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saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND fy ‘TRAVELING THE WORLD, WRITING WHAT THE PEOPLE NEED To KNOW. Home > Top > American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wealthy Elitist } a elite § BT AE I sss | i d iy if Hh American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wealthy Elitist 8 suly27,2015. & anthony tyler #@ comments(to) hitps:vanthelastamericavagabond.comarerican-pedopilia-serequisite- weal! sea saes2020 ‘American Pedophiia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst a= up their sleeves that “make sense of everything" and “connect the dots.” Research internet has made a real hobby out of this as well; a hobby that can either make an individual all the wiser or all the more lost, depending on their discretion with quantifying and analyzing data sets. Most who come across a story that seems all too unlikely will tend to leave it in the “unlikely” category merely on the grounds of their original assumption, and not because they bothered to look into any of \g threads on the the source material on the matter. Oftentimes, the claims seem so outrageous as not to merit an investigation—although this is hardly a logical, empirical response to a situation. Yet, this has largely been the response from surface-level, mainstream media-friendly citizens about the overwhelming, interconnected threads of US Intelligence-funded child prostitution and pornography rings that have continued to garner legal, political, and media attention since the 1980's. While many fee! comfortable dismissing this as “conspiracy theory,” the sad and disturbing reality is that the vast majority of this thread is gathered from thousands of cases of childhood sexual assault. More often than not, the cases were reported along with Satanic ritualistic abuse. With the level of pol break its way into the mainstream discussion, the topic in general is beginning to create quite an ominous backdrop to the political sphere. -al and otherwise high-ranking involvement in so many of these cases, that has begun to Quoting researcher John DeCamp, “Monarch’ refers to young people in America who were victims of mind control experiments run either by US. government agencies such as the Central intelligence Agency, or military intelligence agencies.” Similarly, renowned alternative researcher Dave McGowan comments on the satanic pedophilia cult from Tallahassee, Tennessee called “The Handlers,” and their connection to both the CIA and this prostitution network; suggesting a further synthesis between Satanism, Us intelligence, and pedophilia. McGowan (who sadly died from cancer in November of 2015, only in his 50's) wrote the definitive research article on the subject, “The Pedophocracy,” which has an extensive bibliography. To take one of many crucial quotes from McGowan’s article, it abduction statistics in the US today. important to impress the ambiguity of child “There is considerable debate as to whether there is a problem in this country with missing children. Some claim that 200,000 or more children disappear without a trace every year. Others steadfastly maintain that numbers such as those are grossly inflated, and tha . hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weahpaltie! 208 ‘asa ‘Arerican Peohiia Prerequisite OFA Weary lst rare. The problem is that nobody really knows for sure, since the FBI — America’s compiler of crime statistics - doesn’t bother to keep track. As Ted Gunderson, former FBI station chief for Los Angeles, has stated: The FBI has an accurate count on the number of automobiles stolen every year. It Knows the number of homicides, rapes and robberies, but the FBI has no idea of the number of children that disappear every year. They simply do not ask for the statistics.’ Many believe that the numbers aren't compiled because the FBI doesn’t want to know - or more accurately, the FBI doesn’t want the American people to know.” The reality here is that, whatever the statistics are, there is an overwhelming amount of information on the subject for those interested in looking farther-yet many who research further coincidentally end up dead (Gary Caradori with the “Franklin Scandal,” to name one). The stories range from dingy daycare centers across the country (ike the McMartin PreSchool Scandal of the early 1980's, involving seven teachers, dozens more unnamed adults who were never identified, with over 400 serial molestation charges involving ritualistic torture); to Lawrence King's Franklin Financial Credit Union/ Boys Town Scandal of the late 1980's that provided clear financial ties all across DC and straight to the White House's doorsteps; all the way to the orchestrated abductions of children like paper boy Johnny Gosch of Des Moines, lowa in the late 80's. These MONARCH ties even seep into the Vatican church, with its history of molestation, as well as an extensively reported timeline of hush-hush molestation culture at West Point Academy (McGowan) and others more like the Penn State/Sandusky scandal, The source material that was not involved with official investigations and courtroom testimonials, were still eyewitness accounts from surviving victims, purportedly of this US intelligence child prostitution network again said to be organized by the CIA through the MONARCH Program. This program is a continued subsection of Project MKULTRA which deals with ritualistic abuse in order to induce a Multiple Personality/Dissociative Identity Disorder that fractures a person’s self into different identities, in order to compartmentalize intense trauma. It should be noted that the MONARCH program has strong intrinsic ties to the American Mainstrer Pop Culture in ways that have become clearly defined, but not entirely elaborated on. Walt Disney and hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weahpaltie! a8 saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst involving themselves in the trafficking of drugs and children in numerous cases. Not to mention Disney's stll- classified role in the McCarthy Communist witch-hunts, where it was made certain that many people were quietly locked away indefinitely without proper trial. tis also important to make note of the personal relationship that Disney forged with J. Edgar Hoover. Disney's Mickey Mouse Club has been rumored to be a spotlight for some of the “privileged children of the MONARCH program. Stars like Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, and even names like Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, and other “actors” and “actresses” who have lost their mind on national media are said to be members of the program (Timberlake is often considered a high-ranking member now and not a victim). Some consider the US Intelligence’s infiltration of authentic Hip Hop Culture (which has more to do with a culture of people and less about “a type of music’) to be of the MONARCH variety. For those investigating this thread, the name “Project MONARCH" has become the umbrella term for US intelligence-ties to Hollywood, California, Eyewitness accounts of surviving victims taken from books, interviews and court testimonials (and even mainstream news outlets like MSNBC, Discovery Channel, Washington Post, etc.) have implicated some prominent names in association with this grim theme; such as Ronald Raegan, George H.W. Bush, former Senator Robert Byrd, former CIA director William Casey and former Congressman Barney Frank; just to name a few. Itis thought that the series of child molestations at the Vatican are the centrifuge of this child prostitution ring on a networked level; many reports even tie another section of this networking to the Royal Family. Sadly enough, even Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson popped up numerous times in this line of research. The research demonstrates that he apparently acquired a pension for the darker side of indulgences (which he likely picked up during his two-year stint with the Hell's Angels, who are known for their own sadistic ritualism and trafficking of all kinds). Official testimonials given by MONARCH victim Paul Bonacci are the most damning accounts of Thompson. After the Johnny Gosch kidnapping, Bonacci recounts of a time with another child, on a plane that stopped off in Nevada, where none other than Hunter Thompson was picked up. To leave out the gritty details, it was on this flight that Thompson filmed Bonacci in a pornographic snuff film, which Bonacci was the surviving half of (but not the murderer). As a final note to the subject of Thompson, fans might curiously note his reference to the drug “adrenochrome” in his book, Fear itpsvanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weah-atie! 428 saes2020 ‘American Pedophiia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst a= Some of the most renowned victims involved with the MONARCH program child-prostitution ring are Paul Bonacci, Cathy O'Brien, Troy Boner, Alisha Owen, and Johnny Gosch. Bonacci, Boner, Owen, and even Gosch were involved in the Franklin Scandal in Omaha, Nebraska with Lawrence king. Mr. King embezzled millions of dollars from the Franklin Financial Credit Union, leaving a money trail that corroborated eyewitness testimonies of a heavily syndicated child- prostitution and drug-trafficking network that lead to Washington DC. Some eyewitness reports even put George H.W. Bush himself directly at some of king's sex patties. The case received national media attention in which the victims were heavily slandered for their accusations. This was done in order to create a case of reasonable doubt via media-spin manipulation that saw King sent to jail for the millions that he embezzled from the Credit Union, and the child-prostitution allegations almost completely dropped. The other key child-abusers involved with Lawrence King in the Franklin Scandal, like Alan Baer and Peter Citron, received small fines and petty prison terms for the crimes. The full timeline of the events can be seen at FranklinCase.Org, but the highlighted summary is as follows: Lawrence King and his position at Franklin Financial Credit Union allowed him to facilitate the largest child-prostitution network in Nebraska that involved large sex parties with prominent politicians and other unidentified adults (many of which were local, many of which were not), illegal drugs, and underage boys and girls (some of which were there at their own volition for drugs, and others whom had been abducted). At the time, Lawrence King had forged personal connections with people like Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, Ollver North, and Craig Spence (who was DC lobbyist at the center of a scandal reported on by The Washington Post to be an alleged CIA blackmail operation involving child prostitution and pornography connected to both George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and others). King’s sex parties also reportedly involved ritual Satanism at times, masochism, and sadism of physical and mental variety. Years later, during the unfolding of the court case of the Franklin Scandal, key witness Troy Boner succumbed to pressures of a possible unjust and heavy sentencing, and began recanting his recorded eyewitness testimonials that matched with Paul Bonacci and Alisha Owen. (Boner later went on record saying that this was part of a type of plea-deal he made with the FBI and that he only recanted his testimonial out of fear; not because it was false- he eventually disappeared) Because of Boner’s renunciation, Owen served jail times for perjury. Bonacci, who had already rer, 4 prior jail time, was reportedly given a million dollar settlement for his years of ritualistic abuse by hi. hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weahpaltie! 528 saes2020 ‘American Pedophiia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst extensive groundwork on the case. Additionally, in the early 1990's the Discovery Channel fully researched and produced a documentary on the subject entitled, Conspiracy of Silence, that was set to air in 1994, and after a full production- was subsequently cancelled and never aired. However, the documentary can be seen below: Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel D... The second story that has become a crucial piece to the media uncovering of this network of child prostitution is the kidnapping of 12 year-old Johnny Gosch and the struggle that his mother Noreen went through to get any sort of legal or political help to begin an authentic investigation for her son. Candidly, the majority of this story is graphic, disturbing, and hard to take at face-value. The entirety of the story can be found in the bibliography, as well as in Noreen Gosch’s research novel, Why Johnny Can't Come Home. However, the following information is that which is pertinent to the discussion: Years after Johnny's abduction (and the Franklin Scandar's court debut), a joint effort between a variety of court hearings, personal research by and for Noreen’s case, and the testimonials of a certain Paul Bonacci, revealed that Noreen Gosch’s husband (unbeknownst to Noreen) had established connections with Lawrence King and this network of child- prostitution. He eventually offered his son as @ possible selection (who was then chosen by the members of the network). Paul Bonacci, who v itpsvanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weah-atie! 2a saes2020 ‘American Pedophiia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst @ One of the first handlers Johnny was initially given to for distribution was reportedly a man named Michael Aquino who is, “a chief executive of the Temple of Set,” an overtly satanic cult that split off from the Church of Satan in 1975. In addition to these duties, Aquino also has occupied his time serving as a “Lieutenant Colonel, Military intelligence, in the US. Army.” Because of this, he was known only to the abducted children as “the Colonel" and has since become a recurting figure in the research. Bonacci also recalled being with his handlers as they scouted Johnny Gosch with photographs while he was at school, among other places. Abducted in 1982 at the age of 12, Johnny did not turn up again until 1997, where Noreen reports that he showed up on her doorstep at 2 AM one morning, and stayed for two hours. Corroborating all of Paul Bonace'’s testimony, Johnny Gosch told his mother that he had escaped from his handler from somewhere far away by stealing a car with his friend, Noreen has stated that he at least intended to live nomadically, moving between Indian reservations, maintaining a legal stalemate with his oppressors due to the differing laws of the reservations, (A documentary on the subject can be seen HERE and Noreen Gosch’s full narrative of the entire story can be heard HERE.) The efforts of Noreen and her supporters have become the foundational groundwork for programs like the Amber Alert System. As can be seen in the above link, this story was even covered by MSNBC, which detailed the scandal that unfolded in the early 2000's about a press journalist for the White House named James Gannon who many believed (including some people who had worked on the Johnny Gosch case) was in fact a grown Johnny Gosch. Gannon, who had flimsy journalism credentials and a history as a male escort online, was reportedly privy to multiple personal interviews with George W. Bush. The last key eyewitness and victim in discussion is Cathy O’Brien. in her research novel, Trance Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave, O'Brien claims that, similar to Johnny Gosch, she was offered by her parents at a young age to this child-prostitution network; further stating that the overarching pathways of this network can be considered as a section of the CIA, founded on research conducted under the Project MKULTRA. O’Brien was also one of the first researchers to equate this child prostitution network to what is considered the CIA's Project MON/ A. hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weahpaltie! 128 saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst (Alecture given by O’Brien on the subject can be viewed HERE.) Arather pertinent excerpt from McGowan’s article, “The Pedophocracy,” is a report from Officer Sandi Gallant of the San Francisco Police Department sent out to her superiors, as well as other high-ranking officials, without any raised interest. For her report, Gallant, “gathered evidence from fellow officers and police departments across the country and summarized the evidence referenced in the police reports submitted to her.” The excerpt: “The information contained herein is distasteful and bizarre, to such a degree that one would choose to discredit it. However, research that! have done in this area has revealed that numerous cases of this type are surfacing around the country and in Canada. The similarities in the stories of each child victim used in these crimes tend to give credibility to the information revealed by others. Additionally, the psychiatrists and therapists who have been treating the victims state that the consistency of the stories and the explicit details revealed cause them to believe that these children are telling the truth. It is also the belief of each law enforcement officer who submitted information for this report that the victims are being truthful and that, in fact, children would be unable to make such stories up. “During my research, similarities began surfacing which indicate the strong probability that there exists a network of people in this country involved in the sexual abuse and possible homicides of young children. These cases appear to differ from isolated cases of abuse towards children in that the crimes mentioned here have been committed with one common goal in mind — that of itpsvanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequisite- weahaltie! aa ‘asa ‘Arerican Peohiia Prerequisite OFA Weary lst a= purposes. Many of the cases reported also reveal the possibility of child pornography beyond the normal type of ‘kiddie porn’ in that these children are photographed during rituals with some members in robes or other garb and candles, snakes, swords, altars and other types of ritualistic material being used.” A final thought on the matter is the reporting by James Corbett and Sibel Edmonds’ on the Clinton Administration's COINTELPRO I operation with the Justice Department. This operation allowed Clinton to dig up leverage on numerous prominent Republican politicians in order to keep himself afloat during his own scandals. The majority of this dirt, as reported by Edmonds and Corbett, is in conjunction with claims of a pedophilia ring involving some of the country’s biggest politicians-the Dennis Hastert Scandal reported to be just another file dug up with COINTELPRO IL With a topic of such depravity, that could potentially implicate many of high societal stature and equally high influence, some answers will Inevitably remain a mystery. Yet it should be reiterated that there are a vast amount of news outlets, researchers, politicians, law enforcement agents and brave victims who can substantiate quite a few recurring themes that are prevalent and hard to dismiss. Could all of these eyewitnesses really be as unreliable as the courts considered them? Is this just a bunch of hype that has been concocted by sensationalist journalism? With all of the corroborated information from multiple sources, some of which wear a badge, it seems unlikely at this point to say the least. The level of disturbing information available on actions taken against innocent children (and many connected adults) is enough to merit some sort of attention; if for nothing more than to disprove it! If this is an ongoing issue, those taken could be anyone's children; and based on the many different testimonials, those involved are the politicians and leaders of men that are meant to have the People’s best interest in mind, Despite the sworn statements on the subject from victims and authorities alike, one could still harbor their doubts as to whether US intelligence is providing a network ring of pedophilia and child pornography-almost exclusively alongside ritual Satanic abuse. Yet if one truly takes into account the sheer amount of independent testimony that coincides, then it seems a truly insidious decision to entirely dismiss all of the claims made here. What's more, there are undeniable connections to the MONARCH program that have been made in mainstream Hollywood-driven media like Disney and the corporate music industry (which is now’ three companies globally). Corey Feldman, now grown up, has become an outspoken advocate hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weahpaltie! 92 saes2020 ‘American Pedophiia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst during their on-set relationships with powerful moguls, actors, directors, et cetera, Feldman even claims that this was a contributing factor to Haim’s death. Before its News reported as well, in December 2015, on the alleged FBI investigation of MaCaulay Culkin being victimized by a variety of Hollywood pedophiles. For those interested in understanding the type who run these sadistic operations in Hollywood, research former pornographic occult-films-director and Satanist, Gregory Dark, who was first known for his work with infamous underaged porn star Traci Lords in the 1980's. Since then, Dark has put those days behind him and produced music videos bit, and for artists like Britney Spears, ice Cube, Outkast, Drowning Pool, Linkin Park, Mandy Moore, some other yesteryear tween music idols that literally aren't even worth casual mention. Originally provided in David McGowan’s article, Greg Dark is yet another small name in the ocean of Satanic ritual pedophilia that seems to have engulfed US intelligence via political lobbying, Mainstream Pop Culture production, and some of the country’s top youth academic societies. Ultimately, the objective is for this information to permeate to the bottom of every cellar in every small town that no one has ever heard of. Places like the underground tunnels in McMartin PreSchool used for ritual abuse discovered during the 1980's. This is in hopes that maybe more people will begin to take a serious look at this, so an accurate and legitimate investigation can begin to take place. 1s pedophilia actually a prerequisite for being a wealthy elitist in America? If so, this has horrendous implications as to the integrity of the country, since politics and media are the main cultural outpi” “or any given country today. Perhaps an even more disturbing question is this: Are Americans really s itpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican pedophilia rerequisite- weahaltie! soa saes2020 ‘American Pedophiia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst a= considering what type of person one chooses to vote into political office, or what type of musical artists one supports for that matter. Everything has a money trail, whether it’s been sniffed out or not— it's just a matter of figuring out if and where the trail ends. Sources: htm, http://www.myster v=C5LyzuvUwel,,, v=XNijqfrksJOw, v=JsbKIIU70PO,,, v=0folKBOVZag, v=uW2U5LI7IDQ,—M, http://www., www _contenté&view=article&id=Néltemid=3,|, softhen hastert-case-clinton-scandals-fbi-the-1986-cointelpro- directive/, hastert-case-how-the-cointelpro-ii-bucket-turned-into-a-can-of-worms/, http://snippits-and-,, htty :| www.corbettr in-politics-an-open-source-investigation/comment-page-1/ Editor's Note: For more information on how this all relates to the investigation that has since this article's publication become known as PizzaGate, and to obtain the information that one will not receive from the mainstream media, research the links below: Related Reading: 13 Most Essential Data-Points in #PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations The Podesta Brothers Revealed to be in Portugal the Day of Madeleine McCann's Disappearance The Daily Sheeple Shut Down for Pizzagate Podesta Wikileaks Story Trump “Promises,” Pizzagate, and the Establishment’s Dark Secrets ‘Another Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians Was Just Busted Six Case Studies That Point To A Massive Child Pedophilia Ring At The Highest Levels Of Power hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequisite- weahaltie! ea saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst admitted child sleep overs, as well as known pedophilic bands that play there after hours. None of the images below are criminal to look at, yet are highly suggestive and cannot be simply explained as “out of context,” as the context is quite clear(and the comments beside the images are very important to acknowledge): (All of the links once again work, but they will no doubt continue trying to scrub the Internet of any proof) Comet Ping Pong Instagram Photos: content/uploads/2016/12/PizzaGateInstagrarJimmyCometyounggirlducttape png content/uploads/2016/12/pizzagatejimmcometgermanbabypleasedonttouch.png /12/hotard-l.png https:/ / jpg https:/ / /12/cumpanda.png https;// /12/cumpanda2,png 69-sex.png https:/ / pizza-in-bed.png https;/islimg/nPspPx.png https;//islimg/RusWsp Podesta’s Favorite Artist: Djurdjevic_Serbia_paintings_artodyssey-6,jpg jpg jog https’//islimg/q3zkdG png (Shirt reads: “love infants") Question Everything, Come To Your Own Conclusions itpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican pedophilia rerequisite- weahaltie! 2a saes2020 @ Share this: Facebook Related twiter ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst Reddit | Bi} Linkedin || fd Email | @rrint |< More The Manufactured Emotional There Is A Lucrative Espionage _The Pineal Gland: A Modulator Outrage Used To Control Your Industry For Covering Up The _~——_Of Human Consciousness? Perception Crimes Of The Rich August 5, 2016 August 12, 201 November 7, 201 in “Article of the week nwt G _ share on gooat © Pintopinire ® Tagged CIA, Conspiracy, coverup, Disney, Elitist, Franklin Scandal, McGowan, McMartin, Pedogate, Pedophilia, Pizagate, Project Monarch Anthony Tyler ‘A journalist and author from Anchorage, Alaska, Anthony Tyler aims to twist the knife in both phony new-age ideals and scientific materialism by drawing attention to the rich heritage of esoteric science throughout history. Far from. being “satani .” the esoteric (ie. occultism or comparative religion) marks the beginning of mathematics, astronomy, psychology, medicine, and even politics. Esoteric science represents a cache of little-known knowledge detailing how to decipher the human's unconscious mind--and the unconscious mind is essentially everything that the human mind is not considering at any given moment. hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican pedophilia rerequisite- weahaltie! ava saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst a= Related Articles Politics soc Nation Horrified To Learn Child-Killing Death Merchants Have Racist Employee @ suly7,2018 —& Caitlin Johnstone “Aracket is best described, | believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. it is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make Read More... share this: Q@ Facebook | W Twitter | 5 Reddit || EM Linkedin || fd Email || @ Print || <— More itps:vanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weahatie! saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst @ nspira nstitutional Rights Fe 1 PoliceState TopNews After Cops Beat a Man on Video — They‘re Caught Bribing Witnesses Not to Talk 2 March 30,2016 & Ryan Cristién San Francisco, CA - An investigation into the brutal beating of man in San Francisco's Mission District, has been launched by the Alameda County Sheriff after video showing the savage assault by police went public, Pulling no punches, Public Defender Jeff Adachi said the encounter was “reminiscent of Rodney king” and excessive force was clearly Read Mor Share this: Facebook || We Twitter || cS Reddit || BY Linkedin || Gd Email || @ Print || < More Expand Your Min‘ istory Poti News Warcrimes World itpsvanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican pedophilia rerequiite- weahpatie! 823 ‘asa ‘Arerican Peohiia Prerequisite OFA Weary lst a= ff Soptember 12,2017 & Darius Shahtahmasebi Last week, Israel began holding its largest military drill in 20 years, and it was specifically designed to simulate a war with Hezbollah. From the independent: “The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has deployed thousands of air, sea and land personnel to the Lebanese border for its biggest military drillin almost two decades, a show of strength Read More... share this @ Facebook |W Twitter | Redait || HM Linkedin | fd Email || @ Print || <— More 4 incentivizing Chan. Why Millennials 10 Replies to “American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wealthy Elitist” Pingback: Divide and Conquer 101 | geoengineeringcrimes Pingback: American Pedophilic: Prerequisite of a Wealthy Eltist | Boomer Health Report Pingback: American #Paedophilia: Prerequisite of a Wealthy Elitist — in #Australia, #UK and where else? | National inquiry into Organised, Orchestrated & Historic Child Sexual Abuse Justice4caylee March 28, 2017 at 2:51 pm We have added a “PedoGate” section on in the hopes that ‘our extensive missing children database can be used to cross-reference Pedogate files, in the earnest hope of finding out what has happened to thousands of children. We are NOT affiliated with any MSM, and many of the stories copied to J4C are the only remaining copies publically available. We need HELP with this, let’s FIND THE CHILDREN! hitpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican pedophilia rerequisite- weahpatie! sea saes2020 @ ‘American Pedohilia:Pereauisite OFA Wealty Elst Mystery Babylon never sleeps..| find it interesting that she (the Roman Catholic church) is alluded to as being just one of many who has a background in “pedophilia”. For the record, her “background” is in pederasty as her priests are all sodomites (as heterosexual men avoided the priesthood because she deliberately forbade them from marrying although the bible says that marriage is honourable..see Hebrews 13:4 AKJV I6Il) and the molestation is of boys...and she is not one of many she is the AUTHOR AND SUSTAINER of pederasty and it’s awful twin pedophilia...she IS the wolt in sheep's clothing.the AKJV 161l calls her the “mother of harlots and of ALL the abominations of the earth Revelation 17: 4- 5. | don't think | could say it any better....but since the secret is out, what better way to ‘avoid detection than to subtly point out that she too, has this problem..and thereby point people away from the fact that she is not simply one among many with the problem..but she isin fact the culprit who caused the problem..along with her pestilent Jesuits.. Jess February 9, 2018 at 2:31 pm Well said, Dani. You are correct on everything you said in your post. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the vatican and jesuits are the cause of all of this, terror. Catholicism is not Christian, DANI January 16, 2019 at 2:24 pm I surely hope so Jess... surely hope so. Pharisee Pedos April 25, 2018 at 12:39 pm Here is what is odd about you antiCatholic critics. You are right in your analysis, but y~ a always stop there. Take it all the way back to its source in OLD TESTAMENT- why dont itpsvnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequisite- weahaltie! 7a saes2020 Roply ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst M Peterson November 14, 2018 at 7:51am You are full of crap you have a fake book so you story is wrong learn history ~truth “Fake Moses” DANI January 16, 2019 at 2:32 pm “Ye do ert, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God..” Matthew 22:29, lam not against the Catholic people. God loves them, just as He loved the Egyptians and the musiims and every other sinner. | am against ROME, Against Catholicism. itself You provide no credible sources for your rant, yet you dare to speak of history. Yet you cannot deny that what I have said is true. Neither is mine an “analysis”. tt is the truth, straight from the word of God given to His people who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. My history is as straight as an arrow because it is HIS STORY. itis the history of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose life sheds light upon every deception and every lie..including the lies of Rome and her involvement and power within the corporate United States and the rulers of all of the kingdoms of this world, MYSTERY BABYLON is only a mystery to those who have not eyes to see, nor ears to hear. To them she is plain sight. I hope that the Lord will open your eyes. | hope that you and that many Roman Catholics RUN to Jesus and OUT of the Roman whore while there is still time... itps:vanthelastamericarvagabond.comarerican pedophilia rerequisite- weap! saa saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst a= Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * ‘Comment. Name * Email * Website st Comment Become A TLAV Member Option 1: $1.00 USD - monthly v ‘Type Your Name and Hit Enter itps:vanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-pedopilia rerequiite- weahpaltie! saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst Listen Now Airtime Fro Enter One Sol Seppy Next Rising Appalachia - Medi US Gov Allowed The Deceitful Rise Of The BioSecurity State & ‘Fake Pandemics - A Thre.. DECEMBER 19, 2020 US Gov Allowed The Deceitful Rise Of The BioSecurity State & "Fake Pandemics - A Threat F.2:34:32 The Alarmingly Blind Trust in Vaccines/Health Authorities, Understanding mRNA & Jail For No 2:54:04 (CC vw Asymptomatic illusion, Dangers of Pathogenic Priming & MSM Push For Vaccine Passp2:50:39 The Dangerous Reality Of Vaccine Politics, The Side Effect Sidestep & The PCR Lynchpin — be... :39:16 India's ‘Mysterious lliness' Was In Same Location As COVID Vaccine Trial & Mandatory Vaccin... 12135 FD* Admits 2 People Died in Pfizer Trials, Vaccines And Nanoparticles & Debunking Another .. 1:42:29 ‘immunity Cards’ Are Now Official & More Experts Speak Out About COVID Vaccines — DECEMB.154:06 The Coming "Cyber Pandemic’ And ‘Virus Mimicking’ Nanotech & The COVID Vaccine Manipu2:54:34 The Eugenicist Mindset Propelling Operation Warp Speed w/ Whitney Webb — NOVEMBER 30, 2... :3” Reported COVID-19 Deaths ‘Almost Exactly Equal To’ Total Decrease in Deaths By All Other C.. ie hitpsnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarericar-padopilia rerequisite- weahaltie! 2on8 saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst West Papua: The Genocide That Is Being Ignored by The World The Podesta Brothers Revealed to be in Portugal the Day of Madeleine McCann's February 1l, 2019 Disappearance The Complete History Of Monsanto, “The World's Most Evil Corporation” November 21, 2016 Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally il Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist, Techno-Tyranny: How The US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus To Fulfill An March 15, 2016 February 15, 2018 April 20, 2020 WHO Quietly Changes “Herd Immunity” Definition in Stunning Display Of Orwellian Social Engineering December 24, 2020 A COVID Mortality Is An illusion & 129 Billion Masks/65 Billion Gloves A Month Pollute Our Planet December 23, 2020 Five Outrageous items Snuck in the ‘COVID Stimulus’ Bill December 23, 2020 itpsvanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequiite- weah-atie! 2a ‘asian -Arerican Pedopila Prerequisite OFA Weal Eis le More Flawed Imperial College Models Led To Xmas Lockdown, PPE Foreknowledge & Vaccine side- Effects December 22, 2020 Nie HOME Another Flawed Data Model from Imperial College to Blame for Latest UK Lockdown December 22, 2020 its:vnthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican pedophilia rerequisite- weahpatie! saes2020 ‘American Pedophilia: Prerequisite Of A Wear Elst 1@ change. Be the change. fyv@ itpsvanthelastamericarvagabond.comiarerican-padopilia rerequisite- weahatie!

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