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4 of the Hardest Dumbbell Back Exercises



You don't need to fill your workout with endless pull-ups in order to

build a stronger back. A pair of dumbbells and the right exercises can
work just as well.
The key is to focus on eccentric and isometric movements, which are
an excellent way to make traditional exercises more challenging, says
New-York based personal trainer Carolina Araujo, CPT. Isometric and
eccentric movements involve holding the contracted position and
slowing the lengthening portion of an exercise, respectively, she says.
For example, during a dumbbell row, you'd pause at the top of the
movement and hold (isometric), then very slowly lower back down
(eccentric). These two types of contractions challenge your muscle in
a new way, helping stimulate growth and strength gain.
So if you want to challenge your back, try these five dumbbell
exercises to target your lats (mid-back), rhomboids (near your
shoulder blades), trapezius (upper back) and rear deltoids
(shoulders), Araujo suggests. Pro tip: If you really want to test your
strength, perform all these moves back-to-back.
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Move 1: Chest-Supported Dumbbell
Volume 90%

ACTIVITYDumbbell Workout


1. Begin by adjusting an exercise bench to about a 45-degree


2. Lean against the bench, facing the back with a dumbbell in each
hand. With legs extended, root your heels into the ground and put
your weight into your torso against the bench.

3. Extend your arms straight down toward the ground along the
sides of the bench.

4. On an exhale, row the weights up toward your chest.

5. Pause and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

6. Lower the weights for a 3- or 4-second count toward the ground.

Move 2: Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
Volume 90%




ACTIVITYDumbbell Workout

BODY PARTBack, Abs and Arms

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your
right hand. Rest your left hand lightly on your left thigh for

2. Hinge your hips back and lean your torso forward slightly, back

3. Row your right arm up, keeping your elbow close to your side,
and bring the weight up to your chest.

4. Pause here for a 3-second count, squeezing your lat.

5. Reverse the motion and lower the weight with control.

6. Finish all your reps on your right arm before switching sides.
Move 3: Alternating Dumbbell Row
Volume 90%
SKILL LEVELIntermediate

ACTIVITYDumbbell Workout

BODY PARTAbs and Back

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides with a
dumbbell in each hand.

2. Lean your torso forward slightly.

3. On an exhale, brace your core and row the right dumbbell up

toward your torso, squeezing the right shoulder blade.
4. Lower the weight with control.

5. Raise the left dumbbell, rowing the weight toward your torso,
squeezing the left shoulder blade.

6. Lower the weight with control.

7. Continue alternating arms, making sure you do the same

number of reps on each side.
To make this exercise as challenging and effective as possible, avoid
using momentum to lower and raise the weights. Keep the motion as
controlled as possible and maintain a flat back.
Move 4: Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Raise
Volume 90%

ACTIVITYDumbbell Workout

BODY PARTBack and Shoulders

1. Stand with feet hip-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand.

2. Shoot your hips back and bend your knees slightly as you lean
your torso forward with a flat back. Maintain this hip-hinge
position throughout the exercise.

3. Let the weights hang down toward the ground.

4. Keeping your neck long and with a slight bend in your elbows, lift
the weights out to your sides until they're in line with your
5. Lower the dumbbells with control for a 4-second count.

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