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Published 4Y:

The greater part of this little book is»

an extension of Self analysis, the Daily
Very fee' changes have been made
First Print: except in pronouns. e. g. from " k " to.
wc w% 4g
lst May, 1986
Copies . '%NO Spending time daily to look at onese)f„
and ones reactions to life and to write it.
down, your shortcomings, is the most.
A gift frOM important basis of sadhana.
paramount Charity Yr85t
Saroda This constant watching brings into
reality the false image one has of oneself,
and as this moment to moment alertness
becomes part of you, thea t h e >mage
Printed by:
sio~iy begins to dissolve. It is then that,
Jayantilal C. Shah
gcharya Printing PrcRs
~p7 Sardar Industrial Ps)ate, Saroda.

Ane rea11y sees the play of the ego and the My prayer is that ia sharing what has
havoc it is playing in your life and the Rblfays been kept as soslethlng personalq
lives of all ) ou cofne <nto contact anth. it@ril become the means of encouraging
you to begin your Self Analysis Diaqr
As time goes by the inner curtain


sometimes opens fora few seconds and

Truth Nows f rom within. T his is the At your feet .. in love
Higher Self giving a teaching for your MATAJK NARAVANI
yarticular problem, o r t h e heart will
suddenly pour out i n g ratitude with a
Sood of words.
Another experience is when you Snd, SNQzni Karma for Typing the seri'pt
yourself )iterally having a verbal bat tie with lDipti fot helping her with the Proof-
the ego, who by now is trying desperateiy @eadingg.
to survive.
If you write down these outpourings,
. they become a teaching fo r y o u t o
4oHow..the Guru within is Iuidiae you.
This Book is DeMcated to:
And God sends unto us at times
a Great Dne .
%e may ask-%bat manner of man is He 7
And low before us we see..
A genta) man-a huxnb)e man-
And shining forth fof al) to sce-
A light-an iaeer light of purity.
That is all. Such is a great man of God;
Sot the aurac)e comes to so few-
T he miracle of knowing .. . . .
Herebefore me I see the great )igbt of God-
l pray just one small prayer..
Oh God-grant me the ®race to knot( Him
And accept Hixn when He is seat to me.
&rant me too the courage to stand beside
And love Him throughout ail my days.
At your feet Ssramiji,
PRAYER '70 'f gg MQ'g OF AXL Y ou are sly Mothet', sky fr lent & $
Oh. iny blessed Divin M o t her
You are my aH.
It sit at Your lotus feet in all love-
ali LLlQllli ty-all tenderness- Place Your loving arms amund me
and as~ for Yo ur Blessing to begin That I may feel safe Lsd warm
this day. and content as a tiny bit'd
Give me love-pure love- before it leaves the nest.
that I may uplift the hearts of stone I ain still in the nest restinS in You
and w'arm those who are already e'alking
Beloved Mother of i odine>
towards You.
I. love you — adore you - and it is
Give me courage to stand beside You only through You that I NiHSnd peace
To Hve only in You-
Tbrough You-
liking.myself above the dust and mire
of illusion.
Let me mN sohly. me speak gently. f am a fragment of the %4ole-
Let my actions be simple and hnd. Everything and everyone else is also a
Let me see the ' Thou ' in aB I come ~raiment of the whole and therefore exa-
xn contact Kith ctly as important as I am.
Be it the earth itself, or man or beast Every point of view is a fragment oF
the truth and as important as my point of
ctalking onit. 'VIC'N.
Let tneat all times be a@rare in thought Be avgare of yQursclf, your rcactkonsa
%0rd and deed, your actions to yourself and others-
Never to hurt, only to Bless. Neverforget any good that anyone
I.etInebeachannel for the Bow in has done for you.
Endeavour to scI ve Every one at aR
which the ego ' I ' is lost
times as the other paI t of you
So that there can only be: Keep endeavouring to surrender to all
Softness and gentleness......Kindness situations Surrender .. Surrender.
and simplicity. Give out love .. love love.
Aurareness and Worship of the 'Thou' Give out u nderstanding and m o re
nothinand vri
thont, enderstandlng.
Do not judge yourself or others.
A nd love Soes.... . . . See the body and 51ind as a fragment
of theUniverse and youself as thatBeloved,
PresenCC.. I am.
Love is God's strongest %capon.
MY RRSOM T ION FOR TODAV Useit mell and wisely and you mill
always have protection.
My resolution for today, Love is a golden band. .use it to bind
Let no words of criticism or judgement souls together.
yass my lips, Love is a power in this xvondetfbl
I walk in love, understanding, gentle- ln the stillness of the night and at the
ness and compassion. giving my being a| awakening of the day, look for it, search,
all times to others, Sowing vrith what each listen and feel for it.
minute gives. You xiii see love shimmering in the
Do noi judge another.. atmosphere..
l.t is there. It isa Living Presence, a
Do not discuss another Living Entity I t is God Himself.
Do not criticise another. But only those wbo seek will Snd.
God is Love and Love is God. God is
Omnipresent and so is Love.
Once you have felt this energy touch
the strings of your heart, thea you will be
living and breathing is an ocean of Love
and life will be ever vibrant, joyful and true.
L ive in Love..Think i n L o v . . P gust see the negativity amd begin immedia-
out Love to all. tely to watch it and Now out of it.
Pour lt out, not only to yo u r %'atch your speech. Let it be gentle.
h omecircle of friends, but to t h W h 1
of the Cosmos.. %atch your words, being very careful
Ithey do not carry a sting.
This force is the most powerful in the
vrorld and you must use it. %'atch your thoughts seeing that these
<re loving, kind and above all true.
D onot in any way at all u tt e n -
i g to anyone or about anyone th t i s You must walk in truth.
sot Love.
[f you can do these things, tllen all
Ahimsa is Love. *else shall be added unto 700.
yudge, no matter vrhat 0>e crime
Way be..never judge,
L ook within yourself, and there o u
mill Snd all %hat you meed t ud
do not avaste useless hours of il ,
Sitting under a iree Which is a gian~ this beautiful oM tree, but the stillness, the
a mong trees. He must be so old. . " s o - peace, thebeauty and the love are there.
Uery old. kn this Silence oae feels the beating of
The spiders, ants, wasps and birds all the heart.
live in him.
One recognises that the Silence deep
The Silence js so evident, one can
in the Co~sue Soul of the earth itself, is.
almost hear it.
Oh, there is noise..The leaves are. the same Silence within the Seing, hidden,
rustling..A cro%' squats in nearby ttcc>- under thechanging chatteriag actions of
the b r anches c reek i n the 'Mnd, ihe mind and body.
crickets are chirping.. Soul Silence is the key that mill open
But the Silence is something different. the door to the secrets of mother earth
It is the underlying Coasc)ousness of and to the Higher Self within.
it all.
One can feel it i n the depth of the Se silent..Se stiB.. feeling the SelovedI
tree and in the earth itself. Presence within.. . Feeling the Beloved
Movement and sound continue.... Presence srithout, and soon you vrill come
change is tahng place at every breath.. to realise arith an inner knovriag that aS
A buffalo herd passes by. . butter5ies is Heand He is your Higher Self that you,
come and go, romancing around the tree„ have been seekiag for so long.
Calm and steadfast, balanced andi
5 @rill 5om mith the tide that life brings silent, and most imPortant True to myself..
and in that tide endeavour to see the lesson If I am able to do aH this, then I vill
Chat is for me. Nro%' in dignity and truth, rising above the
I mill endeavour not t o l oose that dross and Pettiness of it all.
w vrareness, but t o b e conscious of my
reaction every minute to the changing tide.
I mill be amare of the ego " me " .
I mill he conscious of the changing
emotions, feelings and reactions of others,
knowing and being aware that they have
eo freemill.
I e'ill endeavour to remember that
only because of the grace and Protection
ef the Guru am. I able to stand aPart and
match the confusion within.
I mill endeavour to remain-
God is the ocean and we are the It is lke a reservoir,
%'aves. The water is there to irrigate the land
%hat is God 7 %Lltnothlng vali happen unless someone
Godis the power which is in us and -opens the sluice gates.
cut ofus. Ifwe accept that power as real So go withtn turn on aH the switches
end mentally associate ourselves with it, and see the water, the power, wooding your
faith will davrn in our lives. hole being and pouring out beyond your-
The yoeer is Sowing al) the time and self, remebering that once
has beensince time began, but only v hen you now have to do nothing.
one consciously steps into it does one Just let the power Sow, with n o
:become a part of it, because only then does interference from the little ego.
it operate through you and from you. It ™ll R ow and N illd o i t s e ' or@
You are not an empty instrument. 'Unaided. I nterupt it, disturb
You are a power station . . a substation in Seld wiI be dry and the crop wN fail,
.and through which this power Inanifests.
Let God as Power low..I„et God as
The voltage at which i t o perates iPower Ivork in your life.
depends on you. .depends on how many
ewitcheS you turn on.
@you work at yourself, keeping vratch„
having a picture in front of you as to what DeeP Within the heart of me I seg
you, want to achieve spiritually, you vri5 thee,
get there, butyou must work for it and: My «u l f orever slumbeane in
towards it. ni®ht,
Begin with y our t ongue. %atch ~how sic the way beloved Master
everything you say and jot it down every- shat me,
day and see the pattern at the end oC Lead me down the pathwa
one week. Eternal Light.
Already you mill have begun the To touch the jewel of Hea'ven g nust
journey of " K now Thyself and be Free ". kn0% Tlleh
You must work very hard, and be Kno you <~om deep within my souL
active within, totally aware at all times. And so the * inner realists Emust enter,
Th'e goal is there.. Take it. Toseek the 8 lfmd N s shall na ke
1f you are sincere, there is nothing ie sfe %ho]e..
this world that can prevent you f r om
Grace dcscl445g brings the moment
reaching it, but your whole being must be
totally in the search, the awareness, and, +hm~h~le® ls dewingnear.
stu4y of this little ego.
Silence must 'be the ruler of the heart.
Th C m i c Self reveals- to me my
Master. Nothing else can tal e >0
3 i ed within, forever one, forever Pathway of the Realisation og g!e Higher
within the souli of m e
THEE. n~ is the medium through ~h'
Th yeace and oneness Slis cay l the subtle vlbfatloas 80%
i ~>thoLlt it there can
nore alone, but with you i
garden. "" '" H igher Realms of
a,e ae;n,
Qh Guru you have given
light. l©nisei
there 'n the sun, and the moon
Yh b r t i n love and stillness res
%'IHBn lee • Th

l t merges eitb. this tiny seei y o «s <ePths is silent..

A 5 ver bucks forthie joy ap g
tule to meet THBB tree trunksan/
A ~ t my Gore yon have ma r~ts of the plants a~ silent
The mountains and the rocks..are Yes, if we Snd ti ara for stiIness, to
4hey not silent 7 turn the n6nd within in order to hear that
stIl small voice@which comes oui of tha4
The vrorld goes on with its noise 854
bustle, the eaves roar aad splash, the
birds sine, the mind bine the leaves.. The secret is to LSTEN.
Nature in the form of action, moves. Silence, stillness, is a vibration of the
Cosmic Consciousness.
Nature in the form of noa-action is
silent. 8 is the unmovable, unshakable rocL

As without, sowithin.. Lt is the highest vibration of the entire

At the core ef our Being is Silence..

%ds is what ee caB God. %e are so busy IecoiRe a%ate of this silence.
vrorking, talking and moving thatare are PEEL it with every breath and tha0
never truly aware of that vibration.. %'hich you «fe seeking wi5 come to you
mthout you mahnN aay egort at aN,
ft mouM seem it does not exist.
Is it really possible to 5nd it 0
VA are aB yearls on tbe striag ®R4
Never under any circumstances, hit
back in thought, ivord and deed.
+hat you cd affects 'sot only Jo
others too.
You may have control over physical
So seblimite four thoughts.
violence,but remember that v i olenoe
spoken and violence ofthought are equaBy Txansmote them with prayer antis
shattering in their results. this way you Sill acciyt +hat is beiag done
If someone does hargj to you ]eave te youeitb love an4 calmnessin youl
• heart. God il Bio centre of ocr univeaN<
it. Ne ver retaliate, becauseif yoe do,.
there is only one person who will su@'er A yoeer that yexmeates every rocls
Iud that is you.
hah crevice; eoer'f 8004 everyhea
Anger has a terrible vengeace, and it
must at all costs be controlled. There are
times when mentally we let go and say t~
ourselves what we think of someone. . . .

really give vent to our feeBags.

This does aot in any way exonerate us.
from yappingwith the lawof karma.
Pt 4e
The mingling of the positive and
' •

There isle ylaeeon earth that the

light of God does not reach. negative vnthin you make a light.. .. your
The question of living, is how cnuch
whether the light be dim or bright
ace we A%ARE of this power T
.depends entirely on you, YOUR character
.:. The more a mace. we are, the greater .as a whole snakes that light.
e@-bo our xiii yower,and,strength to live
Hoarbright are you 'P Shining or dira
%Q to it and to better ourselvesspiritually
end misty 7
ia order to appreciate i4
May His Hght shine forth from you as

Good. or bad, we are living in the beam to the lonely traveller in the dark-
Power. ness, lighting a pathway strewn with stars,
The secret is to become A%ARE. co help them on their journey through life.

Awareness will take us along may

toe'ards the goal.
Once we e consiously a@rare of
this Power wi will want to Qve up to it.
treading the same path to the sarge goat
ach gave our role to play
and ee are aB free to do it in our own ~vay..
t c annot remain on the ~hore f
aH thne. Rsch mistake, each action and, each
reaction is merely another experience, and
Et must continously move and. cha 8 •-
each experince is yet another step towards
That is life.
the goal.
A 11 h anNnga1i the time, and th -
ygay in which %e can <Os» happ~ y No matter a>hat anyone is doing
hangevri th the change and not ®< seemngly right or m'rong, it is the only
vray thro'which particular soul @rill experi-
gst be continuously look' g enceacertain emotion and so leam and'
rder to change our thinking
ment a1 outlook Ind so walk constw y All me have to Sorry about is OUR
t Cards the source towards © d~
reaction to %hat Is happenmsg around Qs,
th day dashes chen each day ~e e p because OUR reaction in turn becomes an:
8' ~ith every breath that %etake
experience in itself aad is therefore a
ieace that P0%er the ©ae stepping stone t o i nner knovrledge..a
d i that experiencing ee ~vill have stepping stone to freedom.
~)edge. from vlhhln that
May the awareness of Universal Love No soul can move towards the light
Re ever with me and,in me. until this Srst rule is accomplished.
May I feel constantly that soothing Se aware of your actions, your thou-
vibration permeating my entire being. ghts and r eactions from I noment t o
May I awaken each day with the mill moamnt.
%o be an instrument at aB times to those K aon Thyself h e m m oment t e
in need . moment.
May Iconsciously use the vibration This aWatencss must be ceatinuous.
wf loveateach moment of my day. W atch every pby$icalmovement yolk
May there never be a jarring note is make. Is it graceful 7 Is it gentle ~
lny voice, my thoughts or my actions. Your movements must syncronise. .

Dear Guru God within, They must blend like the instruments
May I grow>daily into your likeness. of the orchestra.
Your movemeats must be like music.,
5Cay I merge and become you.
Be aware of y out' speech..slow. •
Hand over.. This is the only ~ay
gentle, sweet, slow, gentle, sweet.

p,ven in the smallest things..Ban~

ff ee can follower this one
ether rule is needed..Nothing e}se has to If you can keep this state at all times,
jhe done, because our hves will be totally o< will be inperpetual stateof Oneness
'invobred in self analysing each reaction d Awareness with t h e O mnipoten
~d at the same tune totally focused on p goer in which <e all live and have ouf
%he Higher Self vjithin. ;being.
Se aware of your thoughts..loving Then nothing is too much .. Nothing ls
end understanding.. always open, never coo big.
Because aB is in Him <nd from H'I
Self Rcahsatfon IDost happen.
The time it shrill take depends on the
IEIcnslty of your awareness.
The main problem on the spirituaf Zoo ail) +in through arith a wonderful
pathvray is the fact that we do not have ceaseof achievement and respectyourself.
enough determination .. not enough zest to
lf one cannot respect oneself, then
carry through what ereintend to do.
how can one expect ever to reach the
The mind is a strange machine. it heights of the Self within the being T
turns and tests and eventually tells you
Make your lj fe tota) ln %4atevcr you
there is no need.
are doing.
SOT thereis a very great need... Make it t otal and in this w'ay yoQ
if nothing more than to satisfy your-- san look at yourself and have that Self
self that you have the courage to carry Reverence for what you see.
out what you have promised yourself you This is the beginning of your spiritual
w'ould do.
Otherwise how' can you look at your-
selfand respect what you see ~
Condition yourself Srst..Make as' .
plan and begin.
hen you begin to be aware and to The moment Awareness >s there, it >s
%iatch your ictions and thoughts a Yery absolutely impossible t o a c t o u t of
harwnony with the Beloved Presence..out
IQSt)e experience takes place.
ef harmony with the %hole.
You lnd that your egltIre .gestalt The moment you see that you are
( actkon ) slows do%'n and you pygmy abashing, hurryi~g, tripping over your own
tu y . there S no hurry and yet acti feet, you are out of h armony with the
continuesseemingly atthe same pace, Stillness behind all movement.
Amaster does not trip even in the
lt is the inner action that slows do+a
narket place.
the outer action.
This is wonderful yardstick: f f you
One cannot hurry AND be aware. are in a hurry, you are not aware.
%hat happens is, the Unneeded rush iK you are aware, you cannot, in fact
That rush that ~ ®r e an cg gghy it is impossible to burry.
op in, is the ego. You mill act with an inner stillness of
being. vrhichwould make it SEEM that
That bttl© "I. '%vhichsays« f" you are coasting along very slowly, but in
factyoe wih do twice as aiuch, because
that" l" that makes us feel so important.. you are working from the centre which ia
that makes doing do Ieeagngly necessary. the real YOU.
Can we look at ourselves and see
He never hurries, and) et is ne
what we are doing and more important
5ut if' through circumstance he is late, he
the manner in which vw are doing it '?
eever runs ahead Rcl an unruly manner
Our actions are gross. There is a gracehgness, which proves the
Vfe hurry, we trip over our own feet Q,ner presence is in con'trol.
we stumble, drop things, we clatter dishes, In aslope relaxed manner he lives,
we make a chattering noise, bang doors icb, is the 6ynaaiic force of Inner Silence.
and ~a)k and tall, arit aggression.
There is moveInent but the I i s no
Can we sec all this, and Slorc j1npor-
tant, do we want to look 7
Ithas been absorbed and only the
When a Master speaks he may be Present rules.
dynamic, but you feei the stillness of His
being behind the tone of the voice.
%atchhim walk. It i s majestic and
yet gentle; carressing the ground although
de5nite and terribly surefooted.

A s a planet shines like a star il t h e ! .. S i l , k s . a FERLING,. a vibratile

heavens shedding its light to all, so do ee d wi t hin the being from which there is
shine in the astral. %e are recognjsed by' 50 separation at an/ tllNe
our light, which represents the sum totali
It is the soundless sound.
of vrhat we are. •Q r

%e are Light, but our yroblem is we %e endeavour to b e s till through

cannot see our oemg)ow. ed tation, but the true path is to be still
%hen meditation, gaze into the dark through inovimest.
ness and wait to see the light b
urnings; At this momen~ the ®e'ng " " '
It is there, but the mist of desires an@ feel it throughout the ~'©8-
thought for>ss are so thfek, me cannot
see it. keep this Awarcclessv
Thereis nothing to l ad . V f e only Sgcoce, this Peace ~
have to make the thoughts stiB and
realise that there is no fight to seek. at a]) jt ~ill b e l ost> bu4
~ p p RIggcp i s not l o st~a Th©

%e are the Light.

That Light of Soham ..... . the )ight ng is there and the ~no®ing
of God. one day to re~ajN, nevct
to'be lost again, is the grace tbat syees
Yo walk each day consciously, knox'ing

you os to
'that the Almighty Energy that we call God
4 I

More awareness /gore watchiug wurroonds, perlneates and totally controls

our mind and our body and in fact is our
And so slowly we move along toward coul, is Religion.
thie light.
There is nothing else and everythilg
Until one da)P Qflthout any fuss that we-can do in order to bring about
@his knowing is Sadhana.
e have become the Light.
Deepia the recesses of the Being is
the centre of Knowing, the Centre of Bliss
%he Centre of Power.
That is the Guru.. That is the 'Still
Sjnall Voice'. That is the Inner You.
From that centre ail a>ill be revealed
0 • •

You are silent, mentally resting within,

.md consciously waiting without, expecting
sothiag, Conscious)y listening sod a)est A PRAYER FOR TODAY
Conscious)y conscious that there is non'a
May I constantly be aware that withie
other than the subtle You. is the Light of Lights to give out to all,
Your mother, your father, your friend May I never foreet for one minute
that without the Beloved presence E am
your love, your all., these is none else. nothing
A)1 is within. At thedawning of this new year, f
place my head on the feet of all those whe
Be stiB and know thot 'P the centre' have given xne love and helped me to
of Energy mthin is God. experience life in the valley and the peak
f bow to the great white light within
Be still and know that 'I' the centre- and without.
of Energy within is the same Energy as. May Peace and Truth walk beside xnan
everything on the planet and beyond. Gentlenessand Caring go before ne,
Understanding and A wareness be
within the heart at all time-
And may the consciousness of' the
Presence of Silence, protecting and guiding
every thought, word and deed be arit mo:
You Hve in a sea of Cosmic consci« me be peaceful.. let me be true eusness..
Let me serve wrholly, Just for You. You move in that vibration as a leaf
moves in the wind.
Let me be gentle.. Let me Rind. The leafcannot think, but you can, my hfe be Just You in my mind. and your thinking is your reaction to the-
movement which w'orks like a computer
k,et me speak softly. and immedhately makes another movemenf
another reaction.
©ft silent-be. So the secret of happiness is Do noh
Let me then turn within just to rest react. Let life Box on.
in Thee. If you React. Look and see vrhat it
is that is causing you to act against the-
And so let me hve and so let me cSe. Power.
It is attachment,. You are bound, anth
Knowing l'have found Thee mhea t
imprisoned in that to which you react, be-
breathe my last sigh.
it a person or situation.
Watch ths and be aware,
Peace be with you always.
Love is not a happeaing between two Through it the ego disintegrates and is a transformation or stirring; ..the true Light of Lights shines through.
an opening up, that occurs deep vrithin
Why is it then that what seems to be
the soul. (love so often fades a~ay ~
8 has nothing to do Kith the "other It is because the love is not total and in is happending to yourbeing. ''giving %e %'ant t o r eceive..We want a
feedback and so the spark djes.
Your only thought is to bring joy and
happiness, help, and upl iftment into the If you can love without this expecta-
life of another, and as this love deepens, it tios, then hving becomes bliss, not because
transforms everything arith whom it comes of another, but because now vrithin you
'the seed of God .. of Good, has germinated
into contact, be it a person, animal or plant. and burst open.
I,ove is a spontaneous giving of tart The Soarer blooms and sheds its per-
of YOUR self without any thought of MY 'fMle naturally.
ove is the fruit of that awakeninl
Through it one experiences the bliss which reaches the heart of the Umverse
mf Seinl. itself.
ft is the Seynning and the end.
Japa is so simple..ln fact, it i s too
Love means to give spontaneously oF' simple and so many people just pass
oneseK.not because you feel you must,. it by, as they feeI that to Net to God,
but becausesomething is bubbhng within. mmethiog more sophisticated is needed.
and you want to share that beauty.
Vfe forget that Christ said..'Become
That something' is when your Heart, again as a )>ttle ch>ld if you wish to enter
your Being is touching the Power..touc-- the kingdom of Heaven.
hing God.
Japa repeat>ns of' a mantra, is the
%ben you feel this inner bubbling.. most Po%erfol exercise iflt )s done +jth
endevour to try and be aware that God is FEELING.
alive vrithin you., and THAT is the Shakti
that is operating. Anyone can repeat laths of Mantras
)ike a parrot, but this does not help..
lt may rid you of insomnia, ma/(e yog,
alit')ecaimer, but i t a i l } not take you
I i nto the inner realms of the Being, u»ess
the Love, the Shanti as there.
You haveto FBHL the song of God 'Deep Within my heart is the seed
$8 your hearts • af God.
The repetition of the mantra must be There l live, there l l o ve and pm
something sacred, not a race to see hmv free."
5LNly you can clo .. Deep %'ithin us the seed of Q od is
~he~e. hidden, protected, and pure,
Sit doom, open your heart to whatever How do me5nd it?
aspect of God you have an aSnity for, or
4 4
There 1$only one ave, and tbat is by
looking %Pith in ourselves,
Mentary sitat the feet of the I' Day by day loping and ending the
ones, and mentally feel that you are no~ dust and the dirt and each day throvrinl
repeatingthe mantra to Him or to Them. out just a little bit more.
Yon mill End yourself beconinl stro- Busting and smeepinN until eventually
ngerand stronger as the days go by. all hatred, anger, mineness, jealousy and
Love is dissoh Ing the e®o an< ~ N other adverse qualities mill be removed
you mkthls. and only t h en m i H t ha t p o wer be
" Seek and ye shaH Snd. contact ..for the bene6t of the %hole an4
,nock and it shall be opened unta sot the Bttle 'V self.
thee." En Snding this power, and using it to
This is what the master Jesus lRean< 'bring happ~ness to others, you will auto-
when he uttered these words. matically Snd that 'peace which passeth
all understanding', a nd y o u w i l l b e
His simple..That is the problem
contented, in no matter what adverse
itis too simple, so vie donot make the,
circumstancesyou will Snd yourself.
effort; d o n o t a pply v igilance and
Apply yourself for a few minutes each.
ctaf and you%Ill be asLazcd an%iastoundc4
at what you discover about yourselfasd'
how soon you, become consciously aware:
that the kingdom of God, in other words,
the Shakti, is an integral part of you, to
he used all day and everyday for the
benefit of all with whom you come ia
As you kneel in t h© dust before If you read the lives of any Master,
your Master, yon will see that His su8'ering before He
So must you kneeI in the dust of life attained, was terrible. . but in that suffering
all His psst Lanskafas were burnt., and
The gravel must t'ear the she. and. out of the 5re, camepure gold.
the sand must grind into the wound.
Do you want to be gold 2 Then say
Only then when slowly after' many
thank yoo for any su8'erinN you may
days the wound is healed,
have to go through.
Mll you be ready to face life 3n4
to obey the Guru. It is grace showering upon you.

It is only through the sneering of

mind and body, that the soul can open
up to the light of God within.
So in sufFering, rejoice...
Thisis the ship that is taking yoa
across the gap to the side of peace an4
Inner harmony.
A dungeon is dark and damp there i Coxnpare the journey from Qle dun"
no light vrithin. geon to the sunlight, with the journey of
The stench 5lls the nostrils until on your soul-
ls nauseated. Upwards, through many lives-stumb-
There ls but one way out.. ,ling blindly,
Until you reach the light.
U P the lone Sight Of stairs, Sled, t h
cobblestones and spider debs., %hat to do is to t hink-Meditate oa
Obese lines and ask yourself:
Slo®4' you ~e nd yo ur may o t
bumping and stumbling- %'here are YOU-still in the dungeon '?
climbing the CobMed Stairs '?
Around this corner around
S umpingyom head on the vraB '?
Until at length you see as~t of l; h
Or-have you reached the sunlight 'P
Once you see the light your footste s
are surer and quicker,
The stumbling is less frequent, ti )
It )as't you reach the sunlight
The ordeal or over..
Never slake a dcc lQon without All day endeavouriflg to work
praying and waiting. Pray and wait: ocdg' problems ourselves whist al&
then can your decision he the right one
have to do i s switch on a nd
Nothing is so urgent that it cannot wait
proMem +i11 be solved for us.
for prayer. Rather be later with a right
decision than early with a pleasemeditate ver// scriouslg Onthe
God'spower is here. The line is there d make All decisions +>th prayer and'
to use. AB %'emust do is to make contact. waiting and then %'ith the answer you I
ACT BOLDLY-Rememberthis.
That is ail there is te ie, and we spend
half our lives ignoring this, Act b ldy with your hand in the h®n
the hand of God. Act boldly and with
Ifyou have au eleeteic plug in the tenible awareness
kitchen and electric kettle, would y o u
try to make a Sre out of wet leaves to boil
water for tea 0
No, and if you did people would sag
you were mad, but thisis what we are:
Life Is a challenge with a purpose
There is a vray, in fact so simple that
Behind each soul is a line of action ~e miss it along the way..
.-and in that line are the things ~e ar
Let God do it. Le t H lM ru le your
supposed to do in this life; obstacles to be life.
overcome; the service to be done.
y« MU S Tdo your duty-each an@
kf ee look closer ee mill hand anothe yone of z» l e « ven a duty to siarl;
l ine running parallel to the Srst. T hi life oB'.. •-
is the life me have xnade, which is totall The situation in vrhjch you hand yo«
~Per.nt to the origina) plan that alas self. D o that duty t o the very best of-
laid down for us. your ability.

Yhjs is%'here our Ijves become sepa

rated from the po~er of God t h r ou h CONSCIOUS of God's Presence...
he httle "I " . H o ar many times a d Keep that COMciousmss ever Njth you
-do ee repeat this word 7 Lj ve in that consc JousMss
p %er of Love %HI channel your life-Mlk:
Ho+ to KNOVf +hat Gods plan for
es is '. take you through sunsbine and shadow(
until you reach 'the goa1 your Soai.
The ego is very sub0e and you must In the morning Li fe ~vakens tothe sun,
match this constantly.
Natch your mefives..thisis where The human hurndruin has not y et
you mil) Snd the ego tbegun.

Ia very action you perform, b mr

ef % H Y y ouaredoingit. .stillness and listens
Beloved Presence, vrhit:h is the very thro-
Wb' f L'f ' lf
4$$'e'er to success or failure on the sp)rituaj
eath Each sound is a xnanifestation of' that
Se constantly vigilant, C.)fe Force that are call God.
Watcb the reason for every action t is in this sQliiess behind the xsove
:and you will be amazed at how much and :>gent, that is so evident at this time of the
how'frequent)y the ego isoperating and ~y , that one knoes- God Is
fi ghting.
%hen it i s conquered and brought
ender control, the path is clear, the goal
To be happy, centered within our- %orship God in any way you Please
selves, it is most essential that we do not and through an> rebg>on..But keep your
expect any one to act in a particular way.. ideal m your mind at ail times -'
[t is most essential that we know froM
He is seated in the cave of your heart
within that each one of usis travdling;
along our own road, and it is only our. He is the essence of You, which is the
road thai matters. Essence of what we call God.
%'hatever road another vralks is right-
for him. He is all Love, and you are resting
%hatever re d o along our pathway the Lord T herefore
has a reason behind it, and it is for each. No violence of any kind, no negativi
one of us to find it for llimself.. .. no one'
can do it fof )Fou, or fear can eminate frost you.
I must tread my road firmly and with You will not recognise evi), but wil)
awareness, and in so doing no nelative see it as ignorance ol the Tfutb.
reactions will then creep in, because at all
times f will be guided by the Centre of %hen looking within, if you see anY
Love inwhich we live and move and have= of the~e negative quahties doln lnatlng your
our being. Qfe, you a)ust know that t here ls somc-
Sadhana and Silence should
8 vc9 r ong withyouf eence t, f
tkligion, o you are' not practising th Sreat part in our hves
legion you profess to be fom ®,- ff when you go about your
centre-' of .X,ove with;n u do hot fee} the force of the lov t hat
your heart, your mind you r b ha~» been generating in 3adhana the
ions ..Gaily then vill you 5 1 th 7 um ustlook very se„«s i~ „
you are seehn . er®>se you are nothing but a g p

Vfemust feel God within oufselv s

and our only desire should Oe t e ress
h at love i n serving others throu h a
s mile, a touch, a sensltlvlty t hat o rl Ac

. s "isturbed, an awareness of n t h e '

y ig r, be it a family member, a fri d ,
business associate or a stranger.

T hat awareness should be ever fr b.

d green and SoNLng frost deep ith
If this does not manifest in yout
norwnal daily life, then your sadhana is not Our entire ail' shollM be to work
helping you. 4ovwrds the goal of becoming natural>y ia
Et is only in coming in contact with tune anth the Infinite and therefore witb
others in relationship to others that you. aB life.
can test your sadhana
There was s tixne I wanted to hand
There is something that is absolute)y
%his and that the next thing within a
certain, and that is, if you swncerely for
tbreemonths, give one hour a day to the regards visions etc. we all go through this
studyof yourself and what you are, an4 ut no
to the silly little ego that is endeavouring All I orant is that natural rememb-
te rule your life, your awareness will have o'ance of what I am, and what we all are.
grown to such a degree, that a change
must take place.. The Higher Self within.
You must see that urhatever your Vfhat happens after that can happen.
Sadhaaa maybe,you are moving forivar4
and not stagnatingand allowing theego It is a case of unhooking the mind
to pretend you are doing so much. froHl Ihusdane things» and becoIning
4 ! hooked to that Adorable Presence.
One can SccsRBe sc54h 6$ the spml
This avrareness, this feeling of God
tual path.. Sells with time.
must permeate our being right to the
6nger tips. Times are. set for Sadhana. Tissues
that one longs fee, times that eee II
It must be felt in e very cell of o ut.
waitingfor.;Thea. some ooe needs yoee
help, may be just needs your compang foe
ft must be felt in every breath, every a short while„,but someone wmts you..
• I
movement, every action and hL every %Orch
that vie speah The mind revolN..8845ana is my
%Post important Work .
God and thereforeROVE must be the
centre of Awareness in which me stand %here is love 0 %here is the spir>S p
~s has to be Matched very carefu/ly. h
xs ego-Sot Sadllana.
Everything is spiritual.
The %ho)e being is God God God.
The onevrbo comes is Gee God GoL
%here is sadhana 7 This is a very beautiful moiuent

(t is iu sacrificingdebat you feelYOU ~here is a realisation of looking back

need for you«spiritual advancement, an4 years that n o o il c has been
loving your fellow< man,serving your fellow Ivrong but ME.
NLan, in giving a helping hand %hen it 1$ Every negative situation looked at,
needed. every incident scrutinized, the realisation
THAT is Sadhana., THAT is love. is so one +as wrong.
BL each person tlat sccl5iugly broLlgllt
disturbance or unhappiness into my life,
there +as something very beautiful.
My reactions, .my images of them..
my everything in relationship to t hose
seemingly painful situations, vras out of
alignment ..%by .
Because K was so wrapped, up in " f."
that f. could not see past " E ".
Now «e , « - ® Is being rem vo®
As this vibration slowly begins to shine
and there they all
through,and permeate the ego, the weeds
~ach ose%Ath a centre of tremendoue of duality, jealousy, hatred, the" I " a ndi
eauty and v" • m ay b e still t " MY " begin to dissolve and suddenly it
ncovemed in soxne b t ~ ls so clear nosy. all becomes so clear. You realise that you:
It Was I % $0 lacked understandi+ have been walking in a dense forest, ash
con)ro1, balance, now you Snd yourself in the sunshine.

I t was I pugge
d up %Pith p ride, The veil is lifted and truth from within
is revealed.
And so)if' Noes on for gs all g You have vralked, you have toiled,
P aNd look vri
thin and g d h you have suffered, you have tried, and felt
the Silence..
that it i s best to thrower away all this:
that something whi h h as no eBgious jargon. • • •
words, s o the sal t s c I l ] '
Then suddenly it happens.. .. an open-
onsuIning... .it is th alL
ing... a peep behind the scenes....
Awareness a~arene • •
84ry of spiritual ) r
tH stutnMe re PuPPets on a string vrhi h l
+nother forest of d ©ss,
' and a owe anlpu]ated by this siuy litt)
Coyetauoth r l earing...
e< • each one b,l I
ere ls only one rule.. keep
evealin® the dance of the ego mind, as you %auld,
sn the se se at one sees ore and more
Subtl e Qu l tles that e ne>er dreaxnt
M ath a Totally abso b d
< uld b • + • ry lt and ~ri)e down each da
ha' W" e t hrough the IB IS or.
The there ls no g)ore 0 g e • o Jus
' Ry,
etnl each love %r'tQ
'l~erse within a d %'lt out. . . . a nd ~ou Rill be shoe>ed a d ifl yo u are:
v deep within th t ) ) r ead, i f ve courage, you
continue to lo ORy and cont Jnue to
and b r e you k00%' lt you ~ i i h ~
'"g h t sp i t f d l f ;l
You ~ill feel that for the Srst tirse,, love..all a/1 aB.
Chere is a real purpose in your life.
It is not a q u estion to w h ether the
You are no longer praying for help.. ether person is loving or evil or w'hatever..
you are working on yourselt by <he self
lt is a question of : % h a t are YOU
becoaung more and xaore established in
fee45g 7 Vfhat are YOU manifesting 'P
%hat more is there to do T We endeavour to Sx s ituations by
seeing the other's faults, and trying to sort
Tliere is only one problem:
out the probiem around that.
You have to do ii.. no vne can do it
%'hat do I feel in this situation and,
for you, just as no one caa feed you.
shy, is vrhat matters.
Ohyes tean putthe food intoyour
mouth, but who swailovrs it '? If I am Sled v6th understanding aad
Only You you you..YOU are the therefore Love, then Love Noes, Love
acts as best it should, with ao emotions.
master of your destiny..YOU a r e t he
Captain of your soul. L ove is. God i s . The P ower i s
Icing at the highest and fastest vibration
cone is hateful.. wjshes to h «iven to acts of violence through th<,
Foui cheat you. fear. going from monastae to monasta
is operating on a %ave length I iBing whoever stood in their way, steal n
vrhich he cannot is where h i and looting whatever they ~ QId see nd
on the ladder of life.. %%ping the nuns.
A runner rushed into this particular
You do not r etaliNe..You under-
monastry. h i visg there were 20 nuns and
stand, and let Love I ovr..and th t h
200 refugee children
a e no rules. %hat happens will bappe
hrough the vibration of Love eman ti "Leave at ence they are coming this
from you. way", he said.
Action will take place and that Love. There was 'total pandiI@oniorn Until
vrill do ~hat has to be done, without th one wolBan, 8 vfsftor calmed theKG
li ttle ega interfering.
" T h e L or d is wi t h u s . L e t u s
Love is the Lord..the Law..HevriS'
®ork. surrender to Him".

You may have heard of the True She spoke to the children..tohl them
story of soldiers in a c ertain country their plight and their plan.
The gates were opened wide, A)i the Suddenly they halted.. S>lence rem
chtldren 'wth the nuns Not a word was spoken
co«yard..The visitor took charge, and %'ithout turning, began to move back u«il
Inade them repeat after her. the counyard was empty and au that was
Beard was the voices of 2{g children and
" are in u s and i n t h e
©uns»»SQt there was a change
soldiers .. Please $1 their. heirts with love."
All that could be seen was row upo
The repetition went on fot 15 minutes
row of backs as their heads Bowed in the
and then they heard the screaming voices
of the soldiers coming. dust in thanks and gratitude

Not a child moved .. not a nun @rent For along tISlc only silence reigned
hystencal.. with hands together they jest There w'ere no wo rds f or t h is g reat
conbnucd their prayer. experience.
%Vhaf was it that xnade the soldier
lo rushed the soldiers..bayonets onemoved..all continued, to back away V
pray, in a language that the soldiers cHd Love made a protective net in the
sot understand.. courtyard.
This is the faith the size of a mustar@ %e live our )ives in such a mediocre
seed, that can move mountains. fashion that no matter vrhat ere do in
prayer or sadhana, we do not go forward,
lfyou have it, there is no need for
because there is no spark, no feeling.
e ffort..because you K N 0 % ' t hat t h e
Shakd, the Power IS.. what is there thee There is a time in ail our lives when
to fear 7
Chat spark is ignited and this is the door
ehich opens the heart, but e e are ao4
@i%are of this.

Ea most of us the spark dies and eeI
%e must ahvays remember that me are again encased in darkness, having lost
are all Like little birds, with winl s n ot the opportunity.
fuGy deve) one has a complete
ming span until he goes into the last L oving another being can b e t h e
Samadhi.,until then we can all fall back. spark. %hen this happens a0 ahead is
beauty, tenderness, love and- bhss, buC
soon it becomes " I vrant."
The expectations,the demands become The pathway is not looking ahead to
stronger and that surge of intensity, expe- more beauty, but a state of being whereby
rienced in love and caring, turns from the THIS moment. THIS dayis the a11. It is
lovedone, to the ego, and so the Poerek filled with the X.ight of Love NO%..
thatcameinto your life to lead to ihe 4

Life is Love.... You are love and

Inner Realms, is now' used in a se16sh through this surrender in love, +anting
manner puNng one deeper into the mire only that your loved one shouM be happy,
of darkness. the Inner Light guides you always because
Ef one can drop the "I", then Love you are operating ia it and throelb Ii.
becomes the fire of our lives. A giving From you Iows constant understand-
a joyful sacrificingof "K" and "me" to ing, gentleless, giving, beauty and un-
the SpiYit within another. Life then be- selfishness .
comes a constant mom'of Light. The "i" has gone aud happiness for
others becomes your hfe.
The door is open and th8 Power that
is Love, that Shakti, that Consciousness
which we call God pours forth„and life
becomes Love itheI'..
I '•)

A'll scriptures froxn every religion have Firstly we must know that ave are
a message. and alihough seeleingly so '4ouud in a wheel of misery, hatred and
ddkren,t..once one understands the deeper jealousy.
esoteric meaning, one findi t h at the
Vfe Must see I anal bouhd • D o not
message is the sahie. 4
$ f tak • ) a r e see that others are bound ..YOU are bound-
IA :fact ther% ks ! 0~ one Hlcssage• e
Our first lesson is that we must turn
Man is in m sory OIf' His own making.
7je our gaze within, and discover tbe mystery
Through awareness vIIe can overcome .of this siliy l ittle "I " th a t k eeps oh
the squalor of our )ives if we vrish.. on asserting itself at every turn and is the

hase cause of all our mise'.

The problem is that we enjoy our
miseries-an4 s'eem to'.wallow in ourun- Please I beg you to look at this.. do
happiness. i,' sot turn away.
4 g g •

If ~ye find that o.ur.. problems .are The messageis foryou and you alone.
taken a~vay, we feel lost .. theri is no fight,
aothing to do, and we wiB make another
heN out of that hespien. l' i '
%hen it is tine for the grace to fall; May I keep the awareness of love an4
it @ril do so. hlht, of God Himself every moment of
%hy must we keep venting the day.

Let me do as much as F can in totahtF May that light pour into and hk
each momentof each day. everyone arith whom E come in contact..

Let-me love aU. Nothing else matters. Nothing.

Let me give out a perfmae of beauty If realisation is to come it will come

that will linger in the hearts of al. in its orna timein its own way.

Is this not all that matters '? If we can continously give to other~
ia the smallest urays in life, then God w>lII
Is this not realizing Him by giving one Nve to Qs what is our spritual need at the,-
Essence, His Light to all 2 aght time„
Keep repeating Hari Om Tat Sat.
Let me be content to do just this..
and oach moment r emember to
i sam a most beautr'fu) sight at one f Sudden)y I erasin a +or)d of bi n -
the clinics.
ring silver.
A mentally deranged child..hyp
ki e ic,. No one was able to control him. very shrub, tree, blade of grass divas.
He was causing a disturbance. i . ry s and was jumping in ecstasy„
hole scene was in constant t
he mother, a slim slip of a girl, very
quietly and softly began to sing. i e l c t r iclty, and %as So forceful th t .
I had to stop driving until I got u ed o i .
Y he httleboy stopped in his tra k ,
c limbed onto her knee and p l d h A most incredible sight, as 'f t ra
forehead against hers, and there th tw mitted into another d'or)d.
~at, iq total peace and love.
She was transformed into a Mad I knew that this%as Conscio nes ..

~eexpression in her eyes and on her f 0 p % c I n n a ture..l t wa s a s if' w a

had to be seen to be understood, and h verything that twas seeing; bubbhn o
m ild Bttle boy +as in ecstasy, and i t t al e'< h something pouring f rom v i t hi
s '))ness,vrith the most beautiful an l i ug ing and ta/kiiig with the trees and tl -
sl51)e on Ms face+
salld because %e 'were olle.
After about 20 minutes of this most the vilest thing on earth to the human eye
Incredible sight..i t s lowly faded..and woold be beautiful because one would
then it +as gone..but I was not the same. just be seeing only the God Consciousness
shining, because that is all there is.
The knowing was there..For some
The realisation came with this experi.
a'eason the grace was given to see and
ence, that no onecan keepthis, bethis,
therefore to know. "God Is" until % e have totally cleansed ourselves of
lt was 6 months before I couM again a H the impurities that exist within. A n d
appreciate a plant, Sower, because every- ' Self Analysis " is the only answer.
thing looked dead. I haec that I was not
eeeine the Real article..
Gh %BY did you shut oI'? Any negative thought or action that
comes into your pathway, must be seen as
It has not shut oE.."I" am shut oF.. .a thing apart and t reated with silent
However, the understanding is there that :eoaiempt.
when one is living permanently in this state,
Men whatever one sam..a thief, a tramp,
You cannot change another.. There Is love %lthin mp' heart today
May k sbare it, ffien4 uI'ith you,
You cannot lift another out of the
mire. May Ne jo in together, you and f
May we spread love thro'and thro'
Fix your own life 5rst.. 4

May the e'arid feel joy and laughter

Begin at your own front door. May me smile whenever ee No
CIean your own doorstep. May the $88t of love enfold those
Then love will b1ossoal and tile' %bo join our loving flour,
per fume, the vibration that yo u have. There is Joy %ithjn our hearts today,
become will do %hat bas to be done. %e xnlde biothers in the world out

And ee thank thee Lord for y'vinI us

Ybe strength and love to care.
MV PRAYER boa y~U nYvorrying about the future y u are'
L oving, and Caring a n d S wastin
ing c rg> and loosingthe graceyou
This is my prayer' for you, have been given today.
Give to each other L ive today but live every aunut f 0
Aod love OM another, • 4Lnd ln 8%arcncss of the consclollsncc o f
This is my prayer for you .His pox'er.
%alking thro'life hand in hand Do not au ss one second, of b i
Tb~s is my prayer for you we'are-then and only t he I11
sharing, and Caring ing d t hen vrill you be moving l l
ThrO' sunShine ShadO~, ut sO Surely IniO the Centr
Thisis my prayer for you. y--by JQst having liYecl each. InoIB
IB 15
the Ae arcness of His Consciousncs yoQ
Count your Blessings each day. vrill IInd you are there-at the centre-ad
Be grateful an@ kneel to pray y r e a>hole aiy longer-but m cd
Looking within is where you bc mph the a>hole.
This is my prayer for you. So today — I ask you-
Restin the cave of your heart, Cast off the errors of yesterday-l
Feehng His presence there.
H Qppy 4 P eaceful &n d t r u e to tomorrow' and live in the Con i n s f
yourself', the Reality-everymoumnt inai r t s 4
Tilis is Iny prayer fof you. 4%areness Y d
The ego must be watched constantly-
consciously. Keep a continuous check ou your
It is subtle — there is no warning, mind.
No tangible evidence that he is trying %hen you see the ego, »brow it out,
to take over. tuthles sly.
Suddenly he has grown beyond aH. Please remember that no matter how
proportioll, far you travel along life's w'ay,
And to get rid of him is like trying to The Ego mill a lways have t o b e
cut a Need 'ea4chedand the further you travel
Overgrown in a beautiful garden, with The more important i» is to see that
a small haife. I» is ahuos» impossible. this is constantly done.
As you feel that you are walking The Higher you cHmb - the. more
forward, dangerous your situation
So this subtle substance creeps ie Therefore do not think-you are free
unawares. to relax your vildanee.
Keep yourself humble- watch yout
PO Now go over your day fi'om the time
KEEPINC A SPr ON AL DXARV of awake:niig,' noting dora very
brie8y any negative reactions you
Set aside a $)eriod each day to write have had<oday.
about your actions and reactions for
the day. Just before retiYing is good $t is geo4 to have a )i' of nega-
t itle : tive reactio®s to begin with, such as
Hatred„.Ega/opsy, Sel5shness, Jud-
2. E nter the
followinginto your bool&: gisg, Critisising, Resentment, Desi-
a. % hat tiine did you wake g.p 7 ring and %'anting, Egoism and of
What time did you get up 2 coqr&e as yOu IO along yau will add
many others that come up as you
Did you sit in s~editation today continue to watch.
and for how long > tran . '. e

d. Have you done mantra repetitioe Begin with Qe erst negative reactioe
today and for how long'.P and ask poNfself this Quc&tlos;
Have you remembered to reine Khakis the weakness ih ME thai
mber to he aware of the Power made xhe reset to 0 (%rite dovrn tho
within and without 7 nappe or ~th)ng fhat poll have rca©tel
.f 4 l05
to.,it couM be anything. Have you If you reacted in a si t u®tion
not sometimes got,angry with a box openly or i nwardly, then at t h at
that, you could not open and just moment you were out of' harmony
throav it? -with the %hole.
You repeat this procedure with YOU will Snd yourself mriIinN
each reactIon you have written down. somctllBBSa few pages but %vbcn you
Thengo over and,' Sn4 have Inished theargument with this
the CA.SSB of your reaction. silly ego, vou wiB feel refreshed and
..! .a feehngof gratitude will arise or a
At this stageyou. eiII handyour- feeIIng of reverence for yourself,and,
self irguinN eith yourself.. the bttle you will immediately w'ant to put the
ego tlgbting to say I' %'AS RIGHT situation right if that is possible.
H B %k8 %RO N G . Thelast step is to sit s ilently and
But keep on questioning with aeare- be still.
hess andthen-suldeily you ei8 see Just be still and wait.
that no matter %hit the problem, it lf some thoughts of beauty coatee
, was YOU who reacted,and the only into the mind..write thejn down.
thiag that matters is Y OUR E A- They are for you..Your personal
• ,

, CYAN. Inessage froIQthe Pfesence%ithlll.

NOIR: If you 5nd that you seem to bo
gctt) Sg xsore and slore negatlvc'
thoughts cojn>ng up o r m ore
anger or resentment, then know
that this is also a good sign
because the kitbag Slled arit the
past is no+ being opened and is
Just sit and match it and do not
identify yourself with it.
In short..
A little mantra a little meditation and
your self analysis daily.
This is thebase to take you to the
Ged Blessyou All

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