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How to Build a Good Rapport with

The most useful and attractive skill which distinguishes between success and failure
is the communication skill.

The dimension of any business project is measured to assess the quality and
parameters implemented and recorded to pass through the whole project.

Monitoring and evaluation reports will depict that either the project was a successful
one or just a failure with lots of questions, complains and experiences left.

The communication skill is a key to determine the desired level of success, so, in any
business activity, any project or any discussion with clients can be made successful
just by making the right communication.

This favors us by communicating the project details with such a splendid manner and
expressive behavior that it will make a result-oriented impact on our clients and they
become able to trust you.

We are going to assess what parameters define how we can build a good rapport
with customers to ensure the credibility of an organization involved in the business

Following parameters or additives to your communication skills will help you to

communicate effectively with your customers.

Parameter I -

Protect Conversation Zone:

During a conversation, it is very important to maintain the decorum of the meeting
and respect of the person or client in front of us to keep your focus continuously on
listening and observing them and collecting the valuable information to learn the
needs of the client and provide them with the best solution so that you can close the
client and register your sale pitch successfully.

Most of the conversations are bothered by surroundings and the decorum of the
meeting is not maintained according to the code of conduct of corporate meetings.
So, to protect your conversation with your client effortlessly, you need to learn some
tactics to build a good rapport with customers, which are:

1- Greet your client with their name first:

At the beginning of a conversation, it is quite valuable to greet the customer with

their correct name to make a good rapport with them as it makes the advisor and
customer feel as they are talking with a person, not a caller.

The most important thing an advisor should consider strictly is that they should
pronounciate the name of the client correctly as it resonates responsibility that he
took proper attention and care towards the customer which ultimately promotes
good rapport with the customer.

2- Connect with Pleasant Smile:

Smile is the beautiful curve which beautifies every situation in our life and brings
strength in our actions to deal with confidence, presence of mind and leaving an
impact behind on others, so, while communicating always keep a pleasant smile at
your face to make a good rapport with the customer because it is felt through words
even if it is not seen.

3- Mirror the Customer’s Perspective:

Being an advisor, it's your formal duty to bring a solution for every problem of your
customer and if the customer is facing any problem regarding your service then it's
your duty to empathize with him with your behavior to soothe them while you’re
finding a technical solution to their query.

Some advisors feel it difficult to find words to calm the customers, so, for them, it is
the best advice to imagine the customer as their close friend or relative to make
them feel as you are standing in their shoes and this will enhance your service

4- Be Adaptable towards Client Dealing:

The best wisdom towards effective client dealing is to adapt their approach
according to the customer’s mindset and deal with them accordingly.

Try to deal with them with professionalism and your personal experience as well to
manage situations to better make the customer feel like you are concerned about
them and effective in your duty.

5- Be Adaptable towards Formality:

Call the customer with the name they call themselves and don’t follow the CMS
name as this will bring more attention to the customer that as an advisor you cared
for the concerns of them.

For Example, If it’s written Mr. Alex Richard on the system but the customer calls
himself as My name is Alex then you will start communication with Hi Alex.

6- Don’t leave Customers in Dead Space:

Always keep your customers informed with what you are doing for the solution of
their problem, what technical reforms you might bring to their problem while putting
them on hold or call transfer.

If you keep a complete silence while lingering in a dead space, this might damage the
customer rapport as wait times always seem longer and awkward.

7- Listen to the Customer with Personal Interest:

By showing some courtesy, you can build good rapport with the customer.

If the customer has shared any personal tragedy with you then you must acquire it
by showing complete interest in their tragedy and console them with your personal
experience, this will show yourself to be a kind and generous personality which will
bring trust among you and your customer.

Parameter II:

Observe, Record, Respond

While talking to the customer, just listening to them is not enough. You must listen
to them carefully and write up the observations and then refer these back to them
while proceeding in the conversation to avoid further confusion by connecting dots
gradually you recorded previously from the information provided by the customer.

To practice them while the conversation with customers, advisors must carefully
undertake these tactics:

1- Reflective Listening:

By listening to them carefully and repeating back what they are saying, this reassures
the authenticity of the information provided by the customer and impacts the
customer that you have paid complete attention to the customer.

2- Start Off with Positive Remarks:

Take the ownership of the customer’s problem by giving a direct statement of intent
which will gain the customer’s confidence by starting with a short beginning
response like Okay, don’t worry we’ll fix it for you. This will build a good rapport with
customer instantly as you’ve taken the charge of their problem to solve it.

3- Stay Focused on Call

Stay completely focused towards your conversation with the customer and don’t
lose focus or distract because of surrounding or colleagues and try to make an
imaginary bubble around you and your customer to protect the conversation and the
customer feels himself to be in a protective zone where he will get the solution
regarding his problem and that little concern will build a good rapport with the

4- Control Pace and Lead the Conversation:

If the customer seems furious about something and feels to be in an over-excited

state then you need to calm and slow up your speech patterns gradually to
normalize the customer but you have to initiate the conversation with a little
urgency and confidence in tone and your speech pattern must contain concern for
the customer to reassure them as you are understanding their problem and will
bring a solution for it as well, which builds a good rapport with the customers.

5- Be the Guardian and always End on a High:

Always try to greet a customer at the end of call by showing some gratitude and
asking that if there is anything else that you may serve to them to completely satisfy
them, this will show that you are not just doing over a call to complete but you are
actually taking responsibility for the customer’s concern and you are also concerned
for their problem as you own problem.
Such habits of a call representative will build a good rapport with customers with an
everlasting impact.

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