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Arbitrary mandibular hinge axis locations

J. W. Simpson, D.D.S.,* R. A. Hesby, D.D.S., M.S.D.,+* D. L. Pfeifer, D.D.S., M.S.,***

and G. B. Pelleu, Jr., Ph.D.****
Naval Dental Clinic, Naval Medical Command, National Capital Region, Bethesda, Md.

lhe arbitrary method is an accepted technique for

locating the mandibular hinge axis. The ease and speed
of the technique compared with the lengthy and
complex method of locating the kinematic axis make it
the most commonly used method for transferring the
maxillary cast to an articulator.
Although many studies have compared various arbi-
trary hinge axis points with the kinematic location,
there is no consensus as to which arbitrary point most
closely and consistently lies on or near the kinematic
axis. When Lauritzen and Bodner’ located an arbitrary
axis point with a Richey condyle marker they found
that 40% of the points were within 6 mm of the
kinematic axis. Teteruck and Lundeen2 compared the
ear axis face-bow method and a selected arbitrary axis Fig. 1. Arbitrary and kinematic hinge axis locations
point. They found that 56% of the ear axis face-bow and reference lines are recorded on graph paper
point and 33% of the selected arbitrary axis points were affixed to a hinge axis flag.
within 6 mm of the kinematic axis. Schallhorn3 report-
ed that 97% to 98% of kinematic axes fell within 5 mm various arbitrary axis points and determine which
of Beyron’s point.4 Beck5 found that 58% of Beyron’s,4 arbitrary axis most closely approximates the kinematic
17% of Gysi’s,6 and 83% of Bergstrom’s’ points were axis. The purpose of this study was to compare the
within 5 mm of the kinematic axis. In an extensive location of selected arbitrary hinge axis points and an
study, Walker” found that there was no consistent experimental arbitrary axis point with the kinematic
relationship between any arbitrary axis location and axis.
the kinematic axis. He concluded that no single arbi-
trary point was suitable for the general population. MATERIAL AND METHODS
The discrepancies among studies reported in the Fifty subjects, 19 to 60 years of age (mean age 31.5
literature indicate a need to clarify descriptions of the years), with functionally acceptable occlusion, and no
clinical signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction
participated in the study.
The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private ones of TMJ Instrument Hinge axis flags (TMJ Corp.,
the writers and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting Thousand Oaks, Calif.) were positioned on the face
the views of the Department of the Navy. slightly anterior to the tragus of the ear. Five arbitrary
Recipient of Honorable Mention, John J. Sharry Research Prostho-
dontist Competition, American College of Prosthodontists. axis points determined by anatomic landmarks were
This project was supported by Bureau of Medicine and Surgery recorded on graph paper attached to the flags (Fig. 1).
Clinical Investigation Program No. 83-06-1817 and conducted Beyron’s point4 was located 13 mm anterior to the
with the approval of the Committee for the Protection of Human posterior margin of the tragus of the ear on a line from
the center of the tragus to the outer canthus of the eye
*Commander (DC) USN; resident, Prosthodontics Department.
**Captain (DC) USN; Chairman, Prosthodontics Department. (Fig. 2, a). Gysi’s point6 was located 10 mm anterior to
***Captain (DC) USN; staff, Prosthodontics Department, the posterior margin of the tragus on a line from the
****Chairman, Research Department. center of the tragus to the outer canthus of the eye (Fig.



Fig. 4. Kinematic hinge axis is located by method of

Lauritzen and Bodner.’
Fig. 2. Arbitrary axis points: a, Beyron’s point; b,
Gysi’s point; c, Bergstrom’s point; d, Teteruck and
Lundeen’spoint; and e,experimental point. Brokenline
representsFrankfort horizontal plane.

Fig. 5. Facsimile of scattergraph used for compiling

data. Radius (n) represents 5 mm radius from kinematic
axis, and quadrant (b-c-d) represents tendency of arbi-
Fig. 3. Camper’sline is located with flexible rule. trary points to be located inferior to kinematic axis.

2, 6). Bergstrom’s point’ was marked 11 mm anterior The true axis point was recorded on the samegraph
to the posterior margin of the tragus on a line parallel paper asthe a.rbitrary axis points (Fig. 4). The location
to and 7 mm below the Frankfort horizontal plane of the kinematic axis was verified by two additional
(Fig. 2, c). Teteruck and Lundeen’sz arbitrary axis prosthodontists. To eliminate investigator bias, the
point was located 13 mm anterior to the tragus on a arbitrary axis points for half the subjectswere marked
line from the baseof the tragus to the outer canthus of before the kinematic axis was located. Arbitrary and
the eye (Fig. 2, d>. The experimental arbitrary axis true axis points were also located on the contralateral
point selectedfor this study was placed 10 mm anterior side thus giving 100 graphs for compilation and
to the superior border of the tragus on Camper’s line analysis.
(Fig. 2, e). Camper’s line connectsthe superior border On completion of the graphs, all arbitrary axis
of the tragus and the inferior border of the ala of the points were placedon individual scattergraphs(Fig. 5).
nose (Fig. 3).9*‘o The percent Iof arbitrary axis points that fell within 5
The Almore mandibular hinge axis locator (Almore mm of the kinematic axis was calculated for each point,
International, Portland, Ore.) was used to locate the and the distancebetween each point and the kinematic
kinematic axis as describedby Lauritzen and Bodner.’ axis was measured.In addition, the directional tenden-

820 IUNE 1984 VOLUME 51 NUMEER 6


Table I. Distribution and directional tendency of four arbitrary hinge axis points
No. of arbitrary points measured
Distance from Directional
Within 5 mm of kinematic axis tendency from
Arbitrarv points Total kinematic axis* (mm)t kinematic axis*
Experimental 100 78 3.6 ir 2.0 Evenly distributed
Gysi 100 49 5.2 + 2.8 Inferior
Bergstrom 100 36 6.3 + 3.0 Inferior
Beyron 100 34 6.2 + 2.3 Inferior & anterior

*Experimental arbitrary points differ significantly from other arbitrary points (p < .Ol, chi square analysis).
tMean and standard deviation for all points in each category. Experimental arbitrary points differ significantly from other arbitrary points
(p < .Ol, Student t test).
*Tendency shown by >80% of points in each category.

cy of the arbitrary points in relation to the kinematic kinematic axis. Arstad” and Weinberg” reported that
axis was noted. Statistical comparisonswere made by a 5 mm error in locating the mandibular hinge axis
meansof chi square analysis and the Student t test. results in a negligible occlusal error of 0.2 mm at the
RESULTS In selectingthe experimental arbitrary axis point, it
Because only 1 of 100 points of Teteruck and was establishedthat the reference line must be recog-
Lundeen* was located within 5 mm of the kinematic nized in prosthodontics, and it must be easily located
axis, thesepoints were excluded for statistical analysis. anatomically. Walke? used a reference line drawn
The distribution and directional tendency of the four from the superior border of the tragus to the outer
remaining arbitrary axis points in relation to the canthus of the eye. He reported that 80% of kinematic
kinematic axis is summarized in Table I. axis points were located below this reference line and
Of the experimental axis points, 78% were within 5 posterior to a point 12 mm anterior to the superior
mm of the kinematic axis, and the mean distanceof the border of the tragus on the same reference line.
points from the axis was 3.6 +- 2 mm. Forty-nine Therefore, we selectedan experimental arbitrary axis
percent of GysiV points were within 5 mm of the point located below Walker’s reference line and closer
kinematic axis, and the mean distance from the kine- to the superior border of the tragus. The experimental
matic axis was 5.2 f 2.8 mm. Thirty-six percent of point was located on Camper’s line, 10 mm anterior to
Bergstrom’s’ points were within the 5 mm range and the superior border of the tragus. Had the experimen-
the mean distance was 6.3 + 3 mm. Thirty-four per- tal arbitrary axis point been located precisely 9.5 mm
cent of Beyron’s4 points were within the 5 mm range from the superior border of the tragus, 80% rather than
and the mean distance was 6.2 + 2.3 mm. 78% of the points would have beenwithin 5 mm of the
The number of experimental axis points within 5 kinematic axis. Although 0.5 mm is readily measured
mm of the kinematic axis differed significantly from on graph paper, it is difficult to achieve such precision
eachof the other arbitrary axis points within that range clinically.
(p < .Ol, chi square analysis). The mean distance of In a review of the hinge axis theory, Preston” stated
the experimental axis points from the kinematic axis that a superior-inferior error in hinge axis location
also differed significantly from that of the other arbi- results in a larger occlusaldiscrepancythan an error in
trary points (p < .Ol, Student t test). In relation to the anterior-posterior location. The directional tendency of
kinematic axis, the experimental axis points were the arbitrary axis points of Beyron, Gysi, and Berg-
evenly distributed, Gysi’# points and Bergstrom’s’ strom was in an inferior or inferior-anterior direction
points were inferior, and Beyron’s4points were inferior from the kinematic axis. The experimental arbitrary
and anterior. axis points were evenly distributed around the kine-
matic axis.
There is a marked difference betweenthe findings of SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
this study and results reported by other investiga- This study compared selectedarbitrary hinge axis
This study shows that 78% of experimental locations with the kinematic axis location. Fifty sub-
arbitrary axis points were located within 5 mm of the jects were studied, and the data were statistically



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822 JUNE 1984 VOiBME 51 NUMBER 6

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