Assignment # 3: Webapp Architecture Content Architecture

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Name: Muhammad Sami Ali

Roll Number: BSSE-2020F-201

Section: E
Course: ITSE

Question 1: What is the difference between content architecture and WebApp architecture?


WebAPP Architecture Content Architecture

The web application architecture describes the Architecture is the art and science of
interactions between applications, databases, designing buildings and other physical
and middleware systems on the web. structures. A wider definition often includes
the design of the total built environment from
the macro level of town planning, urban
design, and landscape architecture to the
micro level of construction details and,
sometimes, furniture.

As soon as the user hits the go button after This distinguishes Architecture from
typing a URL in the address bar of a web engineering design, which is usually driven
browser, it requests for that web address. The primarily by the creative application of
server sends files to the browser as a response mathematical and scientific principles.
to the request made.
Interior Architecture bridges the practices of
A web application architecture is a pattern of interior design and architecture so that
interaction between various web application professionals working in the field have a
components. The type of web application structural and load bearing education with an
architecture depends on how the application emphasis on interior spaces. The field is like
logic is distributed among the client and architecture in that it deals with structures and
server sides. load bearing walls. It is like interior design in
that it focuses on interior spaces.

The web application architecture, like the Architecture can indeed serve us as a little
Internet, is continuously evolving. The very time capsule of human history. It reveals us
basic model of the web application human thoughts, ideals, ideas, even our fears
architecture appeared during the reign of Web and worries. All human emotions and
1.0. However, it was during the advent of thoughts can be reflected in one powerful
Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 that it gained its present piece of art that lies ahead of us while we
form. remain still, watching it in awe.
Question 2: What is the difference between navigation syntax and navigation semantics?


Navigation Syntax & Navigation Semantics:

Navigation semantic units (NSU) are defined by a set of pathways that connect navigation nodes.
Each NSU must allow a user from a defined user category achieve specific requirements defined
by a use-case.

Semantics is about whether the sentence has a valid meaning. Syntax refers to the structure of a
language, tracing its etymology to how things are put together. On the other hand,
the semantics is about meaning. A compiler or interpreter could complain about syntax errors.

Likewise, what is meant by semantic analysis? • Semantic analysis is the task of ensuring that the
declarations and statements of a program are semantically correct, i.e, that their meaning is clear
and consistent with the way in which control structures and data types are supposed to be used.

Syntax analysis is the process of analyzing a string of symbols either in natural language,
computer languages or data structures conforming to the rules of a formal grammar. In
contrast, semantic analysis is the process of checking whether the generated parse tree is
according to the rules of the programming language.

Semantics is the study and analysis of how language is used figuratively and literally to produce
meaning. Semantics seeks to describe how words are used-not to prescribe how they should be
used. Examples of Semantics: A toy block could be called a block, a cube, a toy.
Question 3: Write a brief paper on a hypermedia design method other than OOHDM.



“Hypermedia is the matter of which the World Wide Web is made. Much like the physical world
is built of interacting elementary particles, the web is essentially a universe of myriad interacting
hypermedia documents.” The more common term hypertext is closely related to hypermedia,
with the bulk of the Web consisting of webpages primarily written in Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). But hypermedia transcends hypertext, the word suggesting that more than
just text is capable of being hyperlinked, such as graphics, videos, and music files.
The Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method (OOHDM) is a model-based approach for
building hypermedia applications. It comprises four different activities namely conceptual
design, navigational design, abstract interface design and implementation. They are performed in
a mix of incremental, iterative, and prototype-based development style. During each activity, a
set of object-oriented models describing design concerns are built or enriched from previous

In essence, then, hypermedia is just another name for everything that we see, hear, and interact
with on the Web. But since the early 1990s, the general concept of hypermedia has been largely
superseded in popular usage by the term “interactive multimedia.” It is primarily only in the
world of software engineering and architecture that people continue to speak of hypermedia. And
these days, the term is most often used in the context of developing Web-based Application
Programming Interfaces, or APIs.
As the complexity of software applications and systems continues to grow, there is an increasing
need for different components within a single application and for entirely separate applications to
be able to communicate with each other simply and clearly. This cross-linguistic data-exchange
is what APIs have always been used for, but the variety of APIs and the languages used to code
them can vary as widely and be as idiosyncratic as individual software applications themselves.
An API developed by Facebook and an API developed by Twitter may not communicate nicely
with each other, and developers usually must sort through any given unique documentation to
figure out how to use it with their own application. Many system engineers and software
developers believe their jobs would be far simpler if there existed a common format for writing,
following a shared, agreed-upon structure. And they look to the Web as a proven example of
such a possibility.
The Web is a system of hyperlinked hypermedia that, despite the endless varieties of software
languages that are used to construct its websites and media types, generally manages to stay
remarkably interconnected and communicate clearly between its many constituent parts.
Question 4: Who should perform the validation test—the software developer or the software
user? Justify your answer.


Validation Testing:
Validation Testing, carried out by QA professionals, is to determine if the system complies with
the requirements and performs functions for which it is intended and meets the organization’s
goals and user needs. This kind of testing is very important, as well as verification testing.
Validation is done at the end of the development process and takes place after verification is
Thus, to ensure customer satisfaction, developers apply validation testing. Its goal is to validate
and be confident about the product or system and that it fulfils the requirements given by the
customer. The acceptance of the software from the end customer is also its part.
When software is tested, the motive is to check the quality regarding the found defects and bugs.
When defects and bugs are detected, developers fix them. After that, the software is checked
again to make sure no bugs are left. In that way, the software product’s quality scales up.
Both the software developer and the software user should perform the validation test. It is
common for developers to write their own unit tests as they develop code. These provide fast
feedback on design problems and logic errors. But they are really intended to help developers get
code to run sooner in the development cycle. They are written by developers. As such, they may
cover all edge cases that a user need, and probably should. This would be a validation test. But
we are human. We miss tests. And we are developers. Sometimes, we have enough of a test to
help us develop our code and move on.

To catch missing tests, we need to use some higher-level tests, closer to how the user will work.
This is the work of QAs - Quality Assurance engineers. These people have the job of using the
product like a user would. They focus on all the mistakes a user might make - or, perhaps, all the
way the product might confuse a user into pressing the wrong buttons. This helps flush out errors
that should have been spotted earlier - if we had perfect developers and requirements analysts.
The final step is the real Users should have a way to report faults that escape into the wild, in a
way that lets developers and QAs reproduce them.

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