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All praises and compliments to the supreme ruler of the

universe Almighty Allah who deserves all credits for
successful accomplishment of this research work and
preparation of this thesis.

The author feels proud to express his deepest sense of

gratitude and profound appreciation to his respected
supervisor Dr. Md. Shahidur Rahman Khan, Professor and
Head, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University(BAU) ,Mymensingh for his constant supervision,
scholastic guidance, valuable suggestions, constructive
criticisms and kind help throughout this research work and
in preparing the manuscript of this thesis.

The author wishes to express his heartful gratitude to his

research co-supervisor Professor Dr. Khair Ahmed
Choudhury, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene,
Faculty of Veterinary Science, BAU, Mymensingh for his co-
operation, heartily inspiration and constructive criticism
during the research work.

Profound thanks and heartiest gratitude expressed to his

respected teacher Professor Dr. Md. Mansurul Amin,
Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, BAU, Mymensingh for his

encouragement from time to time and valuable advice in
the completion of the research.

The author takes opportunity to express boundless

gratitude and sincere appreciation to honourable teachers
Professor Dr. Md. Atawar Rahman, Professor W. I. M. Afzal
Hossain, Professor Dr. Md. Alimul Islam, Department of
Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
BAU, Mymensingh for their sympathy, creative suggestion,
affectionate encouragement and cordial inspiration during
the tenure of conduction of this study.
The author would like to express his grateful thanks to Dr.
Sukumar Saha, Assistant Professor, Department of
Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
BAU, Mymensingh for his encouragement and informative
suggestions about the research work.

The author desires to express his profound appreciation

and sincere gratitude to Assistant Professor Md. Tanvir
Rahman, Md. Tofazzal Hossain, Mrs. Marzia Rahman, Md.
Nazmul Hussain, Md. Abdul Kafi, Lecturer Md. Mahbubul
Pratik Siddique, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene,
Faculty of Veterinary Science, BAU, Mymensingh for their
cordial help and suggestions in the study period.

The author also extends his thanks to the staff members of

the Laboratory, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene,

Faculty of Veterinary Science, BAU, Mymensingh to
complete this study smoothly.

The author feels much pleasure to convey his profound

thanks to well wishers (Reza, Kayesh, Riaz, Zinnah, Badal,
Mamun, Ruma,Khadiza, Shazib, Amitav, Mitu, Shamol,
Sayed ) for their inspiration and help during this study.

Diction is not enough to express the author’s immense

gratitude and endless love to his beloved parents for their
blessings, financial support and dedicated efforts and to his
sisters and brothers for their endless sacrifice and constant
inspiration for building his academic career that can never
be repaid.

The Author
June 2007


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