Aquaculture Health Issues The Role of Biosecurity and Biotechnology

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Aquaculture Health Issues

The Role of Biosecurity and Biotechnology

Disease outbreaks are being increasingly Major diseases and epizootics:

recognized as a significant constraint to Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) is
aquaculture production, trade and are one of the most severe fish diseases in Asia,
affecting economic development of the it has a complex infectious etiology and
sector in many countries of the world. causes a seasonal epizootic condition in
Disease is now considered to be the most over 100 species of wild and farmed
limiting factor in the shrimp culture sub- freshwater and brackishwater fish. The
sector. Some figures are available on direct disease has caused severe economic losses
economic losses which indicate the in Asia and is now endemic to Southeast
significance of the problem, although social and South Asia and has extended to West
and other related impact, such as trade and Asia. Control of EUS in natural waters is
employment issues, drug use and probably impossible, although various
environmental costs, has never been preventative measures can be used to reduce
properly quantified. Estimates of economic the risk of spread of EUS to some natural
losses suggest that developing countries in water bodies. The causative agent of EUS is
Asia lost at least Rs. 7000 crores (App. US the fungus Aphanomyces variably termed A.
$ 1.55 Billions) due to diseases in 1990 piscicida and A. invaderis. From the little
alone. Since then, losses have increased. epidemiological data available, it appears
Reports from China suggest losses in 1993 that the disease is spread by movement of
of Rs. 4500 crores (App. US $ 1.0 Billions) water or, in certain cases, movement of fish
due to shrimp viral disease outbreaks. A without adequate quarantine and health
1995 estimate suggests that aquatic animal certification.
disease and environment-related problems
may cause annual losses to aquaculture Monodon Baculo Virus (MBV) outbreak in
production in Asian countries have more Taiwan Province of China in 1988,
than Rs. 13500 crores (App. US $ 3.0 followed by a series of shrimp viral disease
Billions) per year. According to recent outbreaks--Yellow-Head Virus (YHV) in
reports, global losses due to shrimp disease 1992 in Thailand, Taura Syndrome Virus
are more than Rs. 18000 crores (App. US $ (TSV) in 1992 in Ecuador, white spot virus
4.0 Billions) and the World Bank investing (WSV) in 1993-1994 in China, Thailand
of Rs. 1240 crores (App. US $ 0.28 and India, and the same virus in a number of
Billions) in shrimp disease research. other Asian countries since 1994--have
caused severe production losses to the
The above figures provide an indication of global shrimp culture industry. At present
the overall economic significance of aquatic over 20 viruses have been identified as
animal diseases. However, there is need for important to shrimp, the most threatening
a much more systematic review and analysis being WSV in Asia and TSV in the
of information on their social and economic Americas. Many more disease outbreaks
impact and on the cost-benefits of have been reported in other parts of the
alternative control strategies. There is also a world, under culture and in the wild.
need to develop a better framework or Notable are furunculosis in salmonids, sea
methodology for routine data collection and lice infections in European cage-cultured
reporting on the incidence and socio- marine fish, and Noda virus epizootic in
economic impact of aquatic animal diseases. seabass.

Besides reported losses at epizootic levels, to certain disease-causing organisms
day-to-day loss of production due to (parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi) that
infectious and non-infectious diseases, both may not be present in a particular system.
at commercial and subsistent production
levels and in the wild, is probably highly Biotechnology:
“Biotechnology means any technological
Need for a new approach to health application that uses biological systems,
management: living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to
make or modify products or processes for
Environmental factors and poor water specific use”.
quality resulting from increased effluent
discharge, movement of aquatic animals, In response to growing pressures on air,
inadequate farm management, rapid water and land resources, global attention
proliferation of farms, etc., have been has focused in recent years on finding new
implicated in major disease outbreaks ways to sustain and manage the
occurring in epizootic conditions. However, environment. Biotechnology is an essential
the underlying causes of such epizootics are tool in this endeavor because it can provide
highly complex and difficult to pinpoint. An new approaches for understanding,
understanding of the relationship between managing, preserving and restoring the
Host, Pathogen and Environment is environment.
important in this regard. Since aquatic
animal disease is the end result of a series of Biotechnology can be used to assess the
linked events, treatment of disease should well being of aquaculture ponds ecosystem,
go beyond consideration of the pathogen transform pollutants into benign substances,
alone. Conventional approaches have so far generate biodegradable materials from
had limited success in the prevention or renewable sources and develop
cure of aquatic disease. Recent experience environmentally safe disposal processes.
in trying to control disease outbreaks clearly
demonstrates the importance of the linkage The emphasis of SMA, Biosecurity and
with other components of the production Biotechnology should be on better
system, including the need for broader management for prevention, which is likely
ecosystem management approaches to to be more cost effective than cure,
control farm-level environmental involving both on-farm management and
deterioration and to take preventative the management of the environment where
measures against the introduction of farms are located.
pathogens -- the "Systems Management
Approach" (SMA) through Biosecurity In addition, research, training programs,
and Biotechnology approaches to aquatic extension and information exchange can be
animal health. more effective and responsive to farmers'
needs if based on SMA. The FAO’s Code of
Biosecurity: Conduct for Responsible Aquaculture is an
ideal platform to link SMA and
Biosecurity can be defined as ‘the measures aquaculturists cooperation in harmonizing
and methods adopted to secure a disease aquatic animal health management
free environment in all phases of activities.
aquaculture practices (i.e. hatcheries,
nurseries, growout farms) for improved Recent developments in disease control:
profitability’. Biosecurity protocols are
intended to maintain the "security" of a Over the years, significant achievements
facility (i.e., prevent entry of, or reduce have been made through Biotechnology
overall numbers prior to entry) with respect and Biosecurity approaches in finding tools

to combat or control diseases in trends: (a) kits are becoming available for
aquaculture. However, there is still farmers to use on location to obtain
considerable scope for further improvement information quickly about the presence of
of such approaches in developing new tools pathogens; and (b) laboratories with trained
and perfecting existing ones. staff are being organized to receive fresh
and preserved samples from distant
Major areas include: locations for processing and identification
of unusual or difficult-to-detect antigens or
Ø quality control and more efficient nucleic acid sequences. Over the next
and cost-effective use of inputs, such decade, there is chances for development of
as water, seed, feed and others; cost-effective, affordable, yet sensitive and
Ø the role of good nutrition in effective rapid diagnostic tools and these
improving aquatic animal health; will increase the use for disease diagnosis.
Ø harnessing the host's specific and
non-specific defense mechanisms in The application of genetic technologies in
controlling aquatic animal diseases; aquaculture should be streamlined as part of
Ø development of affordable yet biosecurity to fish health, to increase
efficient vaccines for economically disease resistance and to act as diagnostic
important tropical fish; tools to confirm the presence or absence of
Ø use of immunostimulants and non- specific pathogens.
specific immune-enhancers to
reduce susceptibility to disease; Health certification:
Ø use of biosecurity and biotechnology
products; Health certification programs form part of a
Ø use of probiotics and first line of defense against possible adverse
bioaugmentation for the effects resulting from the pathogens of
improvement of aquatic finfish and shellfish. As such, they must be
environmental quality. developed within the context of larger
regional and national (Quarantine) plans
The findings of these inputs will addressing this problem. To succeed, such
undoubtedly not only contribute towards efforts must be accompanied by the
reducing negative environmental impact and development of regionally agreed-upon lists
will also make aquaculture products more of certifiable pathogens, the standardization
acceptable to consumers. of diagnostic techniques and the production
of health certificates of unambiguous
Immunological assays, including meaning. Establishment of intra- and inter-
fluorescent antibody techniques (FAT) and regional health information systems which
enzyme linked immunosorbent assays could be linked with those of relevant
(ELISA) are used previously for detection regional and national agencies would be
of various fish pathogens. Innovations of highly desirable for the success of such
new assays from genetic engineering using efforts. Strong commitment by national and
nucleic acid probes are evolving from local governments, and the cooperation of
medical diagnostics. The most advanced farmers, technical staff are keys to the
bio-molecular technique, the Polymerase success of these programs. Successful
Chain Reaction (PCR) --which can greatly disease prevention will also be directly
multiply minute quantities of DNA -- are related to the ability of countries to reduce
effective in detecting the presence of their dependence on imported broodstock
nucleic acid sequences of fish, prawn and and fry for aquaculture.
shrimp pathogens from infected tissues. The
development of a PCR for the detection of The main objective of the above strategy is
WSV is a major breakthrough in combating to develop practical and effective regional
the shrimp viral epizootic. There are two and national health certification and

biosecurity guidelines that will minimize Implications for international trade:
the negative impact of aquatic animal
diseases on production from inland and The screening of aquatic animals and
coastal aquaculture, as well as increase the animal products for human pathogens have
income of aquaculturists in the region, the become significant issues in international
majority being small-scale farmers. trade following the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the
Use of drugs and other chemicals "international agreement on application of
Many chemicals are being used in sanitary and phytosanitary measures" (SPS
aquaculture. Some are essential for Agreement). The SPS Agreement
successful and efficient farm and hatchery recognizes international agencies such as
management, and some have been widely FAO, WHO and OIE as reference points in
used without adverse impacts. Most solving trade disputes over such issues.
chemicals used do not appear to carry any Over the next decade, these agencies will
significant potential for adverse effects on play significant roles not only in solving
human health or environment, provided that trade disputes, but also in developing
they are applied in a technically appropriate relevant technical guidelines and providing
manner. Although, in general, use of technical assistance to their member
antimicrobial drugs in aquaculture is rapidly countries.
decreasing in major producing countries and
there are considerable constraints to the Global awareness
promotion of safe and effective use of drugs During the last decade, issues such as
in aquaculture in developing countries. sustainable development, environmental
They include: interactions and long-term sustainability of
aquaculture received increasing attention at
Ø lack of trained manpower and local, national and international levels. One
support services to disseminate of the most widely accepted criteria for
information on aquatic animal health sustainable development is that
management; development activities should not exceed
Ø the misapplication of some drugs the carrying capacity of the environment.
(e.g. the excessive prophylactic use Creating an "enabling environment" for
of antibacterials); sustainable aquaculture development can be
Ø insufficient understanding of mode achieved through Biosecurity and
of action and efficacy of certain Biotechnology approaches.
drugs, especially under tropical
aquaculture conditions; and
Ø uncertainties with regard to legal
and institutional frameworks to
govern drugs use in aquaculture.

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