Quiz - Cambridge Unlock (2) R&W Language Development Articles Quantifiers Simple Sentences (S-V-O) Adverbs+VTB (There Isare) .

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Cambridge Unlock (2) R&W

Language Development:
Articles, Quantifiers, Simple Score  

Sentences (S-V-O), Adverbs+VTB

(There is/are).

1. _____________________ p ice of petrol keeps ising.


B The

C an

D (no a ticle)

2. He d ives at a speed of 90 miles ___________ hour.

A a

B the

C an

D (no a ticle)

It's in ______________A thur Road.


B The

C an

D (no a ticle)

4. He is ___________doctor.
A a

B the

C an

D (no a ticle)

5. Would you like ___________ apple juice?

A many

B much

C any

D some

E a few
6. There is _______ food in the f idge.
A many

B much

C any

D some

E a few

7. There are __________ books on the table

A many

B much

C any

D some

E a few

8. A Are there __________ vegetables in the f idge? B No, there

A a lot

B much

C any

D some

E a few

9. He is ve y ich. There is ______ money in his wallet.

A a lot of

B much

C any

D some

E a few
10. There is not _______ butter left. We need to buy ________.
A few / any

B little / a lot

C much / some

D a few / many

11. For each of the following, choose the sentence in

which the subject and verb agree.
A Eve y one of the shi ts has a green collar.

B Eve y one of the shi ts have a green collar.


For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
A This singer and her f iends, play the ha monica on stage.

B This singer and her f iends, plays the ha monica on stage.


For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
A Sandals and towels is essential gear for a t ip to the beach.

B Sandals and towels are essential gear for a t ip to the beach.

14. For each of the following, choose the sentence in
which the subject and verb agree.
A The president or the vice president are speaking

B The president or the vice president is speaking today.


For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
A Either Cassie or Ma ie pays the employees this afte noon.

B Either Cassie or Ma ie pay the employees this afte noon.

16. For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
A The coat or the hats are in that closet.

B The coat or the hats is in that closet.


For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
A Mustard greens is my favou ite vegetable.

B Mustard greens are my favou ite vegetable.


For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.
A Eve ybody at the pa ty was enjoying the food.

B Eve ybody at the pa ty were enjoying the food.


There ______ a red car parked in our d iveway.

A is

B are

20. I'm hung y. _____ there any apples in your

A Is

B Are

21. There ______ many options to pick from.

A is

B are
22. There ______ any water left.
A isn't

B aren't

23. There ______ a load of laund y to do.

A is

B are

24. A Is there anything I can do to help? B Yes,

A there is

B there are

25. A ________ a taxi waiting for us? B No, __________

A Is there / there is

B Are there / there are

C Are there / there isn't

D Is there / there isn't

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