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1. She works __________ a teacher (it’s her job).

2. I’m very __________ my mother.

3. Julie loves mangoes as much __________ I do.

4. He arrived __________ I was leaving.

5. He works in a bank, __________ his father.

6. I used a tea towel __________ an oven glove and I burned it!

7. Your perfume smells __________ flowers.

8. __________ it was cold, I took a scarf.

9. He works __________ a hairdresser (it’s his job).

10. That woman looks __________ my grandmother.

11. Please do it __________ me.

12. She hates chocolate as much __________ John.

13. __________ the other students, Paul failed the exam.

14. London is just as busy __________ Tokyo.

15. She often plays sports, __________ tennis or football.

16. Amanda works __________ a lawyer (it’s her job).

17. This room is just as hot __________ the other room.

18. You look __________ your sister.

19. She studied really hard, __________ us.

20. We are as intelligent __________ you.

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