ENG - Listening Skills

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ENG Listening

Paper 3 - Listening
Part A
Details of preparation before recording plays
Suggestions for doing tasks

Paper 3 - Listening
Part A
Details of preparation before recording plays
2mins for familarizing

After 2 mins, each task has 30s to prepare before the

recording starts

30s before each task is suggested to confirm the grammar

usage will be used in that task

After the recording is finished, each task has 1min for


Pay attention to the description of the situation (who?

job? what u need to do?)

During the playing of the instruction, better for preparing


The order of task 1234 mostly is equal to the increasing of


For the 2mins preparation time, better to focus on task 4,

3, 2, 1

If 2mins is not enough for preparing all tasks, can prepare

task 1 30s before the recording begins

ENG Listening 1
Suggestions for doing tasks
Use a pencil

Exact wording, better to use words given in the recordings

for answering questions (otherwise may no marks given)

Jot notes as many as u can (anywhere on the paper)(Erase

all unnecessary words after tidied up the answers of each

Task 1 will be the easiest part, the answers almost are

straight forward. Need to focus on grammar usage (eg. +s or

Choosing of word forms needs to follow the given example

and tenses of sentences

Consider Task 2 and 3, there will be more long blanks for

longer amswering

Pay more attention to the example answer, and follow the

grammar of it to answer questions ( Noum/ Gerund/ To +verb)

Task 4 is the most difficult part out of Part A

Around 10 long questions

During the playing of task 4 recording, suggested not to

answer questions completely, should jot down infomation as
many as you can

Better to use short form (initials and symbols) for jotting

information of tasks

Pay attention to the key words that need to be shown in the

answers (who? what? where? when? why? how?)

No need to care about the jotted notes are clear or visible

for everyone as you are the only person who will use the
jotted notes for answering questions

Good use of the 1min for answering questions

ENG Listening 2

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