Chronic Bronchitis and Pesticide Exposure: A Case-Control Study in Lebanon

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Chronic bronchitis and pesticide exposure: A case-control study in Lebanon

Article  in  European Journal of Epidemiology · November 2006

DOI: 10.1007/s10654-006-9058-1 · Source: PubMed


26 528

5 authors, including:

Pascale Salameh Mirna Waked

Lebanese University Saint George Hospital University Medical Center


Patrick Brochard Bernadette Abi Saleh

University of Bordeaux Sagesse University


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European Journal of Epidemiology (2006)  Springer 2006
DOI 10.1007/s10654-006-9058-1

Chronic bronchitis and pesticide exposure: a case–control study in Lebanon

Pascale R. Salameh1, Mirna Waked2, Isabelle Baldi3, Patrick Brochard3 and Bernadette Abi
Faculty of Public Health, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon; 2Faculty of Medicine, Balamand University, El-Koura,
Lebanon; 3Faculty of Public Health, ISPED, Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University, Bordeaux, France

Received: 19 April 2006/Accepted in revised form 25 August 2006

Abstract. Objective Pesticides are widely used toxics. centers. Any exposure to pesticides was associated to
The objective of the study is to evaluate the odds of chronic bronchitis (OR = 2.46 [1.53–3.94]; p < 10)4).
exposure to pesticides in chronic bronchitis patients. Occupational use presented the highest association
Methods Using the American Thoracic Society stan- (15.92 [3.50–72.41]; p < 10)4), followed by regional
dardized questionnaire confirmed by medical diag- exposure (3.70 [2.05–6.70]; p < 10)4). Results were
nosis of chronic bronchitis, a case–control study confirmed by multivariate and subgroup analysis.
was performed in Lebanon. Pesticide exposure was Conclusion Pesticide exposure was associated with
estimated and between groups comparison was made. chronic bronchitis in Lebanese adults. Pesticides tox-
Results The study involved 262 controls and 110 icological effects may explain chronic respiratory ef-
chronic bronchitis outpatient subjects from 10 medical fects associations found with all exposure types.

Key words: Chronic bronchitis, Non-Occupational Exposure, Occupational Exposure, Pesticides, Respiratory

Introduction environmental health concern [14]. In Nicaragua, a

strong association has been found between living in a
Symptoms related to chronic bronchitis have been highly pesticide treated region and frequency increase
reported in agricultural workers [1]: these may be of various intoxication symptoms [15].
systemic effects on lungs after inhalation, rather than In Lebanon, statistics regarding pesticides acute or
direct local effects, and at doses much lower to those chronic intoxication do not exist yet [16]; pesticides of
causing similar responses after dermal or oral expo- all types are used (organophosphates, pyrethroids...),
sure [2]. except for some that have been banned all over the
Inhalation of pesticides at the worksite is notice- world. More than 50% of acute intoxication cases
able [3]. Farming and agricultural work were associ- may be due to occupational use of pesticides during
ated with several respiratory problems such as treatment season, in parallel to mild and chronic
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease intoxications [17]. We have previously studied the
[4–6], and pesticides were cited as possible causing effects of pesticides on asthma in children [18] and
factors [7]. Occupational exposure to pesticides has adults [19], both showing positive associations, con-
been associated with respiratory symptoms and firmed by quantitative and multivariate analyses.
chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma [8]. However, nothing is known about the effects of pes-
In addition, many indirect and direct exposure ticides on chronic bronchitis.
opportunities exist for farmers’ next of kin who live in The objective of this study is thus to evaluate the
places where pesticides are used or brought home by odds of occupational, domestic or environmental
lack of decontamination measures [9, 10]. Subjects exposure to pesticides in chronic bronchitis adults in
living in heavily treated regions are further exposed to Lebanon, in comparison with controls.
pesticide air pulverization and contaminated food and
water [11, 12]. The general population is also exposed
to pesticides by domestic use or accidental exposure. Methods
Non-occupational chronic respiratory indoor expo-
sure can result in high annual cumulative doses [13]. Study design
Little is known about the health effects of nonoccu-
pational pesticide exposure, but living in areas We conducted a case control study, comparing pes-
where pesticides are used on crops may represent an ticide exposure in new outpatient cases of chronic
bronchitis, and in controls without respiratory Analysis
problems. Chronic bronchitis represented the
dependent variable, pesticide exposure the indepen- The dependent variable ‘‘chronic bronchitis’’ was
dent one, and potential confounding variables the defined according to guidelines for clinical definition
covariates. of chronic bronchitis: daily productive cough for
3 months or more per year, over 2 consecutive years
or more [22]. In addition to the pulmonologist diag-
Population of the study
nosis, reported symptoms in the self-administered
questionnaire allowed to study the declared chronic
Cases and controls were recruited in 10 out of 148
bronchitis issue.
(6.76%) Lebanese hospital centers, chosen from the
The presence of symptoms was indicated in the
list of hospitals according to convenience in all Leb-
questionnaire by affirmative responses to the ques-
anese regions: three in Beirut, four in Mount Leba-
tions, ‘‘Do you usually have cough first thing in the
non, one in Northern Lebanon, one in the Bekaa, and
morning?’’ ‘‘Do you bring up phlegm from the chest
one in Southern Lebanon.
in the morning?’’ Concordance between the answers
to the questionnaire and the pulmonologists’ diag-
Procedure nosis was confirmed by an independent pulmonol-
ogist. Only in this case was the individual classified
One pulmonologist was contacted within every hos- as a case. In case of discordance, the individual was
pital, leading to 10 pulmonologists participating to removed from the analysis. Classification into a
the study: this allows for an average ratio of 1 control required a double absence of diagnosis and
pneumonologist/4 · 105 Lebanese inhabitants. After of positive answers to the respiratory symptoms’
they agreed to contribute to the study, they were questions.
asked to recruit cases of newly diagnosed chronic For pesticide exposure, questions were the
bronchitis outpatients, with or without obstruction. following ones: ‘‘Have you ever used pesticides in
Any other chronic pulmonary pathology diagnosed your work?’’ ‘‘Have you ever used pesticides out of
by pulmonologists was an exclusion criterion your work (for house or garden treatment...)?’’ ‘‘Do
(tuberculosis, fibrosis, cancer...); asthma patients you live in a region heavily treated by pesticides?’’
were included in the study, but not in this analysis. ‘‘Do you live in the proximity of a heavily treated
Participants aged between 12 and 99 years were in- field by pesticides?’’... An expert in agronomy, who
cluded in the study. assigned to residency regions a score from 0 to 9
Controls were taken from a source population of according to yearly consumption of pesticides,
individuals accompanying cases (parents, friends) or provided complementary evaluation of regional
seeking advice for another problem in the same exposure. Personal occupational pesticide exposure,
hospital, also as outpatients. Any disease regarding occupational use by a family member, regional
gastroenterology, endocrinology, orthopedics, cardi- exposure due to residence in a heavily treated
ology, surgery, neurology, nephrology, and urology region (score >4) or local exposure due to prox-
specialties could be an inclusion criterion for con- imity to a heavily treated field, personal non
trols. However, any chronic respiratory symptom or occupational exposure by personal house or garden
problem reported by controls before filling in the treatment, and exposure by house treatment by
questionnaire was an exclusion criterion. someone else, were evaluated. A variable named
Information was given to responders consisting of ‘‘ever exposed’’ is considered positive if the subject
‘‘a questionnaire regarding their health, the results of declared any exposure type. Cumulative exposure
which will be useful for science’’. They orally con- indices were also calculated: one as the product of
sented to give the required information. region score by the number of years of residence in
A pretested self administered questionnaire [20], the region, and another as the number of yearly
adapted to local arabic language from the standard- uses by the number of years of use when applica-
ized and validated American Thoracic Society ble. Questions related to the types of pesticides
chronic respiratory disease questionnaire [21], was used were eliminated since the majority of respon-
given to pulmonologists, to administer to any subject dents were unable to answer them.
fulfilling inclusion criteria. Questionnaires were Education level was quantified according to the
delivered to eligible subjects by local inquirers, inde- number of years of scholarization. Active smoking
pendently of exposure status. The same conditions was determined by several questions, categorizing
were applied for questionnaires in both cases and subjects in non-smokers (smoking history of less
controls, to evaluate the diagnosis, in addition to than 20 packs in a lifetime), current smokers, and
occupational, regional, local and domestic pesticides ex-smokers. The number of pack-years was deter-
exposures. mined by multiplying the average number of packs
of 20 cigarettes smoked per day by the number of Results
years of smoking. Passive smoking was character-
ized by the number of smokers at home. Working in About 790 questionnaires (53%) were filled in out of
dusty and smoky environments were also asked 1500 distributed; 33 were then eliminated because of
about. inadequate filling; 757 were accepted (50%).
Data analysis was performed on SPSS software About 140 (27.8%) subjects reported symptoms not
(version 12.0). Two-sided statistical tests were used; in accordance with medical diagnosis and presented
v2 test for dichotomous or multinomial qualitative unclassifiable respiratory problems: these individuals
variables, Fisher exact two-sided test in case of either had some respiratory symptoms, but their
expected counts in cells <5, Mann–Whitney or frequency or duration was not in accordance with the
Wilcoxon test for quantitative variables with non- chronic bronchitis definition, or suffered from
homogeneous variances and non normal distribu- chronic respiratory symptoms while they were not
tion, and Students’ t-test for quantitative variables diagnosed by the pulmonologist as cases. In addition,
of normal distribution and homogeneous variances. 245 (32.4%) presented asthma [19]. The former and
In cumulative exposure indexes, a trend test was the latter categories were not included in the analysis.
used to evaluate the OR increase in case of increase About 372 questionnaires were finally analyzed. Re-
in exposure intensity or duration. sults are presented for these 110 (29.6%) chronic
Regarding multivariate analysis, a descending bronchitis patients and 262 controls (70.4%).
stepwise likelihood ratio logistic regression was
performed. Adjustment over all potential con- Social and demographic characteristics
founding variables, showing baseline difference be-
tween the groups of comparison ( p < 0.20), was Social and demographic characteristics are summa-
done: number of tobacco pack-years, number of rized in able 1. Male sex, lower educational level, and
smokers at home, sex, age, education, residency non Lebanese nationality were more common in
department, hospital, body mass index, allergy, cases than in controls; the former had also higher
nationality, working in a smoky and in a dusty body mass index ( p < 0.05) (Table 1).
environment, personal cardiac and paternal respi-
ratory problem history were included in the analy- Smoking, toxics and dust exposure, medical and family
sis. history
Sample size calculation was performed with an
alpha risk of 5%, a beta risk of 20%, and a minimal Cases were more frequently active present or past
exposure probability of 30%, representing half the smokers, with a higher cumulative smoking exposure.
percentage of Lebanese exposed to pesticides [21]. There were more smokers in the house of cases than of
The minimal sample size necessary to show a twofold controls. There were also more workers in dusty and
increase in risk consisted of 339 subjects, divided as 2 toxic gases environments and cardiac problems
controls for 1 case. (Table 2).

Table 1. Social and demographic characteristics

Variable Controls N = 262 (%) Cases N = 110 (%) p-value

Department 0.09a
Beirut 34 (13.0%) 17 (15.5%)
Mount Lebanon 149 (57.1%) 48 (43.6%) 0.19b
South Lebanon 11 (4.2%) 11 (10.0%) 0.18b
North Lebanon 47 (18.0%) 24 (21.8%) 0.96b
Bekaa 20 (7.7%) 10 (9.1%) 0.81b
Age in years M(SD) 37.6 (14.9) 50.7 (15.6) <10)4
Male 116 (44.3%) 72 (65.5%) <10)3
Female 146 (55.7%) 38 (34.5%)
Education level <10)4a
<9 years 41 (16.0%) 51 (46.3%)
9 years or more 95 (37.0%) 19 (17.3%) <10)4b
College graduate 121 (47.1%) 51 (21.1%) <10)4b
Non Lebanese 2 (0.8%) 7 (6.4%) 0.003
Lebanese 259 (99.2%) 102 (93.6%)
BMIc M(SD) 24.4 (3.8) 26.7 (4.2) <10)4
p-value for the whole distribution; bp-value for every stratum against first cited stratum; cBMI = Body Mass Index,
calculated by BMI = weight in kg /(height in m)2.
Table 2. Smoking status, toxic exposure, personal disease and family history

Variable Controls Cases p-value

N = 262 (%) N = 110 (%)

Smoking status <10)6a

Non smoker 178 (67.9%) 15 (13.6%)
Previous smoker 34 (13.0%) 31 (28.2%) <10)8b
Actual smoker 52 (19.9%) 64 (58.2%) <10)8b
Pack-years 3.11 (8.53) 28.4 (28.9) <10)4
Smokers at home <10)4a
No smoker 123 (47.3%) 19 (18.3%)
1 smoker 59 (22.7%) 25 (24.0%) 0.003b
More than one 78 (30.0%) 60 (57.7%) <10)8b
Works in a smoky place 4 (1.5%) 9 (8.4%) 0.003
Works in a dusty place 24 (9.2%) 24 (22.4%) 0.001
Chest trauma 7 (2.7%) 4 (3.6%) 0.62
Cardiac disease 10 (3.8%) 19 (17.3%) <10)4
Allergy 33 (12.6%) 21 (19.1%) 0.11
Paternal respiratory problem 9 (3.4%) 8 (7.3%) 0.11
Maternal respiratory problem 21 (8.0%) 11 (10.0%) 0.53
p-value for the whole distribution; bp-value for every stratum against first cited stratum.

Table 3. Pesticides exposure types and chronic bronchitis in Lebanon

Exposure type Controls Cases OR [95% CI]

N = 262 (%) N = 110 (%)

Any exposure 123 (47.3%) 75 (68.8%) 2.46 [1.53–3.94]

Occupational 2 (0.8%) 12 (10.9%) 15.92 [3.50–72.41]
Non occupational 68 (26.0%) 52 (47.3%) 2.56 [1.61–4.07]
House exposureb 73 (27.9%) 41 (37.3%) 1.54 [0.96–2.47]
Regional exposurec 24 (9.2%) 30 (27.3%) 3.70 [2.05–6.70]
Local exposured 34 (13.0%) 30 (27.3%) 2.50 [1.44–4.35]
Paraoccupational 9 (3.4%) 5 (4.6%) 1.35 [0.44–4.13]
Personal non occupational use of pesticides; bHouse treated by pesticides; cLives in a region heavily treated by pesticides;
Lives near a field heavily treated by pesticides; ea family member is occupationally exposed to pesticides.

Exposure to pesticides and chronic bronchitis did not fit adequately in the model, and were subse-
quently removed. Adjusted ORs demonstrated sig-
Types of pesticides exposure are reported in Table 3, nificant correlations of exposure to pesticides and
with all associations statistically significant, except chronic bronchitis, with higher associations for all
for paraoccupational use. Any exposure to pesticides types of exposure (Table 4). In the multiple exposure
was associated with chronic bronchitis: occupational model, professional use and house exposure variables
use presented the highest association, while indirect lost significant associations with chronic bronchitis,
exposure by house treatment was the least associated. while personal non occupational, local and regional
exposure were still significantly correlated to chronic
bronchitis, along with active and passive smoking
Multivariate analysis
(Table 4).
Stepwise descending likelihood ratio logistic regres-
sions were performed. Variables retained in the final Quantitative exposure analysis
model were number of tobacco pack-years, educa-
tion, nationality, and passive smoking; on the con- Cumulative exposure classes showed that there is a
trary, other introduced variables such as age, sex, significant increase in the risk of chronic bronchitis
hospital, residency department, body mass index, with the increase in intensity and/or duration of dif-
allergy, personal and paternal respiratory problem ferent levels of exposure to pesticides (Table 5).
Table 4. Pesticides exposure and chronic bronchitis in Lebanon – multivariate analysis

Variable Adjusted Significant factors

OR [95% CI] retained in the modelsa

Any exposure 5.05 [2.19–11.63] Education, nationality,

number of tobacco pack-years,
number of smokers at home
Occupational exposure 8.85 [1.15–66.67] Education, nationality,
number of tobacco pack-years,
number of smokers at home
Non occupational 3.79 [1.77– 8.13] Education, nationality,
exposureb number of tobacco pack-years
House exposurec 4.92 [2.26–10.75] Education, nationality,
number of tobacco pack-years
Regional exposured 6.06 [2.46–16.67] Education, nationality,
number of tobacco pack-years,
number of smokers at home
Local exposuree 3.62 [1.59– 8.19] Education, nationality,
cumulative active smoking
Multiple exposure model
Occupational exposure 2.05 [0.28–14.91] Number of tobacco pack-years,
Non occupational 4.39 [1.87–10.27] number of smokers at home
House exposurec 1.62 [0.54–4.90]
Regional exposurec 13.91 [2.77–69.79]
Local exposured 8.33 [1.37–50.00]
Adjustment was over number of tobacco pack-years, number of smokers at home, sex, age, education, residency depart-
ment, hospital, body mass index, allergy, nationality, working in a smoky and in a dusty environment, personal cardiac and
paternal respiratory problem history; bPersonal non occupational use of pesticides; cHouse treated by pesticides; dLives in a
region heavily treated by pesticides; eLives near a field heavily treated by pesticides.

Subgroup analysis eventually, chronic pulmonary obstruction. In the

Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance
In Table 6, data is presented for multivariate analysis Project, among farmers, applying pesticides to live-
in two subgroups: non smokers and ever smokers. stock was associated with significantly increased odds
Associations found between chronic bronchitis and of phlegm (OR = 1.91; 95% CI 1.20–3.57), chest ever
pesticides exposure seemed even stronger in non wheezy (OR = 3.92, 95% CI 1.76–8.72), and flu-like
smokers compared with smokers, except for regional symptoms (OR = 2.93, 95% CI 1.69–5.12) in models
exposure. adjusting for age and smoking [7]. In an epidemio-
logical study on grapes and apple trees workers,
excessive chronic respiratory symptoms have been
Discussion found: dyspnea and suffocation crisis (74.1% vs.
5.2%), cough (27.6% vs. 15.7%), expectoration (25.3%
In this Lebanese case–control study on chronic vs. 13.8%) and chronic bronchitis (20.7% vs. 13.9%),
bronchitis, we found a moderate to strong correlation and also acute symptoms in smokers of more than
between exposure to pesticides and this disease. 10 years employment duration. Low respiratory vol-
The correlation was the strongest for occupational umes (0.54 vs. 0.73 in FVC measured-predicted dif-
exposure. Dose effects relationship and multivariate ference, and 0.12 vs. 0.35 in FEV1 measured-predicted
analysis confirmed the results obtained in bivariate difference) were noted even after adjustment for
analysis, by taking into account potential confound- smoking, suggesting obstructive and restrictive effects.
ing variables. The relative imprecise estimates and Pesticides were suggested as contributing agents to all
borderline significance in cumulative occupational of these effects [1].
exposure association with chronic bronchitis and in For regional exposure, several accidents occurred,
subgroup analysis is probably due to the small where people living next to fumigant treated surface
number of individuals in that category. House (most toxic pesticides used in agriculture) [11] expe-
application of pesticides does not seem to be an rienced laryngeal irritation, headache, or acute pul-
independent risk factor for chronic bronchitis. monary irritation, cough and even death [23]. With
Several epidemiological and toxicological studies paraquat, several symptoms were reported such as
have shown results comparable to those of the current cough, rhinitis, dyspnea, wheezing... [24]. However,
study, regarding chronic respiratory symptoms, and no other study explicitely reported the association
Table 5. Mean cumulative exposure to pesticides and chronic bronchitis in Lebanon

Cumulative exposure Controls Cases OR Trend

N = 262 N = 110 [95% CI] test p-value

Occupational exposure 0.001

0 application 260 (72.6%) 98 (27.4%) 1
3–10 applications 0 3 (100%) Undetermined
11–30 applications 0 1 (100%) Undetermined
>30 application 0 3 (100%) Undetermined
Non occupational exposurea <10–4
<1 application 194 (77.0%) 58 (23.0%) 1
1–6 applications 9 (60.0%) 6 (40.0%) 2.23
7–24 applications 9 (52.9%) 8 (47.1%) 2.97
>24 applications 2 (15.4%) 11 (84.6%) 18.4
House exposureb 5E-04
<12 applications 189 (73.3%) 69 (26.7%) 1
12–31 applications 30 (83.3%) 6 (16.7%) 0.55
32–47 applications 25 (69.4%) 11 (30.6%) 1.21
>47 applications 18 (42.9%) 24 (57.1%) 3.65
Weighted regional exposurec 0.003
<3 years 56 (66.7%) 28 (33.3%) 1
3–77 years 48 (80.0%) 12 (20.0%) 0.5
78–186 years 50 (80.6%) 12 (19.4%) 0.48
> 186 27 (44.3%) 34 (55.7%) 2.52
Local exposured 0.002
<1 year 227 (73.9%) 80 (26.1%) 1
1–10 years 12 (60.0%) 8 (40.0%) 1.89
11–25 years 8 (50.0%) 8 (50.0%) 2.84
>25 years 8 (44.4%) 10 (55.6%) 3.55
Lifetime personal non occupational use of pesticides; bLifetime house treatments by pesticides; cDuration of living in a
region heavily treated by pesticides multiplied by the intensity code for use of pesticides in that region; dDuration of living
near a field treated by pesticides.

Table 6. Pesticides exposure and chronic bronchitis in Lebanon – subgroup analysis

Exposure type Smokers Non smokers

ORa [95% CI] ORa [95% CI]

Any exposure 3.92 1.28–12.05 6.92 1.90–25.19

Occupational exposure 3.68 0.32–41.67 12.50 0.63–2.50
Non occupational exposurea 4.85 1.45–16.29 14.20 4.20–47.99
House exposureb 4.10 1.26–13.33 6.99 2.14–22.73
Regional exposurec 9.52 1.64–55.56 4.24 1.20–14.93
Local exposured 3.60 1.09–11.90 3.53 0.98–12.66
ORa = Adjusted Odds
Ratio; aPersonal non occupational use of pesticides; bHouse treated by pesticides; cLives in a region
heavily treated by pesticides; dLives near a field
heavily treated by pesticides.

between chronic bronchitis and non occupational use Difference in strength of associations between the
of pesticides. subgroups of smokers and non smokers could be
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by multiple experimental toxicological studies on smoking and pesticides. Cigarette smoke contains
animals, in addition to known clinical effects of polycyclic hydrocarbons, which are well known
high level exposure, such as by organophosphates or inducers of hepatic mixed function oxidases [26]; on
pyrethroids [2, 22]. Besides hypersensitivity, the the other hand, several pesticides are metabolized
development of the respiratory problems is mainly by similar liver cytochromes [27–29]. Smokers may
due to overwhelming of detoxification capacity of thus be able to metabolize pesticides at a higher rate
cells [2]: activation and detoxification balance play a than non smokers [30], and may not be as affected
determinant role in defining pesticide toxicity [25]. by their toxic effects as non smokers. This issue
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