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1102 Basic Accounting W7

University of the people


Matthew Pressey Instructor

The company I choose to discuss is one of the top corporations globally, Apple Inc, an

organization that sells millions of its products across the globe revolutionized by then Co-

founder, chairman (CEO) Steve Jobs, who was also a majority shareholder. In the year

thousand eighteen, the company became the publicly traded U.S organization to be valued at

one trillion and just recently back in two thousand twenty moved just into the two trillion

dollar value. (Technology Desk,2020).

The organization's ticker/stock symbol is known as (AAPL) and can be verified by the

following K-10 report link provided.

In my review of their statement report, I expected to see that their cash flow was a significant

part of their net income. And that it would be carried over to its income statement and is also

the first thing that you would notice on the cash flow statement sheet (Murphy, 2020).

Checking the cash inflow and outflow is an important task, one to be aware of just how much

income is coming into your business on average (2nd). With outpouring, you want to gauge

just how much you will be shedding out daily or monthly, and if you find that you are

outflowing too much, then look for areas to cut the overspending. And why we can see a

significant value in this document. I never expected to see in the cash flow statement

repurchasing of simple common stocks among their financing activity category in taking a

second look at the record. I would have assumed something like this would be listed

elsewhere, perhaps in the investment activities section, with accounts that pertain to the

buying and sale of assets and business investments. I have recently earned that repurchasing

common stock can be classified as repurchasing their shares from the market, and financing
activities are about an organization's capital and paying back investors. In my opinion, the

vale was there simply because reducing claims means EPS revenue and quicker cash flow

(Banton,2020). To invest in this company would be a great idea as the company has a

fantastic track record and showing no signs of becoming stagnant in the feature. When

analyzing the report, I could see that the net cash inflow was $26,341 million, showcasing

just how much inflow this organization regularly pulls. And with the ability of common

stock, this company will have even greater areas for growth, and investing in this

organization is an excellent idea if you want to increase your financial wealth.

Word Count (490)


Caroline Banton. (September 23, 2020). Share Repurchase. Retrieved from

Chris Murphy. (April 23, 2020). How Do Net Income and Operating Cash Flow


Retrieved from


FreshBooks. (n.d.). What Are Investing Activities? How to Report Investment Activities on

The CashFlow Statement. Retrieved from

Technology Desk. (October 12, 2020). Apple's 5G iPhone Set to Launch. Retrieved from

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