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Class – VI DATE:19.11.2020

SUBJECT: ENGLISH max marks:15


I. Rewrite as directed

1. Write the noun forms of ;- 4X1=4M

a. enrich -

b. treat -

c. discuss -

d. confuse –

II. Make meaningful words from the parent word;- 3x1=3M

1. prepaid -

2. countries -

3. carpenter –

III. Write the opposites of :- 3x1=3M

1. regular x __________

2. acceptable x __________

3. valid x __________

II. Say whether the following statements are True or False :- 3x1=3M

1. Tenali Rmakrishna prepared a delicious dinner for the emperor ( )

2. Emperor awarded a lot of gold coins to Chitra Varma ( )

3. Chitra Varma was a famous carpenter ( )

III. Write the meanings of :- 2X1=2M

a. unique =

b. assured =


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