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ASSIGNMENT: Sampling methods/techniques


From: Muhammad Mustaeen Dar

Roll No: 159

Class: BSCS

Semester: 3rd Semester

Subject: Probability and Stats

Submitted to: Miss Qurat ul An Sabir



Determine the sampling method to be used in each scenario and Justify your answer?

Scenario 1:

From a list containing the names of 500 members of an alumni association, a sample size of 50 is
obtained by including every 10th person in the list in the sample.


To collect the sample of 50 members from 500 by including every 10 th person in the list we will use
systematic sampling. It is easier to design and implement. Also, its cost is moderate. We can easily
obtain the sample by systematic sampling efficiently.

Scenario 2:

A researcher is interested in studying the effects of diet on the attention span of third-grade students in
a large city. There are 1,500 third-graders attending the elementary schools in the city. The researcher
selects 150 of these third- graders, 30 each in five different schools, as a sample for study.


The sampling technique used by the researcher will be Stratified Sampling. Subsamples are drawn
within different strata. It involves dividing the population into groups called STRATA. As the researcher
divided 1500 third-graders into 150 and further divides 30 from each 5 schools for research.

Scenario 3:

An administrator in a large urban high school is interested in student opinions on a new counseling
program in the district. There are six high schools and some 14,000 students in the district. From a
master list of all students enrolled in the district schools, the administrator selects a sample of 1,400
students (350 from each of the four grades, 9–12) to whom he plans to mail a questionnaire/ survey
asking their opinion of the program.


The sampling technique used by the administrator will be stratified sampling.

Scenario 4:

The principal of an elementary school wants to investigate the effectiveness of a new U.S. history
textbook used by some of the teachers in the district. Out of a total of 22 teachers who are using the
text, she selects a sample of 6. She plans to compare the achievement of the students in these teachers’
classes with those of another 6 teachers who are not using the text.

The principal can conduct sampling process according to Quota sampling efficiently. Because sample’s
limit extents according to the investigator’s desire which is to separate 6 of the teachers who teaches
history with the textbook and other 6 who doesn’t teaches with the help of using textbook. Hence it is
Quota sampling. It could be judgmental sampling but from my point of view it is quota sampling


Which of the four sampling techniques produced statistics which is closest to the population
parameters? Farthest? What does this imply?

In my opinion, simple random sampling is closest to population parameter because all items in the
population have an equal probability of being selected. Simple random sampling allows us to ensure
that the sample includes the full range of the population.

The farthest from population parameters must be the convenience sampling. Because it is the most
least reliable sampling and can produce large errors when selecting sampling frames (because you are
just getting information only from who are close to you or nearby). Hence that’s it.

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