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Activity 3: Work Ethics On the Go!

Directions: Answer the following questions after each situation.

A. If you start your Work Immersion or even Culminating Activity, you will
be told your exact schedule and time you are in the workplace and
time when you are to be out. How will you keep good record of
attendance considering that attendance matters?

First of all set an alarm as early as possible for your morning wake up , then
do your daily routines and make sure you make yourself clean and decent.
Second, list your schedule and know where and when will you work, also
make sure that you clear your other schedules like hanging out with your
friends. Third, when going to your workplace, go out to your place at least 30
minutes or 1 hour before the designated time for your work, being late is as
bad as being absent. Finally, make sure that you’re always in good health so
that you will have no reasons to be absent.

B. Two scenarios below happen in the real world. How would you apply
your Work Ethics in the following situations?

1. There might be times your boss allows you to work from home.
Having the permission to work from home, you just took some office
supplies, anyway you are using it for work from home.

For me it’s not ethical if you bring some office supplies on your home
because it should be only use within the office and it’s also wrong if you took
something that isn’t yours. If your assigned to work from home you should
buy some supplies for your own, it’s better to have your own supplies
because you don’t need to borrow from your friends or ask permission to
bring supplies form your office. It’s also more convenient if you use you own
things because you can freely use it and won’t worry if it broke.

2. There are companies or other workplaces that allow trainees like

Work Immersion students to just finish the work for the day and they
can go home. That scenario happens to you, so you can go home
already as per instruction. But you see other trainees like you are still

In my opinion if I was already finish on my task or work for the day and
instructed to go home early, maybe I would stay for a bit and observe how
my co-interns or trainees work so that it could give me an idea to improve
myself. Also it’s kind of rude if you left without saying anything on your co-
interns or trainees since socializing is also need in work immersion. If it’s
possible to help them, then I would help them on few things but I think it’s not
good to help because every one has their own task to do to improve their
career growth.

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