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Good morning, everyone

What I respect are Dwi Maya Novitri S.Pd., M.Hum and Mrs. Salsabilah Hasianna Tanjung
S.pd., M.pd as lecturers in this course. And a friend I love

First, let us be grateful for the presence of God Almighty, because for the abundance of His
grace this afternoon we can collect it in a healthy state. Maybe many of the audience already
understand the meaning of globalization, or maybe some don't?

This time I would like to invite all of you to recall some of the life patterns that gave birth to
globalization. How it affects all of us and how we deal with the effects.

Globalization comes from the word global which has a comprehensive meaning.
Globalization is the process of spreading new elements covering information from around the
world through print and electronic media.

Globalization has an influence that covers almost all aspects of life. For example in the
transportation sector. There are so many vehicles that we can meet on the highway every day.
This transportation makes it easier for people to carry out activities or work.

This is of course inversely proportional to ancient times where in order to go to a desired

place, one had to be willing to walk. Apart from transportation, the telecommunication
system also has a global impact in aspects of life. An example is a cell phone. In today's
sophisticated era, cellphones seem inseparable from our lives.

The internet is another example of the effects of globalization. Both the old and the young are
all competing to be able to use it. In fact, not a few young people can find the latest
discoveries only through the internet.

The impact of globalization also affects the culinary world in Indonesia. Slowly but surely
our people can accept food that comes from abroad. For example pizza, hamburgers, kebabs,
spaghetti, ramen and others.

The next aspect is fashion. It is very clear that the various types of clothing that are booming
abroad will soon be followed by our society. Another field that is no less exciting is sports.
We can now watch it through television channels that broadcast live sports matches wherever
they are.

There are many aspects that can be affected by globalization. This is clear as proof that every
society can feel the influence. Some of the aspects described above show that global
influence has penetrated almost all aspects of life.
Everyone must feel the impact of globalization. Therefore, as a society we must be able to
sort and choose this globalization by only taking good benefits and ignoring the negative
elements, so that any culture that will enter Indonesia can be filtered properly.

Hopefully what I have to say can be useful for all of us. It is our common hope that the
effects of globalization will not destroy the integrity of our nation and state.

That is all and thank you.

Good morning

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