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Scene 1**********

Guitar Melody

Tabla Bol

Just Wait !!! How long will you play Tabla verbally?

No no, now there will be no more verbal playing,our band is almost ready,
you will play the Guitar, he will play the Keyboard, I will play the Percussions.

Everything is OK, but where is the singer?

We have a singer, here he is.

Hey! Please don't add me as a vocalist.


I got a job and next wieek I will move to the United States.
But, we will party today, don't worry.

Then what will happen to the band?

Let's see what happens now?

End of scene 1**********

Scene 2 ********

Bike kicks.

Damn!!!! the bike has broken down. And there is no network too.

What do you need?


Actually my bike has suddenly broken down, I have tried a lot but failed to start
It late tonight and it's very difficult to manage a mechanic now.

If you don't mind, can I park the bike at your place for tonight?

Please don't say no, there are a lot of important documents in the bike and I don't
want to take any chances with those.
I will take away my bike tommorow morning, don't worry.

OK, but you cant keep it in the garage, you can park it over there, the gate
remains locked, it will be safe.

Thanks, thanks a lot.

End of scene 2**********

Scene 3 ***************
Door bell rings.

Why are you ringing the door bell repeatedly?

Because, I didn't get any response.

Who the hell are you?

What are you saying? I am Neel, I parked my bike here last night, so I have come to
take it.

Bike?? Which bike? I don't know about any bike.And who are you? You have suddenly
arrived and claiming to park your bike at my place?

This si too much. I parked my bike at your palce last night, and you say that you
know nothing about the bike!

No, I don't know. And please leave.

Please Anu, I don't like this drama at all.Please return me my bike.There are a lot
of important documents with the bike.

Anu ? Who is Anu? there is none called Anu here. And please leave, else I will call
the cops.

What? Are you insane? Won't I get my bike back ?

There is no bike, so how can I return any?

Now will will leave? or shall I call the neighbourhood? Just leave.

Scene 3 ends*********

Scene 4 ********

Song - Khuji Tomay

I search for you everytime,
Every night alone.
My dreams are touching the heights of the sky
But my address is the clouds around you.

Flying letter of love, full with poetries.

I will walk again with you,

Along the blue sea shore.

You forgot your words, along with the fading time.

I look for you...............

My brain has stopped working.What to do?

WHat else? Let's go and talk to the girl.How can she not return the bike? We will
arrange a crowd infront of her house, if she does so.

You please stop. It isn't that easy. Arranging crowd may lead us to a problem.Got
Does Neel have any proof that the girl has got his bike?

She is a girl, so we will not be able to handle the issue properly if not dealt
carefully with her.

So what does it mean? Won't she give the bike back?

Let's go, I think the girl has returned from the office by now. We will go and
directly ask for the bike.I she doesn't return we will take the help of the police.
Let's go.

Scene 4 ends********

Scene 5 ************

We need the bike, now.

Will you please stop?

Wait, we will not get it back if we don't pressurise her.

You both please wait. Anu please return the bike.

You call me Anu again? I said there is no bike here.

Hey look madame, please stop your drama and return the bike.

Drama? Please leave or I will call the police.

Please Anuradha? Why are you doing behaving abnormally?

As if you dont know why am I doing all these?

I am Anuradha, and you freind Neel and me were pretty close.

Neel, let's take them to the flashback.

Neel and me wre very close once upon a time.

We loved each other a lot.
My whole life was just surrounded by him.
You can say that he was the reason of my waking up in the morning and also my

Days and nights I used to collect my dreams just to marry him.

EvenNeel used to love me a lot, He used to compose songs and sing them for me.
He used to fulfill all of my wishes.

Suddenly one day, one of my aunties came up with a marraige proposal for me.
The boy was good, well established, so I could not reject the proposal.
I told everything about this to Neel.He listened everything and told he will manage

But after that day, he stopped receiving my phone calls. I became completely
On the other hand my father arranged everything for my marraige.
I couldn't find any other way and left from home one night and went to Neel.
But he rejected me by saying that his career was more important to him than me.
He told me to return home.He is a coward.
I returned home and saw my father was paralysed. So, I coud not stay at my home
after that.
I came out. I am still carrying the burden of that fault on my shoulders.
I will never forgive you, never.

Please,listen to me.
I don't want to listen anything.
Just leave, just get the hell out of here with your friends.

***** Raat Nijhum

Silent Night, listen to the song of the stars.

Clouds are teasing and playing with the moon.

If you touch me once, my heart will light up like a firefly.

My heart wanders in your city of love.

Fireflies are creating ligths and shadows on me,

my thoughts are drawing sketches and erasing them

I sit and think alone only of you endlessly

My wishes are flying like a kite in your colourful dreams.

Sudden wind has disturbed by portrait of mind,

Memories of your have shattered.

My wishes peep in your sky

I draw your portrait in a blue canvas, but you are far away.

Silent Night, listen to the song of the stars.

Clouds are teasing and playing with the moon.

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