20-008 Diva Aditya Puteri BR G - Writing A Diagram Essay

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NAMA : Diva Aditya Puteri Br Ginting

NIM : 200305008


My name is Diva Aditya Puteri Br Ginting. I am 18 years old and live in Kabanjahe. I
am the second of three children. I have an older sister and a younger brother as well. I am
very close with my siblings especially my sister. I feel comfortable to talk to her, because she
is a good listener. She is not only my sister but also my best friend. I do love my younger
brother too, but he can be quite annoying sometimes. My father is an police officer and my
mother is an goverment employee. I have a lovely siblings and parents, that always got my

Since i was born until fifteen, i studied in one of elementary school and junior high
school in Kabanjahe. After graduated from junior high school, i decided to continue my study
in Matauli Senior High School in Pandan, Central Tapanuli. I got my first experience living
away from home, at that time. For now on i study in University of North Sumatera.

My hobbies is watching drama, especially is korean drama. I love to spend my time

not only to watch k – drama, but also anime. Comedy – romance k-drama is my favorite
genre to watch. Some of my favotite dramas are “Strong Woman Do-Bongsoon” and “True
Beauty”. Besides that, i really into a sport especially is basketball and traveling. So, i spend
most of my time to do that activities.

One of my biggest achievement that i have received in senior high school is a Bronze
Medal from “Thailand Inventors Day” competition that held in 2019. In that competition, i
did a research and made a beauty product that is scrub from avocado. It is also my very first
time to go abroad, so i will not forget that moment.

DIAGRAM 1 : The Process of Milk Production

The diagram shows the process of milk production, as well as the manufacture of
other dairy products such as cheese, cream and butter. Overall, producing milk begins with
cows eating grass in a field and ends with milk and other related products being sold in
The initial stage in the process of milk production is cows feeding on grass in a field.
Twice a day, the cows are taken to a place where they are milked by a special milking
machine and the milk is stored in large refrigeration tanks in order to keep it fresh. Next, the
milk is put into a tanker. A milk tanker is responsible to collects the milk and delivers the
milk to dairy where it can be processed further, on daily basis.

Once the milk is delivered to the dairy, the milk can be used in two ways. Some of the
milk can be put through a pasteurisation process and packaged into bottles for sale. On the
other hand, some of the milk is used to produce cream, cheese, and butter. Finally, as soon as
the milk and dairy products have been processed and packaged, they are taken to stores where
they can be purchased by customers.

DIAGRAM 2 : The Water Cycle

The pictures illustrated the movement of water on, above and below the surface of the
earth which is commonly knows as the water cycle. Overall, the water cycle is a continual
process of water evaporating and forming clouds which then return the water to ocean in the
form of rain.

The first step of water cycle is evaporation of water. Around 80% of the evaporated
water is from the ocean. Evaporation of water is due to the sun’s heat and water vapour
condenses to form clouds. This evaporated water is responsible for cloud formation. While
the winds move the clouds around form one place to another, the condensation process is
continued until the condensed becomes thicker and heavier enough to fall out of the sky as
precipitation. This precipation can be formed as rain or snow on the earth’s surface.

Rainwater may take various paths. Some of it may fall into lakes or return to the
oceans that comes down from higher grounds to the lower as surface runoff water. Otherwise,
rainwater may filter through the ground, reaching the impervious layer of the earth. Salt water
intrusion is shown to take place just before groundwater passes into the oceans to complete
the cycle.

DIAGRAM 3 : Process Make Bricks

Bricks are one of the main material in building industry. The diagram illustrated the
process of how the bricks are made. Overall, bricks manufacturing require some stages from
digging the clay to delivering the bricks.

The first step of brick manufacturing is digging the clay from the ground by using a
digger machine. Then, the clay that has been dug is spread on the top of the metal gird and
placed above the roller machine. The clay that has been processed, will be added and mixed
with sand and water. Then the mixture, can either be cut in a wire cutter or a poured into a
mould to make the raw shape of the bricks.

In the next step, the the shaped raw bricks will be placed in drying oven for 24 to 48
hours or arround 1 to 2 days. The process of heating the bricks in a kiln is started form
moderate to high temperature, that is ranging from 2000C to 13000C. This step is followed
by cooling process in a chamber for 48 to 72 hours or arround 2 to 3 days. Once the bricks
have cooled down, they get packaged and delivered to their destination by trucks.

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