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The following is a very comprehensive scouting report for coaches to take to opponent’s

games (and to use when going over game video). This will give them a large picture
beyond “simple” X’s and O’s.


Checklist things to get;


Checklist things to bring;

This list
Template for O O X O O Play by play recording sheets
Snacks, Drinks
Starters fill – in sheet
Pencils, pens, paper, clipboards, knife (for pencil sharpening)

(Team Name) SCOUTING REPORT (Year)


Basic Offensive Philosophy

a) Type Offense
b) Basic Sets 1. 2. 3.
c) Other:

1. Field and boundary tendencies

2. Formation tendencies
3. Down and distance tendencies
4. Pass-run tendencies
5. Long and short – yardage tendencies
6. Goal line tendencies
7. Two-minute tendencies
8. Personnel
9. Critical situations

Basic Defensive Philosophy

a) Type Defense
b) Basic Structures 1. 2. 3.
c) Variations 1. 2. 3.
d) Other

Kicking Game

a) Punt 1. 2. 3.
b) Punt Return 1. 2. 3.
c) Kick off 1. 2. 3.
d) KOR 1. 2. 3.
e) XP 1. 2. 3.
f) FG 1. 2. 3.
g) XP Defense 1. 2. 3.

General Keys to look for;


Best players-

Name Number Name Number

Team Size Very Large Large Medium Small # Big boys ____

Team spirit Intimidating Enthusiastic Cocky Normal Down



Snap count
Player mannerisms (QB, Backs, Receivers)


Right or Left-handed?
Long? Short? Fast? Accurate? Scrambler? Playaction?
Drop? 3 5 7 Rollout Playaction Bootleg

Name Position
_______ _______Good Fair Poor _______ _______Good Fair Poor
_______ _______Good Fair Poor _______ _______Good Fair Poor
_______ _______Good Fair Poor _______ _______Good Fair Poor

Best Routes?

Cadence and snap count

a) Do they go on first sound? When?
b) Do they hard count? When?
c) Do they jump offside on defense?

1. Exact D.Line Alignments
2. Adjustments to motion
3. Alignment versus Trips
4. Slants or Stunts
5. Blitzes
6. Main blitzers
7. Best Pass Rusher # _____ Position _____
8. Strengths
9. Weakness
10. Zone or Man to Man
11. Speed of reaction to Run or PAP
12. Goalline alignment

Corners Right / Strong # _______ Left / Weak # _____

1. How far off do they align?
2. Do they play bump and Run?
3. Does he ever roll up and force?
4. Do they disguise coverage?
5. What kind of speed?

Strong Safety
1. Does he play force always?
2. Can we crack him?
3. How deep does he line up?
4. Does he play inside or outside?

Free Safety
1. What is his basic alignment?
2. Does he play pass or run more?
3. How is his speed?

Punting Game Sheet

Long snapper- Name ________ #_______

Good? Fair? Poor? Slow? Fast?

Kicker- Name _______#______ Punter- Name________#_______

Poor? Fair? Fast? Slow? Poor? Fair? Fast? Slow?

1. Type of formation Spread Tight Ends Split

2. How far do they kick?
3. Who is down first?
4. Do they fake?
5. How fast is their coverage? Fast Med Slow
6. Which way can we return it? Right Left Middle
7. Punters depth?
8. Number of steps punter takes?
9. When is ball snapped?
Punt Receiving

1. Do they tip their return?

2. Who is their most dangerous returner?
3. Can we fake them? Run? Pass?
4. How many rushers to block?
5. How many returners dip? Alignment?


Where do they kick it? Short Middle Deep

Left Right Middle
High Low Squib
Onside kick?
Who is Safety

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