance and

encouragements in making this research a success. We always appreciate your

constructive comments and your personal support to our academic


To our wonderful parents, sisters and brothers, also to our relatives and

loved ones, thank you for your unconditional love, your encouragement and


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you. Thank you for all the

blessings and prayers.

- The Researchers

We dedicate this manuscript to our family, friends, and mentors. We are truly

grateful to your support. Your guidance, understanding, and encouragement

have been a true inspiration to us.



The Problem and its Background

Computer games are the most trendy entertainment in modern societies

and they target a diversity of people in different ages. It is a leisure activity that

has become an ever-increasing part of many young people’s day-today lives

(Griffiths, 2006). The addiction to the rivalry and excitements of the games

make them the most common recreational programs for today’s teenagers, so

that they do anything to reach a higher level of the game, they immersed in the

game so much that they completely separate from their surroundings.

Challenging with the obstacles and reaching a higher level in the game, make

the players excited and losing the game make them anxious.

In today’s generation, the continuous growth of the modern technology is

developing too fast. Because of technology, new things were created that made

our life easier, comfortable and handy at most of the time. They have set

numerous changes in all aspects of life in the field of education, medicine,

business and many more. Computers were created because of the technology.

Computers became a big part of our lives, the way we work, the way we learn,

the way we live and even the way we play. Along with the evolution of

technology, computers continue to upgrade. We can now edit and save

documents as well as play online games. Over the last decade, online gaming

has steadily increased. It has become extremely popular source of

entertainment and leisure activities especially to the students. Students can

also learn new words and languages through online games because it teaches

them on how to enhance their reading and thinking skills, they can even apply

it from their studies if possible.

Due to the fast advancement of technology nowadays, students were

getting involved with too much playing of computer games. Since, modern

technology is very accessible to people especially students; they can easily go to

computer shops near the school and spend most of their time playing.

Specially, when they lose to a game, they will have the eagerness to play more

just to win the game and forget the responsibilities as a student. Some

students get hooked on playing online games that they tend to lose interest in

other more important things like school related activities. There are also some

instances through playing, students develop bad habits that driven them to

take the wrong path.

As the advent of online games occurs, students failed on their grades,

they gave more of their attention on playing online games rather than doing

their school responsibilities. Some are getting sick because they spend most of

their time on playing and choose to skip eating their food on time. They also

don’t have enough money to spend to their school works if needed because

they spend it already in playing computer games. Thus, research focuses on

how online games affects the academic performance of Grade 12 General

Academic Stand students of Marinduque Midwest College in year 2017-2018.

In here, the researchers will identify the possible effects of playing online games

and its relationship to the academic performance of the students.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to know the effects of online gaming to the academic

performance of the Grade 12 General Academic Strand students in

Marinduque Midwest College; specifically the researchers sought to find out the

answers to the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Gamer Type

1.4 Online games commonly played

2. How many sessions a gamer spends on playing online games in terms of:

2.1 Frequency of playing online games

2.2 Average time span of playing online games

2.3 Length of period of playing online games

3. How does playing games affect the academic performance of the students in

relation with:

3.1 Recent grades for 1st and 2nd grading period

3.2 Number of hours spent in studying

3.3 Frequency of absences in class

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing online games to the

academic performance of the students?

5. Is there significant relationship between playing online games and academic

performance of students?

Null hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between playing online games to the

academic performance of students.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between playing online games to the

academic performance of students.

Significance of the Study

The study will help the students have an insight on the impact of online

games towards their academic performance.

To the Students. This study is primarily important to students, for it will

give them information about the effects of playing online games on their

academic performance. They will be more conscious on the said effect and for

them to realize that playing too much online games is not worth their money.

To the Parents. This study will help the parents to have enough

knowledge about the effects of playing online games among their children.

To the Readers. This study will help the readers to have the

understanding about the effects of playing online games on the academic


To the Future Researchers. This may serve as a basis for future research

that will be conducted.

Scope and Delimitations

The study covers selected Grade 12 General Academic Strand

students of Marinduque Midwest College. This study was limited to DOTA,

Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans and League of Legends. The researchers

gathered all information about the possible effects of the selected online games

on student’s academic performance. The researcher also encounter problems in

terms of the target respondents, 31 is the target respondents among the Grade
12 GAS students that represents the 50% of the total population but only 29 of

the respondents were able to answer the questionnaires. Especially the one

who are knowledgeable about or has experienced with a phenomenon of

interest on playing online games using a purposive sampling.



This chapter includes ideas, opinions, research findings, generalizations,

published or unpublished theories and discussions on related literature and

studies both foreign and local, which provides relevant facts about the effects of

online gaming towards the academic performance of the students. That helps

in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature


Dockrill (2012) stated that students who regularly spend time playing

online games are developing analytical and problem-solving skills that can also

help them in their schoolwork. He also said that when you play online games

you’re solving puzzles to move to the next level and that involves using some of

the general knowledge and skills in maths, reading, and science that you’ve

been taught during the day.

Computer games have become one of the most important entertainment

tools for children, teenagers and even adults all around the globe. Allowing

access to the virtual world with unlimited possibilities, computer games

compulsively attract many people. In fact, they have become an integral part of

human society. In other words, by providing virtual fun and entertaining

environments (Demirbileka & lema Tamer, 2010), and having characteristics

such as being interesting and exciting, computer games stimulate motivation

and create a sense of enjoyment of learning. They not only have become one of

the most significant recreations for all age groups, but also they have potentials

to be used for educational purposes as a new strategy (Prensky, 2003; Tuzaun

& et al., 2009; Grimley & et al., 2011). Therefore, video games can no longer be

seen as mere entertainment tools. Today the positive effects of video games are

emphasized more than ever. As Games have become a tool to communicate,

teach, and influence attitudes and behavior, numerous studies have suggested

that they have positive effects on problem solving, achievement as well as

creating interest and commitment in learning (Tuzaun & et al., 2009; Kim,

Park, & baek, 2009).

In an experiment by Williams (2006), school performance increased after

the participants dramatically decreased (limited time spent using technology to

30 minutes per day) their usage of all technology, including video games.

Finally, Jaruratanasirikul,, (2009) found that the excessive playing of

video games (five hours or more per session) resulted in school grades that

were below a 3.00 average, and that time spent playing was a predictor of

academic performance. They also suggested that video games indirectly lead to

decreased performance through promoting violence. Finally, they noted that

playing video games took time away from school activities, homework, social

interaction, etc.

However, there is also plenty of research to suggest that interactive video

games can actually lead to increased academic performance (Anand, 2007).

Smyth (2007) suggested that complex games may lead to academic

success by engaging players in problem solving, critical thinking, and


Anand (2007) also found that males were more prone to these results

than females, because males tend to play video games more. The penetration of

video games into the United States alone is huge, with at least 90% of homes

having children that have played (rented or owned) video games. This is a

record level that continues to increase. 55% of console players and 66% of

online players are over 18. The college demographic seems to be the major

group of gamers simply because they have a lack of parental supervision and

they have more flexible schedules, allowing for more play time.

The studies and literature concerning the effects of online games to the

academic performance of the students are contradictory because some of them

suggest that online games may lead to negative effects while others said that it

gives positive benefits The relationship between the usage of computer games

and academic performance has no definitive answer to the question of whether

computer games disrupt academic performance.


Vinluan (2016) stated that computer gaming is one of the fast-developing

sectors of this generation of computer technology. Computer games offer their

patrons with a new dimension of virtual entertainment. The youth especially,

college students are the usual patrons of computer games. According to NIKO

Media Research (2017), the projected number of online gamers in the

Philippines rose from 21 million in 2012 to 28.72 million in 2014. Meanwhile,

statistics from Juha Sompinmaki of Tech in Asia show that about 409, of the

gaming population of the Philippines is aged 18-24 years old.

Furthermore, many multiplayer games such as DOTA or Defense of the

Ancients and LOL or League of Legends involve cooperation with other online

players in order o win. These games encourage players to make the most of

their individual skills to contribute to the team.

Related Studies

Online gaming has emerged as a popular and successful source of

entertainment and play for people of all ages, especially for the students. It

refers to the games that are played over some forms of computer network,

typically on the internet. These games are played online, in which you can

connect with multiple players. It is normally platform independent, relying on

the web browser and appropriate plug-in. (Robinson, 2016)

Skoric et al (2009) found that while game addiction leads to negative

academic performance, moderate engagement in gaming can lead to improved

performance in an academic setting. They found a positive correlation between

game play and English test scores, which suggests that gaming can actually

lead to better test scores.

Studies of Abdolkhaleghi et al. (2006); Ramezankhani et al. (2008); Roe

and Muijs (2000); and Russell (2006) also showed that rate of playing computer

games has negative correlation with student achievement; while other research
(Durkin and Barber, 2002) showed that there is no negative relationship

between computer games and educational attainment.

Shao-I,, (2004) also studied addiction (once again no definitive

definition was given) and noted a decrease in school performance when the

student was addicted to gaming. They found that gaming addiction physically

impacts academic achievement because the student is too involved in the game

to do homework or prepare academically.

There are also others that have found decreased academic performance

in relation to involvement in playing video games. Anderson and Dill (2007)

studied video games and aggression and suggested that not only does gaming

have an impact on performance directly, but it also triggers a higher level of

aggression, which is often linked to problems in school and decreased

academic performance.

Wack and Tantleff-Dunn (2009) also found a negative correlation,

although the relationship between GPA and academic performance in their

study was not significant. Jackson et al (2008) found that time spent playing

games was a negative predictor of academic performance and that those who

played video games more often had poorer grades than those who played less

A study conducted by Wood,, (2007) included open-ended questions

that encouraged participants to report different feelings about playing video

games. Some of the negative consequences indirectly related to school

performance, in that participants reported often missing lectures, skipping

homework, etc. They also found that these consequences were more likely to
impact males, because males play more often and were more likely to report

losing track of the time while playing.

Gaming Frequency, Time and Types of Gamer

The gaming frequency and the amount of time spent on playing video

games have been studied for years frequently in association with gaming

addiction (King 2012; Ko et al. 2009), psychological constructs (e.g., self-

concept clarity, self-control, and flow) (Khang et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2012),

negative consequences (e.g., missing school work) (Hellström et al. 2012), and

even academic performance or learning outcome (Furió et al. 2013; Ip et al.


According to Ip et al. (2008) he stated that frequent gamers, who spend

more than 2 hours per day playing video games, performed less well than

infrequent gamers. Hellström et al. (2012) examined the relationship between

gaming time, motives to play, and negative consequences because of playing

massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). They recruited

7,757 Swedish adolescents and had them completed a questionnaire and found

that time spent on gaming was related to negative consequences, e.g., “less

sleep due to gaming.” Ventura et al. (2012) constructed an online survey with

252 undergraduate students and a positive indication was found between video

gameplay and academic performance. That is, students who spent 11-50 hours

playing video games had significantly higher GPAs than students who spent 0-

10 hours playing video games.

Types of gamers are associated with the frequency and amount of time a

player has spent on playing video games. However, the segmentation between

types of gamers has not been significantly, rigorously studied. Two types of

gamers, casual and hardcore gamers, have been growing rapidly in recent

years. Kuittinen et al. (2007) discussed the characteristics and differences

between casual and hardcore gamers. For example, hardcore gamers play

extremely competitive games and require a much higher degree of involvement

than casual gamers.

Cummings and Vandewater (2007) found that only 534 (36%) played

video games, and that these individuals played an average of only 1 hour per

weekday and 1.5 hours per weekend day. On the other hand, another study

was conducted by Aliliran et al (2014) he stated on his study that out of 34

students, 12 of them spent 1-3 hours the most a day.

In the study conducted by Wood, Gupta, Devevensky & Griffiths (2004),

online gaming can be addictive. The researcher has tended to concentrate on

negative aspects, such as excessive play and addiction. Instead of spending

their hours on studying and doing their homework, children spend their time

on playing computer games.

The results of a survey show that 90% of children aged 9-13 years

perform video games. 43% of children do the games less than one hour and

27% as 2-6 hours every day (Cited in Jensen 2005/2001). Gunter (1997,2008)

states that children at age 6-11 and 12-17 years have the highest number of

Academic Performance

According to Rehbein,, (2010) they found a direct correlation

between increased truancy and video game dependency in their study of

15,168 German 9th graders. This finding is important, because researchers

such as Yakovlev and Kinney (2008) have found correlations between

attendance and school marks. Yakovlev and Kinney reported an overall course

grade reduction of 0.9 points for every class missed. More literature exists on

the relationship between video gaming and final marks. Jaruratanasirikul,, (2009) found that two hours of gaming per day correlated with a Grading

Period Average of below 3.00 in 1,492 high school students in Thailand.

Researchers have also found negative correlations between video gaming

and other types of school-related behaviours. Anand (2007) reported that video

game addicts are laggard in school assignments and fall asleep in class.

Gentile,, (2004) found that gaming creates time conflicts that lessen the

hours that gamers devote to homework. Of 534 (10-19-year-old) gamers in

Cummings and Vandewater’s (2007) study, 425 boys spent an average of 30%

less time reading for every hour that they played video games on weekdays,

and 109 girls spent an average of 34% less time doing homework for every hour

that they played video games on weekdays.

In their study of 13,960 US high school students, Bowers and Berland

(2013) found positive correlations between 1-2 hours of daily gaming and

mathematics and reading skills. Wittwer and Senkbeil (2008) also found
positive correlations between “smart” gaming and mathematics skills in their

study of 4,660 German 15-year-olds. Gamers develop problem-solving skills

and complex thought processes (De Aguilera & Mendiz, 2003) that apply to

academic work.

Conceptual Framework


Demographic profiles of the

respondents in terms of:
1.1 Frequency of playing online DEPENDENT VARIABLE
1.2 Average time span of EFFECTS OF
playing online games ONLINE
1.3 Length of period of playing GAMING
online games TOWARDS THE
Online games affect the PERFORMANCE
academic performance of the
students in relation with:
2.1 Trends of grades for past 1st AND ABM
and 2nd grading period STUDENTS OF
2.2 Number of hours spent in MARINDUQUE
studying MIDWEST
2.3 Frequency of absences in COLLEGE

Advantage and Disadvantage of

Online Gaming

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

The study focused on the effects of online gaming towards the academic

performance of selected grade 12 GAS students of Marinduque Midwest

College. A Conceptual Framework is used in order for the researcher to clarify

some concepts regarding on the frequency, average time and length of playing
online games relates on the academic performances in relation to the

attendance, grade and class participation. Based on the conceptual paradigm,

the independent variables affect the academic performances of the students.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. Is measured by taking written and oral tests,

performing presentations, turning in homework and participating in class

activities and discussions. Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or number

grades and side notes, to describe how well a student has done.

Advantage. A benefit or gain.

Computer Game. Refers to a video game played on a computer, rather than on

a video game console or arcade machine.

Disadvantage. Something that makes a situation worse or that makes

somebody or something less effective or desirable.

Gamers. A person who plays a game, especially a role playing game or

computer game.

Impact. The powerful or dramatic effect that something or somebody has.

Internet. An electronic communication network that connects computer

network and organizational computer facilities around the world.

Online game. Game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the

internet connection.
Technology. Refers as a purposeful application of knowledge, skills and

experiences in using resources to create products or systems to meet human



This chapter presents the research design, research locale, population

and sample, research instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical

treatment of data utilized by the researchers to collect and analyze the

necessary data in the course of the research study. The most appropriate

method was used to enable the researchers to come up with the accurate and

needed information.

Research Design

Researchers used the qualitative, descriptive and correlational design

under quantitative method of research to determine the effects and relationship

between playing online games to the academic performance of Grade 12 GAS

students of Marinduque Midwest College.

According to Simon and Goes (2011) correlational researcher investigates

one or more characteristics of a group to discover the extent to which the

characteristics vary together. Descriptive and correlational studies examine

variables in their natural environments and do not include researcher-imposed

treatments. Best and Khan (2003), discussed that descriptive method of

research is designed to gather information about present existing conditions.

This method is applicable in the study because it helps the researcher come up

with definite fact information relevant to this study.

Variables and Measures

Table 1. Variables and Measures

Variables Measures

Demographic Profile of the  Age

Respondents  Gender
 Track
 Gamer Type
 Online games commonly played
 How often do you play online
 How many days of the week do
you play online games?
 On average, how many hours
you play online games per day?

How does playing games affect the  What was your recent grading
academic performance of the students period average?
in terms of:  How many hours do you spend
on studying?
 Absences in class
What are the advantages and  Formulate strategies and
disadvantages of playing online games develop multi tasking
to the academic performance of the  Enhance creativity
students?  Enhance critical thinking
 Improves technological abilities
 Enhance problem solving and
 Formulates hand and eye
 Sharpen the mind (brain
 Enhance cooperation in a team
 Enhance decision making
 Learns to manage resources
that are limited
 Skip class to play online games
 Skip sleep to play online games
 Skip meals to play online games
 Late in class because of playing
online games
 Feel sleepy in class
 Missed any deadlines of
 Missed any deadlines of projects
 Received low grades
 Missed school
 Play online games during class

Sampling Design

The researchers used purposive sampling in choosing the respondents.

According to Patton (2002) Purposive sampling is a technique widely used in

qualitative research for the identification and selection of information-rich

cases for the most effective use of limited resources. (Cresswell & Plano Clark,

2011) This involves identifying and selecting individuals or groups of

individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or experienced with a

phenomenon of interest. Since the study focuses on the effects of online

gaming towards the academic performance of grade 12 GAS students of

Marinduque Midwest College, through the use of purposive sampling technique

the researchers carefully identify and select the respondents of the study, since

it only focuses to the students who are inclined in online gaming.

Research Respondents/Population

The target population for this study are the Grade 12 GAS students of

Marinduque Midwest College who are playing online games. Since, the study

only focuses to the students who are inclined in online gaming, a total of thirty

three (29) Grade 12 GAS students are the respondents of the said study.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Marinduque Midwest College at Dili, Gasan,

Marinduque located in the Municipality of Gasan the third class municipality

in province of Marinduque, Region IV-B (MIMAROPA) Philippines.

Since, the researchers are students in the said school, wherein they

observed the extreme effects of online gaming. Due to curiosity, the researchers

conduct this study to determine the effects of online gaming towards academic

performance of the Grade 12 GAS students in Marinduque Midwest College.

Figure 2. Location of Marinduque Midwest College

Research Instrument

According to Garcia, in this part, the researcher explains the details and

methods used in data gathering which is needed and used in order to solve the

problems stated in the study.

The researchers used questionnaires as an instrument to gathered data.

The questionnaires consist of items that determined the effects of online games
to the academic performance of the students. Close ended questions was

included in the questionnaires. The questioning methods are in checklist form.

According to Fluid Surveys (2013) questions that are closed-ended are

conclusive in nature as they are designed to create data that is easily

quantifiable. The fact that questions of this type are easy to code makes them

particularly useful when trying to prove the statistical significance of a survey’s

results. Furthermore, the information gained by closed-ended questions allows

researchers to categorize respondents into groups based on the options they

have selected. To gather more accurate information, respondents are carefully

guided in answering such questionnaires. The questionnaire that asked to the

students consisted of three different sections: Part 1-Demographic Profile; Part

2- Disadvantages of Online Games to the Academic Performance; Part 3-

Advantages of Online Games to the Academic Performance.

The researchers also used a Likert Scale to measure the frequency and

attitudes of the respondents to the extent to which they agree or disagree with

a particular question or statement.

Likert Scale is a universal method of collecting data, which means it is

easy to understand them. Furthermore, because Likert Scale questions are use

a scale, people are not forced to express an either-or opinion, rather allowing

them to be neutral should they so choose. Once all responses have been

received, it is very easy to analyse them.

Likert Scale

Part II

Table 2. Range and Verbal Description for the Negative Effects of Online Game
Range Verbal Description Scale

1.0 – 1.5 Never 1

1.6 – 2.5 Sometimes 2

2.6 – 3.5 Often 3

3.6 – 4.5 Very Often 4

4.6 – 5.5 All the Time 5

Part III

Table 3. Range and Verbal Description for the Positive Effects of Online Game
Range Verbal Description Scale

1.0 – 1.5 Strongly Disagree 1

1.6 – 2.5 Agree 2

2.6 – 3.5 Neither Agree nor 3

3.6 – 4.5 Disagree 4

4.6 – 5.5 Disagree 5

Strongly Agree
Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researchers distributed the questionnaires to

the respondents. They discussed the contents of the questionnaires to the

respondents before answering. In distributing the questionnaires, they use the

allotted time so that class discussion will not be disturbed. The students were

given enough time in answering the questionnaires. The questionnaires used in

data collection were based on the previous studies, published and unpublished

thesis, articles and etc. which are relevant to the present study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Identification of Requesting
Preparation of
sample size to Permission to
Identification of Questionnaires
the total conduct
Respondents to be
population of research from
the respondents the Principal

Distribution of Collecting of
Tabulation and
Retrieval of Survey Questionnaire
tally of the
request letter Questionnaire to from the
gathered data
the Respondents Respondents

Result and
Interpretation of
the gathered

Figure 3. Data Gathering Procedure

Ethical Considerations

The participants were selected based on the researcher's

judgement. This was due to the potentially invasive nature of the research

design and the explorative characteristics of the research study. The

participants were informed about the study in great detail before asking for

their consent to take part. The consent letter was included in the

questionnaires be distributed. Aims and objectives of the study, together with

details about the data collection process were explained to the participants.

The participants were informed that they could withdraw from the study at any

time without questions being asked. The researchers will treated as

confidential as the answers of the respondents and used only for academic

purposes. All data collected was presented anonymously by replacing the

participants' names with ascending code numbers in the order of the initial


Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers will be using statistical treatment to determine the

frequency distribution and percentage.

Percentages were used by the researcher to covert the numerical data

gathered from the questionnaire. The descriptive statistic used frequency and

percentage. These things would be explained further in the following:

a. Frequency – pertains to the number of respondents that have same answer

in a specific question.

b. Percentage – used to determine the ratio of respondents that have the same

answers with general number of respondents.

The following statistical components will use are as follows:


a. P= F/N x 100


P = stands for percentage (%)

F = number of respondents that answered the question

N = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean

The researcher used weighted mean as statistical treatment to determine

the extent of perception of respondents to the statements in the questionnaire.

A. WM= 5f+4f+3f+2f+f

B. WV= F(N)

C. WM= Total weighted mean

Total frequency of respondents


WM = Weighted mean

WV = Weighted value

Pearson Correlation Coefficient

The researchers used the Pearson correlation coefficient to test the

correlation between playing online games and academic performance.

Pearson’s correlation coefficient is the test statistics that measures the

statistical relationship, or association, between two continuous variables. It is

known as the best method of measuring the association between variables of

interest because it is based on the method of covariance.

( )( )
√* ( ) +* ( ) +

Table 4. Numerical Rating and Verbal Interpretation for Pearson Correlation


Numerical Rating Verbal Interpretation

0-0.20 No Relation

0.21-0.40 Slight

0.41-0.70 Moderate

0.71-0.90 High

0.91-0.99 Very High

1 Perfect


This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered in the

study to answer the problems raised in the previous chapter. This study

utilized the tabular and textual modes of presentation. The research problems

enumerated in Chapter 1 serve as the guide for the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data.

1. Profile of the Respondents

The study included several profile variables to gain the information about

the respondents of the study. These were presented in the following figures.

3% 0%

16 years old
17 years old
45% 52% 18 years old
19 and above

Figure 4. Age of Respondents (n=29)

As shown in the graph, it revealed that majority of the respondents (52%)

identified themselves as 17 years old, (45%) said that they are 18 years old,

(3%) answered that they are 19 and above and no respondent answered 16

years old.

Figure 5. Gender of Respondents (n=29)

The graph shows that twenty one (66%) of the respondents are male and

twelve (34%) of the respondents are female.


Prefer not to

Figure 6. Gamer Type (n=29)

The graph shows that 72% of the respondents are casual gamer, 21%

said that they are hardcore gamer. The least 7% prefer not to answer the

Defense Of The
8% Ancient

27% League of Legends


Mobile Legends

Clash of Clans
Special Force

Figure 7. Online games commonly played (n=29)

As shown in the graph, it revealed the top three commonly played by the

respondents were Clash of Clans (COC) which is 30%, 27% of the respondents

played Defense of the Ancient (DOTA) and lastly, 16% of the respondents

played Mobile Legends.

2. Sessions a gamer spends on playing online games





8 Frequency
6 Percentage

21% 10% 48% 21% 0% 0%
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Prefer not
to answer

Figure 8. Often you play online games (n=29)

As shown in the graph, it reveals that majority (48%) of the respondents

answered they sometimes play online games, 21% answered that they play

online games always same to those who play online games rarely, 10%

answered that they often play online games while no respondent answered

never and prefer not to answer the question.





8 Frequency
6 Percentage

28% 52% 14% 7% 0%
Less than 1 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6 or more Prefer not
hour hours to answer

Figure 9. Hours you play online games per day (n=29)

The graph shows that 52% respondents play online games 2-3 hours per

day, 28% answered that they play less than 1 hour, 14% answered they play 4-

5 hours, 7% answered they play for about 6 hours and up while no

respondents answered prefer not to answer the question.

8 Frequency
6 Percentage
10% 52% 21% 17% 0%
1 2-3 days 4-5 days 6-7 days Prefer not
to answer

Figure 10. Days in the week you play online games (n=29)

The graph shows that 52% of the respondents play online games for 2-3

days per week, 21% of the respondents play online games for 4-5 days, while

17% of the respondents play for 6-7 days, 10% of the respondents play for 1

day and no respondents check the choice which is prefer not to answer.

3. Effects of Online Gaming to the Academic Performance



6 Frequency

4 Percentage

34% 28% 14% 21% 3%
Less than 1 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6 or more Prefer not
hour hours to answer

Figure 11. Hours spend on studying (n=29)

As shown in the graph, it reveals that majority (34%) of the respondents

answered they study for less than 1 hour, 28% answered that they study for

about 2-3 hours, 21% answered that they study for about 6 or more hours,

14% answered that they study for about 4-5 hours and 3% of the respondents

prefer not to answer the question.





8 Frequency
6 Percentage

17% 48% 24% 3% 0% 7%
90 and 89-85 84-80 79-75 74 below Prefer not
above to answer

Figure 12. Recent grading period average (n=29)

As shown in the graph, it reveals that majority (48%) of the respondents

has received 85-89 GPA, 24% of the respondents answered that they received

80-84 GPA, 17% of the respondents answered that they received 90 and above

GPA, 7% of the respondents prefer not to answer the question, 3% of the

respondents answered that they received 75-79 GPA and no respondents

answered 74 below.
10 Frequency

8 Percentage

62% 28% 7% 0% 3%
Never Sometimes Often Very Often All the time

Figure 13. Often you missed school for online games (n=29)

As shown in the graph, 62% of the respondents answered that they never

missed school for playing online games, 28% of the respondents answered they

sometimes missed school for playing online games, 7% said that they often

missed school, 3% of the respondents said that they missed school all the time

for playing online games and no respondents answered very often.

4. Disadvantage and Advantage of Playing Online Games

Table 5. Disadvantages of Playing Online Games

1 WV 2 WV 3 WV 4 WV 5 WV Total
Sleep 10 0.34 10 0.69 7 0.72 1 0.14 1 0.17 2.07
Skip Meal 11 0.38 10 0.69 5 0.52 3 0.41 0 0.00 2.00
Skip Class 21 0.72 6 0.41 1 0.10 1 0.14 0 0.00 1.38
Late in
class 16 0.55 7 0.48 4 0.41 0 0.00 2 0.34 1.79
sleepy in
class 5 0.17 15 1.03 2 0.21 4 0.55 3 0.52 2.48
homework 11 0.38 13 0.90 3 0.31 0 0.00 2 0.34 1.93
projects 14 0.48 12 0.83 1 0.10 1 0.14 1 0.17 1.72
grades 17 0.59 8 0.55 3 0.31 0 0.00 1 0.17 1.62
school 18 0.62 8 0.55 2 0.21 0 0.00 1 0.17 1.55
breaks 5 0.17 18 1.24 3 0.31 1 0.14 2 0.34 2.21
Total =18.76

Range ( weighted mean range) Adjectival Equivalent

1.0– 1.5 Never
1.6 – 2.5 Sometimes
2.6 – 3.5 Often
3.6 – 4.5 Very Often
4.6 – 5.5 All the time
As a whole, the table reveals that the respondents “Sometimes”

experienced the following negative effects of playing online games to the

academic performance as evidenced by the total weighted mean of 1.88.

Taken singly, it shows that the respondents have “Sometimes”, skip sleep

(x = 1.9), skip meal (x = 2.0), late in class (x = 1.8), feel sleepy (x = 2.3), missed

any deadlines of homework (x = 1.9), missed any deadlines of projects (x = 1.7),

play during class (x = 2.2), received low grades (x = 1.6), and missed school (x =

1.6). It further shows that the respondents “Never”, skip class (x = 1.4),
Table 6. Advantages of Playing Online Games

1 WV 2 WV 3 WV 4 WV 5 WV Total
and develop
tasking skills 0 0.00 1 0.07 4 0.41 10 1.38 14 2.41 4.28
creativity 1 0.03 0 0.00 4 0.41 15 2.07 9 1.55 4.07
thinking 1 0.03 1 0.07 6 0.62 7 0.97 14 2.41 4.10
activities 0 0.00 1 0.07 3 0.31 13 1.79 12 2.07 4.24
solving and
logic 0 0.00 1 0.07 13 1.34 3 0.41 12 2.07 3.90
hand and eye
coordination 0 0.00 3 0.21 6 0.62 9 1.24 11 1.90 3.97
Sharpen the
mind (brain
challenge) 0 0.00 1 0.07 10 1.03 5 0.69 13 2.24 4.03
in a team 1 0.03 3 0.21 3 0.31 10 1.38 12 2.07 4.00
making 0 0.00 1 0.07 8 0.83 10 1.38 10 1.72 4.00
Learns to
that are
limited 0 0.00 1 0.07 10 1.03 5 0.69 13 2.24 4.03
Total =40.62
Range ( weighted mean range) Adjectival Equivalent
1.0– 1.5 Strongly Disagree
1.6 – 2.5 Disagree
2.6 – 3.5 Neither Agree nor Disagree
3.6 – 4.5 Agree
4.6 – 5.5 Strongly Agree
As a whole, the table reveals that the respondents “Agree” to the

following positive effects of playing online games to the academic performance

as evidenced by the total weighted mean of 4.06.

Taken singly, it shows that the respondents have “Agree”, that playing

online games formulate strategies and develop multi-tasking skills (x = 4.3),

improves technological activities (x = 4.2), enhance critical thinking (x = 4.1),

enhance creativity (x = 4.1), enhance cooperation in a team (x = 4.0),

formulates hand and eye coordination (x = 4.0), sharpen the mind (brain

challenge) (x = 4.0). It further shows that the respondents “Agree”, that playing

online games learns to manage resources that are limited (x = 4.0), enhance

decision making (x = 4.0), and enhance problem solving and logic (x = 3.9).

5. Relationship Between Online Gaming and Academic Performance

Table 7. Relationship of Frequency of Playing Online Games to Academic


Academic Performance Computed Pearson-R Verbal Interpretation

Recent GPA -0.22 Slight

Hours Spend on 0.13 No Relation


Absences in Class 0.57 Moderate

Weighted Average 0.30 Slight

In this table, Pearson Correlation Coefficient r was used to determine the

significant relationships between the frequency of playing online games to

academic performance of the respondents. It could be seen in the table 7 that

the computed r for the significant relationship between academic performance

and frequency of playing is 0.30 in which there is a slight correlation.

Therefore, the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between

playing online gaming to academic performance of the students will be

accepted. It means that academic performance and frequency of playing online

games of the respondent is not significantly related.

Table 8. Relationship of Average Time Span of Playing Online Games to

Academic Performance

Academic Performance Computed Pearson-R Verbal Interpretation

Recent GPA -0.21 Slight

Hours Spend on 0.29 Slight


Absences in Class 0.52 Moderate

Weighted Average 0.34 Slight

In this table, Pearson Correlation Coefficient r was used to determine the

significant relationships between the average time span of playing online games

to academic performance of the respondents. It could be seen in the table 8

that the computed r for the significant relationship between academic

performance and average time span of playing is 0.34 in which there is a slight

correlation. Therefore, the null hypothesis that there is no significant

relationship between playing online gaming to academic performance of the

students will be accepted. It means that academic performance and average

time span of playing online games of the respondent is not significantly related.

Table 9. Relationship of Length of Period of Playing Online Games to

Academic Performance

Academic Performance Computed Pearson-R Verbal Interpretation

Recent GPA -0.07 No Relation

Hours Spend on 0.14 No Relation


Absences in Class 0.53 Moderate

Weighted Average 0.25 Slight

In this table, Pearson Correlation Coefficient r was used to determine the

significant relationships between the length of period of playing online games to

academic performance of the respondents. It could be seen in the table 9 that

the computed r for the significant relationship between academic performance

and length of period of playing is 0.25 in which there is a slight correlation.

Therefore, the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between

playing online gaming to academic performance of the students will be

accepted. It means that academic performance and the length of playing online

games of the respondent is not significantly related.




This chapter summarizes the whole research process. A brief summary of

the whole study is given. It also provides a summary of the main findings of the

study, conclusions of the study, recommendations and suggestions for further



This study was conducted to determine the effects of online gaming

towards the academic performance of selected Grade 12, General Academic

StranD students of Marinduque Midwest College. The researchers used

correlational design under quantitative method of research to determine the

relationship between playing online games to the academic performance of the

students. Purposive Sampling Technique used to select the respondents of the

study since it only focuses to the students who are inclined in online gaming, a

total of twenty nine (29) Grade 12 GAS students are the respondents of the said

study. Researchers used questionnaires as an instrument to gathered

necessary data for this study. Frequency, percentage, weighted mean and

Pearson correlational coefficient were used to analyze and interpret the data

Summary of Findings

The study was conducted to determine the effects of online gaming

towards academic performance of the selected students and its relationship.

After the data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted the following

findings emerged.

1. Demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age. The research had a total respondent of 29. Majority of the

respondents (52%) ages 17 and the least (3%) ages 19 and above.

1.2 Gender. Out of 29 respondents, majority of the respondents (66%)

are male and the least 34% are female.

1.3 Gamer Type. Majority of the respondents (72%) identified

themselves as a casual gamer the least (21%) said that they are hardcore


1.4 Online games commonly played. Out of six games, the top three

most played online games of the respondents are Clash of Clans (30%), Defense

of the Ancient (27%) and lastly Mobile Legends (16%).

2. Sessions a gamer spends on playing online games in terms of:

2.1 Frequency of playing online games. Majority (48%) of the

respondents answered they sometimes play online games, 21% answered that
they play online games always same to those who play online games rarely and

the least 10% answered that they often play online games.

2.2 Average time span of playing online games. Majority of the

respondents (52%) played online games for about 2-3 hours per day and the

least (7%) answered that they play for about more than 6 hours.

2.3 Length of period of playing online games. Majority of the

respondents (52%) play online games for 2-3 days per week and the least (10%)

play for 1 day only.

3. How does playing games affect the academic performance of the

students in relation with:

3.1 Trends of grades for past 1st and 2nd grading period. It reveals

that majority (48%) of the respondents has received 85-89 GPA and the least

(3%) respondents received 75-79 grading period average.

3.2 Number of hours spent in studying. It reveals that majority (34%)

of the respondents answered they study for less than 1 hour and the least

(14%) answered that they study for about 4-5 hours.

3.3 Frequency of absences in class. Majority (62%) of the respondents

answered that they never missed school for playing online games and the least

(3%) of the respondents said that they missed school all the time for playing

online games.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing online games to

the academic performance of the students?

As a whole it revealed that the respondents are “Agree” on the

advantages of playing online game by the total weighted mean of 4.06.

“Improves technological activities and formulate strategies and develop multi-

tasking skills” are the two major advantages of online gaming.

On the other hand, it revealed that the respondents have “Sometimes”

experienced the disadvantages of playing online games by the total weighted

mean of 1.88. “Feel sleepy and play during class” are the two major

disadvantages of online gaming.

5. Is there significant relationship between playing online games and

academic performance of students?

Pearson Correlation Coefficient r was used to determine the significant

relationships between the frequency, average time span and length of playing

online games to academic performance of the respondents. It shows that the

computed r for the significant relationship between academic performance and

frequency of playing is 0.30, average time span of playing is 0.34 and length of

period of playing is 0.25 in which there is a slight correlation. Therefore, the

null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between playing online

gaming to academic performance of the students will be accepted. It means

that academic performance and frequency, average time span, length of playing

online games of the respondent are not significantly related.


Based on the above-mentioned findings, the researchers conclude that

majority of the respondents who usually play online gamings are males ages

17. Most of them identified themselves as casual gamer and the online games

they commonly played are Clash of Clans, Defense of the Ancient and Mobile

Legends. Most of the respondents play online games for about two to three

hours per day and two to three days per week. With their academic

performance, majority of them received a grading period average of 85-89, they

usually spend less than 1 hour in studying and almost of them never missed

school to play online games. Although there is a relationship between online

gaming and academic performance still it is very low and it cannot be

supported. Thus, the hypothesis is accepted that there is no significant

relationship between playing online games to the academic performance of


Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers hereby present

the following recommendations:

1. The researcher recommend for follow-up research could include the

Psychological and Sociological Effects of Online Gaming to Academic

Performance, Addiction and Excessive Gaming.

2. To the Future researchers they should also include a larger sample size not

limited to only GAS students from one particular school/section.

3. To the students they should know their limitation and consequences that

they might get from too much playing online games. They should priority first

important things (e.g. doing home works & household chores) they need to do

before playing.

4. The students should step away playing online games time to time. Sitting for

long periods of time to play a game is unhealthy. Online gaming should be

done for fun, not for an unhealthy obsessive reason.

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