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Case: 19-12521 Doc: 968 Filed: 01/21/20 Page: 1 of 236

Docket #0968 Date Filed: 01/21/2020



In re: Chapter 11


et al.,1
Jointly Administered



The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”) appointed in the

chapter 11 cases of White Star Petroleum Holdings, LLC and certain of its affiliated debtors and

debtors-in-possession (the “Debtors”), files the attached Supplemental Declaration of John T.

Young, Jr. in support of the Committee’s Application to Retain and Employ Conway MacKenzie,

Inc., as Financial Advisor… filed July 9, 2019 (dkt #248).

Dated: January 21, 2020 Respectfully submitted,

Tulsa, Oklahoma
/s/ Andrew R. Turner
Andrew R. Turner (OBA 9125)
Timothy T. Trump (OBA 10984)
4000 One Williams Center
Tulsa, OK 74172
Telephone: 918-586-5711


The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, and the last four digits of their U.S. taxpayer identification
numbers, are represented by the Debtors as follows: White Star Petroleum Holdings, LLC (0575),
White Star Petroleum, LLC (0977), White Star Petroleum II, LLC (4347), White Star Petroleum
Operating, LLC (5387), and WSP Finance Corporation (9152). The Debtors’ corporate
headquarters is stated as 301 N.W. 63rd Street, Suite 600, Oklahoma City, OK 73116.

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Andrew J. Gallo (MA Bar 645739)

Christopher L. Carter (MA Bar 678372)
One Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-341-7700


Craig A Wolfe (NY Bar 4412334)

101 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10178-0060
Telephone: 212-309-6000

Counsel for the Official Committee of

Unsecured Creditors


I hereby certify that on January 21, 2020, a copy of the foregoing instrument was served
by CM/ECF upon the following:

John Dale
Craig Regens
Attorney for the Debtor

Office of the U.S. Trustee

and upon all other entities as listed in the CM/ECF system at the time of filing.

/s/ Andrew R. Turner

Andrew R. Turner
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In re: ) Chapter 11
HOLDINGS, LLC, et al.,1 )
Debtors. ) Jointly Administered



I, John T. Young, Jr., being duly sworn, state the following under penalty of perjury:

1. I submit this supplemental declaration (this “Supplemental Declaration”) to

supplement my initial declaration (the “Initial Declaration”) in support of the Application to

Employ Conway MacKenzie as Financial Advisor to the Unsecured Creditors’ Committee Nunc

Pro Tunc to the Petition Date Docket No. #248 (the “Application”).2

2. I am a senior managing director at Conway MacKenzie, Inc. (together with its

affiliate, Conway MacKenzie Management Services, LLC and each of their respective

subsidiaries, “Conway MacKenzie”), a global management consulting and financial advisory firm.

I am duly authorized to make this declaration on behalf of Conway MacKenzie. Except as

otherwise noted, I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein, and if called and sworn

as a witness, I could and would testify competently thereto.

The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, and the last four digits of their U.S. taxpayer identification numbers, are
represented by the Debtors as follows: White Star Petroleum Holdings, LLC (0575), White Star Petroleum, LLC
(0977), White Star Petroleum II, LLC (4347), White Star Petroleum Operating, LLC (5387), and WSP Finance
Corporation (9152). The Debtors’ corporate headquarters is stated as 301 N.W. 63rd Street, Suite 600, Oklahoma
City, OK 73116.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein have the meanings set forth in the Application.
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3. To the best of my knowledge, and except as otherwise disclosed herein and in the

initial Declaration, and based solely upon a list of parties in interest provided to me by the Debtors,

neither Conway MacKenzie, nor any of its professionals, has any materially adverse connection to

the Debtors, their creditors, or other relevant parties. Note that a non-retained affiliate of Conway

MacKenzie, Conway MacKenzie Investment Advisors, LLC (“CMIA”) has third-party assets

under management. CMIA is an Exempt Reporting Adviser pursuant to the private fund adviser

exemption of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. After reviewing

the list of interested parties in this case against each of the names of the assets under management,

I believe to the best of my knowledge that there are no connections between the assets under

management and the list of interested parties. Conway MacKenzie may have relationships with

certain of the Debtors’ creditors as clients, referral parties or vendors or in connection with cases

in which Conway MacKenzie was retained by another chapter 11 debtor.

4. On December 20, 2019, Conway MacKenzie was purchased by a subsidiary of

Riveron Parent Holdings, LP (“Holdco”, and collectively with its subsidiaries other than Conway

MacKenzie, “Riveron”). Holdco is controlled by an investment vehicle that is majority owned by

H.I.G. Capital Partners V, L.P. and H.I.G. Growth Buyouts & Equity Fund III, L.P. (“Fund V and

Fund III”), investment funds managed by H.I.G. Capital, LLC (together with its affiliates other

than Riveron and Conway MacKenzie, “H.I.G.”). Riveron is a business advisory firm specializing

in providing accounting, finance, and operations services. Upon completion of Riveron’s

acquisition of Conway MacKenzie, Riveron and Conway MacKenzie commenced operations as a

combined business. As a result of the transaction, Conway MacKenzie, Riveron, and H.I.G. are

affiliates under applicable law. The following disclosure is made out of an abundance of caution

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in an effort to comply with the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rules. Riveron and H.I.G. are

not on the list of potential parties in interest in these cases as of the date hereof.

5. In connection with the combination of Conway MacKenzie and Riveron, Conway

MacKenzie has conducted a review of Riveron’s contacts with the Debtors and the potential parties

in interest that were made known to Conway MacKenzie by the Debtors. A listing of the parties

reviewed is reflected in Schedule A attached to this Supplemental Declaration. Conway

MacKenzie’s review, completed under my supervision, consisted of (i) a review of the Riveron

client and vendor entities as provided by Riveron, with a comparison to the parties in interest list;

and (ii) an internal email circulation by Riveron to Riveron personnel to determine the existence

and nature of any representation or other connections by Riveron or its personnel with the Debtors

or any of the potential parties in interest that were made known to Conway MacKenzie by the

Debtors. Based on the results of this review, to the best of my knowledge Conway MacKenzie

does not have a relationship with the Debtors or any of these potential parties in interest as a result

of its combination with Riveron, except as set forth on the attached Schedule C. In addition to

those relationships disclosed on Schedule C, Nic Rogers, a former employee of the Debtors, was

engaged as an independent contractor of Riveron, working on matters wholly unrelated to the

Debtors, effective January 20, 2020. Riveron and Conway MacKenzie will maintain an

information barrier between Riveron and Conway MacKenzie such that no information regarding

this engagement or the Debtors will be shared between Riveron and Conway MacKenzie.

Additionally, no employees or contractors of Riveron, including Nic Rogers, will work on or have

access to information related to this engagement.

6. H.I.G. is a private equity and alternative assets investment firm with over

$34 billion of equity capital under management. The firm operates a network of various

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investment funds that invest in private equity, growth equity, credit/special situations, primary

lending, syndicated credit, and real estate. The company provides both debt and equity capital to

small and mid-sized companies. Each of H.I.G.’s various investment funds (collectively, the

“Funds”) are managed independently from each other and requires its own approval process for

investment decisions. Those funds listed on Schedule B, attached hereto, are funds specializing

in private equity investments (collectively, the “PE Funds”) each of which are owned by a diverse

group of limited partners, which limited partners exert no control over Fund V and Fund III’s

investment decisions, and a general partner affiliated with H.I.G. All of Fund V and Fund III’s

investment professionals involved with Conway MacKenzie are dedicated solely to Fund V and

Fund III and are not involved in the management or investment decision-making of the credit and

lending, special situations, real estate, bio health, or international funds (which comprise all of the

Funds other than the PE Funds and are hereinafter referred to as the “Other H.I.G. Funds”),

although, from time to time, one or more PE Funds investment professionals may receive

information on various investments of the other PE Funds.

7. Designees of Fund V and Fund III are members of the Board of Managers of the

general partner of Holdco (“Holdco Board Designees”). Holdco wholly owns Riveron

Intermediate Holdings, Inc. (“Intermediate Co”), which wholly owns Riveron Acquisition

Holdings, Inc. (“Acquisition Co”), which wholly owns Conway MacKenzie. No H.I.G. designees

are Board members of Conway MacKenzie, Intermediate Co, or Acquisition Co. Further, Conway

MacKenzie and Fund V and Fund III have the following precautionary restrictions in place

designed to prevent confidential client information, including the names of clients reasonably

likely to be involved in reorganization proceedings under the Bankruptcy Code, from being shared

with H.I.G. or their Holdco Board Designees (collectively, the “Barrier”): (i) Conway MacKenzie

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will not furnish any material nonpublic information about the Debtors or relating to its engagement

by the Unsecured Creditors Committee (the “Committee”) to Fund V and Fund III, the Holdco

Board Designees, or any H.I.G. entity or personnel; (ii) no Fund V and Fund III personnel nor any

other H.I.G. personnel work on Conway MacKenzie client matters or have access to Conway

MacKenzie client information, client files, or client personnel; (iii) Riveron personnel will not be

staffed on this engagement and will not have access to the Committee client information or client

files; (iv) all H.I.G. personnel, Riveron personnel, and Conway MacKenzie personnel have been

or will be provided a written description of this Barrier and the importance thereof; (v) no Fund V

and Fund III personnel nor any other H.I.G. personnel work in Conway MacKenzie’s offices or

Riveron’s offices; (vi) other than the Holdco Board Designees, Conway MacKenzie and Riveron

operate independently from H.I.G., including that they do not share any employees, officers, or

other management with H.I.G., have separate offices in separate buildings, have separate email

addresses, and have separate IT systems; and (vii) no Conway MacKenzie or Riveron executive

or employee is a director, officer, or employee of H.I.G. Capital, LLC or the Funds (or vice versa

other than the Holdco Board Designees).

8. Conway MacKenzie has searched the names of the Debtors and the names of the

potential parties in interest provided by the Debtors against: (i) the names of Fund V and Fund III

and their respective investments as provided by HIG; (ii) the names of H.I.G.’s other PE Funds;

and (iii) the names of the Other H.I.G. Funds. Conway MacKenzie also has searched the names

of the Debtors against the publicly-known investments of the other PE Funds as set forth in the list

most recently provided by H.I.G. Fund V and Fund III make independent investment decisions

from the other PE Funds and the Other H.I.G. Funds. Further, H.I.G. maintains an internal

information barrier between its PE Funds and the Other H.I.G. Funds. Accordingly, the conflicts

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search does not include Other H.I.G. Funds’ investments, nor does it include any portfolio

companies of any of the PE Funds (other than those of Fund V and Fund III and the other PE Funds

as described above). Based solely on the foregoing search, Conway MacKenzie believes, to the

best of its knowledge, that there are no material connections that require disclosure, other than as

set forth on the attached Schedule C, to the Debtors. To the extent Conway MacKenzie learns of

any material connections between the funds or investments included in the above described

conflicts search and the Debtors, Conway MacKenzie will promptly file a supplemental disclosure.

9. Because of the information Barrier described above, the sheer size of the investment

portfolios of the PE Funds, and any applicable securities laws, prior to the transaction date Conway

MacKenzie was unable to further investigate any potential or actual connections between the PE

Funds, the Debtors, and any potential parties in interest in these Chapter 11 Cases. Conway

MacKenzie will promptly request H.I.G.’s internal compliance department provide the names of

the PE Funds’ respective investments that were not previously searched pre-transaction and search

the names of the Debtors against those investments. To the extent Conway MacKenzie learns of

any material connections involving the Debtors and such investments after H.I.G. Compliance has

searched such names, Conway MacKenzie will promptly file a supplemental disclosure.

10. Other than as specifically noted herein as to the PE Funds, one or more of the other

Funds may, in the ordinary course and from time to time, hold, control and/or manage loans to, or

investments in, the Debtors and/or potential parties in interest and/or may trade debt and/or equity

securities in the Debtors and/or potential parties in interest. In addition, other than as specifically

noted herein as to the PE Funds, the Funds also may have had, currently have, or may in the future

have business relationships or other connections with the Debtors or other potential parties in

interest. Other than as specifically noted herein as to the PE Funds, Conway MacKenzie has not

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undertaken to determine the existence, nature, and/or full scope of any business relationships or

other connections that any H.I.G. entity may have with the Debtors and their affiliates or the

potential parties in interest in these Chapter 11 Cases.

11. In addition, Conway MacKenzie may have had, may currently have or may in the

future have business relationships unrelated to the Debtors with one or more H.I.G. entities

including, among others, portfolio companies of H.I.G.

12. Based on, among other things, the facts as described above, the client

confidentiality obligations of Conway MacKenzie, and the Barrier referred to herein, Conway

MacKenzie believes, to the best of its knowledge, that it does not hold or represent an interest

adverse to the estate with respect to the engagement.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true

and correct to the best of my information, knowledge and belief.

Dated: January 20, 2020 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ John T. Young, Jr.

John T. Young, Jr.
Senior Managing Director
Conway MacKenzie, Inc.

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Schedule 1

Parties in Interest
(Certain parties on this list fall under numerous categories herein but are listed one time only)

White Star Operating, LLC White Star Petroleum, LLC
White Star Petroleum Holdings, LLC WSP Finance Corporation
White Star Petroleum II, LLC

White Star Carry Partners, LLC White Star NR Corporation

Bankruptcy Professionals
Alvarez & Marsal KCC LLC
Gable Gotwals Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP
Guggenheim Partners Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Guggenheim Securities, LLC

Ordinary Course Professionals

Capgemini America Inc Igd Global Llc
Donnelley Financial Solutions Kpmg
Ernst & Young Martindale Consultants Inc
Hspg & Associates Pc Research Tax Consultants, Ltd.

Equity and Indirect Equity Holders

AELP Global Carry Partners, LLC FS Energy Investments, LLC
AEW Employee Investors, LLC FS Global Investments, Inc.
AEW FF, LLC FSIC II Investments, Inc.
AEW Incentive Holdings, LLC FSIC III Investments, Inc.
American Funds Global High-Income GSO ADGM II White Star LP
Opportunities Fund Silas Holdings I LLC
American High-Income Trust Capital Group Talara Opportunities II, LP
Global High Income Opportunities (Lux) The Income Fund of America
Arcadia Capital AEW, LLC White Star Carry Partners, LLC
Capital Group Global High- Income White Star NR Corporation
Opportunities Trust (US) White Star Partner Carry, LLC
EMG Lighthouse Holdings, LLC Willett Select Investors (Tax Exempt) I LP
EMG White Star Holdings, LLC

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Banks/Lender/UCC Lien Parties/Administrative Agents

Bank SNB (Simmons) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc.
Capital One, National Association MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Citibank, N.A. RPA Advisors
Compass Bank Texas Capital
East West Bank The Huntington National Bank
EnLink Oklahoma Gas Processing, LP Winston & Strawn

UCC Members and Professionals

Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations LLC Morgan Lewis
Conway MacKenzie Pyramid Tubular Products, LLC
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Wilmington Trust, National Association
Latshaw Drilling Co.

Bondholders - Indentured Trustee

Wilmington Trust, NA

Current\Former Officers & Directors

Caleb G. Morgret Joseph D. Craig
Daniel J. Bafia Laura L. Tyson
Dean Fratarcangeli Louis John Schaufele IV
Elliot J. Chambers Patrick Bartels
Jeff Ball Richard D. Pollot
Jeffrey J. Zanotti Scott R. Mueller
John T. Raymond Trey Raymer

Governmental/Regulatory Agencies
Delaware Division Of Corporations Oklahoma Tax Commission
Garfield County Treasurer Oklahoma Tax Commission - Gross Production
Grant County Treasurer Reporting System
IRS Payne County Treasurer
Logan County Treasurer Sumner County Treasurer

Insurers and Issuers of Surety Bonds

Argonaut Insurance Company Chubb

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Ironshore Specialty Markel International Insurance Company

Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company Limited
Landmark American Insurance Company National Union Fire (AIG)
Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of
Liberty Mutual Insurance Corporation America
XL Specialty

Utility Providers
Alfalfa Electric Cooperative Inc. Logan County Rural Water District 3
At&T Mobility Northwestern Electric Coop Inc
Central Rural Electric Cooperative Og&E
Cimarron Electric Cooperative Oklahoma Natural Gas A Division Of One Gas
City Of Cushing Public Service Company Of Oklahoma
City Of Stillwater Republic Services Of Stillwater
Ckenergy Electric Cooperative Inc Suddenlink (B2b Dept 1264)
Cox Communications Inc Town Of Leedey
Granite Telecommunications Verizon Wireless
Kay Electric Cooperative

Contract Counter-Parties
Associated Bank N.A. East West Bank
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Capital One, National Association The Huntington National Bank

Marketing Vendors
4am Midstream Plains Marketing, Lp
Dcp Operating Company Lp Plains Pipeline, Lp
Paisan Logistics, Llc Tpg Transport, Llc

Significant Competitors
Alta Mesa Resources, Inc. Longfellow Energy, LP
Carrera Energy Mach Resources
Chaparral Energy, Inc. Midstates Petroleum Company. Inc.
Chisolm Oil & Gas, LLC SandRidge Energy Inc.
Council Oak Resources, LLC SK E&P America Inc.
Excalibur Resources, LLC Tapstone Energy Inc.
Gastar Exploration Inc. Templar Energy LLC
Jones Energy, Inc.

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Bankruptcy Judges – Delaware

Hon. Brendan L. Shannon Hon. Kevin J. Carey
Hon. Christopher S. Sontchi Hon. Laurie Selber Silverstein
Hon. Kevin Gross Hon. Mary F. Walrath

Bankruptcy Judges Staff - Delaware

Cacia Batts Laurie Capp
Catherine Farrell Lora Johnson
Cheryl Szymanski Nancy Hunt
Danielle Gadson Rachel Bello
Donna Grottini Rachel Werkheiser
Janet Moore Sherry Scaruzzí
Jill Walker Una O’Boyle
Laura Haney

Bankruptcy Judges – Oklahoma

Hon. Janice Loyd Hon. Sarah Hall

U.S. Trustee Office - Delaware

Andrew Vara Jeffrey Heck
Benjamin Hackman Juliet Sarkessian
Brya Keilson Karen Starr
Christine Green Lauren Attix
Clifford White Linda Casey
David Buchbinder Linda Richenderfer
Diane Giordano Michael Panacio
Dion Wynn Michael West
Edith A. Serrano Ramona Vinson
Hannah M. McCollum Richard Schepacarter
Holly Dice Shakima L. Dortch
Jaclyn Weissgerber Timothy J. Fox, Jr.
James R. O’Malley T. Patrick Tinker
Jane Leamy

U.S. Trustee Office – Oklahoma

Charles Glidewell M.J. Creasey
Charles Snyder Michele Adams
John McClernon Shelle Lutke
Lendy Heilaman

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Adrian P Bolerjack Orion Exploration Partners, LLC
Ann Reding Pam Reding
Calyx Energy, LLC Patricia Gilbreth
Citizen Energy III, LLC Rachell Savory
Dorothy Marion R.E. Blaik, Inc.
Greg Savory Sharon Adams
Hark Capital I, LP fka Enchanced Credit Special Energy Corporation, Operator for the
Supported Loan Fund, LP Andress-Bartlesville Sand Unit
H.G. Adams, LLC Superior Pipeline Company, LLC
Hugh G. Adams Tall Oak Midstream LLC
Jerome Francis Reding Thomas L. Reding
JMA Energy Company, LLC TOMPC, LLC
John Marion

Aaron Matthew Caldwell Alvaro Alvarado Annette Williams
Aaron Scotty Glenn Alva Smith Anthony Brewster
Abbas Movlai Alvina Wilks Anthony Carter
Abby Mackie Alvin Simmons Anthony Dunlap
Abolghasem Fadaei Amanda Guliford Anthony Parrish
Adam Burt Amber Jarvis Anthony R. Battle
Adrian L. Anderson Amelia Wynn Anthony Tansimore
Afzal Salviri Americ Leeviraphan Anthony "Tony" Kralik
Aila Wimpy Amy Adkins-Jones Antonio Tapia
A.J. James Amy Sullivan April Marler
A. J. Joe Navrath Anastasia E. Dalton April W. Hendricks
Alan Rogers Andrea Buzan Arnold Burkett
Alan Yoak Andrea Lister Art Bowen
Albert Smith Andrea Vandyke Arthur Ganther Sr.
Alene Melton Andre'e Reutlinger Arthur L. Rutledge
Alexander S. Shevat Andrew B. Ruddock Arthur Willmon
Alexander T. Lunn Andrew Clay Arvil E. Smallwood
Alfonzo McMillian Andrew Holland Ashley Block
Alfred C. Draper III Andrew James Dunlap Jr. Auburn Cloyes
Algritta Mutebi Andrew J. Dunlap Sr. Audie Stiles
Alice Brown Andrew J. Haese Audry Ochoa
Alice Denney Angela Brewster Babi Locke
Alice Strong Simmons Angela D. Hill Barbara Curant
Ali Karimian Angela Dillman-Smith Barbara Dobbs
Alireza Dabiri Angela Duckett Barbara Foster
Allen Burke Angela Watson Barbara Hinkle
Allen Tsoodle Angelo Huerta Barbara Rich
Allison Stephens Angie Patton Barbara Sandoval
Alpha Bower Anita Hatcher Barbara Turner
Alphons Efiom Anita Justus Barbara Vincent
Alphonso Quesada Rodriguez Anita Prince Barbara Watson
Alronda Sheree Smith Anne-Marie Condacse Barbara Wilson

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Barron Winters Brad Harber Carolyn Whitlock

Barry Latschar Bradley Casper Carolyn Williamson
Bart Lowery Bradley Klar Caron Jarvis
Beatrice Haywood Brandon K. Thornbrue Casey Bellman
Becky Vogt Brenda Clark Patterson Cassandra Morgan
Belinda Shoals Brenda Crutchfield Catherine Gardner
Ben Ingham Brenda Duverney-Chappell Catherine Meadows
Bennie Higgins Brenda Fields Cathy Brown
Bennie L. McDonald Brenda Frantz Cathy L. Winkleman
Benny A. Owen Jr. Brenda Tabbytite Cathy Perry
Ben Young Brenton Jaynes Cendy Martin
Berexco LLC Brian Bryan Chaparral Energy LLC
Berl Stinson Brian Cain Charis Davenport
Bernard T. Adams Brian Carter Charles Allen
Bert Cramer Brian Goodwin Charles B. Arden
Bertha A. Richardson Brian Hopkins Charles B. Demery
Beth A. Rutledge Brittani Belardo Charles Canning
Betsy Mosher Bruce Hugill Charles Carter
Bettey Robinson Bryan Dobbs Charles Dan
Bettie Shadoan Cali Hernandez Charles Ferguson
Betty A. Foster Callie Kennedy Charles J. Brackney
Betty Ann Ingham Calvin Shwiyat Charles L. Campbell
Betty J. McDaniel Cameron Dyer Charles Lewis
Betty McBride Camille Carter Charles M. Martin III
Beverly Ann Splawn Candace Vogt Charles Radford
Beverly Fourroux Carla Hilbert Charles Robinson
Beverly Hill-Wiggly Carla Maloy Charles W. Reid
Beverly Lord Higgins Carla Melvin Charlotte Goforth
Beverly Morgan Carla Pritchard Charlotte Hutchens
Bill Bledsoe Carl D. James Charlotte L. Fourkiller
Bill Denton Carleena Walkingbull Chase Stafford
Bill Fleschute Carlos Guzman Chasity LaVine
Billie Hyatt Carlton Morrison Cherie Carter
Billie R. Navrath Carl Wheat Cherjuan Goodman
Bill W. Uselton Carl Williams Cher Oil Company, Ltd
Billy Bacon Carmen Smith Cher Ruhland
Billye Denny Carmen T. Spiegel Cheryl A. Burkett
Billy Fanning Carol A. Brewer Cheryl A. Vanbibber
Billy Fuller Carole Martinez Cheryl Clark-Hertel
Billy Parker Carol J Davis Cheryl Danley
Billy Tubbs Carol J. Lovett Cheryl Hanley
Birlene Langley Carol Moss Cheryl Johnson
Blanche Evakich Carol Steele Cheryl Matthews
Bobbie Horne Carol Winston Cheryl McMurray
Bobbie L. Ruff Carolyn Anita Jones Cheryl R. Bigham
Bobby D. Hinkle Carolyn Brison Chesapeake Operating, LLC
Bobby Farley Carolyn Bruner Chevalier Rodgers
Bob Hubbard Carolyn Campbell Choon Ro
Bonita K Thompson Carolyn L. Lawson Chris Jones
Bonnie Koger Carolyn Lunn Chris Mcbride
Bonnie L. Anderson Carolyn Thomas Chris Stephens

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Christi A. Hinkle Curtis Ingmire David Lytle

Christina Rybacki C.W. Collins David Main
Christine Coglizer Cynthia Ann Ledbetter David O'Steen
Christopher Knight Sr. (Curtis) David Phillips
Christopher Matonti Cynthia Collins-Clark David Reid
Christopher M. Miller Cynthia E. Daugherty David Rowden
Christopher Stanford Cynthia Graves David Toby
Christopher Williams Cynthia Mosley David W. Archer
Christropher Pope Cynthia Mota David W. Smith
Christy Terronez Cynthia Ward D&B Operating LLC
Cimarron River Operating Dahl SWD Facility #1, LLC Dean Brian Johnson
Corp. Daisy Mae Gee Deanjelo Bradley
Cindy Cheatwood Dakota Exploration LLC Deanna Davenport
Cindy Jo Carter Dale Cheatham Deanna L. Campano
Cindy S. Special Dale Livengood Debbie Badgwell
Cindy Verdone Dale Masters Debbie Dawson
Circle 9 Resources, LLC Dale Smethers Debbie Fisher
Clabe Wright Dale White Debbie Hutchins
Clara W. Wilson Dana Butler Debbie Moody
Clark L. Gates Dana Jordan-Kemper Debera Moore
Claudia Hoyos Danette Marrs Debora Gamm
Claudia J. Short Dan Frey Debora Hart
Clay Carpenter Danise J Conrad Deborah Brown
Clayton Adams Danny Askins Deborah Calhoun
Clemes Branton Danny Haggy Deborah Fiorda-Bell
Cleo Revels Danny L. Haynes Deborah Goddard
Cleovis Watson III Dan Shupe Deborah True-Crater
Clifford Cross Dan Stevens Deborah Wilson-Golden
Clifford Johnson Darell Cross Debra Armstrong
Clifford Pohlman Darell Lantz Debra Brennan
Clinton Brazille Darlene Allen Debra F. Schepp
Clyde D. McDaniel Darlene Caldwell Shelton Debra Gordon
Clyde Minor Jr. Darlene Travis Debra Ropp
Cody Cullison Darrell Muse Deen Oduola
Cody McAlister Darrel Wyatt Delbert G. Laskey
Connie J. Matthews Darren Peters Della Dean
Connie M. Moore Daryl Carrico Del Livsey
Connie Moore Dave Williams Jr. Delores Bledsoe
Connie Simmons David Bogle Delores Jackson
Cora Dixon David Bonar Deloris Taylor
Corene Scruggs David Brooks Dena Cope
Corlis McLeod David Burgess Dena P. Adams
Cory B. McSpadden David Crabtree Denice Derycke
Cossette Armstrong David E. Grant Denise H. Garlick
Craig Elder Oil and Gas LLC David Flanagan Denise Meadows
Crissy Kralik David Grant Denise Thompson
Crown Energy Company David Grissam Dennis Chandy
Curmon Kelley David H. Levan Dennis Ingram
Curt Emerson David Humphrey Dennis Lafferty
Curtis Edwards David Jackson Dennis Varnell
Curtis E. Gray David Jarrette Deoddca Desilva

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Devon Energy Production Douglas Brown Eric Williams

Company, LP Douglas Cloyes Erin Burt
Dewayne Sharpton Douglas Crawford Erin Hays
Diana Pierre Douglas Dixon Erma Taylor
Diana Rivers Douglas L. Hill Ernest H. Ozeretny Jr.
Diane M. Collier Douglas Norman Smith Ernest Mora
Diane R. Merits Dryes Corner LLC Ernest Wallace Jr.
Diane Webb Dwight Stearns Errik Lemler
Dilip Doshi Eagle Mountain Ministry Ethel Chisum
Dnassio Williams Ranch, Inc. Eugene Wallace III
Doile Dockray Earl W. King Eugenia Glisson
Don A. Fultz Earl Wooton Jr Eugenio Villanuevo
Dona Greenhoward Eartha Tansimore Eva Lewis
Donald Kincaid Eastok Pipeline, LLC Evans Lee Lavender
Donald L. Williams Eastok Pipeline LLC Evelyn Colbert
Donald Prince Eddy Scarberry Evelyn Nephew
Donald Ray Washington Edna Wood Evelyn Newton
Donald R. Hart Edward C. Lorenzen Evelyn Pritchett
Donald Tubbs Edward J. Ptak Evert Rossiter
Donald Walker Edward Mackie Ezell Cobb
Donald Warner Edward Ptak Fairfield Oil & Gas Corp
Donald W. Cook Edwin House Falish Branton
Don Brandt Edwin Payne Jr. Fatiha Karimian
Don Dorle Eileen B. Caballero Felicia Sanchez-Riancho
Don Freeman McGee Elaine Altom Felix Alvarez
Don Loganbill Eldridge H. Kindle FHA Investments LLC
Don McBride Elena Garner Frank Alan Stie
Donna Allen Eliseo Castellanos Frank Bevill
Donna Bennett Elizabeth Hepburn Frank C. Vassar
Donna Clark-Williams Elizabeth Riddle Frank Griffin
Donna Clift Elizabeth Tilson- Parrish Franklin C. Thompson
Donna Delisa Caldwell Ella Hall Freda Ann Lang
Donna Farrimond Ellen Newburn Fred D. Hopkins
Donna Iser Elliott Lyles Freddie Downs
Donna Koszarek Elmer L Jones Freddie L. Davis
Donna Miller Elnora Miner Frederick Moss
Donna O'Bryan Elva Larios Fredrick Johnson
Donna Pearson Elvena P Lee Fredy Aguilar
Donna West Elvin Greenfield Gagelene Tyree
Don Neighbors Emily Ardion Gail L. Ramirez
Donnie J. Scruggs Emily Buchanan Garry A. Newbold
Don Rodgerick Horton Sr. Emma Butterbaugh Gary Ambrose
Dori Atkins Emmanuel Cole Gary D. Hardeman Jr.
Doris J. Magee Emma O. Perron Gary Hatcher
Doris Myers Equal Energy U.S., Inc. Gary Hunt
Doris Smith Equal Energy US Inc. Gary Johnson
Dorothy Dooley Eric I. Spiegel Gary Jones
Dorothy Hill Erick Ivery Gary L. Ball
Dorothy Jo Koeberle Eric Moore Gary Millarr
Dorothy Ware Eric Strelow Gary Orendorff
Douglas Bennett Eric W. Bivens Gary Steven Pistole

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Gavin Harris Harold C. Dooley James Durley

Gayle Caskey Harold Colbert James E. Doss
Gene Snider Harold Langley James E. Horn
George C. Pratt Harold W. Kelley James Hanley
George D Fanning Harvey Allen James H. Conlin
George Donham Hazel Jackson James H Lee
George H. Humphrey Jr. Hazel Shevat James Jackson
George Hogue Heather Peacher James L. Clark
George Kristopher Wilson Heather Trent James Locut
George L. Oravetz Helen Aloziem James L. Pendley Sr.
George West III Helen A. Reid James L. Roe
George Z. Kidwell Helen H. Arrington James Myers
Georgiaette Spivey Helen Johnson James Pike
Gerald Byerly Henrietta Walker James Powell
Gerald Denney Henry Williams James Pratt
Gerald Lewis Herbert Gaddis James R. Golden
Gerald R. Haiduk Herman Haywood James Rich
Gerd O. Kelso Herman L. Adamson Jr. James R. Montgomery III
Geri L. McCreight Hinkle Oil & Gas Inc. James R. Whitmer
Gilbert Flores Holly Heinzig James Shiel
Gilbert Jennings Holly Rice James Shook
Gilcrease Hills HOA Hongliang Wang James Skipper
Gina L. Smith Hope Owen James Smith
Ginger Frances Delaloye Hubert Hutchens James Steven Braine
Glenn Randolph Ibrahim K. El-Samad James Thomas
Glen Watson Inman House James T. Woolly Jr.
Gloria Childs Inman Jefferson James Vogt
Gloria Childs Jr. International Energy James Wallace
Gloria Wittman Corporation James Wilson
Gonzalo Beltran Irene Sivley Jamie Kelly
Gordon Lee Beck Irene Smith Jamie Moore
Grace Garrett Isom Hill Jamie Southern Sanders
Grace J. Dotson Ivan Koger Jamie Wasson-Neeley
Grant Moen Jack Garner Jana Hubble
Grant Schultz Jackie Cramer Jan Demery
Greg Goad Jackie Jones Janell Kirk
Gregory J. Jones Jack Neeley Jane Louise Anderson
Gregory Meadows Jack R. Martin Jane L. Stetts
Gregory Thomas Jaclyn Haese Jane Mattke
Gregory Vanhoose Jacob Ferguson Janes Sells
Gregory Vilner Jacob Rudolph Janet Horn
Greg Vollmer Jacqueline Farrow Janice Allen
Greta Carreathers James Adam Hendricks Janice L. Jackson
Grover Turner James Binkley Janice Montgomery
Guadalupe Saenz James Buehler Janice Movlai
Gwendlyn Davis James Butler Janie Townes
Gwen Revels James Catlett Jan Sperry
Gwen Turner James Clay Conrad Jared Black
Han T. Nguyen James Cooke Jarral D'Andrea
Harold Burton James Dale Ponder Jarrod Cooper
Harold Caskey James Douglas Stafford Jarrod Vogt

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Jasia Dowd Jim Reherman Joseph Rankin

Jason Coe Jim Tatum Joseph Ruffin
Jason Henson Joan Carr Jose Santana
Jason Owens Joan Jeanmard Joyce A. Holliday
Jayson Davison Joann Simpson Joyce Anderson
Jayson Wright Joe Gandara Joyce Dilley
J.C. Carter Joe L. Rodriguez Joyce Matrone
Jean Bowhay Joel R. Ward Joyce Moore
Jeanette Pendley Joe Nelson Joyce Nguyen
Jean M. Dotson Johna L. Smith Joy Christine Dryer
Jeannette C. McPhail Johnathan W.T. Lewis Joy Edwards
Jeannette M. Beal John Beal J. Ramon Avila
Jean Pereyra John Belardo Juana Tapia
Jean Quary John Craig Juan Cisneros
Jeffery C Cowan John D. Lomoro Juan Garcia
Jeff Heinzig John Dowd Juanita French
Jeff Hubble John Elliot Juanita Haynes
Jeff Jarvis John E. Shadoan Juan Torres
Jeff M. Todish John Gober Jr. Judith Creech
Jeff Nieman John Kennedy Judith Evans-Sharp
Jeffrey Dean Rosencutter John Leonard Judith Miller
Jeffrey Robert Harvey John Locke Judy Adame
Jenell Lanett Hall John L. Schepp Judy A. Gaddis
Jennie Kiser John Meyers Judy Bourlon
Jennifer Butler John Milburn Judy L. Hopkins
Jennifer Jarrette John Newburn Judy Stevens
Jennifer Simon Johnnie E. Thompson Judy Strahan
Jeremy England Johnny Ware Julia Cowdrey
Jeremy Ring John Overton Julia White
Jeri Allmon John R. Cook Julie A. Peck
Jeri Daneen Collins John Secondi June Booher
Jerry A. Fulkerson John Sheets Justin Moore
Jerry Butterbaugh John Thomas Justin Pancoast
Jerry Calhoun John Tracz Justin R. Barker
Jerry Cawhorn John Webb Justin Wilson
Jerry Cramer John W. Holshouser Kai Bach
Jerry Don Casey John Wimpy Kalpana Joshi
Jerry Henderson Jolinda Burns Kara Hamer
Jerry J. Ryan Jonna Luna Karena Carnley
Jerry McGee Jon Terronez Karen Cross
Jerry Vanbibber Jordan Breshears Karen Folwer
Jesse Mosley Jordan Hernandez Karen Green
Jesse Smith Jose Fonseca Karen Krehbiel
Jesse Tischauser Jose L. Soto Karen Moore
Jim E. Bean Jose Luis Bosquez Karen Nelson
Jim Flowers Sr. Joseph Dowling Karen Soto
Jimmie Elaine Rebrey Joseph Galindo Karen Thompson
Jimmie L. Cramer Joseph Haddad Karen Thornbrue
Jimmy Cannon Josephine Willie Karen Warner
Jimmy Coker Joseph Nappo Kate Beck
Jimmy Edens Joseph Pool Katharaine Mckinney

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Katherine Burkhalter Kirkpatrick Oil Company, Leroy Anderson

Katherine E. Roderick Inc. Leroy Dee Wynn
Katherine Ganther Kirsten Mickelson Leroy Oldenburg
Katherine Parker Koby Oil Company LLC Leroy Peters
Katherine Runowski Krista Haynes Leslie D. Lambeth
Kathleen Bradshaw Krista Roberts Leslie Earnest
Kathleen Carter Kristen Cooper Leslie Harting
Kathleen Johnson Kristy Jaynes Lester Anson
Kathy Ann Atkinson-Birr Krystal Thornbrue Levi Brown
Kathy Cline Krystie Simon Lewis Bumpers Jr.
Kathy Mires Kurenia Barnes Lewis Robinson
Kathy Shupe Kuwasha Jackson Lighthouse Christian Center
Katina Dyer Kylan Cope Lilah N. Rockson
Kay Davis Lacheverjuan Bennett Lila Mitchell
Kay Pratt LaDonna Lowrey Lillian Hopkins
Keith Dougherty LaDonna Seay Linda Browning
Keith H. Finley Lanay Creech Linda Crawford
Keith Warrior Lance Bradley Linda Davidson
Kelly Donndelinger Lance Bradshaw Linda Drew
Kellye Judkins Lance Rooms Linda Dundee
Kelly Joann Stie Laramie Townes Linda G. Davis
Kelly Key LaRhonda Johnson Linda Harting
Kelly Rundle Larry D. Moore Linda Haskell
Kelly S. Schwinn Larry Jaynes Linda Hazlip
Kelly Vilner Larry Kent Splawn Linda Hey
Kema Vassar Larry R. Evans Sr. Linda K. Foster
Kenneth Campbell Larry Stone Linda Lavender
Kenneth Harrison Larry Sullivan Linda Lewis
Kenneth Jack Dunn Larry Sultz Linda L. Parker
Kenneth L. Jackson Larry V. Smith Linda Luallen
Kenneth Logsdon Laticia Garcia Linda M. Bruce
Kenny Doyle II Latisha K. James Linda McPheters
Kenny Sperry Laura Johnson Linda Miller
Kenyah Hill Laura Mathes Linda Muse
Kervin Colbert Laura Wisdom Linda Newton
Kevin Beat LaVonna McNeil Linda Royal
Kevin Burnett Lawrence Collins Linda Shook
Kevin Ivers Lawrence Pasternack Lisa Ball
Kim Benson Lawrence Robinson Lisa Birdwell
Kimber Lee Grizzle Leann Reynolds Lisa D'Andrea
Kimberly J. Luther Leatrice Andrews Lisa Dixon
Kimberly Keeton Leland Annesley Lisa Griggs
Kimberly Smart Leland Powell Lisa K. Bean
Kimberly Stinson Lena Holshouser Lisa Lewis
Kim B. Lewis Lenasha Maloy Lisa Michelle Brown
Kim Lane Leneta J. Dyer Lisa Shoopman
Kim Loyd Len Timmons Lisa Stafford
Kim O'Malley Leo Michael Moore Jr. Lisa West
Kionna Peebles Leonard Pelfrey Lisa Wolf
Kip Neal Leon Irving Liz Ingram
Lequetta Bowman Lizzie Parker

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Lola B. Gates Marieca Pilcher Meghan McGee

Longfellow Energy LP Marilyn Barnes Melanie Hough
Lorene Isaacs Marilyn Deusterhaus Melba Whitt
Loretha Sullivan Marilyn Joyce Parlier Melinda G. Smith
Loretta Guess-Walker Marion Hill Melissa Aguilar
Loretta Irving Marion Rooms Melvin Cramer
Loretta Westhoff Marium Julie Barclay Melvin L. Andrews
Lori Brown Marjo Operating Mid- Melvin Lister III
Lori J. Williams Continent LLC Melvin Tucker
Lou Bellmard Mark A. Ellis Mercury Frisk
Louise Main Mark Cole Messia Osborn
Lovenia House Mark D. Giammario Michael A. Preston
Loy Sperry Mark Helberg Michael Bell
Lucille Logsdon Mark Miller Michael Bowman
Luckey Dolly Mark Nosich Michael Casteel
Luke Broyles Marlene Jackson Michael C. Culpepper
Luz Hernandez Marlin McNeil Michael Dunn
Lyle Boehm Marquita Gabriel Michael D. Washington
Lyle R. Holley Marsha Beets Michael Hammons
Lyndall Young Marsha Cunningham Michael Hopkins
Lyndell Wallace Marsha K. Sanders Michael Key
Lyndon B. Davis Marshall Dunlap Michael L. Dorle
Lynne Sanders (Diveley) Martha Bellahrach Michael Mattke
Lynn Valz Martha Donelson-Green Michael Mays
Mable Hickmon Martha Dunlap Michael O'Malley
Mae Yvonne Chapman Martha E. Carpenter Michael Reiley
Mahvash Khosrowyar Martha Moore Michael Walling
Mailin Overton Martha Newcomb Michael Westhoff
Malik Shakur Martinez McKinney Sr. Michael Woods
Malinda Guzman Marva L. Madison Michael W. Smith
Malissa J. Layland Marvin Johnson Micheal Lovins
Mangus Scott Jr. Mary Ann Fruge Michele Fronkier
Manny Torres Mary Calhoun Michell C. Harris
Marca Bennett Mary Ellen Clark Michelle Garcia
Marca Lea Bennett Mary E. Smith Michelle Hamilton
Marc C Cook Mary L. Moore Michelle Harvey
Marcella Shiel Mary L. Thompson Michelle Jones
Marcellius Fields Mary Randolph Michelle Willis
Marcia Fenity Mary Robinson Mickey Allmon
Marcos Chavez Mary Sowder Mickey N. Nixon
Marcus Gene White Jr. Mary Wiley Mid-Con Energy III, LLC
Margaret Callie Godwin Matthew A. Merits Mid-Con Energy Operating
Margaret Grays Matthew B. Caldwell LLC
Margaret Jean Sheets Matthew L Piatt Mid-Con Energy Operating,
Margaret Reeves Matthew Macias LLC
Margery Sloan Matthew Miller Mid-Con Energy Properties,
Margie Wallace Mattie Karen Stone LLC
Maria Diaz- Bosquez Matt Meier Midstates Petroleum
Maria G. Ross Maudie Mae Emerson Company LLC
Marian King Maurice E. Fowler Migdriana Vega
Marie Bishop Maurice Seay Jr. Miguel Calleja-Serrano

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Mike Assef Oakland Petroleum Operating Phillip Clark

Mike Baradaran Company Inc. Phillip Grizzle
Mike Coody O.C. Nelson Walker Phillip Simon
Mike Davis Oil Capitol Singers Union Phil Stegner
Mike Hazlip Orca Operating Company Phoenix Oil & Gas, Inc.
Mike Leard LLC Phyllis Ann Huff
Mike Steele Orstell Grays Polly Smith
Mildred O'Steen Oscar C. Smart Sr Porter Magby
Milton T. Halleckson Otis J. Greenhoward Praveen Yerramsetti
Miryom Golden Pamela Barten Prentiss Nephew
Misti Adamson Pamela Flynt Preston Hays
Mistie Winters Pamela Gail Hayes Previn Dixon
Misty B. Ellerby Pamela J. Henderson Priscilla Cook
Misty Dawn Pritchard Pamela Jones Quantonia Amado
Misty Graham Pamela Sherrod Rachel Bruce
Misty Snider Pamela Stafford Rachel Jacobs
Mitchell C Elmore Pamela Weaver Rachelle Caldwell
Mitzi Potter Pamela Yoak Rachel Miller
M M Energy Inc. Pam Wallace Raegan G. Qualls
Mohammad Rahimi Parris Maxx Le Ai Raelene Neighbors
Montclair Energy LLC Paskell Paris Rainbo Service Company
Montecella Driver Pat Garvin Ralisa Muse
Montrose Waldron Pat Quiring Ramon G. Macias
Monty Lee Frichtman Patrica Colson Ramon G. Martinez
Mount Olive Baptist Church Patrice A. Mitchell Rana Shwayyat
Myra I. Polin Patricia Beasley Randall Gardner
Myra Reid Patricia Cortes Randall James Birr
Nancy G. Leslie Patricia Orchard Randall Newton
Nancy J. Dye Patrick Gabriel Randell L. Phillips
Nancy Orendorff Patrick Maloy Randy Charles Hart
Nancy R. Maxey Patrick Miller Randy J. Barnes
Nancy Walter Patsy McSpadden Randy L. Jones
Natasha Lefear Patty Fry Randy Sells
Nathan Barnes Patty Hazelwood Range Production Company
Nathan Buchanan Pat Wheat LLC
Nathan Harris Paula Goosby Range Production Company,
Nathan Powell Paula Levan LLC
Nelson Jack Hayes Paul Crowl Raul Nunez
New Dominion, LLC Paul Saunders Raven Crowl
Nickie Cooper Paul Yoskowitz Ray Aubert
Nick I. Smith Pearl Hesket Raylene Cayton
Nick West Pearlie Dunn Raymond Brewer
Noble Warren Peggy Fleschute Raymond D. Layland Jr.
Norbert Koeberle Peggy L. Harris Raymond E. Duncan
Norma Elder Morgan Peggy Macias Raymond J. Moore
Norma Galindo Penny Frick Raymond Jordan
Norma Lea Cook Petco Petroleum Corp. Raymond McPheters
Norma Nichols Pete Brown Raymond M. Oliver
Norma Payne Petrina Wills Raymond Moore
Norris E. Minor Petro Warrior LLC Raymond Reed
Nyoka Villanueva Philip Pritchett Raymond Wright

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Reana Renae Woods Robin Coker Roy Lee Graves Jr.

Rebecca Burton Robin Harrison Roy Thornhill
Reginae L. Smith Robyn Pasternack Ruby Tolliver
Reginald D. Lewis Sr. Rochester Windom Russell L. Campbell
Rena Benoit Rocky Webb Russell McCalment
Rene Buss Rodney E. McDonald Russell Ray Pollard
Reza Khorsandnia Rodney Farrow Russell Williams
Rhonda Gray Rodney Hickey Ruth Cawhorn
Rhonda Lynn McCracken Rodney Hunt Ruth Littlefield
Rhonda Millarr Rodney McDonell Ruth L. Jones
Richard A. Benoit Sr. Rodney Roy Ryan Murphy
Richard A. Harris Rodney V. McDonell Ryan Sewell
Richard Badgwell Roger Fourroux Sabrina Dunlap
Richard Campbell Roger Noel Sally Jean Shupack
Richard C. Dunaway Roger Pappan Samantha Cory
Richard Dixon Roland Bagby Samantha L. Bowman
Richard Fuller Rolena Dan-Farrow Sam Rice
Richard Haskell Ronald Bensken Samuel Beets
Richard Runowski Ronald Brison Sandra Boleware
Richard Salter Jr. Ronald Campbell Sandra Myers
Richard S. Matthews Ronald Caraway Sandra Shadowen
Richard S Vanheel Ronald Earnest Jr. Sandra Stiles
Richene C. Macon Ronald E. Loper Jr. Sandra Toby
Rick Farmer Ronald Graham Sandra Wagner
Rickie Smith Ronald James Sarah Pressgrove
Rick Maggard Ronald Junkas Sawssan Samad
Ricky Birdwell Ronald Sherrod Scott Clift
Ricky Lynn Schantz Ronald Thornbrue Scott Durant
Ricky Mitchell Ron Barham Scott Potter
Rita Cramer Ron Moore Scott Wilson
Rita D. Jones Ronnie Anderson Sean D Seaborough
Rita Duncan Ronnie A. Nelson Shaban Janloo
Rita Faye Hart Ronnie B. Momsen Jr. Shalana Robb Moad
RL Montgomery Ronni Hatcher Shane Buss
Rob Brewer Ronnita Gandara Shane Richardson
Roberta E Brown-Fanning Ron Simon Shanna Etemadi
Robert Alexander Sr. Ron Strahan Shannon Mallett
Roberta Pendarvis Ron Thompson Sharlon K Cortes
Robert B. McGhee Ron Throndson Sharon
Robert Caldwell Ron Tussey Sharon Ann Bruce
Robert G. Rowan Rosalee Williams Sharon B. Dowling
Robert J. Hernandez Rose E. Phillips Sharon Benear
Robert Lang Rosemary Reed Sharon Binkley
Robert L. Beard Rose M. Brown Sharon Bogle
Robert Mallett Rosetta Marie Brooks Sharon Butler
Robert Simpson Rowdy E. Huff Sharon Dehaarte
Robert S. Jarvis Roxanna Hutchinson Sharon Griffin
Robert Smith Roxieaana Caraway Sharon Kay Cunningham
Robert Sowder Roy Sharon Kay Patana
Robert Sullivan Roy Altstatt Sharon L Jones
Robin A. Lang Roy Jones Sharon Maggard

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Sharon McAuliff Stephen Brent Willmon Tawana Keller

Sharon Richardson Stephen Cheatwood Terence A. Hayes
Sharon Shaw Stephen E. Lucas Teresa Ann Irvin
Sharon Wood Stephen Karl Jentoft Teresa Phillips
Sharron Breaker Stephen Luckey Teresa Villarreal
Sharron Watson Stephen Mosher Jr. Teresa Westmuckett
Shawn Mitchell Stephen N. Mouzas Terra L. Conlin
Shayla Hudson Stephen Plunk Terrie L. Masters
Sheila Crabtree Stephen Story Terri Pilcher
Sheila Powell Steve Territory Resources LLC
Sheila West Steve Creager Terry McGee
Sheilia Brown Steve Kelley Terry Noel
Shelle R. Minor Steven C. Frick Terry Phillips
Shelley Free Steven Davis Terry Stricklin
Shelly Choate Steven E. Thavadeck Srikoon
Shenita M. Gaddis Steven Frick Thea Anderson
Sheren Wyatt Steven Langgin Thean R. Parker
Sheri Pohlman Steven Morgan Thelma Carmichael
Sherri Steven Ray Snake Thelma McDaniel
Sherri Blethen Steven Spiegel Themeshia S. Gathron
Sherrie Wallace Steve Perkins Theodore Hooks III
Sherri Leard Steve Schwinn Theresa Cain
Sherry Bradley Stevie Johnson Theresa M. Kindle
Sherry Cunningham Stormy Hopson Thomas
Sherry Smith Sue Denton Thomas Deaver
Sheryl Meier Sue L. Oravetz Thomas E. Adair Jr
Shields Operating Inc. Susan Thomas Eric Collins
Shirley Boyles Susan C Nicholson Thomas Johnson Sr.
Shirley Buehler Susan Cook Thomas Loya
Shirley Chesser Susan E. Dunn Thomas Pressgrove
Shirley Clay-Hunt Susan L. Hurtado Thomas P. Schaefer Jr.
Shirley Freeman Susan L. Jones Thomas Thomas
Shirley F. Roe Susanne Varnell Tia Reedy
Shirley Neal Susie Palazzo Tiffeney Tigner
Sonia Vega Suzanne Leeviraphan Tim Kelly
Sonia Walker Suzanne Morava Timothy Cowdrey
Special Energy Corporation Suzanne Newman Timothy E. Lewis
Special Energy Production Sydney Fuller Timothy Gunkel
Co LP Sylvester Savage Timothy Harris
Stacey R. Murray Sylvia Shirley Timothy Murrell
Staci Richmond Taffine D Price Tim Tolliver
Stacy Alexander Tamara D. Coil Tina Holland
Stanley Olden Tami L. Thompson Tina Ivers
Starr Ernst Tami Rundle Tina Johnson
Stella L Hubbard Tammy B. Dougherty TNT Operating Company,
Stephanie Crawford Tammy Pelfrey Inc.
Stephanie Diane Clark Tammy Sears Tom Deatherage
Stephanie Milburn Tara Mitchell Tommy L.
Stephanie Oduola Tara Tischauser Tommy R. Fleming
Stephanie Pope Tarka Energy LLC Tommy Shoopman
Stephanie Wilson Tarry Boudreaux Tommy Weldon

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Tom Valz Virginia Fishinghawk William Donndelinger

Tonia Colbert Virginia Lee Maguire William E. Owens
Tony Garcia Virginia R. Bell William Gaige
Tony Lewis Virginia Thomas-Cobb William H.
Toomey Oil Company, Inc. Vivian Clark-Adams William Hamilton Jr.
Traci Bussey Vivian Sanders William Harvey
Tracy Ligons Vlad M. Condacse William Hyatt
Tracy Neeley Vonda Cross William Johnson
Trena McAlister Vonda Goad William Keeton
Treva M. Clark Wade William Keightly
Trey Resources, Inc. Wade Jones William Kennedy
Trisha Jackson Walter Bennett William L. Caldwell
Trudi Dillman-Smith Walter Hester William Richmond
Ty Anderson Walter Jumper William Sullivan
Valarie E. Howard Wanda Christensen William V Eddy Jr.
Valerie Branyan Wanda M. Stevens William W. Foster
Vanessa Brown Wanda Parsons William Wolf
Vanessa D. Hogg Wanda Williams William Wood
Vanessa Hall-Harper Wanti Gaige William W. Patterson
Velma Davis Warren D. Combs Willie C. Washington Jr
Velma Glover Warren Edmondson Willie Scott
Vera Stricklin Wayne E Foote Wilma Anderson Wright
Vera Williams- Cole Wayne L. Winford W.
Verna Haines Weldon Jackson Winston Prescott
Vernice Smith Wesley M. Southern Jr. Witmer Daniel
Vernon Godwin Wesley Ray Goforth Wolfried Kouadio
Vicki Hayward Wes Perry Wonda Macon
Vicki Smallwood White Operating Company Wyeth Hall
Victor Aloziem Wicklund Petroleum Yolanda Riley
Victor E. Vann III Corporation Yvette Morrison
Victor Hursh Willa Ewing Yvette Williams
Victoria Matonti Willard Robinson Zack McDaniel
Victory Fellowship William Bert Wise Zironya D. Lewis
Vince Crawford William (Bill) Garnder
Virgil Cravens William B. Rogers

Irvine Construction and Realty

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3es Innovation Inc Arizona Unclaimed Property Bp Oilfield Service, Llc

3 G Manifold L.L.C. Unit Bradley Dean Hedges
3 Resources Inc. Armadillo E&P Inc Brandon Colborn
3 Robinsons L.L.C. Arrow Pump & Supply Inc B&R Construction Inc
9spot Energy Llc Asap Energy Inc Brent Collins
A2d Technologies Inc Ash Grove Resources Llc Brett Brown
Aaa Fiberglass Repair Llc Aspect Oilfield Services Llc Brett Brown
Aae Automation Inc Associated Wire Line Brian S. Bendele &
Aaron Cassody Services Brittni Garmon
A&A Tank Truck Co A-Tech Inc Bronco Equipment Rental &
Abb Inc At&T Mobility Sales Llc
Accessdata Group Inc Aunt Pittypat's Catering Bruce Electrical Solutions
Accurate Safety Compliance Austin Morris Llc
Acid Tank Leasing Llc Autograph International Inc. Bryan Covalt Trucking
Acme Truck Line Inc Automation-X Corporation Bryan Research &
Adam Jekel Avenue Informatics Engineering Inc
Addison Group Axiom Medical Consulting Bulldog Chemicals Llc
Ag & Oil Field Llc Llc B&W Operating Llc
Akl Services Inc Bachman Services Inc. Byron Rupp
Alan A Meyer Baker Botts L.L.P Cac Soonerthon
Alex Cummings Baker Hughes Cactus Drilling Company Llc
Alfalfa Electric Cooperative Baker Hughes Oilfield Caitlin Mcardle
Inc. Operations In California State Controller's
Allegis Group Holdings Inc Banner Sales & Service Llc Offic
Allesco Barnett Electrical, Llc Canary Drilling Services Llc
Alliance Midcon Inc Basic Energy Services Lp Can-Ok Oil Field Services
Alturex Llc Basin Supply Lp Canyon Oilfield Services Llc
Altus Intervention Usa Inc Bayless Sales & Service Inc Capdoa
Amanda Hawkins Beck Ag Properties Llc Capgemini America Inc
Amc Urgent Care Beck Trucking Llc Capitol Services, Inc
American Association Of Benton C. Johnson Carole L. Douglas
Professiona Betsy A. Ball Case Wireline Services Inc
American Eagle Logistics Llc Beyondtrust Corporation Casing Crews Inc
American Heart Association Bighorn Construction & Casing Equipment Supply
Inc Reclamat Llc Llc
Andrew Cunningham Billy Powell Cates Supply Inc
Andrew Peery Bird Equipment Llc Catherine Webb
Andrew Thruman Bison Oilfield Services Llc Cch Incorporated
Andy Stegman B & L Heating And Air Central Rural Electric
Anita Anderson Conditioning Cooperative
Apex Safety Llc Bloomberg Finance Lp Cfd Women's Auxiliary
Apex Turf Control Llc Board Of Regents Ok Cgi Technologies And
Applied Economics Cnsltng Agricultural Solutions Inc
Group Inc Boogie Trucking Llc Chaparral Energy Llc
Approyo Boom Test Llc Charles L Helm Attorney Pc
Aramark Uniform Services Bop Ram-Block & Iron Charles L Helm Attorney Pc
Arbuckle Wireline Llc Rentals Inc Children's Hospital
Archrock Services Lp Borets Us Inc Foundation
A Rental Company Inc Bostick Services Corporation

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Chisholm Oil & Gas Craig Ranches Inc Donny Lowry

Operating Llc Creek County Clerk Double H Services Llc
Chris Frank Crescent Consulting Llc Double L Welding &
Chris Peterson Crescent Pipe & Supply, Inc Construction Llc
Christopher W Scott Dba Crosstimbers Hotshot Doug Kathol
Cimarron Electric Services Llc Douglas G Ringer Revocable
Cooperative Csi Compressco Lp Trust
Cimarron Signs Ct Corporation System Doug Quattlebaum
Circle B Measurement & Cudd Pressure Control Inc Douthett Llc
Fabrication Cws Wireline Llc Dover Artificial Lift Systems
Cisco Operating Llc Cynthia Jo Gragert Llc
Citrix Systems Inc Dalton Hendrix Dr Swab Services Llc
City Of Cushing Daniel Bafia Dunivan Gas Inc
City Of Stillwater Danny B Summers Dustin C. Johnson
C&J Spec-Rent Services Inc. Danny Schmadl Dustin Donley Construction
Ckenergy Electric Davenport Oilfield Services Services
Cooperative Inc Inc Dustin Pace
Clayton Propane L.L.C. David Mcdannald Dustin Wymore
Clem Irrv Trust Dated 4/2/12 Davis & Davis Company Dxp Enterprises
Clifford Power Systems Inc Day County Services Llc Eagle Pump & Supply Llc
Cloyann Fent Dcp Operating Company Lp Eagle Road Oil Llc
Cogent Inc D.D Fluids Llc Aka Eag Services Inc
Collier Farms Llc Dealing For Dreams Echometer Company
Colorado Dept Of Treasury Dean's Casing Service Economy Supply Inc
Unclaimed Dearborn National Life Ecotest Energy Services Llc
Commissioners Of The Land Insurance Co Eddie & Nancy Scheihing
Office De Lage Landen Financial Edgardo Ivan Cubias
Complete Energy Services Svc Inc Edmond North High School
Inc Delaware Secretary Of State E & H Transfer Inc
Comptroller Of Maryland Dell Marketing Lp Elaine Hunter
Comstock Oilfield Supply Deloris Jean Maly Eldon L Ferrell
Conexient Inc Dennis Neill Elias Books Brown & Nelson
Confertel Department Of P.C.
Connecticut Unclaimed Environmental Quality Elk City Trucking
Property Div Department Of State Lands Elliot Chambers
Conner & Winters Llp Derrick Corporation Emaint Enterprises Llc
Continental Disc Corporation Dewey County Clerk Emg Opco Lp
Continental Wire Cloth Llc Dewey County L.E.P.C Enercon Services Inc
Copas - Okc Dewitt Trucking And Energes Services Llc
Copeland Services Inc Excavation Energy Fc
Corbyn Hampton Pllc Dg Invstmnts Intermediate Energy Meter Systems
Corbyn Law Firm, Pllc Hlds 2 In Energy Tubulars Inc
Corral Machine Shop Llc D & G Trash Hauling Llc Enterprise Fm Trust
Corrosource Llc Discovery Benefits Entz Oilfield Chemicals, Inc
Cory Edmondson D.J.F. Services Inc. Enviro Clean Services Llc
County Records, Inc D & M Hilliard Trucking Llc Environmental Management
Cowboy Pumping Unit Sales Dnow Lp Inc
& Repairs Dolese Bros Co Environmental Systems
Cowboy Sports Properties Doneta Nichols Research Inst
Llc Donnelley Financial Environmental Testing Inc
Cox Communications Inc Solutions Epumps Inc

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Ernst & Young Llp Goldstar Land Services Llc Idaho Unclaimed Porperty
Eventful Conferences Llc Granite Telecommunications Office
Excel Products Grant County Lepc Igd Global Llc
Expro Americas Llc Grant County Treasurer Ihs Global Inc
Fechner Pump & Supply Inc Great Plains Oilfield Rental Illinois Office Of The State
Fesco Ltd Llc Treasu
Fha Investments Llc Greg May Impac Exploration Services
Flatline Pestcontrol, Inc Groth Corporation Inc
Fleischer, Fleischer, Gr Wireline Lp Inceed Dept No 39 Llc
Flint Equipment Llc Gryphon Oilfield Soultions Independent Tubular Corp
Flogistix Lp Llc Indiana Paging Network
Florida Department Of Gsoc Infosys - A Division Of
Financial Ser Gungoll Jackson Box & Oklahoma El
Flow-Cal Inc Devoll Pc Innovex Dowhole Soultions
Flowco Production Solutions Gyrodata Inc Inc
Llc Gyro Technologies Inc. Ios/Pci Llc
Forward Land Llc H2 Services Llc Ipswitch Inc
Fourpoint Energy Llc Halcyon Equipment Llc Iram Carrasco
Foxtrot Energy Services Llc Halliburton Energy Services Irs
Franks Diesel Service Inc Inc Irth Solutions Llc
Frontier Land Surveying Hampel Oil Distributors Inc Jackie Shaver
Frontier Tubular Soultions Hard Rock Oilfield Llc Jack Pratt Screen Ad Co
Llc Harold Bradley Lewis Jackson Electric Construction
Fuse3 Solutions Llc Harrison Orr Air Llc
Fusion Industries Llc Conditioning Llc Jackson Tool Co. Inc
Future Energy Services Of Hartzog Conger Cason & Jacky Upton
Oklahoma Neville Jacob Hendershot
Gable & Gotwals Hawk Drilling Fluids Llc James A Bruner
Galyn Black Hawk River Investments Llc James Bauer
Garfield County Clerk Haynes And Boone Llp James D. Poteet Sr
Garfield County Hazard Scout Llc James F. Cotter Lakepointe
Commissioners Heartland Contracting Towers
Garfield County Treasurer Services Inc James Lynn Franks Attorney
Gary A Monroe & Associates Heartland Oil & Gas Llc At Law P
Petroleu Heart Of Oklahoma Jamie Landreth
Gemini Solutions Inc. Transport Llc Janet Gail Price
Generation Four Disposals, Herc Rentals Inc Janice Kay Rogers
Llc Heritage Resources - Janning Welding & Supply
Geoedges Inc Woodford Miner Llc
Georgia Dept Of Rev Hero Flare Llc Jared Beutler
Unclmd Prpty Hireright Solutions Inc Jarod Croy
Gerry Moore Hogantaylor Llp Jason A. Owens
Gill Reprographics Inc Hoskins Wireline Llc Jason Christian
G J Lee Llc Co Hotco Hough Oilfield Svc Jayson Stock
Gk Techstar Llc Inc Jc Data Solutions Inc
Glacier Petroleum Hot Oil Units Inc Jeffrey Coleman
Glen Dan Haxton Houston Electric Inc Jeffrey J Mcdougall
Global 7 Envir, Health, Hs Field Services Inc Jeffrey R Warren
Safety Corp Hspg & Associates Pc Jeff Roberts
Global Energy Solutions Llc Hutton Inc Jeff Wright
Goforth Resources Llp Jeff Zanotti

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Jeremy Hamill Ksw Oilfield Rentals Llc Lorna Harrison

Jerri Lynn Wilson Kudu Pumps Louise E Biedermann
Jerry Jones Kurtis Shaw Louisiana Machinery
J&H Energy Llc Kwick Rentals Llc Company Llc
Jimmy Emmons Kyle Wheatley Louisiana State Treasurer
J & J Solutions Llc Landmark Energy Supply Inc Lowry Land Co Inc
Jm Test Systems Inc Landmark Graphics Corp Ltr Fastener & Supply Llc.
Joe's Hotshot And Trucking Lane's Motor Freight Lines Ludlum Measurements Inc
Llc Inc Lugreg Trucking Llc
John Dickinson Lane Witt Lynn Johnson
John Edgar Groninger & Larone Siemsen M5 Land Llc
Caryl Lee Larry Bond Magnet Trucking Llc
Johnson Controls Fire Larry Fipps Mahaffey & Gore Pc
Protection Lp Larry Laskey Attorneys At Law
Johnson Family Living Trust Larry W Westfall Mailfinance Inc
Jonathan Carter Last Frontier Council Inc Mandi Phillips
Josh Mcclain Boy Scout Manzanita Energy Llc
Josh Mccollom Latitude Geographics Group Marbet Llc
Journey Oilfield Equipment Ltd Mario R Morris
Llc Latshaw Drilling Co Llc Mark Aisenberg
Jp Hydrotesting Llc Laverna D. Selix Life Estate Martindale Consultants Inc
J&R Transport Inc Lb Laydown Services Llc Martinez Fenc,Const &
Judith Collins Trust Leader Energy Services Llc Landscp, Inc.
K3 Llc Leadership Oklahoma City Marvin Quattlebaum
Kalamar Inc Inc Matheson Farms - Logan
Kansas State Treasurer Leah D Collins County Llc
Karen Harrel Leedey Lumber & Farm Matt Duperrior
Katch Kan Usa Llc Supply Llc Matthew Pettyjohn
Kathy Raines Legacy Ofs Construction Llc Matt Powe
Katy O'brien Lexisnexis Risk Solutions Matt Seward
Kauk Construction Llc Liaison Technology Mcafee & Taft A
Kay Electric Cooperative Professionals Professional Coropr
Kbk Industries Llc Lightning Heating, Air Meditations Banquet
Kc Electric Co Conditioning Melinda Harris
Kelly Poisson Lincoln County Clerk Melody Sarah Kendrick And
Kenny Brueggen Lincoln Transportation Inc Mary Sue
Kenny W. Rounds Linda Gail Rapier Mercer Valve Co Inc
Ken's Hot Oil & Steam Linda S. Holland Merchants Automotive
Service Llc Liquid Mud Co., Llc Group Inc
Kentucky State Treasury L&K Farms Inc Merit Advisors Lp
Unclaimed Lockton Companies Meroda Rescources Llc
Kinder Dozer Inc Logan County Clerk Mesa Natural Gas Solutions
Kinnunen Sales & Rental Inc Logan County Courier Llc
K-Life Oklahoma City Logan County Rural Water Metscher Farms
Klx Energy Services Llc District 3 Mexico Joe's
Knight Oil Tools Logan County Treasurer Michael L Mcdonald Llc
Knight Watch Systems Llc Longhorn Energy Services Michael Woods
Kodiak Energy Services Llc Llc Michelle Lavasque
Kody Folsom Lonnie Baggs Photography
Kpmg Llp L&O Pump & Supply Inc Michial Poteet
Kristye E Cooper Loren Lowell Dohm Microsoft Corporation

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Midcentral Energy Partners (Obo) Blake Production (Obo) Range Resources

Lp Company Corporation
Midcon Data Services Llc (Obo) Bp America (Obo) Red Bluff Resources
Midcon Solutions Llc Production Company Operating
Mike Murphy (Obo) Brg Energy Inc (Obo) Roberson Oil
Miles Hubscher (Obo) Chaparral Energy Llc Company Inc
Miles J Maly (Obo) Chesapeake Operating (Obo) Samson Resources
Milroc Inc Company
Minnesota Dept Of (Obo) Chisholm Oil & Gas (Obo) Sandridge E&P Llc
Commerce Operating (Obo) Silver Creek Oil &
Missouri State Treasurer (Obo) Cimarex Energy Gas Llc
Mize Transport Llc (Obo) Cmo Energy Partners (Obo) Sk Nemaha
M & M Acquisition Llc Ii Lp (Obo) Sk Plymouth Llc
Mmj Pumps Llc (Obo) Continental Resources (Obo) Stephens Energy
Mobile Water Services Llc Inc Group Llc
Monster Energy Services Llc (Obo) Crawley Petroleum Cp (Obo)Stephens Production
Monty White (Obo) Crown Energy Company
Mpc Consulting Llc Company (Obo) Sundance Energy
Mps Enterprises, Inc (Obo) Cummings Oil Oklahoma Llc
Mrbr Real Estate Llc Company (Obo) Tapstone Energy Llc
Mudd Print & Promo Llc (Obo) Devon Energy (Obo) Trey Resources Inc
Multi-Shot Llc Production Co (Obo) Truevine Operating
Murray Services Inc (Obo) D & J Oil Company Llc
Mustang Heavy Haul Llc Inc (Obo) Us Energy
Nadoa (Obo) Dorado E&P Partners Development Corpora
Nalco Company Llc (Obo) Vanguard Operating
Nancy Jones (Obo) Duncan Oil Properties Llc
Nathan Wright Inc (Obo) Ward Petroleum
National Associatio Of Legal (Obo) Eagle Road Oil Llc Corporation
Assist (Obo) Encino Anadarko (Obo) White Rock Oil & Gas
National Oilwell Dht L.P. (Obo) Equal Energy Us Inc Llc
National Oilwell Dht Lp (Obo) Fairway Resources Iii (Obo) Xto Energy Inc
National Oilwell Varco Lp Llc Ocee
National Oilwell Varco Lp (Obo) Fourpoint Energy Llc Office Of The State Treasurer
Nemaha Environmental (Obo) Gastar Exploration Inc Office Refresh
Services Llc (Obo) Jma Energy Company Og&E
Nic Rogers Llc Ohio Department Of
Nitrogen Solutions Llc (Obo) Kaiser-Francis Oil Commerce
Noble County Clerk Company Oil-Law Records Corporation
Noble County Treasurer (Obo) Kirkpatrick Oil & Gas Oil States Energy Services
North Carolina Department Llc Llc
North Fork Rentals Inc (Obo) Longfellow Energy Lp Oipa
North Robinson Investments (Obo) Mach Resources Okc Tents And Moore
Llc (Obo) Marathon Oil Oklahoma Ag & Mech
Northwestern Electric Coop Company Colleges
Inc (Obo) Mewbourne Oil Oklahoma Bar Association
Nutech Company Oklahoma Corporation
(Obo) Arnold Oil Properties (Obo) New Dominion Llc Commission
Llc (Obo) Paul Gillham Oil Oklahoma County Bar
(Obo) Atlas Resource Company Association
Partners Lp

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Oklahoma Electrical Supply Peloton Computer Qes Pressure Pumping Llc

Co Enterprises Inc Quapaw Company Inc
Oklahoma Independent Performwell Solutions Inc Quasar Energy Services Inc
Labors Lcc Petro Amigos Supply Inc Quick-Lay Pipe Llc
Oklahoma Oil & Gas Petro Guardian Llc Quick Pump Service Llc
Association Petro Land Services South Quik Print
Oklahoma One-Call System Petroleum Club Of Quorum Business Solutions
Inc Oklahoma City Inc (Usa) Inc
Oklahoma Secretary Of State Philip Sheppard Rainmaker Sales Inc
Oklahoma State Treasury Pinnacle Business Systems Ram Oilfield Services Llc
Oklahoma State University Inc Ramrod Trucking Inc.
Oklahoma Tax Commission Pinnacle Energy Services Llc Ram Tool & Supply Co
Ok Rental Equipment Llc Pioneer Wireline Services Randall Denker
Okta, Inc. Llc Randy Kindschi
Oleumtech Corp Pitney Bowes Global Ranger Oilfield Services
One Gas Inc Financial Servi Corporatio
Onesource Managed Services Plaster & Wald Consulting Rauh Oilfield Services
One Star Safety Llc Corp Company
Onpoint Energy Services Llc Pls Inc Ray's Construction Co
Orco Service Llc Pluralsight Llc Rdt Trucking Inc
Orr Enterprises Inc Poly Pipe Inc Red Bone Services Llc
Oseberg Inc Porter Hedges Llp Red-D-Arc Inc
Osu Foundation Positive Tomorrows Red Dog Systems Inc
O-Tex Holdings Inc Pps Trucking Llc Red Fork (Usa) Investments
P2es Holdings Llc Precision Drilling Company Inc (Obo
Packers Plus Energy Srvcs Lp Red Rider Services Llc
Usa Inc Precision Energy Services Redzone Coil Tubing Llc
Pangaea Inc Inc Rei Corp
Panhandle Premier Chemical & Oilfield Remote Dba Experts, Llc
Park Place Technologies Llc Supply Rep Enterprises Llc
Parks Coffee Premier Pumping & Septic, Republic Services Of
Parrish Electric Inc Llc Stillwater
Parson's Welding Inc. Presort First Class Inc Research Tax Consultants,
Pat Gorrell Press Energy Services Llc Ltd.
Patterson Rental Tools Pr Newswire Association Llc Resistol Services Llc
Patterson Fi Production String Services Rib Crib Bbq
Paul Griffin Llc Richard K Books
Pauline Meyer Profire Energy Inc Rickey J Cooper
Paul Thompson Services, Llc Pro-Ject Chemicals Llc Rick Warren Court Clerk
Paul Vassar Pronto Chemical Sales & Ricky Pollot
Pawnee County Clerk Service Llc Rig Chasers Llc
Payne County Clerk Pro-Tech Hardbanding Rig Cleaning Services Llc
Payne County District 1 Services Inc Ritz Safety Llc
Payne County Treasurer Pruitt Tool & Supply Co Inc River Of Life Church
Payzone Completion Services Public Service Company Of Rk&R Dozer Service Llc
Llc Oklahoma R & L Hydrostatic Tubing
Pcs Ferguston Inc Pump Down Solutions Llc Rncc Cleaning Inc
Pds Energy Information Inc Push Pedal Pull Roach Services Inc
Pec Premier Saftey Pyramid Tubular Products Road Runner Trucking
Operations Llc Llc L.L.C.
Qes Pressure Control Llc Robbie Chitwood

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Robert Alford Seth Davis Sunrise Oilfield Supply Inc

Rocky Cooper Seth Walker Super Heaters, Llc
Rocky Mountain Permit Shane A. Miller Superior Energy Services Llc
Services Shane Taff Superior Oilfield Consulting
Roc Services Company Llc Shane T Thomas Llc
Rodan Transport (U.S.A.) Shannon Becker Surge Well Service
Ltd Shanns Lawn & Landscape Suttee Energy Services, Llc
Roger Mills County Clerk Llc Swindell Living Trust
Rojelio Ornelas Shebester-Bechtel Inc Synergy Datacom Supply Inc
Rough Riders Sherman Simpson T-3 String Up Llc
Roy Dean Lowe Credit Trust Sidney Maly Taylor Turner
Roy Mcneill Sierra Engineering Llc Teachers' Retirement System
Rr Oilfield Rental Services Sierra Hamilton Llc Of Okla
Llc Simmons Machine Works Inc Team Oil Tools Lp
R&R Roustabout Services Simons Petroleum Llc Tecnics Consulting Inc
Llc Simplexgrinnell Lp Teladoc Inc
Rr Water Truck Services Llc Sjl Well Services Llc Tercel Oilfield Products Usa
R & S Hydrotesting Inc Skycap Energy, Llc Llc
Rs Lee Enterprises Inc Slyder Energy Solutions Llc Teri Swarengin
R Thomason & Co Llc Smartpros Ltd Terradom Corporation
Rufnex Oilfield Services Llc Smith International Inc Testers Inc
Rugged Roustabout Llc Sooner Completions Inc Thai Q Vuong
Russell Mark Kendrick & Sooner Hot Oil Services Llc The Cavins Corporation
Rwls, Llc Dba Renegade Southern Plains Energy The Delbert And Wanda
Services Services Llc Meyer
Ryco Oilfield Services Llc Spears School Of Business The Gartman Letter Lc
Ryder Scott Company Lp Spectraseis Inc The Nancy Sue Stinchcomb
Safe Software Inc Spencer Fane Llp The Plexus Groupe Llc
Samanage Usa Inc Spirit Global Energy The Professional Basketball
Sam's Packer & Supply Solutions Inc Club Ll
Sap America Inc Spn Well Services Llc The Railroad Yard Inc
Sarah Grose Staples Business Advantage Theta Oilfield Services Inc
Saxum Star Pipe Services Inc Thomas Energy Services Llc
Schardt Enterprises Inc. State Chamber Of Oklahoma Thomas Forman
Schlumberger Rod Lift Inc State Of Nebraska Thomas L Evans
Schlumberger Technology Stellar Drilling Fluid Llc Thomas Tools
Corporation Stephen Cole Thru Tubing Solutions Inc
Schonwald Land Inc Steve Buckanan's Trucking Thurmond Mcglothlin Inc
Schoon Oil Llc Stewart Stone Inc Tierpoint Llc
Scientific Enviromental Stillwater Chamber Of Timothy Andrews
Solutions Commerce Tim's Trucking
Scott Gibbs Stimulation Pumping Tite Water Energy Llc
Scott Mueller Services Tnt Services Llc
Scott Shinn Stone Oak Energy Llc Toby Deal
Seaboard International Inc Strong Services Lp Tommy Emerson
Seismik S.R.O. Suddenlink (B2b Dept 1264) Toms Hotshot Service Inc
Seitel Data Ltd Sullivan & Cromwell Llp Tony Kearns
Seitel Solutions Ltd Summit Esp Llc Tony's Pump & Supply
Sequoyah Energy Summit Mailing & Shipping Top Hand Field Services Llc
Ses Holdings Llc Systems I Topographic Land Surveyors
Ses Holdings Llc Sumner County Treasurer Of Oklah

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Total Wireless Data Inc Visual Systems Inc Zedi Us Inc

Town Of Leedey Vk Enterprises Inc Zee Service Company Or Zee
Town Ripley Vulcan Labs, Llc Medical
Tracy Gavins Wade Wardlow Zoho Corporation
Trane Us Inc Walter Hutchinson Z-W Inc. Dba Crall Products
Transzap Inc Warren Bunch Company
Treasurer State Of Iowa Washita Valley Enterprises
Treasurer State Of New Inc
Hampshire Watkins Construction Co Llc
Tres Management Inc Wayne Enterprises Inc
Trey Raymer Wd Von Gonten & Co
Triangle Engineering Llc Wd Von Gonten Laboratories
Tri-Lift Services Inc Llc
Triple Transport Inc Weatherford Laboratories Inc
Tri-Point O&G Prod Systems Weatherford Us Lp Inc
Llc Wellbenders Directional Srv,
Trochta's Flowers & Garden Llc
Center Well Data Labs Inc.
Troy Day Wellsight Systems Inc
Trs Services Inc Wellsite Automation Llc
Tye Schoepflin Wesley Beardall
Tyler Eckert Wesley Metzler
Tyler Penrod Western Workstrings Llc
Tytan Poly Services Llc West Publishing Corporation
Ulterra Drilling Technologies Wg Consulting
Lp White Fields
United Data Technologies White's Welding Llc
Inc Wildcat Drilling Services Inc
United Health Care Insurance Wildcat Oil Tools Llc
Compan Wildcat Wellhead Services
United Parcel Service Inc Llc
United Rentals (North William Boyd
America) Inc William Carpenter
United States Treasury William Carter
United Way Of Central Willie Banks
Oklahoma Inc Willis Miller
Universal Land Services Llc Willman Pump Trucks Llc
Usa Compression Partners Lp Winn Analytical Llc
U-S Oil Tools Inc Winston & Strawn Llp
Utah State Treasurer Woodside Special
Utility Rebate Consultants Opportunity Pe Fun
Inc W&W Fiberglass Tank Co
Valve Sales Inc Xerox Business Solutions
Vanell Oil & Gas Lp Southwest
Venture Technologies Yellowjacket Oilfield
Verizon Wireless Services Llc
Vesco Inc Young Tool Company Llc
Vickie Casey Ywca Oklahoma City
Vicki Harmon Zach White
Vision Service Plan Of Zane Bourne
Oklahoma Zantout Resources Llc

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0982724 Bc Ltd A A Davis Tuley Accel Financial

1099 Pro Inc A A Davis Tuley Trustee Accessdata Group Inc
116 Llc A Anthony Accipiter Llc
13d Research (Usvi) Llc Aaron Aldridge Ace Gutowsky
1807173 Alberta Ltd Aaron Berry Ace Jordan
1995 Income Program Llc Aaron Bush Ace Moving And Storage Llc
1997 Irrev Trust Of Donald L Aaron Campbell Ace Royalties Llc
Bolen Aaron Campbell Ace Trim Shop Inc
1997 Rev Tr Of Truman F. Aaron Clark Acidizing & Cementing
Logsdon Aarond Graham Services Inc
2040 Royalty Holdings Llc Aaron D Meeker Jr. Ackrd Farms Llc
2540 Ea Ltd Aaron Harman Acme Truck Line Inc
2540 Xc Llc Aaron Huckabay Ac Signs & Designs
270 Tire & Auto Llc Aaron Huckabay Action Pipe & Supply Llc
2c Llc Aaron Ivey Action Telecomm Llc
2m Pardners Llc Aaron Jordan Acton E Black Jr
316 Holdings Llc Aaron Lowe Actonia Morgan
32nd Street Properties Llc Aaron Mcgehee Actonia Neal
3578 Waf Ltd Aaron Morrisett Acton Ranch Lp
3e 2018 Rev Tr Dtd 02.23.18 Aaron Watson Ada Barr
3esi Enersight Aaron Well Service Inc. Ada Gay Formerly Jackson
3es Innovation Inc Aarti Jewelers Inc Ada Lyon
3-F Llc Sandra F Holmes Abarr Trust Ada Margaret Stahl Living
Mbr Abbie Stallworth Trust
3m Production Inc Abby Lilly Adam Armstrong
3ms Family Lp Abc Energy Company Llc Adam Arundell Garrett
3-T Exploration Inc Abc Enterprises Inc Adamas Investment
3w Ventures Llc Abc Oil Company Inc. Company
4309 E Mcelroy Llc A Beckett Adam B Berry Llc
4325 Enterprises Llc A Bedford Adam Berry
4633 Gtr Ltd A Bennett Ada Mcalister
4a Energy Advisors Llc A Bennett Adam Christopher Cass
4b Properties Llc Aberdeen Investments Llc Adam Cohn Trust
4k Spooling Banding Sales & Abe Shippy Adam Focht
Service Abh Baxter Lp Adam Kampa
4t Site Services Inc Abigail Camilla Guenther Adam Listerman
4 Wheel Parts 1976 Trust Adam Morris
590 Madison Avenue Llc Abigail Kirkman Adam-Permian Enery
5j Oilfield Services Llc Ability Lock & Safe Co. Network
5mb Farms Llc A Bloom Adam Real
5-S Oil & Gas Llc Abraham Peters Adams Family Revoc Trust
911 Oil And Gas Llc A Brewer Adams Family Trust Dtd
A-1 Copy Bureau Absolute Total Staffing 5/12/2014
A-1 Sign Engravers Inc Accelerated Artificial Lift Adam Spikes
Aaa Management Llc Systems Adams Service Company Inc

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Adam Wickens Aes Drilling Fluids Permian Ajc Minerals Inc

Adam Wilmoth Llc A J Kellogg Llc
Ada Pfeiffer Aetna Life And Casualty A Joe & Ramona J Brooner
Ada Poole Bermuda Tr Dtd 123
Ada P Retherford Aew Employee Investors Llc A J Schott Trust
Ada Retheford Aew Ff Llc Ajw Land Group Llc
Ada R Scroggs Estate Aew Llc A Kelso
Ada S Eason Estate Aew Services Llc A Kent
Ada Seifert Af Consulting Llc Akita Compression Services
Ada Shaffer Affirmed Energy Resources Llc
Addtronics Afi Royalty Llc Aladdin Petroleum Corp
Adela F Mckown Afp Of Central Oklahoma Al A Greiner Trust
Adelaide W Hornberger Agape Oil & Gas Alana Hulsey
Revocable Tru Agave Energy Inc Alan A Lewter Revoc Trust
Adele Huey Sweeney Agency Services Clearing Alan Armstrong
Adele Love Agerb Llc Alan Barker
Adelia G Kilcrease Living Aggreko Llc Alan Becker
Trust Agi - The Easycopy Alan Bergstrom
Adeline F Lane Trust Company Alan Blakley
Adeline Stubblefield Ag Kaiser Estate Alan Brown
Adella Roth Agnes Humbred Alan Bullen
Adi Mccasland Agnes L Bittman Ttee Alan Evers
Ad Meese Agnes Leachman Bittman Alan Freeman
Admiral Square Inc Agnes Leachman Bittman Alan Frickenschmidt
Adobe Acquisitions Llc Agnes Lucas Alan Friedemann
Adolf C & Marie J Blechner Agnes Lucille Bennett Alan Golden
Jt Agnes Otjen Alan Hanner
Adolph Carcone Agnes Pier Alan Hannifin
Adolph Krejci Agnes Siegrist Alan Hansen
Adolph T & Florence A&G Reed Enterprises Llc Alan Hayden
Friedemann A Griffith Alan Hetherington
Adparo Llc A G S Limited Partnership Alan Holbrook
Adrean Royalties Llc A&H Incorporated Alan Howenstine
Adrean Wolf Corporation A H Morgan Alan J Shada
A & D Resources Llc Ahrberg Family Trust Alan J Shada And Jacqueline
Adrian Bolerjack Ahrnsbrak Living Tr Dtd 7- Shada
Adrianne Jack 18-96 Alan Katz
Adrian Watts Ai Energy Llc Alan L Cook 2003 Tr
Adrienne Suzanne Wynn Aileen Wimberly Agreement
Beauchamp Ailene F Martin Rev Trust Alan May
Adrik Wahl Ailene Martin Alan Mccroskey
Advocate Oil And Gas Llc Aimee Loyd Alanna C Smith Alanna
Adw Petroleum Lp Aimee Sims Caroline Smit
A E Basinger Jr & Ann B Aim To Please Llc Alan Nelson
Basinger Tr Ainslie Morton Alan N Gordon Family Tr
Aefc Airborne Investments Inc Alan Pennington
Aei Llc Airgas Inc Alan Reid
Aems Employee Holdings Air-O Heat & Air Alan Richardson
Llc Conditioning Inc Alan Schroeder
A-E Pet Co Partnership Ajay And Rupa Patel Alan Wall
Aes Drilling Fluids Llc Ajay Kumar Alan Webb

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Alan Westermier Albright Living Tr 11802 Alice Davis

Alan Willard Hoffman Alden F Bush Alice Devall
Alan W Keister Alderson Revocable Trust Alice F Kathryn Burns Rohus
Alastair Watson Aldridge Services Llc Tr
Alberta Geiser A Legrant Alice Green
Alberta Jean Reidle Alene Lewis Alice Griswold Foster
Alberta Linville A&L Energy Inc Alice Held
Alberta Louise Stumpff Aletha Bengs Alice Hess Decd
Alberta M Palmquist Irrev Aletheia Pty Limited Alice Holcomb
Trst Aletta Mae Alice J Wood & Charaine
Alberta Treasury Board And Alexa Groninger Wood Jts
Finance Alexa Hodges Alice Lamartiniere
Albert Barker Alexander Gates Alice Lasater
Albert Beebe Alexander Mays Alice Lena Haraway Trust
Albert Beekly Alexander Shor Alice L Fancher
Albert Crabtree Alexandra Moore Alice Mae Dougan-Leach
Albert D Mccall Living Trust Alex Hernandez Alice M Dennis
Albert E Bonte Trust Alexis Sharp Alice Musser
Alberteen Flint Family Trust Alex Morris Alice M. Zaloudek Family
Albert Fadem Alex Singer Royalty Tr No 1 Lp Zaloude
Albert Gluth Alford Bushby Alice Ogden
Albert Graybill Alford Rains Alice Orgain
Albert Holba Alfreada Crook Alice Patison
Albert Judson Alfreda Louise Tibbett Alice Prewitt Test Tr
Albert Knauss Alfreda Luster Alice Prewitt Trust
Albert Knauss Alfred Bamberg Alice Reininga Butler
Albert L & Cecile M Alfred Doty Alice Schafroth
Crabtree Trust Alfred E Gutman Corp Alice Steward
Albert L & Cecile M Alfred F Boudreau Jr Rev Alice Svelan
Crabtree Trust Trust Alice Urbano
Albert Leonard Jacob Jr Alfred Harding Alice Walck
Albert L Hemphill Rev Lvg Alfred Hicks Alice Wesner
Tr Alfred Luster Alice White
Albert Mcclain Esate Heirs Alfred Morgan Alice Zlotnick
Albert Meier Oil Llc Alfredo Salinas Alicia Breuil Lammerts
Albert Myers Alfred Owen Estate
Albert Neal Gist Alfred Peterman Alicia Hurst Woodard
Albert Nulty Alfred Smith Alicia Lammerts
Albert Peck And Charleen Alfred Talbot Alicia Parkman
Peck Alfred T Reece & Alicia Potvin
Albert Prior Alice Andres Alicia Renee Harmening
Albert Quick Alice Badger Dangott Trst Alisa Overton
Albert Silva Uwo Bj Ba Alisha Mcdonald
Albert Sumner Alice B Martin Family Trust Alishia Marriott
Albert Thatcher Alice B Prewitt Tr U/W/D Aljt Llc
Albert Warner 9/3/83 Allan Atkinson
Albert Washabaugh Alice Brammer Allan Fischer
Albert Wehe Alice Corbin Estate Heirs Allan Knapp
Albin Nordblom Alice C Richard & Allan L Janssen
Al & Bonnie Williams Living Alice C Richard Rev Liv Tr Allan L Peck
Trust D Alice Davis Allan Skouby

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Allan Wilson Allie And April Bridges Alta Wiggs

Allar Company Newton Altha Marriott
Allar Development Llc Allied Arts Foundation Inc Althoff Consulting &
Alldale Minerals Lp Allied Wireline Services Llc Exploration
Allegheny Energy Llc Allie Kay Linell Alt Llc
Allegiant Minerals Llc Allie Peoples Alton Reininga
Allegro Development Allie Reynolds Estate Al T Singletary Estate Decd
Corporation Alline R Pfeiffer Loving Alva Boyd
Allegro Royalty Pool Llc Trust Alva Burr
Allen Apblett Allison Gardner Alva Clingenpeel
Allen Axtell Allison Garner Alvajoe Pollock
Allen Broyles Allison Kanan Buckles Alvajoe Pollock Estate
Allen Busch Allison Lehr Alva Prentice Boyd
Allen Butler Allison N Buckle Alvarez & Marsal Business
Allen Chase All Mineral Ventures Llc Consultin
Allen C Kincheloe Lvng Trst Allonz Llc Alvaro J Lopez-Cayzedo
Allen C Lee All Pro Appliance Service Alva Tate
Allen Clements All Star Moving And Storage Alveda Juencke
Allen D Meese Allura Ford Alvie Thompson
Allen D Meese Family Rev Alma Bickley Alvina Rose Shearer
Tr Alma Donnell Alvin Carpenter
Allen Energy Investments Alma Fitzpatrick Alvin Coy & Linda Baker
Llc Alma Foster Fam Rev Tr
Allene Oliphant Mayo Trust Alma Jerome Alvin Crowell
Allene Wickman Alma King Alvin Cunningham
Allen Fred Axtell Alma Louise Kautz Alvin Despain
Allen Henke Alma Mae Hamilton Alvin Duke
Allen Hobson Alma Mae Hamilton Alvin E And Dixie G Hayes
Allen Jeffries Alma Thomas Rev Trust
Allen Johnson Aln Resources Corporation Alvin F Buchanan Rev Trust
Allen Kennedy Aloah Dressen Alvin G Hinkle Rev Trust
Allen Ledbetter Alois Ralston Alvin Glick
Allen Lockett Alonzo Ford Testamentary Tr Alvin Iverson Decd
Allen Miller Alora Rea Alvin Jerome
Allen Parelman A Louise Poling Living Tr Alvin Kottke
Allen Rathole Inc Dtd 2-22- Alvin Lee Dowell Life Estate
Allen Ray Laws And Penny Alpadach Llc Alvin O Turner
Michelle L Alpha Bower Alvin Roelse
Allen Sweet Alpha Inspection Services Alvin Ross
Allen Trapp Llc Alvin R Wright
Allen Webb Alpha Longan Alvin Strait
Allen Wiggs Alpha Ventures Llc Alvin Winton
Allen Williamson Alred Joseph Bamberg, Iii Alvin Woodruff
Allford Hall Monaghan Alspaugh Holdings, Llc Alvis Goforth
Morris Alspaw Ranch Company Ltd Alyssa Benson Trust
Allford Ivester Green Alta Barker Alyssa Lutz
Alliance Careers Ii Inc Alta Decd Amaciula Llc
Alliance Financial Resources Alta Jane Anderson Estate A Mahlandt
Llc Alta J Wilson Tr Dtd 4-28- Amanda Boyaci
Alliancehealth Woodward 2014 Amanda & Brandon
Alliance Maintenance Inc Alta Kirby Amanda Demoss

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Amanda Drinnon American Mineral Partners Amy Meyer

Amanda Harmon Wood Llc Amy Phillips
Amanda Harvey American Minerals Inc Amy Radcliff
Amanda Hendricks American Mineral Solutions Amy Schad
Amanda Hogan Llc Amy Shortall Bullock
Amanda Kangas American National Red Amy Wilsey
Amanda Kontor Cross Anadarko E&P Onshore Llc
Amanda Moore Deal American Natural Gas Anadarko Partners Ii Lp
Amanda Warrington Alliance Inc Anadarko Petroleum Corp
Amber Page American Petroleum Institute Anadarko Petroleum
Amber Switzer Mayes American Solutions For Corporation
Amber Trent Business Analee Smith
Amber Whitman Ameriflow Energy Serivces Analytical & Materials
Ambrose Construction Llc Llc Engineering
Amcon Resources Inc Amerisource Energies Inc Ana Montufar
Amelia Garrison Ameritex Petroleum Llc Anasaz Llc
Amelia Jane Douglas Amile Beuchaw Ana S Berry Revocable Trust
Humpries Est Amin Noor Anathalee Sandlin
Amelia Mcintyre Ami Swank A N Boatman
Amended Ledgerwood Amk Inc Anchor Drilling Fluids Usa
Family Rev Tr Ammon Wengerd Inc
A Mendel A Montgomery Anchor Exploration
Amerada Hess Corporation A Montgomery Decd Company
Amerex Cp Amorio Llc Ancova Energy Llc
American Cancer Society Amos Galpin Living Trust And Barbara H Toelkes
American Diabetes Amos Galpin Living Trust And Connie Sue Walker Hw
Association Amos Marriott Jt
American Electric Power Amp Miller And Donna Byram As Joint
American Energy Aviation Ams Energy Ventures Llc Tenants
Llc Amshot Solutions Llc Andele Llc, An Okla Ltd
American Energy Aviation Amy Beth Dickens Liabiity Co
Llc Amy Beth Powell Anderson Estes
American Energy Aviation Amy Burton Anderson Family Revoc Tr
Llc Amy Cronin Anderson Family Trust
American Energy Amy Duren Anderson King Energy
Management Amy Gaydos Consultants Ll
American Energy Minerals Amy Hafner Anderson Living Tr Dtd 9-
Holdings L Amy Harwood 15-1999
American Energy Swim Club Amy Henley Anderson Living Trust
American Energy - Utica Amy Hunter Anderson Tinker Estate
Minerals Ll Amy Isbell Johnson Andrea A. Duncan
American Energy Woodford Amy Kay Williams Andrea A Howser
Llc Amy Lane Andrea Brown
American Exploration Amy Lee Miller Andrea Crook
Acquisition-Iv Amy Lemmerman Barnhart Andrea Finch
American Geophysical Amy L Hafner Andrea Garlett
Corporation Amy Long Andrea Green
American Innovations Ltd Amy Lynn Andrea Haken
American Innovative Royalty Amy Marie Schulz Andrea Jerome
American Manifold Inc. Amy Melina Lynn Trust Ua Andrea L. Tillett & William
Gerald T T C. Bart

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Andrea Malzahn Angela H Bishop Trust Anita R. Musgrave Rev Liv

Andrea Margaret Volturo Angela Jack Bachman Tr
Andrea Mchendry Angela K Overton Anita Robinson
Andrea Metzger Angela Luster Anita Rush
Andrea Moravec Angela Martino Anita Ryker
Andrea Patterson Angela M Dobbs Anita Sawyer Campbell
Andrea Perkins Angela Michelle Belford Anita Seabolt
Andrea S Kemendo Irrev Angela Overholt Anita Silvernail
Trust Angela Pastorelli Anita Sue Burns
Andrea Soto Angela Reeg Anita Thulin
Andrea Tillett Or Lionell E Angela Reininga Anita Ward
Tillett Angela Sanders Anita Whorton
Andrew Adams Angela Shields Anja Hale
Andrew Bambrough Angela Wilson Anna Anderson
Andrew Bowden Angeleada Green Anna Appleman
Andrew Combs Angel Galinato Anna Arb Williams
Andrew Deck Angelina Larsen Rogers Annabel Chadwick
Andrew Evans Angel Moore Anna Belle Henson Estate
Andrew Fowler Angie Stoll-Ellis Anna Brake
Andrew Green Angle Oil Company Anna Byrd Trust
Andrew Hanzlicek Anibel Stevenson Anna Callahan
Andrew Henderson Anice Jacob Dobbs Anna Carpenter
Andrew Hickam (Deceased) Anna Carter
Andrew J Streck Animas Energy Group Llc Anna Coley
Andrew Kezer Anissa Fabrizio Anna Evera
Andrew M Heller Ttee Anissa Grounds Anna Haven
Andrew Michael Potter Anita Aufleger Aka Anita Anna Junia Doan Properties
Andrew Miller Shellhamme Llc
Andrew Peery Anita Balch Anna Kennedy
Andrew Perkins Anita Betts Anna Lawrie
Andrew Poldrugach Anita Chambers Anna Lee Eason Trst Fbo
Andrews Family Holding Co Anita Christensen Virginia We
Llc Anita Claire Hughes & Annalee Fuller
Andrews Farm Tr Dtd 7-11- Anita Crane Anna L Ely
11 Anita Decd Anna Levi
Andrew Snyder Anita Faust Revocable Trust Anna Lightle
Andrew Stewart Anita Friedemann Anna Little
Andrew Thomas Anita Gayle Marriott Ann Allen
Andrew Thompson Anita Good Ann Allstatt Ewing
Andy Archer Anita Grimes Ann Alspaugh
Andy Moore Anita Gutierrez Anna Marie Dovre Freeman
Andys Custom Guns Inc Anita Humphrey Decd Anna M Lane
Andy Tinker Anita Jacobson Anna Onka
A New Leaf Floral Inc Anita Kaufman Anna Onka Le
Angela Atkinson Anita Lane Anna Pulliamand William
Angela Baker Anita Lund Decd Luke Orcutt
Angela Elliott Fulton Anita Mathers Anna Rush
Angela Farrington O Donnell Anita Niederstadt Anna Rush Le
Angela Freeny & Or C Anita Norris Anna Ruuttila
Duane Freeny Anita Rice Faust Annastazia Welch
Angela H Bishop Revoc Tr Ann Atkins

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Anna Ward Cleland Annette Phillips Antero Resources

Ann Beeson Annette Schneider Corporation
Ann Bender Annette S Mcraven Anthony Amigo
Ann Benson Annette Thompson Anthony Bentley
Ann Berkowick Ann Evick Anthony Boudreau
Ann Berry Anne Willis Anthony Chase
Ann Bilyeu Gentry Anne Winston Allen Life Anthony Cooper
Ann Black Tenant Anthony Corte
Ann Bradford Simmons Trust Ann Farmere Anthony Descher
Ann Brentlinger Ann Focht Anthony Echelle
Ann Butler Ann Hansen Anthony Energy Llc
Ann C Crandall Ann Heckart Anthony Energy Ltd
Ann Coffin Ann Houston Anthony Etez Deceased
Ann Cooper Annie Hobbs Anthony & Evelyn Dean Trst
Ann C Williams Annie Porter Anthony Heiring Estate
Ann Detwiler Annie Wright Decd Anthony Holli Ferrara
Ann Dickson Lissau Trust Ann Imbese Anthony J & Evelyn O Dean
Ann Dyer Wardlaw Ann Johnson Trust
Anne Alcott Ann Klein Anthony John Sateri Trust
Anne Bosworth Ann K Wildgen Anthony L Bates
Anne C. Higgins Ann Laughlin Anthony Ramona Imry Jt
Anne Cleary Steninger Ann Lochmiller Anthony Reding
Anne Crawford Ann Malburg Anthony Rudkin
Anne Crawford Deceased Ann Miraglio Revocable Anthony Storey
Anne Gattis Trust Anthony Sullivan
Anne Gavin Ann Moore Anthony Tarrant
Anne Knapp Ann M Shaw Trust Anthony W Antolic
Anne Lapuzza Ann Roginson Nader As Ttee Antioch College
Anne Mahoney Ann Shannon Cassidy Baker Antioch Operating Llc
Annemarie Heiden Gysbers Trustee Anton Joe Dudek Revocable
Anne Marleen Douglass Ann Shurtz Trust
Henderson Rev Ann Stan Llc Anvik Energy Interests Inc
Anne Moran Ann/Stan Llc Aogm Energy Fund
Anne N Kelly Ttee Ann Stewart Doyle Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc
Anne Phelps Ann Stone Aon Risk Services Southwest
Anne Pundt Mciver Ann Stone Inc
Anne Ragsdale Dodd Ann Sutherland Aos Llc
Anne Reece Ann Swank Rev Living Trust Apache Corporation
Anne Sherwood Ann Talburt Frazier Ttee Apache Deepwater Llc
Anne Shults Ann Weaver Rev Trust Apex Resources Llc
Anne Sloan Ann Williamson Serafino Appalachian Springs Llc
Anne Taubman Descendants Anoatubby For Governor Appea Limited
Trust Anr Pipeline Company Apple Rock Inc
Annetta K Shelton Ansel Dale Sharp Decd Applied Flow Technology
Annetta Rice Answer Service Of Mcalester Corporation
Annette Birk Anteaus Holdings Ltd. April Carson
Annette Casto Antelope Hills Partner Lp April Collier
Annette Casto Antelope Rev Lvg Trust April D Cunningham
Annette Descher Antelope Revocable Living April Elizabeth Tucker
Annette Hillman Trust Dat April Scott
Annette Kauk April S Drake

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April Snow Arlie Thomason Arthur Delrup

Apss Inc Arlie Tomlinson Arthur D Hulet
Aquaenco Inc Arlinda Moore Arthur Duncan
Aracari Ventures Llc Arline Patten Arthur E Clark
Arahluzette Rutter Arlington Petroleum Llc Arthur Edmundson Decd
Aramark Refreshment Arlin Loy Arthur E Shotts Estate
Services Arlin Watson Arthur Hiday Heirs Of
Arapahoe Resources Llc Arlis Smith Arthur Hoffman
Arapaho Land Company Arlita Ferrell Arthur J Berg Deceased
Arapaho Land Company Arlone Wilson Arthur J Gallagher Risk
L.L.C. Arlon Ray Enmeier Management
Arbuckle Enterprises Inc Arlyne Hamburger Arthur L Knox
Arbuckle Mineral Llc Armada Energy Corp Arthur M And Candace Clark
Arcadia Capital Aviation Armada Pressure Control H&W
Company Ll Armada Pressure Control Llc Arthur Mier
Arcadia Capital Llc Arm Energy Management Arthur Nelson
Archer Pearl Energy Ltd Llc Arthur Nuckols
Archibald Mcneill Arm Leasing & Title Llc Arthur Smith
Archie Fassnacht Armstrong Relocation Arthur Vanlandingham
Archie & Gwendolyn Reed Armstrong Tool Llc Arthur Wayne Meyer Estate
Tst Armstrong Tool Llc Arthur W & Betty Daugherty
Archie Shirley Gaches Jt Arnel Sharp Tr
Archie Thomas Arnett Moore Arthur Webb
Archrock Partners Operating Arnold Ahrnsbrak Decd Arthur White
Llc Arnold Beier Artie Wells
Arctic Royalty Limited Arnold D Fagin Trust A Rupp
Arden Schwandt Arnold M And Paddy G Aruther Mier
Ardeth Jones Levick Trust Arvest Bank
Ardith Gastineau Arnol Shafer Arvil Flippin
Argee Company Arp Oklahoma Llc Arvilla M West Trust
Argus Media Inc Arrakeen Resource Ltd Arvilla West Rev Tr Agmt
Ariel Brumley Company Asa Lee Testamentary Tr
Arjuna Llc Arrey Walton Trust Ascend Resources Llc
Arkenco Ltd Arrington Davis Llc Ascent Midstream Partners
Arkoma Power & Energy Co Arrow 175 Llc Llc
Arkoma Tanks Llc Arrowhead Resources Inc Ascent Resources - Marcellus
Arla Mendenhall Arrow Machinery Inc Llc
Arleene Gay White Arrow Oil & Gas Llc Ascent Resources Operating
Arleen Rein Ars Exploration Llc Llc
Arlene Bernice Dougherty Arthritis Foundation Inc Ascent Resources - Utica Llc
Rev Tr Arthur Allen Asc Inc
Arlene Douglas Arthur Brown Asher Enterprises
Arlene Knight Arthur Burki Ashley Adele Bennett
Arlene Mercer Arthur Burki Ashley Investment Company
Arlene Philipp Arthur Carriers Ashley Mae Newman
Arlene Simmons Arthur Choate Ashley Marie Miller Pr Int Tr
Arlene Simpson Arthur Clark Ashley Mayfield
Arlene Stubblefield Arthur Coggins Ashley Moses
Arlene Terbrush Arthur Crosby Ashley Waeger
Arlene Wilson Arthur Daugherty Ashurst Australia
Arlie Parrish Arthur Deirup Decd A Smith

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Asm Petroleum Llc Aufleger-Garrett A Bagwell No 3 Family

Aspen Land And Exploration Partnership Limited Partner
Co Augerhead Oil Llc Bagwell No 6 Family Ltd
Aspen Leaf Llc Augusta Chappell Partnership
Aspen Minerals Llc Augusta Land Llc Baha Resources Llc
Aspen Technology Inc Augusta Mann Bailey Broadie
Asset Recovery Management Augustus Boyd Bailey C Hanes
Services August Willms Trust Bailey's Paving Co
Associated Resources August Zellmer Baird Forklift & Trucking
Association Of Corporate Ault's Oil & Gas Llc Llc
Counsel Aura Hoon Baj Investment Company Llc
Astoria Holdings Llc Aurila Pritchett Bakercorp
Astoria Oil Llc Austin C & Carla Sue Martin Baker Family Revocable
Asunidohi Land And Cattle Hwjt Trust
Llc Austin Dennis Baker Family Trust
Atchley Resources Inc Austin G Clements Baker Land And Cattle Co
Atha M Hicks Tr Austin Hogsett Llc
Athan Inc Austin Kirkwood-Denney Baker Oil And Gas Inc
Athan Inc Austin Royalties Llc Baker Recovery Inc
Atinum Midcon I Llc Austin Schad Balancing Interest
A & T Investments Austin Shirley Balboa Production Company
Atique A Khan Austin Tyler Kirkwood- Baldwin Living Trust
Atkinson Family Trust Denney Balon Corporation
Atkinson Royalty Company Automation Integrated Llc Bambi Vogele
Llc Autry Group Llc B. A. Miller Investments Llc
Atlas Drilling Llc Autumn Dobbs Bancfirst
Atlas Exploration & Ava Amelia Richey Estate Bancfirst
Production Llc Ava Armstrong Banco Panamericano Inc
At Last Properties Llc Avedis Foundation Bandera Minerals Iii Llc
Atomic Capital Minerals Llc Avl Systems Design Bandera Minerals L.L.C.
Atrium Llc Avrome Schuman Trust Bandera Minerals Llc
Ats Energy Awad Construction Llc B Anderson
At&T Mobility Awad Investments Lp Bank Commissioner Of
At Your Service A Wasson Oklahoma
Aubrey Mcclendon Awc Inc Bank Of America
Auburn Energy Ltd A Williamson Bank Of America Na
Audra Baxter Axel Hansen Bank Of America Na As
Audra Decd Axiom Llc Trustee
Audra Kent Ayers T Dilly Estate Bank Of America Na As
Audrey Dale Aynora Stratton Trustee
Audrey Hassing Azteca Holdings Llc Bank Of Cushing
Audrey Kallenberger Aztec Exploration Inc Bank Snb
Audrey Magner Baber Investments Lp Bank Snb National
Audrey Milczark Babette Duncan Assoication
Audrey Pace B & A Bradford Family Lp Baptist Trinity Lutheran
Audrey Palmer Babst Calland Clements & Legacy Fdn
Audrey Parks Zomnir Pc Barbara A Cole-Cochran Life
Audrey Smith Bad Company Llc Estate
Audrey Stanart Badger Pressure Control Llc Barbara A Corley
Audry Divens Badger Royalty Company Barbara A Craig
Badon Hill Inc Barbara Anderson

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Barbara Ann Ames Barbara Holman Barbara Ochs

Barbara Ann Biggerstaff Barbara Iverson Barbara Parks
Barbara Ann Mosbacher Tr Barbara Jane Marion Barbara Payne
Barbara Ann Portenier Barbara Janette Kyle Barbara Pierce
Barbara Ann Williams Barbara J Corder Barbara Pittman
Barbara A Trent Barbara Jean Hodson Tr Dtd Barbara Ponder
Barbara Austin 10-10-20 Barbara Pratt
Barbara Baker Barbara J Franks Barbara Ramsey
Barbara Baskett Barbara J French Rev Trust Barbara Redman
Barbara Beyer Barbara J Herendeen Barbara Rhoads
Barbara Beyer Gumerson Barbara J Holt Family Trust Barbara Roberson
Barbara Beyer Gumerson Barbara J Howard Barbara Robertson
Barbara Billings Johnson Barbara J Kernke Rev Tr Dtd Barbara Robertson
Barbara Birt 6-18-91 Barbara Rose
Barbara B Johnson Living Barbara Joan Grant Barbara Rose
Trust Barbara Johnson Barbara Ross
Barbara Blewett Trust Barbara Johnson Barbara Ruhl
Barbara Bowles Barbara Johnston Barbara Schweer
Barbara Burnham Barbara Jones Allison Barbara S Flynn Family Trust
Barbara Burris Barbara J Pate Trustee Barbara Sheridan
Barbara Caldwell Barbara J (Stayton) Barbara Smallwood
Barbara Caldwell Christensen Barbara Smith
Barbara Charske Barbara June Armstrong Barbara Smith
Barbara Clark Barbara Kannard Barbara Smith
Barbara Coltharp Barbara Kapka Barbara Spurgeon
Barbara Contreras Barbara Karp Barbara Staley
Barbara Courtright Barbara Kay Zerfoss Barbara Stevens
Barbara Cummins Barbara Kehew Barbara Stone
Barbara Cunningham Barbara Killeen Barbara Stratton
Barbara Dale Detwiler Life Barbara Kirk Barbara Sue Bryant
Estate Barbara Lafon Barbara Sue Hudgins
Barbara Dallow Barbara L And Ronald L Barbara Summers
Barbara Davenport Norwood Barbara Tarrant
Barbara Dekwiatkowski Barbara Lasater Barbara Tener Clark
Barbara Delaney Barbara Levisay Barbara Terrel
Barbara Dismukes Barbara L Hoberecht Barbara T Guthneck
Barbara Downer Barbara L Lawson Llc Barbara Thompson
Barbara Ebert Barbara Longan Barbara Toelkes
Barbara E Chapman Barbara Lord Barbara T Overholt Family
Barbara Farris Barbara L Skinner Tr
Barbara Franklin Barbara Manaraze Barbara Uhrig
Barbara Gabrish Barbara Marler Barbara Underhill
Barbara Gabrish Barbara Mccarthy Barbara Vankirk
Barbara G Cavett Tr Barbara Mccarthy Barbara Wagner
Barbara Goldie Barbara Mcrill Barbara Walton
Barbara Gonderman Barbara Mock Barbara Webb
Barbara Hageman Barbara Morris Barbara Wells
Barbara Henke Russell Barbara Moss Barbara White
Barbara Henke Russell Barbara Myers Barbara Wilkins
Barbara Henke Trust Barbara Nealis Barbara Williams
Barbara Herron Barbara Nichols Barbara Williams

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Barbara Wolf Revocable Barton G Douglas Beatrice Bubke

Living Trust Bart W Brorsen 1993 Rev Beatrice & Howard Kerfoot
Barbara Zerfoss Trust Family Tr
Barbarian Oil Co Llc Barwin Lllp Beatrice Pitts
Barber-Dyson Ford-Lincoln- Baseline Energy Services Lp Beau Emmons
Mercury Baseline Minerals Llc Beau Sullivan
Barber Exploration Basement Exploration Llc Beau's Wine Bin & Spirit
Barcie Denton Basin Royalty Company Shoppe
Barclay Living Trust Dtd 11- Basin Ventures Llc Beaver County Local
11-1992 Bass Fishing & Rentals Llc Emergency Plann
Barden Bass Oil And Gas Batchelor Family Trust Beaver Excavating Company
Exploration B Athey Beaver Lake Exploration Inc
Barefoot Minerals Llc Baxter Cheung Bechtold Living Trust
Bari Lee Bayer Heritage Federal Bechtold Living Trust B Dtd
Barlow Properties Llc Credit Union 12-5-96
Barnes Law Pllc Bayshore Minerals Llc Beckham Holdings Trust
Barney And Assoociates Baytide Petroleum Inc Beck Oilfield Supply Inc
Barnwell Of Canada Ltd. Baytide Petroleum Inc Beck Resources Incorporated
Baron Exploration Co Baytide Petroleum Inc. Beck Trust B
Barree & Associates Llc Bay Trust Becky Cable
Barrett Energy Partners Llc Bay View Funding Becky Castor
Barri Bartlett B Bar B Land & Cattle Llc Becky Garrett
Barron Kidd Agency Bb Capps Becky Gonzalez
Barron Oil L.L.C. B & B Gas Well Service Llc Becky Harvel
Barry Allen And Michelle B&B Holdings Llc Becky L Broyles Crews And
Marie B Braly Charles R
Barry Armer B Browning Becky L & Charles R Crews
Barry Axtell Bb Royalty Partnership Becky Lennox
Barry Ball Bbr Properties Llc Becky Osmond
Barry Blake Bbx Oil Corporation Becky Shelley
Barry Cohen Bcf Group Fund 1 Becky V Helems & Jerry D
Barry Farms Llc Bcf Group Fund I Extension Helems Jt
Barry Harting Bc Minerals Llc Beebe Exploration
Barry Hunt Bc Productions Llc Beena Trivedi
Barry Jordan Bd Art & Drafting Supplies Beerworth & Partners
Barry K Pagel Ltd Limited
Barry L Warner B Delta Minerals Llc Befour Oil & Gas Inc
Barry L Warner Bd Fairchild Belinda Kritz
Barry Pollard Bdg Systems Llc Belinda Upshaw
Bart Brorsen Bdk Enterprises Llc Bella Daniel Trust
Bart Byrd Beach Fire Energy Llc Belle Trace Resources Llc
Bart Dobbs Beachum Resources Llc Bell Family Minerals Llc
Barter Island Oil Co Beacon Club Inc Bell Family Revocable Trust
Barth P Walker Descendants Beagles Revocable Trust Bell Properties Inc
Trust Beall 2011 Revocable Trust Bell Supply Company Llc
Bartlett Family Exemption Beams Minerals Company A Belmont Energy Partners Llc
Trust Pshp Belva Mabra
Bartley Dolezal Bear Creek Energy Llc Belva Spencer
Bartley Pickens Beasley Oil Company Ben And Barbara Pate Living
Bart L Foster Iii And Gayla C Beast Mode Personal Trust
Barton Brorsen Training Llc

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Ben And Erma M Penrod Bentley Flooring Inc Berry L Mcmillan

Jtwros Bentley & Son Tank Truck Berry M Johnson
Ben Berg & Carolyn E Services Berry M Johnson 2003 Trust
Shirley Mgmt T Bentsen Development Co Agrmt
Ben Carlsen Ben Wald Berry Oil & Gas Llc
Benchmark Energy Transport Ben Weinberger Berry Petroleum Corporation
Services Ben Wesley Berry Phillips
Ben Christians Beren Corporation Bert Blumer
Ben Decd Bergen Minerals Llc Bert Brundage
Bendel Ventures, Lp1 Berger Management Co Bert D. Briscoe Tr Dtd. 7-28-
Bender O&G Llc Berkeley Hall School 2000
Bender Oil Ltd Bermuda Hill Holdings Llc Bert Dixon
Ben Goetz Bernadette Frederick Bert Fox
Ben Horton Bernadette Krechmar Bertha A Burroughs Estate
Benita Duncan Bernadette Kretchmar Bertha Holcomb Duncan
Benita Lighty Bernadette Martinez Bertha Marie
Benito Mike Garcia & Geri L Bernadette Wolfswinkel Bertha May Rushmore Tr
Garcia Bernadine Knotts Bertha May Rushmore Trust
Benjamin Bocell Bernadine L Knot Revocable Dtd 4707
Benjamin Butts Trust Bertha Mcneill
Benjamin Corts Estate Bernal Resources Llc Bertha Shiever
Benjamin Davis Bernard & Barbara Luttmer Bertha Smith
Benjamin Doren Trust Bertie K Foster Trust
Benjamin Eshleman Bernard Flock Bertie Sue Sumpter
Benjamin Franklin Jr Bernard Gordon Decd Bert Lemarr
Benjamin French Bernard Shimanek Bert Nelson
Benjamin Hamil Bernard Shimanek & Linda Bert Phillips
Benjamin Leon Baker Shimanek Bert Whitesides
Benjamin Linduff Berneice Shaw Bert Whitesides Estate
Benjamin Richlieu Branch Berneita Boesch Bess Dawson Bailey
Benjamin Robertson Bernice A Gilchrist Life Bessie Baker
Benjamin Robinson Estate Bessie Butcher Boyle Trust
Benjamin R Wietholter Bernice Bailey Bessie Carden
Benjamin Shaw Bernice Kelly Bessie Cato Decd
Benjamin Shoemaker Bernice R Hudspeth Bessie Cole
Benjamin Snyder Bernice Spillers Rev Liv Tr Bessie Giovando
Ben K Harper Bernice Wallis Bessie Johnson
Ben Kilpatrick Bernice Webb Bessie J Tanner
Ben L. Pate Family Trust Berniece Garsee Bessie Lee Stagner
Ben L Tario Robertson Llc Berniece Hawkins Bessie L Whelan Trust
Bennett Jones Llp Berniece R Harrison Bessie May
Bennett Paul Finnell Bernie Landis Bessie M Hitpold
Bennie Allen Bernie Mchugh Bessie Moore
Bennie Henke & Iva P Henke Berridge Living Trust Dtd 7- Bess M Perryman Trst
Hwjt 26-1999 Bess Perryman
Bennie Robertson Berry 13-1mh Ri Owners Bess Thompson
Bennie R & Patricia G Clark Berry 19-1wx Ri Owners Best Oilfield Service Inc
Benny Shaffer Berry 19-1wx Wi Owners Beta Oil Company
Benny Wilder Deceased Berry Family Investments Beth Ann Holcomb-Flowers
Benson & Manuel Llc Llc Bethany Cullinen
Benson Mineral Group Inc Berry Holdings Llc Bethany Eaves

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Bethany Theological Betty Burnett Betty J Hodges Trust

Seminary Betty Cheatham Betty Jo Banks
Bethany Vasquez Betty Claflin Betty Joyce Barnes & Bob L
Beth Arnold Betty Colleen Cassiday Barnes H
Beth Beckwith Betty Cox Betty J Wayman Trust
Beth Chapman Betty Cross Betty Keith
Beth Coker Betty Cummings Betty Kendrick
Bethel Foundation Betty Curtis Betty Kerns
Bethel Miller Betty Davis Gibson Betty Kirk
Beth Ford Living Trust Betty D Berg Ttee Betty Kirkwood
Beth Hopper Betty Decd Betty Kitchen
Bethlehem Baptist Church Betty Driskel Betty L Combs Stephenson
Beth Livingston Betty Dry Betty L Combs Stephenson
Beth Meyer Bettye Evans Betty Lee Habben Lvg Trust
Beth Michael Bettye Ferguson Revocable Betty Lewis
Beth Pederson Trust Betty Leyshion
Beth Stasny Betty Ehe Betty L Fitch Fam Tr
Beth Watkins Betty Ellen Vick & Donald D Betty Liston
Beth Watkins Vick Hw Betty L Kindschiliving Trust
Betsy May James Betty Estes Betty L Mccandless Rev
Betsy Petty Betty Faul Trust
Betsy Primacio Betty Fishburn Betty Longan
Betsy Robinson Betty Foote Betty Loosen Kuehn
Betsy Stephenson Betty Frazier Betty Louise Craft
Betsy Tussey Betty Freeman Betty L Prince
Betsy Wilder Betty French Betty Marler
Bette Butterworth Betty Gallagher Betty Mathis
Bette Fletcher Betty Garrett Betty Mcdaniel
Bette L Wright Living Trust Betty Geis Betty M Cernosek 2009 Rev
Bette Mayer Betty Hackmey Tr
Bettie Jones Betty Haning Perkins Betty Mcquerry
Bettie Smith Betty Hays Betty Mitchell
Bettijo Starr Betty Hilderbrand Betty Mock
Bettty Mcintire Aka Betty Betty Hildwein Betty Moore
Lou Savor Betty Hudson Betty Noble Shor
Betty Allen Betty Hudspeth Wallin Betty Oakes
Betty Anderson Betty Javine Living Trust Betty Olsson
Betty Anne Q Bush Betty J Barnes & Bob L Betty Pepis Testamentary
Betty Bates Revocable Trust Barnes Ttees Trust
Betty Beverage Betty J Bridwell Trust Betty Pepis Trust
Betty Bilyeu Betty Jean Buchanan Family Betty Phillips
Betty Black Terrry Trust Betty Pine
Betty Blackwell Betty Jean Buss Trust U-T-D Betty Pratt
Betty Bohn Trust 4-1-199 Betty Redford
Betty Bower Betty Jean Jardot Betty Riddle
Betty Brian Betty Jean Terrill Betty R Osborn Trust
Betty Bridwell Betty Jewel Carver Betty Rowley
Betty Briscoe Betty J Heldenbrand Rev Betty Shelby
Betty Brown Trust Betty Smith
Betty Brown Betty J Helton (Deceased) Betty Smith Struck
Betty Broyles Harper Betty J Hiebert Betty Spires

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Betty Stewart Beverly Dawn Darnell Living Beverly Young

Betty Stratton Trust Bevo Production Co
Betty Street Beverly Dickson Philbeck Bgm Production Llc
Betty Strickler Beverly Doherty Decd B&G Production Inc
Betty S Wente Beverly Flint B&G Royalties
Betty Taber Beverly Fowler Bgt Minerals Llc
Betty Thomas Beverly F Whitley Lvg Tr Bha Llc
Betty Turner Beverly Gayle Goins Estate Bhch Mineral Ltd
Betty Tylander Beverly G Harris Trust Bhch Properties Ltd
Betty Wall Beverly Goff Bhl Boresight Inc
Betty Warner Beverly Goom Clarke Estate B Hodges
Betty Waters Beverly Groom B&H Photo - Video
Betty Waugh Beverly Gullett Bible Baptist Church
Betty Whalen Beverly Hartman Bible Missionary Church Inc
Betty Wilson Beverly Hewitt Bickerstaff Associates Inc
Betty Worthy Beverly High Bico Drilling Tools Inc
Betty Zipper Beverly Hotz Bidwell Family Tr
Beulah Dailey Beverly Ira Bieber Services Inc
Beulah Decd Beverly Jean Baker Big Creek Church Of
Beulah Freeman Beverly Jean Basic Medical Brethren
Beulah Monroe Research Big Cypress Energy Llc
Beulah M Walker Successor Beverly J Mealer Big E Services Llc
Ttee Beverly Jo Jayne Bighorn Construction
Beulah Sinclair Beverly J Terry Living Trust Big Horn Minerals Llc
Beva Branson Stewart Beverly Kay Campbell Big Iron Crane & Trucking
Beveridge & Diamond Pc Beverly Kegin Llc
Beverley Tully Beverly Mcdonald Big J Tank Truck Service Inc
Beverley Tully Trust Dated Beverly Mcgugin Big Lake Chamber Of
10-14-20 Beverly Montgomery Commerce
Beverly A Bedient Beverly Morgan Big Lake Ranch Llc
Beverly A Briscoe Trust Beverly Pavel Big Red Furniture
Beverly A Brohlin Beverly Phillips Warehouse
Beverly Alexander Beverly Pickle Big Sky Mineral Trust
Beverly A Lunn Beverly Poston Big State X-Ray Inc
Beverly Ann Cockriel Beverly Regier Big T Enterprises Inc. A
Beverly Anne Retherford Beverly Rhymes Texas
Beverly Ann Voss Beverly Rodolf Bilinda Development Co Ltd
Beverly Austin Beverly Sanders Bill And Phyllis Green Jt
Beverly A Wenger Beverly Slater Bill And Rose M Beattie
Beverly Baker Beverly Sloan Bill Arnold
Beverly Barnes Beverly Smith Bill Aufleger
Beverly Berends Beverly Spencer Bill Bentley
Beverly Bradley Beverly Stark Bill Bernhardt Jr
Beverly Bronner Beverly Sue Montgomery Bill Breeden
Beverly Cass Estate Bill C Roten
Beverly Clary Baker Beverly Supplee Bill C Weinand
Beverly Corbett Beverly Tabor Osborn Bill Driskel
Beverly Cummins Beverly Whitley Bill Dungan
Beverly Cummins 1993 Irrev Beverly Williams Bill Elliott
Trust Dt Beverly Williamson Bill Focht
Beverly Daniel Beverly Wood Bill G

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Bill Gale Billy Billy Renison

Bill Green Billy Bartram Billy Retherford
Bill Green Billy Biswell Billy R Mcdanel
Bill Griffin Billy Blackburn Billy Rounds
Bill G Spencer Consulting Lp Billy Bradford Billy Sanders
Bill Harwell Billy Brake Billy Schurkens
Bill Horn Billy Carmack Billy Shippy
Billie Brumley Billy Clay Billy Smith And Sally W
Billie Crabtree Billy D Antle Smith Jt
Billie Edwards Billy D Hafner Lvg Trust Dtd Billy Stewart
Billie Ellington 6-19-1 Billy Strider
Billie Frances Belcher Billy Douglas Billy Tate
Billie Gibson Billy D Smith & Connie Sue Billy Turner
Billie Griffin Smith Hw Billy Young
Billie Ham Billy Duane Murray Billy Young
Billie Ham Billye Golding Bilmer Company Inc
Billie Holzer Anderson Billy Frank Johnston Bird 2000 Limited
Billie Hosler Billy Freeborn Partnership
Billie Jean Elkins Billy Gene Edwards Trust Birdie Oil & Gas Llc
Billie Johnson Billy Hicks And Linda L Birmingham Corporation
Billie Jo Spleth Trust Hicks Bison Energy Corporation
Billie K Shaw Living Trust Billy Hurd Biswas Commercial Ventures
Billie Lile Billy Jack Sharber Operating Bixby Properties Llc
Billie Lund & Bjog Llc
Billie Madison Billy Jack Sharber Operating Bj Oilfield Service Llc
Billie Mccoy Llc Bka Llc
Billie Owens And Stephanie Billy J Ellington B Kannady Investments Llc
L Sargen Billy J Huffer & Sue Huffer Bk Cook Family Lp
Billie Roff Harmon Rev Tr Bkg Resources Llc
Billie Shanahan Billy J Jezek Rev Trust Bkp Llc
Bill Irvin Land Services Llc Billy J & Joyce L Gazaway Bk Red Dirt Farmers Llc
Bill Kelley Billy Joe Human Bkrk Investments Ltd
Bill Layden Billy Joe Human & Jean Bk Royalty Joint Venture
Bill Lloyd Hines Tr Human Hwjt Blackbird Production Llc
Bill Mcclain Estate Heirs Billy J Watkins Blackcat Oil Company
Bill M & Elizabeth M Billy Kautz Black Diamond Investments
Sossamon Hw Jt Billy Kay Llc
Bill Moore Billy Keith Black Diamond Land
Bill Neimann Billy Kious Resources Llc
Bill Perrin Billy Knox Black Diamond Oil Company
Bill Perrin Billy Leon Crabtree Black Family Llc
Bill R Byer Jr Billy Leon & Donna Maxine Black Family Revocable
Bill Roten Crabtree Trust
Bill R Rodman Billy Mack Palmer 1999 Tr Black Fish Energy Llc
Bill Shippy Billy Mcginty Black Gold Group Limited
Bill Sr & Loraine German Billy Mcguire Llc
Trst Billy Melson Black Gold Logistics Corp
Bill & Susan Schaefer Family Billy & Nancy Heflin Rev Black Gold Publishing Corp
Tr Liv Tr Black Gold Rental Tools Inc
Bill & Susies Cress Family Billy Powell Black Gold Spooling &
Bill Wright Billy Rasmussen Banding Llc

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Blackhawk Datacom Blake Mitchell Blue Mtn Exploration , Llc

Blackhawk Operating Series Blake Production Company Blue Ox Partners Llc
Llc Blake Properties Revocable Blue Racer Midstream Llc
Blackhawk Resources Llp Trust Dt Blue Ribbon Construction
Black Hawk Royalty Iii Lp Blake Storey Martindale Blue River Minerals Llc
Black Hawk Services Llc Blake Trucking Llc Bluesnap Inc
Blackhawk Specialty Tools Blake Webster Blue Star Acid Service Inc.
Llc Blakley Farms Llc Blue Star Gas Corp
Blackhawk Wireline Services Blalock Properties Llc Blue Teton Llc
Inc Blanche Calkins Bluford W Miller Iii And
Blackhorse Marketing Llc Blanche Cantrell Blx Inc
Blackjack Royalty Blanche Earl Bmh Llc
Partnership Blanche Edith Ladner Estate Bmig Llc
Black Magic 1 Llc Blanche Griesbeck Bmnw Resources Llc
Black Marlin Energy Llc Blanche Miller Bmo Nesbitt Burns
Black Oil & Gas Llc Blanche Sutton Decease Bmv Investments Llc
Black Oil Inc Blane Edward Boyer Bna
Black Oil Llc Blankenship Mineral Bnsf Railway Company
Black Oil Llc Life Estate Properties Llc Bnw Inc.
Black Properties Llc Blankinship Family Boa Midland Acquisition Lp
Black Rock Llc Revocable Trust Board Of County
Blackrock Royalty Llc Blankinship Family Rev Commissioners
Black Sand Minerals Llc Trust Board Of County
Black Shale Minerals Llc Blasco Llc Commissioners
Black Sky Holdings Llc Blayne Mayfield Board Of County
Black Stone Energy Blenda Minshall Commissioners
Company Llc Blevins Oil & Gas Llc Board Of County
Blackstone Energy Inc B-Line Trucking Commissioners
Blackstone Holdings Llc B-Line Trucking Inc. Board Of County
Black Stone Mineral Bliss Mccord Commissioners
Company Lp Blm Unleased Holcomb 1- Board Of Directors Of
Black Stone Minerals 13h School
Company Llc Blowout Tools Inc Board Of Education Of
Black Stone Minerals Bluebird Gas Company Inc Perkins
Company Lp Bluecable Networx Llc Board Of Regents Ok
Black Stone Natural Blue Chip Royalty Agricultural
Resources I Lp Partnership Bobbe Gray
Blackstone Natural Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Bobbe Jean Huston
Resources - Unle Oklahoma Bobbie
Blaine Johner Blue Dolphin Energy Llc Bobbie And Evelyn Graves Jt
Blaine Steinberg Blue Dolphin Production Llc Bob Bieberdorf
Blaine Tobin Blue Dolphin Production Llc Bobbie Daugherty
Blair Bradley (Obo) Bobbie F Henneke & Karen
Blair Family Trust Blue Dot Energy Services M Henneke
Blair Family Trust Blue Knight Energy Partners Bobbie Flower Overman
Blake Cassels & Graydon Llp Blueknight Energy Partners Bobbie Gwen Uri
Blake E Moores Llc Blue Lion Enterprises Llc Bobbie J Epley Rev. Living
Blakely Berry Blue Marble Geographics Trust Bo
Blakely M Murphy (Decd) Blue Mountain Energy Llc Bobbie Lee Ellis And
Testamentar Blue Mountain Exploration Sherrlyn Louis
Blakely M Murphy Trst Llc Bobbie Meinecke

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Bobbie Sue Bower Bob Holmes Bonnie Logsdon

Bobbi Steer Bob Jones Bonnie Lou Osborne
Bob Blackburn Bob L Barnes Trust Bonnie Loveless
Bob Burnham Bob L Payne Estate Bonnie Mccoy Heath Iii
Bobby And Karin Drew Jt Bob Moore Auto Group Bonnie Penny
Bobby Billingsley Bob Portman Bonnie Sack
Bobby Bruce Bob Silvers Bonnie Vandeveer
Bobby Bussard Bob Story Bonnie Vanlandingham
Bobby Carmack Bob Thompson Bonnie Williams
Bobby Clark Decd Bodard Minerals Llc Bonray Inc
Bobby Darnell Bode Fam Tr Boomerang Trucking
Bobby Davis Bodman Oil & Gas Llc Boots And Company Ranch
Bobby Dawson Boggie Chathum Llc
Bobby D Leach Bogo Energy Cp Borrell Title Services
Bobby Dodson Bohemian Catholic Cemetery Bosox Energy Investments
Bobby Elliott Bokf Petro Holding Llc Bosque Disposal Systems,
Bobbye N Williams Boldrick Family Properties Llc
Bobby Erwin Lp Bosque Mineral Ltd
Bobby Etchison Bo Mc Enterprises Llc Bosque River Operating Llc
Bobbye Thomas Bo-Mc Resources Cp Boterra Resources Llc
Bobby Ewy Bond Company Bounty Minerals Llc
Bobby Flowers Bonds Ranch Investors Ltd Bourland & Leverich Supply
Bobby Ford Bonita Greene Co Llc
Bobby Gass Bonna Gardon Bowdon Natural Resources
Bobby Gene Buckles Jr Bonney Minerals Co Llc Llc
Bobby Gossett Bonnie Bell Poindexter Bowers Residuary Trust
Bobby Gunkel Bonnie Blumer Bowles Rice Llp
Bobby G West Trst Bonnie Buchanan Bowser Family Trust
Bobby Hart Bonnie Buckles Bow Valley Petroleum
Bobby Hawkins Bonnie Bullen Boyd Abbott
Bobby J Kee & Mary L Kee Bonnie Bullen Tr Boyd B Crossfield Family
Rev Liv Tr Bonnie Bussard Trust
Bobby Lewis Bonnie B Wells Trust Boyd Martin
Bobby Marlena Edwards Jt Bonnie Collins Boyles Supply Co
Bobby Metzler Bonnie Davenport Boynton Oklahoma
Bobby Novotny Bonnie Dean Historical Society
Bobby Ray Taylor Trust Bonnie Fay Baird Boys Ranch Town
1/24/1997 Bonnie Fowler Bp America Production
Bobby Ritter Bonnie Franklin Company
Bobby Shippy Bonnie Fraser Bpml Llc
Bobby W Noyes, Separate Bonnie Garner Vanderwork Br1011 O&G Llc
Property Bonnie Garton Le Bracewell & Giuliani Llp
Bobby Wolff Bonnie Grassie Bracksieck Holdings Llc
Bobby Yount Bonnie Hardwick Brad Berrong
Bob & Darlene Dierberger Bonnie Hargens Brad Brown
Rev Tr 423 Bonnie Harris Brad Browns
Bob Giger Bonnie Hayes Bradford Crowell
Bob Hancock & Nita Bonnie James Bradford Pollard
Hancock Tr Bonnie Johnson Brad Hudspeth
Bob Harmon Bonnie Jones Brad Human
Bob Hightower Bonnie Langston Brad Lambert

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Bradlee Bledsoe Brandon Sharp Brenda Nivens

Bradlee Bledsoe Brandon Swaim Brenda Payne
Bradlee Ethridge's Brandon T & Duygu Phillips Brenda Peak
Bradley Allen Ferguson Brandon Yancey Brenda Personett
Bradley Eads Brandt Hopper Brenda Petty Dennison Toms
Bradley Family 2013 Rev Brandt's Trucking L.L.C. Brenda Rawson
Trust Brandt Temple Brenda Renee Yeatman
Bradley Francisc Brandy Chase Huston Jt Brenda Rew
Bradley Goins Brandy Harmon Warriner Brenda Schatz
Bradley Gungoll Brandy Lynn Smith Peters Brenda Slavens
Bradley H Beier Brandy O'mary Brenda Sperry
Bradley Kent Loesch Life Branesky Family Trust Dated Brenda Stephens
Estate May 23 Brenda Stewart
Bradley Loesch Brannon Bartlett Brenda Stone
Bradley Meyers Bratton Family Rev Trst Brenda Sue Davis
Bradley Patzkie Bravo Company Llc Brenda Sullins
Bradley Ramsey Bravo Construction Inc Brenda Tontz
Bradley R Meester Rev Trust Bravo Royalties Llc Brenda Tripp Trust
Bradley Smith Braxton Burnell Brenda Tucker
Bradley Westfall B & R Construction Inc. Brenda Turner
Bradley Zeek Breann Renae Dahl Brenda Vaughn
Brad Moon Breckinridge Wind Project Brenda Villa
Brad Moore Llc Brenda Washington
Brad M Vinson & Dallas J Breitling Investments Llc Brenda Wilkerson
Vinson Hwj Breitzke Family Trust Dtd 8- Brenda Wilson
Brad Peterson 3-1989 Brendon Campbell
Bradsby Group Brenco Fishing & Rental Inc. Brenee Taylor
Brad Schaefer Brenda Adams Tate Breniss O Neal
Bradstreet Properties Inc Brenda Chandler Brent Barker
Brad Taylor Brenda Colvin Brent Bolay
Brad Vanhooser Brenda Coss Brent Bolay
Brady Clark Brenda Debord Sorenson Brent Bolay
Brady Family Buffalo Basin Brenda Elliott Brent Cummings
Trust Dt Brenda F Bobbitt Brent Elliott
Brain Ellis Renegar Brenda F Bobbitt Brent Harrel
Bramlett Corporation Brenda Gaye Taylor Brent Jordan L Hodge Hw
Branch Banking And Trust Brenda Gibson Jtwros
Company Brenda Grassman Brent Niles
Brandi Gates-Farley Brenda Holland Brent Oden
Brandi Withers Brenda Holt Brenton Lewis
Brandon Balkman Brenda Jones Biggers Brent Salgat
Brandon Barnhart Brenda Kelley Brent Stephenson
Brandon Hise - Deceased Brenda King Brent Thompson
Brandon Ho Brenda Lawson Brent Watkins
Brandon Hopson And Brenda Lorenzo Brent Weis
Brandon James Balkman Brenda Miller Brent Young
Brandon Kontor Brenda Monahan Bret And Kathy Robison Jt
Brandon Lenquist Brenda Nell Ringer Rev Brett A Enmeier
Brandon Nelson Binford Trust Brett Barton
Brandon Reim Brendan Frost Brett Beveridge
Brandon Schubert Brenda Nivens Brett Bible

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Brett Bowden Brian Reed Brooke Ashley Walker

Brett Byrd Brian Rowe Brooke Brunken
Brett Ellis Brian Rudkin Brooke Malaska
Brett Enmeier Brian Schmidt Brooke Nida-Roberts Irrev Tr
Brett Harris Brian Schoepflin Brookline Minerals Llc
Brett Kappelmann Brian Scott Hanneman Brooklyn Oil Properties Inc
Brett Mckee Development Brian Slusser Brooks & Gunner Llc
Inc Brian Soward Brooks Ratzlaff
Brett Taylor Brian Sparks Cannon Brooks Sharp
Brett Trigg Brian Spitz Trustee Broome Disclaimer Trust
Brian A'hearn Brian Swim Brorsen Enterprises Llc
Brian Allyn Orndorff Brian Thomas Broswood Royalties Llc
Brian And Mary Bates Jt Brian Wayne Beagles Brother Energy, Llc
Brian Bailey Brian W Breedlove Est Brothers & Company
Brian Camp Brian Williford Brower Oil & Gas Company
Brian Carmack Brian W Little Llc
Brian Carter Brickler & Eckler Llp Brown & Borelli
Brian Carter Brickman Fast Line Inc Brown Family
Brian Conaghan Bridgeport Properties Lp Brown Fam Tr
Brian Crabtree Bridget Lee Allen Brownie Holland
Brian Crook Bridgett Hayes B R Polk Inc
Brian Dean Petree Bridgett Lynch Bruce A. Ferrell Rev Tr
Brian Dorsett Brigham Minerals Llc Bruce And Judith A Epperly
Brian D Rice Ttee Bright O&G Llc Jts
Brian Duff Brighton Energy Llc Bruce A Rew & September L
Brian E Beier Brilliant Impressions Rew Jtwro
Brian Eckard Brindi Risinger Bruce Branson
Brian Eckard & Jill Eckard Briney Investments Llc Bruce Bush
Jtwros Brinkman Family Rev Trust Bruce Carpenter
Brian Edmonston Brio Floor Care Llc Bruce Cohen
Brian Ennis Briscoe Family Trust Bruce Crispin
Brian Fassnacht Brislawn Family Rev Living Bruce Decd
Brian Fraser Tr Dated Bruce Denny
Brian Gibbs Britim Llc Bruce E Lassila
Brian Grim Brittany Cofer Bruce Enoch
Brian Hanewinckel Brittany Lauer Bruce Haskin
Brian Henderson Broadhurst Royalty Bruce Hatton
Brian Hooper Broadmoor Land & Minerals Bruce Hc Hill Invalid Owner
Brian Huff Llc Suspens
Brian Keeling Broadridge Investor Bruce H Huff Life Estate
Brian Keith Communication S Bruce Hudkins
Brian Keith Sayers Brock Kappelmann Bruce Johnston And Mary
Brian Keith Young Brodie Atwater Delaney
Brian Manning And Bromwell Ault Bruce Kellogg
Brian Miller Broncho Investments Inc Bruce Kimbrough
Brian Moore Broncho Land & Investment Bruce Martin Mcgoldrick
Brian Newell Co Llc Bruce Mccoy
Brian Newhouse Bronco Ltd Bruce M Eavenson
Brian Norton Bronco Oilfield Services Inc Revocable Trust Dt
Brian Peterson Bronco Petroleum Co Bruce Merle Lovelace Jr
Brian P & Tina H Ahern Jt Bron Rayburn Deceased

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Bruce Miller Buckhead Energy Llc Burlington Resources O&G

Bruce Moon Buck Jacobs Co -
Bruce Murdock Buckle Family Trust Burlington Resources Oil &
Bruce Scott Buck Living Trust Gas Co L
Bruce Taylor Buck Minerals Llc Burlin Swaim
Bruce Tibbett Bucknam Mcpeek Rev Trust Burnet Duckworth & Palmer
Bruce Trunk Budd Wolleson Tr Fbo Llp
Bruce Voran Austin Harman Burnett Mineral Holdings Llc
Bruce W Blakely Buddy B & Monty L Burnett & Thomason
Bruce Webster Crossfield Trust Burnham Family Trust
Bruce Williams Buddy Brown Burnice Armstrong
Brunswick Group Llc Buddy Burtch Burns Family Credit Trust
Brushcreek Minerals Llc Buddy Gossett Burns & Stowers Investments
Bryan Axtell Buddy Hansen Llc
Bryan Ball Buddy Ogburn Burnt Creek Gathering Llc.
Bryan Carson Coats Bud Gambril Burrage Law Firm Pllc
Bryan Crowley Bud Hazen Burris Family Trust
Bryan Green Bud Morris Hazen Living Burrowing Owl Royalties Lp
Bryan Henderson Trust Burton Ogden
Bryan Henderson Bud's Engine Repair Inc Busby Royalty Company Llc
Bryan Hillstrom Bud's Engine Repair Llc Business Computer Skills
Bryan Hughes Buell Olmstead Butkin Investment Company
Bryan Hurst Buescher Investments Llc
Bryan Hurst Buffalo Creek Llc Buttonwood Mementos Llc
Bryan Kinney Buffalo Creek Minerals Llc Buttram Energies Inc
Bryan Kirk Buford & Druscilla Campbell Buy Rite Services Lp
Bryan Kyle Beeler Tr Buzbee Law Firm
Bryan L Hunt Buford English Bwab Incorporated
Bryan Marshall Trust Buford Ford Bwab Llc
Bryan Mckay Buford T Greenfield & Bwc State Insurance Fund
Bryan Olmstead Louise B&W Exploration Inc
Bryan Pain Bulldog Energy Services Llc B Wittich
Bryan Phelps Bullet's Hot Shot Service Llc Byers Oil & Gas Llc
Bryan Pollard Bullock Family Rev Living Byran Pershern
Bryan Poole Tr Byrda Hackett
Bryan Robin Ewing Bundren Farms Llc Byrd Oilfield Services Llc
Bryan Rodenberg B Unk Heir Byron And Velma Dickerson
Bryan Smoot Bunney Family Revocable Byron Chitwood
Bryant Brady Trust Byron Emerson Nelson
Bryant Hainey Bunnie Klinglesmith Byron Harris
Bryan Williams Burchard John Denker Lvg Byron Lloyd Gray
Bryan Williams Trust Byron P Glenn
Bryce Brown Bureau Of Land Management Byron Van Meter
Bryce W Hartman Bureau Of Land Management C2h6 Mineral Fund, Llc
B Shoup Burford Monnet C6 Investments Llc
Bsp Investments Llc Burgher Properties Lp Cacroc Family Limited
Bs&W Solutions Llc Burke Family Revoc Tr Partnership
B Thomas Burk Oil Co Inc Cactus Drilling Co Of
Bti Services Inc Burleson Llp Oklahoma
Btu Analytics Llc Burlington Northern & Santa Cactus Petroleum
Buc Jag Investments L.P Fe Corporation

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Cactus Wellhead Llc Calvis Hawes C And Shirley Anderson

Caddo Maple Llc Calwest Printing & Candyce Wilson
Caffeine And Kilos Inc Reproductions Candy Diane Hentzen
Cain Consulting Co Llc Calyx Energy Iii C Anne Stroud Living Trust
Cain Family Investments Llc Calyx Energy Ii Llc Cantrell Contract Pumping
Caitlin Dalzell Calyx Energy Llc Canyon-Cynthia Dunn
Caitlin D Armstrong Calyx Energy Llc Riesen Ptrshp
Calcutta Land Llc Camarilla Energy Lp Canyon Exploration Co
Calcutta Resources Llc Cambria Energy Llc Canyon Exploration Llc
Caldwell 7-1mh Ri Owners Cambridge Area Chamber Of Canyon Imojean Tunnell
Caldwell 7-1mh Wi Owners Commerce Partnership
Caldwell Trust Cambridge Fitness Center Canyon-Jeff Helton
Caleb Dobbs Camelback Company Partnership
Caleb Morgret Camellia Castendyk Canyon Ronald Hope
Cal Farleys Boys Ranch Cameron Douglas Partnership
Callaway Oil Llc Cameron International Corp Canyon The Bill & Laurel
Callie Maxwell Cameron Scott Blakemore Scott Tr
Callie Oilfield Services Llc Cameron Solutions Inc Capenergy Corporation
Calmar Royalties Llc Cameron Technologies Us Capitol Corporate Services
Calmar Royalties Llc Inc Capriole Ventures Inc.
Calmena Energy Services Camilla Stephens Capstone Holding Company
(Usa) Corp Camille Warmington Capstone Oilfield Disposal
Calm Energy Llc Camino Natural Resources Of Arkan
Cal Ray Petroleum Cp Llc Capstone Oilfield Disposal
Calumet Energy Llc Cammie Cooper Services
Calvary Assembly Of God Camp Allison Legacy Llc Captain Creek Oil Llc
Calvary Assembly Of God Campbell & Associates Inc Cara Langsfeld Heath
Church Of S Campbell Land & Mineral Tr Cara Westman
Calvin Abbey Created Cardinal Royalty Company
Calvin A Leach Campbell Land & Mineral Llc
Calvin Bentsen Trust Caren Bryant
Calvin Cahill Canaan Energy Corporation Carey & Co
Calvin Davis Canada Revenue Agency Carey Cobb
Calvin D Roggow Trust Canadex Resources Inc. Carey E Harris Revocable
Calvin Ellis Canadian Imperial Bank Of Trust
Calvin E Stewart Commerce Cargood Group Llc
Calvin Harman Canadian Kenwood Caribou Llc
Calvin Hullum Company Carkel Corp
Calvin Huston Canadian Valley Electric Carl
Calvin Johnson Cooperativ Carla Allen
Calvin Kyle Patzkie Canary Drilling Services Llc Carla Beier Wells
Calvin Leach Canary Llc Carl A Bentley Revocable
Calvin L Siegrist Estate Canary Wellhead Equipment Trust
Calvin Mason Inc Carla Briix
Calvin Mays Candace Golden Carla Bryant
Calvin Nemec Candace Howell Carla Frye
Calvin Poole Candace Rossiter Carla Green
Calvin Roggows Candice Bird Carla Hayes
Calvin Shoemaker Candice Moore Carla Hoysradt
Calvin Slater Candice Oksenhorn Carla Jorgensen
Calvin Stoll C Andrew Graham

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Carl & Alfreda Paris Rev Liv Carl Keesecker Carmelita Montgomery
Trust Carl Kimbley Carmen Barnett
Carla Mcgregor Carl Klein Carmen Carter
Carl Andrew Carl Leader Carmencita M Poe
Carl Andrew Carl Mack Revocable Trust Carmen Matherly
Carla Pierson Carl Martin Carmen Schmitt Inc
Carl Bender Carl Mcfarland Carmen Shotwell
Carl Bentley Carl Mitchell Carmen Turner
Carl Birdsell Carl Morrison Family Trust Carmody Macdonald Pc
Carl & Carol Hiner Family Carl M Voyles Jr Carnegie Energy Llc
Trust Carlos Berry Carol Agee
Carl C Hiner Estate Carlos & Donna Combs Rev Carol A Meisterling
Carl Cook Trust Carol Anderson
Carl Cortiana Carlos J. Lang Carol And Mark Geller
Carl Cunningham Carlos Squires Carol Anita Todd
Carl Dalbey Carlotta Gregory Carol Ann Blackwood Rev
Carl Davis Carlotta T Rodolf Trustdtd 10
Carl Deck Carl Podin Carol Ann Garner Rev Trust
Carl Deck Deceased Carl Provence Carol Ann Lindsey Zike
Carl & Diane Biggs Rev Carl R Calam Rev Trst Trust
Trust Carl R Henke 1991 Rev Inter Carol Ann Taylor
Carl D Moreland Trustee Vivos T Carol Arterbery
Carl D & Susan J Somers Carl R Waslin Jr Carol Bentley
Rev Trust Carl Stanley Carol Bradley
Carleen Mack Carl Steven Marshall Rev Carol Brewster
Carleen Whitt Trst Carol Bungard
Carle Fairlie Carl Sue Farrow Jt Carol Callery
Carl E Gungoll Exploration Carl Tanner Carol Carpenter
Llc Carlton-Bates Company Carol C Goetzinger Trust
Carlene Campbell Trust 6- Carlton D And Tammy Carol Conner
25-2009 Beasley Carol Connor
Carlene Cowan Carlton R & Claudia A Carol Cooper
Carlene Dowell Donley Rev Carol Cornett
Carlene Gravlee Carlton Reavis Carol Costner
Carlene Harpe Carl Underwood Carol Costner
Carlene Mattson Carl Voyles Jr & Joan Carol Creed
Carletta Caldwell And Abrahamson Tr Carol Creed
Everette Cald Carl W Ellspermann Carol Cubbage
Carletta Wright Carl W Gray Carol Cuppy
Carl Fischbein Estate Decd Carl Wiehe Carol Davis
Carl Flynn Carl Williams Carol Diane Willett
Carl Flynn Carl Williams Carol Dibernardino
Carl Gipson Deceased Carl Wooten Carol Disney
Carl Haag Carl Wright Carol Duke
Carl Ham Carly Mckinnon Carol Dvorak
Carl Hemphill Carmac Minerals Llc Carole Balach
Carl Herrin Oil & Gas Llc Carma Lee Carter Carole Bock
Carl Hiner Carmaletia Reid Carole Bryan
Carlisle M & Joan Fleetwood Carmalita Davis Carole Dobbs
Carl Katschor Tr Carmalita Davis Carolee Ann Wilson
Carl Katschor Trust Carmelita Davis Carolee Bradshaw & Richard

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Carole Goodspeed Carol Mcpeek Carolyn Gastel

Carole J Drake Llc Carol Melson Carolyn Grable
Carol Elaine Ediger Carol Milner Carolyn Grindstaff
Carol E Long Carol Nelson Carolyn Ham Murray
Carol E Longan Carol Peach Trust Carolyn Hart
Carole Moore Carol Peck Carolyn Hawkins
Carole Pruitt Carol Polley Carolyn Hook Children's
Carole Randle Carol Reim Trust
Carol Eslinger Carol Reupert Carolyn Hyde
Carole Weygand Carol Ritter Carolyn Jacob Fisher
Carol Farmer Carol Roberts Carolyn Jane Tarver
Carol Ford Carol Robinson And Diane S Carolyn Jardot
Carol Ford Gordon Carolyn Jardot
Carol Francis Carol Ross Carolyn J Green
Carol Fuxa Carol Rother Carolyn Jones
Carol Garren Carol Sattler Carolyn Jon Noyes
Carol Givens Carol S Douglass Rev Trust Carolyn Kamp Roblyer
Carol Harter Tabaka Carol Shed Carolyn Kay Hyde
Carol-Holly Oil Corp Carol Sherwood Carolyn Kelley
Carol Holzer Carol Shotwell Carolyn Keys Bosworth
Carol Holzer Carol Skouby Estate
Carolina Barrie Carol S Mcpeek Carolyn Kinney
Carolina M Herron Trust Carol Smith Carolyn Logan
Caroline Caldwell Carol S Smiley Carolyn Mann
Caroline Fernandes Carol Sue Castle Carolyn Martin
Caroline H Hansen Rev Carol Sue Toobin Irrevocable Carolyn Martin
Intervivos Tr Trust Carolyn Masters
Caroline Stinson Carol Sullivan Carolyn Milner
Carol Jean Coonrod Carol Sutton Carolyn Minnix Harris
Carol Johnson Carol Toobin Carolyn Nicks
Carol J Walker Living Tr Dtd Carol Trook Hacker Carolyn Orr
12-23- Carol Watkins Carolyn Reedy
Carol Kincaid Carol Wright Carolyn S Akins
Carol Kindel Carol Yaworski Carolyn Sanders
Carol Klenda Carolyn Carolyn Schroeder
Carol Kliesen Carolyn Allen Carolyn Scott
Carol Knight Carolyn A Smith Carolyn S Gorath 1997 Rev
Carol Knittle Mair Carolyn Baldwin Trust
Carol Kolk Carolyn Baldwin Vilain Carolyn Sheets
Carol Lambertz Carolyn Blossom Carolyn Shirley
Caroll Anglley Carolyn Bosworth Carolyn Sieling
Carol Leah Reim Trust Carolyn Boyles Carolyn Silvers
Carol Leonard Carolyn Bradish Carolyn Sloan
Carol Lindsey Zike Carolyn Campbell Carolyn S. Smith
Carol L Jacobson Carolyn C Foster Rev Tr Carolyn S Sullins
Carol Loeppert Carolyn & Charles Milner Carolyn Stipe
Carol Louise Dvorak Trust Trst Carolyn Stone
Carol Lovell Carolyn Churchill Carolyn Stroud
Carol Lust Carolyn Clay Carolyn Sullins
Carol Markley Carolyn Combs Carolyn Todd
Carol Mcewen Phelps Trust Carolyn Foster Carolyn Williams Freeland

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Carolyn Young Casedhole Solutions Catherine Wade

Caron J Nogen Case Family Irrevocable Catherine Wilson
Caron Muntzel Trust Cathey Clarke Bugg
Carpenter Family Revocable Casey And Angie Eckstein Cathey Duvall
Lvg Tr Casey & Associates Cathey L Wollenberg
Carpenter Land Mgmt Co Casey Carter Cathi Kennedy
Carra Benson Casey Ford Mullins Cathleen Hawley
Carridan C Tabor Casey Gorrell Catholic Archdiocese Of Okc
Carrie Askins Revocable Casey Lynn Cardin Catholic Bishop Of Spokane
Trust Casey Mcdonough Inc
Carrie Beth Weigel Casey Nye Catholic Foundation
Carrie Bunner Casey Nye Taylor Catholic Foundation Of Ok
Carrie Cain Casey Revocable Trust Inc Trus
Carrie Emmot Casey Schmit Cathryn Garcia
Carrie Lynch Cash Cameron Cathy Anderson
Carrie Sparks Boyer Cash Land Properties Llc Cathy Burk Teahan
Carri Hoffman Cas Holdings Llc Cathy Coe
C Arrington Casillas Petroleum Corp Cathy Cohen
Carrizo (Utica) Llc Casinjac Inc Cathy Courcey
Carrol Heller Cassandra Cathy Dawson
Carrol Hemphill Casselman Lutes Irrv. Trust Cathy G Dalton
Carroll Crispin Cassie Everett Cathy Guyer
Carroll Gene Christmas Cassie Miller Cathy L Pate
Carroll Russell Tolson Cassondra Buethe Cathy Lynn Abel-Vaughn
Carrollton Mineral Partners Cassondra Lambert Cathy M Guyer And R Kim
Iii Lp Castlebay Energy Llc Guyer Jt
Carrollton Mineral Prtnrs Iii- Castlerock Resources Inc Cathy Nester
B Lp Catalyst Finance Lp Mid- Cathy Wilson
Carrollton Minerals Partners Central Ene Caton Hoblit Jacobs Estate
Iii-A Catch 5 Llc Cat Spring Properties Llc
Carroll Wayne Husted Cathedral Energy Services Cattie Minerals Llc
Carroll Whitney Enterprises Inc Cattie Minerals Llc
Inc. Catherina Rogers Cavenders Western Outfitter
Carr Well Service Inc Catherine A Wheeler Ttee Cav Energy Llc
Carsten Family Rev Trust Catherine Baker Cax Llc
Carter County Clerk Catherine Beck Cayce Wendeborn
Cary Foster Catherine Branson C&B Enterprise 401-K
Caryl Goldstone Catherine Brickner Nee Cbh Iii Investments Llc
Caryl Hansen Gibson C&B Holdings Llc
Caryl Lee Groninger Catherine Cato C Blain
Cary Snooks Catherine Crutchfield Light C.B.Moncrief Moncrief
Casa Del Rey Lllp Catherine Doyle Building
Cascade Acquisition Partners Catherine Elizabeth Funk Cbmoncrief Oil & Gas Llc
Lp Catherine Elledge C Carlson
Cascade Consulting Llc Catherine Gay Schwarz Cc Dunworth
Cascade Integrated Services Catherine G Cooper Trust C&C Equipment Specialities
Llc Catherine Lou Tissler Brant Inc
Cascade Resources Llc Catherine Mccourt Cch Investments Llc
Cascade Subscription Service Catherine Smith Cci Services Inc.
Inc Catherine S Routon Rev Cc Mcmilin & Co Inc
Casedhole Solutions Trust C C Mcmillin & Co Inc

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C C Mcmillin & Co Inc Cedar Ridge Petroleum Corp. Cg Ok 1 Lp

Ccts Llc Cedars Group Llc Cgs Rentals Llc
Ccw Interests Inc Cedar Top Invest Chacey Schoeppel
C Dale Hendrix C E Dinsmore Trust Dated 9- Chaco Energy Company
C D And Jean Mihura 29-1995 Chacosie Royalties, Llc
C D Armstrong Decd Cedric Scarce Chad Ervin
C Davis Ceh Oil And Gas Llc Chad Evans
Cdm Energy Llc Ceilia Stratton Chad Greene
C D Mihura Trust Ceily Levy Chad Groninger
Cd Petroleum Ceja Corporation Chad Haima
Cdw Direct Celeste Lutes Moore Irrv. Chad Isbell
C E And Peggy Phelps Trust Chad Kucko
Ceb Oil Company Celestine Johnson Chad Nordquist
Ce Burchardt Celia Candace Elwell Chad Stites
C E Burchardt & Mary Celia Decker Chad Tompkins
Burchardt Cemetery-Owners Operators Chalfant Inc
Cecelia B Daves Ttee Unknown Champion Measurement &
Cecelia Meyer Cemex Automation S
Cecelia Morris Cendec Systems Inc Champions Pipe & Supply
Cecelia Sevy Ce Neal Inc
Cecelia Voss Centerfire Energy Consulting Champion Technologies Inc.
Cecil A Grim Llc Chance Barton
Cecil Beisel Center For Toxicology And Chance Branson
Cecil Blaine Environme Chance Brumley
Cecil Brown Central Church Of Christ Chance Kennedy
Cecil Buckles Stillwater Chancellor Brower
Cecil Clifton Central Land Resources Llc Chance Mullen
Cecil D. Lindley Rev. Living Central National Bank As Chanda Ashley
Trust. Cust Fbo Chandeleur Llc
Cecil E Coursey Estate Central National Bank & Chandler United Pentecostal
Cecile Miller Trust As Church
Cecil G Drummond & Central Oil And Gas Chandra Calavan Huggard
Associates Inc Properties Llc Chandrakant Pate
Cecil Harman Central Oil Company Chandrakant Patel
Cecilia Annette Forrest Central Power Systems & Chaparral Royalty
Cecilia Gottfried Services In Chaparral Royalty Company
Cecilia Irene Browne-Grim Central Safety Suppliers & Chapin Home Of Jamaica
Cecilia Ley Consulta Charalyn Mcvey Rev Tr
Cecilia Long Centurion Inc Charity Carol Heasler
Cecil Loveless Centurion Royalty Lp Charity Voyles
Cecil Mcfarlin Centurylink Charla Jeanne Spence
Cecil Mcfarlin Ceora Brun Charla Kavanaugh
Cecil Mcfarlin C E Reavis Charla K Therrien
Cecil Nicholson C E Smith Estate Charldean Wiehe Estate
Cecil Powell Ceu Plymouth Llc Charlena A Swisher Living
Cecil Rains C-F Associates Inc Trust
Cecil Staley Cfe Partners Llc Charlene Gant
Cecil Stubblefield C Frick Charlene Haugen
Cecil Vandeventer Cgg Services Charlene House
Cecil Wright Cgg Services (Australia) Pty Charlene M Parker
Cedar Ridge Mhp Llc Ptd Charlene Myers

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Charlene Otto Charles Cowan Charles Gunkel

Charlene Wilkey Charles Credicott Charles Gwinner
Charles Alexander Charles C Riester Charles Haas
Charles Allen Charles Crook Charles Hall
Charles A Mack & Kim Charles Daniel Merkle Charles Hamilton
Mack Jts Charles Darr Iii Westerheide
Charles And Louise Ryland Charles Debord Charles Hansen
Charles And Nella Pitts Charles Deceased Charles Harris
Phillips 19 Charles Dejarnett Charles Harrison Van Orden
Charles & Ann Mcknight Charles Dempsey Charles Hartman
Trust Charles D. Morrison Rev Tr Charles Harvey
Charles Austin Dtd 3-1- Charles Hassenfratz
Charles Baber Charles Donley Charles Hayden
Charles Baker Charles Downes Charles H Bradshaw
Charles Ballard Charles D Rushmore Trust Charles Headrick
Charles Barrett Dtd 4707 Charles Headrick
Charles Bethards Charles Duke Charles Henderson
Charles Blue Charles Dunworth Charles Henry Porter Iii Rev
Charles Blue Charles E Churchill Trust
Charles Bode Charles Edward Martin Charles Hicks
Charles Bonar Family Trst Charles Hinke
Charles Branch Charles Edwin Shelley Jr Charles Holle
Charles Braxton Charles E Hansen Living Charles Holmberg
Charles Brockman Trust Charles Holzer
Charles Bullock Charles E Hasbrook Trust Charles Hopkins
Charles Burel Hinkle Charles E Hoke Ii Rev Trust Charles Huey
Charles Burnett Dunn Trust Charles Evans Charles H & Wanda M
Charles Burr Charles Fagin Gooch Rev Tr
Charles Burton Armstrong Jr Charles Fairchild Charles Hynden
& Charles Falkenstein Charles Hynden
Charles Bush Charles F Doornbos Charles & Ingrid Hyer
Charles Cain Revocable Trust Charles Jacob
Charles Calhoun Charles Finnell Charles & Janice Emmerich
Charles C Alling Estate Charles Floyd Ttee
Charles C Alling Jr Estate Charles F Lukens Iii Charles Jarred
Charles Canepa Charles Focht Charles Joe Holcomb
Charles Carroll Charles Foster Charles Johnson
Charles Cave Charles Fuller Lyon Estate Charles Johnson
Charles C Clement Suc Ttee Charles Gartner Charles Jones
Charles C Green Sr & Charles Giffen Charles Jones
Patricia M Gre Charles Gilbert Zimbrick- Charles Kaupke
Charles Chesser Rogers Charles King
Charles Codding Charles Gillingham Charles Kinzie
Charles Colby Charles Glen Beery Charles Kinzie
Charles Cole Charles Glenn And Laura E Charles L Adams
Charles Conaghan Collum Charles Lamb
Charles Conklin Charles Goss Charles Lambert
Charles Connor Charles Grace Charles Lawson
Charles Constantinides Charles Grady Charles L Bailey Jr
Charles Corliss Charles Grady Charles L Baker 2015
Charles Courtney Charles Grooms Revocable Trus

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Charles L Buxton Rev Trust Charles R Mcclure Charles Webb

Charles L Dobbs Family Remainder Charles Weber
Trust Dated Charles Robertson Charles Williams
Charles Libby Snyder Jtwros Charles Rodenberg Charles Wilson
Charles L Mclure Estate Charles R Saylor Revocable Charles Windsor
Decd Trust Charles W Klemme
Charles L Rothermel Charles Ryan Charles W & Linda Betchan
Charles Lyon Charles Sanderson Fam Trust
Charles Lyon Charles Sanderson Charles W & Patty N Brown
Charles Macallister Charles Sanford Llc
Charles Marotta Charles Schmiedbauer Charles W & Patty N Brown
Charles & Mary Noyes Fam Charles Scott Llc
Rev Tr Charles Scovil Charles W Penny
Charles Mccafferty Charles Sebranek Charles W Prater
Charles Mcconnell Charles Sebranek Charles Wright
Charles Mcknight Charles Sellers Aycock Charles Wright
Charles Metscher Charles Shingleton Charles W Shanks
Charles M Huey Jr. Charles Shreves Charles W Wickstrom Trust
Charles Michaels Decd Charles Simmons Charles Zweifel
Charles Mills Charles Simpson Charley Edwards
Charles Murdock Charles Smith Charlie Anderson
Charles M West Charles Steincamp Charlie Arnett
Charles Nelson Charles Stephen Driesbach Charlie Arnett
Charles Newkirk Charles Steveson Weldon Charlie Floyd
Charles N Thacker Charles Stubblefield Charlie Frankie
Charles Nugent Charles Sumner Charlie & Janet Thomason
Charles Nugent Charles Sumner Trust
Charles Oconnor Charles Sutton Charlie Lane
Charles Oconnor Decd Charles Svelan Charlie Magee
Charles O'neal Charles Swank Charlie W Biggs And
Charles & Patricia Schroeder Charles Swanson Imogene Biggs
Charles Patrick Gorrell Charles Swearingen Charline Alexander
Charles Patten Charles Tarlton Charline Longan
Charles Pearson Charles Taubman Family Charlotte Ann Blakeslee
Charles Peterson Charles Taubman Family Charlotte Archer
Charles P & Freda L Beall Charles T Bukowski Jr Charlotte Diaz
Rev Trust Charles Thedford Charlotte Dudek
Charles Platt Charles Thomas Charlotte Durkee
Charles Platt Charles Thomas Focht Charlotte Egbert
Charles Powell Charles Thomsen(D) Charlotte Holbrook
Charles P Willett Charles Thurman Charlotte Holton
Charles Rauch Charles Tolson Charlotte Kennedy
Charles Ray Stewart Charleston Place Properties Charlotte Langley
Charles Reaves Llc Charlotte Magdeburg
Charles Reese Charles Topper Charlotte Nealy Brock
Charles R & Frances P Charles Toy Charlotte Parrack
Conklin Lvng Charles T & Wilma L Charlotte Pertree
Charles Ritter Ramming Charlotte Renfrow
Charles Ritter Charles Waltermire Charlotte Romain
Charles Ritter Charles Waren Charlotte Sedam
Charles Wayne Himes Charlotte Sumner

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Charlotte W Schuman Lvg Cheryl Delay Llc Chesley & Hayden Wood
Trust Cheryl Delay Llc Rev Trust
Charlus J & Teresa L Bishop Cheryl Denny Chess Oil Properties L.L.C.
Tr Cheryl Dowling Chester Armstrong
Charlyne Lanford Cheryl Gonzales Chester Busch
Charmane Medrano Cheryl Graham Chester Cook
Charolette Northcutt Cheryl Hansing Chester Garland Holcomb
Charter Oak Production Co Cheryl H Fleming Trust Of Chester Good
Llc 2001 Chester I Holcomb Trust
Chas A Neal & Company Cheryl Jacobs Rev Liv Trust Chester Jay Rudy
Chase Card Services Cheryl Jeanfreau Chester Lyman Woerner
Chase Fam Cemetary Inc Cheryl Jones Trust
Chase Harmon Cheryl Lawson Chester Milligan
Chaseland Llc Cheryl Lea Buckles Chester M Rains Tr Dated
Chasen Gill Cheryl Lorenz Dec 15 199
Chasen Gill Cheryl Lynn Gebbie Chesterton Llc
Chase Production Inc Cheryl Lynn Kent Wilson Chester Wayne Drumm
Chase Reynolds Cheryl Major Estate
Chas Mclure Cheryl Mattern Chester Westfall Iii
Chastein Mackey Cheryl Maye Chester Woerner
Chatfield Company Cheryl Mickel Baker Chet Cockrill Trust
Chauncey L & Anna B Hayes Cheryl M Wilson Chet F Skimbo & Andrea
Liv Trust Cheryl M Wilson Skimbo Jt
Chauncey Seefeldt Cheryl Myers Chet Gutowsky
Chauncey Yount Cheryl Paulin Chet Karnas
Chautauqua Investment Corp. Cheryl Poole Chevron Usa Inc
C Hawk Pumping Cody Cheryl Powers Moody Chew Minerals Llc
Hawk Cheryl Prewett Cheyenne Harel-Carares
Chelsea Hall Cheryl Prichard Rogers Cheyenne Resources Llc
Chelsea Outhier Cheryl Ratliff Cheynie's Oil & Gas Llc
Chemical Bank New York Cheryl R Dahl Chi Crosley
Trste U L W Cheryl Reynolds Holt Chiderbri Minerals Lp
Chemical Weed Control Inc Cheryl Sharp Chieftain Royalty Company
Chemily Management Cheryl Sjoberg Chika Ryono
Company Cheryl Smith Childress & Sons
Cheri Conatser Cheryl Sparks Thomas C Hilton Alexander Trust
Cherie Anderson Cheryl Stanley Chisholm Creek Energy Llc
Cherie S Wood Cheryl Steidl C Hoag
Cher Oil Co Ltd Cheryl Tilley Choate Oil Co Llc
Cherokee Energy Llc Cheryl Trekell Choate Oilfield Services Llc
Cherokee Operating Cheryl Wick Ch Petroleum Llc
Company Chesapeake Eno Acquisition Chris Althoff
Cherry Living Trust Dtd 4- Llc Chris Ann Dale
10-2000 Chesapeake Exploration Chris A Shepard
Cherry Mcconnell Limited Part Chris Caine
Cher Vinson Chesapeake Exploration Llc Chris Caram
Cheryl Alameda Chesapeake Investments Chris Craddock
Cheryl Brown Chesapeake Operating Inc Chris Cummings
Cheryl Chilton Trust Chesapeake Orc Llc Chris Downey
Cheryl Crabtree Mayfield Chesapeake Royalty Llc Chris Ducotey Trust
Cheryl Davis Chris E Coursey Ttee

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Chris Hackler Christine F Glass Christopher Razor

Chris Harman Christine Gordon Christopher R F Eckels
Chris Hinchey Christine Higgs Christopher Sharpe
Chris Holzer Christine Isom Christopher Sherman
Chris Holzer Christine Kelly Christopher Smith
Chris Holzer Christine Murdock Christopher Stone
Chris Holzer Christine Poling Christopher Thomas
Chris Hudspeth Christine Reynolds Christopher Tilghman
Chris Kamp Christine Richardson Christopher Trahan Do D
Chris Kohutek Christine Roberts Spurlock Christopher Vasquez
Chris L Cefalu Christine Taylor Christopher Watson
Chris Marshall Christine Uhelmann Christopher White
Chris Mccutchen Christi Todd Christopher Witty
Chris Mccutchen Christner Marital Trust Christopher Wolf
Chris Owsley Christopher And Tiffany G Christy Baker
Chris Querry Grimes Jt Christy Becker
Chris Rasmussen Christopher Cahill Christy L White
Chris Robertson Christopher Campbell Christy Newbaker
Chris Robertson Christopher Carrier Chris Willis
Chris Shippy Christopher Cavanaugh Chs Mcpherson Refinery Inc
Chris Smith Christopher Crabb Churchill Resources Llc
Chris South Christopher Dwan Churchill Royalty Company
Christa Porter Christopher Earl Gray Church Of The Brethren
Christel Burris Christopher Fennell Church Of The Brethren Inc
Christel Laughlin Christopher Filley C Huston
Christi A. Card Christopher Foster Cians Analytics Inc
Christiana Gilbert Christopher Gilliland Cimarron Acid & Frac Llc
Christian Church Facilities Christopher Gingrich Cimarron Production Co Inc
For The Christopher Golightly Cincivic Llc
Christian Falkenstein Christopher & Gretchen Cindy Allensworth
Christi Dorsey Saboda H&W J Cindy Bond
Christie Family Rev Trust Christopher Hanson Cindy Boudloche
Christie Milner Christopher Haskin Cindy Carley
Christie Olson Sankovich Christopher H Beason Cindy Cundiff
Christie Sherman Muniz Christopher Hirzel Cindy Eells
Trustee Christopher Hoag Cindy Fehring-Carr
Christie Wadley Christopher Hoffman Cindy Free
Christi Hale Christopher Howry Cindy Grant
Christina Alves Christopher Leberman Cindy Heyd
Christina Elliott Miller Trust Christopher L Jones Cindy Hill
Christina Hale Christopher Looby Cindy Hughes
Christina Johnson Christopher Lopes Cindy Jo Janecek
Christina Klingaman Christopher Mckeown Cindy K Berry Pennington
Christina Laughlin Christopher Miller Cindy Keig & Richard
Christina Miller Christopher M Mccutchen Cervantes Jts
Christina M Law Christopher M Mccutchen Cindy Lee Cundiff
Christina Rink Christopher M Mccutchen Cindy Martin
Christina Virgilio Christopher Paul Hopfer & Cindy Niwa
Christina Weiss Jennifer Cindy Poulton
Christine Adams Christopher P Hopfer Cindy Ritchie
Christine Delisle Christopher Raupe Cindy Sanders

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Cindy Williams Clarabelle Starling Clark Cole

Cintas Corporation No 2 Clara Brant Clarke B Evans
Circa Incorporated Clara Clinkingbeard Clarke Iii Llc
Circle 4 Land Inc Clara Foster Clark Huffer
Circle A Oil Country Clara Givens Clark Miller
Tubulars, Llc Clara Heppler Clark Rother
Circle Of Care Clara Ketch Clark Williams
Circle S Paving Company Inc Clara Ketch Clary Family Irrevocable
Circle W Services Llc Clara Ketch Le Trust Dtd
Circulation Solutions Llc Clara L Gallaway Ketch Clarys Boyle
Cireson Llc Living Trust Clauddia Jackson
Cir Oil Llc Clara Mansfield Claude Carter
Cirrus Production Company Clara Nevis Claude Carter
Cisco (Ppa) Clara Sneary Claude Carter
Citation 2004 Investment Lp Clara Stinebaker Claude C Bross
Citation Oil & Gas Corp Clara Sukowsky Claude Cooper
Citibank Clara Warner Estate Claude C Rouse Jr
Citi Energy Group Llc Clara Whisenant Claude Gibbs
Citizen Energy Iii Llc Clara Williamson Claude Hilton
Citizen Energy Ii Llc Clara Wiseman Claude Johnson
Citizen Energy Llc Clare Griffith Claude L. Obar
Citizen Energy Llc Clare Miller Claude M Hernandez
Citizen Mineral Llc Clarence Ball Claude Ned Demorest
Citizens Energy Ii Llc Clarence Berends Claude Raymond Urban
Citizens State Bank Clarence B & Glorene J Claude R Clifton Iii
City Of Ardmore Wood Trust Claude S Holley Living Trust
City Of Cambridge Utilities Clarence Branch Claudette Damron
City Of Chandler Clarence Carmack Claudette G Leachman
City Of Cushing Clarence Carpenter Landess
City Of Marshall Clarence Courtright Claude Wynn
City Of Oklahoma City Clarence Dallas Claudia Fritts
City Of Perkins Clarence Frey Claudia Fritts Rev Tr
City Of Stroud Clarence Gossett Claudia Kovar
City Rescue Mission Clarence G Root Claudia Leidecker
C Jackson Clarence Henderson Claudia Montgomery
Cj Keylor Clarence Hildebrand Claudia Payne
Cjl Properties Llc Clarence Kinnamon Claudia Reyes
Cjs Productions Llc Clarence Madison Claudia Sneathen
C&J Well Services Inc Clarence Maxwell Claudine Keith
C Kelly Clarence Mayfield Claudine Powers
C Kirk Clarence Simmons Claud Lane
Claire Barrett Clarence Simmons Claud Lewis
Claire L Holmes Trust Dtd 3- Clarence Smith Claud Nall
12-2014 Clarence Sooter Claudy Willard
Claire Lindsey Clarence Stubblefield Clay Boepple
Claire Tatum Estate Clarence Triplette Clay Jones
Claire Tatum Estate Clarence Wayne Haney Clay Muegge
Clair J Millard Iv Clarence Williams Clay Serigraphics Inc
Clair Jones Clarene Deroulet Clayton & Barbara Mchendry
Clairlee Llc Clarice Lang Fam Tr
Clara Acton Claridge Investments Llc Clayton Bridenstine

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Clayton Ness Clifford E Wright Clove Hitch Llc

Clayton Painter Clifford Fesler Clover Gaunt Holloway
Clayton Spiehs Clifford Hamil Cloyann Fent
Clayton Streck Clifford H Longan Estate Cloyd Bowsman
Clay Walton Clifford Hooper Cloye Kolehner
C L Barlow Clifford Howell Clyde A Files
Clear Creek Minerals Clifford Johnson Clyde Armour
Clearfork Ltd Clifford Lorena Smallwood Clyde Ball
Clear Fork Minerals Llc Clifford Lytton Estate Decd Clyde Bates
Clear Fork Royalty 4 Lp Clifford Nealy Clyde Bates
Clearview Land Llc Clifford R. Anderson Electric Clyde Becker
Cleary Energy Group Ltd Power Clyde Calvin Gray
Cleburn Lane Clifford R Bond Deceased Clyde Carmack
Cledith Legler Clifford R Muselmann Trust Clyde Chlouber
Cleeta Sidebotham Decd Clifford Sehie Clyde Chlouber
Clell Rickards Clifford Sherburne Clyde Davis
Clement E Ward Family Clifford Smallwood Clyde Edwards
Trust Clifford Smallwood Clyde Gladden
Clement Family Trust Clifford Sugg Clyde Golightly
Clemmit Yockey Clifford Timothy Tuck Clyde H Alexander Trust
Clemmit Yockey Cliff Sanders Clyde Jr & Nancy Matheson
Clendennen Va Irrev Trust Clift O&G Llc Trst
C&L Energy Services Llc. Clifton Beck Clydel Cheatham
Cleo Allen Walter Jr Estate Clifton Carter Clyde Roberts
Cleo Collins Clifton Consulting Inc Clyde R Sherwood &
Cleo Emerson Clifton Hemphill Margaret
Cleo Forrest Clifton Holcomb Clyde Thomas
Cleo Fowler Clifton Kolb And Rachel Clyde Treat
Cleo Hall Kolb C M Acton Revocable Trust
Cleo Kaufmann Cline Ranch Llc Cmark Resources Llc
C Leonard Anderson And Clint Abbott Cmc Business Systems Inc
Shirley R Clinton Ashley Jayne Cm Elliott Trust Uwo Betty
Cleo Timothy Clinton Chapman Pepis
Cleo W Harris Trust Clinton Cooper C Melton
Cleo Williams Clinton Daily News C & M Energy Inc
Cleta Kalb Clinton Kent C Messecar
Cleta Wallace Clinton Mcfadden C&M Exploration Llc
Cletha Hessel Rev Intervivos Clinton R Hammons Estate Cmg Oil Properties Llc
Cletha Hessel Rev Intervivos Decd C Michael & P Irene
Cletus Descher Clinton Shelton Howland Fam Tr
Cleveland Living Trust Clinton Strong C Mike Lyons
Cleveland Merl Carmack Dec Clinton Taylor C Milton Tanner
Cleveland Welsh Clint Parker & Becky Parker C&M Leasing
Cleverdon Fam Tr Hw Jts Cmo Energy Partners Ii Lp
Clifford Allen Fortune Clint Patterson Cmo Royalty Ii Llc
Clifford Buckles Clio Hinkle Cmo Royalty Llc
Clifford C Marrs Trust Clista Dodson C Mozell Bond
Clifford Collins Decd Clive Call Cmx Inc Of Kansas
Clifford Corgan Cloetta Hill Cnow Petroleum Llc
Clifford E Hair Cloris J Davis Living Trust Cnx Gas Company Llc
Clifford Eldon Gaunt Cloud Family Llc Coal Gas Transportation Llc

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Coastal Chemical Co Llc Collen Files Comptroller Of Public

Coastal Exploration Llc Collette Aris Mauz Accounts
Coats Briscoe Collier Oil & Gas Series Llc Compucom Inc
Cobalt Energy Partners Llc Collision Clinic Conard Schminke
Cobank Fcb Colloil Inc Conard Schminke
Cobank Fcb Collum Properties Llc Concept Ventures Llc
Cobb 2006 Revocable Trust Colonial Royalties Concho Collision
Cobb Company Colonial Royalties Limited Concierge Live Llc
Cobblestone Inns & Suites Partners Concorde Resources Group
Cobra Petroleum Company Colorado Office Of Condevco Inc
Lp Unclaimed Proper Confederate Resources Llc
Cochran Industrial Cp Colten Carver Congregation Of Benedictine
Cockrell Rev Living Trust Colter Fluman Coni Stokes
Codan Services Limited Colton Avery Conner & Winters Llp
Cody Bradshaw Colton Exploration Company Connie A Couch
Cody Devereaux Llc Connie Anderson
Cody Exploration Llc Colton Properties Llc Connie Anniba
Cody Folsom Columbia Production Connie Beasley
Cody Hawk Dba C. Hawk Company Connie Berrong
Pumping Columbine Logging Inc Connie Boyd
Cody Joe Lesher Comanche Exploration Co. Connie Bradfield
Cody Leach Llc Connie Clifton
Cody Lee Cardin Comanche Oil & Gas Inc Connie Dee Jones
Cody Max Clifton Comanche Resources Connie Dee Jones
Cody R Wolfe Company Connie Dixon
Coffeyville Resources Come Big Or Stay Home Llc Connie Farris
Refining & Ma Commercial Law Group Pc Connie Gaches
Coil Chem Llc Commissioners Of The Land Connie Haile
Cojurn Lp Office Connie Harper
Colby King Commission Of Taxation & Connie Heath
Colby King And Phallyn D Finance Connie Hickman
King Commonwealth Trust Connie Hiddleston
Colby Smith Company Connie Holladay
Colcord Communities Foundation Of Connie Huddleston
Cold Water Creek Exp Llc Oklahoma Connie Hues
Cole Eugene Searcy Community Bank Bristow Connie Jo Collins
Cole Shelton Oklahoma Connie Johnson
Colin Lewellen Community Resources Oil & Connie Kilgo
Colin L Martin And Teresa Gas Connie Kinslow
Martin Companion Health Services Connie Krohn
Colleen Boyles Llc Connie Lucille Holbird
Colleen Coatney Compass Instruments Llc Connie Maberry
Colleen Fergen Complete Pipe Services Llc Connie Marie Ingerson
Colleen Frances Tate Compressco Partners Connie Marie Landrum
Colleen Girone Operating Llc. Connie Mcbride
Colleen Hobbs Compressco Partners Sub Inc Connie Mcdonald
Colleen Kelly Compton And Wendler Pc Connie Mckelvey
Colleen Milsap Compton Family Trust Dtd Connie Mefford
Colleen Paramoure 12-13-2003 Connie Munn
Colleen Shannon Compton Family Trust Dtd 2- Connie Norman
Colleen Walker 7-13 Connie Norrie

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Connie Parker Continental Pipe Line Corporate Accomodations

Connie Pelton Company Llc
Connie Peterman Continental Resources Inc Corporate Coffee Systems
Connie Pierce Converse County Bank As Llc
Connie Poindexter The Sole Tr Corporate Tax Management
Connie Reece Trustee Of The Conway Blumer Inc
Connie Robinson C O Oil And Gas Llc Corporation Service
Connie Rosiere Cook Oil & Gas Properties Company
Connie Rowe Llc Corrigan Living Trust
Connie Sellars Cookson Hills Christian Corrine Crites
Connie S Jones Ministries Corrine Deceased
Connie S. Mace Cooley Family Trust Dated Corrine Nace
Connie S Oxford 11-12-91 Corrine Scheihing
Connie S Redgate Coons Run Psd Corry Woolington
Connie Stum Cooper Energy Llc Cortez Oil Company
Connie Tarrant Cooper Jones Corwen Energy Llc
Connie Tillery Copeland Services Inc. Cory Anderson
Connie Tonsgard Copperhead Resources Llc Cory Charlston
Connie Triplett Barnes Copper Hill Development Inc Cory Craddock
Connie Triplett Mize Rev Tr Corabell B Arps Le Cory James Beagles
Connie Warren Cora Bieberdorf Cory Lambert
Connie Wyckoff Cora Mainhurst Cory Pettit
Conocophillips Company Cora Malone Cory Rink
Conrad Goetz Cora Marie Robinson Revoc Cory Slusser
Conrad Hoy & Darriel N Lee Tr Cosset Enterprise Inc
Consolidated American Cora Means Costner Family Trust
Resources Llc Cora Smith Cot Llc
Consolidated Limited Cora Weisner C.O.T.P.A.
Partnership Corbin Frank Cotton Bledsoe Tighe &
Consolidated Oilfield Rentals Corda Corporation Dawson Pc
Consolidated Resources Co Cordaro Holdings Llc Cougar Drilling Solutions
Llc Cordes Giger Coulson Minerals Llc
Constance Buckner Core Laboratories Lp Council Of Petroleum
Constance Burch Corelogic Spatial Solutions Accountants So
Constance Cohn Corey Potter Countryside Land Services
Constance Dunagan Corey Watson Llc
Constance Ellis Corinne Ann Hodges Courtia J Worth Living Trust
Constance G Williamson Corinne Kerfoot Courtia Worth
Constance Irene Chambers Corisa Edgar Courtney Judge-Whetstine
Constance L Hale Corkie Jeffries Courtney Mcwalters Trust
Constance Mcspaden Corlyss Delashaw Covenant Title Analysts Llc
Constance Seay Cornelia Mccreedy Decd Cove Petroleum Cp
Consul Properties Llc Cornelia Suenram Cowan & Fleischer
Consul Properties Llc Cornerstone Builders Llc Cowboy Berry Minerals Llc
Contek Solutions Llc Cornerstone Oilfield Group Cowboy Kenny Inc
Contek Solutions Llc Llc Cowboy Oil & Gas Llc
Contemporary Cabinets Inc Coromandel Energy Llc Cowboys And Indians Llc
Continental Battery Company Coronado Petroleum Cowboys Stadium Lp
Continental Development Corporation Cowden Investments
Continental Exploration Llc Coronado Resources 2013 Lp Cow Doc Cattle Co Llc
Continental Imaging Products Coronado Resources Lp Cowpoke Energy Llc

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Coy Berends C R Hutcheson 1967 Trust Csw Master Limited

Coy Harmon C Richman Partnership
Coyote Land Llc Crine O&G Llc Ctag Royalty Lp
Cpi Exploration Inc Criner Land Services Llc C Thomas
Cpi Office Products Cripple Creek Energy Llc C Thomason
Craig Abel Criss Mcginty C Thomason
Craig Allen Criss Mcginty Cudd Pumping Services Inc
Craig A Musick Criss Mcginty Le Culbertson Family Rev Tr
Craig And Patricia Crista Mccann Agmt Dtd 1
Piwenitzky Cristie German Cullins Resources Inc
Craig Andrews Cristie Penn Cully Stafford
Craig A. Slawson Rev Tr Cristy Ellis Culroy Pa
Craig Blair Cristy Gonderman Cummings Oil Company
Craig Boyd Crixus Holdings Llc Cundiff Enterprises Llc
Craig Brian Wolff Crixus Holdings Llc Currin Bradley
Craig Busey Smith Crm Energy Inc Curtis Acton
Craig Cassiday Beeby Crockett Royalty Llc Curtis Alan Bouray
Craig Cook Crossfirst Energy Llc Curtis Boles
Craig Eyster Cross Lake Llc Curtis Bowie
Craig F Harm Crosstex Energy Services Lp Curtis Fisher
Craig Gross Cross Timbers Land Curtis Herrmann
Craig G Tirey Family Lp Management Llc Curtis J & Dane C & Todd T
Craig G Zastera Crow Creek Operating Co Iii Winters
Craig Jeffries Llc Curtis Launer
Craig Lee Smith Special Crowe & Dunlevy Curtis L Horrall Rev Tr
Needs Trust Crow Family Llc Curtis L Perryman Trust
Craig Macintyre Crowfly Llc Curtis Mcelroy
Craig Morey Crowhill Energy Llc Curtis N Launer
Craig Royalty Trust Co Llc Crown Energy Resources Llc Curtis Pancoast
Craig Scott Crown Trading Company Curtis Shipley
Craig Smith Crow Properties Lc Curtis Taylor
Craig Winters And Shelley D Crs Minerals Llc Curtis Walker
Winters Cruger Smith Ragland Jr Curtis Winney Nd
Crain Minerals Llc Descendants Curt Morey
Crane Family Trust Crumm Family Tr Curzon Management Llc
Craven Family Rev Trust Crusader Resources Inc Cusco Energies Inc
Agreement Crutchmer & Barnes Pllc Custer County Clerk
Creager Minerals Ltd. Crystal Daves Custom Compression
Credit Suisse Securities (Usa) Crystal Delaney Systems Llc
Llc Crystal Ladawn Holley Custom Trucks & Equipment
Creede Oil & Gas Company Crystal Miller Cutbirth Mineral
Creede Royalty Partners Crystal Mueggenborg Management Llc
Cree Roberts Estate Decd Crystal Pour Cutter Energy Llc
Crenshaw Family Revocable Crystal Sage Cutter Resources Llc
Living Crystal Thomsen Cvec
Crescent Cemetery Assoc C Scott C V Richardson
Crescent Transport Company Cse Icon Inc C Wayne Mcgehee
Inc C S French Test Trust C W Culpepper
Crestwood Energy Llc Csi Inspections Llc C Wright Co Ltd
Crestwood Energy Llc Csi Measurement Llc Cwt Minerals Llc Jay C
C R F Eckels Llc Thomas

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C W Wickstrom Llc Cynthia Mohr Dale Carol Tanner

Cxa Oil & Gas Holdings L.P Cynthia Mueller Dale & Christina Taylor
Cynda Meyer Cynthia O'connell Living Tr
Cynthia A Corley Trst Cynthia Owen Dale C Kindt Revocable
Cynthia Adams Cynthia Peterson Trust
Cynthia A Hobbs Cynthia Phillips Stafford Dale Cochran
Cynthia Alper Cynthia Reynolds Dale Debord
Cynthia And Robert Swaim Cynthia Schoeppel Dale Donelson
Jt Cynthia Seaboch Lucia Dale Doxtater
Cynthia Ann Ewt Cynthia Searcy Dale Edward Chlouber
Cynthia Atha Cynthia Sparks Dale Edwards
Cynthia Barrios Cynthia Spears Dale E Weathers Revocable
Cynthia Bechtold Cynthia Swaim Trust Agt
Cynthia Bostick Cynthia Telisak Dale Fancher
Cynthia Bowman Cynthia Thatcher Phillipy Dale Folks Llc
Cynthia Cassidy-Bowen Cynthia Thomsen Dale Frey
Cynthia Collins Cynthia Vaden Dale Frey
Cynthia Corley Minerals Llc Cynthia Westfall Dale Gene Nida Irrev Trust
Cynthia Crawford Cynthia Williams Dtd 12-2
Cynthia Cunningham Cynthia Wilson Dale Gene Nida Tr
Cynthia Dale Cynthia Wilson Dale Glimp
Cynthia Dodge Cynthia Yullish Dale Green & Dolores Green
Cynthia Eubanks C Young Dale Haney
Cynthia Evans Cypress Income Funds Ii Llc Dale Harris
Cynthia Fariss Cytosport Inc Dale Haskin
Cynthia Ferguson D5 Minerals Lp Dale Hildebrand
Cynthia Fitzgerald Da3co Llc Dale Holzer
Cynthia Friedmann Dabal Llc Dale Horton
Cynthia Gordhamer Dadson Capital Co. Llc Dale Howard
Cynthia Griffiths Dadson Capital Company 4 Dale Jafek
Cynthia Groninger Llc Dale & Jane Armstrong Tr
Cynthia Hartman Dagnys Llc Under Rev
Cynthia H Lorance Irrev Gift Dagny's Operating Lp Dale Johnson
Tr Dagnys Properties Lp Dale Kautz
Cynthia H Lorance Living Dahlberg & Associates Llc Dale Keen
Trust Dahl Tr Dtd 10-20-2009 Dale Kimball
Cynthia Hobbs Morris Daisy Bunch Dale Kosted
Cynthia Holbrook Daisy Deceased Dale Krout
Cynthia Holley Phelps Trust Dakoda Levi Combs Dale Lauran Patton Estate
Cynthia Hudgins Dakota Energy Llc Dale L & Phyllis J
Cynthia Hudson Dakota Exploration Llc Montgomery Rev T
Cynthia Hunter Dakotah James Knight Dale Malaska
Cynthia Jo Ann Hembree Dakota Land Llc Dale Morris
Cynthia King Dale Archer Mcnulty Dale Morrisett
Cynthia Kreymer Dale Archer Mcnutty Dale Mullins
Cynthia Lazenby Dale B Anglin Trust Dale Murphy
Cynthia Lazenby Dale Bentley Dale Neiman & Patricia
Cynthia Lee Miller Dale Breedlove Neiman Hwjt
Cynthia L Platts Dale Burton Dalen Resources Oil & Gas
Cynthia Mcdonald Dale Bussard Co
Cynthia Mcintire Dale Caldwell Dale Oklahoma Llc

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Dale Parks Dan Close Daniel Linn

Dale Peacock Dan Davis Daniel L Keith & Delaine
Dale Peregrine Minerals Dan D. Drilling Corporation Keith Rev
Fund Lp Dan Duggan Daniel L Pixley
Dale P Minerals Ltd Dan Duncan Daniel L Willett
Partnership Dan Edward Caldwell Daniel Management Ltd
Dale Pyle Dane Hunt Daniel Mueggenborg
Dale Rink Danelak Llc Daniel P And Vida K
Dale Seefeldt Danelle Odell Schuman Rev. Tr
Dale Sewell Danford Wheeler Jr Daniel Pike
Dale Sewell Dan Haynes Daniel Pomeroy
Dale Tanner Trust Danial B Haaby & Sharon Daniel Rains
Dale Webber Gail Haaby Daniel Rauch
Dale Whitesides Danick Resources Inc Daniel Ray Rudy
Dale Whitesides Daniel Aaron Yost Daniel Reich
Dale Williston Minerals Daniel And April Nack Daniel Resendez
2012-B Lp Daniel A Nizich Daniel Ross
Dale Woodruff Daniel A Woods Trust Daniel Sakols
Dale W Shaffer Daniel Axtell Daniel Schad
Dallen Walters Daniel Bosworth Daniel Schumacher
Dalton Cook Daniel Brengle Daniel Serignese
Damon S Seiger & Chandra Daniel Cartmill Daniels Family Trust
E Seiger J Daniel Coates Daniel Stickford
Damon Yost Daniel Correll Daniel Storm
Damyan Chesmore Daniel E Kastl Daniel Strong
Dana Brown Daniel Engel Daniel T Hanson
Dana Christine Morford & Daniel E Stehling Roth Ira Daniel Vater
Dana Clements Warden Daniel G Vollmer Daniel Weisman
Dana Dantine Living Daniel Hampton Daniel W Whitten Trust
Dana Dotter Daniel Hansen Daniel Zeiler
Dana Franciss Daniel Hildebrand Dan Legrant
Dana Frank Daniel H Lough Danlin Industries Corporation
Danah Knight Daniel Jack Dan May
Dana Jeanine Hirst Daniel James Kenan Rev Dan Mitchell Jr Rev Trust
Dana J Russell Trust 10-1-2007
Dana Kale Daniel Jessie Belcher Sr Life Dan M & Jerrie Crummett
Dana L Huffman Trust Estat Trust
Dana Morris An Daniel Kenan Dan Mordhorst Rev Tr Dtd
Incapacitated Person Daniel Kilpatrick 6/30/97
Dana Otto Daniel Kitterman & Deborah Dan Mordhourst Revocable
Dana Reedy Fultz Trust
Dana Renee Longan Daniel K Mannisto Danna Zoltner
Dana Robinson Wood Daniel Lamson Dannie L Lutter
Dana Rogers Daniel L Clinkingbeard & Danny Allender Life Estate
Dana Sellers Patricia J Danny Allen Pelphrey Ttee
Dana Thompson Danielle Fuselier Danny And Patricia Langley
Dana Welborne Danielle Hurst Hw Jt
Dan Blocker Petroleum Cons Danielle White Danny Bowling
Inc Danielle Woodard Danny Bowling
Dan Cerulli Daniel & Linda Milacek Danny Buntin
Dan Clinkingbeard Trust Danny Cockrell

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Danny Cox Darla Haggard Darrell Roever

Danny Creed Darla Hahn Darrell Switzer
Danny Creed Trustee Darla Hahn Darrell Thomas Nasalroad
Danny C Shaffer Darla Haney Darrell Waller
Danny Decd Darla Jan Bennett Darrell Westfall
Danny Diller Darla J. Beeby Liv Tr Dtd Darrell Westfall
Danny Earl Lins Living Trust 6/11/2004 Darrell Wilson
Danny Griffin Darla Jones Darrell Yates And Heather W
Danny Holcomb Darla Linder Huckabay Yates
Danny Hunter Darla Masterson Darrel Nivens
Danny Keith Darla Michelle Trout Darrel Nivens
Danny Kelly Darla Mundell Darrel Overholt
Danny Kroll Darla Sue Brantley Darrel Ray
Danny Lee Struck Darlene Arnold Darrel Sedbrook
Danny L. Sherman Bandit Darlene D Hanneman Darrel Van Coevering
Esp Service Darlene F Franz Living Trust Darren Allen & Lori Lynn
Danny Lynn Houston & Darlene Graham Strauss Fa
Tommie Lynn Darlene Johnston Darren And Cynthia
Danny Minshall D Arlene Mercer Living Caldwell
Danny M & Sheila M Annett Trust Darren Breshears
Danny M & Sheila M Annett Darlene Pearson Darren Clark
Danny Rains Darlene Wetherbee Darren Crews
Danny Rifkin Darlene Wright Darren E Caldwell Cynthia L
Danny Scroggs Darlinda Braddy Caldwel
Danny Semrad Darling Daughters Darren Green
Danny Shippy Partnership Darren Heath
Danny Sublett Darlouise Shurtz-Woody Rev Darren Malaska
Danny Swart Trust Dt Darren Reynolds
Danny Watson Darlyne Seal Trust Darren Thomspon
Danny White Darnell Bortz Darren Upshaw
Danny Willett Darnell Drilling Darrick Rainss
Danny Wolff Darrall Hannah Darrin Y Hicks
Dan Scott Darrel Hopper Darrold Graham
Dan Takacs Darrel Kauk Darryl David Dismuke
Dan Tracy Darrell & Billy Stiles Trust Darryl Evans
Dan Wager Darrell Blasier Darryl Hicks
Danye Goodenough Darrell Boepple Darryl V Parkham Rev Trust
Daphne Burkhart Darrell Cline Darryl Watts
Daphne Reed Darrell Englert Darsha Schievink
Darcy Coale Darrell Graef Darwin Drake
Darcy Miskol Darrell Groom Darwin E Long Tr Dtd 8-18-
Darell Jelsma Darrell Haston 2016
Darell Lantz Darrell Heath Darwin Hansen
Darena Turner Darrell Hoover Darwin Johnson
Dario V Guerra Estate Decd Darrell J Mansell Dary Energy Llc
Darkside Resources Llc Darrell Lancaster Daryl And Michele L Osmus
Lawrence Jen Darrell Lee Stiles And Billie Daryl Beckner
Darla Buckley J Sti Daryl D Puckett
Darla Courtright Darrell Motts Daryl Gene Burger Trust
Darla G Clark Darrell Ommen Daryl Haak
Darla Graves Darrell Richardson Daryl Patrick Kerr Trust

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Daryl Reeser David Benjamin Mike David Delisle

Daryl Testerman Schroeder David Denner
Daskevich Enterprises Inc David Bennett David D Hunt Family Trust
Datalog Lwt Inc David Bershof David Diehm
Datapages Inc David Beveridge David Dixon
Data Technology Solutions David Bibb David Dodd
Lc David Blackburn David Dodd Inc
Daube Partnership Ltd David Blain Pinson Llc David Dolezal
Daulita M Church David Blakemore Rev Tr Dtd David Dotter
Dave Buckles 5-5-2009 David Downing
Dave Holke Consulting Inc David Blakeney David Ducharme
Dave Holke Consulting Inc David Blevins David Duckworth
Davenport Group Inc David Blue David Duwe
Davenport Rei Llc David Boepple David Edenfield
Dave Paddock David Bowen And David Edmiston
Dave Shaffer David Bradfield David E Jafek & Mary Etta
David Aaron Spiva Sr David Brent Pote Jafek Hwj
David A Bash Jr Lvg Trust David Brock David E Ketchum Trust
David A Chaff David Brown David Elijah & Yvonne
David Adams David Buffington Cunningham Hw
David A Downey David Burson David Emerson
David Adrean David Byrne David E Morgan Inc
David Alcott David Campbell David E Palm Rev Trust
Davida Le David Carpenter David Ernest Walker
David Allen David Carrier David E Ruhl
David Allen David Carter David Eugene Merz
David Allen David Cartmell David Evans
David Allen Bird Lvg Tr David Casey David F Johnson & Or Alice
David A Murphy David Chalmers L Johnso
David And Cynthia Mannas, David Chance Owen David Flackman
Llc David Chapman David Flesher
David Anderson David Cherbonnier David F & Marilyn Womack
David And Lela Beth David C Hessel Rev Sims
Strickland Hw J Intervivos Tr David Focht
David Andrew David Choate David Foster
David And Sue A Bradshaw David Christy Newbaker David Freeman
Jt David Coker David Freeman
David And Susan Jewell Jts David Collins David Fretz Deceased
David And Teri Long Rev Tr David Craft David Frusher
David A Roberson Ii David Craycraft David F Sims Survivor's
David A Roberson Rev David Cross Trust "A"
Living Tr David Crossfield David Gibson
David A Seelig And Debra K David Cummins David G & Joyce L
Seelig H David Curry Nicodemus Trust
David A Ward David C White David Glenn
David A Whitten Trust David Daggett David G Moore
David Axtell David Davidson David Gregg Autery
David Ball David Davis David Gregory
David Bartholome David Davis David Guest
David Battle David D & Beverly S Click David Gust
David Beal Rev Trust David Gutierrez

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David Haken David Keith Haken David Newbaker

David Haken David K Harper Exempt David Newbaker
David Hall Trust 3-12-20 David Northcutt
David Hamil David Kirk David Oakes
David Hammond David Kirk David O Cordell
David Hampton David Knox David Oneill
David Hampton David Kroll David Orr
David Hardin David Kuykendall David Overton
David Hardy David Kuykendall David Paul Austin
David Hardy David Lahman David Paul Kennedy
David Harris David Lamb David P Cramer
David Hartsock David Lambert David Pemberton
David Hayes David Lance David Petermann
David Hays David L Blakley Rev Trust David Peters
David Hemphill David L Debord David Peters
David Hendrix David Leroy Fretz David Pettit
David Hensley David Leroy Silvers David P Folks 2004 Trust
David Hessell David Linn David & Phyllis Lambert
David Hesser David L Jacob Fam Tr 2120
David Hester David L Murphy David Pletcher
David Hetherington David Long Enterprises Llc David Pollock
David H & Helen L Johnson David Loye David Raines
Rev Tr David L & Paula R Fry Rev David Rains
David Hicks Lvg Trust David Rainss
David H Kautz David L. Reynolds Trust David Ray Buffington
David Holbrook David L Robinson Dds David R Delano And Susana
David Holderby David Lynn Massey I Delano
David Holle David Maggard David Reaves
David Horger David Mark Johnson David Reed
David Howland David Mark Longan David R Ellspermann
David Hoy David Martin David Rentfrow
David Huckelberry David Mattocks David Reynolds
David Humphrey David & Maurine Worsham David R. Graham And Donna
David Humphrey Family Tr D L. Graham
David Hunziker David & Maurine Worsham David Rhodes
David Imhoff Family Trus David R Judd
David Ingram David Mcdowell David R Milsten Rev Trust
David Ingram David Mcentire David Roberts
David Ira Ruddell & Rebecca David M Delahay Sr David Robertson
Lynn David Meier David Robinson
David Jackman Jr David Michael Blevins Ttee David Rollins
David Jacobs Of David Rowe
David Jeffrey David Michael Glahn David Rucker
David J Harak David M Nightengale Estate David Ruegg
David J Heiden David Monroe Smith David Sallman
David J Holcomb David Montgomery David Salverson
David John Hewitt David Moring David Schedler
David Jones David Morris David Schrammel
David Jones David Murdoch David Schrammel
David Jones David Murphy David Schroeder
David J Pipla David Nemechek David Schultz

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David Schuman David Whitney D Corbyn

David Scott David Williams Dcp Midstream Lp
David Sears David Wilson Dcp Midstream Lp
David S French & Jennifer N David Wiss D & C Poultry Eq Inc
French David Wolf D Darrell Howard Living
David Sharp David Wolff Trust
David Sharp David W Sloan D Deloris Chesmore
David Sherman David W Smith Revocable Dde Partnership
David Sherwood Trust D & D Minerals L.L.C.
David Shippy David W Walsh Ddn Properties Llc
David Shoup David Zeiler D & D Oil Llc
David Sloan David Zimmerman Dd Oldham Llc
David Smith Davis Brothers Llc Dd Southern Holdings Llc
David Smith Davis & Davis Company Ddt Inc
David Smith Davis Farms D Duncan
David Speed Davis Hawthorn Deaconess Foundation
David Speers Davis Holdings Lp Deadcenter Film Festival Inc
David Spencer Davis-Kinzie Children's Dea Denise Rash Family
David Spillane Trust Dtd. Trust
David & Stella Ettinger Jt Davis Legacy Llc Deah Stubbs
David Stewart Davis Legacy Llc Dean Apel
David Stewart Davis - Lynch Deana Rae Worthington
David Stout Davis Mineral Group Llc Deana Stubblefield
David Stromberg Davison Family Trust Dean Earp
David Swain Davis Operating Company Deaner & Company
David Swank Davon Oil Company Dean Family Trust
David Swank Dawna Johnson Deanna Barnett
David Swank Rev Living Tr Dawn Belknap Deanna Bradley
David Takacs Dawne Ormiston Deanna Dillingham
David Tanner Dawn Kukuk Deanna Dillingham Liv Tr
David Teegarden Dawn Lynne Steincamp Deanna Inez Spears & Roma
David Testerman Dawn Ovel Lee
David Thompson Dawn Rohrs Deanna Jenkins
David Tolson Dawn Shrum Deanna Johnson
David Trent Parkinson Dawn Vanbuskink Deanna Lynn Davidson-
David Tryon Dawson Geophysical Johnson &
David Tucker Dba Tuckers Company Deanna Lynn Vargas
Welding Se Dax Rains Deanna Martinez
David Van Dyke Day & Day Designs Inc Deanna M. Bosch
David Van Meter Day Family Trust Deanna Ross
David V Berry D Ayree Investments Llc Deanna Rupp Thimell
David Wallis Dayton Rose Deanna Stasiewicz
David Warner D&B Energy Inc Deanna Stasiewicz Trust
David Watts Db Gray Deanna Sue Frank
David Wayne Coe D B Jones Ttee Deanna T Dillingham Living
David W Chinn Dbr Energy Investments Llc Trust
David W Davis Db Swagger Llc Deanna Vargas
David Welsh D Carpenter Deanna Ward
David Wesley Bennett D C Goff Rev Energy Trust Deanne Freeman
David W Hembree Dcjsd Family Llc Deann Grammer
David Whitlock Dck Llc

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Deann Moore Rev Living Tr Deborah Christine Lewis Deborah Richardson

Dtd 5-22- Estay Deborah R Leveranz
Deann Piter Deborah Coe Silver Deborah R Montgomery
Dean Patton Deborah Covey Deborah R Montgomery
Dean Post Deborah Crane Deborah Rodriguez
Dean P Walker & Konda E Deborah Dennis Snow Jt Deborah Rolen
Walker Hwjt Deborah Edmonds Deborah Santelli
Dean Winter Deborah Edstrom Deborah Schmidt
Dearing Inc Deborah Fetty Deborah Sheflin
Dearmond's Bit Service Inc Deborah Fischer Rev Trust Deborah Snodgrass
Deason Resources Inc Deborah Fitzsimmons Deborah Strahl
Deaunna Thomas Deborah Gayle Bedolla Deborah Sue Mcginnis
Debbie Austin Deborah Gerst Deborah Williams
Debbie Bannister Deborah Goddard Deborah Wood
Debbie Bartels Deborah Gripe Deborah Zetterberg
Debbie Drew Deborah Hardy Debora Osmus
Debbie G Smith Deborah Haskin Taylor Debra A Kirk
Debbie Hedder Deborah Hobbs Debra And Michael B
Debbie Heekin Deborah Hockensmith Hatchett
Debbie Hodder Deborah Howell Debra Ann Daggett
Debbie Jo Resources Llc Deborah Jackson Debra Ann Landwehr
Debbie Kehres Deborah Jameson Debra Ann Wolfe
Debbie Kehres Deborah Jane Thornburg Debra Austin
Debbie Leonard Deborah J Hatfield Debra Bartholome
Debbie Mccarty Deborah J Rogers Debra Beasley
Debbie Nobles Deborah Kay Barton Debra Bell
Debbie Novard Deborah Kay Listen Debra Bentley
Debbie Robertson Deborah Kay Paschal Debra Blakely
Debbie Rogers Deborah Kellogg Debra Blakley Rev Living
Debbie Ruggs Deborah Kendall Trust
Debbie Sansom Deborah K Langston Trust Debra Brunner
Debbie Stenette Deborah Lack Debra Campbell
Debbie Stennett Deborah Lee Mcfarlane Debra Carter
Debbie Terrel Deborah L Graybill Siddall, Debra Casteel
Debby Appel Trustee Debra Coleman
Deb Elledge Deborah Lipscomb Debra Corr
Deberah Hickman Deborah L Lynch Debra D Beck
Deborah Ann Boozer- Deborah Louise Schroeder Debra Fairbanks
Carmona Trust Debra Fairbanks
Deborah Ann Brown Deborah Mccarroll Debra Furgason
Deborah Ann Corbin Ttee Deborah Mccurdy Debra Gabel
Deborah Ann Ward Deborah Mckee Debra Gaddy
Debora Hart Deborah Morrison Debra Goode
Deborah Barton Deborah M Stevens Debra Goss
Deborah Birdwell Deborah Nelson Debra Hampton
Deborah Blair Deborah Nuckols Soutter Debra Hatter
Deborah Boggs Deborah Phillips Debra Herrmann
Deborah Bolay Deborah Powell Debra Hinton
Deborah Broomfield Deborah Price Debra Hodapp
Deborah Cain Millaway Deborah Prock Debra Holder
Deborah Chapman Deborah Quinton Debra Horton

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Debra Kaus Deena Frieling Dell Software Inc

Debra Kay Hooper Deena Rudd Delmar Nealy
Debra L Case Deep Red Royalty Llc Delmar Pepmiller
Debra Lynn Shipman Deep Rock Resources Llc Delmer Bishop
Debra Martin Deep Wells Ventures Llc Delmer & Geraldine Woods
Debra Mcgrath Deep Well Tubular Service Trst
Debra Michalke Inc Delois Carrier
Debra Montgomery Deep Well Tubular Services Delon And Karen S Flinchum
Debra Mueller Inc Jt
Debra Nelson Dee Short Martin Delon Flinchum
Debra O'malley Dee Williams Thomas Delora G Lassiter
Debra Otjen Degolyer & Macnaughton Delores A Tilbury
Debra Pate Deidre Thornsberry Delores Gilchrist
Debra Phelan Deirdre Campbell Delores I Price Trust
Debra Pleasant Dejay Oil & Gas Inc Delores J Stites Inter Vivos
Debra Purvis Deka Inc Rev Tr
Debra Reese Delacosta Energy Lp Delores Lancaster
Debra Robinson Delacroix Land & Cattle Co Delores Marion
Debra Rose Grant Llc Delores Mathews
Debra Rosenbaugh Delahay Rev Lvg Tr Dtd Delores Prockish
Debra Schacher 06.08.95 Delores Shimanek
Debra Schrekenghost Delaina Workman Delores Verriano
Debra Shipman Delain Stafford Delores Webb Macken
Debra Shores Delane Kehnemund Delores Wilson
Debra Smith Delaney Family Revocable Deloris Deal
Debra S Mullen Trust Trust Deloris Evelsizer
Debra Staley-Paulsen Delberta Drake Deloris Leonard
Debra Taylor Delbert Brooks Deloris Lewis
Debra Unruh Delbert D Grassman Deloris Wilson
Debra Vertucci Delbert Farra Delta 08 Llc
Debra Webber Crucani Delbert Farria Delta Royalty Company Inc
Debra Welch Delbert Jeans Delta Trust & Bank
Debra White Delbert Kauk Delvin Combs
Debra Wilson Delbert Lantz Dema Diederich
Debra Zimmerman Delbert & Marie Grassman Demetrio Araujos
D Eby Trust Agmt Demoss Royalty Llc
Deck Oil Company Delbert Mary Maker Dempsey Hillen
Declaration Of Trust Delbert R Goodin Living Dempsey Mcentire
Decoty Coffee Company Trust Demson Family Partnership
D E Davis Inc Delbert Shippy Dena Smiddy
Dede Llc Del Birchfield Dena Wolf
Dede Trosper Delcia Etheridge Denice Watkins
Dedra Ann Jones Delcy Burford Denise Adkison
Deeanna Biggs Delinda Wall Denise Baker
Dee Ann Dunivan Beeby Rev D.E. Lippert Jr Denise Campbell
Inter Viv Della Bradford Denise Chesmore
Dee Ann Ediger Della Cross Denise Clark
Deeanne Gist Della Gross Denise Debra Jett
Deelare Inc Della Morris Denise Dolezal Butz
Dee Martin Delles Eggers Denise Hafner Bay
Deena Frieling Dell Financial Services Llc Denise Halliburton

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Denise Haworth Stratton Dennis Gerken & Barbara Dennis Swearingen

Denise Hesser Gerken Hwjt Dennis Tryon
Denise Johnson Dennis Gerst Dennis Vater
Denise Kirk Dennis Gilliland Dennis W Dismuke
Denise Kirkes Dennis Golay Denton Allder
Denise Larossa Dennis Gronquist Denton Reim
Denise Lowery Dennis & Harriet Fiihr Rev Denver Davis & Cheri Lynn
Denise Michelle Feldman Trust Hall Revo
Denise Michelle Feldman Dennis Henry Denver Foran
Denise M Olson Dennis Hewitt Denver Johnson
Denise Renee Hickman Dennis Hoffman Denzil Jones
Denise Richards Fka Denise Dennis Howard Deon Frye
Leella W Dennis Hyland & Department Of Education
Denise Sitton-Hamm Dennis Hyland Agency #265
Denise Stanton Dennis J Bode Department Of Interior -
Denise Tye Dennis Jefferies Mms
Denise Zinn Dennis Johnson Department Of Interior - Onrr
Denis Rubaloff Dennis Kauk Depletion Reserve Accnt
Denita Bailey Dennis Kroll Trust
Denita Ruggs Dennis Lauer Derald Meyer
Denna Perigo Dennis L Datin & Collette L Derald Schoon & Luana
Dennie Shippy Dennis Leader Schoon
Dennis Dennis Lovell Derek Biby
Dennis Adkins Dennis L Pealor Derek Coe
Dennis Bass Dennis Marshalls Derek Donathan
Dennis Bertrand Dennis Martin Derek West
Dennis Blocker Dennis Mattocks Derek W Freeman
Dennis Brorsen Dennis Mcdowell Derrick Equipment Company
Dennis Buckmaster Dennis Mcgettrick Derrick Shannon
Dennis Busch Dennis Mitchell Derwin Nasalroad
Dennis Calavan Dennis Mittasch Derwood B & Annette E
Dennis Charles Harrington Dennis O & Marie A Shelby
Trust Cubbage Jr Derwood Brad Shelby
Dennis & Charlotte Dennis Omeara Deryl Henson Consulting Llc
Schwoerke Livtr Dennis Orndorff Desdive Milacek
Dennis Christman Dennis Parker D E Shaw Direct Capital
Dennis Clary And Michelle R Dennis Parr Portfolios
Clary J Dennis Penson D E Shaw Ppa
Dennis Cooper Dennis Potter Desirae Bonique Stevens
Dennis Currier Dennis R Boepple Desiree D Thomason
Dennis Deshieldss Dennis R Doro & Mary Kay Desiree Miller
Dennis Dewart Doro Rev T Desiree Walker
Dennis Dunivan Dennis Reaves Desk & Derrick Club Of Okc
Dennis E Bertholf & Loretta Dennis Reynolds Desoto Natural Resources Inc
F Dennis Richardson Desoto Parish Clerk Of Court
Dennis E Seal Trust Dennis Rupp Dessie Clark
Dennis Fischer Dennis Rupp Dessie Lea Evans
Dennis Foley Dennis Sears Destiny Knight
Dennis Francis Dennis Sheffield And Dettie Radabaugh
Dennis Gaunt Dennis Stewart Deuel Energy Llc
Dennis Stokes Deverl White

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Devils River Investments Inc Diana Houston Dianna Chester

Devine Land Services Inc Diana Jacobs Dianna Downing
Devin Rains Diana Lamascus Dianna Lierle
Devon Energy Corporation Diana Larsen Dianna Lynn Waldridge
Devon Energy Production Co Diana Leray Dianna Mcbride
Devon Energy Production Diana Leray Dianna Ritchey
Company Lp Diana Long Dianna Roberts
Devon Frye Diana Lynn Vawter Dianna Tatro
Devon (Ppa) Diana M Osborne Dianne Alexander
Devon Retherford Diana Peterson Dianne B Puckett
Devon Richardson Diana Price Dianne Chilton
Devon Thedford Diana Randleman Dianne Dirickson
Devore Oil And Gas Llc Diana Shoop Dianne Lowry
Devra Thuss Diana Simmer Dianne Nelson Smith
Dewanna Mercer Diana Smith Dianne Owens
Dewart Family Trust Dtd 9- Diana Snyder Dianne Short Smart Rev
22-08 Diana Williamson Trust
Dewayne Becker Diane Archer Dianne Sievers
Dewayne Hickman Diane Armijo Dianne Sue Payne Martin
Dewayne Prickett Diane B Carroll Dian Soppeland Snyder
Dewayne Ray Stewart Diane Bridenstine Dian Stringer
Dewell Family Living Trust Diane Browning Dick Battle
Dewey County Abstract Diane Campbell Dick Christman Modern
Company Diane Darrough Home Applianc
Dewey County Oklahoma Diane Farzano Dick Gaches Dba Standard
Dewoody Living Trust Diane Floyd Plumbing
Dexter F Smith Family Lp Diane Flynn Dick Ledbetter
Df Energy Consulting Llc Diane Frick Dick Mason
D Freeman Bosworth Diane Hurst Billeaud Dick M Battle
Holdings Llc Diane Jeter Dick Trim
Dgc Investments Llc Diane Jordan Dico 79 Ltd
Dg Oil Company Inc Diane Lanee Hines Diedre Downing Marcolongo
D Harrison Diane L Christensen Dienergy Inc
Diablo Oil & Gas Company Diane Mainero Di Energy Inc
Diadem Enterprises Inc Diane Margolis Dietra Giddeon
Dial Dunkin Diane Mashore Dietra Lewis
Dialog Wireline Services Llc Diane Musick Digital Land Consultants Inc
Diamondback Operating Diane R Crane Digital Media Warehouse
Company Diane Richter Digital Networks Llc
Diamond Energy Inc. Diane Salinas Dijon Evans
Diamond Flowback Llc Diane Satterstrom Dillinger Family Trust Dtd 1-
Diamond L Inc Diane S Beekman Lvg Tr 5-2005
Diamond Services Co Inc Diane Seabolt Dillon Woodard Lvg Tr
Diana A Suber Diane Smart Dinah Joyce Price Rev Trust
Diana Bline Diane Swogger Dink Williford
Diana Brunel Diane Walker Ttee Diogenes Capital Corporation
Diana Busch Hartley Diane Williams Dion Maule
Diana Davidson Diane Woodward-Frost Rev Direct Capital Mississippian
Diana Hicks Lvg Direct Capital Mississippian
Diana Hirsch Dian Manry (Ppa)
Diana Hirsch Trust Dianna Bates Directional Fluid Disposals

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Directv Llc (Dnu) Ba&J Enterprises (Dnu) Rachel Z Hanson Trust

Dirk Neitzel (Dnu) Charles H & Rose L 11/24/2
Dirk & Samantha Thompson Wingert (Dnu)Ramond W Dietrich
Displays Unlimited Inc (Dnu) Christine E Living Trust
District Of Columbia (Dnu) Cs Investments (Dnu) Richard E & Kimberly
Ditch Witch Of Oklahoma (Dnu)David A Hanson Rev R Miller
Diverse Energy Investments Tr 11/24/20 (Dnu) Rita Jan Geeslin
Divestco Inc (Dnu) David Owens (Dnu)Rodney D & Linda
Divine Word College (Dnu) Diventures, Llc Bohlender
Dixie Bartlett (Dnu) Donald E Grimm (Dnu) Ruth Kaster Revocable
Dixie Boatman (Dnu) Enrique Duran, Jr Trust
Dixie Bradshaw (Dnu) Eric German (Dnu) Scott C Miller Jr
Dixie Carl (Dnu) G Atcheley Geeslin Living Trus
Dixie Farris Resources Llc Flp (Dnu)Scott & Deborah Miller
Dixie Hearn George (Dnu) Geoffrey Kyle Jones Family
Dixie Johnson (Dnu) Gladys M Wilde Trust (Dnu) Shannon Holdings, Llc
Dixie L Ferrell (Dnu) Gregg Olson Cash (Dnu) Steve & Mary
Dixie Pipe Company Balance Plan Langhorst
Dixie Reid (Dnu) Hampton Family (Dnu) Teri Renee Mertena-
Dixie Tigcheler Investments Ll Oakes
Dixie Ugale-Simons (Dnu) Harold Bradley Lewis (Dnu)Trust Agreement Of
Dixon Family Trust Dtd May (Dnu)Harold Bradley Lewis Orval N Gar
30 1999 (Dnu)Hartman O Land & (Dnu) William & Heather
D&J Minerals Inc Cattle Llc (Dnu) William J Spicer
Dka Resources Lp (Dnu) Heather B Kroona Doculynx Inc
D Keesecker (Dnu)Jackson Properties Llc Dodge Creek Llc
D Keith Haken (Dnu) Jeffery Kronback & D O H Oil Company
Dkl Properties Ii Llc Debra Kron Dollie Bay
D&K Supply & Equipment (Dnu) Jennifer M Miller Dollie C Spillman Irrv Trust
Inc Living Trus Dollie E Canfield
Dkt Energy Llc (Dnu)Jerry W & Mary P Dollie Harmon Mcclary
Dla Howe Inc Jones Dollie Mcclary
Dla Piper Llc Us (Dnu) Jica, Llc Dollie Mcclure
Dl Beveridge Investments (Dnu) Kevin & Nancy Voigt Dolman Properties Llc
Llc (Dnu) Levi & Jennifer Dolores Bauman
Dlb Revocable Trust 9/1/16 Severson Dolores Carr
D & L Eckard Living Trust (Dnu) Lincoln & Jaclyn Dolores G Henningson
Dlngr Nr Llc Langhorst Dolores L Bickett
D&L Oil & Gas Llc (Dnu) Luella L Reim Liv Dolores Lipcaman
Dls Trust Trust 5/31/ Dolores Marie Bradley Le
D L Wright Royalty Co (Dnu) Lyle David Rapp Dolores Marie Morrisett
Dmc Services Llc (Dnu) Mark E Davis Dolores Marie Morrisett
Dm & H Cattle Company Ltd (Dnu) Marvin & Janice Dolores Marie Seabridge
Lllp Kaster Estate
D&M Hilliard Trucking Llc (Dnu) Michael Craig Jones Dolores Roe
Dmic Consulting (Dnu) Michael O'toole Domestic Energy Services
D & M Land Llc (Dnu)Miller Miller Bradwish Llc
D&M Production Company & Mille Domestic Investment
Dms Reserves Llc (Dnu)Moll Familiy Trust Properties Llc
D Newton (Dnu) Montego Energy Dominion East Ohio
(Dnu) Ag & Oil Field Llc Partners Llc Dominion Hope

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Dominion Transmission Inc Donald Fisher Donald Meyer Tic

Dominique E Wilfong Donald Flasch Donald Mills
Dominique Gross Donald F Linsenmeyer Donald Moore
Donahoe Enterprises Llc Living Trust Donald Moorman
Dona Jean Bower Life Estate Donald Frank Donald Mott
Donald A Bloustine Family Donald Fultz Donald Mueller
Trust Donald Gambril Donald Nelson
Donald A Coonts Donald G Ayres Mineral Donald Nester
Donald A Coonts Trust Llc Donald Newton
Donald Axtell Donald G Bundren & Janet Donald Nix
Donald Bagwell Susan Donald Oak
Donald Bentley Donald G & Julia A Keesee Donald Pagel
Donald Biedenbach Rev Tr Donald P Brown 1998 Rev
Donald Blake Donald G Keesee Tr
Donald Blakemore Donald Gore Donald Perdue
Donald Boyles Donald Gottschalk Donald Peters
Donald Brian Parkinson Donald G Webster Donald Poole
Donald Burks Donald Hall Donald Presley
Donald C Babel Gst Trust Donald Hansen Donald P Stevenson
Donald Clary Donald Hiday Donald Raffety
Donald Combs Donald Hillhouse Donald Ray Cook
Donald Combs Donald Hitchcock Donald Ray Poindexter
Donald Conner Donald Hixon And Deceased
Donald Courtright Donald Howell Donald R Coonts Rev Trust
Donald Daniels Donald Howland Donald Reed
Donald D Crabtree Donald Hudson Donald Renner
Donald Deceased Donald Hunter Donald Rex Mcginnis
Donald Delisle Donald Huxtable Donald Roberts
Donald Dempsey Donald H Webb Family Trust Donald Rodgers
Donald Despain Donald James Donald Ross
Donald Detwiler Donald J Bingham Donald R Poindexter Jr
Donald Duckwall Donald & Joanna Bernard Donald Ryan
Donald Dudley Trust Donald Saunders
Donald Duncan Donald Jr Donald Schmiedbauer
Donald Durham Donald J. Witt Rev Tr Donald Scott Mcgovern
Donald E Baxter Trust Donald Keesee Donald Sherry Chapman Jt
Donald E Bernard Donald Keith Donald Skouby
Donald Eckard Donald Keith Ethridge And Donald Smith
Donald E Grassman Mary Ann Donald Sneed
Donald E Hicks Donald Lebermann Donald Sneed And Joan M
Donald E Hurst Donald Lee Walker Sneed Hw Jt
Donald E & Linda A Merz Donald L Hansen Jr Donald Steck
Rev Lvg Tr Donald L Mccord (Deceased) Donald Stiles
Donald Elledge Donald Longwell Donald Streller
Donald E Milsten Donald L Petersen Donald Tate
Donald Ethridge Donald Max Bode Donald Taylor
Donald Evans Donald Mcallister Donald Taylor
Donald Evans Donald Mcbride Donald Terrel
Donald Exton And Eula Kay Donald Mccredie Donald Thomas
Exton Hw Donald Mckinzy Donald Turner
Donald F Fox Estate Donald Merz Donald Ward

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Donald Waugh Donna Aiken Donna Lake

Donald Weatherby Donna Aldridge Donnal Leisher
Donald Welch Donna A Leavitt Olson Donna L. Stanley Rev Trst
Donald & Wiletta Dotson Donna Alumbaugh Donna Mager
Rev Tr Donna A Tefft Donna Maib
Donald William Fry And Donna Banks Donna Mckee
Roxie Faye F Donna Barnett Donna M Rhoads
Donald Wiss Donna Beane Sutton & John Donna M Snead Trust
Donald Wooldridge Walters Donna Mullins
Donald W Thompson Donna Beason Donna Olmstead
Don And Deanna Harris 2015 Donna Bellmon Donna Ozolin
Rev. Tr. Donna Benell Donna Pace
Dona Shoenhair Donna Boyd Donna Pearson
Don Bircket Donna Brengle Donna Prouty
Don Bircket Donna Brorsen Donna Rae Batson Revoc Tr
Don Bircket Donna Bunch Donna Reyes
Don Bocox Donna Bunch Donna Ring
Don Boyd Donna Burk Donna Roberts
Don Campbell Donna Burroughs Donna Robertson
Don Cantrell Donna Chenoweth Donna Robinson Purdue
Don C Edwards Donna Conley Donna Rodriquez-Trejo
Don C Haken Donna Coupland Donna Sebranek
Don Clapp Donna Crabtree Donna Sembroski
Don Cornett Donna Cutner Donna Simpson
Don C Stewart Deceased Donna Debartolo Donna Sims
Don D Hendrie Rev Trust Donna Dellavalle Donna Smith
Don D Montgomery Sr Donna Drake Donna Smith
Don Donnelley Donna Dudley Roberts Donna Solberg
Donea Mayberry Donna Edwards Donna Sombke
Don E Brown Living Trust Donna Elrod Aka D K Elrod Donna Standley Flood
Donghua Zhou Donna Emery Donna Stephens
Don Guelzow Donna Faye Steele Donna Stotts
Don Hardin Donna Graves Donna Suzette
Don Haskin Donna Griggs Donna Thyer
Don H & Kaye G Duncan, Jts Donna Hall Donna Triplett Thieme
Donie Avants Donna Harrison Donna Walker
Don Ingram Donna Heinle Donna Wells
Donita Mitchell Rev Tr Donna Hilton Donna W Harris Trust
10/1/2007 Donna Hindmon Donna Williams
Don Jeans Donna Hobson Donna Willis
Don K Henderson Trust - Donna Illsley Donna Wilson
Wells Fargo Donna J Donna Zawatski
Don Lake Donna Jantzen Don Nester
Don Langford Donna J Hicks Living Trst Donnie And Brenda L Caudle
Don Leonhart Donna J. Lawson Living Tr Hw Tic
Don Lowe Donna John Donnie Cooper
Don Mansfield Donna June Wilcher Donnie Hoffman
Don Mayberry Donna K Cross Life Estate Donnie & Judy Christenberry
Don Mitchell Donna Kelly Donnie L Bean & Thelma
Don Moritz Donna Kimsey Donnie L & Wanda L Streck
Don Moss Donna K Janszen Donnie Squires

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Donnie Streck Doris Bentley Life Tenant Doris Riley

Donnie Wardell Doris Blair Doris Rosiere
Donnita Garrett Hall Doris Boren Doris Rossander
Donnita Stephens Doris Brooks Doris R Reynolds Trust
Don Olinghouse Doris Bush Maher Rev Tr Doris Schroeder
Donovan Harrison Fbo Madelin Doris Scott
Don Overton Construction Doris Bush Maher Trust Doris Seefeldt
Co Don Ove Doris Carlson Doris Stegeman
Don Pratt Mcmillan Doris Condrey Doris Storm
Don Ray Williams Doris Condrey Davis Doris Welder
Don Red Testamentary Tr Doris Williams Bernard
Don Rickards Doris Craven Doris Wilmoth
Don Robinson Doris Darks Mullenix Dorla M Brown Living Trust
Don Rodolph Doris Donna Capozio Dorlene Cook
Don Ryan Doris Farris Dorma Hobbs
Don Shippy Doris Ferguson Dorma Hobbs Living Trust
Don Short Doris Ferguson Dorothea Land
Don Smith Doris Fholer Dorothea Luckinbill
Don Stancoff Doris Fox Estate Dorothea Newbrey
Don W Tucker Doris Friend Dorothy Ann Davidson
Dora Burris Deceased Doris Gasque Bechtold Trust Dorothy Arney
Dorado Mineral & Royalty Doris Hammock Dorothy Asbury
Llc Doris Henderson Dorothy Baker
Dora Dooley Doris Holle Dorothy Beames
Dora Goodson Doris Horton Dorothy Bockman
Dora Hanson Doris Jeanne Long Trust Dorothy Bocox Westby
Doralu Arnett Melody E Doris Jean Pickens Pickens Dorothy Bolenbaugh
Bruce Aif Marcovit Dorothy Brauer
Dora Mortimer-Heath Doris Jean Price Trust Dorothy Breeden
Dora Richey Huffer Doris Jean Treece Dorothy Bridges
Dorathy Robertson Doris Jean Uhrig Dorothy C Friend Trust Dtd
Dorcas Douthit Doris Jenks Lvg Tr 4-17-95
Dorchester Minerals Okla Lp Doris J Lattin & Terrance L Dorothy Clary Trust
Dorchester Resources Lp Lattin Dorothy Crook
Dorchester Resources Lp Doris J Mukes Ttee Dorothy Crowson
Dorco Llc Doris Kirtley Dorothy Curry
Dorcus Coker Doris Kyzer Dorothy Curtis
Dorcy Oil Company Dorislea Kekahbah Dorothy Curtis
Doreen Bullock Doris Lee Walters Estate Dorothy Ehrig
Doreen Mcmurray Doris Louise Helling Estate Dorothy Eileen Connor Ttee
Dorena West-Mooney Doris Ludlow Dorothy Flippo
Doretta Lang Doris M Adams Trust Dorothy French
Doretta Vandeventer Doris Mosley Dorothy Frosch
Dorian Allen Doris Munday Reaves Dorothy Fuller
Dorian Cordova Doris Murray Dorothy Gamilson
Doris Ahrnsbrak Doris Nadine & Vernon G Dorothy German
Doris Albright Avants Dorothy Geurin
Doris Banchero Doris Parks Dorothy Gibson
Doris Bass Doris Payne Dorothy Hampton
Doris Bentley Doris Perry Dorothy Harrison And Geary
Doris Bentley Life Tenant Doris Price D Lee Jt

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Dorothy Healey Dorothy Turner Wheeler Ttee Douglas Frankel

Dorothy H Hayes Loving Dorothy Wallis Douglas F Tewell 2000 Trust
Trust Dtd 5 Dorothy Watchorn Douglas Griffin
Dorothy Hildebrand Dorothy Weaver Douglas Griffinros
Dorothy Hogue Dorothy White Douglas Hammer
Dorothy Holcomb Deceased Dorothy Wiss Douglas Hammond
Dorothy Hosler Dorothy W Montgomery Douglas Hansen
Dorothy Hurst Mgmnt Trust Douglas Hathoot
Dorothy Jane Robinson Dorothy Work Douglas Howard
White Tr Dorothy Zachgo Ttee Douglas Ireland
Dorothy J Arthur Family D O'rourke Douglas Jacob
Trust Dtd 1 Dorraine Hagerty Douglas Jones
Dorothy Jean Lobsitz Dorris Buescher Estate Decd Douglas Kirk
Dorothy Johnson Dorris Buescher Ttee Douglas L And Norma L
Dorothy J Resender & Jason Dorris Trump Estate Heirs Arnett Revoca
L Driske Dortha Elyn Hollingsworth Douglas L And Paula J
Dorothy Kinkead Dortha Every Douglas Mcmeen
Dorothy Lancaster Dortha Pepmiller Douglas Nagel
Dorothy L Bryan Doss Oil Royalty Company Douglas Newman
Dorothy L Clary Trust Dotter Family Trust Douglas Oliver
Dorothy Lee Orr Double D Earl Llc Douglas Petroleum
Dorothy Liles Double Eagle Energy Corporation
Dorothy Lloyd Family Lp Oklahoma Llc Douglas R Batts
Dorothy Logan Double Eagle Energy Ok Llc Douglas Rebecca L Blessen
Dorothy Loghry Double Eagle (Ppa) Jt
Dorothy Loosen 1998 Rev Double Haul Energy Llc Douglas S Beck
Trst Double P Rv Park Llc Douglas Schafroth
Dorothy Low Doug Amos Douglas Scott
Dorothy Lucile May Doug And Connie Sinor Douglas Smith
Thompson Doug Collins Douglas Tayrien
Dorothy Lucylle Boyer Doug Dotter Douglas Thompson
Dorothy Lyon Doug Ireland Trust Douglas Vater
Dorothy Maass Douglas Aichele Douglas Walker
Dorothy Manley Douglas Alan Johnson Douglas Will
Dorothy Marion Douglas A Long Douglas Wilson
Dorothy Marsh Douglas Arnett Doug Wilder
Dorothy Mcmath Robertson Douglas B Cleary Gstt Doveline Borges
Dorothy Mendes Exempt Trust Downey Family Revocable
Dorothy Mirowski Douglas Boyle Trust
Dorothy Moore Douglas C Cullen Downing Wellhead
Dorothy Mowris Douglas Cindy Minor Equipment Inc
Dorothy Murdock Douglas C Kent Doyel Erwin Castle & Myrna
Dorothy Ongtoogunk Douglas Compton L
Dorothy Peters Douglas Cooper Doyle Cotton
Dorothy Powers Douglas Davis Doyle Green
Dorothy Reddick Decd Douglas Edward Merz Doyle L And Lois B Combs
Dorothy Septinelli Douglas Edwards Estate
Dorothy Slaughter Douglas Eichelberger Doyle Richards
Dorothy Thomas Searcy Douglas Fent Doyle Ritter
Decd Douglas Ferguson Doyle Ritter
Dorothy Turner Deceased Douglas France

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Doyle V & Pauline H Meyer Duane Lewis Dwayne Beeby

Rev Duane & Linda Smith Living Dwayne Cassiday
Drake Energy Properties Llc Tr Dwayne Elliott
Drake Family Trust Duane Logan Dwayne Herrmann &
Drake Family Trust Ua Dtd Duane Lund Darlene
8-18-1989 Duane Morris Llp Dwayne Lafon
Drakes Country Store Llc Duane Roever Dwayne L Covey
Drd Inc Duane Saunders Dwayne Owsley
Dreadnaught Petroleum Corp Duane Scates Dwayne Ray Beeby
Drew D Webb Gst Exempt Duane Smith Dwayne Semrad
Resid Tr Duane Smith Dwayne Webb
Drew Eichelberger Duane Stafford Dw Bill And Rayora
Drew Halverson Duane W Bennett (Deceased) Henderson Moore
Drew Halverson Dudley C Watkins Jr Estate Dwd Trust
Drew Scott Dudley Ryan Dwight Carpenter
Drew Scott Dudley Watson Dwight David Day
Drew Williams Dugger Fam Tr Dwight Deardorff
Drg Professional Services Duke Dresser Dwight D & Mary J Winburn
Drilformance Llc Duke Exploration Llc Revocable
Drill Em Up Co Duke Minerals Llc Dwight Gibson
Drilling Fluids Technology Duke Minerals Llc Dwight Haskin
Inc Duncan Akers Properties Lp Dwight Johnston
Drillpoint Resources Duncan Grayson Dwight Roper
Drillright Technology Inc. Duncan Oil Properties Inc Dwight S Pattison
Dr Kenneth J Brown Duncan Robertson Dwight Staley And Ruth
D&R Oilfield Construction Duncan Spillar Staley
Llc Dunkard Mount Hope Dwight Stoddard
D R Payne & Associates Inc Cemetary Dwight Sublett
Drs Investments Llc Dunkin Families Llc Dwight Swart
Dru A Miller Heritage Dunning Motor Sales Inc D W Jones Family Trst
Preserv Tr Dupy Family Land Trust Dwyer Family Trust Dtd 12-
Drucilla Orr Durango Services Inc 14-2004
Drummond Oil Co Llc Dustin Holding Dxp Enterprises Inc
Drusilla Pillsbury Dustin M Pritner Revocable Dyco Petroleum Corporation
Dr. William Lee Beasley Living T Dynaflo Llc
Dry Hole Minerals Inc Dustin Thedford Dynamic Production Inc
D. Scharlee Glenn Dustin Townsend Dynasty Oil & Gas Llc
D. Scharlee Glenn Dustin Wayne Stubblefield Eab Oil Company
D S Consulting Dustin W Soper E A Fariss Estate
D Scott & Shannon M Frye Dusty Bode E A Fariss Minerals Inv Llc
Lvg Tr Duward Die Eagle Equipment
Dsi Thru Tubing Usa Inc D Vaden Eagle Exploration Production
D Steelman D&V Boepple Trust Uad 8- Llc
Dti Diversitech Inc 22-11 Eagle Oil & Gas Co
Duane Bateman Dvi Partners Inc. Eagle Oil & Gas Co
Duane Chesmore Dvorak Farms Llc Eagle Oil & Gas Co
Duane Clements D&V Weathers Properties Eagle Pipe
Duane Dewitt Llc Eagle Production &
Duane Griffin D V Whiteknack Estate Investments
Duane Kauk D Watson Eagle Research Corp
Duane Lance Dwayne Bailey

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Eagle River Energy Earnest Morrow Eddie Edwin Moore & Emma
Corporation Earnest W & Tamar L Rhyan Lucille Mo
Eagle Road Oil, Llc Jr Rev Tr Eddie Harper Paul Eddie
Eagleton Haddad Llc Earnheart Oil Inc Harper
Eagle Wind O&G Llc Earnheart Propane Llc Eddie Hueston
Earl Anderson Earnie Crisp Eddie Jr
Earl Bennett Earthrisk Technologies Inc Eddie & Misha Gonzales
Earl Brown Tax Credit Trust East Coast Entertainment Inc Eddie Olenberger
Earl C Rice & Lorree East River Energy Llc Eddie Rains
Mcconnell Rice Ea Swim Eddie Suthers
Earl David Drake Easy-Serve Eddie Zaloudek And Sons
Earl D Casteel Estate Eaul A Sanders & Jeanie E Inc
Earl D Will Revocable Trust Sanders R Eddings Family Trust
Earle Duane Wagner Eaw Energy Partners Fund Ii Edd Mcneil
Earlene Leach Lp Eddy Pace
Earl Eppler Eaw Energy Partners Fund I Eddyth Feder
Earl Eugene Walker & Lp Edelman
Louise Garton Eaw-Harrison Partners Edf Capital Llc
Earl F Harms Jr & Garnett N E Barbee Ed Fleming
Harms Ebeling Oil Llc Edgar Crabtree
Earl Francis Schallenberg E Berryman Edgar Goodrick
Earl Garnett Grindstaff E Brewer Edgar Hawkins
Earl Gaunt E Bronson Lyon Rev Trust Edgar L Rains
Earl Gilliam E Brown Edgenie Bellah
Earl Heiden E Burton Allcutt Edge Services Inc
Earl Hormann Ecc Llc Ed Gongola
Earlie Thomason E C Coppola Family Ltd Edith Blackford
Earl J Casteel Partnership Edith Bo
Earl Keesecker E C Energy Partners Lp Edith Burger Estate Heirs
Earl Kennicutt Ec Energy Partners Lp Edith Cassiday
Earl Lantz Echo Energy Edith Diem
Earl Patterson Echo Energy Llc Edith Donaldson
Earl Poytress Echols Energy Llc Edithe Newport
Earl Pregler Revocable Trust E-Chorde Communications Edith Hopper
Earl Reed Llc Edith J Bartram
Earl & Ruth Reed Rvc Trust Eckard Global Llc Edith Jo Jones Life Estate
Earlsboro Energies Eck Petroleum Llc Edith Merideth
Corporation E Clark James Edith Merideth
Earlsboro Energies Cp Eclipse Resources I Lp Edith Robertson Estate Heirs
Earl Smith And Eva Smith Ecm Resources Edith R Williams
Earl Standley E Cooper Edith Taylor
Earl Standley E C Patterson Edith Terronez
Earl Stidham E Cranley Edith Tonkinson
Earl Stubblefield And Betty Ed Berrong Edith Weitzenhoffer
Earl T Gipson Ed Berrong Trust Edith Williams
Earl Varney Eddetta Grant E Dixon
Earl Walker Eddie Arend Ed & Mona Smith Family Tr
Earl White Eddie Clark Edmond Eubanks
Earl W. Murphy Trust Eddie D Lynn Edmond Rutter
Earl Wright Eddie Easterly Edmund L Earnheart
Earnest Hall Eddie Edwards Edmund L Earnheart

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Edmund Mccurtain Edward Garner Edwina Hatch

Edmund Simank Edward Goering Edwin A Moore
Edna Alberta Lantz Estate Edward Greene Edwin And Lou Ann Hunt Jt
Edna Bokorney Deceased Edward Grossman Edwin Babbage
Edna Branson Edward Grossman Edwin Boyd
Edna Brown Edward Harrison Edwin Chase And Peggy S
Edna Dacus Trust Edward Henke Chase Jt
Edna Decd Edward Henke Edwin Debord
Edna Dunn Edward Henke Edwin Ervin
Edna Heilman Edward Hlavac Edwin Fowler
Edna Hunt Woodall Edward Hoover Edwin G Malzahn
Edna Laird Edward H Smith Iii And Edwin Grigsby
Edna Mae Heilman Rev Trust Mary Sue Edwin Kautz
Edna Pearl Krippes Lang Rev Edward Jefferis Clarke Edwin Lee Silvers
Lvg Tr Edward J Hagen Revocable Edwin L Vadder Tr
Edna Reaves Trust Edwin Prothro
Edna Robinson Edward J Kautz Edwin Shaw
Edna Shebeck Edward Kennedy Ed Woare
Edna Shebeck Family Trst Edward L Busch Eec Inc
Edna Welsh Edward Lee Easlon E E Davidson Rev Inter
Ed Orr Edward L Hall Vivos Trust
Ed Reavis Edward L Herron Estate E E & Lucille Johnson Rev
Ed Rose Living Trust Edward L Wilson Iii Tst
Edsel Crenshaw Edward Madden Eex Operating Llc
Eduardo A Vargas Edward Monnet E Family Lp
Edward A. Miller Oil & Gas Edward Moore Efd Inc
Investme Edward Nizich Effa Gray
Edward A Reid Iii Rev Tr Edward Porter Effie Booth
Edward Bandelier Edward R And Wanda L Effie Elliott
Edward Barker Friedemann Rev Effie Hirschman
Edward Becker Edward Rhodes Effie Williams
Edward Bieberdorf Edward Shiever Efire Ltd
Edward Blackburn Edward Shippy Efs Properties Llc
Edward Blakley Edward Shreve Eg3 Inc
Edward Blinn Edward Skach E G Colton Jr 1981 Revoc
Edward Boese Edwards Living Trust Trust
Edward Breger Edward Snider E&G Energy Inc
Edward Brown Edwards Royalty Llc Eg Energy Llc
Edward Buker Edwards Tr Dtd 09-13-2001 Eger Corp
Edward Campbell Edward Strode Egh Partners
Edward Carpenter Edwards Trust E Gibbs-Akers
Edward Clark Edward Tabor Ego Llc
Edward Clark Inc Edward Watts E Griffith
Edward Close Edward Watts E Harlin
Edward Cranley Edward Watts And Rhonda J E Hawes
Edward Descher Watts Hw E Hert
Edward Destefano Edward Westbrook E&H Meier Family Credit
Edward Downer Edward Yenick Shelter B T
Edward Dyche Edward Zweifel E Hoag
Edward Edmiston Ttee Edwena Miller Eighty Mile Resources Llc
Edward Emery Panko Edwina Halverson Eileen Barrett

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Eileen B Hopfer Ttee Eldene E Mcbride Rev Liv Tr Elizabeth Ann Sandys Family
Eileen Davis Dtd 11- Elizabeth Ann Sharp
Eileen Joy Hardy Wyatt Eldenna Smalley Elizabeth A. Poindexter,
Eileen Rooney Hewgley Llc Eldin Lesher Trustee
Eileen Ruscetta Eldon Fillmore Family Rev Elizabeth Bejcek
Eileen S Mackey Revocable Trust Elizabeth Bennett
Living Tr Eldon Haney Elizabeth Bodley
Eileen's Oil & Gas Llc Eldon Hardy Elizabeth Brown
Eileen Wolke Eldon Henderson Elizabeth Buck
E Investment Properties Inc Eldon J & Nedra Rae Will Le Elizabeth Burcham
Eisen & Blut Investments Llc Eldon R Martin & Joyce K Elizabeth Butler
Ej Berends Martin Hwj Elizabeth Button
E J Bradley Trust Eldon S Gaunt Trust Elizabeth Carmichael
Ek Energy Llc El Dorado Corporation Elizabeth Carmichael
Ek Exploration Llc Eldora Vinson Elizabeth Chapin
Ekh Minerals Eldridgemiller Enterprises Elizabeth C Lilly Trust
E King Eleanora Staley Elizabeth Cohn Trust
E Klein Eleanor Frese Elizabeth Cramer
Ekn Family Llc Eleanor L Khoury Elizabeth Deceased
Ekn Holdings Llc Grandchildrens Tr Elizabeth Dees
Elaina Kiel Eleanor P Welch Trust Elizabeth Dillingham
Elaine Fulton Hale Eleanor Shippy Elizabeth Dunn
Revocable Trust Eleanor Smyth Elizabeth Egerton
Elaine Glass Eleanor Swisher Elizabeth Eidson
Elaine Huffer Electrical Mfg & Distributors Elizabeth Fell Oven Estate
Elaine Kaveler Johnson Inc Elizabeth Garza
Elaine K Hall Revocable Element Materials Elizabeth Gelder Estate Decd
Trust Technology Broken Elizabeth Gilthvedt
Elaine Knapp Adams Elenora Davis Elizabeth Gleeson Barry
Elaine L Lucas Rev Intr Elevator Repair Service Inc Elizabeth Grund
Vivios Trst Elevator Repair Services Inc Elizabeth Henley
Elaine Moore Elexco Land Services Inc Elizabeth Henry
Elaine Querry Elfreda Trumbla Deceased Elizabeth H Merritt
Elaine Ruth Stanton Elfrieda Hildebrand Revocable Trust
Irrevocable Tru El Gato Holdings Llc Elizabeth Hoaell
Elaine S Coonfield Eli Logan Rains Elizabeth Jane Kay Family
Elaine Stanton Eli Morris Trust
Elaine Stebler Elin Bryant Elizabeth Jane Thiele
Elaine Vater Elisa Vaughn Elizabeth Johnson
Elaine Wells Elise Holliday Elizabeth Joyce Clingman
Elaine Zimmerman Elite Drilling Llc Elizabeth Keim
Elaine Zimmerman Elite Drilling Llc Elizabeth Kramer
Eland Energy Inc Elite Fishing & Rental Inc Elizabeth Kroll
Elasticsearch Inc Elizabeth A Bennett Family Elizabeth Lee Glick
Elbert Frazier Trust Elizabeth Levesque
Elbert Haws Elizabeth A Codding Living Elizabeth Lippmann Essig
Elbert Strauss Rev Tr Elizabeth London
Elbert Sumner Elizabeth Acton Elizabeth Mclain Tr Dtd 06-
Elbin English Elizabeth A Hair 11-2009
El Charolyn Properties Llc Elizabeth And Joseph Taft Elizabeth Mcmahon
Revocable Elizabeth Michael

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Elizabeth Michele Bewley Ella Tener Elnora Ryckman

Elizabeth Mullen Ellen Apel Eloise Brewington
Elizabeth Newton Ellen Boyle Eloise Brewington (For Life)
Elizabeth Nixon Sheets Ellen Fruendt Eloise Evans
Elizabeth Nutt Ellen Hines Eloise K Dycus
Elizabeth Patterson Ellen Kersey Eloise Miller
Elizabeth P Schneider Ellen King Eloise Smith
Elizabeth Puckett Ellen Long Estate Decd Eloise Westfall
Elizabeth Rae Doyel Ellen Lyons E Love
Elizabeth Rees Ellen Maddon El Robinson Engineering Of
Elizabeth Rissmann & Co Inc Ellen Petersen Ohio Co
Elizabeth Roberts Ellen Ridgeway Elr Production Ltd
Elizabeth Robertson Mosshammer Elsa Morris
Elizabeth Roginson Ellen Schafroth El Segundo Oil Llc
Daugherty Ellen Sheer Elsie C Clark Estate
Elizabeth Ruth Joyce Ellen Sheppard Elsie Crow
Clingman Le Ellen Sherman Elsie H Gubser Living Trust
Elizabeth Ruth Lehman Ellen Sue Hooten-Stewart Elsie Markee-Mcdowell
Elizabeth Ryan Ellen Wortham Elsie Meinecke
Elizabeth Sanchez Ellen Wyscaver Elsie Rubin
Elizabeth Schacher Ellington & Associates Inc Elsie Sales
Elizabeth Schonwald Elliott + Associates Elsie Teutsch (Decd)
Elizabeth Schwerdtfeger Architects Elsie Vanlandingham
Elizabeth S Cox Rev Trust Ellis Claude Elson Oil Company
Elizabeth S Crocker Estate Ellis County Clerk Elsr Lp
Elizabeth Simmons Ellis D Grant Elston Ford
Elizabeth Smith Ellis E Allinson Elva Anderson
Elizabeth Stahl Ellison Family Trust Elva Denny
Elizabeth Stauber Ellison J Beasley Ttee Elva E Mcfadden Or Elva E
Elizabeth Stovall Ellis Quiett Garcia-Ra
Elizabeth Stroube-Johnson Ellis Randolph Elva Gale Wixson
Elizabeth Sue Wright Ellora Energy Llc Elva Mahaffey
Elizabeth Thomason Elly Lewinsky Elva M Lovelace Trust
Elizabeth Wemott Ellyn Kerekanich-Soloman Elva M Wallace And James
Elizabeth Williams Elma Watson H Wallace
Elizabeth Willig Elmer Berends Elva Phenis Heirs Of
Elizabeth Wilson Elmer Blasier Elvin Prince
Eliza Ervin Elmer Brown Elvona M Springer
Elk Citian Inc. Elmer Brown Elwood Quinnett
Elk City Forklift Service Inc. Elmer Dale Yost Elynx Technologies Llc
Elk Creek Resources Llc Elmer Judge Elza Show
Elk Royalties Llc Elmer Minnix Emaline Spangler
Elks National Foundation Elmer Nelson E Mchenry
Ella Baker Estate Elmer Stone Emelie Shroder
Ella Bias Elmer Wagoner Emerald Resources Inc
Ella House Jordan Elmer White Emerson Hemphill
Ella Jarvis Elmira Jane Gungoll Emery Austin
Ella M Luster Elmo Co James Elmo Emg Fund Ii Management Lp
Ella Riley Martinez Emil Boepple
Ella S Holmes Elm Park Minerals I Lp Emil C Loosen 1998 Revoc
Ella Sue Davenport Elm Ridge Resources Inc Trust

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Emile Bourgoyne Emylee Ann Hamilton Enviroclean Services Llc

Emile Onka Le Emylee Fitzgerald Environet Inc
Emil Hobbs Emylee Fitzgerald Tr Environmental Properties
Emily Anderson Enable Midstream Partners Environmental Resources
Emily Beamer Ena Freeman Management
Emily Bigham Ena Huddleston Environmental Solutions
Emily Christodoulides Enbase Llc Specialists
Emily Elaine Springer & Encino Anadarko Acquisition Eob Llc
Nathaniel Llc Eog Resources Inc
Emily Fulgham Mccullough Encompassed Enterprises Inc E Parker
Emily Glenn Honea Endeavor Acquisitions, Llc Epic Lift Systems Llc
Emily Grimm Endeavor Energy Resources Epi Materials Testing Group
Emily L Lukens Lp Epiq Systems Acquisition Inc
Emily Matthews Endico Inc Episcopal Royalty Co
Emily Pollock Moon Enduring Resources Ii Llc Epperson Petroleum
Emily Van Meter Energists Holdings Llc Properties, Llc
Emily Wells Energy Financial Equitable Royalty
Em Investments Llc Energy First Engineering Corporation
Emit H Carmack Energy Intelligence Group Erb Investments Llc
Emma And Ruth Ann Inc Erdol Inc
Hegarty Jt Energy Navigator Llc Eric Acton
Emma Black Energy Properties Limited Lp Erica Periera
Emma Downey Energy Security Services Llc Erica Sylvia Waldmann
Emma Elliot Energy Transfer Erica Teni
Emma Gorham Energy Ventures Group Llc Erica Waldmann
Emma Holmes Enerlex Inc Eric Barnard
Emma Jane And Nancy Jane Enersafe Inc Eric Barnes
Williams Enersight Corp Eric B Holleman Agency
Emma Lee Deyo Living Enersight Usa Inc Eric Blakley
Trust Dtd 1-19 Enersource Royalty Corp Eric Caldwell
Emma Lengquist Enervest Energy Eric Cantrell
Emma Lenquist Enervest Energy Eric Coleman
Emma Pauline Batchelor Enervest Energy Eric Coleman
Ttee Enervest Energy Institutional Eric Davis
Emma Rainey Enervest Ltd Eric Devuyst
Emma Ramee Enervest Operating Llc Eric Elrod
Emmaus Road Llc Eneth R Banks Revoc Tr Eric J Lindahl
Emma Wright England Resources Cp Eric Kelso
Emmett Cochrane Enid Austin Erick Flowback Services Llc
Emmett Lee Marriott Enid Iron & Metal Inc Erick Lynn Eggers
Emmett Lynn Enlink Midstream Operating Eric Reddout
Emmett Mckee Lp Eric Rodgers
Emmett Mcknight Enlink Oklahoma Gas Eric Skouby
Emmett Wright Processing Lp Eric Stabinski
Emmlou Shippy Enogex Exploration Corp. Eric Tanner
Emogene Summers Enola Oconnor Eric & Tiffany Ebensperger
Emond Brothers Llc Enterprise Energy Co Jtwros
E Moore Entex Land Services Llc Eric Todd Long
E Moran En Vantage Inc Eric Van Meter
Empirica Llc Enventure Global Eric Wiseman
E Mullendore Technology Inc Eric Witty

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Erika House Ervin Bushby Ester Sue Silvers

Erik Liccioni Ervin L Knowles Esther
Erik Stabinski Ervin Robinson Esther Arnold
Erin Adamson Erwin Frese Esther Bliss Rainey Lvg
Erin Bradley Erwin Knott Trust
Erin Colleen Pratt E Scott Family Limited Esther Bliss Rainey Lvg
Erin Crook Partnership Trust
Erin Daves Eshelman Land & Cattle Co Esther Blomgren
Erin D Pason Ltd Esther Bradfield
Erin Dwan Macintosh E Shelton Esther Cavanaugh
Erin Laird Esla Williams Esther Frisch
Erin Michelle Harvey Esperanza Resources Corp Esther Harris
Erin Noble Esperanza Wayne Esther Hedgpeth
Erin Orourke E & S Resources Llc Esther L Mcquain Estate
Erin Schrenk Esri Decd
Erin Todd Mcgrew Essi Corporation Esther Mcquain
Erin Whtie Schaefer Est Essie Doyle Esther Nola Harris Trust
Erma Milsap Estacado Minerals Llc Esther Reed
Erma Sweeney Estate Of Barbara W Griffitts Esther Sauls
Erma Welborn Estate Of Ray Lee Wilson Esther Sharp
Er Midcon Llc Estate Of R H Powers Decd Esther Sheets
Ernest Anderson Estate Of Richard F Ward Esther Smith Deceased
Ernest Billings Deceased Esther Sparkman
Ernest C Snook And Jeanne Estate Of Rose Pearl Hopper Esther Van Hooser
H Snook F Estate Of Roy Otis Pappan Est Howard Leroy Hunt
Ernest Despain Estate Of Scott Michael Gray Estimated Suspense -
Ernest E & June A Shyrock Decd Mississippian
Rev Tr Estate Of Shirley Ward Est Lawrence Allen Gray
Ernest F Gorath 1997 Rev Estate Of Stephen Neal Gray Decd
Trust Decd Est Of Allen W Hamill Jr
Ernest Hodnett Rev Trust Estate Of Sybil E Aaronson - Est Of Howard A Mcclelland
Ernest Human Deceas Decd
Ernestine Berry Estate Of Tamara Hurst Decd Est Of Louella Jones Taylor
Ernestine Malden Estate Estate Of Ted Colbert Decd
Ernest J Carpenter Deceased Estudio Beccar Varela
Ernest Jr And Tamara L Estate Of Timothy Eta-Flag Royalty Trust
Rhyan Buckmaster Et-Dt Royalty Partners Ltd
Ernest Parmelee Estate Of T R Buell Et Dt Royalty Partners Ltd
Ernest Reaves Estate Of W Albert Cook Etech Environmental &
Ernest Timmons Estate Of William Thomas Safety Soluti
Ernest Trogdon Saylor Ethel Abel
Ernie Harris Estate Vitle Howard Ethel Austell
Ernst Loosen Honeymon Ethel Clements
Ernst W Pickens Lvg Estel Husted Ethel Cochrane
Trustdtd July 2 Estella Fern Lynch Ethel Conner
Ernst & Young Product Sales Estella Kramer Ethel Crawford
Llc Estella Malone Ethel Dreessen
E & R Reed Enterprises Llc Estelle Ainsworth Ethel Forbes
Erret Story Ester Clifton Ethel Gangemi
E R Rodman Estero Energy Llc Ethel Gilkerson
Errol Huckstep Estero Oil & Gas Company Ethel Heppler

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Ethel Hines Eugene Riley Evelyn E Schwandt Trust

Ethel H. Spradlin Rev Trust Eugene Watts Evelyn Gage
Ethel Huffman Mckee Est Eugenia Donovan Evelyn Gomez
Ethel Jones Eugenia O'korn Evelyn Jafek Revoc Trust
Ethella Smith Estate Decd Eugenie Hanson Evelyn Johnson
Ethel Mckee Eula Bagwell Evelyn Long
Ethel Phillips Eula Haldey Evelyn M And Gary L
Ethel Stoker Eulalie Dallke Crenshaw
Ethel Trinkle Werblo Trust Eula Mae Lindsey Evelyn Mitchell
Ethlyn Gilchrist Eula Ridley Evelyn Otto
E Thomas Eula Saunders Evelyn Polk
Ethridge 36-2wx Ri Owners Eula Yates Evelyn Reisdorph
Eti - Oilab Llc Eulonda Stufflebeam Moon Evelyn Roderick
Etta Chase Estate Of Or Rev Liv Tr Evelyn S Mcmaster
Unknown He Eunice L Beier Evelyn Smith
Etta Gilman Eureka Logging Company Evelyn Sue Dowell
Etta Mae Aulick Inc Evelyn Welch
Etta Steward Eureka Water Company Eve Mertena
Eubank 11-2wx Ri Owners Euro Petroleum Corp Evenson Energy Llc
Eubank 11-2wx Wi Owners Euteva Widener Evercore Group Llc
Eubank 11-3mh Ri Owners Eva Akins Everett Carman
Eubank 11-3mh Wi Owners Eva Bever Everett Cutter
Eubank 2-2mh Ri Owners Eva Carter Everett Easley
Eubank Operating Evadine Hantack Everett Evans
Eufaula Energy Llc Eva Fauchier Gyer Everett Family Revocable
Eugene And Carolyn J Eva Gambrell Trust
Grimes Hw Jt Eva Harris Everett Filley
Eugene And Nancy C Reding Eva Hefner Trust #2 Everett Gunkel
Eugene Blackburn Eva Lee Freeman Living Everett Lame
Eugene Choate Trust Everett Lighty
Eugene C Mullendore Trust Evalee Meyers Everett L & Ruth A Gunkel
A&B Evalene Casey Rev Tr
Eugene Decd Eva Linsenmeyer Everett L Thomas
Eugene E Flesner (Deceased) Evangelical Lutheran Christ Everett Squires Estate
Eugene Fitzpatrick Evangelical St Paulus Everett Stout
Eugene Gates And Doris D Gemeinde Evert Mallatt
Gates Hw J Evangeline Hamilton Evgs Property Inc
Eugene Glenn Evan Kirk E Vincent
Eugene Grant Sharp Iii Evan Roy Black Evo Incorportated Evo
Eugene Griswold Evans Enterprises Inc Tulsa Downhole Vide
Eugene Harting Evans Oil And Gas Llc Evolution Royalties Llc
Eugene Hensley Eva Rodman Richey Evolution Well Services
Eugene Hoyt Eva Shinn Ev Properties Lp
Eugene J Mcgarvey Jr Rev Tr Eva Thompson E Widaman
Eugene & Joyce Cooper Liv Eve Appleby E Williamson And
Tr Evelyn Andrew Ewing Trenching Service Inc
Eugene Kile Evelyn Bailey Exact Engineering Inc
Eugene M Solow Estate Evelyn Buckles Exceed Oilfield Equipment
Eugene Murlin Evelyn Crenshaw Inc
Eugene Powers Evelyn Davis Excel Products
Eugene Reding Evelyn Engelking Excel Stimulation Llc

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Exclaimer Ltd Falcon Oil & Gas Company Fbo Alan B Nelson Co Ttee
Execujet Australia Falcon Technologies And Udt 2-8-9
Exgo Ltd Services In Fc Goodwin
Exgo Ltd Fall River Resources Inc Fconstr Oil Llc
Exile Resources Inc Family Dental Center Inc- F Devore
Exlp Operating Llc 401(K) F D Hunt Osage Trust
Exok Inc Family Dollar Stores Of Fdk Llc
Exotic Oil & Gas Llc Oklahoma Fea Inc Ouida Rainey - Atty-
Expert Repair Llc Family Tree Corporation In-Fact
Express Energy Services Fannet Hildebrand Federal Deposit Insurance
Operating Fannie Crittenden Corp (Fdi
Express Energy Services Farley Family Irrevocable Tst Federal Emergency
Operating L Farmers Cooperative Management Agency
Express Services Inc Association Federal National Mortgage
Exterran Energy Solutions Lp Farmers Co Operative Associati
Exterran Partners Lp Elevator Fedex
Extract Production Services, Farmers Royalty Company Felipa Chapman
Llc Farmers Royalty Company Felix Duvall
Extreme Plastics Plus Inc Farmers United Cooperative Felix Energy Llc
Exxon Mobil Corporation Pool Felix Stack Holdings Llc
Exxonmobil Cp Farold Collins Felix Valadez
E-Z Ice Inc Farrie Graham Fenergy Llc
F1 Energy Llc Farris Family 1996 Living Ferguson-Olander Inc
Fabian Gordon Trust Ferlan Dean
Fabienne Lyles Farris Ranch Inc Fernando E Flores
Factset Research Systems Inc Fasken Foundation Fern Broyles Urban
Fae Elizabeth Rogers Halley Fast Family Tr Fern Butler
Estate Fastsigns Fern Christy
Faegre Baker Daniels Llp Faudree Q Account Ltd Fernie Frisch
Fae King Faulconer 2004 Lp Llp Fern I Roberts Trust
F.A. Gillespie Llc Faulconer Resources 1992 Fern Loyd
Fairfax Oil Company Limited Fern Manning
Fairfield Energy Llc F Aycock Fern Mcconkey
Fairfield Minerals Company Faydene Macleod Fern Ray
Llc Faye Bertrand Fern Roberts
Fairmont Corp Faye Jordan Fern V Jones
Fairmont Rocket Llc Faye Phillips Ferol Wolfe
Fairmount Energy Llc Faye Ratcliff Ferrelloilco Llc
Fairmount Land & Minerals Fayes Dinosaur Ranch Llc Ferris Chevrolet Inc
Llc Fayetta Jolley Fff Inc
Fairway Minerals Company Fayetta Tevebaugh F-Five Investments Llc
Fairway Resources Iii Llc Fay Kelly Fha Oil & Gas Llc
Fairy M Lynd Memorial Rev Fay Linn F Hoke
Lvg Tr Fayrene Boatright Fidelity & Deposit Co. Of
Faith Aiken Fay Stelzer Maryland
Faith Greenfield Fay Thompson Fidelity Security Life
Faith Strunk Fay Woods Fifth Church Of Christ
Falconer Cambell Fay Younger Scientist
Falcon Field Service Inc F Bauchens Fifty-One East Water Inc
Falcon Flowback Services Fbc Royalty Partners Llc Fillmore Energy Resources
Llc F Bell Llc

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Filoli Og 1 Lp First United Methodist Florence Evans

Filson Family Trust Church Florence F Flynn
Fina E&P Inc First United Methodist Florence Graham
Financial Futures Planning Church Florence Hanewinckel
Corp First United Methodist Florence Hansen
Finley Holbrook Church Of Cu Florence Hill
Finley Holbrook First United Methodist Florence Knoch
Finnell-Jeans Mineral Llc Church Of Mu Florence Leigh
Fiona Robertson First United Methodist Florence Nelson Fam Tr
Fiona Robertson Church Of St Florence Nelson Fmilt Trust
Fireball Express Courier Fischer Family Tr Dtd 11-26- Florence Olds
Firehouse Asset #1 Lp 2013 Florence Riley
Firetrol Protection Systems Fisher Associates Florence Roche
Inc Fisher Production Services Florence Simmons
First Baptist Church Of Inc Florence V. Kelley Trust
Glencoe Five-S Oil & Gas Llc Florence Walker
First Baptist Church Of Fjjd Lp Florence Wass
Marshall Ok F Joe Podpechan Florence Wass
First Baptist Church Of F Keith Underhill & Terri Florence Whisenhunt
Mulhall Flame Royalties Inc Florene Graham
First Baptist Church Of Flavil Martin Trust Florene Mueggenborg
Nevada Miss F Lawrence & Wilma A Floretta Jones
First Baptist Church Of Bailliere Florian Jones
Stillwater F L Dunn Iii Investments Llc Florida Oil Limited
First Christian Church F Lee Shoemaker Family Rev Partnership
First Christian Church Lvg Trst Florn Easterly
First Christian Church F Lee Shoemaker Tr Udt 4- Flossie F Hagin Rev Trust
First Christian Church 23-86 Flossie Focht
Disciples Fleischaker Mineral Co Llc Flossie Foliart
First Christian Church Of Fleischer Ventures Llc Flow Boy Services Llc
Mulhall Fletcher Royalty Llc Flow Production Company
First Christian Church Of Flex-Chem Corporation Floyd And Eleanor Hawk Tr
Pomona Flexera Software Llc Floyd Bryan
First Christian Church Of Flicka Energy Inc Floyd Buntin And Bessie L
Stillwate Flint And Amber Farris Jt Buntin Hw
First Me Church Of Mulhall Flint Resources Company Llc Floyd Carlisle
First Missionary Baptist Flir Commercial Systems Inc. Floyd Cockrell
First National Bank & Trust Flj Llc Floyd Collyar
Co Floco2 Ltd Floyd Dwinell
First Natl Bank Of Chandler Flodine Lee Floy Dean
First Nat'l Bank & Trust Co Floel Lefever Floyd Gonderman
Of Weat Flora Boyd Floyd Keith
First Of Christ Tryon Flora Hull Floyd Keith
Oklahoma Flora Leforce Floyd Lame
First Oilfield Supply Llc Flora Ray Floyd L Fox Estate
First Pinkston Limited Flora Ward Est Floyd Lindsey
Partnership Florence Akers Floyd Loftiss
First Reserve Florence Bernice Jeys Floyd L & Wilma L Farley
First United Methodist Florence Coover Estate Trust Floyd Mott
Church Florence Correll Floyd Mott
Florence Deceased Flt Minerals Llc

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Flying Y Land & Cattle Co Fort Worth Royalty Frances M Johnson Rev Tr
Flynn Of Ormond Beach Lp Company Frances Molumphy Hampton
Flywill Royalty Llc Forum Us Inc Frances Nixon
F Mandeville Fossil Fluids Llc Frances Obrien Luther
Fmc Technologies Canada Foster Harrington Frances Raylene Smith
Ltd. Foster Resources Llc Frances Shankle
Fmc Technologies Inc Four Point Energy, Llc Frances Shircliff
Fmc Technologies Four Seas Exploration Llc Frances Siem
Measurement Fourth Street Rentals Llc Frances Spiva
F Melton Foward Oil & Gas Frances Stahl
F. Michael Tarpley F Peyton Glass Jr Frances Takacs
Focus Seven Llc F P Schonwald Co Frances Wood
Fonda Manwell Frady B Holcomb Trust Franchon Allen
Fon Glenn Hutson Coffman Framemasters Francine Lebow 1996 Living
Foothills Minerals Llc Francelia Coon Trust
Fordee Rhoades Oil Co Francene Eaton Francine Mcroberts
Ford Royalty Company Llc Frances A Hannifin Francinne Snider Welsh
Fordy Inc. Frances Bell Reeder Francis Elston
Foreman Enterprises Inc Revocable Trust Francis Eugene Andrews Rev
Forest H Bennett Jr Frances Burns Trust
Forest Short Francesca Garner Francis Fitzgerald
Forms On-A-Disk Francesca Kerr Francis Gray
Forney Drilling Frances Campbell Francis Hildebrand
Forrest Blackstock Frances Coffee Francis Laborde Weinberger
Forrest Bryan Frances Dotter Francis Lewis Trust
Forrest Burns Jr Decd Frances Ellen Ginsburg Francis Marion Reed
Forrest Davis Frances Fell Malone Estate Francis Martin Smith
Forrest Dec Frances Frank Francis Matussak
Forrest Downing Frances Gale Francis Peppin
Forrest Evoritt Frances G Lopata Francis Tanner
Forrest Hall Frances Gray Francis Thedford
Forrest Hoeffer Frances G Snyder Estate Francis Webster
Forrest Hutchinson Decd Frank Adams
Forrest Jacob Wynn Agent Frances Hamil Frank Adams
Eddye Drey Frances Hansen Frank Allen
Forrest Knox Frances Johnson Frank And Luci D Duran
Forrest Mills Frances Kaye Sinclair Frank And Sandra J Adams Jt
Forrest Robinett Frances Kinkade Frank Arnett
Forrest Sr Dec Frances Kirchner Frank A Stroube Gst Exempt
Forrest Whitmore Frances Laverne Jackson Trust
Forrest Wicks Frances Lawrence Frank Barker
Forrest Wilson Hood Jr Frances L Longan & Cindy Frank Battle
Forsyth Cubbage & Assoc Pc Longan Kei Frank B & Janet M Hargrove
Forthallner Irrev Trust Dtd 9- Frances Lucille Mihura Trust
8-201 Frances Lydick Frank Boston
Fortuna Investments Llc Frances Lynn Case Revoc Frank Brundage
Fortune Favors The Bold Lp Trust Frank Bryan
Fortune Natural Resources Frances Maddux Frank Busch
Fortune Natural Resources Frances Marzella Hansen Frank Cavanaugh
Corporati Frances May Bartlett Frank C Carter Jr
Fort Worth Mineral Frances Miller Adams Frank C Davis Iii

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Frank Chrz Frank Ross Billingslea Frederick Coats

Frank Cross Frank Shirley Frederick E Tappe & Yvonne
Frank Cunningham Franks International Tappe Jt
Frank Dale Revocable Trust Frank Smith Frederick G Delaney Iii
Dale Frank Smithberger Frederick Harper
Frank Decd Frank Solodkin Frederick Kezer
Frank Dolf Frank Stedronsky Frederick L. Lang
Frank Dollins Frank Stephens Frederick M Dean Rohrig
Frank Dotter Frank Stotts Attorney At
Frank Dvorak Frank Swart Frederick M Scott Iii
Frank E Gillespie Trust Frank Swim Frederick & Particia
Frank Foraker Frank Thompson Strothman
Frank Foster Frank Vanderbilt Frederick R Beck Sr
Frank Fox Frank & Vera Sue Bunch Fredericksburg Royalty Ltd
Frank G Lahman Rev Liv Tr Frederick Speakman
Frank Glenn Jacobs Frank W Davis Frederick Stallard
Frank Goe Frank W Davis & Kay Davis Frederick Theophil & Susan
Frank H Byrne Estate Of Jt Kay
Frank Hernandez Frank Wiley Frederick Urben
Frank Horger Frank Winland C&F Oil & Frederick Wallace
Frankie Burnell Gas Llc Frederick Yule
Frankie Cockrell Frank Wiseman Frederick Zweifel
Frankie Defuentes Frank Wiseman Fred Esch Frederick J Esch
Frankie Lee Harrel Frank W Mayfield Mayfield Fred Fletcher
Frankie Shellhammer Frannie Rutherford Fred Gagliardi
Frankie Smith Frannifin Minerals Llc Fred Garner
Frankie Smith Frantz Pastorius Fred Goodwin
Frank Jay Franz Family Joint Trust Fred Haworth, Sr
Frank Jones Agreement Fred Hayes
Frank Junior Dvorak Estate Freda Graham Fred J Gagliardi Jr & Jo Ann
Franklin Archer Freda Hoover Fred Johnson
Franklin Barry Freda Joan Wahl Rev Trust Fred Knisley
Franklin Combs Fred And Margaret Olmstead Fred L Henderson
Franklin Combs & Wilma Hw Jt Fred Lowrie
Combs Fred Anthis Fred Malzahn
Franklin D And Camilla R Fred Barbour Fred Martin
Morton Jt Fred Boepple Fred & Mary Starr Trust
Franklin Energy And Fred Buckminister Fred Mcbee
Investments Inc Fred Burris Fred Mcneill
Franklin Energy & Fred Capel Fred Mills
Investments Inc Fred & Cathy Beekmann Fred M Knight & Bettybel
Franklin E Wilkins Fred Chasalow & Sandra Sneed Knig
Frank Lyon Chasalow Jtw Fred Mugler
Frank Mahan Fred Clifton Fred R Bristol
Frank Patton Decd Fred Davies Fred Reed And Joan Reed Jt
Frank Pospisil Fred D Gilley Jr Fred Rhonda Schroeder
Frank Pralle Freddie Hejduk Fredrick Af Berry Rev Liv
Frank Raigoza Deceased Freddi Prinster Trust
Frank Reich Freddy Graybill Fredrick Hardin
Frank Ridgeway Donart Freddy Young Fredrick V & Karen M Green
Decd Fred E Haworth, Jr Rev Trus

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Fredric Owens Fts International Services Gale R Kimball Daniel

Fred Schmidt Fka: Fr Kimball Lori
Fred Schonwald Fuelquest Inc Gale Robinson Estate Decd
Fred Short Fuller Energy Llc Gale Scott
Fred Simons Fuller Production Inc Gallagher Rule
Fred Smith G3 Energy, Llc Gallaspy Oil Properties Llc
Fred's Signs G3 Oil & Gas Llc Gallegos Land & Cattle Llc
Fred Stoops Gable Carrell Galmor G&G Steam Service
Fred Taylor Gabriel Faris Constantine Inc
Fred Tschiffely Gabriel Friesen Gamma Oil And Gas Llc
Fred Tschiffely Gabrielle Taylor G And H Coleman Properties
Fred W Evans Estate Gaede Ventures Llc An Oklah
Fred W Shield & Company Gaffney Lumaye Llc G And L Minerals Llc
Fred W. Standefer 1982 Rev Gaffney Morgan Llc G And P Ward Trust
Tr Gaffney Thompson Llc Gannett Peak Llc
Freedom Energy Llc Gage Hartman G Ann Holcomb & Jane G
Freedom Oil & Gas Gail Bearden Rother Trsts
Corporation Gail Colvin Gannon Mendez
Freedom Royalties Lp Gail Cummins Gardner-Weaver Family
Freeman L & Lettie L Gail D Hill Revocable Tr Properties Ll
Dilbeck Tr Gail D Hill Rev Trust Gardner-Weaver Family Prop
Freeman L & Lettie L Gail Fritsche Llc
Dilbeck Tr Und Gail Gayle Gari Robinson
Freeman Minerals Llc Gail Hill Garland Cooper
Free Methodist Church Of N Gail House Garland Ford
America Gail Jones Garland Woods
Freida Worthington Estate Gail King Garnett Grindstaff Decd
Fre Llc Gail Klusmeyer Garnett Mclaren
Freta Green Gail L Ford Estate Garold L Fleming Ira
Freta Sue Grassman Gail Marie Pace Garrell Moorman
Frieda Carmack Corley Gail M Patterson Garrett & Company
Frieda Josephine Tanner Gail Pendleton Resources Llc
Jones Gail Peterson Garrett Dean Yocum
Friedrick Seiboldt Gail Poplin Garrett Family Trust
Frits Properties Llc Gail Ritchey Garrett Gil
Frits Properties Llc Gail Swanstrom Garrett Golden
Fritz A Barker Trust Gail Taylor Garrett Grant Yancey
Fritz E Scheihing & Nancy A Gail Whitcomb Garrett R Hanson
Scheihi Gainel Rosch Estate Garrett Robbins
Frontier Gainesville Fuel Inc Garrett Steiner
Frontier Communications Gala Crenshaw Garrison Bros Oilfield
Frontier Communications Galatyn Minerals Lp Service
Frontier Nrm Lp Galeard Roper Garrison Linn
Frontline Systems Inc Gale Coleman Garry Kirk
Frost Bank Gale Defuentes Garry Montgomery
Frost Bank Trustee Acct No Gale F Grassman Garvene H Eriksen Living
F5178500 Gale Kimball Trust
Frost Brown Todd Llc Gale L Douglas Garvin Mcgettrick
Frymoyer Sp Living Trust Gale Nachtigal Gary A And Rebecca L Adair
F Schubert Galen Hedges Life Estate H&W Jt
F&S Trucking Inc

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Gary A Demro & Cynthia A Gary Fischer Gary Lewis

Demro Jt Gary Foster Gary L Haas
Gary And Christine Reed Gary Foutch Gary L Hafner Family Trust
Rev Tr Gary Freeborn Gary L. Helberg
Gary And Linda K Carnes Gary Friedman Gary Lindaman
Gary And Sharon Kindal Hw Gary Frosch Gary Lindley
Gary Arndt Gary Gingrich Gary L & Marilyn K
Gary Arnett Gary G Little Thomason Rev Tr
Gary Atchison Gary Goodenough Gary Longan
Gary Austin Gary Gray Gary L Underwood
Gary A & Vivian Steinhauer Gary Green Gary Mack And Jacque L
Rev Trus Gary Groninger Butler
Gary Bennett Gary G Spencer & Jayne M Gary Madison
Gary B Gossett Spencer Gary Manford
Gary B Homsey Investments Gary G Spencer & Jayne M Gary Mccune
Llc Spencer Tr Gary Mccutchen
Gary Blair Gary Gussert Gary Mckaig Gmac
Gary Blue Gary Hafner Consulting
Gary Bowen Gary Hafner & Amy Hafner Gary Meeke
Gary Brown Jt Gary M Gray
Gary Brown Gary Hagg Gary Minnite
Gary Bryan Prichard Gary Haney Gary Minshall
Gary Buck Gary Harmon Gary Moeller And Pamela M
Gary Carlsen Gary Hickman Moeller
Gary Carnes Gary Hill Gary Moore
Gary & Carol Demar Gary Hlavac Gary Moores
Gary Chester Kautz Gary Hopfer Gary Morgan
Gary Chilton Gary Hopfer Gary Neal Easton
Gary Christians Gary Howard Gary Nida Living Trust
Gary Cornforth Gary Howard Gary Osborn
Gary C Riseley Gary Hunter Gary Price
Gary Cullen Gary Irons Gary Reed
Gary Cunningham Gary Jackson Gary Rees
Gary Cutrer Gary James Beeby Gary Retherford
Gary C Wilkins Gary J Beeby Trust Gary Reynolds
Gary Dean Henke Gary Keith Gary Rice
Gary Dean Henke Gary Kent Armour Gary Robert Baily Rev Trust
Gary Dean Nida Irrev Trust Gary K Gladin & Nancy Gary Rodenberg
Dtd 12-2 Carol Gladin Gary Ross Johnson
Gary Delano Gary Kincaid Gary Ryther
Gary D Holcomb Trust Gary Kinney Gary's Auto Body &
Gary Don Taliaferro Gary Klassen Collision Repair
Garye Gallaway Gary Klein Gary Schovanec
Gary Ellis Gary Kloxin Gary S Gordon Rev Tr
Gary E. Reed Gary Klusmeyer Gary Shenold
Gary Evans Gary Knouse Gary Shenold
Gary Eyster Gary Laird Gary Shoenhair
Gary Fancher Gary Laughlin Trust Uta Dtd Gary Smart
Gary Ferrell And Linda 10-4-20 Gary Smith
Ferrell Rev Gary L Cochran Gary Snyder
Gary Fewkes Gary L Cockrell Gary Spencer

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Gary Stewart Gb Cree Royalty Partnership Genesis Systems Inc

Gary Tackett And Jamie Gb Energy Inc Geneva Coffman
Tackett Gbk 1976 A Limited Geneva Goleanor
Gary Tarrant Partnership Geneva Kirtley
Gary Triplett Gbk Investments Llc Gene Varney
Gary Vaverka G&C Construction G&C Geneva Smaltz
Gary Walters Energy Srvcs Genevieve Hurst Trust
Gary Ward Gch Minerals Llc Genevieve Klein
Gary Warehime & Rhonda Gc Johnston Genevieve Mccalla
Warehime Tic G C Mcbride Estate Decd Genevieve Mccann
Gary W Duffield G & C Oil Company Llc Genevieve Schurkens
Gary W Grassman G & C Petroleum Inc Gene W Rowe Living Tr Dtd
Gary W Nivens Liv Tr G&C Petroleum Inc 9-25-02
Gary Zellner Gct Inc Gengler Llc
Gas Analytical Services Inc Gcw Royalties Llc Genie Oil & Gas Cp
Gastar Exploration Inc G Davis Genieve Mecham
Gaston Services Inc. Gde O&G Llc Genie Well Service Inc
Gatchell 1990 Rev Tr Dtd 8- Gearl B Wright Living Trust Gennell Myers
21-90 Dtd 9-1 Geno O&G Llc
Gatesway Foundation Inc Gebra Holdings Llc Gentry Family Trust
Gateway Consulting Group Ge Capital Information Gentry Minerals Llc
Inc Technology S Geo 720 Llc
Gateway Service Group Llc Gena Hodges Geocomp Energy Llc
Gavin H And Christine K Gene Branham Geodyne Resources Inc.
Lang Gene Burden Trucking Geoffrey Bagley
Gavin Knight Norman E Burde Geoffrey Breedlove Trust
Gavin Lauer Gene Busch Uwo Brian
Gavin Nailon Gene Dowdy Geoffrey Harper
Gay E Cook Ttee Gene Evans Geoflo Exploration Co
Gaye Pfeiffer Rev Trust Dtd Gene G & Mary A. Vitek Ge Oil & Gas Esp Inc
11-23-9 Rev Living T Ge Oil & Gas Pressure
Gayla Cheary Gene Haney Control
Gayla Lloyd Gene Holbrook Geomap Company
Gayla Rogers Gene Kroll Geonet Texoma Energy
Gayla R Rigdon Gene Kroll Company Llc
Gayla S Craine Gene L Houston Georgann Mccaleb
Gayla Wade Gene Lovel Revocable Tr
Gayle Ann Morris Gene Mcdowell George A & Betty L Rosiere
Gayle Davis Gene M Leach Trst Dtd
Gaylee Mccoy Gene Patton George A Briscoe Trust
Gayle Hill Now Gayle M Gene & Phyllis Hart Rev George Amos
Higgs Trust Agmt George And Amy Brun Hw
Gay Leiker General Assembly And Jt
Gaylene Mount Church Of Firs George Andrew Tipton
Gaylen Krejci General Supply & Services Georgea R Phelps Estate Of
Gayle R West Sawyer Inc George Baker
Gayle Wallace Gene Ritter George Baskin
Gayle Williams Gene Robert Graves Ii And George B Funnel Estate
Gay Rawls Faulkenberry Genesis Oilfield Pipe & George Boyd
Gay Simpson Supply Inc George Boyer
G Barnett Genesis Resources Llc George Brentlinger

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George Brown George H Miller George R Kravis Ii Trust

George Buckles Testamentary Trust George Rooker
George Buckner George H Miller George Ross
George Campbell Testamentary Trust George R Warren Rev Trust
George C Bowden George Holman George Sallee
George C Bowden & Mary E George Hom George & Sarah Seay
Bowden Jt George Hosler Descendants Tru
George C & Corrine M George J Basco Ira Acct No George Sartain
Nizich Rev Liv 13359 George Schedler
George Chiga George Jepsen George Seay Iii Separate
George Cogle George Johnson Property
George Crain George Kahn Company George Sharum
George Credicott George Keim George Sherrill
George David George Kinder George Swim Decd
George Dawson George Kline George Talbot
George Debord George Knight George Thomason
George Dennis George Kravis Trust Ii George Toma
George D Garza George Kurz Georgetown Exploration Inc
George Dickey George L & Charlotte Louise George Tully
George Diller Scott George Vance
George Dowdy George Lewis George Vierra
George Drake George Lindhal George Walenciaks
George D Randolph George Lowry George Wayne Campbell
George D Reavis George Marion George W Baker
George Dugosh George Marshall George W. Butler
George Dunaway George M. Berry Trust George W Carlile
George Dunn George Mccarthy George W Drake
George Eastman Massey George Mcguire George W Drake Rev Trst
George E Burgher Jr George Mckeaigg George Webb
George E Fears Trust George Mechling George Wells
George E Seay Iii George Messall George William Fink Trust
George E Seay Iii Foundation George Morris George Williams
George E Semrad Tr Of 2003 George Morton George Wilson
George F Cotten Royalty Georgene Smith George Woodrow
Trust Georgene Stidham Oakley Georgia Bieberdorf
George Flower Trust Georgia Branson
George Francey George Okeefe Heirs Georgia Curtis
George Funnell George Orlin Scott Georgia Gentry
George Gambril Estate George Owen Hammond Georgia Hanneken
George Glendenning George Possibly Decd Georgia Johnson
George Graham George Pretty Georgia Kurtz
George Grimm George Rains Georgia Mae Curtis Life
George G Vaught Jr George Raymond Anderson Estate
George Hayes George R Bristol Georgia Mann
George & Helen Baker George R Cornelius Sr Georgia M Bassham And
Family Trust Family Tr Richard A
George Heppler George Reavis Georgiana Cagle
George Heppler George Reavis Decd Georgianna Wilds
George H Hahn George Rex Kautz Georgia O'kelley
George H Hahn George Riddle Georgia Perkins
George H Kautz Deceased George Ridpath Georgia Stanley

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Georg Olav Andersen & Gerald Reinholtz Gila Group Lp

Annabelle Gerald Richmond Gilbert Acton
Geostar Partnership Gerald R Koester Gilbert B Hebard
Geotechnical Consultants Inc Gerald R Koester & Gerald Gilbert Carter
Geotrace Technologies Inc Andrew Gilbert G & Helen J Morris
Gerald Adkins Gerald Scott Jtwros
Gerald And Denise Speed Gerald Shippy Gilbert G Morris
Invalid Own Gerald Stephen Bilyeu Gilbert Grubbs Rev Tr
Gerald Andrew Bishop Gerald Stephenson Gilbert Isenberg
Koester Gerald Vierthaler Gilbert John
Gerald Atkins Gerald White Gilbert Mcfarlin
Gerald Bryan Gerald Wills Gilbert Morris
Gerald Collins Gerald Wilson Gilbert Rodenberg
Gerald Davidson Gerald W & Linda M Cullers Gilbert Rose
Gerald Dwayne Ediger Tr Gilbert & Tobin
Gerald Gerstenlager Gerald W Swank Gilda Harvision
Gerald Gish Geralyn Anderson Giles D And Vicki L Rhodey
Gerald G Payne Gerard M & Donna M Gilford C Clark Aka Gilford
Gerald Hall Schuchman Jt Clark E
Geraldine Cole Gerhardt & Marilyn Pralle Gilliland Oil & Gas Inc
Geraldine Dawson Family Re Gill Investment Company
Geraldine Decd Geri Ayers Gill Royalty Company
Geraldine Durham Geri Mcardle Gilmore Revocable Trust Dtd
Geraldine Fick Geri Watts 6-4-200
Geraldine F Oswalt Germany Trust Gina Anderson
Revocable Trust Ger Mcardle Gina Canales
Geraldine Lee Baker G Ernest Decd Gina Chase
Geraldine Lough Gernie Poole Gina Gail Frazier Lewis
Geraldine L Simonton Rev Geronimo Holding Gina Kay Oltrogge
Trust Corporation Gina L May
Geraldine Presume Deceased Gerri Turner Gina Lynne Lasker
Geraldine Young Gertrude Buchanan Gina Mayfield Chitty
Gerald Johnson Gertrude Cathey Gina Meador
Gerald Jones Gertrude Condreay Ginger Ferguson
Gerald Klein Gertrude Hamil Ginger Jackson
Gerald Knol Gertrude May Sherrill Rev Tr Ginger Mcdonald
Gerald L Fleming Gertrude Rosalino Ginger Mcgovern
Gerald L Lohse Gertrude Stubblefield Ginger Robertson
Gerald Lowe G Erwin Ginger Rosiere
Gerald Martin G E Stahl Asset Mgmt Trust Girish Chowdhary
Gerald Mittasch Gestio Llc G Jeff Bridgeman
Gerald Musick Gf Ray Sr Trust G&J Measurement Inc
Gerald N Furseth Revocable G. Gay Wion Revocable Glacier Petroleum Company
Tr Trust Gladys Applegate
Gerald N & Joyce L G&G Tubular Sales Inc Gladys Brewer
Richmond G Hartman Gladys Couvillion
Gerald Owens G H Blankenship Inc Gladys Henderson
Gerald Parker Ghm Enterprises Inc Gladys Irene Jeans
Gerald Payne Gibbs & Bruns Llp Gladys Jones Potter
Gerald Payne & Florence Gib Dolezal Gladys Looney
Payne Gibson Brothers Llc Gladys Morris

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Gladys Pfeiffer Glen E Vandusen Estate Glenn Smith

Gladys R Berry Loan Fund Glen Everett Kautz Glenn Smith
Trust Glen Fillmore & Nancy Glenn Smoot Estate
Gladys Stiles Fillmore Hwjt Glenn Thatcher Deceased
Gladys Supple Glen Gray Glenn Ward
Gladys Widow Glen Hildebrand Glenn Wolford
Gladys Williams Boseau Glen Holzer Glenn Yahn
Decd Glen Hopfer Glen Osborn
Glassglen Burnie Foundation Glen Hopfer Glen Shryock
Glass-Veazy Family Part. Ltd Glenita Ools Glen Tarrant
Glb Exploration Inc Glen Martin Glen Waller
Gleason Oil & Gas Llc Glenna Calvert Glenwood Cemetary
Glede Holman Glenna Cramer Association
Glen Blair Glenna Hall-Craig Glenwood Holding Llc
Glen Blasier Glenna Huff Glen Woolworth
Glen Byrd Glenna Lee Burns Gl Noble Denton Inc
Glen Caldwell Glenna Pendergrass Global Imaging Systems
Glencoe Isd No 101 Glenna Puccio Global Land Partners Llc
Glenda Allen Glenna Tanenbaum Global Security Corporation
Glenda Almack Glenn A Yahn Glorene Seely
Glenda Edwards Glenn Beckner Gloria Andrews
Glenda F Cass Rev Trust Glenn Brown Gloria B Hopkins Revocable
Glenda F Harris Rev Lvng Glennda Bateson Trust
Trst Glenn Ellington Gloria Brewster
Glenda Gladden Glenn G & Billie S Taylor Gloria Capena Smith
Glenda Goldsmith Glenn Gore Gloria Davis
Glenda Holbrook Glenn Hartman Gloria F Godbee
Glenda Holdge Glenn H Holderread Rev Gloria Hale
Glenda Jardot Trust Gloria Harchar
Glenda Langley Glenn Holderread Gloria Hesser
Glenda Lou Wright Glennis Haak Gloria J Meyer Residuary
Glenda L Reynolds Trust Glennis Paige Black Trust
Glenda Quattlebaum Glenn Jones Gloria J Morgan
Glenda Ritter Glenn Lattimore Family Gloria Kinney
Glenda Tatum Limited Part Gloria Koch
Glenda Vaughn Glenn Laughlin Gloria L Kinney
Glen D & Nancy K Fillmore Glenn Laughlin Gloria Mae Ryan Estate
Rev Liv Glenn Lewis Gloria Mertena
Glendola Louise Potter Rev Glenn Mckinney Gloria Metcalf
Lvg Tr Glenn Morey Gloria Moore
Glendora Achten Glenn Myers Gloria Shoemaker
Glendora H Harting Living Glenn & Phylis Silvers Hwjt Gloria Waldman
Trust Life E Gloyd Orrell
Glen E. & Janet E. Blair Rev Glenn Randolph Glynda Spencer
Trust Glenn Randolph Glynis Sturch
Glen E Peters Ttee The Glen Glenn Robinson Glynne Mildren
E Glenn Rossiter And Melda Glynn Mccauley
Glen E Pinnock & Kathleen Rossiter H Glynn Phillips
F Glenn Shaffer Gly Tech Services Inc
Glen & Esther Nottingham Glenn Shelley G & M Body Shop Inc
Trust Glenn Silvers G Mclure

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G Milner Gordon & Nancy Chipukites Graff Family Revocable

Gms Energy Llc Jt Trust
Gms Energy Llc Gordon Nelson Graham Agar Lacy F Agar Et
Gms Investments Llc Gordon Pulliam Al
Gng Energy Llc Gordon Rainey Graham Harper
Gn Minerals Llc Gordon Rainey Gralaur Corp
G Norman And Joyce Louise Gordon Smith Foster Jr Granada Holdings Llc
Richmond Gordon Thomas Grandchildrens Trust
Godfrey Family Trust Gore & Associates Grand Lake Resources
Goehring & Rozencwajg Gore Exploration Llc Grand Lodge Of Oklahoma
Royalties Llc Gore Nitrogen Pumping Ioof
Gold Buckle Services Llc Service Llc Grand & Toy Ltd.
Gold City Mineral Partners Gorham Family Rev Trust Grand Ventures Llc
Lp Dtd 7-26-06 Granger Family Trust
Golden Rock Energy Partners Gospel Lighthouse Church Grannys Farm Llc
Lp Grace Branaugh Grant County Clerk
Golden Trend Land & Cattle Grace B Stone Tr Uw Grant Denny
Llc Grace Davis Grant Loveless
Golden Trend Production Co Grace Decd Grant M Acton Estate
Llc Grace Douglas Grant Stebbins
Goldie Brentlinger Grace Edenfield Grant Thornton Llp
Goldie Krusemark Grace G Holman Tr Grant Withers
Goldie Roger Grace Goldin Grassman Mowing
Goldman Natural Gas Llc Grace Graves Graves Family Education
Goldman Oil Interest Inc Grace Hardy Trust
Goldman Sachs Grace Holt Gravity Oilfield Services Llc
Goldman Viator Grace Hueston Graybar Electric Company
Gold Mountain Capital Llc Grace Johnson Inc
Golds Gym Oklahoma Llc Graceland And Minerals Llc Graybill Family Farm Llc
Gold Star Enterprises Llc Grace Lane Grayce D Clark Trust
Golsen Petroleum Cp Grace Lucas Graycliff Resources Llc
Gomaco Operating Company Grace Mccoy Graydon R Lantz Irr Tr
Gongwer News Service Inc Grace Mcknight Grayton Energy Llc
Gooden-Charlston Petrol Llc Grace M Siegenthaler Tr Greater Oklahoma City
Gop Llc Grace Plummer Chamber
Gorda Hetherington Grace P Lybrand Estate Decd Great Northern Consulting
Gorda Sound Royalties Lp Grace Roberts Rodgers Llc
Gordon Davis Grace Slape Great Plains Construction Llc
Gordon D Chipukites & Grace Steichen Great White Pressure
Nancy J Chipu Grace Wilcox Trust Great White Pressure Control
Gordon Dihle Gracey Energy Consulting Llc
Gordon Fogg Gracie Hudgens Greenban Operating Llc
Gordon G Flesner Gracie Sanders Greenco Holdings Llc
Gordon Hillard Gracie Thomsen Green Country Testing Inc
Gordon L Seaman Inc Graco Fishing & Rental Green Equipment Company
Gordon L Swank Tools Inc Corp
Gordon Mills Grady County Clerk Greene's Energy Group Llc
Gordon Moeller And Donna Grady Gardner Green Family Trust
Moeller Grady Patrick Stewart Green Family Trust
Gordon Mohon Grady Rentals Llc Green Forest Properties Llc
Green Haven Cemetery Inc

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Greenleaf Energy Corp Gregory Kirby & Gaylen Griffith Oil & Gas Llc
Green Oak Eneregy Llc Kirby Grindstaff Family Trust Of
Greenpeak Resources Llc Gregory Layne Sexton 2012
Greenshields Ranch Inc Gregory L Carr Grisso Family Trust
Greenstar Energy Llc Gregory Leman Griswold Land Company
Greenway Cp Gregory Mcafee Grizzly Holdings Llc
Greenwood Energy Inc Gregory N Gist Grizz's Trucking Llc
Greenwood Energy Llc Gregory P & Cherie S G Robert Attride
Greer Oil Company Sckorohod Livi Grounds Professional
Greer Restaurant Systems Inc Gregory Powers Surveying Inc
Greg Allen Gregory Price Groupe Sharegate Inc
Greg Calavan Gregory Reynolds Grover Hamil
Greg Franklin Gregory Roberts Grover Lee Rains Le
Gregg A Buckle Gregory Sarver Grover Mclure
Gregg And Michelle Grost Gregory S Bridges Grp Energy Lp
Gregg B Colton Trust Gregory Schumacher Gr Petrology Consultants Inc
Gregg Larson Gregory Shippy Grunet Realty
Gregg M & Chelin Satherlie Gregory Shippy G&R Well Service Llc
Rev Tst Gregory Spencer Gryphon Properties Llc
Gregg M Satherlie Gregory Thomas Willis Gs Exploration Llc
Gregg N Satherlie Gregory Wagoner G Smith
Greg Gould Gregory Wallace Gsr-Dallas 2016 Llc
Greg Hall Oil & Gas Llc Gregory W Evans Gss Properties Llc
Greg Himes Gregory Winnie Gs Tinsley
Greg Holman Gre Got Rate Energy Llc Gta Iii Llc
Greg Howell Smith Greg Owens G Thomas
Greg Ira Greg Riepl G Thomas
Greg Leavell Greg Rodgers Gt & Ll Investments Llc
Greg Mahaffey Greg Satherlie Gtw Investments Inc
Greg Mcknight Greg Sedbrook Gtw Investments Inc
Greg & Nancy Vance Family Greg Tomberlin Guard Exploration Limited
Ltd Part Greg Vinyard Partnersh
Gregory A Ahrnsbrak Greg Wallace Guardian Aerial Patrol
Gregory Ballard Greg Wallace Guardian Energy Consultants
Gregory Bell Greg Welch Guardian Oilfield Services
Gregory Blankinship Greg W Heath Rev Tr Inc
Gregory Brooks Greg Worsham Guernsey
Gregory Carmack Greli Less Gulf Coast Bank & Trust
Gregory Crook Greta Mohon Company
Gregory Dewald Greta Streit Revocable Trust Gulf Coast Business Credit
Gregory Dove Ua Dtd Gulfport Energy Corporation
Gregory Elliott Gretchen Taylor Gum Puckett & Mackechnie
Gregory E & Sharon L Smith Gretchen Wahl Llp
Rev Trus Gretchen Winemiller Pitts Gunline Energy Llc
Gregory Eustice Grey A Dresser Rev Mineral Gus And Evelyn Hunt Hw Jt
Gregory Gist & Deeanna Gist Tr Gus Edwin Malzahn 1980
Jtwros G Rice Rev Trust
Gregory H Johnston And Grieves & Company Gussie Winton
Kathy M Griffen Lauer Gustav Fleischmann
Gregory Hudson Griffin Minerals Lp Guthrie News Leader
Griffin Royalty Ltd Guy And Sheri Llc

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Guy Bentsen Hal D Mcvey Hannifin Minerals Llc

Guy Ellis Hale Family Trust Hansen Oil Properties Lp
Guy E Mccandless Estates Hales Family Rev Trust Happy Wells
Guy E Sutherland H Alexander Family Trust Harber Mineral Rights Llc
Guy Evoritt Haley Frazier Harbor Energy Inc
Guy Harshbarger Halff Royalties Inc Harbor Energy Llc
Guy Kirchner H Alford Harbor Springs Royalty Co
Guyla Workman Hall Energy Co An Okla Limited
Guy Mallett Corp Harding And Shelton
Guy Prior Hall Energy Co Llc Exploration Llc
Guy Rose Hall Estill Attorneys At Law Harding Family Llc
Guy Sullivan Halliburton Energy Svcs Inc Harding Frankel
Guy Way Hallie Graham Harding & Shelton
Guy White Hallious Hamilton Harding & Shelton
G Weldon Martin Hall Living Trust Hardly-Able Oil Llc
Gwen A Howard Hall Production Co Lc Hardy Carroll
Gwen Clark Hallye Fulgham Hargrove Hudson Foundation
Gwendolyn Barbaree Halsey Family Trust Uta Dtd Harisco Inc
Gwendolyn Gillett 9-20-20 Harivadan Shah
Gwendolyn Hamilton Hal Smith Harland Burr
Gwendolyn J Courtney Hal Smoot Harlan D Meier & Betty L
Meadows Halyard Cp Llc Meier Fami
Gwendolyn Johnson Hama & Rita Barrett Rev Tr Harlan G Bennett
Gwendolyn L Bearry & Hamida Muhammada Harlene Berry Poplawsky
Johnnie Lee Khoussinov Harleston Wood
Gwendolyn Mcgucken Hamid Razavi Harley Justus
Gwen Hoehn Hamill Oil Properties Llc Harlow Royalites Ltd
Gwenith Myers Hamilton Family Rev Liv Tr Harmon Production Services
Gwen L Kerr Hamilton Investment Group Harmony Buckles Parker
Gwen Rothbaler Inc Harned Investment Llc
G W Parkinson Hamilton Investment Group Harold Alexander
Gwp Investments Llc Inc Harold Alexander
Gwyn Boepple Hammack-Rocket Properties Harold And Jane Flint
Gwynne D Laughlin 1982 Llc Harold A Payne & Kelly A
Rev Trust Hamm & Phillips Service Co Payne
Gwynne D Laughlin 1982 Inc Harold Belk
Trust Hamm Tank & Trucking Harold Belk Estate
Gypsy Energy Llc Service Llc Harold Boepple
Haas Land Service Llc Hampton Family Investments Harold Branson
Hacienda Resources Llc Llc Harold Bryan
Hadding Rlt Ua 9-22-99 Hampton Family Investments Harold Cain
Haden Buckmaster & Llc Harold Carey 1982 Rev Tr
Frances Driggs Hampton Oil & Gas Harold Chancellor
Haggard Land Company Hancock Enterprises Harold Colpitt
Hailey Ceann Walton Hancock Family Llc Harold Cook
Haken Family Llc Hancock Oil & Gas Inc Harold Cundiff
Halbert Royalties Ltd Hancock Rentals Llc Harold Davis And Betty L
Halbert Sumner Hank Forester Davis Hw J
Hal C Smith And Associates Hannah Grace Cassiday Harold D & Deena Fo
Inc Hanna Straub Holmes Family
Halcyon Natural Gas Llc Hannelore Wygant Ttee Harold D Herndon Trust

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Harold Doggett Harriett Virginia Griffith Harvey Burns

Harold D Siegel Harriet V Griffith Trst Harvey Chervenka
Harold Durham Harriet Virginia "Gina" Harvey Chesmore
Harold Edwards Griffith Ir Harvey Draper
Harold Flint Harriet V Messner Harvey E Lane
Harold Franklin Spivey Harris Family Trust Harvey Evans
Harold Gay Jackson Jr Harris Foundation Inc Harvey Evans
Harold Glock Harris J Kruse Harvey E White Enterprises
Harold Hart Harry Austin Harvey Family Trust Dtd 11-
Harold Heppler Harry Boyce 10-1986
Harold J Trepagnier Jr Harry C Buckles Jr Trust Harvey Hartman
Harold Levine Harry Clarke Harvey Hunt
Harold Lloyd Sullin Tr Harry Cosgriffe Harvey Kautz
Harold L Wehr & Sharon K Harry Davis Decd Harvey Woods
Wehr Fam Harry Davis Decd Haskell Horn Family Ltd
Harold Martin Deceased Harry Energy Inc Ptnrsp
Harold & Marylou Boepple Harry Eugene Boyce Trust Has Trust
Family Harry German Hattie Bilyeu
Harold Mcelroy Harry Guelzow Hattie Casey
Harold Mehan Harry H Diamond Inc Hattie Farris
Harold Miller Harry Hughes Hattie Hill Mcvey Inter
Harold Montgomery Harry Hyter Vivos Trust
Harold M Thatcher Deceased Harry J. & Ecla S. Lins Hattie Long
Harold Munal Residual Tr Hattie Ruth Casey Trust
Harold Ochs Harry J.&Ecla S. Lins Hattie Watts
Harold Parker Residuat Trus H A Tully Estate
Harold R Deck & Teresa M Harry J Goett Haviland Flickinger
Deck Trust Harry Katz Hawkins & Hawkins
Harold Richards Harry Keyes Hawkins O&G Inc
Harold Sanders Harry L Jones Ii Trust Hawley Services Inc
Harold Schmitt Harry Mcree Hawthorne Resources Llc
Harold Schroeder Harry M Evans Jr Haxton Well Testing
Harold Spencer Harry N Cohn Trust Hay Creek Oil Company Llc
Harold S Wood Estate Harry Phillips Hay Creek Operating Llc
Harold Tolson Harry Shay Hay Creek Royalties Llc
Harold Wasson Harry Smith Hayden Fitzpatrick
Harold Welch Harry Smith Testamentary Hayden-Mason Trust
Harold Wilson Trst Hayden Moore
Harold Wilson Harry Thompson Hayden Wood
Harold Woods Harry Tucei Hayley Sue Wimsey
Harper Family Trust Harry Winton Haymaker Holding Company
Harper Minerals Llc Harry Yaworski Llc
Harper Oil And Gas Inc Hart Energy Publishing Haymaker Properties Lp
Harrell Petroleum Inc Hartman Oil Co Inc Hayward Cemetery
Harriet Griesel Hartsuck Family Llc Association
Harriet Gust Hartwig Enterprises Inc Hazel Adcock
Harriet Huggins Hartz Energy Capital Llc Hazel Alexander Gleason
Harriet Martin Riggs Trustee Hartz Energy Capital Llc Hazel Bowers
Harriet Railsback Harvest Hazel Boyd
Harriet Roberson Harvey Bowman Hazel Cates
Harrietta Barrows Harvey Bryan Hazel Claude

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Hazel Davis Heather Catt Heirs Of Edward L Herron

Hazel E Keeler Rev Inter Heather Harris Heirs Of E E Goodrich
Vivos Tr D Heather H Pennington Rev Heirs Of Elizabeth M Flynn
Hazel E Keller Liv Tr Dtd Heirs Of Elizabeth S Bacon
Hazel Germany Heather Phelps Heirs Of Erwin Hanewinckel
Hazel Gilmore Heather Read Heirs Of Eugene Smith
Hazel Horsley Estate Heather Renee Jack Heirs Of Florence P Spencer
Hazel Hutto Heather R Harrington Heirs Of Gerald Hanewinckel
Hazel J Cameron Heather Shimek Heirs Of Helen A Anderson
Hazel King Heather Swedberg Heirs Of Henry B Kummel
Hazel Lewis Heath Payne Heirs Of Hosa Stubblefield
Hazel Litrell Heavy Duty Painting Heirs Of John T Brown
Hazel N Chessmore Ttee Hebard Family Trust Heirs Of Lee Chester Herron
Hazel Palovik Heckmann Water Resources Heirs Of Martin A Ryland
Hazel Peterson (Cvr) - In Heirs Of Mary F Kralinger
Hazel Plumer Hector Gonzalea Heirs Of Mary M Kennedy
Hazel Scates Hedi Morris Heirs Of Mj Shelton
Hazel Shaw Hef-Lin Energy Corp Heirs Of N B Gerber
Hazel Shively Survivors Hefner Energy Llc Heirs Of Neil Hanewinckel
Trust Hefner Group Heirs Of Orville Luster
Hazel Simpson Heidi Barton Heirs Of Othello Luster
Hazel Smith Heidi Camp Heirs Of Ramona Grace
Hazeltine Holdings Heidi Carpenter Heirs Of Robert Walton
Corporation Heidi Gore Heirs Of Rosemond Grace
Hazeltine Minerals Llc Heidi Jester Heirs Of Ruby E Woodard
Hazeltine Minerals Llc Heidi Jester Heirs Of Sharon J
Hazel Turner Heidi Scott Stubblefield
Hazelwood Inc Hei International Inc Heirs Of Smith Yount
Hbh Enterprises Limited Heim Family Trust Heirs Of Vernon Stubblefield
Partnership Heirs Af Nichols Deceased Heirs Or Successors Of
H Boys Land Co Llc Heirs Deisees Of Mayola Heirs & Or Succ Of Carlton
H B Pearce Estate Dunham Crabtree
Hb Rentals Heirs & Devisees Margaret B Heirs & Succ Donald Eugene
H Britton Groce D Harbough
H Brown Heirs Devisees Of Laura Heirs & Succgrover W
Hbt Enterprises Llc Morris Decd Dowell Decd
Hcb Production Co Llc Heirs & Devisees Of Walter Heirs Succ Of Lea Smoot
Hcb Production Co Llc B Decd
H Chambers Heirs Frank D Matthews Heirs & Succ Of Robert J
Hcja Llc Decd Heirs Succ To Floyd B
Hcm Family Royalties Llc Heirs Glen Arnett Henderson
Hct Minerals Llc Heirs Janice Louise James Heirs Walter Luster Jr
Hdbc Investments Ltd Heirs Mary L Ferrill Heisenberg Holdings Llc
H Dobson Heirs Minnie Phelps Decd Helberg Rev Tr
Headington Oil Company Llc Heirs Of Alice Stubblefield Heldreth Family Trust
H.E.A.D Petroleum Inc Heirs Of Caton Hoblit Jacobs Helen Adamson
Heartland Minerals Llc Heirs Of Chester F & Helen A Lisle
Heartland-Settlors' Crossing Melease Stephe Helen Barnes
Llp Heirs Of Clinton P Woodard Helen Barnes Trust
Heath Barclay Heirs Of Doris Whitney Price Helen Baunhofer
Heather Brehm Heirs Of Doyle Hanewinckel

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Helen B Coleman Trust Dtd Helen Moore Henry E Wells Jr 2005 Rev
11-19-199 Helen M Steincamp Lvg Tr
Helen Besly Helen M Wager Trust Henry E Wolff Trust
Helen Brockman Helen Niemann Henry Fite
Helen Brown Cooper Helen Norvell Henry Frnka
Helen Carey Helen Page Henry Garland Bennett Iii Le
Helen Carrier Helen Payne Henry G & Joellen Aaron
Helen C Bostick Helen Perry Rev Tr Dtd
Helen Childers Helen Rasmussen Henry Grund
Helen Clark Helen Rodman Pruitt Henry Gungoll Associates
Helen Collier Helen Rood Llc
Helen Colpitt Murphy Trust Helen Shaw Henry Horger
Helen Crabtree Deceased Helen Smith Henry Hull
Helen Cutrer Helen Smith Henry Hurst
Helen Davis Helen Spinks Henry Irrevocable Trust Fbo
Helene Jeane Hixson Helen T Glass Estate Christo
Woodrow, Dec Helen Thomas Henry Irrevocable Trust Fbo
Helene Mcroberts Helen Warden Robert
Helen F Davis Rev Trust Dtd Helen White Henry Jessie Vineyard
5-27-99 Helen W Kenyon Revocable Henry J O Burchardt &
Helen F Jones Tr Trust Molly A Burch
Helen Foster Helga Rule Henry Krupnikoff
Helen F Wilcox Heller Family Trust Henry Lee Edmiston
Helen G Downey Family Hello Catering & Custom Henry L Roberts Inc
Trust Bakery Henry Mcdowell
Helen G. Graybill Revocable Hellstern Family Trust Henry Moebius
Tst Helma Rabal Henry Molumphy
Helen Gholston Rev. Trust Helms & Underwood Henry P Shorter
Helen Glass Helon Harris Henry Resources Llc
Helen Graham Helton Farms Inc Henry Ridge And Virginia
Helen Greenberg Henderson Harrington Lee Hw Jt
Helen Howe Morrison Henick-Lane Service Corp Henry Schulte & Carole
Memorial Fdn Henkel Search Partners Llc Schulte
Helen Hudkins Life Tenant Henke Petroleum Henry S Hendler Trust
Helen Huffer Corporation Henry Stafford
Helen Infield Henrietta Quinn Henry Staley
Helen Jennings Henry A Fuxa Family Trust Henry Sylvester
Helen Jennings Hurry Henry Allmand Henry Taylor
Helen Johnson Henry Anderson Henry Wedig
Helen Jones Henry Boon & Lisa Lynn Henry Weitzenhoffer
Helen Karraker Kelly Jt Henry Welch
Helen L Clovis Revocable Henry C Bonney Henry Westenhaver
Trust Henry Crowell Henry Wisehan Estate Decd
Helen L Gemmill Trust Henry Doland Henry Wittich
Helen Logue Henry Duane Harrel Henry Wood
Helen Marlene Larson Henry Edgar Murphy Henson Wheeler Trust
Helen Mccord (Deceased) Successor Trust Herbert Barton
Helen Mccoy Jones Henry Ellis Herbert G Davis Revoc Lvg
Helen Mcgaugh Bigham Henry E Wells Jr 2005 Rev Tr
Helen Mcginnity Living Tr Herbert Harrington
Helen Mcgrath Herbert Johnson

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Herbert Kirkwood H Glimp Hlavaty Minerals Llc

Herbert Mayes Hgm Investments Llc H Lewis
Herbert Minerals Ltd H Hudson Hl Gaston
Herbert Null H. Huffman & Co. H Mark Lunenburg
Herbert Roever H Huffman & Co H M Bettis Inc
Herbert Simmons Hiawatha Estes Declaratioin H Miles Cohn Trust
Herbert Stalman Of Trus Hmlm Llc
Herbert Stange Hibernia Energy Llc Hm Mcmillan Royalty Trst
Herbert T Thomson Hickory Timbers Ltd H Norman Winkle Trust
Herbie K Elliott Partnershp H N Rhodes Pe Llc
Herby Lee Stewart Hicks Family Trust Under Hoa Sun
Hercules Industries Inc Agreement Hoa Van Le And Trinh Thi
Heritage Hill Revoc Liv Hidden Creek Resources Llc Kieu Nguye
Trust Highbridge Principal Hochberg Holdings Lp
Heritage Humane Society Inc Strategies Llc Hodgden Law Firm Pllc
Heritage Land & Cattle Llc High-King Partners Hodges Family Rev Trust
Heritage Petroleum Inc Highmount Exploration & Hodges Trucking Company
Heritage Resources - Nonop Production Llc
Llc High Plains Tire Co. Inc. Hodson Fam Tr Dtd
Heritage Trust Company Highpointe Energy Llc 3/22/2009
Herman Farrington High Rate Exploration Llc Hoffman Royalty Llc
Herman Flasch High Sierra Crude Oil & Hogback Exploration Inc
Herman Hillan Mrktg Llc Hog Shooter Exploration Llc
Herman Moore Hijet Bit Inc. Hogue Creek Trading Co
Herman Myers Hilbert Steiner Holden Brent Combs
Herman O Allmendinger & Hillary Anne Hollar Holdenville Power Tongs Llc
Frida I All Hillary Bingham Holderread 27-2mh Ri
Herman P And Sophia Hillary Grinde Owners
Taubman Foundat Hillary Hickam Holderread 27-2mh Wi
Herman Roggow Tr Hillary Mclain Owners
Herman Schroeder Hillary Schubert Holderread 34-4mh Ri
Hermine Weinberger Hillary Wellborn Owners
Hermitage Holdings Llc Hill Family Trust Holland Farms Llc
Herndon Donnelley Hinckley Living Trust Holland Hall
Herring Oil & Gas Llc Agreement Holland Services
Herschel E & Melba M Hines Crum O&G Llc Holleen Hartpence
Minshall Hiram Bridenstine Holley Eddington
Herschel Holcomb Hiram F Mutters Sr And Hollie Elliott
Herschel Mullins Dorothy Mutt Hollon Gutierrez Trust
Hershel Haskin Hiram Frank Mutters Jr Holloway Resources Llc
Herv Oil Llc Single Perso Hollrah Exploration
Hess Corporation Hiram Gooch Company
Hester Day Billups Embry Hirsch Heath & White Pllc Holly Buffington
Hester Family Living Tr Dtd Hirzel Inc Holly Darnell
6-2-200 Hitachi Consulting Holly Dee Van Esselstine
Hestle Stubblefield Corporation Holly Dewar
Hewgley Resources 1985-A Hiten Thakore Holly E Harper
H Frank Mutters Sr. And Hitoshi Nishioka Holly Harrison
Dorothy Mut Hitzelberger Family Trust Holly Harrison-Bair
H Friedman H&J Services Inc Holly Mcfarlin
H G Adams Llc Hk Resources Llc Holly Newsom

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Holmes Crisp Howard D Anderson H Tully

Holmes Music House Howard Dwayne Deaver Hubbard Farms Inc
Successors Howard E Paramore Hubert Carroll Rodman
Holton Resources Ltd Howard Gilchrist Llc Hubert Davis
Holt Royalty Llc Howard Graves Hubert I Kile Jr
Homer Caldwell Howard Graves Hubert K Chadwell Estate
Homer Cochran Howard Hewitt Huddleston Family Trust
Homer Grant Deceased Howard Hilburn Hues Living Trust Dtd 7-27-
Homer L Lawson Llc Howard Jack Moore Rev 1998
Hood & Linda Properties Llc Lvng Tr Huffer Family Farm Llc
Hooley Raper Howard Kennedy Hugh Daniel O'neill
Hooper Lvg Tr Dtd 4-4-1996 Howard Leroy Hunt Estate Hugh Elledge
Hoover Fisher Howard L Mathis Hugh E Mcgovern Jr Ttee
Hope P Fogg Estate Howard Louis Puckett Jr Trst Hughes County Clerk
Hoppes Construction Llc Howard L Wisdom Living Hughes Specialty Tools Inc
Hopps Oil & Gas Inc Trust Hugh Francis
Hoppy Toad Pilgrim Llc Howard Mahurin Hugh Garnett
Horace Ballaine Howard Mcadams Hughie Cox
Horace E Gray & John H Howard Midkiff Hugh Janson Estate
Trahin Howard Moore Hugh Lacy Deceased
Horace H Williams Rev Trust Howard Nelson Hugh Lobsitz
Agmt Dt Howard Powers Hugh Sakols
Horejsi Family 2002 Rev Tr Howard Ross Hendren Jr Hugh Scott
Horizon Energy Services Llc Howard Steck Hulda Brooks
Horizon Mud Company Howard Thomas Bosworth Iii Hull & Associates Inc
Horizon Mud Holdings Howard Tipton Le Hull & Associates Inc
Corporation Howard T Noe Estate Humble Petroleum Inc
Horizon Properties Group Inc Howells O&G Llc Hume Family Revocable
Horizon Royalties Llc Howland Family Trust Trust
Horizontal Bop Llc Howland Family Trust Humphrey Oil Interests Lp
Horizon Well Testing Llc Howland Family Trust Dtd 6- Huna Energy Corp
Horty's Oil And Gas Llc 17-09 Hungerford Rev Intervivos
Hosa Stubblefield H Perkins Trust
Hosea Energy Llc H P Hemmingson Hunter Harris
Hough Haulin Inc H Randall L Christensen Hunter Jones
Housing Authority Of Sac H R Collier And Benita Hunter Nida Irrevocable
And Fox Tr Collier Trust
Housing Authority Of Sac & Hr Direct Hunter Royalty Llc
Fox H Reynolds Hunter Steel Llc
Houston And Margaret A Hrt Transport Inc Huntington Bank
Story H Schneider Hunt Oil Company
Houston Electric Inc H&S Enterprises Group Hunton Operating Llc
Houston Story Hsh Royalty Cp Hunt's Properties Of
Howard Anderson H Simmons Oklahoma Llc
Howard Anderson H Smith Hunt's Welding Service Llc
Howard And Lois D Pittman H Solomon Hunzicker Brothers Inc
Hw Jt H Tamage Deceased Huong C Miller Jones Trust
Howard And Sharri L Moore H-T-H-N Irrevocable Trust Hurley Oil Properties
Howard Baker H Tom Kight Iii Trust Dtd 9- Hurley Oil Properties Inc
Howard Brown 30-1977 Husky Ventures Inc
Howard Crowell H Trivedi Huston Energy Cp

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Huston Energy Cp Impact Chemical International Bank Of

Hutchings Family Trust Technologies Inc Commerce
H W Allen Co Llc Impact Energy Partners Llc International Energy Credit
Hyalite Energy Cp Imperial Oil Company Associa
Hyatt Trust B Fbo Reed Ina Jones International Mining Co
Family Ina Minshall International Oil & Gas Llc
Hy-Bon Engineering Co Inc Independent Bank An Okla
Hyden Asset & Mineral Co Independent Order Of Odd International Ventures Inc
Llc Fellows Interstate Royalty Group Llc
Ian Mcneill Independent Petroleum Intertech Security Llc
Ibex Resources Company Llc Association O Intrado Inc
Ibrahim And Raeda Awad Independent School Intralinks Inc
Ice Bro Promos Independent School Dist No Intrepid Directional Drilling
Ice Us Otc Commodity 134 Linc Speci
Markets Llc Independent School Dist No Invail Energy Inc
Ida Blazer 16 Of Pa Invensys Systems Inc
Ida Cross Kemper Indepth Production Solutions Inversion Technologies Inc
Ida Davenport Llc Investment Equipment Llc
Ida Gaines Indiana Attorney General's Investor's Resources
Ida Good Johnson Office Corporation
Ida Lobsitz Indian Electric Cooperative Investors Royalty Corp Inc
Ida Marie Stubblefield Inc Invictus Tools Llc
Ida Thompson Indian Exploration Company Ioanna Raughton
Idependent School District 1- Indianola Resources Llc Iona Clements
5 Indira Shah Iowa Tribe Of Oklahoma
Idoxs Inductive Automation Ipgi Imagenation
Iep Investor Fund I Llc Indus Llc Promotional Group
Ihs Global Canada Limited Industrial Controls Solutions Ipreo Llc
Iima Miller Llc Ipro Tech Llc
I Kingdom Hirsch Family Industrial Hydro Services Llc Ira D Jones Estate
Trust Inez E Heusel Living Trust Ira Dugan
Ila G Egermeier Rev Trust Inez Snider Iradyth Collins
Ila Long Rev Trust Inez Tate Trust Ira Jacob
Illa Ruth Wehr Rev Living Tr Infant Crisis Services Inc Ira Jones
Dtd 7- Infinity Resources Company Ira M And Fincel V Fariss
Ilo Trust Udt Dtd 9-1-05 Llc Joint
Imagenet Consulting Llc Infinity Resources Ii Llc Ira Shippy
Ima Jean Pedigo Infrared Training Center Ira Sisson Estate
Ima Nelson Infrastructure Networks Inc Ira Smith
Iman Nguyen Ingle Family Rev Tr Ira Spencer
Ima Of Colorado Inc Ingrid Broadrick Ira White
Immanuel Baptist Church Of Inner Octagon Llc Irene Aka
Perkins Inrem Llc Irene Coleman
Imogene A Herndon Trust Inspectech Llc Irene Fka Howard
Imogene Capley Inspection Oilfield Services Irene Hall Estate Heirs
Imogene Martin Instascript Irene Mattocks
Imogene Milstead Institutional Investor Llc Irene M Vaverka Liinda
Imogene Rehwinkel Integrated Petroleum Frances Hock
Imogene Rieman Technologies I Irene Nealy
Imogene Stanford Integrity Investments Llc Irene Pagel
Intergy Production Llc Irene P Buck Trust

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Irene Redburn Iva Jean Rinker Rev Trust Jack D Berry Irrev Mineral
Irene Schlanger Bowman Ival Hesser Tr
Irene S Frederick Living Ivan Budd Jack D Berry Irrev Mineral
Trust Ivan D East Deceased Trust
Irene S Wischer Ivan Hudspeth Jack D Berry Irrevocable
Irene Watson Ivan Leroy Stewart Mineral Tr
Irene Williams Ivan Miller Jack & Diane Spencer Family
Irene Wright Iva Pauline Henke Mineral
Irene Wright Ives Family Trust Jack Dolezal
Irene Zerbe Ivis Inc Jack Donald Keene Or His
Iris Castles Ivy Birch Succ As Tt
Iris Francis Ivy Creek Investments Ltd Jack Dowell
Irish Mock Ivy Schoenhoven Estate Jack D Reaves
Irish Realty Corporation Decd Jack Dwinell
Iris M Eby Ttee Ivy Sullivan Jack Egon Guenther Jr 1976
Irma Hosler J3 Energy Llc Trust
Irma Linsenmeyer Jacam Chemicals 2013 Llc Jack Evans
Irma Young Jacdangus Llc Jack Everett
Irongate Tubular Services Llc Jaci Parker Jack Ewy
Iron Masters Jack Acklin Jack Fitzpatrick
Iron Mountain Holdings Lp Jack A King & Bette L King Jackfork Land Inc
Ironstar Partners Rev Liv Jackfork Resources Inc
Irvan Mayfield Jack Allen Jack Gilbert
Irven W & Ruth E Mckey Tr Jack Allred Jack Gladden
Irving Allen Jackal Oil Company Jack Gray
Irvin Haken Jack A Mckaig Revocable Jack H Choate Inc
Irvin Kaiser Living Trus Jack Hesser
Irvin Laughlin Jack And Diana Dever Rev Jack Hetherington
Irvin Mayfield Trust Jack Holeman
Irvin Smoot Jack And Frances Mcadoo Jack H Osborn Trust
Irwin Business Machines Inc Family Tr Jack Hoxmeier
Irwin Custom Sign Company Jack And Gladys Ruth Jack Hurd
Llc Simmons Hw Jt Jackie Billington
Isaac Morris Jack A & Rhonda Shafer Rev Jackie Brockamp
Isaacs Family Limited Tr Jackie Cooper
Liability Lim Jack B And Tamara D Searle Jackie D Willis
Isaacs Family Llp Jt Jackie Elliott
Isaacs Family Trust Dtd Jack B Dever Ttee Jackie Goers
04.01.18 Jack Berger Decd Jackie Immel
Isabella Royalties Jack Berry Jackie Laverne Murray
Isabelle Elizabeth Bakke Jack Bobier Trucking Llc Jackie Lee Boyles
Hardy Jack Bocox And Jackie L Hurst
Isabell M Bradley Trust Jack Borglund Jackie Lou Beeby Streck
Isco Industries Inc Jack Bowles Jackie Mcanally
Isidor & Farice Basler Living Jack Busch Jackie Olyer
Trust Jack C Allred Revocable Jackie Price
Isn Software Corporation Trust Jackie Salas
I Tex Energy Corporation Jack Carnefix Jack Ivan Valliant Estate
Itg Investment Research Inc Jack Clary Heirs
Itx Ranch Company Ltd Jack Corliss Jack J Harris Jr
Iva Carolene Davis

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Jack J Jeffers & Florence K Jacob Fam Tr,Ralph W Jacob Jake O Broyles Trust 1
Jeffers Tt Jake Poteet
Jack Jr & Robyn Martin Jt Jacob Geiger J Akers
Jack Laughlin Jacob Gill Jake Special
Jack Leforce Jacob Mckinnon J A Lafortune Residual Tr
Jack L Jeffers & Florence K Jacob Stettnichs J Alexander Hair
Jeffers Jacob Thomas & Laura Jal Interests Llc
Jack Lloyd Crabtree Nichole Jaloc Trust
Jack Martin Jacob Turner Wilfong James Adams
Jack Matthews Jacob Weierman James Adams
Jack Mayo Jacob Wilson James A Greiner Life Estate
Jack Meacham Jacque Frye James A Griffith Rev Tr
Jack Myers Jacqueline Beverly J James A Griffith Rev Trust
Jack Nealy Cummins James A Hayden Ii
Jack Owsley, Jr. Jacqueline Colson James A Hayden Iii
Jack & Pauline Lonon Rev Jacqueline Cummins James Alan Lanphere And
Trust Jacqueline Gonzales Madalene
Jackpot Investments Llc Jacqueline Kennedy James Albaugh
Jack Pritchard Jacqueline K Henges James Albright
Jack Sawyer Revocable Livin James Alcott
Jack's Backhoe Service Inc Jacqueline L Adair Rev James Alexander
Jack Schutkesting Living Tr Dt James Allee
Jack Searle Jacqueline L Schmutz James Allen
Jack Searle Thompson James A Mckee
Jack Shaffer Jacqueline Lusterharris James And Catherine A Gaul
Jack Skaggs Jacqueline Medley Jtwros
Jack Snedden Jacqueline Morrison James And Joann Austell Jts
Jack Snyder Jacqueline Orr James And Mary Kephart
Jackson Family Revocable Jacqueline Pfeiffer James And Mary Perkins
Trust Of 2 Jacqueline Razor James And Mildred Colpitt
Jackson Family Trust Jacqueline R Nishi 1985 Rev James And Sandra Grant
Jackson Kelly Pllc Tr Family Trust
Jackson Lee Jacqueline Scott James And Sarah Egleberry
Jackson S Smith Iii Jacqueline Shada Jt
Jackson Walker Llp Jacqueline Smythe James Ankrom
Jack Stotts Jacqueline Stafford James Anthony Stephenson
Jack Stovall Jacqueline Zachgo James A Oneill Irrevocable
Jack Thomas Jacque L Paules Trust
Jack Thompson Jacquelyn Briley James A Oneill Revocable
Jack T Massey Company Llc Jacquelyne W Greene Trust
Jack Tyler Jacquelyn Vannetta James Apel
Jack Walters Jacquena Brannon Ahrens James A Randolph
Jack Wayne Grant, Deceased Jacqueta Marrs James Arnett
Jack Woodruff Jada Brumley James A Weedn Rev Trust
Jack Zaloudek Jade P Coay James Axtell
Jack Z Krigel Ttee Jadi Gibbs James Baldwin
Jaclyn Christensen Jag Holdings Llc James Bartmess
Jaclyn May Jag Holdings Llc James Battle
Jacob Alexander Hair Estate Jag Ranch James Beall
Jacob Brewer Jaime Phelps James Beavers
Jacob Cole Jake Moravec

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James & Becky Marks Living James Cole James E & Janet E Bowen
Trust James Considine 2013
James Beller James Cook James Ellis
James Bennett James Cooley James Elmer & Jeanne B
James Berry James Copeland Longan
James Bertrand James Corstvet James E Robison
James Blackburn James Criswell James E Ruhl
James Blackburn James Cronin James E Walton Trust
James B Law Jr Dba James Culver James E Williams Revoc Tr
James Blevins James Cunning Of 2005
James Blue James D Anderson And James Fagan
James B Mill Trust Poyon Anderson James Fanning
James Bond James D And Loretta Longan James F Eppler Trust
James B O'neill Ii James D And Paula A Griffin James Fergus
James Bormann Trust James F Gallaway
James Boudreau James Daugherty Testamentary Trust
James Bowles James Daugherty James Fidler
James Boyd James Davis James Fields And Associates
James Boyles James Davis Inc
James Bradford James Dawkins James Firestone
James Bradley James D Cooper James Fisk James Lee Fisk Jr
James Brookshire James Demoss James Forester
James Bryce James Descher James Forsman
James Bush James Dewayne & Sereita James Foster
James Butler Cooper Jt James Francis
James Butler James D Hill James Francis
James Cahn James Dillon James Frank
James Caldwell James D & Martha M Sissons James Frank
James Calvin H&W Jt James Franzoy
James Campbell James D Mcdonald Ii & James Freeman
James Campbell Elizabeth James French
James Carolyn Tabor Jt James Dobbs James Fuqua
James Carpenter James Doherty James Gallagher
James Carpenter James Dotter James Gardner
James Carroll James Dowdy James Gardner
James Cass James Driskell James Garrett
James Cavanaugh James D Shirley Family Trust James Gassaway
James C Axtell & Vesta L Dated James Gatlin
Axtell Rev James D. Toews Revocable James Gelder
James C Berres Jr Trust Dtd James G Frankel
James C Hampton & Janice James Dwight Hegwood Rev James Giles
Milligan Tr James Gillespie
James Charles James Dyer James Gillespie
James Charles James E & Billye D James Glasgow
James Cheary Scarbrough Lvg T James Glen & Joni L
James Chitty James E Dickson Jr James Goad
James Clacher James Edmonson James Goodwin
James Clark James E Hill James Gordon
James Clingenpeel James E Hughes & Sharon James Gottschalk
James Clinton Barker Hughes Hwjt James Graves
James Coats James Gray

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James Greer James Lester Hiner James Nealy

James Greiner James Lewis James Nealy
James Griffith James L Hampton Jr And James Nelson
James Ham Vicki L. Ham James Nelson
James Hammack James Liebhart James Niemeyer
James Harold Lewis James Lilly James Oneill
James Harris James Lionel Colaizzi Jameson Mineral Trust
James Harris Rooney Trust James L Little James Orchard And Wilma G
James Hart James L Mallatt Orchard H
James Haskin James L & Maryanna Martin James Owens
James Hatton Rev Tr James Owens
James Hayne James Logsdon James Parks
James Henneke James Longan James Parmelee
James Henry James Longan James Partin
James Herring James L Parks Llc James & Patricia Esty Rev
James Hicks James L Poe & Gouching Lvng Trs
James Hiland Poe James Patrick Edmiston
James Hitzelberger 2012 James L Streck James Paul Pfrehm
Legacy Trus James Luther Dunbar James Payne
James H Jones Trust James Mahoney James Penney
James Hoover James Mann James Penny
James Hostutler James Martin Caldwell James Perry
James Howard Martindale James Martin & Rebecca James Petty
James Hoy Caldwell James Pfeiffer
James Hudspeth James Marvin Lough James P Flynn Family Tr
James Hudspeth James & Mary Sowards James Phelps
James Hull Revoc Living James Piland
James Humble James Mathew Taylor James Pio
James Hunt James Mccann James P Langin
James Huxtable Decd James Mcguire James P Mccord (Deceased)
James Jantz James Mckenny James Poff
James Johns James Mcmahon James Pollard
James Johnston James Mcmillen James Pollock
James Jones James Mcpherson James Poteet
James Jones James Melson James Pralle
James Jubal E And Stephanie James M Floyd James Pratt
Ann Hoo James Michael Copeland James Price
James Keffer James Michael Stout James P Riggs Living Trust
James Kephart James Miles & Linda Miles James Puckette
James Kerrigan Jtwros James Radford Bibb Estate
James K & Jere L Bilodeau James M Odor 1993 Rev Tr James Rains
Trust James Moore James Raleigh Bailes
James Knittle James Morris James Ray
James Koelsch James M Perkins Jr James R Beery
James Lambert James M Springer Iii James R Coe
James Lawson James M Springer Jr & James R Coleman Le
James L Early Trust A Elvona M James R Cummings
James L Early Trust B James M & Twylia I Warlick James R Deangelo
James Lee Fam Tr James R & Dorothy M
James Lee Herron James M & Victoria V Armstrong Lt
James Leo Graves Springer James R Eagleton Estate

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James Reed James Smith James Welch

James Reed James Soldani James W Eldridge
James Renbarger James Solick James Wells
James R Firestone Family James Spangler James Westfahl
Trust James Speer James White
James R Florney Jr James Spencer James Whitney
James R Harris Rev Trust James Spicer James Whitten
James R Hill Family Limited James S Pierce Executor James Williams
Partner James Stanley James Williams
James Ritchey James Stark James Williams
James R Letchworth Trust James Steichen James Willman
James R. Libhart James Steiger James Willms
James Robert Armstrong & James Stewart James Wilson
Dorothy James Stewart James Wilson
James Robert De Vaul Jr James Stewart James Wm Allison Family
James Robertson James Stewart Trust
James Robert Wallace James Striegel James Wm Downey &
James Robert Walton James Sullivan Dorthy Downey Tr
James Robinson James Sumner James Wolf
James Robinson James Taylor James W Oneill
James Robison James T Bray James Woods
James Rodenber Deceased James Terracio James W Smith Trustee
James Rodenberg James Thomas James W Vanatta And Janis
James Rodgers James Thompson F Vanatta
James Roh James Thompson James W Westfall 1993 Rev
James Ronald Johnson James T Huxtable Iii Trust
James R Shiner Revocable James Tisdal James Wyatt Snow
Trust Jamestown Resources Llc Revocable Tr Dtd 2
James R Thompson James Toy James Yocham
James R & Tracie J Brown James T Payton Jamey D Valega & Teri M
Jts James Travis Moore Valega Hwjt
James Ryan James Trower Jamie Andrews
James Saffores James Tully Jamie Caldwell
James Salvini James Vandeventer Jamie Meyer
James Sandra Richardson James Varable And Lois D Jamie Munal
Husband Varable Hw Jamie Murphy
James Scheihing James V Crowley Dba Jamie Russell
James Seaboch James V & Karen Diane Jamie Smith
James Serignese Seifert Famil J A Minerals Llc
James S Haahr Rev Trust James Voigt Jams Holdings Llc
James Sharp James Walter Duncan Iv Jams Investment Properties
James Shelton Revocable Llc
James Shoemaker James Wasson Jana Brannan
James Short And Paula Sue James Watkins Janace Scott
Short James Watts Jana Graham
James Shull James Watts Jana Hair
James Sigmon James W Caldwell Family Tr Jana Harrington
James Simmons James Webb Jana L Petermann
James Sisters Llc James Webb Jana Meece
James Smajdek James Wehe And Daisy Jana Murdock
James Smith Wehe

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Jananne Sambaugh Silcher Jane Kantor Janet Haken

Deceased Jane Kerner Janet Haskin
Jananne Silcher Janel Armstrong Janet Hicks
Jan Antonsson Janell Arlene Ernce Janet Hileman
Jana Oberlender Janellen Sartain Jane Tisserat
Jana Sauerwein Janell Flanery Janet J Jenkins
Jana Shipley Janell Mcintyre Janet Klingaman
Jana Sue Russell Janell M Klemme Janet Kneusel
Jan Bartlett Jane Long Janet Lambert
Jan B Newman Trust Jane Lunt Janet Linn Peatross
Jan B Riven Generation Sk Jane Martin Janet Louise Martin Mehr
Tr Jane Matelo Janet Ludington
Jan B Smith Jane Mcbride Mclemore Janet L. Wilhelm Living
Jan Daugherty Jane Milsten Trust
Jan Davis Jane Mourning Janet L Womack Rev
J And Judy Whitacre Janene Bridwell Intervivos Trust
Husband And Wif Jane Nesbett Janet Mantellini
J And S Ulm Family Trust Jane P Pralle Janet Martin
Jan Ducharme Jane Presley Janet Matney-Irish
Jane Adcock Carr Jane Romine Janet Mcdonald Estate
Jane A Gray 1999 Rev Trust Jane Roselund Janet Mcfarlane
Janea Mayberry Jane R Thompson Tr Janet Metcaffe
Jane Anne Cole Trust Janes Electric Service Inc Janet Michalski Cornelius
Jane Ann Faulkner Jane Shippy Janet M Jewell
Jane Ann Faulkner Jane Shurtleff Janet Pagano
Revocable Trust Jane Slape Janet Potter
Jane Ann Faulkner Rev Tr Jane Slocum Janet Potter
Dtd 7-22-1 Jane Smith Janet Price
Jane Ann Paire Jane Smith Janet Pummill
Jane A Wixon Jane Summerfield Janet Reed
Jane B Hopkins Jane Swanson Janet Rhodes
Jane B Ramsland Oil & Gas Janeta Heller Janet Robbins
Partnersh Janeta Kay Newell Janet Russell-Hunter
Jane Breuil Condos Trst Jane Talkington Janet Sharp
Jane Burchardt Liv Tr Dtd 5- Janet Ann Chism Janet Shoenhair
3-2005 Janet Barnes Janet Stanley
Jane Callaway Van Cleef Rev Janet Bates Janet Sutton
Tr Janet Bentley Janet Switzer
Jane Cameron Janet Blair Janette Barto Huff
Jane Case Akerson Leeser Janet Blue Hamer Janette Boepple Kistler
Jane D Romine Janet Ceballos Janette Breckenridge Trustee
Jane Dyal Janet Chafin Of The
Jane E Griffin Janet Cheatham Janette Bunney
Jane Elizabeth Allen Janet Cotton Janette Carol Goodson
Janee R Hall Janet Curtis Janette Nailon
Jane Frankenfield Janet Davis Cunningham Jane Vaverka
Jane Garringer Janet D. Son Janey Gayle Bohanan
Jane Guidotti Janet Dunivan Torres Jan Gravenor
Jane Hall Janet Fisher Jan Ice
Jane Harden Janet Freede Trust Janice Battle
Jane Jones Janet Gail Walker Janice B Edinger

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Janice Bray Janie Bell & Tim C Floyd Jason Carroll

Janice Brown Janie Bohanan Jason Davis
Janice Christian Janie Cockrell Alexander Jason Don Coe
Janice Coshow Janie Fulgham Bell Jason E And Terri Roselius
Janice Cox Janie Jeffrey Jason Felton Trust
Janice Dixon Jacobson Janie Johnson Jason Flowerswros
Janice E Hansen & Larry L Janie Morrow Jason Harris & Terri M
Hansen Wh Janie Ramsey Harris Jts
Janice E Thomas Revocable Janie Rodriquez And Jose S Jason Harting
Trust Rodrique Jason Kamp
Janice E Wise & Ronald E Janifer Brown Jason Kinzie
Mack & Janis Cavazos Jason L Acebo
Janice Ferguson Janis C Babel Gst Trust Jason Lesh
Janice Fly Janis Day Jason Light
Janice Gatlin Bentz Janis Hunt Jason Linder
Janice Gorrell Janis K Woolpert Lvig Trst Jason Michael Smith
Janice Hansen Janis Woolpert Jason Mills
Janice Hempfling Jan Jones Ducharme Estate Jason Nichols
Janice Hixson Jan Kessler Jason Nixon
Janice Hopkins Jan King Ward Jason Paul Murray
Janice Hosler Jan King Ward Estate Jason Raymon And Dawn
Janice Hunt Jan Lyon Raymon Jt
Janice Johnston Estate Decea Jan Mueller Jason R Cox
Janice Keith Janna Barrick Plant Jason Reece
Janice Kusik Janneth Annell Fliflet Jason Rees
Janice L Caudill Cooper Jan Oil Company Jason Retherford
Janice L Lack Living Trust Jan Ragland Mueller Jason Richardson
Janice L Miller Descendants Tr Jason Ringwald
Janice Luft Jan Schiffelbein Jason Rush
Janice Manual Jan Sparks Jason Schaefer
Janice Marlow Janvrin Martindale Newsome Jason Sewell
Janice Masheter Jan Williamson Jason Shippy
Janice M Clark Trust Jan Wolff Jason Smith
Janice Mcmasters Janzen Automotive Group Jason Taylor
Janice Mills Ja Oilfield Manufacturing Inc Jason Thomas Coe
Janice M Pralle J&A Oilfield Rentals Inc Jason T & Jennifer D Stevens
Janice M Waters Rev Trust Jaquelyn Sands Hwjt
Janice Ontano Jardot Evergreen Llc Jason Toews And Charlotte L
Janice Petersen Jared Arney Toews
Janice Plummer Jared Bradfield Jason Walters
Janice Podoll Jared Cullison Jason Webber
Janice Rodgers Jared Kelle Jason Webbwros
Janice Shockley Jarett Lauer Jason Wilkerson
Janice Sue Rose Jari Askins Jasper Lee Sumner
Janice S Williams Rev Tr Jarilyn Brauser Jasu Properties Llc
Janice Thames Jarl Johnson Javier And Zoyla Garcia Jt
Janice Thompson Jarrod G Gray Jax Investments Llc
Janice West Jarrod Marcum-Noftsger Jaxon Shiner
Janice Wilson Jarrod Meyer Jay And Virginia Crofoot
Janice Woolnough Jason Beldon Management
Janie Bell Floyd Jason Byrd Jay Blakley

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Jay Carter Hartzell Jbnsjn Investments Llc J Douglas Dunivan Rev Tr

Jay Clacher J Boydston Dtd 3502
Jay Courtright J Boyles J Douglas Lasater Revocable
Jay Davis Jb Price Trust
Jay Debord J Bradley Jdt Investments Llc
Jay D Keister Jb Red & Mary H Red Rev J Dudley
Jay Eldridge Trust Jeana Bolen
Jaye Wilson Jb Red Rev Trust Jean Akers
Jaye Wilson J-Brex Company Jean Austin
Jay Fischer J B Richmond Jean A. Wright Trust
Jay Fishman J B Rush Jean Bowles
Jay Hamilton Jb's Bbq And Catering Llc Jean Branson Mcgehee
Jayhawk Investments Llc Jbs Royalties Inc Jean Claire
Jay & Jennifer E Udwadia Jt Jb Tearney Jean Clark
Jay L Stewart Trust J Bumpas Jean Clark Trust Dtd 8-31-
Jay Lynn Marts J Bundren 2012
Jay Mccown Jbw-Moss Partnership Jean C Mihura Trust Dtd 8-
Jay M & Connie M Lamdin J Campbell 12-99
Family Tr Jc & Dottie Riekenberg Rev Jean Collier
Jay Meyer Lvg Trus Jean C Thacher Trustee
Jayne Crowley J C Essley Trust Jean Ediger
Jayne Kadum J C Farmer Trust Jeanette A Breeden 2012
Jayne Ritzendollar J Clement Revocable T
Jay P Walker Charitable J C Mensore Dist Inc Jeanette Chisum
Trust Jcm Exploration Jeanette Maupin
Jay Sfingi Jcn Petroleum Cp Jeanette Mckinney
Jay Shippy J Coulson Jeanette Rodriquez
Jay Sitton Jc Pace Minerals Llc Jeanette Sneary
Jayson Horne Jc Petroleum Inc Jeanette W Gay
Jayson Pruitt J Craig Wheeler Royalty Jean Foster
Jayson Pruitt Trust Jean Fraser
Jayson Shields Jc Riekenberg Revocable Jean Hagler Pinkerton Trust
Jay Tarlton Lvg Trst Dt Jean Hagler Pinkerton Trust
Jay Thomas Jcs Inc Jean Hastings
Jay Vandenbos J C Swanson Jean Hastings & Deena J
Jay W Allard Jcw Inc Frieling Jt
Jay Williams Jda 2006 Trust Jean Hemphill
Jay Wood J David Pyle Jean H Henderson Living
Jb And Mary H Red J Davis Trust
Revocable Tr J Davis Jean H Kelly Trust
J Barkwell Jdc Properties Jean Hull
J Batt Jd Harrison Revocable Trust Jeanie E Sanders Rev Tr Dtd
J Beard Jdh Enterprises Inc 2-9-06
J Beasley Jd Hicks & Lois Rebecca Jeanita Kearns
Jbe Energy, Llc Hicks Tr Jean Jacob
Jbe Group Inc J Dittmar Jean Johnson
J Bennett Jdk Associates Llc Series 1 Jean Lawton
J-Bex Company J D Mcgovern Jean L Hunter Living Trust
Jbh Consulting Group Jd Minerals Jean L Hunter Living Trust
Jbh Minerals Llc J Dobbs Jean Marie Jones
J Black Jean Matthews

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Jean M Boehm Trust J Ed Rawls & Sally L Rawls Jeffrey Fidler

Jean Mcafee Rev Tr Jeffrey Gaunt
Jean Mcpherson J Ed & Sally L Rawls Rev Jeffrey Gelder
Jean Moore Trst Jeffrey G Michael
Jean Morrison Jeff & Carol Hirzel Family Jeffrey G Smith
Jean Murphy Tr Jeffrey Hudson
Jeannae E Lollar Jeff Chambless Jeffrey Jacob
Jeanne Arnold Jeff Coates Jeffrey Johnson
Jeanne Arnold Jeff Cook Jeffrey Kingston
Jeanne Barrett Jeff Denton Jeffrey Lynn Davis
Jeanne Brantingham Jefferey German Jeffrey Mayo
Jeanne Cavanaugh Jefferson County Recorders Jeffrey Mclaughlin
Jeanne Chelsea Decd Office Jeffrey Mcnaughton
Jeanne Cloud Jefferson County Treasurer Jeffrey Miltimore
Jeanne Edwards Jeffery Bond Jeffrey Pralle
Jean Neese Jeffery Bordelon Jeffrey P Reyna
Jeanne Frank Jeffery Eichelberger Jeffrey Pruitt
Jeanne Matera Jeffery Hammer Jeffrey Rains
Jeanne M Boese Revocable Jeffery Lee Eichelberger Jeffrey Rains
Trust Jeffery Moody Jeffrey Razor
Jeanne M Urquhart Jeffery Popkess Jeffrey Rossander
Jeanne P Brown Trust Jeffery R Kukuk Jeffrey R Papirtis
Jeanne P Brown Trust Jeffery Watts And Amber R Jeffrey Schultz
Jeanne Ruggles Watts Hw Jeffrey Sexton
Jeanne Timberlake Jeffery Wilson Jeffrey Spitler
Jeannette A. Breeden 2012 Jeff Fisher Jeffrey Stephens
Revocabl Jeff Goldsberry Jeffrey Sutton
Jeannette L Hyke Jeff Henrotin Jeffrey Tarlton
Jeannette M Allen Trust Jeff Johnston Jeffrey Tener
Jeannette M Ginsburg Jeff Metzger Jeffrey Thomas
Jeannie Jeff Niemeyer Jeffrey Todish
Jeannie Haggard Jeffrey Allen Bell Jeffrey Tully
Jeannie Harris Jeffrey A Willett Jeffrey T Wilson
Jeannie Maher Jeffrey Barnes Jeffrey W Foster & Kelley R
Jeannie Shedeck Roberts Jeffrey Blevins Jeffry & Judy Hughes Lvg
Jeannine Anne Campbell Jeffrey Bullock Trust
Jeannine Apathy Jeffrey Cairns Jeffry Watts
Jeannine Taylor Jeffrey Campbell Jeffry Watts
Jean Reed Jeffrey Carmack Jeff Wensler Janelle Wensler
Jean Riley Billington Jeffrey Carr Craig
Jean Rising Jeffrey Casparis Je Johnston
Jean Rodgers Jeffrey Cates Jems Oil Llc
Jean Starkey Fleming Jeffrey Chatman Jenae Judge
Jean Tegeler Jeffrey C Hawes Rev Tr Dtd Jenein Kester
Jean Wetzel Trust 05-31-20 Jenella Loye
Jean Williams Jeffrey Cope Jenenne Post
Jean Wilson Jeffrey Cordell Davidson Jeneva Rodman Vickery
Jean Wilson Jeffrey C Welch Trust Jenna Marie And Emma Ann
Jeb Bucher Jeffrey Day Jenna Partain
Jed Isbell Jeffrey Dean Buckmaster Jennie And Ashley Pratt
Jeffrey Dolezal Jennie Bilyeu

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Jennie Elgin Jennifer Shrader Jeri Mccord

Jennie Est Jennifer Silvers Jeri Poplin
Jennie Hart Jennifer Stowers Jeri Susan Hunt Estate Decd
Jennie L Idlett Jennifer Swain Jerod Padgett
Jennie Pratt Jennifer Whittington Jerold Boepple
Jennie T Holdings Llc Jennifer Wilson Jerome Edwards
Jennifer Alden Jennifer Wilson Jerome G Edwards Living
Jennifer Allen Jennifer Zacker Trust
Jennifer Ann Huber Jennis S Kauffman Jerome H Pralle
Jennifer A Rogers Jenny Berent Jerome L & Betty A
Jennifer Avery Jenny Hilton Kaminshine
Jennifer Baird Jenny Lee Cundiff Jerome Reding
Jennifer Bentley Jenny Malnati Jerome T Baxter
Jennifer Burgess Jenny Nelson Jerri Arthur
Jennifer Carroll Jenny Sherman Jerry Acton
Jennifer Chadwell Feld & Jenny Wassan Jerry And Jeanette Brown
Dennis M Jentra Reed Trust
Jennifer Craig Jerald Buntin Jerry Bechtel
Jennifer Deutsch Jerald Gartman Jerry Berger
Jennifer Diller Jeraldine Devlin Jerry Berger
Jennifer Drysdale Jeraldine F Devlin Estate Jerry Beth Gautreaux Gst
Jennifer Garrison Llc Jerald L Album Exemption
Jennifer Gay Koelm Jerald Nickels Jerry Bethke
Jennifer Gibson Jere Arndt Jerry Briggs
Jennifer Goble Jeremiah Hall Jerry Bruce Kime
Jennifer Gomez Jeremiah Pfannenstiel Jerry Bryan
Jennifer Grigsby Jeremy Adams Jerry C & Mary L Booth
Jennifer Gripe Jeremy And Jessica Mckinzie Hwjt
Jennifer Hicks Jeremy Austin Jerry Combs
Jennifer Holcomb-Thrasher Jeremy Barbour Jerry Copeland
Jennifer Holloman Jeremy Beagles Jerry Crenshaw
Jennifer Holloman Jeremy Cantrell Jerry Crenshaw
Jennifer Horton Jeremy C Baxter Jerry Crenshaw
Jennifer Hughes Jeremy Conner Jerry D Acton & Patsy
Jennifer Jane Kramer Jeremy Cooke Jerry Douglas Ward Estate
Jennifer Kathrine Dylan Jeremy Davidson & Mary Jerry D Rose And Virginia F
Jennifer Lamproe Emily Morgan Jerry D Smith & Sherian
Jennifer Mason Jeremy Greenfield Jerry D Stahl Trust
Jennifer Mccready Jeremy Hootens Jerry Dudek
Jennifer Mcdaniel Jeremy Huckabay Jerry Dunkin Well Services
Jennifer Mendias Jeremy J Cumming & Inc
Jennifer Mooney Rachelle L Jerry E And Sherlene L
Jennifer Nicole Lancaster Jeremy Jenkins Mckee Trust
Jennifer Pannell Jeremy Lasley Jerry Eskew
Jennifer Payne Crutcher Jeremy Meyer Jerry Estopinal
Jennifer R Cain Jere W Thompson Ira Jerry Evans
Jennifer Rich Jeri Alexander Jerry E Williams Estate
Jennifer Robinson Jeri Beth Worsham Jerry Field
Jennifer Scott And Travis M Jericho Buckmanville Oil Llc Jerry Fitzpatrick
Scott H Jeri Lee Jerry Fraley
Jennifer Shadd Jeri Lipis Jerry Gautreaux

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Jerry Haag Jerry Suttonwros Jessica Nelson

Jerry Hagg Jerry Sweeney Jessica Nida Wright Trust
Jerry Hansen Jerry Sylvester Jessica Peterson
Jerry Hansen Jerry Sylvester Jessica Ryan Todd
Jerry Hansen Jerry Sylvester Jessie Bartholomew
Jerry Harper Jerry D Harper Jerry Tennyson Jessie Blevins Crump Family
Jerry Haskin Jerry Uhrig Trust
Jerry Henke Jerry Underwood Jessie F Murphree Ttee
Jerry Henke Jerry Vanbuskirk Jessie Ingram
Jerry Hickman Jerry Van Meter Jessie Jorgensen
Jerry Jackson Consulting Llc Jerry Wade Cook Jessie L Rathbun Lvg Tr
Jerry J Bugg Ttee Jerry Waller Jessie Wright
Jerry J Joseph Jerry Warden Jessie Yount
Jerry Joe Stockton Jerry Waterman Jess Latham
Jerry J. Waller Jerry Wayhan Jesus Francisco Morales &
Jerry Kneeland Jerry Webb Dolores E
Jerry Knotts Jerry Welch Jesus Rodriquez
Jerry Knotts Jerry Wright Jet Specialty Inc
Jerry Krushensky Jessamine Chase Estate Jetta-X2 Lp A Texas Lp
Jerry K Vanhouten Jesse Anthony Jettie E Maxwell Living
Jerry Lambdin Jesse Balderson Trust
Jerry Lane Jesse Bourgoyne Jewel Harm
Jerry Lane Jesse Branham Jewel Harm Le
Jerry Langley Jesse Brookshier Jewell Bailey
Jerry L Holding Rev Trust Jesse Butts Jewell Brundage
Jerry L & Nora Darlene Jesse Butz Jewell Choate Harmon
Lemen Trust Jesse G Heinle Jewell C Pitts Revocable
Jerry Loader Jesse Heller Trust
Jerry L Sills Rev Lvg Trust Jesse James Jewell Tabor
Jerry Marlow Lvg Trust Dtd Jesse Overholt Jewel Mcgettrick
12-4-200 Jesse Perez Mendez & J Ewing
Jerry Matthews Jeanette M J. Fabi
Jerry M & Emma J Dale Jesse Phillips Jfb Jr Trust Holdings Llc
Trust Jesse Relkin J F Buck Energy Llc
Jerry Micka Jesse Ross Jfc Minerals Llc
Jerry Miller Jesse Smith Jf Energy Llc
Jerry Myers Jesse Spaulding Jfh Investment Properties Llc
Jerry Oden Jesse S Ross & Carol J Ross J Fred Hambright
Jerry Pfeiffer Ttees J Ghormley
Jerry Pfeiffer Jesse Tapp J Ghormley
Jerry Rader Jesse W Ray J Gibson
Jerry Ramsey Jess Harris Iii Jgilles Llc
Jerry Roberts Jessica Fisher Jg Interests Llc
Jerry Scott Jessica Garrett J G Interests Llc
Jerry Sloan Jessica Jerome J Gleason
Jerry Sloan Jessica Lynn Aguilar J.G. Thompson Llc
Jerry Sorensen Jessica Macbeth J Guinn
Jerry Stapleton Jessica Mallow Jhaft Llc
Jerry Steven Hale Jessica Mchargue Jhalp Oil & Gas Llc
Jerry Stoll Jr And Paula M Jessica Meyer J Haney
Stoll Jt Jessica Moore J Harold Schuman Trust

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J Harper Thomas Limited Jimmie Hogrefe Jims Water Service Inc

J Harrison Jimmie Lucht Jinett J & Francisco Bennett
Jhd Oil And Gas Llc Jimmie M & Paula J Martin Wh Jts
J Holzer Hw Jts Jinx Butler Trust
Jhsw Investments Llc Jimmie Patterson Jireh Resources Llc
Jil Fischer Jimmie Patterson J & J Carter Energy Llc
Jill Appleman Jimmie Patterson J&J Coolzone
Jill A Roberts Rev Trust Jimmie Pauley J Jeans
Jill Camden Jimmie Peterson J J Mcook Estate
Jill Currie Jimmie Terrel J Johnson
Jill Elizabeth Otis Jimmy A Martin Jj Oil Llc
Jill Gotcher Jimmy Arb J Joseph & Marie A Kelly Jt
Jill Hopfer Jimmy Berger Jjr Acquisitions Llc
Jill Hoyt Jimmy Blackburn Jjr Acquisitions Llc
Jill Mertena Ellender Jimmy Boyles Or Heirs Jj Simonsen
Jill Pearson Jimmy Brown J&J Tubulars Inc
Jill Porter Jimmy Camren J&J Wheat & Cattle Farms
Jill Todd Jimmy Corliss Llc
Jim And Patricia Payne Jimmy D Taylor J Karl Jones Fam Tr Dtd Nov
Jim And Sylvia Stanley Jimmy D Tipton 1
Jim Bass Ford Jimmy Farris J Kelly
Jim Berger Jimmy F Howard And Freda Jkh Properties Inc
Jim Blaser Howard Hus J Klassen
Jim Bucci Jimmy Gardner Jk Petroleum Llc
Jim Dale Jimmy I & Sandra M Ward Jkp Staffing & Search
Jim D Blaser Revocable Trust Jk Riordan
Trust Jimmy Johnson Jks & Associates
Jim Edward Kluge Jimmy Lee Harris J L Courtright Estate
Jim Fick Jimmy L Noyes J.L. Delay Moving
Jim Foster Jimmy Longfellow J L Douglas
Jim Goforth Jimmy Masheter J Lester
Jim Harvey Jimmy Milhoan J Lewis
Jim Hazelbaker Jimmy Nagel J L Hollis
Jim Hodge Jimmy Penny J Lindley
Jim Hughey Jimmy Penny J&L Mueggenborg
Jim Huston Irrev Tr Jimmy Sears J&L Operating
Jim Lemmons Jimmy Tanner J L Pete Swaim Rev Trust
Jim Linville Jimmy White Jlrdgr Properties Llc Jerry L
Jim L & Janelle L Arthur Rev Jimmy Wilson And Christene Ryan
Trust Wilson J&L Services
Jim Lobsitz Deceased Jimmy Wolff J Lundragun
Jim L Poston Jimmy Zickefoose J Macarthur
Jim L & Shirley F Roe Jim Newkumet Jma Energy Company Llc
Jim Luse Jim Nix (Carried)
Jimmie Choplin Jim Osborne J Marc Cottrell Trust
Jimmie Combs Jim Ouiment James L J Markee
Jimmie Dean Walker Family Ouiment J Mark Grimsley Trust
Trust Jim Perdue J Mark Rister
Jimmie Green Jim Reed J Masheter
Jimmie Hall Jim Riddle J Matthew Devilliers
Jimmie Hogrefe Jim Schovanec Attorney At La

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J Mayeaux Joan Jones Joan Squires

J Mccarthy Joan Markwell Joan Stinnett
J Mcelroy Joan Matthews Joan Stovall
Jmg 1 Lp Joan Mcclendon Joan Thiele Miller Le
J Mills Joan M Hanks Irrev Trst Joan Thiele Miller Le
Jmm Minerals Llc Joan Miller Joan Wenzel Revocable Trust
J Morton Irrevocable Trust Joan M Mcfarland Rev Trust Joan Yost Carr
J-M Production Company Joanna Bartow Joayn Landy
J. M. & V. C. Garrett Family Joanna Bates Jobe Anderson
Trst Joanna Bendell Jobes Family Trust
Jmw Enterprises Llc Joanna Champlin Jo Brown
Jnd Trust Joanna Jacobs Jo Bye
J Newman Joanna Logsdon Jocelyn Hansen
Jn Jr Decd Joanna Monaco Jo C Golden Revocable Trust
Joachim Lestrohan Joanna Patton Jocille Hoffman Ttee Of
Joalice Freeman Joanna Rolen Joycille Ho
Jo Alice Scaletta Joanna Schott Jodene Kruse
Joan Adkins Life Estate Jo Anna Williams Jodi Cline
Joan Ahrens Jo Ann B Kamp Jodie Balderson
Joan A. Thompson Joanne Boozer Jodie C Armstrong
Joan Batchelor Joanne Bryan Smith Revocable Trust
Joan Botts Testamentary Tru Jodi Poore
Joan Brookshire Joanne Gillespie Rev Lvg Tr Jodi R Cline Trust
Joan Broome Joanne King Williams Jodi Sanders
Joan Calkins Joanne Klopp Jo Dolezal Livesay
Joan Chain Joanne Lewis Jo Dunham
Joan Curtis Joanne L Velarde Jody Dunlap
Joan Cusack Joanne Marren Jody E Young Trust
Joan D And Richard D Veal Joanne Martin Jody Franklin Mckee
Trust Joanne Mcdonnell Jody Williams
Joan Daniel Joanne M Snider Gurganus Joe A And Brenda L Peak
Joan D Veal 1997 Revocable Joanne Thomson Joe A & Della K Gitgood
Trust & Joanne Thorman Rev Lvg Tr
Joan D Veal 1997 Rev Tr Joann F Pace Living Trust Joe Allen Burris
Joan D Veal 1997 Rev Tr Joann Gann Joe Anderson
And Richard Joann Hair Estate Decd Joe Ann R Cox
Joan D Veal 1997 Rev Trust Joann Houldson Joe Barnard
Joan D Veal 1997 Rev Trust Joann Lewinsohn Revocable Joe Becker
& Trust Joe Berry
Joan Edwards Joann Mcdowell Joe B Franklin
Joan F Bamberger Living Joann Murray Revocable Joe Brentlinger
Trust Trust Joe Broome
Joan Gallagher Joan Noregaard Joe Calvin Chamblee
Joan Gandee Joan Noregaard Joe Carmichael
Joan Ginn Joann Ricks Joe Colpitt
Joan Godlove Joann Sumrall Joe Craig
Joan Gravitt Joann Suppes Joe Cromer
Joan Gray Joan Rubenstein Joe Cromer
Joan Holderread Rev Trust Joan Rule Joe Dale Anderson
Joan Holderread Rev Trust Joan Schroeder Joe Farris And Sue Ellen
Joan Jennelle Joan Sherwood Farris Hw

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Joe Fitzpatrick Joe Robinson John Bainum

Joe Flemings Joe Sam Vassar John Ball
Joe Ford Joe Sam Vassar And Marsha John Ball
Joe Frankel Due Vassa John Barker
Joe Frye Joe Sater John Barrett
Joe Gardner Joe Shippy John Barry Massey
Joe Gates Joe Terrill John Barry Massey Estate
Joe G Dillingham And Joetta Louise Tonti John Bateson
Joe George And Kay George Joe Vaverka John Battle
Jt Joe Walker And Yvonne I John Baumert
Joe & Glenda Ledgerwood Walker Hw J John Baumert Deceased
Rev Trust Joe Williams John B Chadwick Tr Uad 4-
Joe Golden Joey Don Prichard 24-85
Joe Gray Joey Eyler John Beck
Joe Groshong Joey Ray Harrel John Beckman
Joe Gyer Jo Ferguson John Bell
Joe & Helen Mcfadden Trust Johanna Parkinson John Berent
Joe Henry Harris Tr Johannes Hursts John Bernard Westerheide
Joe Kelley John A Ball Life Estate John Bieberdorf
Joe Klabzuba John Abbott John Billings
Joe Kroll John Acton Mcconnel John Blake
Joel Abbe John A Griswold John B Lynch
Joe Lancaster John A Hennage Trust John B Mckee Jr
Joel Brewer John A Kamps John Bowles
Joel Brown John Alberts John Bowman
Joel C Pitts 1991 Living John Alcott John Bradley
Trust Joel John Allen Speer & Ann L John Bradshaw
Joel Edwards Speer John Brady
Joel E Dyer John A Looby Iii John Brake
Joel Eyler John A Marshall Company John Brentlinger
Joel Haggard John Anderson John Brewer
Joel Johnson John Anderson John Brisco
Joella Macgill John Anderson John Broach
Joel Lee Wilson & Cynthia John And Karen Lawler Hw John Brower
Jo Wilson Jt Wros John Bruce Electric Inc
Joellen Marshall John And Kimberly Fiers Jt John Bruce Hueston
Joellen Marshall Rev Tr John Brunnemer
Joellen Marshall Trust John And Kristin Phibbs John Bryce
Joel Lesh Johnanna Heathman John Bryon Sharp Decd
Joe Loy And Peggy S Loy John & Anne Chamberlain John B Turner And Barbara J
Joel S Castello Profit Sharing Fam Trust D Turner
Trus John Anthis John Bullock
Joel Strauss John Apel John Buntin
Joel & Susan Williams Johna Riley John Buntin
Family Lvg Tr John Armstrong John Burgher
Joe Mackey John Arnett John Burnham
Joe Madewell Johnathan Cutrer John Calavan And Lu J
Joe Mills Johnathan Linn Calavan Hw Jt
Joe Nelson Johnathan Schaul John Campbell
Joe Pinson John Austin John Campbell
Joe R May Production Co Inc John A Williams Decd John C And Jon Pralle

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John C And Velda Pralle Jts John Dresser John F Walsh

John Caporal John Dryden John Galt Llc
John Carmichael John Dryden John G & Elaine Mueller
John Casey John Dryden Family Livi
John Casey John D Sims John & Geraldine Mcfadden
John Casteel John D Thomason & Jaleta A Rev Livin
John C Aubrey Thomason John G Harper
John C Busby Trust John Dunbar John G Hussey
John C Dickerson Iii John Duncan John Gibson
John C Fortney John Dungan John Gilbreath
John Charles John Dwan John Gilchrist
John Christensen John D Williams John Gill
John Christman John D Williams Revocable John Gilley
John Clifford Glahn Trust John Gipson
John Clifton Williams Iii John Eckman John Glahn
John Clifton Williams Jr John Edwards John G Moorman
John Clingenpeel John E French John Goe
John Clingenpeel Decd John E Heller Ttee John Goforth
John C Mitchell Jr John Elk John Golliver
John Coker John Ellis Keith Trst Dtd 8-1- John Gorman
John Cook 96 John Gragert
John Copeland John E Martin John G Rainey
John Cordell John Emery John Green
John Corley John English John Grimsley
John Corliss John Enochs John Griswold
John Corly John E Stueber & Sara B John Groninger
John Courtright Disney John Gurley Iii
John Cox John E & Tara Mchughes John Hancock
John Cox John E Thomas And Veta John Hancock
John Crellin Karen John Hanner
John Crellin John Everett John Harrington
John Crutchfield John Ewy John Harris
John Dailey Johney Benz & Rosie Benz John H Davison Iii &
John David John Fagan Kandace K
John Davis John Fassnacht John H Edwards
John D Cooper Residuary John F Brady John H Edwards Rev Trust
Trust John F Haag Trust John Hensley
John Decd John Fidler John Heppler
John Dejarnette John Fiers John Hetherington
John Dennis Martin John Fisher John H Gardner Rev Trust
John Dickson John Forshee John Hickman
John Dixon John Foster John Hill
John Dixon John Foster John H Kerr
John D Kelly John Foster & Alma Foster John H Mugler Test Trust
John & Donna Pickering Rev 2012 Rev John Holkum
Tr John Friedemann John Homer
John Dorlon John Friedery John Hopkins
John Downes John Frizzell John Horne
John D Pote & C Edwina John F Special John Houston
Pote Living John Fulgham John Houtz
John Drake John Fullum John H Richter Iii Trust

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John Hubert Burns John Logsdon John Myers

John Hull John Lovell John Nealy
John Humble John Lovell John Nelson Currier
John I Beavers & Linda W John Lovell And Pamela S John N Fox
Beavers Jt Lovell Jt John Nickel
John Ida Uri Estate John Lowry Johnnie
Johnie Ouzts John L & Patricia A Johnnie Bernard
Johnie Spillman Mccroskey Trust Johnnie Boyles
John Jackson John L Rieman Johnnie Craig & Sandra L
John J Anderson John Lutz Lewis H&W
John Janovy Jr John Lynd Johnnie Davis
John J Guenther John Lynn Fletcher Johnnie Graybill
John J. Guenther Estate John Mace Johnnie Johnson
John Johns John Malget Johnnie Lee Davis Ttee
John Johnson John Marion Johnnie Lee & Frances
John Johnson John Marion Lorraine
John Jolly John-Mark Beaver Johnnie L Robino Estate
John J Oneill John Mark Clark Johnnie Mckee
John J. O'neill Rev Trust John Mark Pollard Trust Johnnie Pirkle
John Jones John Mark Waugh Trust Johnnie Porter
John Jones John Marsh Johnnie Wright
John & Judy Sheridan Living John Marsh John North
Trust D John Marshall Johnny Bourlon
John J Vocker Jr John Mary Bevins Johnny Cates
John J Williams John Matyl Johnny Cawlfield
John Kenan John Mautner Johnny Cooley And Patti E
John Klabzuba John M Billings Cooley
John Knight John Mcafee Johnny Copeland
John Knight John Mcbride Johnny Decd
John Knight John Mcconnell Johnny Durham
John Knight John Mcdonnell Johnny Grant
John Lane John Mcfadden Johnny Griffin
John Lane John Mcgreevy Johnny Hafner
John Lawler John Mckeaigg Johnny Herring
John Lawson John Mckee Trust Johnny Lane
John Lazenby John Meacham Johnny Long
John L Brady John Melaugh Johnny Lyon
John Leach John Melvin Mounts Johnny Martin
John Lee Smith John Metscher Johnny Rath
John Lemley John M Holleman Agency Johnny Sanches And Anna M
John Leroy Edmiston John Micheal Cleverdon And Sanches H
John L Fry Susan Le Johnny Wiggs
John L Greer John Millirons Johnny Wiggs
John Lindley John M Imel Rev Trust Johnny Worthy
John Linn John Minton John O Jones
John Lippman John Mitchell John O Mehan
John Lippmann John Mitchell John O Mehan Ii & Sandra L
John Lippmann John Montgomery Mehan Hw
John L Lewis Well Service John Mueggenborg John Oneill
Llc John Murphy John Ori
John Logan John Musolino John Ottendorf

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John Owen John R Mcginley Jr Family John Snyder

John Pangburn Tr Johnson Family Lvg Tr
John Parker John Robert Clark Jr Johnson Family Revocable
John & Patrice Golliver 2007 John Robert Cohn Trust
Rev Tr John Robert Cohn Johnson Oil Partnership
John Paul Standefer Irrevocable Trust John South
John Paul Synnott Iv John Robertson John Special
John Payne John Robino John Spicer
John P Cadenhead John Robinson John Spinuzzi
John Peach Trust John Rodman John Squires
John Perdue John Rolen John Sr And Caroline Beck Jt
John Peters John Romine Trucking Inc John Stallings
John Pfeiffer Rev Trust Dtd John Roshell John Stanford
11-23-9 John Royce Hathcock John Stead
John P Harris Trust Uw John R Rupp John Stead
John Philip Jacob John R Simpson Jtwros John Steichen
John Phillips John Russell Hewitt John & Stephanie Palomo
John Phillips John Saint Lvg Tr
John Pierce John Sammons John Stephen Blubaugh
John Pilkinton John S And Amanda John Stewart
John P Inda Living Trust Crawford John Stewart
John P. Oil Company John Schaefer John Stranglen
John Pollard John Schafers John Struthers
John Porter John Schlanger John Summers
John Poston John Schneider John Sumner
John Pote John Schott John Sutak
John Potter John S Clark Inc John Suter
John Powers John Scott Stueber And John Sutton
John Pralle Teddie Ann S John Swisher
John Pralle John Scully John Talbot
John Pursell John Sfingi John T Briggs And Carol
John Raffety John Shannon Williams
John R And Gail M Dicks John & Sharon Hopkins John Thomas
Trust Family Trust John Thomas
John R And Katherine S John Sharp John Thomas And Louise
Cross John Shelton Thomas
John Randolph John Shelton John Thomason
John Raymond Cox Rev Liv John Shoenhair John Thomason
Tr Dtd 1-2 John Shults John Thomason
John R Carter Revocable John Sieglinger John Thompson
Trust John Simmons John Tipton
John Reeves John Sloan John Tontz
John R Green And Pamela Jo John Smajdek John T Perkins Rev Trust
Green, H John Smith John Trook
John R Helton John Smith John Urban
John Rhoades John Smith John Vance Auto Group
John Rich John Smithson John V Anderson 1992 Rev
John Richard Gleeson John Smoot Trust
John Riddle John Snavely John Vaughn
John Riley John Snavely John Vaughn
John Ringer John Snyder

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John Vincent Mcdonnell Jolene L Fisher Jon Giffin

Lufkin Est Jo Lietz Jon Holden Deceased
John Vogelstein Jo Lietz Jonnell Lynn Thurman And
John Walker Jolynn Fitzsimmons Stacy Lacy
John Wallis Jo Lynn Schweikhart Lvg Tr Jonnell Thurman
John Walter Jo Lynn Smith Jon Nelson
John Walter Beane Jo Lyons Jon Nelson Dull
John Wandel J Omeara Jonne Walter
John Ward Jonah Lee Brown, Dec Jon Pearce
John Wasilchick Jonathan Aaron Jack Jon Phillip Anderson
John W Avery Jonathan Andres Jon Pollard
John W. Bundren Jonathan Chrisman Jon Pralle
John W & Cynthia J Pride Jonathan David Jon Renfro
Rev Lt Jonathan D Friend, Ii Jon Reynolds
John Webster Jonathan D Friend Trust Dtd Jon Rucker
John W & Elizabeth C 4-17-95 Jon Shaw
Thornton Trust Jonathan Hardin J Ontko
John Welles Clark Jonathan Hickeys Jon Vaverka
John Wells Jonathan House Jon West Burris
John Wendell Haynie Jonathan Lapuzza Jon Willman
John Wenzel And Lena Jonathan Rogers Jon W Nichols Trustee
Wenzel Jt Jonathan Speers Joqueta Riding In
John West Jonathan Velie Jordan Cole
John Wheeler Jonathan Zackary Shalom Jordan Coy
John Wheeler Jonathon Fisher Jordan Family Revocable Tr
John Wilczek Jon Bartram Dtd 10-2
John Wiley Jon Brock Jordan Jones
John Wiley Jon Brock Jordan Morrisett
John William Johnston Jon Brown Jordan Wiggins
John William & Mary Helen Jon Case Jorge Munoz
Bowles Re Jon Case Jo Savage
John Williamson Jon Copeland Jose Medrano
John Williamson Jon Cymes Jose Medrano
John Wiss Jon Davis Joseph A Egle
John W Morrison Jon Downs Joseph And Jimmie L Kolb
John Wolf Jonelle Ralls Joseph Andrews
John Wolf Jo Nell Lockwood Joseph Baldi
John Woods Jonell O. Joseph Becker
John Worsham Jonell O. Joseph Bigbie
John Wright Jonell Obrien Koehle Joseph Bowles
John W Sill Sr Rev Tr Jones County Minerals Inc Joseph Boyd
John W Svelan Jones Daube Mineral Joseph Branson
John Yaklich Company Joseph Buck
Johny And B Jovan Hodges Jones Day Joseph Bussard
Jt Jones Family Trst Joseph B Vadder Ttee
John Y Stambaugh Jones-Kalkman Mineral Co Joseph Carroll
John Yunkit Jones-Kalkman Mineral Joseph Cavett
Jo Kinzie Company Joseph Combs
Jo Laverne Anderson 1992 Jones Revocable Trust Joseph C Reyna
Rev Tr Jones Walker Llp Joseph C. Vaughan
Jolene Carver Jon Evans Joseph Davenport

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Joseph Davenport Decd Joseph Shelley Jo Wood

Joseph Day Joseph Smith Joy Adler
Joseph D Conley Joseph Spillman Joyce A Fitzgerald Life
Joseph Dempsey Joseph Stewart Estate
Joseph D Perdue & Barbara Joseph Tucei Joyce Allen
A Perdue Joseph Tully Joyce Ann Elswick
Joseph Echelle Joseph Tully Deceased Joyce A Prock
Joseph Echelle Joseph Wayne Murray Joyce Babirak
Joseph E Hall & Carma Lee Joseph Welch Joyce Benkendorf
Carter Jt Joseph Wilbur Arb Joyce Berry
Joseph Enmeier Joseph Wilson Joyce Bethke Holt
Joseph Fairless Joseph Worsham Joyce Blackburn Hart
Joseph Farrant Jose R And Ana R Urdaneta Joyce Boyd
Joseph F Costabile Jr Jose Stange Joyce Bradley
Joseph Filebark Josh Dobbs Joyce Carey Gaither Warren
Joseph Fitzpatrick Josh Fogelman Tr
Joseph Forsman Josh Lee Joyce Clarkson
Joseph Fox Josh Lee Lvng Trst Dtd 5-20- Joyce Davis
Joseph G Craven 1999 Joyce Devers
Joseph Greer Josh Merchant Joyce Dougherty
Joseph Hallet Josh Tipton Joyce Elaine Hoffman
Joseph H Hamra Jr Joshua Allison Sanford
Joseph House Joshua B Berry Estate Joyce Erwin
Josephine Laughlin Estate Joshua Berry Joyce Evans
Josephine L Story Trust Joshua Bridges Joyce E Walton Life Estate
Josephine Strayran Joshua Butler Joyce E Webb
Josephine Voss Joshua Chapman Joyce Fitzgerald
Josephine Welch Lundy Joshua Goble Joyce G Bennett
Residuary Tr Joshua Hawkins Joyce Hart
Joseph Jackson Joshua J Schler Joyce Hostetter
Joseph Jankowsky Joshua Lake Joyce Huffer
Joseph Jeter Joshua Overfelt And Misti Joyce Hunt
Joseph Joe Stroube Overfelt Joyce Hunt
Joseph Meeks Joshua Ramirez Joyce I Metzler Life Estate
Joseph Michael Reynolds Joshua R And Tanya Arflin Joyce J Drew
Joseph Nealis Massey Joyce Jones
Joseph Newcomb Family Joshua Rodgers Joyce L Bennett
Trust Joshua Shackelford Joyce L Delk, Deceased Delk
Joseph O'laughlin Joshua Sharpe Decease
Joseph Panko Joshua Tipton Joycelyn Gaunt
Joseph Pool Joshua Tivis Joyce Mapes
Joseph Ruhl Joshua Uselton Joyce Marsh
Joseph R Wright Settlor Joshua Voth Joyce Maxine Hilburn
Under Tr J O Spencer Llc Joyce Mclendon
Joseph Scaglia Jost Llc Joyce Mitchell
Joseph Schmiedbauer Journey Oil & Gas Inc Joyce M Unruh Rev Trust
Joseph Schott Jovanna L Pace Joyce Pearl Macias
Joseph Schroeder Jovita Lang Joyce Perreault
Joseph Serignese Jo Walker Joyce Reed
Joseph Settles Jo Watters Joyce Robbins
Joseph Shadow Jo Williams Joyce Runyan

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Joyce Scheuer Jrp Holdings, Llc Juanita Waters

Joyce Scoggins J Russell Bradley Ttee Juanita Williams
Joyce S Roche Jr Walpole Juan Valles
Joyce Tomlinson J Schneider And Associates Juaquin Stuteville
Joyce Trainer Ltd Judah Oil Llc
Joyce Unruh Jsc Land Co Llc Judge 21-1mh Ri Owners
Joyce Vanoy Trust J Scott Akin Judi Allison
Joyce Varner J Scott And Mary L Scott Hw Judi Donaldson Baker
Joyce Walton & Tammi Jt Judilea Mcglade
Walton J Scott Ripley Judilea Mcglade Case 17
Joyce Williams J Searcy 12599
Joyce Wilson J Sickles Judith A Estus & Sally Kay
Joy Cree Ltd J Smith Estus &
Joy Crowder J. Snow Judith Ann Allen Trust
Joye E Bryan Trust J. S. Oilfield Services Llc Judith Ann Donaldson Baker
Joye Edwards J Steele Judith A Sanders
Joye Hicks J Sutton Decd Judith A Swann Estate
Joy Ellen Wagoner Jt Branyan Judith A Warren
Joy E Wilson J Testerman Deceased Judith A Warren
Joy Jackson Jth Equity Investments Llc Judith Banks
Joy Labar Jtk Ventures Llc Judith Baugh
Joy Lambert Jt Martin Fire & Safety Judith Beets
Joy N Hoyle Jts Enterprises Llc Judith Brown
Joy Pemberton Juan Carillo Judith Burnett
Joy Renner Zummallen Juan Gutierrez Judith Chesshir
Joy States Juanita Baker Judith Choate
Joy Waldroop Juanita Barker Judith C Johnson
Joy Wattenburger Juanita Burris Judith Combs Holden
Joy Webber Juanita Bush Judith Cruz Trust
Jozetta House Juanita B Williams Family Judith C Tarlton
Jp Drilling Fund Llc Trust Judith Davis
J Peek Juanita B Williams Rev Trust Judith Deaver
Jp Energy Marketing Llc Juanita D Dillman Judith E Richmond Ttee
Jp Energy Partners Lp Juanita Ferrell Judith Faye Mathews
J P Jones Family Llc Juanita Fitzpatrick Judith Frances Burns
Jp Martin Energy Strategy Juanita Gerken Judith Gasner
Llc Juanita Gerken Judith Hayes
Jpmartin Energy Strategy Llc Juanita Harris Hoeffer Judith H Bergier Agency
Jpmorgan Chase Bank (Deceased) Judith Johnson
Jpm Properties Llc Juanita Hays Judith Keeton Trust
Jpm Trust Ii Juanita Hosler Judith Kelly
J Pralle Juanita Langley-Heirs Of Judith Kelly
Jpt Family Jv # 1 Juanita M Bolay Rev Tr Dtd Judith Kelly
Jp Wilson 4-9-2001 Judith Koontz
J Ralph Ellis Jr Juanita Orick Judith Krauss
Jr Bit Services Juanita Rigdon Judith Krehbeil
J. R. Collins Trust Juanita Schatz Judith Lawrence
J Red Juanita Schatz Family Trust Judith Leach
J R Mcginley, Jr Rev Trust Juanita Schultz Judith Lee Jones
J Roberts Juanita Thomas Judith Malzahn
J Roche Juanita Virginia Cox Ttee Judith Marie Cromwell

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Judith Martin Judy Mutschler Julie Clifton

Judith Mcada Miglio Judy Odom Ira Julie Crowley
Judith Mckeaigg Judy Ostervold Julie Dolezal Bess
Judith Mcnames Judy Pilkinton Pruitt Julie Earp
Judith Mock Judy Potter Julie Edwards
Judith Noah Judy Rasmussen Julie Harvey
Judith Quattlebaum Judy Sanders Julie Hobbs Glass
Judith Reininga Judy Smith Julie Hoko
Judith Rittenhouse Judy Smith Julie Jacobs
Judith Rooney Rassel Judy Stone Julie Johnson
Judith Saifina Judy Thach Julie Karen Byerlein Rev
Judith Sallee Judy Thornton Trust
Judith Schroeder Judy Vrksa Julie King
Judith Seefeldt Judy Wilmoth Livengood Julie Kurth
Judith Smith Judy Windsor Julie Laughlin
Judith Stockton 2000 Trust Juley Crowell Julie Lavely
Judith Sutton Julia Alene Honeyman Rev Julie Lyon
Judith Trippiedi Trust Julie M Beeson & Derek B
Judith Upchurch Julia Anderson Beeson
Judith Vice Julia Ann Dose Julie Mccall
Judith Wakeley Julia Barber Julie Mcfall
Judith W Clarke Rev Tr Julia Barber Julie Palm
Judy And Lon C Bolen Julia Belle Percival Julie Ramos
Judy Ann Branch-Thomas Julia Carpenter Julie Robins
Judy Ann Davidson Yetter Julia Davis Julie Shannon
Judy Barker Julia Edwards Julie Streeter
Judy Conley Julia Hanson Julieta Floyd
Judy Crumm Julia Kelley Juliet H Jones-Moss Rev
Judy Dodd Bell Julia Mertena Burrows Trust
Judy Duncan Julia M Munley Knecht Juliette Bladden
Judy Edgar Johnson Trust Julie Waag
Judy Eileen Raupe Juliana Swanson Julie Ward
Judy Englehart Julia Neumeyer Julie Washam Graphics Julie
Judy Eubanks Julian & Linda Moore Washam
Judy Finch Declaration Of Julius B Dodd Iii
Judy Flemings Julianne Reinhard Julius C & Bonita Bonnie
Judy Gibson Juliann W Funke Irrevocable Diedrich
Judy Haney Trust Julius Loosen Irrevocable
Judy Highberger Julian Stoopler Trust
Judy Iris Dynes Julian Whisler Julo Minerals Llc
Judy Kay Finn, Separate Julian W Smith Estate Decd Jump Transport Llc
Property Julia Pickens June A Glahn Life Estate
Judy K Taylor Julia Quigg Dodd June Alice Pace Revocable
Judy Lenza Julia Reynolds Trust
Judy L Fleming Julia Smith Amos June Elaine King Revocable
Judy Linn Julia Stout Trust
Judy Loyd Julia V Kenan Rev Tr June Hall
Judy Marie Zaloudek Rev Julie Barnes June Hall Family Trust
Trust Julie Bills June Hansen
Judy Mayes Franklin Julie Campbell Wills June Neale
Judy Mccray Julie Cantwell June Pennington

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June Pinnell Kad Development Llc Karen Bryant

June S Doughty Kaiser-Francis Anadarko Karen Buffington
June Stegall Kaiser-Francis Mid- Karen Buzzard
June White (Deceased) Continent Lp Karen Caig
June Wiley-Caughron Kaiser Francis Oil Co De Karen Carpenter
June Woodford Radcliff Corp Karen Chance
Juniata Concrete Co Kaiser-Francis Oil Company Karen Clarke
Junior Carter Kalamar Inc Karen Cockrell
Jurden Jr Kalee Carpenter Karen Craddock
Jurene Hall Kalka Construction Company Karen Curtis
Justice Azcarate Kalkman Habeck Company Karen Darst
Justin A White Kalli Ratliff Karen Dopkin
Justin Baker Kamal Shanbour Poa Karen Eide
Justin Bell And Karla Bell Kamax Royalty Inc Karen Esparza
H&W Jt Kamela Valkenburg Karen Flora
Justin Bentley Kami Castro Karen Gantar
Justin Brawley Kamo Electric Cooperative Karen George
Justin Campbell Inc Karen Gibson
Justin Cockrell Kandace Logan Karen Goergen
Justin Day Kandletop Properties Fund I Karen Hanzlicek
Justin D Carpenter & Toni K Llc Karen Irene Teachman
Justin Kandletop Properties Llc Karen Isern
Justin Dolezal Kandy Curtis Hulsey Karen J Babel Gst Trust
Justin Edwards Kandy Elaine Trojan Karen Kamp
Justin & Kristin Linsenmeyer Kane Environmental Karen Kirchner
Justin Lacour Kappa Oil & Gas Karen Kirchner
Justin Liccioni Kara Brown Karen Lacey
Justin P Untersee Kara Goodloe Karen Lee Holt
Justin Pyle Karalee Nenow Karen Lindsey
Justin Rodgers Kara Miller Karen Lois Gemoets
Justin Rossiter Kara M Scott Wymore Karen Lyn Fernandez
Justin Smola Karan Meyer Karen Marie Bryant Rev
Justin Walker Kara Thorton Trust Dtd 3-
Jvb Energy Inc Karelin Cole Seitz Karen Matheson
Jvs Llc Karelin James Karen Mccall
J W Dudley Stark Karen Adams Karen Melton
J W Helf Karen Ann Applegate Karen Minor
J Whitehead Andrews Karen Moore
J Witt Karen Ann Cutrer Karen M Rabun
J W Johnston Karen Ann Yost Karen Noble
Jw Kerby & Darlene Kerby Karen Archer Karen Oliver
Fam Rev Tr Karen Barron Karen Owens Kirkes
Jwm Investment Co Inc Karen Bates Karen Paula Shalom Mgmt
Jwp-Mkp Minerals Holdings Karen Bea Mack Revocable Trust
Lp Trust Karen Rains
Jws Royalties Llc Karen Bernosky Karen Ranney
Jwz Investments Ltd Karen Bernosky Karen R Estridge
K-5 Oil Llc Karen Blaise Karen Ringer Franks 1996
Kacee Glass Karen Bradley Rev Tr
Kaci Fazio Karen Brahm Strunk Karen Robertson
Kaci Tipton Karen Brown Karen Rogers

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Karen Sanzberro Karl Oltmanns Trust Under Katherine Ludwig

Karen S Berger Revocable Katherine Meeks
Karen Scheidel Karl O Nealy Katherine Mockley O Shea
Karen Shaw Karl Reinholtz Katherine M Oneill Irrev Gift
Karen Sue Liles Karl Reinholtz Tr
Karen Sue Squire Karma Bryan Cassidy Katherine O. Browne Trust
Karen Swanson Karmelita Speir Katherine Oneill
Karen Taylor Karob O&G Llc Katherine Oneill Living Trust
Karen Tompkins Karol Kenaston Katherine Pauline Martin
Karen Upchurch Karol Novak Katherine Plisko
Karen Vecera Karol Walter Katherine Rauch Estate
Karen Watson Kar Properties Llc Katherine Reynolds
Karen Webb Karren Lyons Katherine Ryan
Karen Yakel Karyl Ann Silva Katherine Sean Fagan
Kareta Casey Karyl Ann Silva Katherine Walker
Karey Miller Karyl Guthery Katherine Woolley-Redden
Karie Pisenti Kary Ott Katherine Wright
Kari Hopfer Kary Poorman Katherine Yarborough
Kari Krueger Kasey Lynn Farmer Garner Katheryn Berset
Kari Lynn Kontor Kassandra Hudspeth Katheryn Cypret
Karim Carolyn W Farajollahi Kastman Oil Company Llc Katheryn L Judge
Hw Jt Kastner Heritage Group Lp Katheryn Schmidt
Karina Carr Kate Jackson Kathie Wester
Karin Drew Killough Kateri Heister Kathleen A Adrean
Kari Neumann Kate Vinson Kathleen A Mcneil
Kari Ofstedahl Katherine Ann Brueggen Kathleen Ann Oconnell-
Kari Pryor Katherine Ann Cardin Genrich
Kari Ward Katherine Ann Dorsett Kathleen Arrieta
Kari Webb Katherine Barker Kathleen Blake
Karla Edwards Katherine Bernice Kersey Kathleen B Mullendore Trust
Karla Flott Alcabes Rev Kathleen Bradford
Karla G Alexander Estate Katherine Boudreau Kathleen Brown
Karl And Vivian Klick Katherine Burlson Kathleen Brown
Karlanne Harshman Katherine Butler Kathleen Bullock
Karla Tankersley Katherine Corey Kathleen Burney
Karla Toman Katherine Coyle Guiou Kathleen Carapellese
Karl Blackburn Katherine Crawford Kathleen Clark
Karlene Corcoran Katherine Cronister Kathleen Coad
Karl Green Katherine Deceased Kathleen Davis
Karl Herman Fruendt Katherine Depuy Kathleen Ficek
Karl Johnstone & Michelle L Katherine Doherty Kathleen Fox
Johnsto Katherine Elaine Bonebrake- Kathleen Goddard
Karl & June Lovelace H&W, Blasier Kathleen Grimes
Jtwros Katherine Eppler Kathleen Gustafson
Karl & June Martin Rev. Katherine Fairchild Kathleen Harrington
Trust Katherine Feken O'loughlin
Karl Kautz Katherine Holey Kathleen Hill
Karl Klassen Katherine Jacob Kathleen Hupp
Karl Klingaman Katherine Ketelsen Hardy Kathleen Janger
Karl Kurz Katherine Kurz Kathleen Johnson
Katherine Lindley Kathleen K Vanholton

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Kathleen Lacour Chick Kathryn Merrill Kathy Moore

Kathleen Lewis Kathryn Mitchell Kathy Nelson
Kathleen Litle Kathryn Montgomery Kathy Nydegger
Kathleen Matthews Kathryn Phelps Kathy Redente
Kathleen Munley Blandford Kathryn R Bostian Kathy Reed
Kathleen Nielson Kathryn R Bostian Life Kathy R Foust Rev Trust
Kathleen Niles Estate 5/22/2014
Kathleen Nolting Kathryn R Bostian Life Kathyrn Bostian For Life
Kathleen O'neill-Smith Estate Remainder
Kathleen Phillips Kathryn Richards Le Kathy R Williams
Kathleen Quinn Kathryn Robinson Kathy Sheere
Kathleen Ryan Kathryn Ruth Defries Kathy Smith
Kathleen Schaefer Kathryn Schurr Kathy Stacy
Kathleen Seaton Kathryn Sherwood Kathy Stokesberry
Kathleen Shaw Kathryn Smith Kathy Walter
Kathleen Snow Kathryn Sue Roberts Taylor Kathy Ward
Kathleen Spring Kathryn Taylor Kathy Willoughby
Kathleen Starks Kathryn Tully Kathy Wiseman
Kathleen Sue Petty Kathryn Vance Katian Allen
Kathleen Sue Petty Kathryn Villon Katie Huber
Kathleen Tate Kathy Barnes Now Mckinnis Katie Michaelchek
Kathleen Tedder Kathy B Cooper Rev Tr Katie Morris
Kathleen Walters Kathy Bogue Katie Oneill
Kathleen Williams Kathy Brumley Katie Yount
Kathleen Winingear Kathy Cardin David Cardin Katlin Houghton
Kathline Johnson Kathy Coats Katrina Berres-Eslami
Kathryn Abbott Kathy Davis (Deceased)
Kathryn A Boyd Kathy Drake Katrina Morrison
Kathryn Anderson Kathy Evans Katrina Root
Kathryn Anne Hinke Kathy Fletcher Katrina Watson
Kathryn Bostian For Life Kathy Garoutte Katsy M Mecom Ttee
Remainder Kathy Gish Katybrook Llc
Kathryn Brannon Kathy Howard Katy Isbell Maggard
Kathryn Brown Kathy Hunter Katz Cattle & Land Lp
Kathryn Davenport Kathy & John Morrison Katz & Jammers Llc
Kathryn Davidson Kathy Johnson Katz Oil & Gas Lp
Kathryn Decd Kathy June Bacon Kavin D Ballard
Kathryn Faulkner Kathy June Bacon Rev Trst Kay A
Kathryn Foy Kathy Kachelmeyer Kay A Enmeier
Kathryn Hale Kathy King Kay A Lewter Revoc Trust
Kathryn Halsey Kathy Kirkpatrick Kay Baker Llc
Kathryn Hinkle Kathy Kurtz Kay Bedingfield
Kathryn Howell Kathy L Donaldson Kay Bosworth
Kathryn Jones Kathy L Galbreath Kay Clair Cobb
Kathryn Key Kathy Long Kay Davis
Kathryn Lambert Kathy Lyons Dorsey Kay Deal
Kathryn Lanning Kathy Magargal Kay Deal
Kathryn L Lovell Trust Kathy Mccroskey Kay Deal
Kathryn Martinez Co James Kathy M Elliott Kaydet Oil Llc
Elmo Mart Kathy Mercer Kay Donna Webb Rev Trust
Kathryn Mattox Kathy Miller Campbell Dtd 4-14-9

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Kaye Boyles Mcfarlin Keith Hughes Kelly Dawn Triplett

Kaye Burr Keith Hunt Kelly D Harris Revocable
Kaye Irby Keith Kennedy Trust
Kaye Seeliger Lvg Trust Keith Kerby Harris Kelly Dougherty
Kay Francis Keith Kingsbury Kellye Garrett Johnson
Kay Grinde Keith Ladd Kelly Holcomb
Kaylan Borrego Keith Lawrence Kelly Hooper
Kay Lemmon Keith Lovell Kelly Horton
Kay Maxfield Keith Mackey Kelly Human
Kay Mcanally Keith Mcmurphy Keith & Kelly Ireland
Kay Merchant Monica Mcmur Kelly Joanne Dicus
Kay Oltmanns Headrick Ttee Keith Mosier Kelly Kinder
Kay Pearson Keith N Jones Estate Kelly Lamb
Kay Pearson Keith North Kelly Lewellen
Kay Renfro Keith Perry Kelly L Rodman
Kay Rose Wightman Keith Petroleum Inc Kelly Lucas
Kay Salisbury Keith Ruth James Jt Kelly Mcdonald
Kay Shippy Keith Schmidt Kelly Michelle Gillespie
Kay Simpson Keith Schwandt & Jimalou Kelly Murphy
Kay S Lewis Trust Of Ok Schwandt J Kelly Newman
Kay Thomsen-Folmar Keith Setliff Kelly Oil Properties Llc
Kay Wharton Altadonna Keiths Welding Kelly Olivera
Kay Willard Keith Tipton Kelly O'riley Young
Kay Williams Keith Treadway Kelly P Powell Family 2004
Kay Woodruff Foster Keith Vandicken Rev Trus
K Blanche Wheeler Keith Voyles Kelly R Miller
K.C. Production L.L.C. Keith Waller Kelly Ryan
Kdb Construction Llc Keith Williams Kelly Sayers
K Dishman Kelby Horton Kelly St Clair
Kdmj Properties Llc Kelby Rudd Kelly Sue Hastings
Kd Pepmiller Kelby Wayne Vail Kelly Votaw
Keegan And Donato Keleen Bryant Kelly Ward
Consulting Llc Kelley Jean Mcfadden Kelly Ward
Keena Leochner Mcphail Kelly Wolff
Keen Energy Services Llc Kelley Leigh Price Watt Kelsey Lynn Barton
Keith Albert Fortune Kelley Lowe Kelsie Wagner Trust
Keith And Jamie Lee Kelley Natural Resources Llc Kelsy Yeargain
Johnson Kelley Smalley Spence Kelton And Karen Kersey
Keith A Ward And Leisa Kelley Wheatley Kelvin Schoenecke
Ward Kelley Wood Kelvin Self
Keith & Barbara Blunt Trust Kelli Dixon Kenan Oil Investments Llc
Keith Beckner Kelli Jasso Ken Butler
Keith Bergman Kelli L & Randy Kyle Kenda Diehm
Keith Cardon Kindschi, Jt Kendall Arnold
Keith Compton Kelli Walling Kendall Barnes
Keith Eustice Kellpro Inc Kendall Grant Blakemore
Keith Ferguson Kelly Alana Payne Kendall Grindstaff
Keith Frazier Kelly Colene Boozer Kendall Hert
Keith Gordon Golden Digiacomo Kendall Hert Estate
Keith Hodges Kelly Crowell Kendall Miller
Keith Hodges Kelly Crowell Kendall Shults

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Kendle Garcia Kenneth Douglas And Grace Kenneth Keeton

Kendra Cowden Ann Kenneth Keith
Keneth Harel Kenneth D Ringer Rev Liv Kenneth Kelley
Ken Evans Tr Kenneth Kindschi
Ken Judge Kenneth D Thomsen Kenneth Kristien Wooten
Ken Judge Kenneth D Turner Rev Tr Kenneth Lambert
Ken Judge Kenneth Dudley Kenneth L & Carolyn A
Ken Judge And Leslianna G Kenneth E Daugherty Field Rev Tr
Judge Kenneth Eells Kenneth L & Carolyn Fields
Ken Klingenberg Kenneth E Petermann Jts
Ken Klingler Kenneth Erwin Kenneth Leach
Kenleeson Properties Inc Kenneth Eugene Blasier Kenneth Leslie Stewart
Ken Lovejoy Kenneth Eugene Grimes And Kenneth L Holderman Rev
Kenna K Curry Karen Y G Intervivos
Kenna Rene Jett Succ Trst Kenneth Eugene Thatcher Kenneth L & Kathy Sue
Kenna Rice Kenneth E Warren Walter Rev Tr
Kennedy May Kenneth Eyster Kenneth L Long Living Trust
Kennedy Minerals Kenneth F Hutchinson And Kenneth Mark Holcomb
Kenneth Altshuler Linda Kay Kenneth Mcconnico
Kenneth And Kenneth Freeborn Kenneth Mcentire
Kenneth And Paula Hall Kenneth Gatlin Kenneth Mcwherter
Kenneth Andrew Kenneth G Bennett Kenneth Mitchell And Jane E
Kenneth Archer (Deceased) Kenneth Moore
Kenneth Bates Kenneth G Brengle Jr Kenneth Nelson
Kenneth Bennett Deceased Kenneth Glass Kenneth Newman
Kenneth Binkley Kenneth Gorden Weinberger Kenneth Oringderff
Kenneth Binkley Kenneth Gordhamer Kenneth Pfau
Kenneth B Minshall Kenneth Gore Kenneth P & Juanita A
Kenneth Boyd & Kay Boyd Kenneth & Grace Stone Rev Thompson
Living Trus Trust Kenneth Poling
Kenneth Boyle Kenneth Hall Kenneth Price And Marilyn
Kenneth B. Poling And Kenneth Hansen Y Price H
Chandra S. Po Kenneth Harry Frank & Kenneth Rains
Kenneth Brady Verna Mae Fra Kenneth Ray Leach
Kenneth Brengle Kenneth Hawkins Kenneth Raymond Enochs
Kenneth Bussard Kenneth Hetherington Kenneth Ray & Peggy
Kenneth Campbell Kenneth Higgins And Mittasch
Kenneth Carlock Thelma Higgins Kenneth Renner
Kenneth & Cathy Slaughter Kenneth Holcomb Kenneth R Fillmore &
Kenneth Clapp Kenneth Hopper Sandra S
Kenneth Clemens Kenneth Horton Estate Kenneth R Frankel
Kenneth Clifton Kenneth Huckabay Kenneth Rogers
Kenneth Cubbage Kenneth Hulsizer Deceased Kenneth R Williams
Kenneth Cyphers Kenneth Jacob Kenneth Scheihing
Kenneth Dale And Anna M Kenneth Jafek Kenneth Short
Lane Kenneth & Janice Pipes Trust Kenneth S Isaacs
Kenneth D And Judy N Kenneth Johnson Kenneth Staley
Holley Living Kenneth Johnston Estate Kenneth Stanton
Kenneth Davis Kenneth Kautz Kenneth Stevens
Kenneth Davis Kenneth Kay Boyd Jt Kenneth Valliquette
Kenneth Dean Smith Kenneth Keesee Kenneth Watts

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Kenneth Wesley Jardot Rev Keri Lynn Johnson Kevin Jester

Tr Kennet Kermit G Redman Ttee Kevin Jester
Kenneth Whittaker Kermit Milburn Kevin Joe & Sandra Kay
Kenneth Widener Kermit Razor Ward
Kenneth Wiggs Kermit Redman Kevin Jones
Kenneth W Jardot Kernon Mcguire Kevin Laird
Kenneth W Nelson Life Est Kerodine Johnson Kevin Lambert
Kenneth W Stewart Kerrie Hull Kevin Lamle
Kenneth W Stone Kerrie Lynn Griffin Kevin Lomeli
Kenneth W Stubblefield Kerr-Mcgee Oil & Gas Kevin Looby
Deceased Onshore Llc Kevin & Lori Oltmanns Rev
Kenneth Zeiler Kerry Baker Tr Dtd 03
Kenney Field And Brenda A Kerry Beth Johnson Kevin L Smith And Valorie J
Field Jt Kerrye Garrett Morrison Smith
Kennie C Smith Kerry Kirby Kevin L. Zemp Professional
Kenny Joe Smith Kerry N Cline & Linda Cline Corp.
Keno B Thomsen Hwjt Kevin Mackey
Ken Petrashek Kerry Renfro Kevin Malone
Ken Potts Kershaw Putnam Llc Kevin Mcbee
Kensy Royalty Llc Kerwyn Miller Kevin Mccroskey
Kent Akers Keta Morgan Revocable Kevin Mckeaigg
Kent Barnes Trust Kevin Mcvay
Kent Brooks Kevan Finley Kevin Mueggenborg
Kent Fleming Kevco Production Services Kevin O'hornett
Kent Hansen Llc Kevin Perry
Kent H Webb Gst Exempt K E Ventures Llc Kevin Rains
Resid Tr Keven Vierthaler Kevin Ray Manke
Kent Johnson Kevin Adamson Kevin Renfro
Kent J Stephenson Kevin And Cathy S Allen Kevin Roehm
Kent Kamp Kevin Andrews Kevin Ruggs
Kent Kimball Kevin And Teresa Ewing Kevin Stout
Kent Kimball Kevin Bentley Kevin Vater
Kent Lynn Kevin Bilyeu Kevin Wayne Grant
Kent M. League And Terri G. Kevin Bowen Kevin Weldon
League Kevin Bryan Kevin Williams
Kenton Bradford Duncan Jr Kevin Burnett Kevin Zetterberg
& Kevin Cavanaugh Kevin Zetterberg
Kenton D Thedford Kevin C Glick Rev Trust Key American Homes Llc
Kenton Long Kevin Dayne Pote Key-Don Royalty Cp
Kenton Nelson Kevin Douglas Johnson Key Energy Services Llc
Kent Petty Kevin Edward Mallory Key Production Company Inc
Kent Schwerdt Kevin Emerson Keysha Lynn Hughes
Kent Siegrist Kevin Flasch Keystone Buckeye Energy
Kent Thedford Kevin Ford And Cynthia Jo Llc
Kent Wilson Ford Hw J Keystone Energy Llc
Kenworthy Operating Kevin Franzoni Keystone Engineering And
Company Kevin Glen Blasier Land Surve
Keokuk Trust Kevin Graham Keystone Gas Corporation
Kepware Technologies Kevin Hicks Key Welding Inc
Kerford Singleton Kevin Hoog K Five Oil & Gas
Keri Kelley Kevin Jack Decd

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Khr Oil And Gas Holdings Kim Diane Andrus And Kirk Grindstaff
Llc Tamara G Patte Kirk Hardin
Kibtec Oil & Gas Inc Kimelea Moore Kirk Kirkegaard Trust
Kid A Production Llc Kimetha West Kouzmanoff Kirk Laird
Kidd Family Partnership Ltd Kim Farmer Kirkland & Ellis Llp
Kiefaber & Oliva Llp Kim Flannigan Kirk Leah Palmer 1999 Tr
Kieran Mclachlan Kim Ford Kirkpatrick Bank
Kierstie Kraemer Kim Gilliland Kirkpatrick Foundation
Kieth Dobbs Kim Hobbs Kirkpatrick Oil & Gas Llc
Kightlinger Llc Kim Johnson Kirkpatrick Royalty
Kilburn Law Kim Kathleen Bleck Company Llc
Kimark Systems Inc Kim Koch Kirk Reed
Kimbell Royalty Holdings Kim Marie Houston Kirsten Fitzpatrick
Llc Kim Mckowen Kirsten Mcgehee
Kimberlee Corey Kimmy Lea Bartlett Kirsten Shauer
Kimberley Weldon Kim Odonnell Kirt Fryer
Kimberlie Ann Reed Kimo Oil & Gas Llc Kit Ogi Llc
Kimberlin Family Trust Kim Sampler Kit Throgmorton
Kimberly Aderton Kim Shaffer Cook Kiwash Electric Cooperative
Kimberly Anderson Kim Simmons Llc.
Kimberly Berry Kindra Bryan Blecher Kize Concepts Inc
Kimberly Broadie Kindt Miller K&J Construction Llc
Kimberly Brown King Energy Llc Kjj Oil & Gas Llc
Kimberly Carrasco Kingery Drilling Company Kj Schwandt Trust
Kimberly Connery King Family Trust K & J Welding Llc
Kimberly Ellison Kingfisher County Clerk Kkd Endeavors Llc
Kimberly Fassnacht-Bixler King Kenton Kirchner 2008 K Krist
Kimberly Gibson King Properties Inc K K & R Oil & Gas Co
Kimberly Guymon King Shale Llc Klabzuba Brothers Llc
Kimberly Hathoot Crew Kings Worldwide Klabzuba Exploration Llc
Kimberly Hefley Transportation Klabzuba Oil & Gas A
Kimberly Hernandez King & Wood Malleson Family Lp
Kimberly Houck Kinnamon Clark Klabzuba Royalty Company
Kimberly Hunt Kinnick Properties Inc Klassen-Duncan Properties
Kimberly Jean Lavoie Kinzie Family Mineral Rev Llc
Kimberly Morrow Trst K Lawrence
Kimberly Pempin Kip Johnson Hodge Kl Barton Enterprises Llc
Kimberly S Barton Kip Mauldin And Sandra Kleins Catering Services
Kimberly Schoonover Kay Mauldin Klg Q-Tip Marital Deduction
Kimberly Shippy Kip Mcgilliard Trust
Kimberly Sue Corbin Kirby Berends Klin Winburn Trust
Kimberly Thomason Kirby Brock Agreement
Kimberly Vassar Kirby English Klj Inc
Kimberly Williams Kirby Farms Inc Klm Properties Inc
Kimble Recycling & Kirby Haskin Klovelle Petroleum Corp
Disposal Inc Kirby James Bentsen Estate K-M Leasing Llc
Kim Bradford Kirby Nickels K & M Oil Co
Kim Camp Kirchner Investments Llc Knabco Llc
Kimco Energy Corporation Kirk Allen K Nelson Allen
Kim Coffey Kirk Allen Knowcando Ltd
Kirk Atwater Knowledgeleader

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Knox B Henderson Jr Trustee Kristi Cooper Kuykendall Welding &

Knox Resources Inc Kristi Cymes Backhoe Servic
Ko Bundy Kristie Bauler Kvr Energy Llc
Koby Frac Tanks Llc Kristie Rains Jensen Kwang Dudek
Koby Oilfield Service Llc Kristie Sutton West Kwb Inc
Koby Oil Tools Llc Kristie Thomas K Woare
Koch Exploration Company Kristi Luedke K&W Well Service Inc
Llc Kristi Mccloud Kyle Andrew Nettleingham
Kodiak Production Co Kristina Smith And Ann Th
Koester Properties Llc Kristine Holtry Kyle Bellmon
Koetter Alarm & Fire Kristine Kohles Stover Lvng Kyle Choate
Equipment Trst Kyle David Compton
Kokh Kristine Powell Kyle Dunham
Koleen Neufeld Kristine Puente Kyle Elaine Michels
Kona Energy Investments Kristin Fewel Kyle Haley
Kona Resources Llc Kristin K Potter Kyle Herrmann
Koneta Renner Kristi Quinton Kyle Herrmann
Koneta Renner Kristi Tate Kyle Human
Kong Chemicals Llc Kristi Tebow Kyle Jay & Nancy D
Kooman Heeter & Gulnac Pc Kristi Thrift Hohmann
Koons Revocable Trust Kristopher Alles Kyle Jorgensen
Kopf Construction Inc. Kristopher Hudspeth Kyle Lasley
Koreta Casey Kristopher Mckenney Kyle Mathews
Korie Mcalister Kristy Black Kyle Michaels
Kory Cook Kristye Garrett Mckinney Kyle Michels
Koy Whitacre Kristy Miller Kyle Thomas
Kpmc Station Of The Stars Kroll Energy Llc Kyle Vance Kirchner 2008
Kp Welding Krs Royalties Lp Irrev Tr
Krams Oil & Gas Llc Krueger Family Trust Kymberly Bednar
Kraybill Homes Inc Krxo Kymera Systems Inc
Krenger Oil & Gas Llc Kryssa Allen Kym Lee Roberts
Krepps Living Trust Krystal Butler L6nrg Llc
Kridler Revocable Trust K&S Pumping Unit Repair Lacerte Software
Kripalani Rev Living Tr Dtd Inc. Lacey Pfannenstiel
7-15-20 Kss Energy Llc Lacey Renee Gant
Krishna Family Llc K Stewart Exploration Llc Lachenmayr Oil Llc
Kris L Kinzie 1993 Heritage Ktheadbandz Laci Brueggen
Hill Re K&T Oil & Gas Llc Lacinda Verbos
Kris Schedler Kudzu Oil Properties Llc Lacquement Llc
Krista Dawn Bridgmon Kuehling & Sexson Pc Ladar O&G Llc
Krista M Jones 1998 Rev Tr Kurt Bolay Ladd Llc
Dtd 3-27 Kurt C Huetti Ladee Homm
Krista Reed Kurtis Amend Ladell Blair
Kristen Aranda Kurtis Mason Ladema Weathers
Kristen Busch Kurt J & Loranda L Baker Jt Ladonna Boyle
Kristen D Ratto Kurt R Buckle Ladonna Dobbs
Kristen Hayes Kurt Robinson Ladonna Jean Littell
Kristen Queen Kurt Schedler Ladonna Kay Clark
Kristen Terry Kurt S Gerken Ladonna Kay Taylor
Kristi Abney Kurt T Nelson Ladonna Kelly
Kristi Anne Jensen Kutenai Exploration Co Llc Ladonna Mae Hiatt

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Ladonna Sweatt Land Information Services Larry Chandler

La Donna Weber Llc Larry Cobb
Ladwana Urton Landis Trekell Life Est Rmdr Larry Condley
Lael Burton Land Oil Company Larry Coshow
Lael Floyd Craddock Land Run Farmers Larry Cramton
Lael Frances Kotlan Cooperative Larry Dale Myrick
Intervivos Tr Land Run United Country Larry Dale Owsley
Lafferty Chipping Inc Realty Larry D & Carolyn Longan
Lafferty Revocable Living Land Services Inc Larry Dean Tipton
Trust Lane D Mcphail Larry Dean Triplett Jr
Lafferty Revocable Living Lane Financial Inc Larry D Moore
Trust Dtd Lane Homes Llc Larry D Patrick Inc
Lafon Energy Royalties, Llc Lanette Jenike Larry Dry
Lagar Llc Lang Family Real Property Larry Duane Sams & Phyllis
Lahonda Mewherter Tr Ann Sams
Lakeview Loan Servicing Llc Lanny Shippy Larry Dudley
Lakewind Llc Lan-Ying Sun Larry Eckblad
Lakewind Llc Dba Driftwood La Paloma Investment Larry Eslinger
Llc Company Llc Larry Eubanks
Lakewood Transportation Llc Lara Moore Larry Eugene Biswell
La Kouns Larays Ok Llc Larry F & Carolyn M
Lamar Jacquez Larchmont Resources Llc Downey Jt
Lamar Lapp Laren And Diana Field Trust Larry Fisher
Lambert Construction Co Inc Laresa Fowler Larry Flott
Aka Lam Largo Investments Llc Larry Focht
Laminerals Llc C-O Larry A Lariat Services Inc Larry Francis Or Lisa
Morgan Larisa Louise Cass Russo Murray-Franci
Lammy Weisman Laris Llc Larry Freeman
Lana Drake Larkspur Land Group Llc Larry Fry
Lana Martinez Laroche Patroleum Larry Fuller
Lana Oard Consultants Ltd Larry G Daggett
Lana Renee Cunningham Larren Snyder Larry G Flesner
Lana Russell Larrie G Parish And Vona L Larry Gilbert
Lana Sharp Larrie Rice Larry G Lee
Lana Stoppel Larrie Vaverka Larry G & Lucinda J Killman
Lana Trillo Larry Adair Larry Gore
Lance And Mona Jean Larry Allison Larry Gray
Stephenson Rev Larry And Audrey Jantzen Jt Larry Green
Lance Charles Larry And Carolyn Longan Larry Haima
Lance Evans Larry Armer Larry Hanewinckel
Lance Fortney Larry Axtell Larry Harris
Lance Gibbons Larry Barnard Larry Harris
Lance Hutson Larry Bennett Larry Isaacs
Lance Leach Larry Bilby Larry Jacks
Lance Leber Larry Blakeney Larry James
Lancer Minerals Ltd Larry Bob Brannon Larry Johnson
Lance Swann Larry Bond Larry Johnson
Land 4 Energy Group Llc Larry Brown & Danielle Larry Jones
Landauer Inc Brown Larry Kent Stinchcomb Trust
Lander Family Mineral Trust Larry Buffington Larry Kilpatrick
Farmers Larry Calkins Larry Landreth

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Larry Latham Larry V & Johnita Leka Trust Laura G Duncan Rev Trsut
Larry Leon Boggs Larry V & Johnita Leka Trust 10-1-2008
Larry Lester Dtd 9- Laura Grafton
Larry L Hansen & Janice E Larry V Richey Laura G Ross Llc
Hansen Larry Watts Laura Grover Reynolds
Larry Liston Larry Wayne And Julie Laurah Kilbourn
Larry L Mott Rev Trust Marie Laura House
Larry Lowe Larry Welding Laura Hutchins
Larry Lute Larry Westhoff Laura Jean Kershaw Trust
Larry Majors Larry Wheatley Laura Joan Dangott Trust
Larry Mallatt Larry Williams Laura Kent
Larry & Margaret Trekell Hw Larry Williford Laura Knoll
Jts Lif Larry W Kelly Family Rev Laura Lear
Larry Mcclellan Trst Laura Logan Hunter
Larry Mccroskey Larry W Lohse Laura Lopez-Cayzedo
Larry Mcentire Larry W Moore Laura Machart
Larry Mcgavran Larry Wolfe Laura Manwell
Larry Mcgavran Larue Pollard Laura Marsh
Larry Mckee Lary Byars Laura Mcconell Corbyn
Larry Moorman Lary Craven Laura Mccord Deceased
Larry Morgan Lary Wayne & Lynn Van Laura Michelle Burcham
Larry Morgan Coevering Jt Laura Owens Bennett Trust
Larry M Phillips L Ashby Laura Palm
Larry M Roberts Lasso Corp Laura Pata
Larry Neal Lasso Energy Llc Laura Patton Decd
Larry Nicholas Latham & Watkins Llp Laura Peggy Gott
Larry Nottingham Latigo Energy Company Laura Pickens Decd
Larry Nottingham Latigo Oil & Gas Inc Laura Rasmussen
Larry Ommen Latisha Germany Laura Ross
Larry Painters Latricia Anderson Laura Sue Hoover
Larry Palestina Laughlin Family Trust Laura Summa
Larry & Pamela S Williams Launa Huddleston Laura Van Evera
Rev Lt Launa Reaves Laura Widdoes
Larry Parks Laura Alley Laura Williams
Larry Parry Laura Barnard Laura Wilson
Larry Paul Stumpff Laura Barnett Laura Wood
Larry Paul Stumpff Rev Trust Laura Barto Lauren Brollier
Larry Penson Laura Benoist Lauren Brollier
Larry Peters Laura Bradford Laurence Altshuler
Larry Prater Jr & Melissa A Laura Callanan Laurence Robinson
Prater Laura Chambers Kirk Rev Laurence Stall
Larry Rakey Liv Tr Laurence Thomas
Larry Ray Laura Dye Laurence Thomas
Larry Ray Henderson Trust Laura E Collum Laurene K Hirschberg Share
Larry R Brannon & Wiley Laura Edmoundson Lauren Fariss
Kay Laura Egan Lauren Goldberg
Larry Schrick Laura F Ashford Rev Trust Lauren Hensley Rossley
Larry Stewart Laura Frederick Lauren Paternostro
Larry Stinchcomb Laura Fretz Lauren Warren
Larry Todd Laura Frye Lauretta Manhardt
Larry Vassaur Laura Gappa Laurie Bear

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Laurie Greer Lawrence Terrel Lee Banning

Laurie Paschalydis Lawrence Todd Decd Lee Blubaugh
Laurie Ricks Lawrence Vecera Lee Camizzi
Laurie Sawyer Layne Burton Lee Capps
Laurie Smith Layne Henson Lee Cogert
Lauritz Kise Layne W Turner Family Lee D Auer 1992 Trust
Lavelle Ashley Trust Lee David Jackson
Lavena Young Laynie Schlinke Llach Leedey Acquisition Company
Laverla Simpson Trust L B Foster Company Llc
Laverne And Sarah Bradley Lb Stableford Estate Trust A Leedey Gas & Oil - Llc
Jt Lb Stableford Estate Trust B Lee Dillman
Laverne Bradley L Bussard Lee Dotter
Laverne J Smith Rev Trust Lcoppedge Llc Lee Dotter
Lavern Enders L Crum Leedy Education Foundation
Laverne Rossiter Lct Management Corp Lee Earl Malden
Laveta Gail Mayfield L Daly Lee Eslinger
Lavonna Mcneil Ld Clements Lee Gibbs
Lavonne Prior L Dean Schwartz Appraisals Lee Haag
Lavonne Rounds Life Estate Ld Partners Lee Harvey
Lavon Wright L D Shannon Dec And Lee Hess
Lawana Bray Yandell D Shann Lee Horne
Lawanda B Hetherington Leaf River Resources Llc Lee Horton
Lawrence A Kautz Leah Ann Williamson Lee Jardot
Lawrence A Todd Leahan Westfall Lee Madison
Lawrence Beck Leah Arndt Leeman Carley
Lawrence Carpenter Leah & Bernard Chaput Leeman Minerals Llc
Lawrence Clinton Lovelace Mineral Inter Lee Mcadams
Deceased Leah Chaput Leemond Cavanar
Lawrence Dunaway Leah Hadley Lee Ray Stiles
Lawrence E James Llc Leah Jacob Enoch Lee Rice Living Trust
Lawrence Elliott (Deceased) Lee Roper
Lawrence E Mcfarlin And E Leah Odonnell Leeroy D Cyphers &
Joanne Leah Spradlin Elizabeth M Cyph
Lawrence Freeman Hargis Leah Vladika Lee Russell
Lawrence James Leah Y Berglund Lee Ryan
Lawrence J Dorothy L Martin Lealla Blum Leesa Allred Lee
Tr Leanna Edwards Lee Slater
Lawrence Jelsma Leanna Heil Lee Smith
Lawrence Johnston Leanna Luper Lee Sparks
Lawrence Johnston Leanne And Lance Lewis Jt Leeta Jane Morgan
Lawrence Ketch Family Leanne Fisher Lee Tarrant
Trust Leasa Weldon & Barney Lee Vern Lyon
Lawrence Lynn Thomas Weldon Lee Weatherly
Lawrence Myra Walters Lea Walker Lee Wells
Lawrence N Taubman Lebarre Family Llc Lee Wescott
Lawrence Patrick Petree Lebo-Petro Llc Lee Wiley Moncrief 1988
Lawrence Scheihing Lebowitz Family Trust Trust
Lawrence Seng Lee Allen Lee Wiley Moncrief Mgmt
Lawrence Snyder Lee Ann Brooks Trust
Lawrence Speer Lee Ann Morrison Family Tr Lee Wiley Moncrief Trust
Lawrence Tarrants Lee A Zatarain

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Lee William Lewis Estate Lemel Petroleum Llc Leonard Eugene Haakma
Decd Lemoine Dowd Leonard Family Tr
Lee Wright Lena Haynie Leonard G Herron Tt
Lee Yahn Lena Jackson Leonard G Odegaard
Lefco Energy Llc Lena Kindschi Leonard G Odegaard
Lefco Energy Llc Lena Kindschi For Life Leonard Harral
Lefco Energy Llc Lena Knopfel Leonard Herendeen
Left Coast Oil And Gas Llc Lena Marshall Leonard Horton
Lefturn Investments Llc Lena Mcadams Leonardine Decd
Legacy Income Fund I Ltd Lenard Briscoe Leonard Jay
Legacy Income Royalty Fund Lena Thedford Leonard J Ellspermann
Llc Lena Yount Leonard & Joyce Wilstein
Legacy Measurement Lendell Hawkins Rev Trust
Solutions Lenell Bowen Leonard & Marilyn Branen
Legacy Measurement Lenel Sexton Rev Trust
Solutions Lenna Lawson Leonard M Steiner Rev Tr
Legacy Oil Corp Lennet Pisacka Leonard Parks
Legacy Resources Llc Lennie Crosby Leonard R Abbey Jr Irrev
Legacy Royalties Ltd Lenora Rule Trust
Legate Enterprises Llc Lenore S Crawford Trust Leonard Sanders
Legat Llc Lenox Partners Leonard Skach
Legend Energy Services, Llc Leo And Mary L Rains Hw Jt Leonard Spencer
Legion Brumley Leo Boyd Leonard Taron
Lehigh Energy Partners Leo Chris Jardot Leonard Wayne Enochs
Lehman Family Trust Dtd 2- Leo C & Margaret B Graves Leona Rogers
4-2006 Rev Liv T Leona Stiles
Leigh A Taylor Leo Davis Leona Stiles
Leigh Gordon Leo Fesler Leon Boelte
Leigh S Mccaslin Iii Ttee Leo Fitzgerald Leon Caldwell And Hartence
Leigh Stansberry Living Leo F Kautz M
Trust Leo H Dowdy Leon Combs
Leila Gadbois Leo J Davis Estate Leon Descher
Leilla Hawthorne Leo J Fowler Estate Leon Dodson
Leininger Family Trust Leo J Schafers Leon Gottfried
Leisa Bowles Leo Kingston Ira Leon J. Wehr Rev Liv Trust
Leitrim Inc Leola Barton Leon Major
Lela Birdie Wardell Leola Houchin Leonne Tarrant
Lela B Sullivan Le Leo Lane Leonora M Seids Estate Decd
Lela Crowell Leola Thiemann Leon Riggs
Lela Fay Holzer Leo Lowery Leon Riggswros
Lela Harrington Leo Murrell Secrest Leon Silkwood Rev Trust
Lelah Mcelroy Deceased Leon Williams Estate Decd
Leland Karr Ross & Brenda Leona Barker Leora Thompson Edgar
Kay Ross Leona Chancellor Leo Ray
Leland Payne Leona Dnu Leo Reaves
Leland Scott Leona Meendering Leo Sylvester
Leland Tripp Leona Moody Leota Fern Mcdowell
Leland W Harris Trust Leonard Arb Leota L Mcneil Rev Trust
Lela Schwindt Leonard Bigbie Leo T Mathis
Lela Shoup Leonard B Nulty L E Pollard Mineral
Leman Family Lp Leonard Davis Management Llc

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Lerah Parker Leslie Miller Lewis Hildebrand

Lereta F Adkisson Leslie Milsten Thornton Lewis Kinzie
Leroy A Mack Trust Udo Leslie Nael Lewis Kinzie And Wanda
July 6 2007 Leslie Renner Kinzie Jt
Leroy Brewer Leslie Robison Lewis Lambert
Leroy Carpenter Leslie Roper Lewis Weldon Beard
Leroy Craig And Bethel L Leslie Schafroth Schantz Lewis William Newman Ii
Craig Hw J Leslie Smith Lexisnexis Risk Data
Leroy Cundiff Leslie Taylor Management Inc
Leroy Davenport Leslie Taylor Ley 10 Llc
Leroy Hilton Leslie Taylor Lezlie Stacy
Leroy H & Paula D Pralle Leslie Vance Lf Rooney Iii Trust
Rev Fam Tr Leslie Weeks L Garmin Or Heirs
Leroy James & Linda Kay Leslye Weaver L & G Minerals Llc
Patton Les Pierce Contract Pumping L Goeringer
Leroy J Coleman Lester Bridenstine Lhb Ventures Llc
Leroy Lee Lester Clifford Branch Lhs Family Llc
Leroy Mccoy Lester Clifford Decd Liam Plunkett
Leroy Miles Lester Cole Libby Brown
Leroy Patton Lester Dean Whisler Trust Libby Trust
Leroy Pendleton Lester Gerd Flesner Liberty Energy Holdings Llc
Leroy Retherford Lester Holbrook Liberty Energy Llc
Leroy S Hall Lester Lee Roy Frazier Liberty Energy Llc
Leroy Sharp Lester Rothenbaum Liberty Lift Solutions Llc
Leroy Williams Lester Skinner Liddell Investments Llc
Lesa Monical Leta German Lide Family Inc
Lesh Family Trust Leta Mae Pyle Liesbeth Lind Van Hooke
Lesley Willson Leta Silveus Liesbeth Ling-Van Hooke
Lesli Doshier Letha Adams Light Bulb Supply Co Inc
Leslie Allen Buntin Letha Evelyn Walton Rev Tr Lighthouse Oil And Gas Lp
Leslie Bennett Lethal Johnson Lightning Elimination
Leslie Buffington Letha Tate Deceased Systems Llc
Leslie Chesher Leticia I Barchini Le Lila Goetz
Leslie Christine Avila Leuszler Joint Rev Trust Lila I Farmer Tr Uad 4-14-
Leslie Clifton Leva Swim 2011
Leslie Devilbiss Levelops Energy Inc Lila Lambert
Leslie Dewayne Pierce & Levelops Energy Inc Lila Longan
Leslie Dawn Levi And Traci Hamilton Hw Lila Mae Mccune Liv Trust
Leslie Dillingham Jt Lila Milligan
Leslie Eddington Levi Benson Trust Lila Milligan
Leslie E Harman & June M Levi Kloiber Lila Walters
Harman Hwj Levi Rains Lilla Viola Higdon Rev Trust
Leslie Hardy Levi Swingle Lillian Brahoney
Leslie Hawley Levita Unger Lillian Clingenpeel
Leslie Hicks Lewis And Billie Beach Trust Lillian Clingenpeel Estate
Leslie Hix Lewis C And Aileen Hiner Jt Decd
Leslie Hoy Lewis Clifton Lillian C Williamson And
Leslie Klingaman Lewis Crabb George W
Leslie Lacy Lewis Family Trust Lillian Daly Geiszler
Leslie Martin Lewis G Martin Lillian Davis
Leslie Mclaughlin Lewis Hartung Lillian E Stone Estate

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Lillian Frankel Linda Childers Mcgavran Linda Hunt Peterson

Lillian Jones Linda Clair Linda Irene Glick
Lillian Nix Linda Cline Linda Jackson
Lillian Satterfield Linda Cloud Linda Jackson
Lillian Simpson Trust Linda C Lute Rev Tr Linda James
Lillian White Linda Cooper Linda Jane Ball
Lillian Williams Linda Cooper Linda Jean Knott
Lillie Bowman Linda Crabb Linda Jean Maddux
Lillie Burke Linda Cutchall Linda Johnson
Lillie Faye Stover Deceased Linda Davenport Linda Jo Vassar
Lillie Howell Linda Day Newton Linda Judkins
Lillie Parks Linda D Eiland Living Trust Linda Kathryn Fancher
Lillie Stubblefield Linda Demoss Gallagher Linda Kay Berger Rev Tr
Lillie Williams Estate Decd Linda Diane Shingleton Dtd 10-10-2
Lily Shell Linda Dixon Linda Kaye
Limboil Llc Linda Doss Linda Kaye Thompson
Lime Rock Resources Linda Dotter Linda Kay Jones
Operating Co In Linda Edwards Linda Kay Montgomery
Limestone Creek, Llc Linda Elliott Linda Kay Naylor
Limestone Exploration Ii Llc Linda Evans Linda Keary
Linberry Energy Inc As Linda Farrall Linda Khatib
Agent For Linda Ferrell Linda Knight
Lincoln County Board Of Linda Fick Linda Krick
Commissione Linda Fleming Linda Kroll
Lincoln County Publishing Linda Fogle Linda Lafollette
Company I Linda G Austin Personal Rep Linda L Deaver Ttee
Linda Amey Linda Gayle Klos Family Linda Lee Shafer
Linda And Alvin Baker Trust Linda Legare
Linda And Greg Morris Linda Greer Linda Lescault
Linda Ann Allen Linda Grisier Linda Lombardo
Linda Ann Dillman Hartley Linda Haas Linda Loraine Petree
Linda Barbour Linda Hamel Blackman
Linda Barrows Linda Hancock Linda Lou Harrison
Linda Basye Linda Hann Linda Louise Stumpff
Linda Becker Linda Hare Linda Lovell
Linda Bennett Linda Harris Linda Lovell
Linda Bentley Linda Harris Linda L Sagastume Ira Acct
Linda Biggar Vandervelde Linda Harwood No 13418
Linda Bishop Linda Hatter Linda L Tarver Le
Linda Bowles Johnson Linda Hatter Linda Lute
Linda Boyles Linda Hembree Linda Magette
Linda Bradshaw Linda Henderson Apman Trst Linda Manning
Linda Broadrick Kuc Uwo Lind Linda Margaret Metscher
Linda Bryce Linda Hodgden Dudek
Linda Buller Linda Holliday Linda Mccune Lowe
Linda Cameron Linda Horger Clark Linda Mckinzy
Linda Campbell Linda Hovis Linda Mcsharry
Linda Caperton Linda Hubbard Linda Menchaca
Linda Carol Rummage Linda Hudson Linda Meshishnek
Linda Carter Christiano Linda Huffman Linda Metcalf
Linda Chesnutt Linda Hughes Linda M Hunt

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Linda M Huxtable Linda Suire Lionheart Resources Inc

Linda Michie Linda Tarver Lion Well Service Llc
Linda M Lowe Linda Thomas Lio Properties
Linda M Lowe Linda Titus Lippert Bros Inc
Linda Mock Linda Todd Lisa Abel
Linda Moore Linda Tolson Urich Lisa Alvarez
Linda Murphy Linda Trout Lisa Ann Mcbryde
Linda Nealis Linda Trowbridge Lisa Ballard
Linda Nesbett Linda True Lisa Calhoun
Linda Nevin Linda Walters Lisa Calvert
Linda Nichols Linda Wasilchick Lisa Calvert
Linda Nielsen Linda Webber Lisa Clarke
Linda N Jones Linda Wilkinson Lisa Cundiff
Linda Or Heirs Linda Williams Lisa Donene Stockton And
Linda Pack Linda Wilson Chrystal
Linda Page Linda Wood Lisa Doyle
Linda Palkowski Linda Wood Lisa D Taylor
Linda Pedra Linda Woodruff Lisa Gallery
Linda Pendergrass Linda Wylie Lisa Garvich
Linda Place Linda Wylie Lisa Gay Cline
Linda Prater Linda Yanosik Lisa Goble
Linda Pyle Linda Yeomans Lisa Groves Ryan
Linda Racer Lindberg J Shanbour Rev Lisa Grund
Linda Rachel Trust Lisa Ham Reirdon
Linda Rae Mason Lindell Dorsett Lisa Hannah
Linda Reis Linden A Baker Lisa Harshman
Linda Reynolds Linderer Family Trust Lisa Hatton
Linda Rice Price Rev Living Lind Investments Llc Lisa Hood
Trust Lindley Speers Lisa Jan Mcarthur
Linda Roden Lindsay Jo Ross Lisa Jenkins
Linda R Roark Lindsay Prod & Royalties Lisa Johnson
Linda Sanders Ltd Lisa Jo Johnson
Linda Schaffer Lindsay Rochelle Ware Lisa Jones
Linda Sharp Lindsey K Henningsen Lisa Kay Vannoy
Linda Shippy Lindsey Schnieders Lisa Lambert
Linda Shirley Lindsey Young Lisa Latigo
Linda Sisco Lindy-Allen Investments Llc Lisa L Clark
Linda Skinner Lineberry Llc Lisa Lilly
Linda Smith Linford Real Pitts Trust Lisa Lincoln
Linda Smith Lin Gordon-Hoover & Bill Lisa Lynn Janes Ttee
Linda Smyth Trust Dtd 11-2- Hoover Rev Lisa M Grover Applegate
2009 Linklaters Llp Lisa Nelson
Linda Snavely Linnea Templin Lisa Nemeroff
Linda Stegall Linn Energy Holdings Llc Lisa Reaves
Linda Stewart Linn Energy Midcontnt Lisa Robin Hensley & Marc
Linda Stubblefield-Piedra Holdings Llc Udell
Linda Sue Kirby Linnie Diller Lisa Rock
Linda Sue Payne Linn Loyd Legrant & Lisa Shannan Hill
Linda Sue Qualls Rev Trust Jeannete Lisa S Wilson
Linda Sue Schaffer Linn Operating Inc Lisa Teahon
Linda Sue Wray Life Estate Lionel Harris Lisa W Heffernon

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Lisbeth Noble Lloyd S Elliott Trust Lois Murray

Lise Machado Lloyd Smith Lois Murray And Lorene
Lisette Ruegg L Lummis Mcguire
Lishberg Petroleum Inc Llyod Thompson Lois Nagel
Lita Malone Llyod Wertman Lois Phelps
Little Acres Ranch & Rodeo Lly Oil & Gas Llc Lois Phillips
Little Burro Investments Llc L M Alexander Trust Lois Phillips
Little River Energy Company Deceased Lois Robertson
Lizzy Llc L Matthews Lois S Bolick Rev Trust
L Jackson Construction Lmb O&G Ltd Lois Shumway
Services & R Lmh Holdings Llc Lois Sorvisto
L Jane Mackey L Michael Couvillion Lois Strayer
L & J Minerals L.P Lmk Resources Inc Lois S Webb Estate
L Johnson L & M Oil Inc Lois V Alban Lvng Trst
L Johnson Lms Products Inc. Lois Walsh
Lj Or Heirs Lnm Investments Llc Wma Lois White
Lj Toth Enterprises Llc Series Lois Whitesides
L Kerns L N Taubman Revocable Loke Oil And Gas
L & K Irrevocable Trust Trust Lola Coursey Dull
L L Barrett Lockett Pundt Lola Grasz
Llb Development Inc Locust Energy Inc Lola Lynda Jacobs Fetzer
Ll Effie Kirk Lodine Robinson Estate
Llillian W Simpson Trust Loela Watts Lola Pogue
Lloyd And Hellen Bushby Logan Wright Foundation Inc Lola Scobey
Lloyd Cowger Logo Energy Llc Lola Stockton Ritter
Lloyd Dean Mcginnis Logo Inc. Lolda Brown
Lloyd Deceased Lohtak Water And Energy Lolyn Jacobs Revocable
Lloyd Eales Consulting Trust
Lloyd E & Velma K Cox Lois Ann Haskin Dawes Lomax-Howell Family Lp
Fam Trust Lois A Priest Deceased Lometa Franks
Lloyd Fischer Lois A Strate Living Trust Lona Condit
Lloyd Fitzpatrick Lois Barnes Lone Oak Royalty Partners
Lloyd Gragert Lois Daniel Llc
Lloyd G Standley Deceased Lois Decd Lones Cook
Lloyd Henson Decd Lois Eby Budbill Rev Trust Lone Star Safety & Supply
Lloyd Horton Lois Elmore Longan Trust
Lloydine Menzer Loise Reaves Long Consulting Group Llc
Lloyd Kapka Lois Hunter Long Family Oil Trust
Lloyd Kapka Lois Johnson Longfellow Energy Lp
Lloyd Kingsbury Lois King Trust Ua Longhorn Drilling Company
Lloyd Lentz Lois Lambert Llc
Lloyd Mccarty Lois Lancaster Longhorn Energy Services
Lloyd Mccoy Lois Leftwich Llc
Lloyd Mcguire Lois L Roberts Longhorn Service Company
Lloyd Mckean Lois Mann Llc
Lloyd Melvin Coe Jr Lois Miller Longsdon-Schulte Llc
Lloyd Moorman Lois Miller Longshore Mineral Holdings
Lloyd Owens Lois M Mcvay Llc
Lloyd Rains Lois M Mcvay Rev Trust Long Term Funding Llc
Lloyd Roberts Lois Murray Lonnie Boyle
Lloyd S Elliot Lois Murray Lonnie Brickman

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Lonnie Dearmond Loretta Beavers Lost Creek United Methodist

Lonnie Dooley Loretta Bocox Wherry Church
Lonnie Dorman Loretta Cook Lotie G Schlegel & Nancy S
Lonnie Guevara Loretta Cooper Schlegel
Lonnie Joseph Burns Sr Loretta Dean Saunders Lottie Mappes 1980 Trust
Lonnie Maret Loretta Gilliam Lottie P Schneider Rev Tr
Lonnie Ocker Loretta Holland Dtd 9-3-8
Lonnie Tipton Loretta Life Tenant Lotus Llc
Lonny D Renfroe Estate Loretta Oliver Lou Alice Britton-Martin
Lon W Sheldon Loretta Toles Louann Beck
Lonye Claudine Muse Loretta Wheatley Louanne S Nourse
Lonzo Loveless Lori A Elliott Louanne Winemiller Obele
Loop 1 Systems Inc Lori And Louanns Sewing Shoppe
Lopp Construction Llc Lori Ann Jones Louann Huthma
Lora Ashbaugh Lori A Voke Louchski Llc
Lora Bailey Hartman & Lori Burgess Lou Cochrell
Howard & Lori Carpenter Lou Geisinger
Lora Holmes Lori Dow Lough Family Trust Dtd 7-1-
Lora Hunt Lori Eells 1997
Loraine A Greenhaw Lori Eltzholtz Louis Anthis
Surviving Jt Loriene Marlow Louis Auer
Lora Jackson Lori Hicks Louis B Blake
Lora Mueller Lori Johnson Louis Bennett
Loran Calkins Lori Kaye West Williams Louis Bode
Lorane Barnard Lori Leigh Louis Calavan
Lorean Radford Lori L Luster Louis Collins
Loreis Paulette Jones Lori Lynn Cooksey Louis D Deason Estate Decd
Lorena Capps Lori M Clark Louis D Halsell Jr
Lorena Cardoza Lori Morgan Louis Dufresne
Loren Anderson Lori Musser & Patrick Louise Brockman
Lorene Arkeketa Musser Louise Buck
Lorene Boyd Lorinda Schrammel Louis Ediger
Lorene Butler Loring And Virginia Gray Louise Grimes
Lorene Hale Kinnamon Trust Louise Killough
Revocable Trus Lorin Smith Louise Knittle Ashburn
Lorene Kinnamon Fka Lori Renard Evans Louise Madison
Lorene Hale Lori Shandra Louise Moore
Loren Ellis Lori Sutton Shivers Louise Murray
Lorene Mcguire Lori Wasson Louise R Edwards Trust
Lorene Moats Lori Wojciechowski Louise Richmond
Lorene Poole Lorn Starling Louise Schepp
Lorene R Vitek Ttee Lorn Starling Debtor Case Louise Sims
Lorene Sedlacek 17-13408 Louise Taylor
Lorene Vickers Decd Lorraine Holt Louise Warcup
Loren Garrett Lorraine Moore Louis H Lebowitz
Loren Gillespie Lorraine Springer Louis Hunt
Loren Gray Lorraine S Schiro Louis Johnson
Loren Roper Lorraine Williams Louis Joseph Jardot
Loren Tyner Lamb Estate Lorri Kay Boyd Louis Klar
Loreta Holley Los Cazadores Louis Long Estate Decd
Loretta Allen Louis M Ford Llc

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Louis Ray L Thompson Decd Luella Stevens Decd

Louis Rick Tedaldi Jt Ltn Minerals Llc Lufkin Industries Llc
Louis R Russell Tr 72705 Luana Mae Alexander Luis A Sagastume
Louis Schlanger Luann Clarkson Luke Rogers
Louis Taubman Trust Lu Ann Dillman Lula Arnold
Louis Thomason Luanne Aydelotte Lula Cullers
Louis Thomsen Deceased Luanne E Ward Lula Demoss
Louis Watkins Luanne Wible Lula Heirs
Louis Williams Lucas Burdine Lula Mae King
Louis Williams Lucas Gates Lula Morris
Louis W Levin Lucerne M Eberle 2003 Rev Lulie For Life
Louis W Schweer Rev Trust Tr Lulu Bross
Lou Knowles Lucey Products Co Lulu B S Stewart Deceased
Lou Kreymborg Lucian D Myrick Rev Trust Lumina Bpo Pty Ltd
Lou Niblett Lucid Energy Westex Llc Lunar Petroleum Llc
Lou Studebaker Lucille Allen Lura Hartzell
Loutitia Hampton Lucille Burnell Lura Reschke
Lova Roberts Lucille Etheridge Lu-Ray Petroleum Inc
Lovett Mineral Right Family Lucille Harrington Lusia Mier
Lp Lucille Hinkle Luther And Vicki
Lovine B Greenfield Rev Liv Lucille Hogan Luther Maxell Taylor
Tr Lucille Nogueria Luther Pedersen
Lovita F Hale Living Trust Lucille Petermann Lutricia Carlson
Lowell Molloy Lucilles Enterprises Llc Luxor Petroleum Llc
Lowell Shelden Lucille Steelman Luz Llc
Lowe Royalty Partners L.P Lucille Wilson Lvm Oil
Lowrey L And Jean L Lucinda Graham L Wells
Rhodes Tr Lucinda Killman Lw Ew Family Partners 1
Loyal Dean Taylor Lucinda Pemberton L Wilson
Loy Daugherty Lucinda Rarick L Winkelman
Loyd Lasley Lucinda Will Lwmcmiv Holdings Lp
Loyd Melvin Ingham & Mary Lucinda Young Lycurgus Laughlin
Alice Lucindy Mae Brooks Lyda Long
Loyd M Ingham Coughlan Lydia Burris
Loy Elmore Lucy Ann Moore Lydia Koonce
Loy E Oakes Lucy B Livermore Rev Trust Lydia Lafon Testamentary
Loyett Parr Lucy B Mann Trust
Loy Oakes Lucy Descher Yaple Lydia Wright
Lozier Properties Ltd Lucy Good Lyle Axtell
Lprk Family Llc And Kelly Lucy H Hollinger Lyle Dean Miesner
N Smith Lucy Leroy Lyle Durham
Lrc Enterprises Llc Lucy Pastorelli Lyle Kerr
Lre Operating Llc Lucy Rooney Kapples Trust Lyle K & Linda Blackketter,
L Sammons Lucy Upchurch H&W, Jt
L Sue Hembree Rev Inter Lucy Williams Foster Lyle Lancaster
Vivos Tr Dt Ludmila E Robson Lyle Seefeldt
Ltc Chester Arthur Ludwig Johnson Lyle Stoll
Hazelwood & Mrs Luella Jane Eddings Lyle W & Loretta J Hafner
Ltd Consulting Llc Luella L Reim Living Tr 5- Rev Liv T
Lt Energy Services 31-1995 Lyle Wright
L Thomas Deceased Luella Nabors Lyle W Rounds

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Lyn Biby Steffes Lynn Roberts Madelyn Chamblee

Lynda Barber Lynn Shaw Madelyn Kinnamon
Lynda D Lukens Lynn S. Wendt Madelyn Propers
Lynda Feit Lynn West Madison Capital Energy
Lynda G Oney Rev Trust Lyn Petroleum Inc Madison Capital Energy
Lynda Hillier L York Madison Capital Investmnts
Lynda Larson Davis M3g Llc Llc
Lyndal Chapman Maatco Partnership Madison Energy Inc
Lyndal Hart Mabel Beavers Madison Laird
Lyndall Wann Mabel Caldwell Madisyn Abigail Brown
Lynda L Williams Revoc Tr Mabel Carolyn Davis Mae Allen
Of 2005 Mabel Curry Stevens Trst Mae Belle Thedford Saling
Lynda M Estrada Mabel Dobbs Estate
Lynda S Beaty Rev Trst Mabel Eileen Cox Maecenas Minerals Llp
Lynda Stilkey Mabel Jane Flesner Estate Mae Jette
Lynda Sue Pistole Life Estate Mabel Louise Mounts Mae Kile
Lynda Todd Mabel Mugler Mae Myers
Lynda Waldie Mabel Ostot & Co Llc Mae Stubblefield
Lyndel Morris Mabel Smethers Mae Ward
Lyndia Jacks Mabel Steen Magic M&R Llc
Lyndon & Barbara Walker Mabel Thole (Deceased) Magma Trust
Invstmts Lp Mabeth B Bamberger Living Magna Legal Services Llc
Lynette Robbins Trust Magness Energy Llc
Lynn Beeson Mable Cunningham Magness Petroleum Cp
Lynn Boyd Macdonald Oil & Gas Llc Magnir Group Llc
Lynn Carol Birgmann Macdonald Revocable Trust Magnolia-White Star
Pannell Mac Engineering & Oper Co Magnum Hunter Production
Lynn Chervenka Macfarlane Company Magnum Oil Tools
Lynn Davis Machelle Schomaker International Ltd
Lynn Debbs Mack Cohn Maguire Oil Company
Lynn D Shellhammer Estate Mackellar Services Inc Mahoney O&G Llc
Lynne Barnes Mackenzie Harris Mahony-Killian Inc
Lynne Farr Mackenzie Jones Maida Moran
Lynne Miller Mackey Scott & Sons Maienschein Joint Tr Dtd
Lynne Standard-Nightengale Macklee Minerals Llc Aug22 2007
Rev Tr Macondo Holding Main Brothers Partnership
Lynne W Phillips Trust Corporation Main Donnelley Family Trst
Lynne Young-Studier Liv Tr Macon Energy Llc Main Knight Properties Llc
3501 Mac Percival Main Street Holding
Lynn Giles Macquarie Capital (Usa) Inc Company
Lynn Hicks Mac Systems Inc Maira Estrada
Lynn Holman Macy Capital Partners Llc Majestic Properties Llc
Lynn Hunt Macy Family Living Trust Majorie M. Lindley Rev.
Lynn Hutchinson Madalene Lanphere Living Trus
Lynn Kinsman Maddxco Llc Majors Energy Llc
Lynn Kroll Madeline Blauner Gardner Malcolm Milsten
Lynn Lovelace Life Tenan Malcom Phelps
Lynn Meyers Madeline Heyer Malco Royalties Ltd
Lynn Olmsted Madeline Mcgoldrick Holder Malibu Trucking Llc
Lynn Pepper Madeline Mcmath Malinda Berry Fischer 2003
Lynn Ray Helberg Madeline Weinsbrod Revocabl

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Malinda Berry Fischer 2003 Marbil Llc Margaret Baskin

Rev Tr D Marcanco Energy Company Margaret Belz
Malinda Berry Fischer Trust Llc Margaret B Herndon Rev
Malinda L Duncan Marceille Fitzgerald Trst
Malinda Lopez Cayzedo Marcella Hosler Margaret Bowen
Malinda Payne Marcella Lamb Margaret Brinck
Mallory Mcelrath Marcella Matthews Margaret Brown
Mallory Poplin Marcella M Cruse Living Tr Margaret Burlingame
Malone Contract Pumping Marcella Porter Margaret Chambers
Inc Marcelle Soliman Margaret Clay
Malone Living Trust Marcel Silberman Margaret Cole
Mame Neal Now Mame H Marcene Conrad Margaret Cromer
Blair Marc Hatton Margaret Cypret
Mamie Mcbride Marcia A Marriott Margaret Dahlstrom
M And A Oil Properties Llc Marcia Bergeron Margaret Day
Mandi Britton Marcia Davenport Margaret Decd
Mandy Clifton Marcia Dean Harrison Margaret Dosch
Mandy Gross And Jeremy W Marcia Fasig Margaret Dunn
Gross Jt Marcia Garst Margaret E Kramer
M A Neel Trust 2 Marcia Gibson Margaret Elizabeth Nelson
Manford Mcclain Estate Marcia Greer Slawson
Heirs Marcia Gutshall Margaret Elizabeth Synhorst
Manor Oaks Llc Marcia Guy Margaret Ellison
Manuel Jackson Marcia Jean Tanner Margarete Schmidt
Manzanillo Cr Llc Marcia Mccain Margaret Field Living Trust
M&A Oil & Gas Llc Marcia N Anderson Ttee Margaret Flynn Trust
Map00-Net Marcia Pertgen Margaret Ford
Map2001-Net Marcia Pertgen Margaret Ford
Map2004-Ok Marcia Snook Margaret Forero
Map2006-Ok Marci Courtney Margaret Frese
Map2012-Ok Marcille Clayton Margaret Gail Osterman
Map2015-Ok Marci Mclean Margaret Gallagher Horner
Map 92-96 Mgd An Ok Marcl Davis Margaret Gary
General Ptnrshp Marc Meacham Margaret Gleeson
Map 97a - Ok Marc Morain Margaret Goold
Map 98b Net Invalid Owner Marco Properties Llc Margaret Graham
Suspense Marcourt Properties Llc Margaret Hensley Ttee
Map 99a-Net A Texas Marc Schuman Margaret Hool
General Ptnrshp Marcus A Jardot Margaret Isaacs
Map Holdings An Oklahoma Marcus Allen Margaret Jane Swank Estate
Partnershi Marcus Hay Decd
M.A.P. Inc. Marcus Hebard Margaret Jean Howell
Maple Avenue Royalty Llc Marcus Kemmerer Margaret Jones
Maple Ocean Llc Marcus Trussel Heirs Margaret K Replogle Mineral
Map Resources Inc Mare Oil Co Tr Uao
Mara Babbage Margaret A Brown And Lee Margaret Laird
Marajane Davis A Brown Margaret Laird
Maralee Metcalf Margaret Adair-Fleming Margaret L Buckley Rev
Marathon Oil (West Texas) Margaret Alderson Barnes Trust
Lp Margaret Armstrong Margaret Legan-Gibson
Marathon Petroleum Lp Margaret A Robinson Margaret Logan

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Margaret L Uri Simmons Margie Wilson Marie Hanewinckel Cooper

Margaret Mccall Margi Whisenhunt Marie Heller Kidd Ttee
Margaret Mccann Margo Bowles Marie Hodson
Margaret Morehead Margo Clark Marie Jacobs Hunter
Margaret M Speidel Margo Jones Marie Jones
Margaret Nation Margot Grant Moore Marie Knowles
Margaret Newman Margretta Forrester Marie Louise Mccoy
Margaret Nickell Marguerette Lahman Marie Murphy
Margaret Nicole Loftus Marguerite Bracksieck & Marie Nester
Margaret Pousardien Frank Brack Marie Patton
Margaret Pousardien Marguerite Carlson Marie Pixton
Margaret Prato Marguerite Crossman Marie Rainwater
Margaret Price Marguerite Pizer Mariesa A Greenfield Rev Tr
Margaret Ramsey Marguerite Rooney Dtd 9-8
Margaret Rebenar Marguerite Schroeder Wilson Mariesa Butler
Margaret Reitker Margy Lou Bowie Marie Schein
Margaret Rever Maria Barker Marie Thomas
Margaret Romano Maria C Flores-Sanchez Marietta Energy Llc
Margaret Schaefer Maria C Porter-Hehnke Marie Villa
Margaret Sears Maria Gossett Marijane Kober
Margaret Seeliger Maria L Welch Revocable Marilou Urbano Rolfe
Margaret Serignese Trust Deceased
Margaret Singer Marian Curry Marilyn Abshire
Margaret Spreitzer Marian Howard Marilyn Boewe
Margaret Storey Marian Kremeier Marilyn Bournonville
Margaret Story Marian Marie Almes Marilyn Bowman
Margaret Sumner Marianna Cooper Marilyn Brock
Margaret Tatro Marianne Finan Marilyn Carroll
Margaret Tinker Fox Life Marianne Mason Marilyn Clark
Estate Marianne Melton Marilyn Cook
Margaret Toruno Marianne Utter Marilyn Dahm
Margaret Toruno Marian Nordan Harwell Marilyn Dea Major
Margaret Totten Estate Marilyn Duhe
Margaret Townsend Mariann Ryan Marilyn Friedman
Margaret Travis Marian Pennington Marilyn Gastineau
Margaret Volz Marian Plahte Griffin Marilyn Gay
Margaret Voss Marian R. Hanna Marilyn Gay
Margaret Watts Marian Vanderpool Marilyn Good
Margaret Williford Maribel Marilyn Hall
Margarita Munoz Maridel Allen Marilyn Horton
Margene Pearce Marie A Vandiver Living Marilyn Jackson
Margerite Sisson Trust Marilyn J Duff Revocable
Margery L Puzin Rev Tr Marie Billings Branaugh Living Tru
Margery Williams Marie Bowen Marilyn Jean Legrand
Margie Cowell Marie Boyton Detwiler Marilyn J Moss
Margie Edith Meyer Trust Marie Casey Marilyn Johnson
Margie Good Marie-Claire Kyle Marilyn Jones
Margie L Bowen (Deceased) Marie Clements Marilyn J. Rett Trst Under A.
Margie W Graves Life Estate Marie Coomaraswamy- Antho
Margie Williams An Falkenstein Marilyn J Van Petten
Incapacitated Marie Dorr Revocable Trus

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Marilyn K Moseley Marion Ernie Kirk Iii & Mark Alan Phelan
Marilyn Knierim Caufield Barbara Kir Mark Alexander
Marilyn Kroll Marion Fremont Mark Allen Fisher
Marilyn K Rubenstein Trst Marion Haptenstall Mark And Marilee Wehde
Marilyn L Krumrei Trust Marion Larue Mark And Natalie Hart
Marilyn L Wolfe Marion Matthews Mark A Nida Irrev Trust Dtd
Marilyn Mallouf Marion Phillips 12-33-1
Marilyn Markley Marion Scherer Mark A Phillips
Marilyn Mclemore Marion Shaw Watson Trust Mark Arnett
Marilyn Moffat Marion Shippy Mark Arnett
Marilyn Moffat Life Estate Mario Smith Mark A Ross
Marilyn Mooneyham Marissa Irene Streck Mark Atkinson
Marilyn Myers Marisue Limp Mark Avant
Marilyn Nelson Marita Chambers Marka Will
Marilynn Knott Marjo Operating Co Inc Mark Barbeau
Marilynn Milor Marjorie Ann Theimer Ttee Mark Barker
Marilyn Noll Marjorie A Stevens Mark Beveridge
Marilyn Norris Butler (Deceased) Mark Bramlett
Marilyn Rupe Marjorie Bailey Mark Brandenburg
Marilyn Ryland Marjorie Brady Aka Marjorie Mark Brooker
Marilyn Scofield Brady C Mark Brookshire
Marilyn Seagraves Marjorie Cowden Mark Brumfield
Marilyn Sexton Marjorie Decd Mark Byron Johnson And
Marilyn Shaver Marjorie Ebersole Mark & Cheryl Jopling Co-
Marilyn Shaver Marjorie Enfield Chopnick Trs
Marilyn Smith Branch Trust Marjorie E Thatcher Mark Cole
Marilyn Spencer Marjorie Graham Mark Cox
Marilyn Spinning Marjorie Gross Mark Deguire
Marilyn Srader Marjorie Honeyman Mark Dotter
Marilyn Standefer Marjorie Housman Mark Downey
Marilyn Sue Lively Marjorie J Carlson Mark Dresser
Marilyn Sullenberger Trust Marjorie & John Mark Edenfield
Marilyn Swindoll Marjorie Krigel Trust Mark Edge
Marilyn Taber Marjorie L Edwards Tr Dtd Mark Edwards
Marilyn Thueson Jan 2005 Mark Edward Thatcher
Marilyn Tovar Marjorie L Mcfarland Life Mark E Motley
Marilyn Wells Estate Mark Essley
Marilyn Wells Marjorie Louise Pendleton Marketwire L.P.
Marilyn W Horton Rev Trust Estate Mark Fairless
Marilyn W Sims Gst Exempt Marjorie May Mark Ferchau
Family Tr Marjorie Mcclure Glass Mark Fischer Rev Tr &
Marilyn Wynia Marjorie Mccurtain Deborah Fisch
Marilyn W Zelle Marjorie Moore Mark Fischer Rev Trust
Marine Compton Marjorie Rhoades Mark French
Marion Bakke Blount Marjorie Riettini Trust Mark French
Marion Becker Marjorie Robertson Mark F Swary Ttee
Marion Blair Marjorie R Vitek Le Mark Gaydos
Marion Bryant Marjorie Sloan Taylor Mark Gelino
Marion Clements Marjorie Waters Mark G Hansen
Marion Crooks Marjorie Whipple Mark Goodner
Marion Datin Marka Fisher Mark Gordon Moore

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Mark Graham Mark Rupp Marlene Stubblefield

Mark Grimm Mark Rupp Marle Production Company
Mark Haken Mark Rutherford Llc An Okl
Mark Hansard Mark Saylor Marley Beem
Mark Harrington Mark Schaefer Marline Boyles
Mark Harris Mark Schedler Marlin Mcneil
Mark Hart Mark Shattuck Marlo Holdings Llc
Mark Hill Mark Shattuck Marlynn Raye Mcnally
Mark Hirschberg Share Mark Shetterly Mar-Mar Minerals Cp
Mark Hodge Mark Shetterly Marolyn Lambert
Mark Howry Mark Shidler Marquetta G Brown
Mark Hoxmeier Mark Shippy Revocable Living
Mark Hudspeth Mark Shoemaker Marquette Mabry
Mark Huffer Marksmen Inc Marquita Lazzaro
Mark Hurd Mark Smith Marra Delaware Llc
Mark Jauch Mark Soward Marr Family Rev Trust
Mark J Dolezal Mark Stowers Marr Oil & Gas Ltd
Mark Johnstone Mark Taylor Marsau Enterprises Inc
Mark Kerford Mark T Gabriele & Michelle Marsau Enterprises Inc
Mark Keyes L Gabrie Marsha Bressler
Mark Lambert Mark Thomas Marsha Butler
Mark Lee Bennett Mark Thomason Marsha Cartwright
Mark Levy Mark Treanor Marsha Clark
Markley Mallatt Mark Warnick Marsha Collett
Mark L Hambric Mark Washington Marsha Decd
Mark Lipkin Mark Weitzenhoffer Marsha Dianne Dearman
Mark Littlefield Mark William Pfeiffer Estate Trust
Mark Lyon Mark Williams Marsha Edwards
Mark Marino Mark Woolington Marsha Edwards Successor
Mark Marion Mark W Shearer & Alvina R Ttee
Mark Markley Shearer Marsha Forbes
Mark Martens Mark W Stephens Marsha Green
Mark Mcnally Marla Bryan Marsha Jackson
Mark Meador Marla Datin Marsha Jackson
Mark Merriman Marla Mosby Marshall Alumini Assoc Of
Mark Meyer Marland Fagan Marshall
Mark Mladenka Marlan Nelson Marshall Family Trust
Mark Molloy Marla Ruark Marshall Glenn Boozer
Mark Murphy Marla Sue Stevens Marshall Harris
Mark Myers Marla Vernon Marshall Land Company
Mark Nida Marlene Binkley Marshall Lions Club
Mark Noland Marlene Daniel Marshall Mccormack
Mark O & Renee A Ebert Marlene Hildebrand Marshall Moore
Mark Pate Marlene J Hafner Lvg Tr Dtd Marshall Reed
Mark Payne 6-19-19 Marshall Rodgers
Mark Payne Marlene Kearley Marshall Teegarden
Mark Pittman Marlene Klaverenga Marshall Veach
Mark Porraro Marlene Oltmanns Marsha Lybolt
Mark Rawls Marlene Oltmanns Trust Marsha Odell
Mark Rodgers Marlene Oltmanns Trust Urta Marsha Pollard Schubert
Mark Rosiere Dtd 7-2 Marsha Rumsey

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Marsha Swanson Martha Smith Marva Davis

Marsha Tirey Martha Sprague Marva Dupree
Marsha Wright Martha Strader Marva Jo Fox
Marta Kochenower Martha Thacker Marva Sue Miller
Martella F Nuckols Rev Trust Martha Thomas Marvene Sears
Martenia Brown William J Martha Thompson Marvin Abbott
Martha A Weaver Martha Thompson Marvin Adams
Martha Bastemeyer Martha Truby Marvin A Ladely
Martha Berry Martha Waltermire Marvin And Wilda Adams
Martha Billman Martha Wells Family Trust
Martha Brooks Martha Wells Marvin Beier
Martha Burke Martha Zinger Marvin Bethards
Martha Butler Marticia Moon Marvin Boyle
Martha Churchwell Martie Rhamy Marvin Carnes
Martha Clark Marti Gastineau Marvin C & Lois J Backhaus
Martha Covey Martin Rev Tr
Martha Davis Martin Azcarate Marvin Davis And
Martha Decd Martin Buchanan Marvin D Crisp
Martha Dunbar Martin Colpitt Marvin Denny
Martha Eatman Brown Martin-Decker Totco Marvin D Livingood Estate
Martha Elizabeth Dozier Martin Decker Totco Marvin Dodd
Estate Martin Dillon Marvin Durham
Martha Fagan Martin Dust Marvin Edward Lough
Martha Hawkins Naples Martin Family Living Trust Deceased
Trust Martin Family Trust Marvin Flaming
Martha H Jensen Martin Family Trust Dtd Marvin Freeman
Martha Horman 10.07.08 Marvin Gordon
Martha Houle Martin Fowler Marvin Grassman
Martha Hudkins Martin Garber Marvin Harrod
Martha Jackson Martin George Atkinson Marvin H & Benita W Witt
Martha Jo Griffin Martin Joseph Fowler Fam Trst
Martha Lawrence Martin Kelso Marvin Hotson
Martha Leanne Bushyhead Martin Minter Marvin J & Linda L Navratil
Martha L Gilbert Le Life Martin Montoya Rev Lvg
Estate Martin Ogburn Marvin Justice
Martha Logan Martin Oil Llc Marvin & Mary Rupp Trust
Martha Lyon Martin Oil Properties Uta Dtd Ma
Martha Mcpheeters Martin Radcliff Marvin Mcentire
Martha Michalski Mann Martin Stevenson Marvin Moorman
Martha Mitchell Marty A And Amy S Gore, Marvin Schoenecke
Martha M Martin Living H&W, Jt Marvin Tanner
Trurt Marty A Machtolff Trust Marvin & Tish Rev Trust
Martha Munson And Michele Marty Askins Marvin Voyles
L Munson Marty Flagg Marvin Williams
Martha Murtaugh Marty Griffith Marvin Wilson
Martha Neal Marty James Mary Ackley Stover
Martha Parkington Marty L James Mary Adams
Martha Ryan Martyn Service Inc Mary Adams
Martha Shippy Marty Poff Mary Adams
Martha Simons King Marty Wayne Casteel Mary Ada Reed Erwin
Martha Sissons Marva Bolay

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Mary Adeline Miller Mary Brakebill Mary E Davis Deceased

Revocable Trust Mary Brandt Mary Edgar
Mary Agnes Sullivan Rev Mary Brewington Mary E Gallagher Llc
Living Trus Vandeventer Mary E Grisso Trust No 1
Mary Alaman Mary Bright Mary Eichelberger Ruegg
Mary Alamen Mary Britton Mary E Kershaw Revocable
Mary Albers Mary Brown Trust
Mary Allen Mary Brown Mary Elizabeth Butler
Mary Allen Estate Mary Bugarin Mary Elizabeth Daughty
Mary Alltizer Mary Bullington Mary Elizabeth O'neill
Mary Alyce Parsons Mary Burki Mary Elizabeth Overlees
Mary Anderson Mary Burnell Ttee
Mary Anderson Thigpen Mary Burns Mary Ellen Allen Tr Robert
Mary Ann Allen Life Est Mary Bush Stephen
Mary Anna Thompson Mary Cain Mary Ellen Hamburger
Mary Anna Thompson Mary Camin Mary Ellen Kinkade Life Est
Mary Ann Beeby Mary Cape Mary Ellen Legate
Mary Ann Benson Mary Carey Mary Ellen Rivera
Mary Ann & David Mary Carol Garrett Rev Trust Mary English
Clodfelter Mary Carolyn Welch Mary Evans Greenshields
Mary Ann Dickey & Pam Mary Cash Trust
Marie Hill Tr Mary Cassidy Decd Mary Evers
Mary Ann Dutton Mary C Bartlett Mary E Wilcox Ttee
Mary Anne Aaron Rev Tr Mary Cermak Mary Ferguson
Mary Anne Warden Mary C Groce Ttee Mary Flippen
Maryann Kavanagh Mary Chilcott Mary Frances Breeden Aka
Mary Ann Riney Mary Clodfelter Mary F Bre
Mary Ann Zaloudek- Mary Colley Mary Free
Lawrence Eugene I Mary Combs Holden Mary Freeland
Mary Arehart Mary Conover Mary Fringer
Mary Arminio Mary Cooney Mary Gail Land
Mary Armstrong Mary Courtney Mary Galgan
Mary Atwood Mary Cundiff Mary Gallagher
Mary A Watts Mary Cunningham Mary Gallagher Paine
Mary Ayou Trust Mary C Williams Mary Gauger
Mary Barrett Mary Dacus Mary Gesell
Mary Bartholomew Mary Daugherty Mary Gibbs Bouck
Mary Baumer Mary Davis Mary Gibson Irs
Mary Beach Mary Davis Mary Gilbert
Mary Becker Mary Davis Mary Givens
Mary Bellamy Mary Davis Love Mary Gordon Taft Living Tr
Mary Berg Mary Dawson 7/2/1997
Marybeth Boyanton Trst Mary Dehaan Mary Graybill Trust
Mary Beth Combs Mary Denise Daughtery-Tye Mary Guffey
Mary Beth Roper Mary Denny Mary Habig
Mary Beth Treat Trust Mary Detamore Mary Hadley
Mary Bingham Mary Dixon Mary Hall
Mary B Krampe Mary Domnick Mary Hancock
Mary Blackburn Mary Doughty Mary Hanks
Mary Boyd Mary Draper Mary Hardin
Mary Boyle Mary Dunson Decd Mary Harrison

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Mary Harvey Mary Keesecker Estate Mary Myrtle Talbot Little Le

Mary Havel Mary Kelso Bremner Mary Nations
Mary Hayes Mary Kersen Mary Nelson
Mary Hebard Mary Kinder Mary Nelson Alexander
Mary Hedgecock Mary Knowles Macgregor Mary Neumann
Mary Hejka Trs Mary Newman
Mary Hejka Mary Krampe Mary Noe
Mary Helen Costabile Mary Kutch Mary Northrop
Mary Helen Lamarca Mary Lavery Porter Mary O'harrow Est
Mary Helen M Callahan Mary Lawrence Mary Oliver
Residual Tr Mary L Combs Orndorff Mary Olson
Mary Hensley Hanby Maryl D Berry Mary Oyler
Mary Hess Mary Leister Mary Parrish
Mary Hill Mary L Ellis Trust Mary Pearl Holloway Todd
Mary Hinds Harris Mary Lippmann Intervivos
Mary H Lawler Estate Mary L Kruger And Gary Mary Pedrick
Mary Hoagland Sinclair Kruger Mary Petersdorf
Trust Mary Logan Mary Pinski
Mary Holbrook Ferguson Liv Mary Loomis Mary Raida
Tr Mary Louise Adams Rev Tr Mary Reece
Mary Holzer Mary Louise Imrie Rev Tr Mary Reeck
Mary Hope Mary Louise Nester Mary Reneau
Mary Hopfer Mary Louise Smith Trust Mary Reynolds
Mary Hord Mary Lou Kirkhuff Rev Trst Mary R Huckelberry
Mary Horwitz Mary Lou Mckee Mary R Huckelberry
Mary House Mary Lou Moore Mary Ritter
Mary Housh Jackson Decd Mary Lou Moser Mary Rogers
Mary H Red Rev Trust Mary Lounsbury Mary Ross
Mary H Sill Rev Tr Mary Love Mary Ross
Mary Hunt Marylyn Joy Mary Ruhl
Mary Ingram Mary Lynn Herendeen Mary Russell
Mary Irene Hicks Griesinger Mary Lyon Mary Ryan
Mary Isabelle Sparks Estate Mary Maker Mary Sargent
Mary Jane Branham Mary Margaret Graves Mary Sawyer
Mary Jane Norheim Mary Margaret Gray Mary Scarbrough
Mary J Cole Mary Mathis Love Mary Schell
Mary J Mccall Trust Mary May Mary Schmoldt
Mary Johnston Mary Mcbride Mary Schrick
Mary Jon Bryan Mary Mccullough Mary Schrieber
Mary Jones Mary Mckaig Mary Schulz
Mary Jones Mary Mcmillen Byrd Mary Segars
Mary Jo Smith Family Mary Mcnally Mary S Gray
Enterprises Lp Mary Mcnamara Mary S Gray
Mary Katherine Grisso Rev Mary Melton Mary Shaw
Tr Dtd 06 Mary Milburn Mary Shaw Griffin
Mary Kaufman Mary Mimick Mary Shedrick
Mary Kay Culpepper Mary Monaghan Mary Shields
Mary Kay & Francis M Pratt Mary Morris Mary Shumate
Trust Mary Morris Mary Sigmundik
Mary K Dycus Mary Murset Mary Simon Strong
Administratrix Mary Myers Mary Siska

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Mary Smith Masset Llc Matthew H Rund Family

Mary Smith Matagorda B1 Lp Trust
Mary Smith Matches Matthew Ingham
Mary Smith Matcor Inc Matthew J Dvorak Rev Trust
Mary Smith Aka Mary Sue Mateel E Hundley Matthew K Ryan Trust
Sedinger Mateo Partners Llc Matthew L Dock
Mary Snavely Mathena Inc Matthew Lovell
Mary Snyder Mathena Inc Matthew L & Renee G Pride
Mary Sorrin Mathena Inc Rev
Mary Souers Matheson Ranch - Logan Matthew Matheson
Mary Speer Shea County Matthew Matheson And
Mary Stockwell Mathew Burnell Wendy S Mathes
Mary Stroube Adams Gst Mathew Ernest Browne Matthew Mckeown
Exempt Trust Mathilda Giger Matthew Myrick
Mary Sue Miller Mathis Fender Matthew Patrick Cassiday
Mary Sullivan Matilda Hagenbuch Matthew Pfeiffer
Mary Swank Matlock Hotshot Inc Matthew Pisenti
Mary Taha Matrix Media Services Inc Matthew P Oakes And Angel
Mary Tankersley Matson Royalty Company D Oakes
Mary Taylor Matt Dickey Matthew Prater
Mary Thompson Matt Dornan Matthew Rund
Mary Tipton-Cronquist Matter Family Trust Matthew S Bales & Shawna
Mary Ulrich Matt Fade N Bales Jt
Mary Vandeventer Matt Frye Matthew Sooter
Mary Van Dyke Chapman Matthan Beard Matthew Timothy Cooper
Mary Vickers Matthew A Beier Matthew Ward Balkman
Mary Virginia Wallace Matthew Allen Matthew Ward Balkman
Mary Walker Matthew Anson Matthew West
Mary Wannamaker Matthew Athey Matthew Wood
Mary Watkins Matthew Bender & Company Mattie Grindstaff
Mary Watkins A Mpdissp Inc Mattison Law Group Pc
Mary Welsh Matthew Berkholtz Matt Macarthur
Mary Wheeler Matthew Berry Matt Mccollom
Mary W Hinkle Matthew Blaine & Judy Matt Mueggenborg
Mary White Loraine Matt Shippy
Mary Wiley Matthew Carlson Maude Byers
Mary Wiley Matthew Charles Maude Church
Mary Wiley Matthew Cole Nelson Maude Gamble
Mary Willert Matthew Crosthwait Maude Love
Mary Williams Matthew Drobot Maude Love Mills Life
Mary Williamson Decd Matthew Eckenwiler Estate
Mary Wilson Matthew English Maude Mills
Mary Winters Matthew Gabriele & Winnie Maude Olinghouse
Mary Wolstad Gabriele Maude Shipley
Mary Wood Foster 2001 Matthew Hall Maudie Boland
Trust Matthew Hansen Maud Mills
Mary Yenick Matthew Hargis Maud Storic
Mason B Vollmer Matthew Harting Maureen Luster
Masonic Charity Foundation Matthew Hatami Maureen Mccoy
Of Matthew Heim Maureen Mccrary
Massco Matthew Hinrichs Maureen Tiras

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Maureen Ventris Max Hudspeth Maxwell Resources

Maureen Wheeler Revocable Maximus Denney Corporation
Trust Maxine Bell Maxwell Stanley Kaufman
Maurice Adams Fogg Estate Maxine Billings Max Wofford
Maurice Bentley Maxine Burnside Hodge Maya Constantine
Maurice Creighton Decd Maxine Conners May Bolhman
Maurice Day Maxine Daniel Mayco Resources Llc
Maurice Day Maxine Dixon Maye Bazzell
Maurice Edison Maxine Dowell Mayfair Lock And Key
Maurice Fogg Decd Maxine E Hazen Rev Trust Mayflower Transit Llc
Maurice Hart Dtd 3-25-8 Mayhem Oil And Gas Inc.
Maurice M Langston Jr Trust Maxine Hanks May Hunt
Maurice W Hoag Maxine Hazen Mayme Kelly
Maurice W & Joy E Schweer Maxine Hudspeth Maynard Human And Wilma
Trust Maxine Jarvis Dougherty Human Revoc
Maurine Snyder Rev Tr Mayo Clinic
Maurine Taubman Maxine Jarvis Dougherty May Roach
Maurine Taubman Rev Trust Trust Mays Living Trust
Maurissa Now Maurissa Maxine Lacour Alleman Mayte Aleman-Carter
Buchwald Maxine Martin May Tolan
Maurita G Ammons Maxine M Breuil Marital May Welding & Construction
Maverick Brothers Resources Deduction T Llc
Inc Maxine Mcgee Mazurek Alford & Holliday
Maverick Drill Bit Services Maxine Mitchell Pc
Maverick Energy Services Maxine Mitchell Mb Armstrong
Llc Maxine Moody M B Baker Deceased
Maverick Environmental Maxine M Russell Tr 72705 M & B Energy Llc
Solutions Ll Maxine Myers M Benkendorf
Maverick Oilfield Services Maxine P Kastl Rev Trust M Bershof
Maverick Pumping Services Maxine Russell Mbi Oil & Gas Llc
Llc Maxine Stelovich Mb White Inc
Maverick Rental Tools Llc Maxine Story Mcalister Royalties Llc
Mavis Edwards Maxine Voight Mcbillco Llc
Max A & M Leann Towle Maxine Walker Mcbride Clinic Occupational
Trust Maxine & Wilbur Holleman Health
Max And Janna Keim Rev Trust Mcbrother Llc
Max Arn Max Katz Rev Int Tr Mccamey Oil & Gas Llc
Max Bircket Max Kirby & Greta Kirby Mccann Energy
Max Bircket Max Mayfield Mccaughey Oil Corp
Max Brock Max Mitchell Mcclelland Lvg Tr
Max Burnell Max Pepmiller Mcclintock Family Trust
Max Burrow Life Estate Max Phelps Mcclure Creek Acquisitions
Max Chudy Max Roberson Llc Llc
Max Clingenpeel Max Shafer Mcclure Engineering Inc
Max Clingenpeel Max & Sherry Adams Lvg Tr Mcconnell Royalty Llc
Max Darks Max Stansbury Mccotter Public Strategies
Max Deutchman Max Tarlton Llc
Max E Greene Max Thomsen Mccubbins Family Trust
Max Fox Max Warren Mccully Chapman
Max Haken Maxwell Preston Miller Exploration In
Max Horton Mccutchen Oil Inc.

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Mcdaniel & Assocaites Meagher Energy Company Mel Campbell And Stephanie
Consultants L Llc Hyder Fa
Mcdaniel & Associates Llc Mea Hemgesberg Mel Gray
Mcdaniel Royalty Trust Means Land Services Llc Mel Gray
Mcdonald Acquisition Llc Meason Petroleum Llc Mel Hainey
Mcdonald Energy Inc Measurement Control Melinda Adams
Mcdonald Land Services Llc Specialists Melinda Ann Munger
Mcevoy 2007 Trust Mebane Construction Inc Melinda Cooper
Mcgaugh Family Trust Meberg Enterprises Llc Melinda Cottingham
Wa73601 Mecca Acton Melinda Hobbs
Mcgovern Mineral Rights Meda Koehn Melinda J Loomis
Mcgriff Seibels & Williams Medexpress Urgent Care Pc Melinda Long
Of Texas Medina Exploration Inc Melinda Macnaughton
Mcguire Cemetery Meditations Inc Melinda Mccarty
Mcguire Revocable Living Tr Medley Material Handling Melinda Walls
Dtd 12- Co Melinda White
Mchendry Lvng Trst M E Fletcher And Pauline R Melinda Wiest
M Cheryl Patrick Megan Andrew Luckey Melinda Williams
Mcintire Cartage Megan Bryan Melissa Ann Duff
Mcjunkin Red Man Corp Megan Buckles Melissa Barker
Mcjunkin Redman Megan Correa Melissa Beasley
Corporation Megan & Ethan Simpson Jts Melissa Campbell
Mckee Family Revocable Megan Goetz Melissa Cardiff
Trust Megan Katcher Melissa Corpening
Mckiesha Claypole Megan Luhrs Melissa Dobbs
Mckinley Mann Aka Meghan Fairlie Melissa Hannan
Mckinley Monroe M Megillah Resources Lp Melissa Hargrove
Mclemore Trust 2007 Meg Newville Melissa Harvey
Mcmillan Family Trust Dtd Meh Investments Inc Melissa Hedrick
5-7-2008 Mekusukey Oil Company Llc Melissa Hudson Jones
Mcminn Family Trust Mekusukey Oil Corporation Melissa Manhart
Mcmur Oil & Gas Llc Melane Schedler Melissa Manning
Mcneese Stills + Motion Melanie Avery Melissa Marie Lewis
Mcneil Living Trust Melanie Bonar Melissa Oconnor
Mcneill Resources Llc Melanie Breshears Melissa Owens
Mcpartland Lvg Trust Melanie Imel Melissa Stead
Mcpherson College Melanie Jones Melissa Wheat
M Cranley Melanie Lynn Iler Melissa Wilson
Mctec Production Llc Melanie Mcnutt Melissa Wunderlich
Md Family Ventures Melanie Rainey Melodye Whatley
M & D Investments Llc Melanie Stanaland Melody Jo Reed Duff
Mdp Llc Melanie Stapleton Melody Legrant
Meade Energy Corporation Melanie Wilcox Melody Nye
Meade Oil & Gas Llc Melany Hill Melonie Call
Meadors-Crilley Family Melba Bram Melray Llc
Meadors Family Land Melba Chambers Mel Sparks Designs Inc
Meadors Properties Llc Melba Clark Decd Melton Family Trust
Meadowood Associates Melba Mae Minshall Melton Living Trust
Meagan Outhier Melba Myers Melton Living Trust
Meagan Vargas Melba Rader Meltwater News Us Inc
Melbourne Flesner Melva Chastain

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Melva Hoskins Merle Young Mgmt District 3 Rural Water

Melva Matthews Deceased Merl G Hicks Sewer
Melvina Cochran Merline Biswell M Graham
Melvina Kerfoot Merline M Biswell Rev Lvg M G Thompson Trust
Melvin Branson Trust Mgw Properties Llc
Melvin Dunworth Merlin Mcguire M Harrison
Melvin F Landers Merlin Willett M H Eugene Williams Estate
Melvin Graham Merl Miller M Huckin
Melvin Gray Merlynn Edmondson Mia House
Melvin Hildebrand Merrall Price Micaela Musante
Melvin Jarred Merrianne P. Bryan Liv Tr Micah Winters
Melvin Knorr Merrick Systems Inc Micar Llc
Melvin Landers Merrill Bross Mice Llc
Melvin & Lela Weathermon Merrill Gates Michael
Tr Dtd 6-1 Merrill Ramsey Michael Akers
Melvin L Stone & Mary E Merri Studier Michael Alan Weisman
Stone Ttees Merritt Anderson Michael Altshuler
Melvin L & Wilma Jean Merritt Plus Llc Michael A & Mary Beth
Mckee Rev Lv Merron Llc Phibbs
Melvin Miller Merryl & J Gordon Zuber Michael And Beverly A
Melvin Morton Rev Trust Morris Hw Jt
Melvin Potter Merry Noel Gaff Michael Anderson
Melvin Pritchard Mertie Sparks Michael Andrews
Melvin Riggs Merton C Hart Trust Dtd 4- Michael A Patterson
Melvin Scheihing 29-1999 Michael Arthur John
Melvin Taylor Merton Jeanes Michael Austin
Melvin Triplett Mervyn Jones Michael Avery
Melvin Watkins Mesa Wade Michael Bainum
Melvin Wilson Mes Capital Llc Michael Ball
Melvyn Douglas Mesquite Development Corp Michael Barrett
Menaxi Modi Metalogix Software Us Inc Michael Barrows
Meranda Ormsly Meta Luella Powell Michael Besly
Mercantile Royalty Company Metalynn Mohr Michael Bevis Trust
Llc M E Tate Trust Michael B Hale
Mercantile Royalty Company Meta Turk Michael Bigler
Llc Metha A Whitehead Michael Bilyeu
Mercer (Us) Inc Metha Singleton Michael Birch
Merchantile Royalty Metisa Essley Wilhelmsen Michael Birmingham
Company Metisa E Wilhelmsen Rev Tr Michael Blazi
Merco Of Oklahoma Inc Metlife Attn: Griselda Michael Blose And Jimmie
Mercy Health Oklahoma Hernandez Sue Blose
Communities I Metro Appliances & More Michael B Nogen
Meredith Robinson Metrosoft Llc Michael Bolton
Meredith Williams Mewbourne Oil Company Michael Bonar
Merilee Trost Mew Llc Michael Bontrager
Merilyn Cundiff Mexia Holdings Lp Michael Bradley
Merjo Inc. Mezeka, Llc Michael & Brenda Hass
Merle Cornforth Mfs Trust Dtd 9 30 97 Michael Brenner
Merle Hollis M G Cohen Properties Llc Michael Brian Mcpeek
Merle Jackson Mge Resources Inc Michael Brookshire
Merley Crook Michael Brown

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Michael Brown Michael D Short & Brenda J Michael Huffer

Michael Brown S Michael Hutchinson
Michael Browning Michael Dubuisson Michael H Woods
Michael Browning Michael Dunworth Michael Inselman
Michael Browns Michael Dwinell Michael J And Nancy R
Michael Bruce Mcneill Michael Dwinell Cooper Jt
Michael Brumley Michael E And Janet Michael J Houska
Michael B Snedden Family Michael Eckenwiler Michael J Kellogg Jr
Trust Michael Edward Walior Michael J Moncrief 2008
Michael Bullock Michael Ellis Trust A
Michael Burchardt Michaelene Flasch Michael J Ocallahan
Michael Burnell Michael Eubank Michael Johnson
Michael Burtrum Michael Eugene Nash Michael Johnson
Michael Byer Michael Eytcheson Michael Johnson
Michael Calavan Michael Ezzell Michael Johnson
Michael Carley Michael Fairless Michael Jones
Michael Carmack Michael Flasch Michael Jordan
Michael Cass Michael Flemingwros Michael Joseph Moncrief As
Michael Casteel Michael Flowers Trustee
Michael Cavanaugh Michael F Mahony Executor Michael J Reding
Michael C Duncan Michael Francis Michael Kaiser
Michael Choate Michael Frank Campbell Michael Keene
Michael Clang Michael Frazier Michael Kingsbury
Michael Clary Michael Freeland Michael K Johnson
Michael Collier Michael Frey Michael Korte
Michael Collier And Suzanne Michael Garrett Michael Korte
A Colli Michael Gidwitz Ii Michael Landers
Michael Coonts Michael G & Joyce E Michael Lapaglia
Michael Cosby Layman Rev Tr Michael Late Benedum
Michael Covey Michael Glover Chapter Of The
Michael Crook Michael Graham Michael Leberman
Michael C Tramontana And Michael Gramse 2008 Rev Tr Michael Leininger
Dorothy P Agmt Michael Leon Billings Estate
Michael C Vincent Michael Greuel & Kimberly Michael Leon Hiner
Michael David Dunson Greuel Jt Michael Lesko
Michael D & Diana L Wilson Michael Hansen Michael Lewis
Hwjt Michael Harris Michael Lewis
Michael Dean Hartwig & Michael Harvey Michael L Moss
Marsha Ann Michael Hathoot Michael & Lois Dawes Trust
Michael Deborah Meyers Michael & Heidi Morrisett Dtd 10-1
Michael Decker Ttee Michael Longley Living
Michael Delano Michael Hicks Trust
Michael Dennis Cassiday Michael Hlavac Michael Looby
Michael Denny Michael H Myers Michael L Turner
Michael Dewayne Davis Michael Hoag Michael Lucky
Michael D Gollob Oil Michael Hobbs Michael Man
Company Lp Michael Hoeltzel Michael Mauldin
Michael Dicks Michael Holcomb Michael May
Michael Dixon Michael House Michael Mays
Michael D Martin Michael Howell Michael Mcdonnell
Michael Don Holcomb Michael Howell Michael Mcfeely

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Michael Mcgaughran Michael R Wilson Michele Boothe

Michael Mcgilliard Michael Ryan Michele Dolezal Asiala
Michael Mcguire Michael S Aist & Kay L Aist Michele Ghormley
Michael Mcguire Jtwros Michele Gray
Michael Mcguire Michael S And Carolyn H Michele M Schmidt
Michael Mckaig Rev Trust Patterson R Michele Renee Mire
Michael Mckean Michael Sanderson Michele Seikel
Michael Mckinley Michael Schrammel Michele Snyder
Michael Mcnamer Michael Schwager Michele Staten
Michael Mcsparrin Michael Sellers Michele Staten
Michael Mendenhall Michael Shannon Michele Winters
Michael Metcalf And Gail A Michael Skouby Michele Wolfson
Metcalf Michael Sloan Michelle Armitage
Michael Miller Michael Smith Michelle Belco
Michael Moncrief Michael Snow Michelle Bender
Michael Mueggenborg Michael Spillman Michelle Bounds
Michael Mullenix Michael Staley Michelle Brigham
Michael N Bejovich Michael S Thompson And Michelle Burnell
Michael Nelson Billye R Michelle Cullen
Michael Newhouse Michael Stotts Michelle Ducharme
Michael O'brien Michael Stovall Michelle Essley
Michael Oconnell Michael Strider Michelle Forge
Michael Owen Regan Michael Tarrant Michelle Garrett
Michael Palmer Michael Taylor Michelle Gletme
Michael Peacock Michael Trahan Michelle Golay
Michael Pera Michael Treanor Michelle Henneke
Michael Perry Michael Tuma Michelle Holden Deceased
Michael Peters Michael Urban Michelle J Tull
Michael Peters Michael Wade And Cathy Michelle Kelley
Michael Phillip Manke Wade Jt Michelle Kennedy Ruffin
Michael Phillips Michael Walters Michelle Lafollette
Michael Pines Michael Waslin Michelle Langley
Michael P Kennedy Michael Watson Michelle Larsen
Michael Price Michael Watson Michelle Leach
Michael Price Michael Watts Michelle Leblanc
Michael Quigley Michael Welch Michelle Loftis
Michael Quigley Michael W Flesner Michelle Mcgregor
Michael Quirey Michael Wheeler Michelle Moon
Michael Rains Michael Whitehill Michelle Morris
Michael R Aldridge Michael Whiteman Michelle Nelson
Michael Ramirez Michael William Mathews Michelle Rene' Harris Hong
Michael Ray Cromer Ttee And Eui
Michael Ray Hunt Michael W Muncy 2001 Rev Michelle Staley
Michael Raymond Erwin Trust Michelle Tull
Michael R Chatterton & Michael Wolke Michelle Wilson
Dorinda A Michael Yost Miciah Ahrnsbrak
Michael R Collingnon Michale Pogue Mickael Gorrell
Michael R Dicks Michaux Nash Mickey Hoy
Michael Reininga Michaux Nash Jr Mickey James
Michael Ritter Micheal Reese Mickey James
Michael R Jordan Michele A Miller Mickey Olmstead

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Mickey Tanner Mike Flowers & Debbie Mildred Sexton

Mickie Byrd Flowers Hwjt Mildred Smith
Mickie Charmasson Mike & Jane Haskin Trst Mildred Stephens
Mick & Nick Llc Mike Jordan Company Llc Mildred Stockton
Micron Consumer Products Mike Kauk Mildred Stuart
Group Mike Lemarr Mildred Wade
Microsoft Licensing Gp Mike Lemaster Miles Mcswane
Microsoft Services Mike Mannschreck Millard Alvin Keith Tr Dtd
Mid-Brook Royalty Llc Mike Mcfadden 8-1-1996
Midcentral Energy Partners Mike Mcwherter Millard Gibbs
Lp Mike Moravec Millard House
Mid Con Energy Iii Llc Mike Phillips Millard Stone
Midcon Energy I Llc Mike Rosiere Millard Wayne & Amy V
Midconex Minerals Inc Mike & Sandra Mccook Keith
Mid-Con Exploration Llc Family Trust M-I Llc
Midcon Land Services Llc Mike Staten Miller & Company Sanitation
Midcon Oil Tools Inc Mike Tarre A Strange Jt Service
Midcon Supply Inc Mike Warnock & Laura Miller Invstmnt Properties
Mid Continent Energy Inc Warnock Inc
Mid-Continent Ii Llc Mike Wass Miller Living Trust
Mid Continent Ii Llc Mike Wass Miller Minerals Llc
Mid-Continent Oilmen Milam Sons Minerals Llc Miller-Norris Services Inc
Midcontinent Safety Milbank Miller Owen
Midfirst Bank Milburn Investments Llc A Miller-Tippens Construction
Midstates Petroleum Texas Lim Company
Company Llc Milburn Minerals Llc Millie Pace
Midtown Energy I Llc Mildred Adams Millie Whitmore
Midwest Christian College Mildred A Harris Millsap Family Minerals Llc
Midwest Energy Corporation Mildred Aufleger Milo Beck
Midwest Land Llc Mildred Barnes Family Trust Milre Ferguson
Midwest Litigation Services Mildred Carr Trust Milton Berry
An Affi Mildred Carter Milton Chilton
Midwest Resources 85-1 Mildred Carver Milton Deason
Drilling Pro Mildred Casteel Milton Harbert
Miguel B Berry Mildred Clark Decd Milton N Glueck
Mikal Mccubbins Mildred Deahl Milton Tankersly
Mike Amos Mildred Faye Ryan Mimi Bradfield
Mike Bendele Mildred Frost Mimme Gaunt Childs
Mike Billings Mildred Goldthorpe Mimo 2012 Oil And Gas Ltd
Mike Bolay Mildred Harvey Llp
Mike & Cheryl Kerr Rev Mildred I Ellington Estate Minasian Rental Llc
Trust Mildred Jones Mindyanne E Barton As
Mike Coates Mildred Langdoc Trustee Of
Mike Davis Mildred L Steinle Mindy Ender
Mike Donley Oil & Gas Mildred Manuel Mindy Mcentire
Comapny Llc Mildred Maxwell Mineral Lawyers Society Of
Mike E & Debbie A Flowers Mildred Miesner Oklahoma
Jtwros Mildred Peterson Mineralmen Land Co Llc
Mike Elden Staten Mildred Recker Minerva Hays
Mike Flowers Mildred Rodriguez Minerva Roesler
Mildred Ryan Mineshaft Royalties

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Ming Wei Wang Mitch Johnson Molly Epps

Minhee Chang Mitch Lyon Molly Gray Harish
Minh Nguyen Mitch Mccuistian Molly Sternberg
Minnie Dunkin Mitch Mcpeek Mona Crum
Minnie H Ommen Mitch Parsons Mona Hein
Minnie L Miller Trust Mitch Rosiere Mona Jones
Minnie L Nelson Mitsue Nishimoto Monarch Petroleum Holding
Minnie Martin Miv Ops Inc Company
Minnie Nestler Mj Electrical Ltd Monarch Resources Llc
Minnie Ozelle Yahn M J Madden Jr Mona Stockbridge
Deceased Mjm Partnership Moncrieff Oil Properties Llc
Minnie Shoemaker Mjmp Family Lp Moncrief Oil & Gas Master
Minnie Talley M Jones Decd Llc
Minri Llc M J Smith Family Royalties, Monda L Clark
Minuteman Press Llc Monica Berry
Miramar Properties Llc Mjz Minerals Llc Monica Casey
Miramar Properties Llc M Kathleen Moran Monica Collins
Miranda Purcell Mkb Energy Llc Monica Guenther
Miriam Clamitz Mkb Investments Ltd Monica Remington
Miriam Levy Mkb Royalty Corp Monica Terrill
Miscellaneous Remitter Mk Directional Inc Monnie Alfred Miller And
Escheat Es M K Excavation Llc Mon Power
Misti Downs Mkk Properties Llc Monroe Alexander
Mistie Hirzel Mks Properties Llc Monroe County Tresurer
Mistry Partners Llc Raj B Mlb Consulting Llc Monroe Water Systems
Mistry Mlr Inc Monsees Enterprises Llc
Misty Cape Mls Capital Llc Montalivet Naturel Llc
Misty Dawn Murray Hudson Ml Services Llc Montclair Energy Llc
Misty Kennedy M Martha Cranley Monte Allen Anthis
Mitch Couvillion M Martin Monte And Tina J Simmons
Mitchell And Virgina M&M Electric Co. Hwjt
Leonard M M Energy Inc Monte Anthis
Mitchell Avant M & M Energy Inc Monte Clark
Mitchell Dean Combs M&M Oil Field Montego Asset Management
Mitchell Ehrlich Oil & Gas M & M Production Llc
Llc M&M Pump & Supply Inc Monte Jestes
Mitchell Family Revocable M M Resources Inc Monte Jestes
Trst M M Resources Llc Monte Morris
Mitchell Farm Trust Dtd M&M Supply Company Llc Montgomery Blackwell
08.14.13 Mobile Energy Services Llc Noelke Jr
Mitchell Hendrickson Mobile Iron Inc Montgomery B Noelke Jr
Mitchell Minerals Llc Modena Axton Estate
Mitchell Royalty Modesto Gutierrez & Petra Montgomery Exploration
Mitchell Royalty Lp Elizondo Company
Mitchell T Mcclaren Modina Chesmore Montgomery Family Trust #1
Mitchell Todd Modular Space Corporation Montgomery Family Trust #2
Mitchell Williams Selgi Mollie Williams Montgomery Fonville
Gates & Mollman's Water Exempt Trust
Mitchell Williams Selgi Conditioning Montgomery Petroleum
Gates & Molly Catherine Lamb Monticello Investments Llc
Mitch Herre Molly Cypert

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Monty B Moncrief Grantor's Mott Family Trust Dtd 8-17- Muller Minerals Llc
Trust 2006 Mullins Salvage Inc
Monty Donnelley Mountain Fresh Canada Ltd. Multi-Chem Group Llc
Monty Kauk Mount Mitchell Energy Llc Mundy Berrong Green
Monty L Norheim, Pr Mount Tepee Llc Munger Oil Information
Monty Matlock Mount Vernon Hospital Service Inc
Monty Moeller And Janice Mouser Minerals Llc Munson & Ritter
Moeller Mowery Family Liv Tr 8-24- Muras Energy Inc
Monty Williams 2017 Murdock Operating 2
Mony James Mpk Oil And Gas Inc Muriel Adams
Mony James M Pulliam Muriel Gilliam
Monzell Pollman Mpw Minerals Llc Muriel Jones
Moody's Investors Service M R Brown Family Ltd Murlin Family Revocable
Inc Partnership Trust
Moonbase Technologies Llc Mrc Global Us Inc Murl Stafford
Moon Family Farm Llc Mr. & Mrs. Dan L Beasley & Murl Stewart
Moon Royalty Llc Mr. & Mrs. Gary Earl Brown Murphy Family Investments
Moore Candy Lane Llc And Llc
Moore Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Margaret J Murphy Gifting Trust
Morado Energy Partners Llc Mr. & Mrs. Rebekah S Murray Blose Family Trust
Moran-Harrison Llc M Robertson Murray Land And Energy Llc
Mordell Energy Llc Mr Ooley's Murray Street Investments
Morene Ruth Williams Liv Mrr Energy Llc Llc
Trust Mrs G W Montgomery Murray Street Investments
Morene Walston M&R Taxi Company Inc Llc
Morene Williams M R Wager Lvg Trst Dtd 12- Muskegon Development Co
Morey Family Llc 30-2014 Muskingum Watershed
Morey Mcafee M R Westfall Family Rev Conservancy Dis
Morgan Adele Kennedy Trust Mustang First Church Of The
Moody Mgmnt Tr Msc-I Ltd Nazaren
Morgan Dawn Smith M Scott & Marva J Roach Mustang Fuel Corporation
Morgan Family Trust Rev Tr Mustang Fuel Marketing
Morgan Wahl Msi Inspection Service Llc Company
Morine A Bostian Life Estate Msm Oilfield Services Mustang Minerals Llc
Morning Glory Royalties Llc Msr Properties Mustang Minerals Llc
Morris Besly Family Trust Mt Hope Cemetery M & V Resources Inc
Morris Creighton Mtmj Trust Dtd 12-31-87 M Warren
Morris E Schertz Mtr Properties Llc M Wasserman
Morris Haptonstall M T Ward Estate M Webster
Morris O & G Llc Mufg Union Bank Na M Weimer
Morris Properties 08 Llc Muirfield Resources M Williams
Morris R Nelson Estate Decd Company Mw Oil Investment Co. Inc
Moshi Mukesh Sheth M Wright Services Llc
Mossler Royalty Llc Muleshoe Land & Cattle Myda Lewis
Mossler Royalty Llc Corp M Yoss
Mostafa M Awad Mulhall-Orlando Public Myra And Erik Jeffries
Most Eve E Mcginness St Schools Myra B Ward
Camillus Mulhall Volunteer Fire Myra B Ward Holdings Llc
Motie Kuykendall Department Myra B Ward Rev Trust
Motowi, Llc Mullally Family Oil And Gas Myriad Gardens Foundation

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Myrle Ladd Estate - Nancy Ann Walton Nancy Jo Davis Peterson

Deceased Jurkoshek Nancy John
Myrl Miller Nancy B Anderson Rev Lvng Nancy Johnson
Myrna Heirs Of Trst Dt Nancy Johnson
Myrna Hershberger Nancy Beatty Nancy Johnson
Myrna J Bean Nancy Bell Wheat Nancy Johnson
Myrna Mansfield Nancy Betlach Nancy J Porter
Myrna Miller Nancy Boynton Nancy Kate Smith
Myrna Pollard Life Estate Nancy Browne Nancy King
Myrna Tenbrook Nancy Burnham Nancy Krugler
Myron Montoya Nancy Butler Nancy Lavern Anthis
Myrtice Jackson Nancy Butler Nancy Lewinsohn Revocable
Myrtle Braun Nancy Carruth Trust
Myrtle Clingenpeel Nancy Clark Nancy Love
Myrtle Galbraith Nancy Coker Nancy Lyles
Myrtle Laughlin Nancy Collins Nancy Marchell
Myrtle Layman Nancy Courtright Nancy Marie Knight-Stewart
Myrtle Mehan Nancy Crenshaw Nancy Martin
Myrtle Tucker Nancy C Shelley Nancy Martin & Angela
Myrtle Wardell Estate Nancy Currier Standish, Jts
Myrtle Weldon Estate Decd Nancy Davis Nancy Martindale Cantwell
Myrtle White Nancy Dawson Nancy Mcfarlin
M Zane Pinson & Associates Nancy Donnelley Nancy Mcveigh
Nabors Completion And Nancy Dryden Nancy M Frazeur
Production Se Nancy Durfee Nancy Mitchell
Nace Formagus Nancy Earp Nancy Neil Schweiger
Nada Morris Nancy Edwards Nancy N Hammond
Nada Shults Nancy Eisen Nancy Patricia Edwards
Nada Washabaugh Nancy E Kramer Nancy P Greenawalt
Nadel And Gussman Energy Nancy Ellen Griffith Kramer Nancy Proctor
Llc Nancy Eustice Nancy Pruett
Nadine Bakos Nancy Fitzpatrick Nancy Puckett Cline
Nadine Caroline Wisler Nancy Flock Nancy Ralls
Estate Nancy Franklin Nancy R Wade Rev Living
Nadine Gage Nancy Garrett Angelo Trust
Nadine Lewis Nancy Girard Nancy S Borden Trust
Nadine Rose White Nancy G Kauk Nancy Schafroth
Nadine Todd Nancy Gladin Nancy Seely
Nadine Willis Nancy Golden Nancy Shelley
Nagindas Modi Nancy Graham Nancy Shelton
Naidene Dykes Nancy Graham Nancy Sigl
Nancie Vaughn Nancy Gripe Nancy Steen
Nancy Aberg Nancy Heflin Nancy Sue Clark
Nancy Ables Nancy Helen Jarvis Nancy Thomas
Nancy Adele Saunders Nancy Ireland Nancy Thompson
Nancy Agan Nancy Jackson Nancy Wahl
Nancy Agee Nancy Jackson Nancy Ward
Nancy A Ledington Nancy Jane Williams Nancy Weaver
Nancy Allen Nancy Jennings Nancy W Kimball Living Tr
Nancy And Louie E Reedy Nancy J Leake Rev Trust Dtd 10-28
Nancy Ann Gibson Trust Nancy Jo Bernard Rev Trust Nancy Yvonne Beck

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Nanette Cooley National Corporate Research Neil Christiansen

Nanette Kay Bugg Ltd Neil E Thomas Living Trust
Nanette Suzanne Cain National Cowboy & Western Neil Forester Bullen
Nan Moss Heritage Neil Hackett
Nannie Louise Harris National Life Insurance Co Neil Haskin
Nanometrics National Notary Association Neil Hildebrand
Nan Sterkel National Oilwell Varco Neil King
Nan Swank National Oilwell Varco Lp Neil L Hildebrand Irrev Trust
Naoma Squires Revocable National Oilwell Varco Lp Neil Morris
Trust #773 Neil Revocable Trust
Naomi Boston Carlson National Surface And 7.19.1989
Naomi Buntin Minerals Llc Neil Scheihing
Naomi Combs Native Oil And Gas Llc Neil Skach
Naomi Copeland Native Royalty Company Neil Wiltzen
Naomi Foughty Natural Gas Pipeline Neil Wood
Naomi Howe Naturally Fit By Lori Neil Wright
Naomi Jones Natural Progression Oil And Neisent Family Trust Dtd 4-
Naomi Kangas Gas Cor 13-2005
Naomi Price Natural Resource Partners Lp Nela Maffrey
Naomi Rowden Dba Wp Nelda Carley
Naomi Sumner Natural Resources Nelda Cox
Napah Corporation Corporation Nelda D Maher
Nape Expo Natural Sunflower Llc Nelda Hunter
Nap Usa Inc Natural Water Company Nelda Kirby
Nasa Wofford Navex Global Inc Nelda M & Jerry W
Natalia Donbrinska Navus Resources Llc Woodard, H/W
Natalie Kay Starfish Nbl Permian Llc Nelda Tigert
Nataliemai Llc Ncci Holdings Inc Nelia Harrison
Natalie Myers Neal Day Nell Bly
Natalie Nida Hardin Tr Neal D. Fuller Nelle Jesse
Natalie Scott Neal Lawrence Nell Gertrude Williams Rev
Nathanael Clark Cassiday Neal Lee Tr
Nathan Beller Neal Mccaleb Nellie Alderson
Nathan Cross Neal Mccaleb Rev Trust Nellie Berry Myers Trust
Nathaniel L. Johnson Neal Mcknight Nellie Campbell
Nathan James Miller Neal Properties Llc Nellie Clark
Nathan J Miller Neal Smith Nellie Kerr
Nathan John Neal Stephenson Nellie Poston Decd
Nathan Levy Neatha Dewitt Nellie Presumably Decd
Nathan Lovell Neathery B Fuller Rev Trust Nellie Rhea
Nathan Mauzerall N Eckenwiler Nellie Rodenberg
Nathan Melton Ned Allen Detwiler Nellie Smith
Nathan Newell Cass Nedra Willig Declaration Nellie Thomas
Nathan Patterson Trust Nellie Weldon
Nathan Payne Needham & Associates Pllc Nell King
Nathan Pumphrey Needham & Mason Pllc Nell Maurer
Nathan & Renea Mullins Neel Energy Group Llc Nell Mitchel
H&W Negroni Oil Llc Nelmorta Lindsay
Nathan Schlinke Nehaben Amin Nels Holmberg
Nathan Wehr Neil And Patricia Liechty Nelson Allen
Neil And Ronda Peek Jt Nelson Family Trust U T A

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Nelson Long New World Petroleum Ltd Nina Faye Little

Nelson Stafford New York - Office Of The Nina Gerardy
Nelson T Durfey State Comp Nina Hayes
Nelson Willis Next Energy Partners Nina Hays Mayer
Neola Owens Nexus Bsp Llc Nina Leigh
Neoma Abernathy Neysa Blubaugh Nina Obrien
Neomorph Investments Llc Neysa Laux Nina Resources Lp
Neoseis Technology Group Ngl Crude Logistics Llc Nina Waid
Ltd Ngl Energy Nina Wilson
Neri Partners Ltd Ngl Water Solutions Permian Ninth Avenue Christian
Netherland Sewell & Llc Church
Associates Inc Ngpl (Kinder Morgan) Nirupma Sharma
Netjets Aviation Inc Nicholas E Humphrey Nirvana Minerals Lp
Netragard Inc Nicholas Hughes Nisarg Shah
Netted Jib Ap Offset Nicholas Hughes Nishimuta Family Rev Trust
Nettie Dunevant Nicholas Mcnair Nita Melton Miller
Nettie Herring Nicholas Wilson Nita Sue Henson
Nettie Hooven Nicholas Witty Nitin Patel
Nett Stidham Nichole And David Gutierrez Nivens Productions Llc
Neva Berry Nichole Gutierrez Kramer Nivon Natural Resources Llc
Nevil Speer Nicki Sue Holcomb-Day Nix Family Revocable Trust
Newcall Communications Nicklas Cunningham Dtd 4-24
New Dawn Energy Llc Nickolas C. Duncan Nk Farms
New Dominion Llc Nick Simon Nl Family Capita Lp
Newell Oil & Gas Inc Nicole Case N. L. Pregler Company
New Energy Transport Inc Nicole Kampa Nmg Royalty Llc
Newfield Expl Mid-Cont Inc Nicole L Daniel Noah Angelici Hope
Newfield Exploration Nicole Lynette Michel Foundation
Newfield Exploration Mid- Nicole Sanchez Noah Brumley
Continent Nicole Shelby Bowling Noah Morris
Newfield Exploration Mid- Nico Resources Llc Nobank
Continent Nigam Sheth Nobility Minerals, Llc
New Generation Petroleum Nigel Parry Noble County Fairview
Gp Llc Nigliazzo Oil & Gas Llc Cemetery
New Generation Petroleum Nigliazzo Oil & Gas Llc Noble Energy Inc
Llc Laura Nigli Noble Presumably Decd
New Gulf Resources Llc Nike Exploration Company Noble Properties Llc
New Horizons Of Oklahoma Nikki Angel Uri Noble Royalty Access Fund
City Nikki C Cook Ttee Vii
Newkaiser Company Nikki R Norton Trust Noble Royalty Access Fund
Newkumet Exploration Inc Nikki Wiest Viii
Newlin Davis Nikmard Llc Nobulle Consulting Llc
Newman Family Trust Nila Belknap Noel Corliss
News Distributors Nilay Sheth Noel Johnson Hodge
New Tech Global Nilay Smith Noelle Hayes
Environmental Llc Ni Modo Energy Llc Noel Miller
Newtex Energies Nimrod Petroleum Company Nolan Scheihing
Incorporated Nina Barnes Nollie E Barker Declaration
Newton Family Revocable Nina Blumer Revocable Of Trus
Trust Living Tr Dat Nomac Drilling
Newt Roberts Nina Dunn Life Estate Nomac Drilling Llc

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Nomeco Oil & Gas Company Norman Milner Northwest Insulation

Nomoc Oil Company Inc Norman Milner Company Inc
Nona Nottingham Decd Norman Moray Northwest Oil
Nonsuch Natural Gas Inc Norman Peters Northwest Royalty Llc
Nora Cain Family Trust Norman P Jones Rev Trust Norton Family Minerals Llc
Nora Friend Norman Rey Bryant Rev Trst Norton Family Mineral Trust
Nora Talbot Dtd 03-0 Norvell Royalty Co Llc
Nordan Trust Norman Rodenberg Norvell Royalty Co Llc
Nordic Gas & Oil Llc Norman Rothenbaum Norvell & Ruth D Switzer Tr
Nordic Naturals Inc Norman R Suber Norville Oil Company Llc
Noreta Jean Treadwell Norman Shipley Nova Carpenter Mcnabb
Norma Allen Norman Simons Indivdually Nova Mud Inc
Norma Beurer And As Nova Schutkesting
Norma Bieberdorf Norman Smola Revocable Novomet Usa Inc
Norma Bird Trust Nowitzki Oil & Gas Lp
Norma Burks Smith Norman Talkington Noyes Living Trust
Norma Carmack Norman Wilson 6/12/1998
Norma Combs Norma Paschall Np Glass Family Lp
Norma Daneshmand Norma Phillips Nrc-Mmxv Ltd
Norma Dreifuss Norma Porter Nrgx Technologies Ltd
Norma Faubush Norma Porter Nsc Consulting
Norma Gene Woods Estate Norma Ross N Shires
Decd Normarth Corp Nuevo Seis Limited
Norma Hartsock Norma S Heister Partnership
Norma Joan Knott Norma Tipton Nugent Family Revocable
Norma Juneau Ira Account Norma Totten Trust
Norma Knipe Norma Trekell Scott Nw Oklahoma Land Llc
Norma Lawson Norma White Nys Department Of State
Norma Lee Cozad Austell Norma Zemp Nyse Market Inc
Trust Norris Thomson Nytex Llc
Norma Legrant Norse Energy Corp. Usa Oagrcv Llc
Norma L Lambert Rev Trust Nortex Corporation Oagrcv Llc
Norma Lorance North American Petroleum Oag Reserve Llc
Norma Moran Inc Oag Reserve Llc
Norman Ayers North American Tubular Oakdale Cemetery
Norman B Hoag Services Llc Oakdale Park Llc
Norman Cass North Austrailian Helicopters Oakdale Park Stillwater
Norman D Moore Ttee Northeast Minerals Llc Owners
Norman Dozier Northern Oklahoma Metals Oak Tree Llc
Norman Drake Deceased Inc Oakwood Homeowners
Norman E Buescher Estate North Jardot Church Of Association
Decd Christ Inc Oates Oil Company Inc
Norman Eugene Chlouber North Place Farms Llc Obera Smith
Norman Eugene Chlouber Northstar Minerals Llc (Obo) B&W Exploration Inc
Norman Family Trust Dtd Northstar Production & Land (Obo) B&W Operating Llc
12-9-2003 Llc (Obo) Charter Oak
Norman Goldman North Star Well Services Inc Production Co Llc
Norman Jenkins North Texas Tollway (Obo) Chesapeake
Norman L Morton & Donna J Authority Exploration Llc
Morton North Trust Dtd. 2-18-2014 (Obo) Cisco Operating Llc
Norman Mcnickle

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(Obo) Comanche Exploration Oida Joy Cormier Oklahoma City Museum Of

Co. Llc Oilbond Ltd Art Inc
(Obo) Highmount Expl & Oil Creek Resources Llc Oklahoma City Univ - Music
Prod Llc Oilfield Equipment Rentals Dept
(Obo) Koda Operating Llc Oilfield Trucking Solutions Oklahoma City Zoo
(Obo) Meade Energy Llc Oklahoma County Treasurer
Corporation Oil-Law Records Corporation Oklahoma Gas And Electric
(Obo) Pantera Energy Oilmans Pump & Supply Inc Company
Company Oil Nut Bay Royalties Lp Oklahoma Gas & Electric
(Obo) Payne Exploration Oil Patch Water & Sewer Company
Company Services Ll Oklahoma Geological Survey
(Obo) Penterra Services Llc Oil Price Information Service Oklahoma Hot Shot Service
(Obo) Ponderosa Resources Llc Inc.
Llc Oil Tools Plus Oklahoma Mineral Group Lp
(Obo) Prairie Oil & Gas Llc Oilwell Cementers Inc Oklahoma Mineral Owner
(Obo) Red Fork Investments Oilwell Diagnostics Llc Registry Dat
Inc Ojetta Merill Oklahoma Natural Gas
(Obo) Striker Land Services Ojetta Merrill Company
Llc Okc Beautiful Inc Oklahoma Newspaper
(Obo) Suspense - Misc Okc Energy Corp Foundation Ttee
Ocaplta Ok Centralized Support Oklahoma Oil & Gas Royalty
Ochelata Trucking Registry Oklahoma Oil & Gas Royalty
Ochiltree Oil Company Inc Okcity Energy Inc Co
O Clark Okc Society Of Petroleum Oklahoma Philharmonic
O Cole Decd Engineers Society Inc
O'connor Royalty Llc Okc Warehouse Management Oklahoma Rail Properties Inc
Octagon Energy Corp Llc Oklahoma Rig And Salvage
Octavia Scarce Merrill Okfuskee County Clerk Inc
Odessa Edwards Okhopfer Llc Oklahoma Royalties Llc
Odess Camren & Beverly Okie Energy Group Iii Llc Oklahoma Shelf Exploration
Camren Okie Energy Group Llc Llc
Odis Crane & Equipment Llc Okie Energy Ii Llc Oklahoma State Bank
Odos G & Claudia Dianne Okie Energy Llc Oklahoma State Bank
Henson Rev Okie Rock Energy Llc Oklahoma State Bank Of
Oemp Llc Okie Rock Minerals Llc Mulhall
Oem Systems Llc Okki Energy Llc Oklahoma State University
Office Depot Inc Okki Industries Llc Oklahoma State University
Officestuff Inc. Oklahoma Baptist University Foundatio
Offshore Energy Services Inc Oklahoma Business Oklahoma Tool Company
Ogi Inc Roundtable Llc
Ogp, Llc Oklahoma Christian Oklahoma Unconventional
Ogwyn Law Firm Llc University Llc
O Helton Oklahoma City All Sports Oklahoma United Methodist
O H & Hattie Lachenmeyer Associatio Home
Ohio Department Of Natural Oklahoma City Boathouse Oklahoma Water Resource
Resource Foundation Board
Ohio Division Of Unclaimed Oklahoma City Geological Oklahoma Water Resources
Funds Society Board
Ohio Oil And Gas Oklahoma City Golf & Okla Medical Research
Association Country Club Foundation
O Hopkins Oklahoma City Marathon Inc Oklamiss Investments Llc

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Okland Oil Company Omni Air Transport Llc Oregon Division Of State
Okla-Tex Llc Om Patel Partners Ltd Lands
Ok Oil Llc One Eleven Mineral O'reilly Investments Llc
Ok Oil Project Llc Partnership Oren Mcgettrick
Oksa Minerals Lp Oneida Davis Oreta Warford
Olaf Bridenstine Oneida Davis Oretha Orner Swartz
Olan Flick Oneita Jane West O R Hall Royalty Llc
Olarae Giger Oneok Inc Original Geologists Llc
Old Mill At Plum Creek Llc One Stop Safety Consulting Orin Patton
Oleatha Baggett Llc Orin Snyder
Oles Knight Oneta Josenhans Oriole Oil Company
Oletha Garrett Onrr - Payor 13126 Orion Exploration Partners
Oletha R Woods Estate Onrr - Payor 16005 Llc
Olga Powell On Target Digital Llc Orion Minerals Llc
Olin G Blain Jr & Marilyn K Onward Solutions Llc Orion Properties Inc
Blain Oosi Orion Reserve Ltd
Olin Haskin Opal Benge Orlando Briscoe
Olin R & Naomi E Rising Opal Cochran Orley A Green
Ttees Opal Edmondson Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe
Oliphant Energy Ltd Llc Opal Garrett And Elmer Llp
Olis Thompson Opal Graham Orrin Burright
Olive Armour Opal Horton Orthwein Energy Lp
Olive Collins Opal Horton Trust Orval Robinson
Olive Jayne Ogle Rev Tr Dtd Opal I Fellers Rev Trust Dtd Orvan Jones
11-7-95 3-20-9 Orvena Winkelman
Olive L. Swank Estate Opal Kidd Orville Adkisson Rev Living
Olive Mcfeaters Opal Pritchett Tr
Olive Oddi Opal Pritchett Orville Childers
Olive Oil & Gas Llc Opal Snyder Orville Cook
Oliver Adams Opal Whitney Orville D & Betty L Doll Rev
Oliver F Rudd Jr Op Camren And Bessie Tr
Oliver Himes Camren Orville Dykes
Oliver Kinzie Open Beaches Llc Orville E Stout Trust
Oliver Kinzie Open Heart Ministries Inc Orville Hoag
Oliver Nealy Opportune Llp Orville Holcomb
Oliver Ross Optima Exploration Llc Orville R & Bettie S Austin
Oliver Rudd Jr Optiv Security Inc Rev Tr
Olivia Bormann Wiesehan Opubco Communications Orvil Sawyer
Olivia Cantu Ora Brewer Osage Exploration And
Olivia Scarce Dean Ora Brixey Development I
Olsen Family Farm Trust Ora Hubbard Osage Exploration And
Olsen Oils Inc Ora Lacour Walden Development I
Oltmanns Family Trust Ora Mccall Osage Land Co
Olympia Oil Inc Ora Mehan Osage Oil & Gas Properites
Olympic Enterprises Inc Oran F Shannan Estate Osa Oil And Gas Llc
Olympus Oil Ventures Inc Orange Energy Corporation Osborn Cemetery
Olys Boyce And Vera Boyce Ora Raffety Association
H&W Jt Orca Operating Company Llc Osborne Mineral Trust
O'malley Family Revocable Orchard Company Oscar Lacour
Trust Dtd Ord Kyte Oscar Melchert
O Martin Ose Investors I Llc

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Osprey Associates Llc P2 Energy Solutions Pamela Donitch

Osprey Energy Services Llc Pacer Energy Marketing Llc Pamela Gill
Osprey Resources Inc Pacer Service Center Pamela Gill
Osu Center For Innovation & Pacific Energy & Mining Pamela Goodman
Economi Company Pamela Griesinger
Osu Cowboy Dining Llc Pacific Enterprises Abc Corp Pamela Hampton
Oswalt Restaurant Supply Packard Production Llc Pamela Harrison
Ota Compression Llc Paco Development Inc Pamela Hughey
Otafuku Llc Pactola Development Co Pamela J Chelsea Trust
Ota Pikepass Padre Tubular Inc Pamela Jones
O T Denu Page Concepts Pamela Jo Windiate
Oteka D Little Revocable Page Covington Pamela Knieper
Trst Pagosa Colorado Properties Pamela Landers
Otha Grimes Foundation Uta Llc Pamela Lansden
5-21-82 Pagosa Resources Llc Pamela Lohse
Others Inc Paige Covington Pamela Mackera
Otho Mcentire Paige Vogele Pamela Milburn
Otilio Gonzalez Paisan Logistics Pamela Noonan
Otis Branson Paisano Energy Llc Pamela Peters
Otis Clingenpeel Palm Energy Llc Pamela Robertson, Donalda
Otis Dempsey Palmer G Kise Residuary Pamela Rodenberg
Otis Elevator Company Trust Pamela Rodgers
Otis L. Branson Family Trust Palmetto Agribusiness Llc Pamela S Chapman
Otis Shreves Palo Blanco Production Llp Pamela S Fagan Trust
Otis Yount Palo Duro Production Pamela Smith
Otoe Indians Company Pamela Sparkman
Otto Gray Pamala Britton Pamela Steichen
Ou Department Of Psychiatry Pam Albright Pamela Stuchal
Ou Foundation P A Mcginley Co Llc Pamela Sue Allen
Ou Physicians Pamela Adair Pamela Sue Howard Living
Our Redeemer Lutheran Pamela A King Trust
Church Pamela Ann & David L Pamela Sue Williams Rev
Outlaw Rentals & Trucking Sewell Fam Llc Trust
Outside Operator Pamela Ann Harvey Pamela Tankersley
Ouzel Resources Llc Pamela Barlau Pamela T Graff
Ouzel Rock Partnership Pamela Bell Parsons Pamela Thomas
Overshoes Llc Pamela Bigbey Pamela Voyles
Owc Redi Mix Pamela Billingsley Pamela Waren
Owen D. Wilson Family Rev Pamela Blakely Pamela Weber
Trust Dat Pamela Bloodworth Pamela Williams
Owen Gray Pamela Boeckenstedt Pamela Windiate
Owen Hewett Pamela Bousquet Foss Pamela Wright
Owen Montgomery Barnhill Pamela Brock Pam Johnson
Owen Morris Pamela Burkhalter Pam Latham Ttee
Owen R Thomas Trust Pamela Cannon Pam Morris
Owen Sugg Pamela Chamberlain Pammy Roberts
Oweta Austin Pamela Chelsea Pam Porter
Oxford Law Pllc Pamela Daniels Pam Ripley
Oxy Usa Inc Midcontinent Pamela Dawn Ayers Pam Struble
Region Pamela D Bath Pam Tamett
Ozark Christian College Pamela Decoteau Pandora Exploration Llc

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Pangaea Exploration Corp Pat Gallagher Patricia Clingman Rev Lvg

Panhandle Oil And Gas Inc Pat Grim Trust
Panhandle Royalty Company Pathfinder Petroleum Corp Patricia C Lukens
Pania Brown Patience M Mcnuttty Patricia C Monsees Lvg Trust
Pankaj Thapar Campbell Patricia Cobb
Panoramic Oil & Gas Ok Llc Pat Laird Patricia Colleen Legrant Rev
Panoramic Petroleum Inc Pat Lucky Tr
Pansy C Case Trust Pat M Barr Attn: Ptttp Llc Patricia Covington
Pansy Condit Dodson Pat Moore Revocable Trust Patricia Crook
Pantera Energy Company Pat Nester Patricia Cummens
Panther Exploration Llc Patrica Niece Patricia Curtin
Panther Leasing Llc Patricia Patricia Denton
Pa Peak Patricia A Carey Minerals Patricia Diane Cook
Pappas Trust Agreement Llc Patricia Duke
Paraclifta Land & Minerals Patricia A Cegelka Family Tr Patricia E Jack
Paradise Royalty Llc Patricia A Hanson Trust Patricia Engelhart
Paragon Land Consultants Patricia A Hommertzheim Patricia Eppler Smith
Inc Rev Tr Patricia E Smith Revocable
Paragon Petroleum Inc Patricia Ahrnsbrak Trust
Paragon Power Holdings Llc Patricia A Krippendorf Patricia Esterline
Paramount Transportation Patricia Alford Patricia Ezell
Systems Of Patricia Allen Patricia Ferravanti
Pardue 2 Lp Patricia A. Mcknight Rev Liv Patricia Fillmore
Parker Family Revocable Tr Patricia Finlayson
Trust Patricia Amhaus Patricia Fitzpatrick Beasley
Parker Green Patricia Anne Tynes Patricia Ford
Parker Investment Group Inc Patricia Ann Hedges Rev Patricia Francis
Parker Sneed Intrv Trust Patricia Frerking
Parkland Cemetery Patricia Ann Hill Rev Trust Patricia Garza
Association Patricia Ann Robinson Rev Patricia G Brown Trust
Parks Oil Tools Llc Tr Patricia Gilbreth
Parkwood International Patricia Ann Spencer Patricia Gillingham
Parmer A Gillespie Iii Trust Deceased Patricia Golightly
Parmley Farms Llc Patricia Ann Taylor Patricia Griesinger
Par Oil Company Inc Patricia Ann Vest Patricia Griest
Parotte Cemetery Tr Patricia A Peterson Patricia Griffin
Parous Energy Llc Patricia Blaser Patricia Grover
Parrill Stribling Trust Patricia Boedeker Patricia G Wallis Rev Tr
Parwest Land Exploration Inc Patricia Bolger 2.20.2002
Paschall Properties Inc Patricia Bremer Patricia Harkey
Pasian Logistics Llc Patricia Brown Patricia Harms
Pason Systems Usa Patricia Browning Patricia Harper
Corporation Patricia Burnham Patricia Harvey
Paso - Tulsa Education Patricia Caldwell Stump Patricia Haskin Endicott
Committee Patricia Chacopulos Patricia Haugse
Pat And Carolyn M King Rev Patricia Chacopulos Patricia Hays Heinzler
Living T Survivor’s Trst Patricia Heuer
Pat Blevins Patricia Chase Patricia Hoover
Pat & Carlyon M King Rev Patricia Cheek Patricia Hope Long
Lvg Tr Dtd Patricia Christensen Patricia Hull
Pat Carmack Patricia Clingenpeel Patricia J Aaron Rev Tr

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Patricia Jack Bishop Patricia Spivey Patrick Obrien

Patricia Jahnke Patricia Strothman Patrick Phillips
Patricia Jane Evans Marital Patricia Summers Patrick Quirk
Trust Patricia Suzanne Yerkey Patrick Sawyer And Claudia
Patricia Jane Parsons Patricia Sylvester L Sawyer
Patricia Jane Robus Patricia Tracy Patrick T Rooney Trust
Patricia Jean Brown Patricia Wagoner Patrick Wheeler
Patricia Jeong Patricia Waldo Patric Shippy
Patricia Johnston Thomas Patricia Welch Patriot Directional Drilling
Patricia Karcher Patricia West Patriot Oil & Gas Llc
Patricia Katherine Blue Patricia Wiggins Patriot Premium Threading
Estate Patricia Williams Services
Patricia Kelene Petree Snider Patricia Williams Patriot Sensors And Controls
Patricia Kerr Patricia Williams Corp
Patricia Kovac Patricia Winborn Patsie Hopkins
Patricia Krekel Patricia Wisler Patsy Ann Pearce
Patricia Kune Patricia Zahler Patsy Aurel Mcfadden
Patricia Langley Patrick Abernathy Patsy Bartram
Patricia Langley Patrick A Lippmann Trst Patsy Bitmann
Patricia Leigh Jones Patrick A Mcginley Minerals Patsy Brown
Patricia L Muzny Llc Patsy Brown
Patricia Lombardi Patrick A Mcginley Rev Patsy Davis
Patricia Loyd Trust Patsy Driskel
Patricia Lynn Maker Trust Patrick Anderson Patsy E Diehl Revocable
Patricia Lyons Mcneer Patrick And Monica Phibbs Trust
Patricia Maddux Patrick Bartholomew Patsy Fudge
Patricia Massa Patrick Blanton Kennedy Patsy Jenkins
Patricia M. Bell Rev Liv Tr Mgmt.Trust Patsy L Boswell
Patricia Mcknight Patrick Carmack Patsy L Boswell
Patricia Mctaggert Patrick Clanin Patsy L Degraffenreid
Patricia Morales Patrick Close Patsy Lile
Patricia Morgan Patrick Cunningham Patsy Miller
Patricia Morse Patrick Dennis Patsy Milward
Patricia Patton Patrick Gafford Patsy Montoya
Patricia Porter Patrick Graham Patsy Nichols
Patricia Preston Patrick H Clare Family Trust Patsy Patterson
Patricia Reynolds Patrick Henry Shippy Patsy Pollard Revocable
Patricia R Kent Patrick Hollis Trust
Patricia Ruth Fowler Patrick Holman Patsy Quinn
Patricia Samuel Schaefer Patrick Kast Patsy Rodgers
Patricia Schroeder Patrick Lambert Patsy Ruth Calkins
Patricia Shaw Patrick Lee Manke Patsy Wilhite
Patricia Short Patrick Looby Patterson Land Services Llc
Patricia Smith Patrick Mcafee Patterson-Uti
Patricia Smith Patrick Mcclain Patti Ardoin
Patricia Smith Patrick Mcclellan Patti Baringham
Patricia Smith Patrick Mcguire Patti Barningham
Patricia Smith Hall Patrick Monroe Patti Cox
Patricia Snyder Patrick Nash Pattie Williams
Patricia Spence Patrick Nester Patti Fait
Patricia Spencer Patrick Nickles Patti Flint

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Patti Hayworth Paula Wood Neal Paul Greiner

Patti June Greenfield Paul Bamberger Paul Griffin
Patti Latham Sadler Paul Baresel Paul Harrison
Patti Miller Paul Becker Paul Harvey
Patti M Milsap Rev Tr Paul Benton Hughes Paul Hilton
Patti Phillips Paul & Betty Phillips Paul Houston Trust
Patti Rixleben Tr Dtd 7-12- Paul & Bonnie Brewer Paul Hurd
12 Family Trust Paulina Bruns
Patti Schlegel Llc Paul Bowen Pauline A Redman Ttee
Patti Selby Paul Braunger Pauline Baker
Patti Sherman Paul Brown Pauline Dean
Pat T Smalley Paul B Standley Estate Pauline Dudley
Patty Beecroft Paul Burch Pauline E Wright Revocable
Patty Dodwell Paul Busch Living T
Patty Hybarger Paul Busch Jr Et Al Diane Pauline Graff Revocable
Patty J Volentine Rev Tr Hartley Trust
Patty Luter Paul Bushong Pauline Grigsby
Patty Niemeyer Paul Byron Le Pauline Hechler
Patty R Webb Trust Paul Calaway Pauline Joyce Dunbar
Patty Schmidt Paul & Carolyn Lasseigne Deceased
Patty Smith Rev Trst D Pauline Lentz
Paula And Casey Mccullough Paul Carr Pauline List
Jt Paul Chitty Pauline Mclaughlin
Paula Bartholomew Paul Darrough Pauline Sharm Fletcher
Paul A Beck Paul David Rodman Pauline Stoll
Paula Boelsems Paul Davis Ltd Pauline Wisdom
Paula Bradley Smith Paul D Cranley Pauline Young
Paula B Siegel Paul Detwiler Paul Jones
Paula Cain Paul Dewitt Urbano Estate Paul & Joyce Zurcher Tr
Paul Adams Paul Dietz Paul Kennedy
Paula Dawn Poteet Paul Dittelmier Rev Trust Paul Kornman Iii Executor
Paula Dennison Dtd 7-15- Paul Laird
Paula Elaine Thompson Rev Paul D & Susan Rodman Jtsf Paul Lanning
Trust Paul Duff Deceased Paul Lawrence
Paula Flott Marsalia Paul Eby Decd Paul L Brown & Meja
Paul A. Greenfield Paul E Kloberdanz Family Michelle
Paula Hogan Trust Paul L Burch & Ruth E
Paula J Falkenstein Paul E Magdeburg Jr & Burch Rev Int
Paula J Loesch Rev Trust Paul E Magdegurg Jr Paul L Carr Estate
Agmt Dtd M Paulene Lee Snodgrass Paul L & Helen Sisk Char
Paula King Paulette A Fisher Trust
Paula L Phillips Paulette Cookson Paul Listen
Paula Maxwell Paulette Evans Paul Louis Mcgavran
Paula Mccullah Paulette L Montgomery Paul L Snyder
Paul And Perin Wehde Paul Fennessey Paul Luce
Paula Roberts Paul Fitzpatrick Paul Maag
Paula Seales Paul Fox Paul & Maria Hehnke Family
Paula Smith Paul Friedman Trust
Paula Sullivan Paul Gibbs Paul Marion Shippy
Paula Walton Jantz Paul Gingrich Paul Mark Devilbiss
Paula West Paul Gottwald Paul Mattocks

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Paul Mccullis Paws Llc Peggy Brady

Paul Mccully Payne Co Implement Co Peggy Buchanan
Paul Metzger Payne County Bank Peggy Byus
Paul Miller Payne County Commissioner Peggy Cook Est
Paul Minasian Payne County Youth Peggy Cuthbertson
Paul Nix Services Peggy C. Winter Estate
Paul O Thiele And Jane E Payrock Energy Llc Peggy Dyer
Paul Overholt Payson Lodge No 73 Peggy E Pickens Living Tr
Paul Pate Payzone Energy Llc Peggy Gattenby
Paul Payne P B O Inc Peggy Hayes Roberts
Paul Phibbs Pbr Properties Jv Peggy Helen Howard
Paul Pulley P&C Bennett Minerals Llc Peggy Holland
Paul Pyeatte P C Hudson Holdings Ltd Peggy Jane Casey Trst
Paul Rains Pcm - Pc Mall Peggy Joyce Westfall
Paul Randolph P Cole Peggy J Standley
Paul R & Ann M Detwiler Jts Pcs Ferguson Inc (Dnu) Peggy Linstromberg
Paul Raymond Marriott Pdi Inc Peggy Lovett
Paul Reed Pdp Holdings Llp Peggy Lundy
Paul Rex Tarpey Peak Media Kasey Simonich Peggy M Wolfe Living Trust
Paul Richards Pearl Collinsworth Peggy Odneal
Paul Robert Fagan Pearl Gladys Harris Peggy Parks
Paul Robert Triplett Pearl Hannah Peggy Peach Dailey Living
Paul Rodman Pearl Heskett Trust
Paul Rossler Pearl Heskett Peggy Pool
Paul & Ruth Burch Pearl M Harmon & Peggy Rice
Revocable Intervi Pearl Moss Peggy Robinson
Paul Scott Pearl Power Llc Peggy Sheffe
Paul Sharp Pearl Shanklin Peggy Struble
Paul Sharum Pearl V Bentley Peggy Sue Bosmyer
Paul Snodgrass Pearl Ward Peggy Swearingen
Paul Spicer Pebblestone Properties Llc Peggy Taylor
Paul Sprague And Martha L Pecan Creek Catering Llc Peggy Van Aller
Sprague J Pecos Bend Royalties Lllp Peggy Waterfall
Paul Stafford Pecos Bridenstine Peggy Williamson
Paul Sumner Pecos Resources Corp Peggy Winchester
Paul Tegeler Pecos Van Bridenstine Peggy Winter
Paul Tibbitts Pedco Resources Co Peggy Yskamp
Paul Tiffany Pee Wee's Roustabout Pelican Energy Llc
Paul Toma Service Pendarvis Family Trust
Paul T Thacker Pegasus Production Llc Pending Recap
Paul Vincen Glick Pegge Rentfro Pendleton Resources Inc
Paul Wharton Peggie Sowell Penelope Ann Hampton
Paul Whatley Peggy A Bryant Pennsylvania Castle Engy
Paul Whatley Peggy Alexander Corp
Paul Whitney Peggy Ann Hunter Penny 29-2mh 29-3mh
Paul Williams Peggy Ann Severson Pending Pay Own
Paul Williams Peggy Ann Yost Revocable Penny Axtell
Paul W Theimer Estate Trust Trust Penny Churchill
Paul Zemp Peggy Assenzio Penny Dyer
Pauper Petroleum Llc Peggy Big Eagle Penny G. Vernon
Pawnee Oil And Gas Inc. Peggy Blyth Penny Hampton

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Penny Kirby Peter Churcher Petro Properties Llc

Penny Lyn Palmer 1999 Tr Peter Cranley Petroquest Energy Llc
Penny Millemon Peter Deguire Petroroyalties Llc
Penny Scott Peter Elrod Petro-Sentinel Llc
Penny West Cooper Peter Evans Petroskills Llc
Penny Wilcoxson Peter Fisher Petrostone Llc
Pentagon Oil Company Peter Gibson Petrotiger I Ltd
Penterra Services Llc Peter Gulati Petroven Inc
Penwell Oil & Gas Ltd Peter Harris Petrust Corporation Of
Pepper Bourlon Peter Harvey America
Peppers Ranch Inc Peter Hesser Pettigrew Pumping Service
Percheron Llc Peter Iverson Inc
Perdue Family Llc Peter J Fryer Irrevocable Pfeifer Energy Company Llc
Peregrine Ep Holdings Lp Trust Pfeiffer Family Trust Dtd 4-
Perella Weinberg Partners Lp Peter Johnson 17-1990
Perfection Equipment Peter K Reilly & Jeanne Pga Resources Llc
Performance Energy Services Clarke Jts Pgp Holdings 1 Llc
Llc Peter Kyle House Ttee Phelps Minerals Llc
Performance Wellhead&Frac Peter Mallett Phibbs Holdings Llc
Component Peter M Klebofski Phil Bennett
Perimeter Exploration Llc Peter Naff Phil Delozier
Permian Basin Drug & Peter & Nancy Keane Trust Phil Franklin
Alcohol Testin Executed Phil Gwinner
Permian Resources Llc Peter Rocovich Philip Anderson
Permian Tank & Peter Saunders Philip Anson
Manufacturing Inc Peter Svelan Philip B Berry Mgmnt Trust
Permian Well Service Peter William Bosworth A
Perre Burr Peter Wolfe Philip B Berry Mgmt Trust B
Perry Bolger Pete Sawatzky Philip Bechtel
Perry Bowser Petra Industries Llc Philip Billick
Perry Bowser Pet-Rand Minerals Llc Philip Card And Arretta Ann
Perry Daily Journal Petricia Holman Card
Perry Family Trust Dtd. 7-8- Petro-America Llc Philip Comeaux
2011 Petrocinq Development Philip Cranley
Perry Francis Company Philip David Harvey
Perry Gravitt Petrocraft Products Ltd. Philip Dreessen
Perry Gravitt Jr Petrogas Company Philipe E Baumann Estate
Perry Homes Llc Petrohawk Energy Philip Hainey
Perry Kilpatrick Corporation Philip Hart
Perryman Trust B Petro Huston Llc Philip Hincks
Perry M. Hudkins Petrojarl Inc Philip Hooper
Perry M Hudkins Petroleum Club Of Midland Philip J. & Carla S Johnston,
Perry Patterson Petroleum Experts Inc Hw Jt
Perry R Hudkins Petroleum International Inc Philip Johnston
Perry Shannon Petroleum Partners Llc Philip Lloyd
Perry Sharon Bowser Jt Petroleum Strategies Philip Lloyd
Persimmon Springs Llc Petro Lewis Corp Philip Lowry
Personal Rep David Swank Petro-Mac Cp Philip Maag
Perth Llc Petronation Llc Philip Michael Flies
Peter A Nygaard Iii Petro Partners Limited Philip Morse
Peter Berry Petro Partners Limited Philip Nordan Hudson

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Philip N Saffell Phillips 66 Company Phyllis Sanders

Philip O Carey Family Llc Phillips Family 2011 Trust Phyllis Shepard
Philip Orr Agr Phyllis Shepard Living Trust
Philip Petruzzelli Phillip Shafford Phyllis Shepard Living Trust
Philip Seabolt Phillip Shippy Life E
Philip Van Syckle Phillip Shoemaker Phyllis Sneed
Philip Viles Phillip Simone Phyllis Speiser Life Est
Philip Ward Phillips Murrah Pc Phyllis Stark & Eldon Stark
Philip Ward Phillips-Murray Revocable Hwjt
Phillaine Oil Company Trst Phyllis Triplett Bethards
Phil Leming Phillips Real Estate Phyllis Whitmire
Phillip Altman Phillip Temple Phyllis Willett
Phillip A & Randye L Glenn Phillip Webb Pick Ltd
Jts Phillip White Piedra Minerals Llc
Phillip Archer Phillip Wosmek Pierce Energy Llc
Phillip Benjamin Grant Phillis Jacob Piggyback Petroleum Llc
Phillip Blevins Phillis Stephens Pike Family Llc
Phillip Camren Phil Montgomery Self Pilar De Garcia
Phillip Carpenter Directed Ira Pilot Thomas Logistics Llc
Phillip Carter Phil's Creative Pine Lake Energy Llc
Phillip Clark Phil Thomsen Pine Ridge Energy Co.
Phillip Clary Phoebe Frye Pinix Family Trust
Phillip Cope Phoebe Jane Norris Pinkston Resources Limited
Phillip C Sloan Phoebe Watts Partners
Phillip D. Berry Trust A Phoenix Petroleum Partners Pinnacle Electric Inc
Phillip Fagan Llc Pinnacle Exploration Inc
Phillip Fowler Phoenix Technology Services Pinpoint Monograms
Phillip G Manke Trust Usa Inc Pioneer Coiled Tubing
Phillip G O'dea P Hoppe Services Llc
Phillip Gwinner Photoville Pioneer Natural Resources
Phillip Harting Phyllis A Bonfy Tr Dtd 9-23- Company
Phillip Hincks 14 Pioneer Natural Resources
Phillip Holbrook Phyllis A Hughes Usa Inc
Phillip Horning Phyllis Allison Pioneer Pipe & Supply Co
Phillip House Phyllis Archer Wallace Pioneer Telephone Co Op Inc
Phillip John Descher Phyllis Dixon Pipe Exchange
Phillip Johnson Phyllis Forehand Pipelife Jet Stream Inc
Phillip Johnson Phyllis Grace Finley Pipla Construction Inc
Phillip Kinzie Phyllis Green Pipleline Transporter
Phillip L Crabtree Phyllis Haskin Pira Energy Group
Phillip Lynn Shellhammer Phyllis Jacobson Pischel Minerals Llc
Phillip Mahurin Phyllis J Dotter Pius Greiner
Phillip Mcneill Phyllis Jean Sneed Rev Tr P & J Griffin Family Trust
Phillip Moffat Dtd 2-24- P & J Harper Enterprises Inc
Phillip Newkumet Phyllis Joan Ewy Pji Inc
Phillip Norris Phyllis Jones P K Newberry Llc
Phillip Rieman Phyllis L Wurtz 2004 Trust P K Resources Llc
Phillip Ross Heinrich Phyllis Mann Plains Marketing Lp
Phillip Ross Heinrich Ira Phyllis Rodman Plainsmen Partners Llc
Phillip R & Vickie D Steinert Phyllis Rudd Plains Pipeline
Famil Phyllis Sams Plains Pipeline, L.P.

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Plains Production Inc Post Oak Investments Llc Price Oil & Gas Company
Plainview Oil & Gas Inc Postrock Midcontinent Prod Ltd
Platinum Express Llc Llc Pride Cleaning Service Llc
Platinum Vapor Control Lp Postrock Midcontinent Pride Energy Company
Plat Ltd Production Ll Prime Energy Management
Platts Pottawatomie County Clerk Corp
Plauche Living Trust Dtd 11- Potts Hse Trust Prime Energy Mgmt Corp
15-1996 Potts & Potts Inc Primexx Energy Partners Ltd
Pleasant Mann Powel Briscoe Llc Principal Financial Group Inc
Pleasant Ray & Ruth Oneta Powell Briscoe Inc Printerlogic Llc
Burton Fa Powell Petroleum Resources Print Finishing Systems Inc
Pleasant Ridge Church Llc Priscilla Holmans
Pleasant Ridge O&G Llc Powell's Service Inc Pritchard-Laughlin Civic
Pleasant Valley Cemetery Powerhouse Truck Beds & Center
Assoc Trailers Prithvi Murthy
Plein Sud Holdings Llc Pp&G Oil Co Llc Pr Liquidating Trust
Plymouth Exploration Llc Pps Holdings Llc Prodigal Resources Llc
Pmc Trust Pradip Kanani Prodigy Enterprises Ltd Co
Pmf Oil & Gas Properties Prairie Fuel Llc Producers & Refiners Corp
P&M Jones Family Ranch Prairie Lightning Llc Production Plus Energy
Inc Prairie Sisters Oil Company Services Inc
Pmt36 Llc Benjamin P Llc Productive Resources Llc
Abney Prairie View Lodge No 6386 Professional Development
Png Operating Company Pranter Petroleum Company Institute
Pnh Resources Llc Pr Crawford Royalty Co Llc Professional Reporters
Pnr Investors I Llc Precise Development Inc Incorporated
Poe & Associates Precise Office Installations Progress Exploration Inc
Pointed Rock Resources Llc Precision Wireline Llc Progressive Business
Poison Spider Oil Company Preferred Containment Publications
Llc Services Prohaul Transports Llc
Polaris Industries Pregler Acres Llc Prolific Petroleum Llc
Polk Llc Pregler Oil Company Llc Pro Mineral Llc
Pollard Jd Real Estate Llc Premier Craft Pro Mineral Llc
Polly A & Paul W & Mark D Premier Data Services Inc Pro Mineral Partners Llc
Crain Jts Premier Parking Comapny Pronto Service Llc
Polly Cawthon Inc Proofpoint Inc
Pomeroy Family Lp Premier Pipe Llc Propetro Services Inc
Pomona College Premium Energy Group Prospect Geoscience Inc
Ponderosa Resources Llc Premium Petroleum Llc Providence Energy Partners
Pontotoc Production Co Inc Preqin Limited Ii Lp
Pony Creek Investments Lp Presbyrterian Church Usa Providence Minerals Llc
Pony Oil Llc Presidio Networked Solutions Provision Kitchen Llc
Poojary Investments Llc Llc Prowler Transportation Inc
Poole Family Trust Presley Family Revocable Prudential Group Insurance
Pops Llc Trust Prunella Yount
Pops Lp Presley Petroleum Company Pryde Arnold
Porter Trust Dtd 4-20-1990 Presta Royalty Llc Pulley Family Farm Llc
Port James Capital Ltd Prestige Resources Pulsar Oilfield Llc
Portman Minerals Llc Prestwick Resources Llc Punjab Royalty Group
Posse Energy Ltd Pr Fitness Equipment Inc Purchase Power
Postmaster Pure Royalty Corporation

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Puritan Royalties Corporation Quintin Little Company Oil Ralph Charles And Carol
Purnell Morrow Company & Gas Lp Charles
Purnell Morrow Company Quintin Little Company Oil Ralph Comstock
Purple Land Management Llc & Gas Lp Ralph Dunbar
Push One Button Inc Quirk And Jo Ann B Quirk Ralph Earles
Puskoor Kumar Md Jts Ralph E Cooper
Pvb Oil Company Quirk Minerals Lp Ralph E & Roberta P Wright
P W Chism Revocalbe Trust Quitman Enerprises Inc Ralph Foraker
Pylon Petroleum Llc Quivera Exploration Llc Ralph Gage
Pyramid Hotshot Services Qwikgro Erosion Control Llc Ralph Gardner
Llc R1 Llc Ralph G Peil
Pyxis Energy Llc Rabinowitz Security Trust Ralph Gretzinger
Qep Energy Company Rac Drilling Co Llc Ralph Hansen
Qep Energy Company Rachael Arthur Ralph Henderson
Qgr Llc Rachael Goetz Ralph H Passow Trust
Quadrille Energy Co. Llc Rachal Resources Llc Ralph Hurst
Quagga Royalty Lp Rachel Anne Boggs Ralph Jacob Marriott
Quahog Energy Llc Rachel Bristow Property Ralph James Wyatt
Quaid Family Mineral Trust Trust Ralph King
Quail Creek Royalty Llc Rachel Fretz Barajas Ralph Lester
Quail Tools Rachelle Lyn Harms Ralph L Wampler
Qualified Remodelers Rachel Naomi Clements- Ralph Macadam
Quality Bop Services Llc Gettman Ralph Manahan
Quality Completions Of Rachel Parker Ross Estate Ralph Mason
Arkansas Llc Rachel Schipul Ralph Mays
Quality Integrated Services Rachel S Stephenson Trust Ralph Mcentire
Inc Rachel Stafford Ralph M Lillard Jr
Quality Plants Inc Rachel Thomas Ralph Morgan
Quam Management Tr Dtd 8- Radiant Energy Lc Ralph O'connor
13-1988 Radonna Turner Ralph Penny
Quam Management Trust Raf Exlporation Llc Ralph R Edwards
Quandt Living Tr Dtd 5-10- Raghav Trivedi Ralph S Goodman
2000 Ragland Family Trust Dtd 5- Ralph Shelton
Quay Mcmurtrey Ltd 4-2016 Ralph Siemion
Queen Brothers Pipe Llc Ragland Revocable Trust Ralph Snyder
Quentin Voyles Railroad Commission Of Ralph Sparks Jr
Quest Technical Services Llc Texas Ralph Speece
Quick Connectors Inc Raimondo Felenga Ralph Staley
Quick Transport Of Arkansas Rains Family Trust Ralph Stone
Llc Raintree Royalties Ralph Tener
Quien Sabe Corporation Rainy Day Llc Ralph Vandeventer
Quillen Energy Services Llc Rajal Shah Ralph Varnum
Quincy Kaufman Trust Rajendra Kumar Ralph Viersen
Quine Brengle Rajindar Bhandari Ralph Willard Disney Trust
Quin Harvey Ralph Adams Ralph Yost
Quinn Pumps Inc Ralph Alworth Ramamurthy Mahalingam
Quintin & Carrie Lou Family Ralph Baker Rambo Land Company Llc
Lp Ralph Beier Ramco Inc
Quintin & Carrie Lou Family Ralph Brumfield Ramesh Saxena
Lp Ralph Carley Ram Foundation
Ram Oil And Gas Inc

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Ramona K Douglass Trust Randall Sanderson Randy Penson

Ramona Larsen Randall Schlerber Randy Pierce
Ramona Lenhart Randall Sewell Randy Ping
Ramona Miller Wheatley Randall Sewell Randy Porter
Ramona P Marshall Trust Randall Sutak Randy Rains
Ramona Thedford Randall Tarlton Randy Ray Taylor
Ramona White Randall Thomas Hanneman Randy Renner
Rampart Ii Oil & Gas Lp Randall Tibbett Randy Rink
Ramsey W Drake Ii Llc Randall Watts Randy Robertson
Ranas Minerals Llc Randall W & Deborah S Randy Saffell
Ranay Roth Fitzsimmons Randy Sehie
Rance Keith Johnson Randal Petroleum Corp Randy Sparks
Rancho Oil Company Llc Randal Stephens Randy Sugg
Randa Hohweiler Randal Wiss Randy Ward
Randal And Sandra Barton Randel J Polk Family Trust Randy Watts
Randal Berry Randel Paul Renegar Randy Wedel
Randal Busch Randolph Newman And Randy Williams
Randal Carrier Robert C Newman Randy Williams
Randal Henderson Randy And Barbara Collum Randy Woodruff
Randal Johnson Rev Tr Dtd Raney Engineering Llc
Randall Acton West Randy Ashley Raney Holbrook
Randal Laubach Randy Bentley Raney Naughton
Randall Beier Randy B Gossett Range Production Company
Randall Boston Randy Blankinship Range Resources
Randall Boyce Randy Chesnut Midcontinent
Randall Burnell Randy Chestnut Ranger Exploration Company
Randall Courtright Randy Chow Ranger Land Services Inc
Randall Crook Randy Flower Ranita June
Randall Donahoo Randy Hess Ranola Oil Company
Randall E James Oil Co Randy Inc Raoul Joubran & Joanna S.
Randall Elliott Randy J Hansen Joubran T
Randall Family Revocable Randy Kindschi Rapid Trucking Inc
Trust Randy L And Patricia A Raqii Llc
Randall Grooms Ritthaler Hw Raquel M Buckle
Randall Herrmann Randy L & Deborah S Deal Raquel Mier
Randall Holmes Jt Rashonda Cummings
Randall Hornberger Randy Legrant Rauh's Frac Service Inc.
Randall James Ethridge And Randy Leon & Jean Cordel Raul Estevez
Frances Beeby Raven Oil & Gas Properties
Randall K Baker Randy L Little Llc
Randall Kelley Randy L Little & Patsy Little Raven Resources Llc
Randall Lomeli Liv T Rawlins Clark Estate Decd
Randall L & Rhea L Cain Randy & Lonnetta Ray A Godfrey
Rev Lvg Tr Richardson Fam Tr Ray Bartel
Randall Miller Randy Malaska Ray B Burke
Randall Morton Randy Martin Raybourn H Smiser 1999
Randall Nelson Randy Mcguar Rev Tr Dtd 5
Randall Petersen Randy Oconnor Raybourn H Smiser Trust
Randall Roberts Randy Overfors & Vickie Raybourn Interest Inc
Randall Robinson Overfors Ray Boyd
Randall Roy Hafner Randy Paul Mendenhall Ray Boyle

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Ray Bradley Raymond James Ray Wilson

Ray Brumley Hollingsworth Rba Inc
Ray Clacher Raymond & Joyce Hauf R Barron
Ray Clements Trust Rbc Bank
Ray Cloer Rev Tr Dtd 12-22- Raymond Kaiser Rbc Oil & Gas Holdings Llc
1997 Raymond & Karen Yakel Rbd Oil And Gas Inc
Raydn M Bowling Trust Rb Holton Inc
Raydon Production Co Raymond Kautz Rb Mccullar
Ray Driskell Raymond Kelso Rbn Energy Llc
Ray Dryden Raymond Kevin Benedict R Brammer
Ray Earley Raymond Kukuk R Brewer
Ray Edmond Tibbett Raymond Lawson R Burns
Ray E & Mary E Norrie Jts Raymond L Farrell Rb Waite
Ray Eugene Martin And Gail Raymond Mark Mcpeek Iii R Calhoun
Lynn Mar Raymond Mcpeek R Campbell
Ray Garner Raymond M & Freda S R C And B J Van Nostrand
Ray Kinnamon Hanson Tr Rev Tr
Ray Kohn Raymond Minnite Rcb Energy Llc
Ray Land & Loan Company Raymond Moore R C Coffee Ltd
Inc Raymond M Timpanelli R Chatman
Ray Ledesma Raymond Nettles & Florence R Cohen
Ray Lee Bennett Nettles R. Collier
Rayleen Dempesy Raymond Peters R Covey
Ray Mcginnis Raymond Rains R C Taylor Companies Inc
Ray Meisinger Raymond R Burnter Trust Rdc Minerals
Raymona Scott Raymond Rice Rd Creighton
Raymond Alfred Tibbett Raymond Robison R Dee Courtney
(Deceased) Raymond Short R Delong
Raymonda L Jones Pahlka Raymond Silvers Rdw Minerals Llc
Raymond Arnold Raymond Silvers Reagan County Royalty
Raymond & Bessie Kravis Raymond Solberg Company Inc
Fndtn Raymond Spence Reagan Smith Energy
Raymond Bradford Raymond Spence And Sue K Solutions Inc
Raymond Calkins Spence Jt Reagan Smith Energy
Raymond Cavanar Raymond Suhm Solutions Inc
Raymond Clinton Raymond Timpanelli Real Properties Ltd
Raymond Coyner And Opal Raymond Veith R Eaton
L Coyner Hw Raymond Warren Reba Burton Rev Trust
Raymond Dennis Raymond Webb Reba Harvey
Raymond D North Raymond Wilmoth Reba L Baker Revocable
Raymond Drumm Raymond Wittich Trust
Raymond Earl Gray Raymond Zellmer Reba Maxine Harris
Raymond E Dillman And Ray Moore Reba Perrin
Juanita D Dil Rayora Moore Rebecca Abbott
Raymond E Self Ray Priess Rebecca Ann Darknell
Raymond Everett Thedford Ray Priess Living Trust Rebecca Ann Smith Rev
Raymond F Carter And Ray Pryor Trust
Pamela Y Carte Ray R Day Rebecca Bee
Raymond Fields Ray Russ Rebecca Bejcek
Raymond F Kravis Trust Ray Thomas Rebecca Elaine Blasier
Raymond Hopkins Ray Wall Rebecca Finch Rooney Trust

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Rebecca Geven Red Fork Investments Inc Reidprographics

Rebecca Goodell Red Fork Oil Llc Reiko Sanada
Rebecca Hills Red Hawk Resources Inc Reinette Littell
Rebecca Jo Glenn Rogers Redhawk Resources Llc Rein-Hahn Mineral Llc
Rebecca Krueger Red Hills Oil & Gas Co Reinhark Llc
Rebecca Lynn Ermey Red Hot Steamers Llc Reinhold Boepple
Rebecca Lynn Ruddell Redlands Oil Company Rekha Kumar
Rebecca Meeke Redman Family Farm Llc Reliant Resources Llc
Rebecca Morris Redman Family Farm Llc Relic Mineral Fund Lp
Rebecca Nasori Red River Minerals Llc Rellie Llc
Rebecca Price Red River Oilfield Services Rellon Lore
Rebecca Rice Wheeler Rev Llc Remarko Ltd Partnership
Tr Red River Resources Inc Remington Royalty Ii Llc
Rebecca Roe Red River Royalties Inc Remington Royalty Llc
Rebecca Rydeski Red River Royalties Llc Re Mockley
Rebecca Searcey Redsky Land Llc Remora Petroleum Lp
Rebecca Shaffer Red Stone Resources Llc Remote Dba Experts Llc
Rebecca Skidmore Red Stone Resources Llc (Dnu)
Rebecca Slocum Livtrst Redtail Resources Llc Remote Supply Company Llc
Rebecca Smith Red Velvet Llc Remuda Royalt Llc
Rebecca S Thomason Red Wing Oil Llc Rena Fay Bode
Rebecca Sue Beck Reece A Hembree Rev Inter Rena Jane Mcbee
Rebecca Thatcher Bowling Vivos Tr Rena White Deceased
Rebecca Trekell Reece Oil & Gas Company Renbarger Family Llc
Rebecca Y West Reece Woodring Renea Judge-Bottin
Rebecca Zaikis Reed Humpherys Lp Renee Ann Daugherty
Rebekah Cassiday Roberts Reed W Ferrill Jr Renee Brunette
Rebekah Leih Reese Energy Consulting Renee Burns
Rebekah Montgomery Rees Family Tr Dtd May 31 Renee Daugherty
Rebekah Pierson 1991 Renee D. Morrison Family
Rebellion Energy Llc Reeta Avery Trust Dtd.
Rebellion Energy Llc Reeta Compton Mcintosh Renee Fountain
R Eckart Reeta Martin Rene Eggers & Rebecca Rev
Reckert Family Inter Vivos Regalo Royalty Inc Trst 2005
Tr Dtd 9 Regan Burrows Renee Heilmann
Recon Regan Gradke Renee Hensley
Recon Energy Partners Llc Regency Energy Partners Lp Renee Ingram
Recon Resources Llc Regency Exploration Inc Renee Johnson
Redback Pump Downs Reggie Crowell Renee Jones
Redbird Energy Llc Regina Carrier Renee Marie Martin
Red Bone Services Llc (Dnu Reginald Davis Renee Mills
- Duplic Reginald Herring Renee Throckmorton
Redbud Estates Llc Regina Mae Fincham Renee Walker
Redbud Petroleum Llc Regina Organ Renee Younger
Red Dirt Dozers John D Regina Pastorelli Renefred Stubblefield
Salisbury Regina Tanner Rene Prichard Green
Red Dirt Media Group Llc Regin Family Trust Rent-A-Crane Of Oklahoma
Red Eagle Energy Llc Re Hartley Rental Xpress Llc
Red Earth Desk And Derrick Reid J Kecseg & Angela M Reola M Holdaway
Club Kecseg Hw Repsol E&P Usa Inc
Redfork Energy Reid Kelly Republic Holding Inc

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Reserve Petroleum Co Reynolds Petroleum Richard Allen & Sharon D

Resid Tr A & B U/W/O Company Bennett
David S Dycus Rezin Hudkins Richard A Mulligan
Resource Development Inc Rf Holcomb Richard And Betty L Fagan
Restructuring Partners & Rf-Ip Inc Richard And Lena Malone
Associates Rf Nelson Jr Trust Richard And R Lois Squires
Reta Boyle R F Wilson Est Richard And Shelia Burton
Reta Carol Miller R Gore Hw Jt
Retroactive Llc Rgo Ventures Llc Richard And Vicki Dodd Jt
Retta Gore R Greg & Cheryl J Richard Anthis
Retta Jo Kunard Supp Needs R Grimm Richard Austin
Revah M Long Estate Decd R Hamilton Richard Austin
Reva Joyce Laughlin Trustee Rhb Inc Richard Bagwell
R Evans Rhdk Oil & Gas Llc Richard Baldwin
Reva Thedford Rheagan Eric Martin Richard Balfanz And Charla
Revelle L Milligan Rhea Mcvey D Balfan
Revenew International Llc Rheanna Combs Richard Barker
Revilo Exploration Inc Rheta Arnett Richard Bartholome
Rev Inter Vivos Tr Of Bill J Rhett Smith And Connie Richard Barto Moncrief 88
Horne Lynn Smith Trust
Rev Inter Vivos Tr Of R Hinton Enterprises Llc Richard Barto Moncrief Jr
Pauline Poe Rhodora E Allen Trust
Rev Inter Vivos Trst Of Rhonda Foote Richard Bennett
Glenda Mcfa Rhonda G Bryans Tr 7-3- Richard Berry
Revival Worship Center 1990 Richard Blazi
Rev Liv Tr Of Frances Jane Rhonda Haken Richard Boynton
Markstei Rhonda Harrell Richard Brown
Revrocks Llc Rhonda Hemphill Richard Brown
R E Wharton Rhonda Jean Montez Richard Bruce Hoeltzel Rev
Rex Austell Rhonda Kauk Tr
Rex Beal Rhonda Kaye Hanyka Richard Bryan
Rex Blasier Rhonda Lynn Fowler Richard Bryan
Rex Brown Rhonda Masheter Richard Bryan
Rex E & Dovie F Edgar Rev Rhonda Mcclure Richard Buck
Trust Rhonda Meyer Richard Burtch
Rexel Inc Rhonda Rains Herron Richard Bush
Rex Elliot Gates Le Rhonda Ringer-Riley Richard Butzler
Rex Falconer Rhonda Schoeppel Richard Cahn
Rex Hilton Rhonda Shafer Richard Casey
Rex Hilton Rhonda Shailainn Richard Cavett
Rex Holland Rhonda Vincent Richard Chilton Labarthe
Rex Holland Rhonda Weston Richard Choate
Rex Mackey Rhonda Wojcik Richard Christner Heirs
Rex Meinecke Rhr Services Richard Clay
Rex Romhild R H Venable Properties Ltd Richard Cloud
Rex Tipton Rhyan Bower Richard Cockrell
Rexwood Corp Rice Drilling D Llc Richard Cohen
Reynaldo Gonzales Rice Family Llc Richard Collins
Reynaldo Ramirez Richard Richard Corstvet
Reynolds Family Trust Richard Abbott Richard Costello
Reynolds Ford Of Edmond Richard Allen Richard Covey Deceased

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Richard Craft Richard Gualco Richard L Mcknight

Richard C Ross Revocable Richard Harlow Richard L Milligan
Trust Richard H. Lutz Living Trust Richard Logsdon
Richard Cummins Richard Hoeltzel Richard Lucas
Richard Curtis Richard Hoffman Richard Lucas
Richard Davis Richard Hopper Richard Lynn Anthis Estate
Richard Davison Richard Hosler Richard Lynn Anthis Ii
Richard Davis Potter Richard Hoy Richard Lynn & Jo Ann
Richard D Beeby Family Tr Richard I Alvarez Bingham Trust
Richard D Davison Richard J. Richard M. Cavanaugh Jr. Irr
Richard Demorest Richard Jack Tr
Richard Dicks Richard Jackson And Karen Richard Mcdowell
Richard Dishman L Jackson Richard Mckinstry
Richard Downey Richard & Jarol Legate Trust Richard M Hall & Associates
Richard Downey Richard Jenkins Richard Milligan
Richard Dreessen Richard Jennings Richard Milsten
Richard Druse Richard J. Hudkins Richard Minter
Richard Dunaway Richard J Klemp Richard Moore
Richard Dunford Richard J Moncrief Grantor's Richard Moring
Richard D Veal 1997 Rev Tr Trust Richard Morris
Richard Easterly Richard John Richard Munn
Richard Edgington Richard Johnson Richard Nealy
Richard Edmonson Richard Jolene Haven Jt Richard Nelson
Richard E. Johnson & Rayge Richard Jones Richard Newkirk
Johnson Richard Jones Richard Nossaman
Richard E Kerr Richard J Taubman Richard Odom Ira
Richard E Montgomery & Descendants Trust Richard Overholt
Patricia A M Richard J Taubman Trust Richard Owsley
Richard Ernst Richard Keith Dixon Richard Parker
Richard E Roberts Tr Dtd 11- Richard Kimball Richard Paul Craig
30-99 Richard Kirk Richard & Phyllis Miller
Richard Erving Barnes Richard K Magee Famly Tr D
Richard Even Wagner Richard Knight Richard Pratz
Richard Exploration Co Inc Richard Knox Richard Rains
Richard Fassnacht Richard Koehler Richard Randall
Richard Fiore Richard K Powell Revocable Richard Raupe
Richard Fisher Trust Richard Reaves
Richard Fleenor Richard K Sewell Rev Tr Richard Reed
Richard Flott Richard Lamb Richard Rentfro
Richard Flynn Richard Lambert Richard Reynolds
Richard Fox Richard Lambert Richard R Hudson
Richard Fuller Richard Langston Richard Ringwald
Richard G Hansen Richard L Daggett Richard R Mcconkay Rev
Richard G Jones Inc Richard Lee Trust
Richard Goforth Richard Lee Hanneman Richard Roach
Richard Golden Richard Lee Zimmerman Richard R Tozzi And Brenda
Richard Gooch Richard Lemarr L Tozzi
Richard Gore Belisle Richard Lemasters Richard Saccaro
Richard Graham Richard Leroy Proutey Sr Richard Sanderson
Richard Greene Richard L & Janet M Richard Schafroth
Richard G Roeder Trust Thompson Jt Richard Schoeling

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Richard Schubert Rick Eubank And Susan Riley Mallatt

Richard Seaboch Eubank Riley Sharp
Richard Shelton Rickey Dean Rio Brazos Mineral
Richard Short Rickey Lee Ingram Living Company Llc
Richard Short Trust Rio Concho Catering Inc
Richard Sims Rickey Len Tate Rio Energy International Inc
Richard S Langston Rickey L Gladden & Nellie Rio Llc
Richard Smaltz Maxine Gl Ripley Christian Church
Richard Snider Rickey Peters Ripley Community Church
Richard Spalding Rickey Tison Inc
Richard Spess Rick Fletcher Ripley Joint Consolidated
Richard Sullivan Rick Hadley School Di
Richard Swearingen Rickie Davenport Ripley Masonic Building
Richard Swim Ricki Finstad Association
Richard Taff Rick L Andersen Trust Ripley School Dostrict
Richard Tarpey Rick Marsh Independent
Richard Tayrien Rick Mccubbin Rising Fields Hydrocarbon
Richard Terrel Rick Mckereghan Holdings
Richard Terrel Rick Miles Rising Star Trust Co
Richard Thiele Rick Miner Oil Inc Rist Family Irrevocable Trst
Richard Tiehen Rev Trust Rick Moore Rita Claggett
Richard Tiehen Rev Trust Rick Prichard Rita Davis
Richard Triplett Rick Sams Rita Fulmer
Richard Trueheart Ricks Fund Employees Trust Rita Gibson
Richard T Smith & Jean W Rick Shippy Rita Hansen
Smith Trus Ricky Bryant Rita Hejny
Richard Walter Adamek Ricky Carlile Rita Jacob Price (Deceased)
Estate Ricky & Clara Orr Rita Lea Palmer
Richard Watts Ricky Cole Rita L Willis Living Trust
Richard W & Crystal L Ricky Helt Rita Lynne Coleman
Griggs Hwjt Ricky Ingram Rita Oldham
Richard Webster Ricky J Pate Rita Rethelford
Richard Wells Ricky Lee & Sue Lynn Rita S Webb
Richard Whiteside Leader Rita Wasson
Richard Whiteside Ricky M Triplett Ritchey Trucking Inc
Richard Winemiller Ricky Prickett Ritchie Johnston
Richard W Moncrief 1988 Ricky Redman Ritchie Verni Tryon
Trust Ricky Wardell Rite-Way Construction Inc.
Richard W Orsak Ricky Webb Rivendell Royalty
Richard Y Worsham Rev Tr Ricky Winegeart Corporation
Dtd 10-31- Ricoh Usa Rivera Well Service Llc
Richard Zimmerman And Ridge Hooks Riverbank Royalties Llc
Kathleen L B Ridgerock Llc Riverbend E & P Llc
Richey Resources Llc Ridgeview Exploration Inc River Bend Land & Cattle
Rickard Kirk Ridgway Management Inc Co. Llc
Rick Beck Rigdata Riverbend Resources
Rick Caruthers Construction Rigmaids Llc Company Llc
Inc Rig Power Inc Rivercrest Royalties Llc
Rick Cornwell Rig Runners Inc Rivercrest Royalty Company
Rick Decd Rig Washers Riverfront Exploration Llc
Riley Cemetery Association River Ranch Resources Llc

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Riverside Mgmt 2 Llc Robbie Kyle Robert Arthur Ellsworth &

Rivers Resources Llc Robbie L Hambleton Robin Marilyn D
Riverview Plantation Hambleton Robert A Schlidt Trstee Of
Riviera Finance Of Texas Robby Braun The
Riviera Finance Trs Svcs Robby Cockrell Roberta Wehr
Riviera Upstream, Llc Robby Fox Roberta Wehr Life Tenant
Rizley 3k Energy Llc Rob Clarke Robert Bailey
R Jackson Smith Roberson Oil Company Inc Robert Bailey Gas Llc
Rjdmt Investments Lp Robert Robert Baldi
Rj Haas Robert Robert Baldwin Decd
R J Harden Est Robert Robert Baran
Rjk Investments Llc Roberta Becker Robert & Barbara Shaw Rev
R J Lewis Rev Trust Roberta Cantwell Tr
R Jones Roberta Carmack Fioretta Robert Barker
Rj & Peggy Parrish Rev Roberta Combs Robert Barker
Trust Robert Adair Robert Barker
Rj Wolfe Robert Adamek Robert Barrett Jr
Rjw Resources Llc Robert Adkins Robert B Dunkin
Rkd Communication Systems Robert A Grace Trust Robert Beavers
Ltd. Roberta Harris Robert Beery
R Kirk Whitman Revocable Roberta Hazen Robert Beier
Trust Of 9 Robert A Hefner Trust No 2 Robert Beier
Rkw Energy Llc Roberta Hopkins Robert Bell
R Kyle Yoder Robert Ahrberg Robert Berry
Rland Llc Robert Ahrens Robert Betchan
R L Beaty & Shirley R Beaty Roberta I Hollen Robert Bishop
Rev Tr Roberta Jack Mote Robert Black
R Lee Speer Speer Robert Ajay Avery Robert Blair
R Leiver Roberta J Yost Le Robert B Miller Ira
R L Energy Company Robert A Ketron Jr Robert B Milsten
Rl Energy Company Robert A Ketron Jr & Robert Bradfield
R L Hert Jr Trust Dorothy Robert Bradford
R Lynch Roberta L Earnest Rev Trust Robert Bradley
Rmap Llc Robert Alexander Robert Bradshaw
R Marsden & Katheryn D Robert A Linder Robert Brentlinger
Ballatti Tr Robert A Linder Ii Robert Brixey
R & M Companies Inc Robert Allen Robert Brock
Rmc Resources Llc Robert Aller Robert Brookshire
Rmd Llc Robert A Manley Robert Brownwros
R Mills Robert A & Marilyn Sue Robert Bryan
Rmp Operating Company Boewe Robert Bryan
Rmw Minerals Llc Roberta Miller Robert Bryan
R Newton Roberta Montgomery Robert Bryan
R Nichols Fonville Exmt Tr Robert Bunney
Roadrunner Investments Llc Robert And Cynthia Swaim Robert Burham
Roanna Lewis Trust Robert Burns
Roaring Fork Partners Ltd Robert And Kelly Altland Robert Caig
Roark As Joint Tenants Robert Andrews Robert Caldwell
Robbie Austin Roberta Pedigo Robert Cambell
Robbie Evans Roberta Reinhold Robert Campbell
Robbie Harber Rich Robert Arnold Robert Carlin Donahue Jr

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Robert Carmona Robert D Whitten Trust Robert Gillingham

Robert Carpenter Robert D Wilson Robert Glen Miller
Robert Carroll Robert Dycus Robert Glenn
Robert Carroll Robert E & Betty J Mittasch Robert Goldwaser
Robert Cavanaugh Trust Robert Gould
Robert Charles Robert Edward Eckels Jr Llc Robert & Gracie Anderson
Robert C Harrison Robert Edward Lee Ii H/W Jtwros
Robert Christopher Phelps Robert Edward Marriott Robert Gray
Trust Robert E Fagan Estate Robert Guyton
Robert Clark Newman Estate Robert E Fagan Life Estate Robert Hale
Robert Cleland Robert E Keim Robert Hall
Robert Clendenen Robert E Lee Robert Hamilton
Robert Clinkingbeard Robert Elston Robert Hammock
Robert C. Newman Oil Llc Robert Emil & Carmen Ligia Robert Hansen
Robert Cochran Voigt Tr Robert Harrington
Robert Cole Robert Eugene Coe Robert Harris
Robert C Olmstead Robert Evans Robert Harris Dyer Ttee
Robert Combs Robert & Evelyn Parker Robert Hart
Robert Compton Trust Robert Hartsock
Robert Conville Enterprises Robert Fagan Robert & Hazel Shively
Llc Robert Fagan Robert H Card Jr & Alice E
Robert Cook Robert Fehring Card
Robert Cowan Robert Ferguson Robert H Donaldson Tr
Robert Cowdery Robert F Harper Robert Heckenkamp
Robert Craft Robert F Harper Fam Tr Robert Hedges
Robert C Rothermel Jr Robert Filebark Robert Hensley
Robert Crouch Robert Fillmore Robert Herod
Robert C Tilghman Robert F Jack Rich And John Robert Hert
Robert Davis Kipp Robert Hicks
Robert Davis Robert F Jr & Anisa A Robert Hiday Heirs Of
Robert Davis Magallanes Robert Hilton
Robert Davis Robert F Long Test Trust Robert Hitzelberger
Robert Davis And Edith F Robert Floyd Ringwald And Robert H Jr & Deanita S
Davis Hw J Janet G R Sitton Rev
Robert D Clary Robert & Frances Cory Rev Robert H & Katherine M
Robert D Cowdery Living Lvg Tr Taylor
Trust Robert Francey Robert H Lynch Trust
Robert D & Dori J Clary Hw Robert Funk Robert H. Moore Trust
Jt Wros Robert G And Betty Ann Robert H & Patricia A Seeds
Robert Dean Bezdicek Peck Rev Tru Robert H Seeds
Robert Diehl Robert Ganey Robert H Singleton Living
Robert Dixon Robert Garrett Trust
Robert Donaldson Robert Gass Robert Hudson
Robert Douglas Wilson Robert Gates Robert Hunsinger
Robert Dow Robert G Carson Rev Tr Dtd Robert Hurd
Robert Dreessen 8-1-2000 Robert H Whitesides Estate
Robert Drew Bowers 1982 Robert G Devinney Robert H Wilson
Irrevocable Robert G & Emma R Snead Robert Iii Decd
Robert Dudley Rev Liv Tr Robert Inglish
Robert Duncan Robert Gholston Robert Isaacs
Robert Dunn Heirs Robert Gillespie

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Robert & Jana Jones Fmly Robert & Lillian B Landry Jt Robert Mounger
Trust Robert & Linda Reis Family Robert M Rainey Iii Trust
Robert Jay Wilson Trust Robert M Taubman Family
Robert J Dotter & Julie A Robert Lindley Partnership
Dotter R Robert L Johnson Rev Tr Robert M. Welch Iii Tr
Robert J Hansen Robert L Lee Robert & Nellie L Totusek
Robert J Hansen Robert L Mcpheron And Trust
Robert J & Mildred M Page Irene I Robert Nester
H/W Jtwro Robert L Moody Jr Robert Newhouse
Robert John Taylor Robert Long Robert Newton Wolfe
Robert Jones Robert Longan Robert Nickles
Robert & Josefa Valliant Liv Robert L Patrick Robert Norton
Trust Robert L Taylor Robert N & Susan E Streeter
Robert J Rhoads Robert L Testerman And Hw Jt
Robert J Scott & Linda C Robert N Welch
Robert Keesecker Robert L Walker Tr Robert Olan Bartel Bartel's
Robert Kehres Robert L Whittaker Rental
Robert Kepke Robert L Williams Ttee Robert Oneal
Robert Kincaid Robert Lynn Douglas Robert Otey
Robert Kindt Robert Mack Robert Outlaw
Robert Klabzuba Robert Mallett Robert Owens
Robert Klassen Robert Marchant Robert Owsley
Robert Knittle Robert Marchant Robert Painton
Robert Knox Robert Marchant Robert Parsons
Robert Krepps Robert Markley Robert & Patricia Axtell
Robert Kuhn Robert Martin Robert Patterson
Robert Kurz Robert Martin Robert Paul Grant
Robert K Weinkauf Robert Martin Williams Iii Robert Perry
Robert Lafollette Revocabl Robert Petersen
Robert Lafortune Robert Mason Priess Robert Phelps
Robert Lahti Robert Matlock Robert P Lammerts
Robert L Applegate Robert Maxwell Robert P Lammerts Estate
Robert Laramore Robert Mccabe Robert Pratt
Robert Larue Robert Mccoy Robert Radford
Robert L Brase & Robert Mccoy Robert Raines
Robert L Burns Ii Robert Mcfarland Robert Randolph
Robert L Caldwell & Georgie Robert Mcginnis Robert Ray Quire
A Robert Mckeaigg Robert Ray Wilson
Robert L & Darla J Robert Mcmahon Robert R Chapman
Kirkwood Hw Jt Robert Mcmahon Robert Reister
Robert Lee Robert Metzger Robert Renner
Robert Lee Bennett Heirs Robert Meyer Tic Robert Reynolds
Dec D Robert M Hart Robert Riley
Robert Lee & Patricia A Robert M Hoffman Jr Robert Roginson
Axtell, Jt Robert M Hoffman Sr Rev Robert Rosch
Robert Lee Shoenhair Trust Robert Roshell
Robert Leigh Robert Moore Robert Russell
Robert Lemasters Robert Moore Murphy & Roberts 1985 Joint Rev Trust
Robert Lewis Hiner Shirley Love Robert Sanders
Robert L Hall Robert Moorman Robert Satterfield
Robert L Heister Jr Robert Morris Robert Schacher

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Robert Schedler Robert Vandeventer Robin Lynne Rogers

Robert Schlanger Robert Vaughan Robin Nicholas
Robert Scobey Robert V Britton & Donna M Robin Oil & Gas Corp
Robert Scogin Britton Robinowitz Oil Company
Robert Scott Robert Voyles Robin Paschall
Robert Scott Robert W & Alfreda L Robin Ray
Roberts Family Rev Liv Tibbett Robin Sewell
Trust Robert Walter French Jr Robin Sewell
Roberts Family Trust Robert Walters Robin Speer
Robert Shelton Robert Walter Van Aller Robin Squires
Robert Sherman Robert Ward Bourlon Robison 9-1mh Ri Owners
Robert Shippy Robert Wayne Holman Robison 9-1mh Wi Owners
Robert Shircliff Robert W Barnes Rob Nester
Robert & Shirley Murphy Robert W Cook Deceased Robro Royalty Partners Ltd
Trust Robert Weaver Rob Shippy
Robert Sidney Mcbee Robert Weckstein Robson Holdings Llc
Robert Simma Robert Welch Robtrice Land & Investments
Robert S Keister Robert Wells Llc
Robert Skouby Robert Werther Robyn Frazier
Robert Skouby Robert West Robyn Iverson
Robert Smith Robert White Robyn Leininger
Robert Smith Robert Whitehill Robyn Marie Larsen
Robert Snyder Robert Whitesides Robyn Meslin
Robert Snyder Robert Wilczek Robyn Millburn
Robert Snyder Robert Wiley Rochelle Cummings
Robert Spencer Robert Wiley Rock Capital Group Llc
Robert Spencer Robert Willard Rockell Johnson
Robert Starling Robert Williams Rocket Oil & Gas Co
Robert S Taylor Robert Williams Rockford Energy Partners Iii
Robert Stewart Robert Wilson Llc
Robert Stewart Robert Wiss Rockford Exploration Inc
Robert Stewart Robert Witty Rock Fund I Ltd
Robert Stigall And Diana L Robert W Stroud Living Rockies Express Pipeline Llc
Stigall Trust Rock Island Exploration Llc
Robert Stolz Robert W Waring Estate Rockwater Energy Solutions
Robert Stuchal Robert Zaloudek Rockwell Resources Inc
Robert Sumner Robetha Fariss Rocky Blasier
Robert & Susan Heister Trust Robin Bannon Rocky Caldwell
Robert Swanson & Carolyn Robin Biskis Rocky Road Llc
Swanson Robin Boggs Rocky Shenold
Robertta Lee Robin Buller Rocky Spracklen
Robert Templeton Robin Carlton Rocky Sutton
Robert Thedford Robin Choate Rocky Taylor
Robert T Hedges Life Estate Robinette Family Rev Trust Rocky W Stebens And
Robert Thomas Robin Gregory Rodco Hydraulics Llc
Robert Thomas Robin Griffin Rodella Minerals Llc
Robert Tinker Robin Harris Roden Enterprises Llc
Robert Tinnen Robin Iman Rodenia G Fletcher
Robert Tucker Robin Kelly Roderick D Johnson And
Robert Valla Robin K Hartzell Roderick Lee Terrel
Robert Vandeventer Robin Layman Roderick Terrel

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Rodger Schuermann Roger Allen Cunard Roger Sivard

Rod Goodner & Loretta J Roger And Linda Ommen Roger Stedronsky
Goodner Roger Barker Roger Taylors
Rodkey Oil Trust Roger Beavers Roger Thompson
Rod Limke Roger Bishop Roger Winkelmann
Rodney Capps Roger Blackburn Roggow-Wilson Venture
Rodney Cook Roger Bunney Group Lc
Rodney Cyphers Roger Butler Rogo Logo Llc
Rodney Eells Roger Chrisco And Roland Anthis
Rodney Ferguson Roger Clary Roland Blumer
Rodney Henry Roger Conaghan Roland Goodenough
Rodney Hewitt Roger D & Debora P Morris Roland Hargis
Rodney Huffer Hw Roland Keith Bates 2003 Rev
Rodney Hulett Roger Demoss Tr
Rodney James Luckinbill Roger Dickens Roland Ralph Voise &
Rodney Jones Roger E Bates & Gayla J Roland Selik Bond Jr
Rodney Keith Rist Bates Co Tt Roland Stewart
Rodney Lauer Roger E Edwards Rolla James & Jeanne H
Rodney L Florey Roger E & Gayla J Bates Silkwood
Rodney Lighty Fam Tr Rolland Shreves
Rodney Lynn Kroutil Rev Roger F Johnson Rolla Silkwood
Trust Roger F Johnson Family Lp Rollie Delbert Thedford
Rodney Mccoy Roger Gilbert And Tonya R Rollie Joe Edwards
Rodney M Hansen Gilbert J Rolling Thunder Land
Rodney & Myra Richardson Roger Gregory Enterprises Ll
Family Tr Roger Hall Rolling Thunder Oilfield
Rodney Rains Roger Harwell Services I
Rodney & Rebecca Roger Heckman Rollins Koppel
Thompson Trst Roger Kinney Rollthadice Llc
Rodney Rolston Roger Kirkpatrick Roma L Gray Lvng Trst
Rodney Scot Dvorak Trust Roger Lane Romarco Inc
Rodney Stewart Roger Lee Jack Rev Trust Rome Ann Hopkins Famliy
Rodney Stewart Dtd 10-12- Trust
Rodney Upshaw Roger Legrant Rome Ann Hopkins Famliy
Rodney Venable Roger L Sherman Trust
Rodney Watt Roger L Sneed Rome Hopkins
Rodney Wayne Eggers Roger Manning Romy Taubman Trust
Rodney Wayne Hafner Roger Mayo Rona Lapilusa
Rodney Weary Roger M Leachman Ronald And Cheryl A Lafave
Rodney Weary Roger Murphy Jt
Rodney Wilson Roger Musick Ronald Anderson
Rodney Wiss Roger N. Sybrant Ronald And Louann Snow
Rodrick Carpenter Roger N Sybrant Roger N Ronald Armer
Rodriguez Family Trust Sybrant Rev Ronald Beasley
Roe Ann Rayner Roger Porter Ronald Biswell
Roe Ann Rayner & Donald D Roger Rains Ronald Bostian
Rayner Roger Reyon Ronald Brewer
Roene Lowry Roger Richardson Ronald Broadrick
Roe Rayner Roger Ridgway Ronald Brown
Ro Fox Roger Seefeldt Ronald Bush
Roger A Franz Living Trust Roger Seefeldt Ronald Cash

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Ronald Chain Ronald Mallatt Rondal R Gamble Family

Ronald Christie Eddington Ronald Mcafee Trust
Fam Trst Ronald Mccubbin Ronda Rodman
Ronald C Koehler Ronald Meyer Rondea Cheryl Mclure
Ronald Clark Ronald Miller Roni Gerken
Ronald Clary Ronald Mills Ron & Kay Eggers Family
Ronald C Mick Ronald Montgomery Trust Dtd 2
Ronald Combs Ronald Notley Ron Lull
Ronald Compton Ronald Oconnor Ron Mcinnis
Ronald Cordes Ronald & Patricia Welsh Ronna Baird
Ronald Cox And Joy Dean Family Trus Ronney Sherman
Cox Ronald Payne Ronnie B Smart & Pamela S
Ronald Craig Jardot Ronald Pepmiller Smart Hw
Ronald Crawford Ronald Perkins Ronnie Clark
Ronald Davis Ronald Pfrimmer Ronnie Creager
Ronald D Brown Ronald P Mischak Ronnie Darnell
Ronald Decker Ronald P Mischak Ronnie D Streck
Ronald Eddington Ronald Reaves Ronnie Green
Ronald E Lake Ronald Reddout Ronnie G Wittman Ttee
Ronald E Ramsey Tr Ronald Robinson Ronnie Hightower
Ronald Fowble Ronald R Pettit Rev Lvg Tr Ronnie Johnson
Ronald Frakes Ronald R Rookey & Sandra Ronnie Johnson
Ronald G Avants L Rookey Ronnie L Mckeaigg
Ronald G. Brown Ronald G. Ronald Sconyers Ronnie Lomenick
Brown Rev Ronald Skeen Ronnie P & Carol A Fisher
Ronald Groom Ronald Slover Lvg Tr Dt
Ronald Gruber Ronald Smith - (Deceased) Ronnie Squires
Ronald G Snow Ronald Spillman Ronnie Streck
Ronald Hager Ronald Sylvester Ronnie Whitlock
Ronald Hazzard Ronald Tarlton Ronny G Altman Amend
Ronald Hogan Ronald Taylor Restate Trust
Ronald Howe Ronald Taylor And Judy K Ronny L Moseley
Ronald Jackson Taylor Ron Perryman
Ronald Jacob Ronald T Cardiff Ron Plagg
Ronald Joe Simpson Sr Ronald Truitt Ron Querry
Ronald John Ritter Ronald Wagner Ron Shotts
Ronald Johnson Ronald W Cass Rev Trust Ron Williamson
Ronald Jones Ronald Wiegand Rori Burkhart
Ronald & Julie Schaefer Rev Ronald Wiggs Rorschachwhitaker Family Tr
Tr Ronald Wilder Rory Nathaniel Burnett
Ronald Karraker Ronald Wilfong Rosa Crowell
Ronald Kise Ronald Williams Rosa Hoots
Ronald Laeuger Ronald Williamson Rosalea P Hyland
Ronald Lee Buckles Ronald Wolke Rosalee Eelss
Ronald Lee Pilkinton Ronald W Stewart Rosalie Bradley
Ronald Liston Ron Burton Rosalie Russett
Ronald L & Joan A Ron Comingdeer & Rosalie Sue Criner Ttee
Thompson Jt Associates Rosalie Taubman Mgmt
Ronald L Martin Ron Cynthia A Adams Trust
Ronald Lute & Ronda K Mulloy Rosalie Weathermon
Ronald Lynn Brown Rosa Lundy

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Rosanne Dechant Roserock Well Service Inc. Royalok Royalty Llc

Roscoe L Hansen Rose Smith Royalty Acquisition Llc
Roscoe Nancy Bailey Jt Rose Sparks Royalty Asset Holdings Lp
Roscoe Pfrimmer Rosetta And John H Royalty Clearinghouse
Roscoe Wisler Mckeown Tic Partnership
Rose A. Adelhardt Liv Tr Rosetta Heppel Royalty Interest Clearing
Rose Adelhardt Rosetta Mulmed House Llc
Rose Allen Rose Vogels Royalty Lending Ii Ltd
Rose & Associates Canada Rose Whitesides Roy Anglin
Ltd Rosewood Llc Roy A Scott Revocable
Rose Bentsen Benton Rose Wooten Intervivos Tr
Rose Colombe Rosie Pace Roy Barton
Rose Edmundson Decd Rosie Snider Roy Bennett
Rose Family Trust 1985 Roslyn S Schwartz Rev Trust Roy Blevins
Rose Gass Rosmarie Simons Roy Brooks
Rose Hill Ross A Johnson Iii Roy Brooks
Rose Hill Ross Baze Roy Calavan
Rose Jackson Ross Electric Inc Roy Campbell
Rose Jones Rosser's Drill Collar Roy Carmack
Rose Knight Inspection Ll Royce Axtell
Rose Laird Ross Hill Royce Dale Jones & Juanita
Rose Lawn Cemetery Ross Johnson Jones Fa
Association Ross S Bravat Royce E Knowles
Rosella Marie Dorsey Ross Stewart Royce Geihsler
Roselle Allen Ross Wagner Royce Hanson
Roselyn Childs Rotary Club Of Oklahoma Royce Montgomery
Rose Lynn Walker City Roy Coleman
Rose Marie Pickens Album Round Hill Royalty Lp Roy Cooper
,Dec Rounds Family Farms Llc Roy C Quiett Trust Fbo Ellis
Rose Marie Robinson Trust Route 66 Minerals Lp L
Rosemary Bertka R Overman Roy C Quiett Trust Fbo Roy
Rose Mary Bezdicek Rowan Laughlin Inc Lambert
Rosemary Davidson Rowena Goofried Roy Daugherty
Rosemary Deering Rowena Gottfried Roy & Delsa Grider
Rosemary Farley Rowena Gottfried Roy Diehl
Rosemary Hesser Rowena Gray Roy D Teutsch
Rose Mary Murphy Trust Rowena I Dodson Gray Trust Roy Edmond Fisher
Rosemary Quinn Miller Dtd 11-5 Roy Edwards
Rosemary Reno Rowena Vickery Roy E Jones
Rosemary T Robertson Tr Rowene Hunt Roy Focht
Dtd 1-21-20 Rowene L Hunt Trust Roy Focht
Rosemary Williams Rowe Quality Consulting Roy Foraker
Rosemond Mcguire Deceased Christina R Roy G Barton Iii
Rose Pedigo Rowsey Energy Llc Roy G Barton & Opal Barton
Rose Pemberton Roxaine Stricker Rev Trus
Rose Red Roxanna Mccrory Roy G Beeby Family Trust
Roserock Energy Services Roxanne Mchugh Roy G Marriott
Llc Roxie Hanson Roy Grant Hiskett
Rose Rock Midstream Crude Roxstar Investments Llp Roy Hiday Jr Hiers Of
Lp Roy A Joseph Roy Hollingsworth
Roserock Well Service Inc Royal Oil Llc

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Roy J And Nonie L Wallace Rr Oil Llc Rural Water District #3

Family Tr R Rothrock Russco Oil & Gas Llc
Roy & Joan Blankinship R&R Well Service Inc Russel Bourgoyne
Trust R Sellers Russell Baker
Roy Lane Rsg Properties Ltd Russell Carol & Ruth Ann
Roy Lane & Cherilyn Rs Habbu Human
Williams Trs Rsk Land & Energy Russell Cassody
Roy Laughlin Resources Llc Russell Chemical Sales &
Roy Leister R & S Minerals Llc Service Co
Roy L Symes 1994 Rev Tr; Rsolutions Inc Russell Chemical Sales &
Roy & Martha Waters R Spurgeon Service In
Revocable Trst R Stanbrough Russell Don Riseley &
Roy May Rt Cash Family Rev Trst Carolyn T
Roy May R T Fogle Properties, Llc Russell D Puckett
Roy Mckee R&T Mineral Management Russell Eugene Martin
Roy Mcneill Llc Russell Eugene Thedford
Roy Mcneill R Todd Russell Focht & Marilyn Sue
Roy Peterson Rubicon Energy Lp Focht
Roy Price Ruby Bradley Russell Grassman
Roy Quiett Ruby Brown Russell Hargrove
Roy Quiett And Leah R Ruby Conner Russell Harlow
Quiett Jt Ruby Evans Russell Hathoot
Roy Ray Ruby Frick Russell Hein
Roy Romhild Ruby Hessen Russell & Helen Grassman
Roy Royalties Inc Ruby Jane Lacy Rev Tr
Roy Scott Ruby Jones Russell Hensley
Roy Smith Ruby Jones Russell Interiors Inc
Roy Sooter Ruby May Newhiney Russell Johnson Iii Dba
Roy Thomas Ruby N Basler Russell Kelce
Roy Thompson Ruby Oxford Russell Lemasters
Roy Towle Ruby Redington Russell Looper
Roy Ulin Ruby Thompson Keenan Est Russell Martin
Roy Valla Ruby Windsor Russell Mcguire
Roy & Virginia Mcneill Ruby Wingfield Russell Miner
Family Tr Ruby Young Rev Trust Russell Oxsen
Roy Waltermire Rudy & Geni Billingsley Russell Powell
Roy Walton Trust Russell Rhoads And Rita L
Roy Woodruff Rudy J Lacy & Stacy R Lacy Rhoads Jt
Rozina Dean Jtwros Russell Staley
R Patton Rudy Joe Hitt Russell Talbott
Rpi Rudy Mandeville Russell Tarr
R Pitts Rue Royal Minerals Llc Russell T Rudy Energy Llc
Rps Solutions Rufus Stinnett Trust Russell Van Nostrand Life
R Ralph Scroggins Rev Trust Rufus Todd Deaver Estate
R & R Black Llc Ruh Oil Company Russell W Mcdougal
R&R Black Llc Rulewicz Energy Llc Russell Youngblood
R & R Black Llc Runner Land Services Llc Russel Rodman
Rrc Power & Energy Llc Rupe Oil Company Inc Rust's Interiors For Business
Rr Donnelley Rupert Living Trust Inc
R Richardson Rupert & Steiner Pllc Rusty Hilton
Rrobert Lynn Douglas Rupnik Oil & Gas Llc Rusty Hilton

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Rustymare Ranch Llc Ruth I Mayfield R Walker

Rusty Prince Ruth Jacobs Rwam Insurance
Rusty Prince Ruth Jacob Taylor Administrators Inc.
Rusty & Steve Llc (Deceased) Rw Deceased
Ruth Adams Ruth K Akerson R W Holbrook Est
Ruth A Denney Revocable Ruth Kautz R Wilson
Trust Ruth Keeton R Witt
Ruth A Hays Ruth Kimberlin R W Jacobs Living Tr
Ruth A Johnston Ruth King Rw Jacobs Lvg Tr
Ruth Albright Ruth Knapp R W Mcilvain Trust A
Ruth And Leroy Kautz Ruth Lathrop Rw Mcilvain Trust B
Ruth Avery Ruth L Hamilton Trust R Wright Jr Decd
Ruth Bellis Ruth Marie Wyatt Trust Rws Enterprises Llc
Ruth B Ellspermann Ruth Matthews R W Willis Deceased
Ruth Bennett Ruth Mccollum Ryan 2014 Trust
Ruth Benton Ruth Mcintosh Ryan & Allison Harms Jt
Ruth Billings Smith Ruth Mckinney Ryan And Alison Long,
Ruth Bird Estate Ruth Mcmullin H&W, Jt
Ruth Booth Ruth Mildred Kautz Ryan And Krystel Steele Jt
Ruth Bradley Ruth Palmer Ryan Carnegie
Ruth Bridwell Ruth Palmer Ryan Choate
Ruth Brooks Ruth Patty Baldwin Ryan D Hirschberg Share
Ruth Burch Ruth Peters Smiley Ryan Eyster
Ruth Bydalek Deceased Ruth Phillips Ryan Family Trust
Ruth Carter Ruth Reed Ryan Houston
Ruth Chapman Ruth Roberts Ryan Hunt
Ruth Clark Ruth Roberts Lvg Tr Dtd 8- Ryan Hurst
Ruth Cogle Malmros 27-2009 Ryan Jack
Ruth Dehart Ruth Ross Estate Ryan Layman
Ruth Derwin Decd Ruth Roy Ryan L Bouray
Ruth Donart Ruth Schoenecke Ryan Merkle
Ruth Dooty Ruth Sheppard Ryan Miller
Ruth E Colpitt Ruth Simons Ryan Mockley
Ruth Falk Berry Revocable Ruth Smith Ryan Mueggenborg
Trust Ruth Sugg Ryan Otey
Ruth Flowers Ruth Sugg Decd Ryan Petroleum Llc
Ruth F Martin Trust Ruth Sutton Ryan Rickett
Ruth Fowble Ruth Taylor Ryan Rogers
Ruth Goodman Ruth Thomas Ryan Searle
Ruth Hamilton Ruth Underwood Ryan Sharpe
Ruth Hart Ruth Vandeventer Ryan Shepherd
Ruth Heady Ruth Vollmer Ryan Somers
Ruth Heady Ruth Wilde Ryan Stark
Ruth Helmick Ruth Williams Ryan Turner
Ruth Hooker Ruth Williams Ryan W Smith Family Tr Dtd
Ruth Hooper Ruth Williams 4-27-05
Ruth Hormann Ruth Williams Ryan W Stevenson
Ruth Horn Ruth Worsham Ryburn Trucking
Ruthie Bircket Ruth Worsham Rynick Resources #1 Llc
Ruthie Porter Ruth Wright Sabine Oil & Gas Cp
Ruthie Walton Rvs Minerals Llc Sabine Pipe Inc

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Sabine Royalty Trust Sally Nye Samuel Bowman

Sable Exploration Llc Sally Schwind Samuel Burnett
Sabra Kimball Sally Smyth Samuel Crowell
Sabre Exploration Inc Sally Stone Samuel Crowell
Sabrina Andersen Sally Swearingen Samuel E Ruhl
Sabrina Chapman Sally Swim Ahrberg Samuel Farrington
Sabrina Goetz Sally Van Name Samuel Fassnacht
Sabrina Lowe Sally Wegner Samuel Fitch
Sabrina M Barton Deceased Sally Welch Samuel Harman
Sac & Fox Nation Salt City Resources Llc Samuel Hayes Wilson
Sackett Crocker Energy Salt City Resources Llc Samuel Hickman
Holdings Llc Salt Fork Limited Samuel H Shorter
Saddle River Ranch Llc Salt Fork Oil Co Samuel Kautz
Sadie Eby Sam A. Mccormick Samuel Kelly
Sadie Sanderson Samantha Coffman Samuel Laird
Sadler Property Management Samantha Fulgham Samuel Mayhue
Llc Samantha Urban Samuel Neumeyer
Safe N Sound Land Company Sam Barto Samuel Peters
Llc Sam Billings Samuel Saunders
Safety Plus Usa Llc Sam Clinkingbeard Samuel Schaefer
Sagacity Inc Sam Cobb Family Trust Samuel Vanderbilt
Sagamore Energy Company Sam Coury Samuel Vincent And Nancy
Sage Powell Sam Foster C Vincent
Saint Resources Llc Sam Harel Samuel W & Danitta D
Saint Teresa Catholic Church Samis Lvg Tr Segura Hw Jts
Sakal Energy Llc Samis Oil Company Inc Samuel Wilson
Salley Storey Sam Lack Estate Decd Sam Widener
Sallie Mccorkle Sam Lukens Sam Wills
Sallie Ricken Sam Meyers San Angelo Standard Times
Sally A Holmes 2011 Sammie C Bledsoe Tr Sancy Inc
Revocable Tr Sammie Dawson Sancy Inc
Sally Ann Blehm Hoeme Sammie Rhoades Sandbar Oil & Gas Co
Sally Bacon Sam Morrow Sand Creek Petroleum Co Llc
Sally Beier Cavett Sammy B Castator & Mary Sandip Harimkar
Sally Bittner Jane Sandra And Gary Segroves
Sally Buckles Sammy Belisle Sandra And Robert Priest
Sally Cassiday Sammy Bennett Eagy Wife
Sally Davis Sammy Duncan & Sandra B Chasalow
Sally Denise Compton Sammy L Rains Sandra B Chasalow Sep Ira
Sally Foster Sam Nostrand Acct 1324
Sally Foster Sam Page Sandra Bezdicek Van Kleeck
Sally Freeman Sam & Pat Burns Family Rev Sandra Blackhurst
Sally Hueston Trust Dt Sandra Bross
Sally J Montgomery Sam Rodney Mays Sandra Bryan
Sally Johnson Sam Rose Sandra Buchholz
Sally Kitchen Sam Rose Sandra Burnett
Sally Lawler Sam Shippy Sandra Burtcher
Sally Minshall Samson Resources Company Sandra Cannon
Sally Moore Sams Packer And Supply Llc Sandra Cloud
Sally Nicholson Sam Taylor Sandra Conner
Sally Nicholson Samuel Sandra Davison

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Sandra Day Sandra R Hall Sarah Ann Ryland Test Trust

Sandra Dierksen Sandra Schwinn Sarah Avery
Sandra Donaldson Sandra S Greiner Life Estate Sarah Barnes
Sandra Donaldson Life Estate Sandra Smith Sarah Broyles Crawford
Sandra Douglas Sandra Smith Sarah Bruce
Sandra Edwards Sandra Snelling Sarah Croasdale
Sandra Edwards Family Tr Sandra Soulek Sarah Duckwall
2015 Sandra Spradling Sarah Elaine Kobos
Sandra Elizabeth Swank Sandra Stevenson Sarah Elizabeth Browne
Sandra E Swank Trust Sandra Story Trust
Sandra Fendrych Sandra Stubblefield Sarah Goe
Sandra Fent Sandra Taylor Harvey Sarah Holbrook
Sandra Forbes Gutierrez Sandra Tribble Sarah Howell
Sandra Funk Sandra Wagoner Sarah Isbell Naab
Sandra Gail Hooper Irwin Sandra Warren Sarah Jane Campfield A
Lvg Tr Sandra Wichman Single Perso
Sandra G Clark Sandra Zerby Sarah J Ashford
Sandra Gillum Brown Sandrel Jones-Webster Sarah Jean Allen Cranwill
Sandra Grona Sandridge Exploration & Sarah Jean Thomas Wood
Sandra Hampton Production Sarah Kester
Sandra Hanif Sandridge Explor & Prod Llc Sarah Macdonald
Sandra Hickle Sand Ridge Llc Sarah Officer
Sandra Hudkins Sandtrap Prospecting Co Sarah Pfeiffer
Sandra J Alexander Sandy H & Lila C Singleton Sarah Polson
Sandra J. Breeden And Liv Tr Sarah Rainwater
Steven R. Bre Sandy Marion Sarah Senger
Sandra J Pittman Sandy Pruitt Sarah S Fallin
Sandra J Whitlark Sandys Family Trust Sarah Simons
Sandra Kaye Sanford Sooter Sarah West
Sandra Kay Hutchinson Sanguine Oil & Gas Llc Sarai C Powell
Sandra K Hafner Sanide Lee Skiba Sarai C Powell
Sandra Kilander Sanjan Hotshot & Transport Sara Jane & David L Martin
Sandra Lea Strickland Sansing Living Trust Dtd 12- Ii Trust
Sandra Lee 28-1995 Sara Johnston
Sandra Little Santa Fe Township Sara Kelly
Sandra L Mcmanus Santa Rita Resources Inc Sara Kerfoot
Sandra Lou Harding Santorini Partners Ltd Sara Linda Shackelford
Sandra Lou Minshall Santos Usa Corp. Sara Lu Vorhes
Sandra L Perryman Valerio Sappington Energy Interest Saramay Gibson
Rev Liv T Ltd Sara Mcdaniel
Sandra L Pettus Sappington Energy Sara Michael Davidson
Sandra L Solberg Investments Ltd Sara Nelms
Sandra Maloy Sapulpa Daily Herald Sara Oil & Gas Inc
Sandra Mccauley Sara A. Marvin Trust Sara Pilgrim
Sandra Meyers Sara Aycock Sara Riddle
Sandra Moore Sara Bly Sara Scott
Sandra Nolan Sara Chain Life Estate Sara Sevy
Sandra Parker Sara Edge Sara Sterling
Sandra Perryman Sara Fagin Sara Thomas Wood
Sandra Petersen Sarah Andry Saratoga Investments Lp
Sandra Randleman Sarah Ann Paul Decd Saratoga Royalty Lp

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Sardis Hills Llc Schlumberger Canada Scott Foster

Sare Properties And Limited Scott G Jackson And
Investments Llc Schlumberger Technology Scott Gordon
Sari Elola Watkins Corporation Scott Grover
Sari Fisher Schlumberger Technology Scott Hampton
Sari Newell Corporation Scott Harting
Sasser Minerals Llc Schmid Family Rev Trust Scott Hayden
Satx Mineral And Royalty Schmidt Resources Inc Scott Heller
Partners L Schneider Energy Consulting Scott Hillen
Satya Kaushik Llc Scott Hubbard
Saundra Harris Schneider Family Trust Scott Hunter
Saundra Hetherington Schneider Tr Dtd 11-19-01 Scott Investment Group Llc
Saundra L Valentine 2004 Irr School District 56 Scott James
Tr School District 56 Scott Johnson
Saundra Mick School Of Geology And Scott Knapp
Sausalito Investments, Llc Geophysics Scott Lewis
Savage Living Trust Dtd. 1- Schott Family Partnership Lp Scott Limke
8-1996 Schott Family Partnership Lp Scott Lomeli
Savanah Clifton A Minor Schroeder Farm Llc Scott Loudermilk
Savannah Investment Schubert Family Trust Scott Mccubbin
Company Schutz Abstract Company Scott Mcgilliard
Savannah Minerals Llc Inc Scott Minor
Sawrin M Patel & Nisha S Schwab 2015 Revocable Scott Nester
Patel Trust Scott Oil & Gas Properties
Saxum Lp Schwab 2015 Revocable Llc
Sayre Oil Llc Trust Scott Paddock
S Balachandar Scientific Drilling Scott Parker
S Beamer Scientific Environmental Scott Parks
Sbl Oil & Gas Corporation Constrctin Scott P Carroll
S Boller Scissortail Energy Llc Scott Pollman
Sbs Holdings Lp Scissortail Investments Llc Scott Pollman
S B S Properties Inc Scissortail Petroleum Scott Ray Pace
Scales Famly Revocable Investments L Scott Ripley Rev Trust
Trust Scobee Family Revocable Scott Rupp
Scarce Trust Trust Scott Sachs
Scarlet Kim Sep Ira Acct No Scope Exploration Inc Scott Schafroth
13248 Scot Campbell Scott Schneider
Scarlett Duncan Scott Alan Walton Scott Short
Scarlett R Bowles Scott Aldridge Scott Sims
Scb Energy Ltd Scott Alexander Scott Snyder
Scb Energy Ltd Scott Allen Teeters Scott Stockton
Scb Investments Scott A Petermann & Scott Tribble
Schallenberg Family Rev Tr Rebecca L Peter Scott Trudeau
Schandle Consulting Services Scott Bever Scott Webster
Schatz Family Revoc Trust Scott Carroll Scott Williams
Schatz Family Rev Trust Scott Dudek Scott W Sewell Gst Exempt
Scherflein Royalties, Llc Scott Dudek Resry
Schlanger Va Irrevocable Scott Duncan Scott Yates And Heather N
Trust Scott Edwards Yates Jt
Schlansker Family Tr Dtd 5- Scott Ernst Scotty Lemmerman
22-98 Scott Eustice Scotty Oldenburg

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Scout C Lee And Carol Ann Seibold Energy Company Inc Shad Kiley Hane & Mary
Washburn Seigle Taylor Oil & Gas Llc Melinda Hane
Scout Royalty Corporation Sei Holdings Inc. Shady Acres Rv Park Llc
S&C Properties Seismic Exchange Inc Shafer Computer &
Screaming Mimi Oil Sekani Exploration Llc Electronics
Company Inc Selco Oil & Gas Shafter Lake Royalty
S C Shaw Trust Seldon Mcentire Shah Energy Llc
Scs Trust Seletha Reed Shakti Energy Llc
S D Sears Selfridge Resources Inc Shallow Sands Llc
Sea Breeze Llc Selma Eldridge Shamrock Natural Resources
Seacon Energy Llc Selma Fruhauf Llc
Sea Gypsy Properties Llc Selma Henke Williams Shamrock Properties Llc
Sea Island Acquisition Llc Selma Henke Williams Rev Shana Bodderij
Sea Lion Investments Lp Trust Shana Hagan
Sea Lion Minerals Lp Semgas Shane Diller
Seana Properties Llc Seminole County Clerk Shane Estus
Sean Clark Seminole Energy Services Shane Fairlie
Sean Cochrane Llc Shane Matson
Sean Davis Seminole Humane Society Shane Matson
Sean Doherty Seminole Petroleum Llc Shane Meek
Sean Fitzpatrick Sempra Energy Exploration Shane Michael Trim
Sean Keith Company L Shane Shipley
Sean Keith Seng Family Trust Shane Summers
Sean Logan Sequoyah Energy Holdings Shane Thomas
Sean Michael Cannon Llc Shani D Devlin
Sean Zrust Sequoyah Enterprises Inc Shani D Devlin
Seaport Inc Sereita Cooper Shannan Webb
Seaport Partners Llc Sergei Jakovenko Jr & Shanna Sue Houston
Searle Mineral Holdings Llc Annette Shannon Austin
Sea Sand Royalties Llc Sergio M Abit Jr. And Shannon Basile
Sebastian Schmiedbauer Servpro Of Edmond Shannon Bizzell
Sebranek Family Rev Tr Dtd Ses Holdings Llc Shannon Clinic
Jul 18 2 Seth Harrington Shannon Culler
Sec Production Inc Seth Herndon Shannon Elledge
Secrest Family Trst Seth I Glenn Shannon Francis
Secretary Of Housing And Seth Lauer Shannon Heikkila
Urban Dev Seth Morris Shannon Moore
Secretary Of Housing & Seth Pollack Shannon Mosier
Urban Seth Renfro Shannon Richardson
Secretary Of State Seth Robinson Shannon Sandmeyer
Secretary Of Veteran Affairs Seven Jars Llc Shannon Stuart
An Off Seymour C Dewitt Shannon Thiele
Secretary Of Veteran Affairs Sff Production Llc Shannon Wilson
An Off Sff Royalty Llc Shannon Worley
Security Business Capital Llc S Frierson Sharad Jain
Fbo S S Frogge Share Carr
Security Telephone S Garmin Or Heirs Sharefile
Answering Servic Sgc Energy Inc Sharen K Mead
Security Telephone Sgh Enterprises Inc Shari Berger
Answering Servic Sg I Minerals Llc Sharla Cowden
Seelig Trust Dtd. 9-16-2013 S Green Sharla Edwards

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Sharlene Davis Sharon K Felible Rev Trust Sharyn Opbroek

Sharon And Jerry J Lambdin Dtd 1124 Sharyn Waite
Sharon Andrews Sharon K Lambdin Separate Shasta Hallock
Sharon Awtrey Property Shasta Yarbrough
Sharon Barbara Gonzales Sharon K Long Shauncy Gates Le
Sharon Barden Sharon K Long Revocable Shaun D Spencer
Sharon Barnes Trust Shauney Martinez
Sharon Bayless Sharon K Mccullough Shaw Cable
Sharon Beck Sharon Knierim Graham Shaw Energy Inc
Sharon Bell Sharon K Ringer Rev Lvg Tr Shaw Family Revocable
Sharon Bishop Sharon Kurimay Trust
Sharon Blackburn Sharon Lacy Shawna Bailey
Sharon Bond Sharon Laeuger Skelton Shawna Roberson
Sharon Boyd Sharon Lawrence Jelsma Shawn Clymer
Sharon Brown Sharon L Daniel Living Trust Shawnda Phares
Sharon Campbell Sharon L Heppler Tr Shawnda Whisenhunt
Sharon Collins Hazlewood Sharon Marshall Shawnee Reginal Hospital
Sharon D Banks Family Trust Sharon Mikles Shawn Elizabeth Slocum Tr
Sharon Dean Sharon Miller Shawn Eli
Sharon Deann M Kurimay Sharon Mills Shawn Elledge
Jarrett Sharon Moll Shawn Eric Moore
Sharon Evans Sharon Monsey Shawn Jones
Sharon Ezell Sharon Moody Shawn Jones
Sharon Faye Taylor Sharon Neal Shawn Joyce Briley
Sharon Fisher Buckingham Sharon Nelson Shawn Mcchesney
Trust Sharon Norton Shawn Mcmullen
Sharon G Oberbrockling Lvg Sharon Orthwein Shawnna Huelsenbeck
Tr Sharon Peery Mason Shawn Paddock
Sharon Gorham Sharon Reiber Shawn P Hannifin & Frances
Sharon Gunkel Sharon Roady A
Sharon Hamilton Sharon Roper Shawn Razor
Sharon Harbaugh Sharon Searle Shawn R Staples
Sharon Heppler Sharon Sells Shawn Rush
Sharon Hiner Sharon S Gammill Rev Trust Shawn Russell Stubblefield
Sharon Hoecker Tr Sharon Sloan Shawn Schlinke
Sharon Holman Sharon Smith Shawn Scholl
Sharon H Scott Revocable Sharon Spears Koelsch Shawn Slocum
Intervivos Sharon S Taylor Shawn Tribble
Sharon Jabari Sharon Stilley Shaw String Up Service Llc
Sharon Kathleen Wieland Sharon Stingley Shaylee A Rowe
Sharon Kaye Higgins Sharon Sullivan Shayne Chesmore
Sharon Kaye Michel Sharon Summers Shayne J Allen
Sharon Kay Mcelveen Sharon T Edwards Shea Pizarro
Sharon Kay Moreland Trust Sharon Tipton Shea Pizarro
Sharon Kay Nivens Higgins Sharon Weaver Shearer Oil And Gas Llc
Rev Tr Sharon Wehr Shearon Bolton Ttee
Sharon K Barnes Living Sharon Williams Shecklers Excavating Inc
Trust Sharon York Sheila Conner
Sharon K Brixey Sharron Witters Sheila D Jones
Sharon K Cross Sharyl A Padgett Lvg Trust Sheila Duell
Sharyn Mcbride Sheila Guest

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Sheila Ingram Shelly Thomsen Sherri Pack

Sheila Julian Fka Sheila Ann Shelly W Keiser Estate Sherri Price
Hennis Shelton Investments Llc Sherri Rodgers
Sheila L Talbot Shelton Stevison Sherri Sanders
Sheila Moman Shelton Trust Dtd 8-26-2011 Sherri Thomas
Sheila Nelson Shepherd Royalty Llc Sherry A Ficken
Sheila Patterson Sherae Lejenne Sherry Anderson
Sheila Placke Sheralee Hollon Sherry Ann Sherwood Living
Sheila Risser Sheralyn Selph Trust
Sheila R Patterson Sherco Sherry Cecil
Sheila Struble Sheree Fielding Sherry Cooper
Sheila Stueve Sheree Kinzie Fielding Trust Sherry Covey
Shelby Barnes Sheree Michelle Howard Sherry Daunis
Shelby K & Virginia D Sheri Baxter Sherry Donnellan
Ashment Hw Jt Sheri Craft Sherry Douglas
Shelby Oakley Sherida Collins Sherry Ernst
Shelia Kennison Sheridan Family Trust Sherry Fennell
Shelia Sebree Sheridan Power Sherry Fletcher
Shelia Tubbs Sherie's Hotshot Services Llc Sherry Garfield
Shellbark Ventures Llc Sheri Gibbs-Brooks Sherry Gottschalk
Shell Chemicals Lp Sheri Henderson Sherry Graham
Shelldon Vogt Sheri Kingsbury Sherry Hays
Shellee R Mcgee Sheri Straughn Sherry Helschel
Shelley Bentsen Sheri Thomas Sherry Henderson
Shelley Chapman Sherma L Brown Living Sherry Lee Craycraft
Shelley Costello Trust Sherry L Mcgraw
Shelley D Schmiedbauer Sherman And Carolyn Sherryl Murphy
Shelley Kuenning Sherman B. Hamm Sherry Lynn Kerr
Shelley Meyer Sherman Karcher Sherry Marshall
Shelley R Irvin Sherman Lauder Sherry Pauline Martin
Shelley Ronne Sherman Penny Sherry Seamans
Shellie Moentmann Sherrel Bean Sherry Serzy
Shelli Sulyma Sherri Anderson Sherry Watson
Shelli Watts Sherri Bradfute Formerly Sherry Wolfe Owens
Shell Trading Us Company Hicks Sherry Young
Shell Trading (Us) Company Sherri Eades Sherwin Simons
Shelly Allison Sherrie Adkison Sheryl Ann Dungan
Shelly Bednar Family Tr Sherrie Ann Tuck Childrens Trust
Shelly Downing Sherrie Harter Sheryl Burri
Shelly Fowler Sherrie Kuster Sheryl Cole
Shelly Harman Sherrie Lynn Windsor Sheryl Delce
Shelly Harman Sherrie Shoemaker Sheryl Despress
Shelly Hopfer Sherri K Jacob Hurwitz Sheryl Hain
Shelly Kingsbury Sherri L Heffner Ttee Sheryl Holder
Shelly K Johns Rev Lv Tr Sherril Jorma Brown Sheryl Johnson
Shelly Lafave Sherrill And Tim T Mcgee Sheryll Harper
Shelly Mannis Wife And Sheryl Mays
Shelly May Sherrill Poston Sheryl Stockton Swanton
Shelly Mulcahy Sherril Mitchell Sheryl Stubblefield
Shelly Rohde Sherril Powell Sheryl Wiggins
Shelly Sheffield Sherri Mummey Sheryl Yancy

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Sheryl Zabsky Shirley Jean Emde Family Shriners Hospital For

Sheth Family Llc Trust Crippled
Shideco Llc Shirley Jernigan S H Smith
Shiela J Cramton Shirley Joe Ann Hughes Shuman Mccuskey & Slicer
Shields Operating Inc Shirley J Stone Pllc
Shift Networks 2008 Inc Shirley Kirk Shurrdean Ristau & Judith K
Shi International Corp Shirley Lafosse Ristau
Shiner Family Trust Dtd 1- Shirley Landers Sibyl Morris
15-2002 Shirley Landers Sibyl Roberson
Shipman Family Trust Shirley L Murphy Pr Sidney A Shuman
Shireen Macera Shirley Mae Southwick Sidney Gillespie
Shireen Norman Shirley Mai Sidney Greenfield Ii
Shirellene Pursley Shirley Marquardt Sidney Groom
Shirish R Mehta & Deepti S Shirley Mason Sidney Hobbs
Mehta Shirley M Canepa Sidney Hunt
Shirlee Sliger Shirley Mckinley Sidney Lamonte
Shirl Elder Shirley Miller Sidney L Miller & Karen L
Shirlene Harmon Shirley Miner Moore Jt
Shirley A Blake Le Shirley Munday Sidney Malone An Jessie M
Shirley A Duensing, Life Shirley Palmer Malone Jt
Tenant Shirley Panick Sidney Moran
Shirley Aikiins Formerly Shirley Parker Sidney R Clarke Iii Rev.
Raffety Shirley Sampson Trust
Shirley Ann Daggett Shirley Sharpley Sidney Schroeder
Shirley Ann Harper Dowd Shirley Shephard Sidwell Oil & Gas Inc
Shirley Ann Mobley Shirley Showalter Siegmund Brown
Shirley Ann Stedman Shirley Sneed Siena Natural Resources
Shirley Arnett Shirley Snelling Sienna Wofford
Shirley Battles Shirley Stout Sierra Engineering Llc
Shirley Battles Shirley Veith Wood Sierra Madre Natrual
Shirley Becker Shirley Ward Resources Llc
Shirley Bradfield Shirley Wells Sierra Resources Inc
Shirley Butler Smith Shirley West Sierra Springs
Shirley Cassiday Howerton Shirley Woolery Sigma Cubed Inc
Shirley Charlie Canfield Shly Llc Signature Staff Resources Llc
Shirley Deboer Shoemaker Family Rev Tr Silvan E Levinson Family Tr
Shirley Denney Dtd 9-22-19 Uta Dtd
Shirley Doughty Shogoil & Gas Co Llc Silverado Oil & Gas Llp
Shirley Dunworth Shogoil & Gas Ii Co Llc Silverheels Investments Llc
Shirley Eck Sho-Link Incorporated Silverthorne Seismic Llc
Shirley Edwards Shores Lift Solutions - Silvia Tapia
Shirley E Kellogg Pumping Uni Simone Belk
Shirley Elmore Shores Lift Solutions-Rod Simon Lebow Trust B
Shirley Erler Lift Cons Simonson Family Trust Dtd
Shirley Fuksa Shorthanded Llc 2-3-2004
Shirley Golden Hochman Shorty Creek Llc Simons Petroleum Inc
Shirley Hall Shotts Resources Llc Simon T Wyatt Jr & Gene A
Shirley Harbison Sh Productions Inc Wyatt
Shirley Hewitt Coulson Shreve Family Company Llc Simplifile Lc
Shirley Hochman Shreve Ok County Prop Llc Simpson Descendants Irrev

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Simpson Holdings Inc Smith Family Trust Est 9 2 Sonja Pruitt

Sindy E Brown 2003 Sonna Russell
Sindy Scarce Smith International Inc Sonny And Stepanie Limon
Singer Bros Smith Petroleum Corporation Jt
Singer Bros Smith & Pickel Construction Sool Ltd
Sirikast Energy Llc Inc Sooner Investments
Sissons Family Trust Of Smith Revocable Trust Dtd Properties Llc
2017 6-24-2002 Sooner Mineral Investments
Sistrunk Family Trust Smitty's Welding Service Inc Llc
Sistrunk Family Trust A Smr Investments Sooner Mineral Investments
Six S Energy Group Llc Smv Real Properties Llc Llc
Sixty Nine Oil & Gas Lp Snedden Family Trust Sooner Nation Royalties Llc
Sjoran Ewing Fitzpatrick Sneed Company Sooner Pipe Llc
Sj&R Cp Sneed Trust Of 2011 Sooner Sports Properties Llc
Skc Communication Products S Neumeyer Sophia Davis Haskett
Llc Sno Oil & Gas Llc Sophia Fitzpatrick
Ske Consulting Llc Snowy Range Royalty Llc Sophia Richard Smither Jt
Skeleton Valley Ranch Llc Sns Oil & Gas Properties Inc Sophie Eyler
Sklarco Llc A Louisiana Snyder & Hassig Soranya J Hatmaker
Limited Lia Snyder Properties Llc Sosab Energy Llc
Sk Nemaha, Llc Soar Energy Solutions Llc Sound Realty 401k An
Skobi Holdings Llc Soccer City Okc Llc Arizona Llc
Skoshi Thedford Barr Society Of Corporate Source Energy Solutions
Sk Plymouth Llc Secretaries Source Rock Minerals Ii Llc
Skyline Directional Drilling Society Of Petroleum Source Rock Minerals Lp
Llc Engineers South 54 Farm Llc
Slawson Exploration Society Of The Propogation Southeastern Energy
Company Inc Of The F Company
Slawson Exploration Socony Mobile Oil Co Inc Southern Energy Fund 3 Lp
Company Inc (Ob Softmart Inc Southern Financial Services
Slb Limited Partnership Solarwinds Inc
Slemaker Royalty Company Sol Frisch Southern Funding Inc
A Partners Solick Family Trust Urta Dtd South Family Rev Trust Dtd
Slim Resources Llc 9-14-0 7-11-200
Slim Royalty Llc Sol J Taishoff Tr Fbo Robert Southland Royalty Company
Slj Energy Llc P Tais South River Environmental
Slj Eof Iii Ltd Sol J Taishoff Trust Llc
S & L Lee Family Sol J Taishoff Trust Fbo Southroads Properties Llc
Partnership Randall L Southstar Energy Corp
Sloan Petroleum Services Inc Solo Engineering Inc Southstar Exploration Llc
Sltl Legacy Enterprises Llc Solon L Bloomer Family Lp Southwestern Asset
Smack Dab Ltd Llc Ii Management Llc
Smalley Family Trust Sombra Operating Llc Southwestern Bell Telephone
Smart Investments Llc Sondra Carter Company
Sm Energy Company Sondra Dragoun Southwestern Exploration
S Meyers Sondra Driskel Southwestern Oklahoma
S Mills Sondra Harrington Matthies State Univers
Smiser Grandchildren's Trust Sondra Jo Pierce Southwestern Public Service
Smiser Grandchildrens Trust Sondra Power Southwestern Stationary &
Smith Family Stuff Llc Sone Energy Services Llc Bank Supp
Smith Family Trust Sonja Christensen Southwest Petrocorp Inc

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Southwest Petroleum Spiritbank Awad Investments Stacy Reece

Company Lp Stacy Royalty
Southwest Royalties Inc Spirit Services Co Stacy Schusterman Rev. Tr
Southwest Royalties Spo Enterprises Llc Stacy S Darty Trust Stacy S
Institutional I Spotlight Creative Llc Darty
Southwest Solutions Group Sprenger James Stacy Tejada
Inc Sprig Enterprises Llc Stacy Williams
South West Texas Disposal Spring Mcknight Staerkel Land Llc
Corp Spring Valley Church Of Staghorn Energy Llc
Southwind Exploration Llc Christ Inc Stalker & Company Llc
Sovereign Exploration Sprint Energy Services Llc Sta Llc
Company Sprunt Llc Stallings Family Trust
Spangler Contract Pumping Sprunt Llc Stallion Oilfield Services Ltd.
Sparky Oil And Gas Co Llc Spur Operating Llc Stamps Bros Oil And Gas Llc
Spartan Resources Llc Squirrel Creek Elk Ranch Inc Stan Berger
Spaulding Surpllus Solutions S&R Compression Llc Standard & Poor's
Llc Srilakshmi Komanduri Trust Standard Testing And
Spears & Associates Inc Srn Consulting Inc Engineering Co
Special Core Analysis S Rogers Stanford Shaw
Laboratories Ssc Inc Stan Huston
Special Energy Corporation Ssc Llc Stanislaw V Handzlik
Special Energy Corporation Ssi Us Inc Stanley And Jill Todd Jt
Special Exploration Llc S Squire Stanley A Swisher Trust
Speckulations Llc Stable Energy Land Services Stanley Boyles
Spectorsoft Corporation Llc Stanley Colborn
Spectra Audio Design Group Stacey Dale Reynolds Stanley Cornett
Ltd Peterson Stanley Curtis
Spectrum Business Services Stacey Harris Stanley Delano
Spectrum Tracer Services Llc Stacey Walters Stanley Dudley
Speedy Print Stacey Washington Stanley Dunbar
Spencer Foster Stacey Williams Stanley Dunham
Spencer Living Trust Dtd 3- Staci Connery Stanley E Bridenstine
7-2007 Stacie Davis Stanley Family Trst Don G
Spencer T Sewell Gst Stacie Gray Stanley Filter Co Llc
Exempt Res Tst Stacie Wallace Stanley Gibson Irs
S P Energy 1984-One Lp Staci M Clark Trust Stanley Kautz
Sp Energy 1985-One Lp Staci Wade Stanley Lee
Sperling Stubblefield Stack Minerals I Llc Stanley Longan
Spess Oil Company Inc Stacy Briggs Stanley Mcknight
Spidle Turbeco Stacy Campa Stanley Moffat
Spillman Family Trust Stacy Castillo Stanley Monroe Ward
Spindletop Exploration Stacy Dillon Stanley Moore
Company Inc Stacye Roe Stanley Moore Ward
Spindletop Exploration Inc Stacy & Kelly Spencer Lvg Stanley Owen Hammond
Spindletop Royalty Interests Trust Dtd Stanley Polwart
Llc Stacy Lynn Stanley Ray Moffat &
Spindletop Royalty Interests Stacy Marie Channel Cathrene Ann M
Llc Stacy Marion Stanley Resources Corp
Spinnaker Llc Stacy Operating Llc Stanley Rogers
Spire Marketing Inc. Stacy Perryman Stanley Schuermann
Stacy Phillips Stanley Singer

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Stanley Stallcup Stella Angle Stephen Charles Schroeder

Stanley Walker Mary Helen Stella Dean Forney Trust
Walker Jt Stella G Duggan Stephen Corbyn
Stanley Ward Stella Nelson Hughes Stephen Craig Davison &
Stanley Wierzbicki Stellaris Llc Evelyn C Da
Stanley York Stella Rodgers Stephen Craven
Stan Potter Stella Smith Stephen Dobbs
Stanton Family Trust Stella Stevens Rodgers Life Stephen Dovre
Stanton F And Beva Smith Est Stephen Drake
Living Tru Stephane Marlow Stephen D Weeks
Stanton L Young Rev Trust Stephanie Allen Stephen Elliot
Staplegun Design Inc Stephanie Ann Michel Stephen Ellspermann
Staples Technology Solutions Stephanie Ann Parks Stephen E Pollard Trust
Staples Technology Solutions Stephanie B Varon Svrs Trust Stephen E Tanner
Star Flower Royalties Llc Stephanie Crouch Stephen Flaming
Star For Education Stephanie Davis Stephen F & Opal L Price
Foundation Inc Stephanie Diane Nelson Rev Trust
Star Gap Investments Trust Stephen Foster
Star Geophysics Inc. Stephanie Fanning Stephen Foster And Brenda
Star Kloberdanz Stephanie Gasaway Foster H
Starlet Jamison Stephanie Gibbs Stephen F Wildgen
Starlight Energy Llc Stephanie Gudgel Stephen Gibson
Starlight Orchestras Inc Stephanie Hindman Stephen Haag
Starling Miller Stephanie Hofferber Stephen Hall
Star Ridge Energy Llc Stephanie Kemp Stephen Hargis
Star Ridge Resources Llc Stephanie Long Stephen Harris
State Of Colorado Stephanie Looney Stephen Hess
State Of Michigan Stephanie Lott Stephen Hill
State Of New Jersey Stephanie Mclaughlin Stephen Hoffman
State Of Oklahoma Stephanie Morrison Stephen H Watson Trust
State Of Tennessee Treasury Stephanie Rogers Stephen Hy Anderson
Departm Stephanie Simpson Stephenie Williams
State Of Texas Stephanie Stokes Stephen Ira
State Of Texas Stephanie Workman Stephen Janger
States Royalty Limited Stephanni A Taylor Stephen Jay
Partnership Stephen Albert Westerheide Stephen J Svelan Iii
Statewide Painting Stephen Allen Stephen Kontor
Contractors Inc Stephen & Andrea Phillips Stephen Lee
Statex Petroleum I L.P Fam Tr Stephen Leroux
St Charles Royalty Llc Stephen A Smith Stephen Looney
Stc Resources Llc Stephen Austin Stephen Mallatt
Steaven Shane Pate Ii Stephen Barton Stephen Marek
Steel Horse Holdings Llc Stephen B Cubbage Stephen Masters
Steelhouse Productions Stephen Blakley Stephen Mcclain
Steel Oak Oil And Gas Llc Stephen Blazi Stephen Mcclurkin
Stefanie Francis Stephen Bradford Slawson Stephen Mcintire
Stefani Mcdowell Rev Tr Stephen M Goodrich
Steichen Family Land And Stephen Burtch Stephen M Hill
Minerals L Stephen C Curry Dba Stephen Miltimore
Steiner Farms Stephen C Hall Stephen Mitchell
Steinert Ag Service Llc Stephen Morris

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Stephen M West Steve And Cindy Briggs Steven Carmack

Stephen N Flesner Steve Arnold Steven Carter
Stephen Owen Clarke Steve Black Steven Clark
Stephen Paul Edmiston Steve Carpenter Steven Cobb
Stephen Pollard Steveco Trust Steven Cockrell
Stephen Price Steve Craig Staten Steven Conner
Stephen Price Steve Craig Staten Ii Steven Davis
Stephen Ramsey Steve Cure Steven & Denise Clary Trust
Stephen R & Annabess Maly Steve Davis Steven D Jorns
Hwjts Steve Delmans Inc Steven Dobbs
Stephen Ray Jardot Steve Delmas Inc Steven Drake
Stephen Reddout Steve D Ritter & Peggy E Steven Duane Stubblefield
Stephen Rehm Ritter Jt Steven Eells
Stephen R Graham Ira Steve Eugene Arnett And Steven Ellis Blevins
Stephen Rifkin Steve E Westerheide Steve Nelson
Stephen Rolen Steve Ferrellros Steven Engelken
Stephens Capital Llc Steve Gallagher Steven Fernandes
Stephen Schafroth Steve Graham Steven Foerster
Stephen Schlinke Steve Hadaway Steven Fowler
Stephen Scott Steve Hewitt Steven Francis
Stephen Scott Bamberg Steve Hunter Steven Frenthway
Stephens County Clerk Steve Ingram Steven Gamelson
Stephen Sears Steve Kampa Steven Garner
Stephens Energy Group Llc Steve Ketter Steven Green
Stephens Ford Storey Steve K Smith Steven Grover
Stephen S & Linda S Gray Steve Lane Steven H Bunch Le Life
Stephenson Family Steve Larkin Estate
Revocable Trust Steve Lewis Steven Herron
Stephens Production Steve Longan Steven Holt
Company Steve M Bays Steven Jeffries
Stephen Stewart Steve M Bays & Harold W Steven J Landers Jr
Stephen Storey Bays Jt Steven Johnson
Stephen Strong Steve Mccord Ttee Steven Jones
Stephen Stuck Steve Moorman Steven Kelso
Stephen Sumner Steven And Janice Altland Steven Kenton Craig
Stephen T. Long 2010 Rev Tr Steven Arnett Steven K & Katherine E
Stephen Triplett Steven Ayers Thomas Jt
Stephen Van Horn Steven Balkman Steven Kobos
Stephen Vater Steven Balkman Steven K Thomas & Shannon
Stephen Vater Steven Barker K Hiner J
Stephen Ventris And Mary E Steven Barnes Steven Kyzer
Ventris Steven Beier Steven Larue
Stephen Weldon Steven Beier Steven Larue Jr.
Stephen Whitehill Steven Bonds Steven Lavay Crawley
Stephen Whittaker Steven Boone Steven Leaman
Stephen Zorn Steven Breeden Steven Lindley
Steptoe & Johnson Pllc Steven Brisco Steven L Lopata Trust
Sterling Gates Steven Buchanan Steven Lord
Sterling Investments Llc Steven Bucholtz Steven L Stone
Sterling M Morris Steven Bucholz Steven L Thomas
Steth Family Llc Steven Calavan Steven Lynn Deaver

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Steven Mcknight Steven Wilson St. Luke's Methodist Church

Steven Michael Cantrell Lvg Steven Woods Stockbridge Consulting Inc
Tr Steven Yates Stoel Rives Llp
Steven Miller Steve Pittenger S&T Oilfield Services Llp
Steven Mohr Steve Potter Stone Arrow Ltd
Steven M Stone Steve Pralle Stonebridge Acquisition Inc
Steven M & Vickie J Foust Jt Steve Ritter Stonebridge Partners Ii Llc
Steven Neumeyer Steve's Backflow Testing Stone Creek Operating, Llc
Steven Niehus & Haroldine Steves Cress Family Prtnrshp Stone Diamond Oil & Gas
Niehus Llc Llc
Steven Page Fisher Steve Sedbrook Stone Diamond - Select Ii Lp
Steven Pate Steve Sitton Stone Diamond - Select I Lp
Steven Payne Steves Transports Llc Stonehill Resources Llc
Steven Petersen Steve Watts Stoner Engineering Llc
Steven Potts Steve Wilsey Stonewall Oil & Gas Llc
Steven P Trout Steve Wilson Stoneycreek Energy Llc
Steven Ralph Baker Steve Wilson Stoney Enterline
Steven Redgate Steve Witty Stormy Knight
Steven Ritter Steve W Nix Story Family Rev Living
Steven Roberts Steve Wood Trust
Steven Robinson Stevie Hansen Stoyan Nedeltchev
Steven Rogers Stewart Geological Inc St Pauls United Church Of
Steven Rother St Francis Of The Woods Christ
Steven R Parks And St Gregory's Minerals Llc St Peter And St Paul Catholic
Steven Russell Hewitt St Gregorys University Chruc
Steven R Zemp & Sheila Stidham Grandchildrens St Peter & St Paul Catholic
Zemp Hwjt Trust Straight Fork Oil & Gas Llc
Steven S. Brumfield Supp. Stiles 23-1mh Ri Owners Strasburger & Price Llp
Needs Tr Stiles 23-1mh Wi Owners Strata Minerals Inc
Steven Schroeder Stiles 26-1mh Ri Owners Strata Petroleum Inc
Steven Schwandt Stiles 26-1mh Wi Owners Strategic Solutions Group Inc
Steven Shaddock Stills Trust Stratfor Enterprises Llc
Steven Shippy Stillwater Broadcasting Llc Strauss Mineral Trust Agrmt
Steven Short Stillwater Community Dtd 3-3
Steven Shoup Housing Lp Stream Family Lp
Steven Sitton Stillwater Domestic Violence Stream Family Trust Llc
Steven Smith Servic Streeter Speakman
Stevenson Rev Tr Dtd 6-25- Stillwater Habitat For Strider Family Lifetime Rev
2007 Humanity Trst
Steven Staley Stillwater Medical Center Strike And Conquer Llc
Steven Stanley Authority Striker Land Services Llc
Stevens Trucking Stillwater Medical Center Striker Land Services
Steven Svelan Foundatio Northeastern
Steven Swisher Stillwater National Bank Strive Oilfield Services Llc
Steven Tanner Black Stillwater Newspress Strong 40 Inc
Steven T Garner 20003 Rev Stillwater S.A.F.E Strong Oil & Gas Ltd
Trust Stillwater Sand & Gravel Co Strong Testamentary Trust
Steven Vierthaler Stillwater Winlectric Co Stroube Energy Corporation
Steven V Redgate Stinnett & Associates Llc Stroube Trust Joint Venture
Steven Waltman St Louis-San Francisco Stuart Blakeney
Steven Wayne Jeans Railway Stuart David Van Orden

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Stuart Energy Holdings, Llc Sue Smith-Mccullers Superior Casing Llc

Stuart Mavros Sue Todd Superior Fabrication
Stuart M Berry Sue Turner Hall Superior Fence Construction
Stuart Milsten Sue Waller Inc
Stuart Moon Sue Williams Superior Oil & Gas Co
Stuart Nelson Trust Sugarberry Oil & Gas Superior Pipeline Company
Stuart Shippy Corporation Llc
Stuart Street Investors I Lp Sullivan & Company Llc Superior Threaded Products
Stubenbord Sisters Revocable Sullivan Family Trust Dtd 5- Lp
Trust 23-2017 Superior Trucking Service
Stucky Family Trust Sullivant Family Revocable Inc
Stufflebeam Properties Llc Trust A Surge Energy Technologies
Stufflebeam Properties Llc Summa Engineering Inc Lc
Stum Consulting Llc Summer Harman Trejo Surge Well Service Inc
Suanne Mcbroom Summer L Mcgaha Survivors Tr Created Under
Suash Sharma Summer Nell Davis The Abbe
Subhash Sharma Summer R Beekly Survivors Trust Fbo Maurine
Submersible Pumps Inc Summers Family Trust Taubman
Subsea Engineering Summer-Uhles Llc Susan Alspach
Successor M L Wimberley Summit Partners Mngmt Co. Susan Anderson
Decd Summit Resources Mgmt Llc Susan And John Rolin Wife
Successors Clyde Armour Summit Trust And
Successors Nancy Jackson Sunbelt Oilfield Supply Inc Susan Appleman
Sue Abernathy Sunburst Royalty Llc Susan Arnold
Sue Abernathy Estate Decd Sun Coast Resources Inc Susan Arnold
Sue Andrews Sundance Energy Susan Bailey
Sue Andrews Sundance Energy Co Susan Barker
Sueann Dahm Meldram Sundance Energy Inc Susan Baum
Sue Ann Walls Trust Sundance Energy Oklahoma Susan Beavers
Sue Ann Young Llc Susan Beggs
Sue Ball Sundance (Ppa) Susan Blake
Sue Brittain Sun Devil Land Llc Susan Boyce
Sue Chesnut Fka Carolyn Sue Sundown Energy Lp Susan Bradford
Mefford Sundown Exploration Susan Brimmer
Sue Crowe Company Susan Brisco
Sue Daniels Sunflower Royalties Llc Susan Brotherton
Sue Grice Sungard Kiodex Llc Susan Browne
Sue Haley Sunlife Assurance Company Susan Buckingham
Sue Harris Of Canada Susan Casper
Sue Jimmy & Pete A Sunmore Oklahoma Partners Susan Clarkson
Partnership Llc Susan Colleen Goss
Sue L Leader Sunny Slope Minerals Llc Susan Coolen
Sue M Brooks Trust Sunoco Inc Susan Crane
Sue Newberry Sunoco Partners Marketing & Susan Davis
Sue Newberry Termina Susan Davison
Sue Nuckols Brown Sunrise Exploration And Susan Delatorre
Sue Polk Production Susan Derossette
Sue Putman Sunrise Exploration And Susan Dickinson
Sue Richardson Production Susan Domorski
Sue Robbins Sunset Consulting Inc Susan Doolin
Sue Robins Sunwave Land Llc Susan Dunn

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Susan Eaton Susan M Ginsberg Trust Susie Abney

Susan Edberg Susan Molloy Susie Blakey
Susan E Heiss Ira Susanna Kay Larson Susie Isaacs
Susan Elizabeth Clang Lane Susanne Voss Susie Marshall
Susan Emerson Deceased Susan Oconnell Susie M Edwards
Susan Eustice Susan Olson Susie Osborn
Susan E Wolfe Susan Orr Susie Wilde
Susan Fondren Susan Parker Susie Young
Susan Fort Susan Parks Susie Ziegler
Susan Funk Susan Piersol Suspense - Misc
Susan Gniech Susan Poe Susy Cooper
Susan Gniech Susan Prater Sutton Family Llc
Susan Goeringer Susan Reilly Sutton-Williams Lp
Susan Gough Susan Richardson Suzanne Adams
Susan Grantz Susan Rodman Suzanne Alberts
Susan Hagar Susan Ryckman Suzanne Bradshaw
Susan Harmon Susan Senger Suzanne Cardin
Susan Hatta Susan Skinner Suzanne Chambless
Susan Heiss Sep Ira Susan Skinner Suzanne Colbert
Susan Higganbotham Susan Skinner Brotherton Suzanne Doggett
Susan Holstein Downie Susan Smith Suzanne E. Lehnhardt Tr
Susan Jefferies Susan Smith Williams Mgmt Suzanne Johnson
Susan Jennings Tr Suzanne Johnson-Greenfield
Susan Jepsen Susan Snow Suzanne Labarthe
Susan J Manchester Susan Somers Suzanne Lee Powell
Susan Jones Susan Sorrenti Suzanne Legare Breder
Susan Judycki-Reed Susan Southern Suzanne Lindsay Bradshaw
Susan Karg Susan Sparks Rev Trust
Susan K & Curtis G Susan Standley Ware Suzanne Lorenz
Boecking Susan Stapleton Suzanne Merrell
Susan Kenslow Susan Steele Suzanne M Rogers
Susan Knight Howell Susan Steele Revocable Inter Vi
Susan K Simmons And Susan Steiger Thomas Suzanne Operating 2
Susan Laliberta Susan Steverson Suzanne Stout
Susan Lamb Griffith Susan Stroube-Moore Suzanne Tarrant
Susan Lampe Susan Tanner Cummings Rev Suzanne Valla
Susan Lang Trust Suzann L Grimes
Susan Lemaster Susan Tatum Suzette Long
Susan L Sullivan Rev Liv Susan Teegarden Suzy Labry
Trust Susan Tua Brimmer Suzy Price
Susan Lynn Barnes Susan Tucker Svoboda Family 1997
Susan Mackey Susan Unterberg Revocable Trust
Susan Manchester Trustee Susan Vollmer Sweet Bit Ventures Llc
Susan Margaret Grigsby Susan Walton S & W Hotshot Services Inc
Susan Matthews Consulting Susan Wamsganss Swift Family Living Trust
Llc Susan Webb Swire Oilfield Services Llc
Susan Mccullough Susan Wells Swords Interest Llc
Susan Mckee Susan Westbrook Sw Resources Inc
Susan Mcneil Susan Wilson Sws Resources Llc
Susan Methvin Susan W Noble Trust Sybil Curry Testamentary
Susan Meyer Sushil Kumar Trust

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Sydna Steele Tamara Shattuck Tanya Lewis

Sydney Cameron And Tamara Shelton Tap Petroleum Inc.
Associates Inc Tamara Spychalski Tapstone Energy Llc
Sydney Lane Neumann Tamara Sutphin Tara Barker
Sydney Llc Tamara Thomas Tara Boyce
Sydney Sue Hill Tamara Trummer Tara Ewing
Sylvah Thomas Tamara Valentino Taralee Kathleen Smith
Sylvah Thomas Estate Tamara West Tarena Leah Eaves
Sylvania Beemer Tambra Halstead Taren Owsley
Sylvan Joseph Cromer Tamera Sue Anthis Targa Midstream Services
Sylvan Resources Company Tamerlane Downing Llc
Llc Tami Heirs Tariann Ephgrave
Sylvester Brooks Tami Truitt Tari Smith
Sylvia A Frazier Tami Williams Nichols Tarka Energy Llc
Sylvia Bullock Risner Tammera Chomik Tarpon Jumper Llc
Sylvia Carol Neundorf Tammie Davis Taryn Key
Sylvia Heiney Tammi Eileen Walton Tas Royalty Company
Sylvia Hoctor Tammie Sutton Tatia Crow
Sylvia Lambert Tammy Anders Taubman Partnership
Sylvia Long Tammy Anders Taurus Corporation
Sylvia Long Tammy Annette Podschum Tavane Ragan
Sylvian Frankel Tammy Carlton Tavane Ragan
Sylvia Stockton Tammy Downey Fowler Tawnda Hopper
Sylvia Trimmier Tammy Flower Tawnia Cockrell
Sylvia Wyatt Allen Tammy Guffey Tax Exempt Ri Owners
Synergy Minerals Llc Tammy Hahn Taylor Croft
Syrl Orbach Tammy Henry Taylor-Dwyer Ok Holdings
Tabitha Duran Tammy Lane Llc
Tab Products Co Llc Tammy Lee Thorn Taylor Family Trust Dtd 6-9-
Tackett Family Rev Trust Tammy Listen 1995
Dtd 6-23-8 Tammy Mcdaniel Taylor Harmon
Taf Holdings Llc Tammy Messimer Taylor Macentire
Tag Petroleum Inc Tammy Miller Taylor Mays Wynn Agent
Talara Capital Management Tammy Owsley Ryan Eddye Dreyer
Llc Tammy Parrish Taylor Swab Service Llc
Talbert Carley Tammy Rains Tba Petroleum Inc
Taliaferro Family Minerals Tammy Rasmussen Tbar Capital Llc
Llc Tammy Snider Good T-Bar Oil And Gas, Ltd
Talley Fam Rev Tr Dtd Tamra Beier T Biendorf
4/25/2018 Tamra Whalen Tbl Investments Partnership
Tall Oak Midcon Llc Tana Bezdicek Fraire Tbo Cattle Company Llc
Talmage Martin Tandem Land Inc Tbrp 2016, Llc
Tamara Alexander-Johnson Tangier Exploration Ltd Llc Tbs Factoring Service Llc
Tamara A Seymour Tanglewood Minerals Llc Tcas Inc
Tamara Atwood Tanmar Rentals Llc T.C. Craighead & Company
Tamara Davidson Tanner Tebow Tcd Exploration Llc
Tamara Houtchens Tanner Vargas T Crawford
Tamara Kibble Tanner Wallace Tctb Management Group Llc
Tamara Mckeever Tanos Energy Holdings Ii Llc Tcx Corporation
Tamara Putman Tanya Brewer Td Assets Llc
Tamara Shattuck Tanya Harm Td Berry Investment Co Inc

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Td Consulting Te-Ray Resources Llc Terrance Burkhardt

Td Direct Investing Teresa Aebi Terrane Associates Inc
Tdm Resources Llc Teresa Ann Barker Terra Oilfield Services Llc
Teague Rev Tr Dtd 12152003 Teresa Axton Terraquest Corp
Team Serafino Inc Teresa Baldwin Terra Rosa Royalty
Team Venti Teresa Deceased Corporation
Tearle Stanton Teresa D Norwood Terratek Inc
Tech Inc Teresa D Wardell Terrence Hulet
Tech-Lock Inc Teresa Fischer Terrence Kreuz
Tech Minerals Llc Teresa Francis Melton Terre Verte Company Inc
Technical Drilling Services Teresa Freeman Terri Berger
Technical Toolboxes Teresa Guess Terri Bowser Hughes
Ted Baskett Teresa Harper Terri Declairmont
Ted Cates Teresa Hefferan Terri English
Teddie James Thomas & Teresa Hulsizer Terri Estopinal Guate
Carolyn S Teresa J Freeman Terrie Thomas
Teddy Glen Ferrell Teresa Jo Grant Terri F Morse
Teddy Haas Teresa Just Terri Fuller Trust
Teddy Metcalf Teresa L Green Terri Griffin
Teddy Stafford Teresa Lynne Krieg Terri Hendrix
Ted F Hill Teresa Mayabb Terri Hinnen
Tedford A Mccarty Teresa Millsap Terri Jean Holcomb-Louthan
Ted Fry Teresa N Hall Terri Jean Louthan
Ted Kalk Teresa Price Smith Terri J Hammond
Ted Leslie Donley Teresa Ralph Terri Keller
Ted L Jerome Test Trust Teresa Ramirez Terrill Bros Construction Inc
Ted Power Teresa Reddout Terri L Mitchell
Ted Ralston Teresa Roper Terri L Vanlandingham
Ted R Garten Lvg Tr Teresa Rose Terri Lynn Myrick Foster
Ted Rush Garrett And Becky Teresa Schoepfin Terri Lynn Ogle
Lou Garr Teresa Shaffer Terri Menser
Ted Snow Teresa Shelton Terri Michelle Prichard
T Edwards Teresa Stahl Caldwell
Teel Oswald Teresa Tankersley Terri Miller
Teemco Llc Teresa Tully Terri Ross
T&E Flow Services Llc Teresa Wesley Terri Ruth Smith
Te Harris Teresa Yoder Terri Scott
Teigun Greenfield Teressa Smith Garrett Terri Scott
Tejas Hot Shot Service & Teri Debord Terri Sims
Transporta Teri Delene Lemonds Territorial Land Company
Teledrift Company Teri Hunt Llc
Telepage Communication Teri Janelle Nelson Territory Resources Llc
Systems Teri Johannesmeyer Terry A. Casey
Tell White Teri Kubin Terry Adkison
Telogis Inc Teri L Baty Terry Agnew
Tema Oil And Gas Company Teri Oates Terry Ann Gurney
Tempe Perreira Teri Round Terry Ann Mogensen
Templar Energy Llc Terminal Land Company Terry Armer Ells
Templeton Energy Llc Terraco Llc Terry Axton
Tenal S Cooley Terral Eichelberger Terry Blanco
Tenaska Terramopes Llc Terry Bounds

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Terry Bourlon Tesco Corporation The Baptist Foundation Of

Terry Boyle Tesha Sum Oklahoma
Terry Boyles Test Ba The Baptist Home
Terry & Brenda Harmon Hw Testerman Family Trust Of The Benomar Company
Terry Cash 2014 The Bentley Family Rev
Terry Cash Teton Properties Llc Trust
Terry Clark Tetra Energy Llc The Berry Oil & Gas Llc
Terry Coleman Texas American Bank The Better Day Foundation
Terry Cooper Texas Automation Systems The Billy Wayne Gorman
Terry Dale Welch Texas Capital Bank Na Family Inves
Terry Denise Adkison Hw Jt Texas Christian University The Blanco Company Philip
Terry Dixie Dooley Jt Texas Energy Mutual Llc L. White
Terry D Jones Texas Pipe & Supply Co Ltd The Body Shop Garage
Terry Doll Texas State Comptroller The Bosworth Company Ltd
Terry Douglas Tex Con Oil & Gas Company The Bowen Famliy Trust
Terry Duff Texhoma Minerals Company The Breakers Palm Beach Inc
Terry Frittis Llc The Buffalo Company
Terry Herrmann Texla Energy Management The Buffalo Company
Terry Horton Inc The Busey Living Tr
Terry Jane Tidwell Wright Texoma Pumping Unit 4/1/1996
Now Terry Service Inc The Carter Investment
Terry Jarvis Texoma Trust Dtd 911983 Company
Terry Keith Texon Oil Company Inc The Catholic Univ Of Ok Inc
Terry Lahti Tex-Star Production Inc The Christopher M
Terry Lebermann Tft Holdings Llc Mccutchen Family
Terry Lee Hickey Tgm Properties Inc The Church Of The Nazarene
Terry L Goodrich Tg Solutions Inc Inc
Terry L Matravers Tgt Llc The City Of Oklahoma City
Terry L Nixon & Tammy L Thad Haven Balkman The Clark Trust Dtd 04.12.01
Nixon Thams Family Partnership Lp The Clary Family Irrevocble
Terry L Nixon & Tammy L Thane Prichard Trust D
Nixon Jt Thanyel Reynolds The Claudia & Claire Trust
Terry Longan The 4 K Evans Family No 1
Terry Longan Revocable Trus The Coach House
Terry Mcintyre The 5 Counties Llc The Colorado Corporation
Terry Moore The Aaron S Berry Oil & Gas The Compliance Resource
Terry Mueggenborg Family Group Inc
Terry Nehring The Abarr Trust The Cooper Family
Terry Niemeyer The Allan Ramsey Living The Craig G Tirey Family Lp
Terry N Jacob Trust Dtd 3 The Crum Living Trust
Terry Reinhardt The Allen Family Rev Trust Theda Jackson
Terry Schroeder The Amended And Restated The Dale Murphy Family Tst
Terry Shippy Revocable Theda Rae Power
Terry Spencer The Antnony F Blair Rev Theda Tedder
Terry Studdard Trust The David Paul Trust
Terry Swart Thearlo King The Dawson Living Trust
Terry Tinker The Assembly Of God 4/9/1999
Terry Walters Church Of Tryon The Dkl-Jvm Trust
Terry Wright The Bank Na The Donald L And Sally F.
Teruko Hashimoto The Baptist Foundation Of Laden Liv
Tervela Inc Oklahoma The D Shah Flp

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The Dunham Trust Dtd May The Hennage Family Llc Thelma Doll
10 2010 The Hiestand Family Tr Thelma Eichelberger
The Economic Club Of The Hopper Family Trust Thelma Farson
Oklahoma The Howard Family Rev Thelma Henson
The Edwards Family Trust Trust Dtd 11- Thelma Higgins
The Energy & Minerals Theilen Family Living Tr Dtd Thelma Jacob Daden
Group Fund Ii 6-24-1 (Deceased)
The Energy & Minerals The Iola R Logan Rev Tr Thelma Jordon
Group Fund Ii The Jack A. Mckaig Thelma Kautz
The Estate Of Ga Nichols Revocable Trust Thelma Lambert
The Estate Of Lee W. Strobel The Jane Wingrove Rev Trt Thelma Marie Bean
The Estate Of Morris 4/4/2001 Thelma M Best Deceased
Clarkson The J E And L E Mabee Thelma Mcdonald
The Estate Of Ralph E The Joan Sehon Living Trust Thelma Rodman Harrison
Plotner The Joe Fred Gibson Thelma Rowland
The Estate Of W A Matlock Revocable Trust Thelma Sanderson
Sr Deceas The Johnson-Stewart Living Thelma Spurgeon
The Euretta Martin 1989 Tr Dtd 5 Thelma S. Witt Rev Tr Dtd.
Trust The Johnson Trust 6/2/1992
The Evans Company An The Journal Record Thelma Tomlinson
Express Trust Publishing Compa Thelma Wall
The Ferrell Family The Journal Record Thelma W Zongker Rev
Revocable Trust Publishing Compa Living Trust
The Five Counties Llc The Joy Partners Llc The Mahoney Childrens
The Fleming Group Llc The Karen M Brown Trust Trust
The Fritch Family Rev Trst The Karen S Bode Trust No 1 The Marshall Family Trst
The Gartman Media Lc The Kenneth W & Carol J The Marshall Town
The Gary Wente Revocable Wallstein Company
Trust Dtd The Kenneth W Schnaibel The Masterline Group Ltd
The Gatchell 1990 Rev Trust Trust The Mathworks Inc
The Genave King Rogers The Kwan Yin Group Llc The Mcdaniel Company
Charitable T The Lamar Companies The Mclemore Sibling Trust
The George R Brown The Land Department Inc The Men's Dinner Club
Partnership The Law Firm Of Blaine M The Monhegan Co
The Glen Nottingham And Dyer Pllc The Needham Companies Llc
Esther The Law Firm Of Dovedan & The Noble Foundation Inc
The Gold Trust Mcmillin The Oberbrockling Family
The Grand Lodge Of Thelda Baker Trust
Oklahoma Thelda Lowery Theodora Archer
The Greg & Nancy Voss Theldon Fowler Theodore A. & Rosemary
The Grisso-Schafer Family Theldon Fowler Metscher
Trust The Leo & Kay Rother Theodore Boyd
The Halley 2003 Irrevocable Family Theodore Fariss
Trust The Leroy Craig And Bethel Theodore K Shoenhair
The Hedges Consolidated Craig Tr Theodore Metscher
Trust The Linda V Shattuck Living Theodore S Green Trust
The Hefner Company Inc Trust Theodore Stallman
The Heirs Successors & The Lind Oil & Gas Theodore Wehe
Assigns Company Theodore Zweifel
The Helen B Huffer Thelma B Daugherty Living The Oklahoman
Revocable Trust Trust

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The Oklahoma United The Samuel Roberts Noble Thistle Royalty Company Llc
Methodist Found Foundation Thomas Aaron Casey Trust
Theo's Restaurant The Sidwell Corp Thomas A Duncan Trust
The Otis C And Bonita C The Singleton Family Tr Thomas Alcott
Shearer The Standard Oil Company Thomas Allen Baker
The Pfanenstiel Company Inc Of Kansas Thomas And Linda Chace Jt
The Phillip B. Berry The Steincamp Llc Thomas Archibald Tr
Management Tru The Sullivan Family Thomas Armstrong
The Pie Safe And More Partnershp Thomas Austin
The Pinion Group Llc The Sydco System Inc Thomas Austin
The Principia Corporation The Teresa J Williams Thomas Ball
The Prospect Company The Termo Company Thomas Battle
The Queen Group Consulting The Terry G Mcinturff Trust Thomas Bell
Llc The Thomas R Cochill Ii & Thomas Bennett
The Queen Group Holdings Bonnie L Thomas Benton
Llc The Three Kids Llc Thomas Berry
The Quintin Little Company The Township Board Of Thomas Berry
Inc Marshall Thomas Blankenship
The Ralph G. Breckenridge The Trust Company Of Thomas Blankenship
Living Tr Oklahoma Thomas Boepple
Theran D And Deborah J The University Of Texas Thomas Bradley
Field Co-Tru System Thomas Bradley
Thera Ventimiglia The Unknow Heirs Devisees Thomas Brown
The Ray H Marr Foundation Trsees Thomas Bumgarner
The Reinschmiedt Family The Unknown Heirs Thomas Burnett
General Par Devisees Or Thomas Bussard
The Replogle Company Llc The Unknown Heirs Thomas Bussard
Theresa Bailey Devisees Or Thomas Byron & Sherry
Theresa Butler The Unknown Heirs Lynn
Theresa Graham Devisees Or Thomas Carter
Theresa Guy The Unknown Heirs Thomas C Carlson Revocable
Theresa Luft Successors Trust
Theresa Putnam The Vera Harper Rev Lvng Thomas C Giffen
Theresa Sharp Trst Thomas C Good
The Response Group Inc The Vicki Paul Podesta Trust Thomas Chambers Kennedy
Theressa L Taylor Llc The Walker Grandchilder Thomas Chapman
The Riddle Corporation Trust Thomas C Harrill Iii 1989
The Riddle Cp The West Foundation Rev Trust
Therman Smith And Mary The Weston Company Thomas Chester
Frances Smit The Whitefields Thomas Childers
The Robert Hitzelberger The Whitestar Corporation Thomas Clark And Tammy L
The Royce And Janace Scott The Whitworth Family Clark
Trust Revocable Trus Thomas Cline
The Roy Reed Llc The Wilbur C Bradley Thomas Clingenpeel
The Russell M Mcinturff Revocable Trus Thomas Clingenpeel
Trust The William A Berry 1989 Thomas Cooney
The Safety Group Llc Rev Trust Thomas Crooks
The Salvation Army The Windham Llc Thomas Cummins
The Salvation Army A The Woodlands Llc Thomas & Cynthia C Cotton
Georgia Corpor The Yield Master Fund Ii Lp Thomas Decker
Th Holdings Llc Thomas Dejarnette

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Thomas Diehl Thomas Jackson Thomas & Ruth

Thomas Dixon Thomas & Janice Bennett Thomas Schmiedbauer
Thomas D Marchant & Joan Family Tr Thomas Scott
K Thomas J Eldridge Thomas Smith
Thomas Downey Thomas Jerry Johnson & Thomas Sosbee
Thomas Duane Tinker Marlene Sue Thomas Story
Thomas Eatman Thomas Jerry Johnson Rev Thomas Terrel
Thomas Edward Shirley Liv Tr Thomas Testerman
Estate Thomas J & Linda M Dudek Thomas Thornton
Thomas E Gibbons Rev Tr Thomas T Mounts Ii
Thomas E Wright Thomas John Clarke Thomas Upchruch
Thomas Fabris Thomas Johnson Thomas Upchurch
Thomas Family Trust Thomas J Rathmann Jr Thomas Van Henke
Thomas Family Trust Thomas K Armstrong Thomas W And Dorothy J
Thomas Farrier Tstmntry Trust Arthur
Thomas F. Chambers Thomas Kaye Thomas W & Barbara Welp
Kennedy Mgmt. Tr Thomas K Geddes Rev Trust
Thomas Fernandes Thomas Lambert Thomas Webb
Thomas Fine Thomas Leroy Hiner Thomas Weldon Tucker
Thomas Flesher Thomas L Evans Thomas Whited Iii Trust
Thomas Flock Thomas L Evans Thomas Whites
Thomas Gerald Sanders Thomas Lincoln Thomas Whittaker
Thomas Gilbert Thomas Lippmann Thomas William Murashie
Thomas Gilcrease Thomas Logan Thomas Wilson
Foundation Thomas Marshall Thomas Witty
Thomas Graham Thomas Martin Thomas W Kinyon
Thomas Graham Thomas Matthew Thomas Woodruff
Thomas Grier Thomas Mcnally Thompson Exploration Llc
Thomas Grossman Thomas Meacham Thompson Family Trust
Thomas G Wygant Ttee Thomas Miller Thompson Hine Llp
Thomas Halbrook Ward Thomas Montgomery Thompson & Knight Llp
Thomas Harting Thomas Mounts Thora Shelton
Thomas Hays Thomas N Berry & Company Thorbjorn Oil Llc
Thomas H Butler & Luanne Thomas Newhouse T Howeth
C Butler J Thomas Nugent Thrash Family A Share Ua
Thomas H Clingenpeel & Thomas Nugent Three Energy Company Llc
Myrtle M Cli Thomas Obrien Three G Oil & Gas Lp
Thomas H Hammond Thomas Ohern Three M Oil Company
Thomas Holley Thomas Owen Three Sands Oil Inc
Thomas Hook Thomas Pfeiffer Thressa Simes
Thomas Houret Single Thomas Plahte Thru Tubing Solutions Inc
Person & Paul Thomas Preble Thunderclap Llc
Thomas Howell Thomas Reding Thunderhawk Resources Llc
Thomas H Simpson Ii Jtwros Thomas Reed Thycotic Software Ltd
Thomas Hurst Thomas R & Elizabeth E Tia Allen
Thomas I Brown Jr Estate Mclean Tianming Li
Thomas I Brown Jr Trust 7- Thomas Richards Tibco Software Inc
11-2013 Thomas Rodenberg Tierra Minerals Llc
Thomas Irey & Karen Irey Thomas Roginson Tiffany Carpenter
Rev Liv Tr Thomas Rothrock Tiffany Cross
Thomas Jack Thomas Russell Pilkinton Tiffany Dyke

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Tiffany L Hammond Timothy Obrien Tlc Energy Investments Llc

Tiffany Mayfield Timothy Poole T Lovershack
Tiffany Nosser Timothy P Rooney Trust T & L Real Estate Llc
Tiffany Staley Timothy Rains Tlw Investments Llc
Tiger Tank Trucks Llc Timothy Robinson Tlx Inc
Tillie Reynolds Timothy Schwandt T Lyons
Tim Ashley Timothy Shafford Tlz Ranch Llc
Timberlake Minerals Co Timothy Spence Tmg Service Company
Timberlake Minerals Llc Timothy Stout Tmh Futures Llc
Timberline Resources Llc Timothy Taylor T Michael & Carolyn G
Timberwolf Minerals Llc Timothy Thomas Ebert Hw
Timberwolf Resources Llc Timothy Tinker T Michael Stanton
Tim Ebey Timothy Trahan T Michael Stanton
Timevalue Software Inc Timothy William Payne Tmk Ipsco
Tim Hamiel Timothy Zaloudek Tms Energy Partners Ltd
Tim Harmon Timpanelli Oil & Gas, Llc Tn Energy Inc
Tim Hooper Tim Wheatley Tnj Living Trust
Tim Mcneill Tim W Munson Llc Tnj Liv Tr Dtd 12-1-11
Tim Metz Tina Abney Tnt Construction Llc
Tim Morrow Tina Ahern Tnt Exploration Llc
Tim Newville Tina And David A Bakken Jt T N V Production Llc
Timothy And Kathleen S Tina Calvert Tobie Titsworth
Burns Tic Tina Chapman Tobin Family Rev Tr
Timothy Anthis Tina Jo Austin Estate Toby Bourlan
Timothy Bovee Tina Johnson Toby Graves
Timothy Brown Tina Louise Husband- Toby Helfand
Timothy Burns Sampson Toby Ramsey
Timothy Cash Tina Mauldin Toc Acquisition Company
Timothy Chester Tina Miley Todabali 30 Llc
Timothy Cleverdon Tina R Pierce Todabali 70 Llc
Timothy Cloud Tina Schonhaut Todco Properties Inc
Timothy Cobb Tina Thetford Todd A Phillips
Timothy Collins Tins Energy Llc Todd Baker
Timothy Descher Tiptop Energy Prod Us Llc Todd Barber
Timothy D Lang Tiptop Energy Prod Us Llc - Todd Edwards
Timothy Dolezal Cwi Todd Francis
Timothy Donnelley Tiptop Oil And Gas Todd Holbrook
Timothy Gray Tisha Costakis Todd Hudspeth
Timothy Guffey Titanium Energy Llc Todd Kappelmann
Timothy Haley Titan Oilfield Chemicals Todd Limke
Timothy Hilton Titan Royalty Llc Todd Mcleod Hewitt
Timothy Horner Titlepro Llc Todd Miller
Timothy Huffer Title Town Consulting Llc Todd M Waggoner
Timothy Johnson Tito Resendiz Todd Parker
Timothy Lee Gleeson T J Crowley Rev Trust Todd Phillips
Timothy L Harris Tj Dimiceli Todd Phillips & Tammy
Timothy L Thayne T Jennings Phillips Hwjt
Timothy Mckinley T J Guthrie Family Trust No Todd Slawson Trust
Timothy Mclaughlin O1 Todd Stevenson
Timothy Mcmillan Tjo Investment Trust Todd W & Kimberly D
Timothy M. Ryan Trust Tk Drilling Corp Cundiff Hw Jt

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Tolbert Elledge Tommy L Smith Tony Malaska

Toma Explorations Llc Tommy Mason Tony Mcentire
Tom Aldridge Tommy Palmer Tony Mcguire
Tomarco Ltd Tommy Reinhardt Tony Mills
Tomas Charles Payne Tommy Roper Tony Peters
Tom Aten Tommy Rose Tony Price
Tom Bailey Tommy Smith Tony Rector
Tom Blalock Tommy Sylvester Tony Rector
Tomcat Drilling Llc Tommy Thompson Tony's Oilfield Service
Tom Clark Tommy Thompson Tony Spears
Tom Couvillion Tommy Ward Tony Sutton
Tom D Berry Tomnet Llc Tony Watson
Tom Denker Tom Olmstead Tools Plus Inc
Tom Dooley Tom O. Moncrief 1967 Trust Toomey Oil Co Inc
Tom Duncan Tompc Llc Top Brass Oil Properties
Tom Dunivan Tom P Heath Topgolf Usa Okc Llc
Tom Finnel Tom Poston Topsy Maxine Albin Aka
Tom Finnell Tom Presumably Decd Maxine Al
Tom Fore Tom R & Priscilla Kinnick Tora Shumate
Tom Hance Tr Dtd 3- Tori Gee
Tom Heath Tom Shippy Tori Michelle Mote
Tom Hughes Tom Simco Tornado Royalty Llc
Tom J Whitmore Tom Smith Total Environment Inc
Tom Knisley Tom Stelovich Total Well Solutions Llc
Tom Knisley Tom Stringer Tower Royalty Company Llc
Tom L Dunn Trust Tom Wheeler Tower Royalty Company Llc
Tomlinson Energy Llc Toney Autrey Towle Living Trust
Tom Majors Toni Brumbaugh Town And Gown Theatre
Tom Max Mayo Toni Coleman Town Of Leedey
Tom Mcneil Toni Ham-Buckner Town Of Marshall Oklahoma
Tommie Edwards Toni Ham & Clyde Buckner Town Of Mulhall
Tommie Lee Sullivan Tr Jt Townsdin Succession Trust
Tommie Rieman Toni Schettler Townsend Glass Inc
Tommie White Toni Sue Rathbun Tozzi Mineral Management
Tom Moring Toni Walker Llc
Tommy Baggett Toni Welden Tpg Waterford Llc
Tommy Basler Tonja R Brancart Tps Enterprises Llc
Tommy Brent Boozer Tonya Charters Trace Oswald
Tommy Creager Tonya Cure Tracey Lenn Jarvis
Tommy E & Patricia A Tonya Curell Tracey Luckner
Ankrom Tonya Griffin Traci Hamlett
Tommye Waltman Tonya Kay Long-Cotton Traci Jill Beene
Tommy Gilliam Tonya Lambert Tracy Barger
Tommy Habben Tony Barclay Tracy Boyd
Tommy Hinkle Tony Beery Tracy Cole
Tommy Howry Tony B Sumpter Tracy Crabtree
Tommy L Barker Trust Tonyc Pump Service Llc Tracy D & Mitzi J Hoover
Agreement Tonydot Llc Hw Jts
Tommy L Boozer Tony Frank Landreth Tracy J. Goodrich
Tommy L & Charlotte D Tony Golightly Tracy Kopp
Smith Tony Kroll Tracy Mayfield

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Tracy Neisent Trent Production Co Pension Triple 8 Enterprises Inc.

Tracy Nienhuis Plan Triple B Oilfield Service Inc
Tracy Nordheim Trepagnier Family Rev Tr Triple J Prodcutions Inc
Tracy Nordquist Trepagnier Rev Lvg Tr Dtd Triple J Well Service Corp
Tracy Phillips 10-8-98 Triple T Hotshot
Tracy Phillips Trepco Energy Llc Triplett Living Trust Dtd 1-
Tracy Rankin Tresha Arrington 14-1994
Tracy Ross Tressa D Coffman Trisha Bays
Tracy Webb Tresy Germany Trista Cole
Tracy Webb Treva Cole Bailey Tri-State Industrial Group
Trade Rare Llc Treva Crocker Llc
Trafigura Ag Treva Leppke Tristate Supply Inc
Trailblazer Consulting Llc Treva Lint Triton Hardbanding Service
Trail Land & Royalty Treva Stone Llc
Company Llc Trevor Burnell Tritschler Rev Family Tr
Trammel Family Trust Trevor Holland Triva Sharp
Transatlantic Petroleum Trevor Lyons Tr Legal Ediscovery
(Usa) Corp. Trevor Schultz Troglin Tank Gauge Services
Transoil Marketing, Llc Trevor Smith Llc
Transom Llc Treyco Llc Tronox Llc
Travel By Inace Inc Trey J Lester And Trout Exploration Llc
Travelers Trial Resource Legal Troy Alexander
Travis Bagley Systems Troy And Angie Lippard Jt
Travis Ball Triangle A&E Inc Troy Burson
Travis Barrett Triangle Oil Properties Llc Troy Cardiff
Travis Battles Triangle Royalty Corp Troy Courtright
Travis Estuswros Triangular Slit Dike Co Inc Troy Enmeier
Travis Goetz Tribune Oil Company Troy Freeborn
Travis Hulet Trican Completion Solutions Troy F Ringwald
Travis Mcdaniel Llc Troy Goodenough
Travis Michael Murray Tricia Barr Arnold Troy Hall
Travis Oakes Tricia Cottingham Troy Harmon
Travis Roelofs Tricia Dee Hedin Troy Hoxmeier
Travis Sample Tricia Law Dba Troy Hudson
Travis Scott Hopfer Trihydro Corporation Troy James
Travis Tilley Triman Inc Troy Johnston
Trc Consultants Lc Trina Davis Troy Karcher
Trc Rod Services Of Trina Feken Troy Loesch
Oklahoma Trina Heslep Troy Manning
Treasury Alliance Group Llc Trinchera Production Troy Manning
Treasury Strategies Inc Company Troy & Nina Toland Rev Tr
Treehorn Royalty Co Llc Trinity Energy Llc 2-19-09
Trees Oil Company Trinity Land And Minerals Troy Penry
Tregan Energy Partners Lp Lp Troy Ralston
Trek Resources Inc Trinity Publications Troy Russell Fagan
Trela Mattocks Trinity Ventures Llc Troy Simons
Tremont Energy Llc Trini Whitby Troyt L Banks Jr
Trena Stebbins Trinoco Exploration Inc Troy & Valerie Loesch
T R Energy Llc Trio Production Company Family Trust
Trent Parkinson Llc Troy W Habben
Tripco Inc Trp Minerals Llc

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Truck Transporter Tully Folden And Deana Rea Ty Fleeman

Trudie Head Folden H Ty Fowble
True Hope Enterprises Llc Tulsa Association Of Tyler Beaver
Truesdell Commercial Llc Petroleum Land Tyler Boyce
Truevine Operating Llc Tulsa Boys Home Inc Tyler Eubank
Trula Dawson Tulsa Energy Partners Llc Tyler Hogsett
Trunk Bay Royalty Partners Tulsa Investors Llc Tyler Joe Pate
Ltd Tulsa Minerals Inc Tyler Morey
Trust Agrmt Of Timothy R Tulsa Royalties Company Tyler Mrosko
Fagan Tulsa Spca Tyler Oil & Gas Llc
Trust And Or Trust B Under Tulwest Oil And Gas Co. Tyler Outdoor Advertising
Trust A Under The Lwt Of Turbulator Co Llc Llc
George H M Turkey Creek Properties Llc Tyler Selvey & Amber
Trust B Under The Lwt Of Turk Oil & Gas Llc Selvey Hw Jts
George H M Turm Oil Llc Tyrone Reece
Trust Created Uwo Fo Akin Turnbow Kiker Tyron Roderick
Decd Turnco Inc Tyson Dunham
Trustees Of Church Of Christ Turner Oil & Gas Properties Ucele Williams
Ripley Inc Uggs Energy Llc
Trustees Of Church Of God Turner Ranch Llc Uinta Petroleum Inc
Of Ripley Turner Signs (2009) Ltd Ulala Reaves
Trustees Of Methodist Tuscany Energy Llc Una Oreja Llc
Epscopal Chur Tvc Group Llc Una Stephens
Trustees Of Ripley Methodist Tvc Interests Llc Unglaciated Industries Inc
Church Tvc Resources Llc Unit Drilling Company
Trust Fbo Mary Elizabeth Tvr Transportation Llc Unit Drilling Company
Williams Twchapman Llc Terrance W United Built Homes Llc
Trutech Llc Chapman United Cooperative Inc
Trv Investments Llc T Wells United Energy Llc
Tryon Utility Authority A Twe Mineral Partnership Lp United Healthcare Attn:
Public Tr Twetten Family Trust Maria Cipri
Tsa Family Limited Twila Beth Cosentino United Land Company Llc
Partnership Twila Priess United Methodist Church
Ts Dudley Land Company Twila Tedder Confer
Inc Twister Backoff Service United Methodist Circle
Tsianina Johnson Company Llc United Production Company
T Simek T W Loffland Estate Llc
T.S.I. Oilfield Services Inc Twm Capital Lp United Prospects Llc
Ttees Of Sample Cemetery Twt Heritage Llc United Rentals Inc
Board Twyla Brixey French United Rentals Inc
Ttees Of The High Prairie Twyla G Zorba Ttee United Rentals (North
Ttees Pleasant Grove Baptist Twyla Leslie Ledesma America) Inc
Church Twylia I Warlick United Services Ltd
Tt Tr Fbo Terry Trent Wilson Twylla Steer United States Of America
Tubeco Service Inc Txco Liquidating Trust United Van Lines Llc
Tuboscope Txo Capital Llc United Vision Logistics
Tucker Cross Inc Txo Resources United Vision Logistics
Tug Hill Energy Llc Tx Rrig Resources Llc United Way Of The Concho
Tula Ripley Perel Txtag Valley Inc
Tullos Oil And Gas Inc Tycon Energy Corporation Unit Petroleum Company
Tye Partnership Ltd Unity School Of Christianity

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University Christian Church Valeria Lewis Vantage Resources Co Llc

University Lands Valerie Allmendinger Vanture Investments Llc
University Of Dallas Valerie Branson Van Zant Oil Company
University Of Oklahoma Valerie Lauer Varel International
University Of Oklahoma Fdn Valerie Loesch Varro Energy Llc
Inc Valerie Loesch Intervivos Vasiliy Fomenko
University Of Oklahoma Trust Vassar Church Inc
Foundation I Valerie Lukens Vastar Resources Inc
University Of Tulsa Valerie Moore Vatex Holdings Llc
Univestors Llc Valerie Poston Vaughn Daniel Yeager
Univ Of Tulsa - Jay P Walker Valerie Ross Vaughn Groom
Tr Valerie Schaffart Vaughn Shaw
Unknown Owners Valerie Vogt Vcrs Properties Llc
Unleased Valerie White V Don And Fern C Luster
Upco Inc Valerus Field Solutions Lp Vecses Llc
Upland Exploration Inc Val Guelzow Vector Airport Systems Llc
Upsher 1976 Trust Valley Hagers Veda Kennedy
Ups Supply Chain Solutions Valley Transport Llc Veenker Resources Inc
Inc Valliance Bank Veenker Resources Inc Profit
Urban Construction Vallie Priest Sharin
Urban Impact Valpoint Operating Llc Vega Americas Inc
Urban Oil Consultants Llc Valynda Ewton Veja Inc
Urban Oil & Gas Group Llc Vam Living Trust V Elaine Barnes
Urland Gulf Llc Vam Usa Llc Velda Miner
Ursula Arn Vana Davis Decd Veldon C Zollinger 2009 Rev
Ursula Cummings Vanbebber Family Rev Lvg Lvg Tr
Usa Compression Trust Velma Anthony
Us Bank Vance Broach Velma Brogdon
Usda Service Agency Vance Jerome & Carla Sue Velma Coffey Est
Us Energy Development Hammer Velma Davis
Corporation Vance Lobsitz Deceased Velma Feeny
Us Energy Development Vance Mall Velma Harrel
Corporation Vance Yount Velma Hollen
Us Fish And Wildlife Service Vanderbilt Mortgage & Fin Velma Kottke Barnard
Us Petroleum Inc Inc Velma Lorene Stewart
Us Steel Oilwell Services Vanessa E Tilbury Velma Mckinney
Us Tank Trucks Inc Vanessa E Tilbury Velma Sasser
Us Treasury Fao Adw Vanessa Fuksa Velma S Pishel Family Trust
Petroleum Lp Vanessa Goodenough Velma Stout
Us Treasury Fao Vecses Llc Vanessa Russell Velma Sue Hardy Rev Lvg
Uta Frank Dennis Marital Vanessa Zambo Trust
Trust Van Ferrell Velma Ward Prohaska
Utica Land Services Llc Vanguard Natural Resources Velma Ward Prohaska
Utw Of George C Vance Llc Velocity Databank Inc
V A Buescher Estate Decd Vanguard Operating Llc Veltman Family Trust
Vacia Wilkes Van Moon Velva Arguello
Vaden Thomson Vann Company Velva Golden Levine
Vala Duffy Trust Vann Royalty Llc Velva Grell
Valarie Shippy Van Oil Co Velva Peterman Witten
Valary Voyles Van Oil Co Estate
Valentis Ok Energy Llc Vantage Exploration Llc Vemar Llc

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Venable Royalty Ltd Verna Allen Vicki Ann Slocum Tr Kanoa

Venables Real Estate Llc Verna Bateman Warren Ha
Venado Exploration Llc Vernabelle Dugan Vicki Arb
Vena S Weathers Revocable Verna Berg Deceased Vicki C Hulet
Trust Verna Erlene Robertson Rev Vicki Coggins
Venegas Construction Llc Trust Vicki Dial
Veneta Arrington Verna Gale Poe Vickie Buck
Veneta Berry Arrington Verna Mcmains Vickie Buckwalter
Revocable Tr Verna Pollack Vickie Cain Nervino
Veneta Berry Arrington Rev Verna Thomas Decd Vickie Dolezal Johson
Tr Verne Knox Vickie Fuchs
Venice Petroleum Verne Miller Vickie G Walker Trust Dtd
Venture Investments Llc Vernie Swart 2-17-1994
Vera A Carr Vern Louis Vanbebber Vickie J Mcilvoy 2005 Rev
Vera Anderson Vernon Allison Trust
Vera Atkinson Vernon Bay Vickie Klingenberg
Vera Bilyeu Vernon Bryant Vickie Lou Lemon
Vera Cooper Vernon Buckles Vickie Slocum
Vera Gibson Vernon G Avants Vickie Stephens
Vera Harper Vernon Heath Vickie Thompkins
Vera L Renner Vernon Hewitt Vicki Garber
Vera Lynn Cothern Living Vernon Howell Vicki George
Trust Vernon Jobe Vicki George And
Vera Mathison Vernon L Hall Vicki Heiden Vanloo
Vera Preston Jaeger Vernon Mcguire Vicki Holzer Wanzer
Vera Reedy Vernon Morris Vicki Hourigan
Vera Reedy Vernon O Boyce Vicki I. White
Vera Stockton Vernon Ora Holzer Estate Vicki Jo Brown
Vera Swank Decd Vicki M Kelly
Verba Jane Vculek Vernon Perry Vicki Nee Pence Cox
Verbia Unruh Revocable Vernon Ramsey Vicki N. Myers Revocable
Trust Vernon & Sherry Ficken Rev Trust
Verbie Beyer Lvg Tr Vicki Reed
Verda Flanagan Vernon Slaton Vicki Tompkins
Verden Land Inc Vernon Spicer Vicki Townsend
Vere Kouns Vernon Thornton Vicki Waugh Eidman Trust
Veritas Energy Llc Vernon Toy Vicki Webb
Veritext Corp Vernon Ward Vicky Ann Crosby
Verizon Vernon Will Vicky Arnold
Verizon Southwest Verona Southern Vicky Davis
Verla M Baldridge Veronica Becker Vicky J Campbell Trust Dtd
Verlayne Omeara Veronica Gayton 6-20-201
Verle Moore Veronica J Gressler Vicky Short
Verle Underwood Verta M Ledbetter Liv Tr Vicky Watts
Verlin Day Vesta Boyles Vic Ressler
Verlin Hart Veta Calavan Victor Borland
Verl Mclemore Vhe Ventures Lp Victor Bradley
Verlon Roggow Vh Quinnett Victor Cemetery Association
Verl Plain Viann Garrison Rev Liv Victor Charles Hendrix
Verlyn Thomsen Trust Victor Cooper
Vermont State Treasurer

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Victor Cooper And Dorothy Viola Garman Virginia Clay

H Cooper Viola Jones Virginia Covington
Victor Enochs Viola Ledford Virginia Cummings
Victor Evans Viola Levy Virginia Dix
Victoria A Johnson Viola Mason Virginia Dugger
Victoria Anne Johnson Viola Production Inc Virginia Engel & Judy
Victoria Balmeo Viola Sears Callahan &
Victoria Bonar Wilson Viola Shaw Virginia Fay Boyce Trust Dtd
Victoria Bush Violet Deceased 121201
Victoria Cook Violet Fancher Merrill Life Virginia Fiscus
Victoria Cross Estate Virginia Gengler
Victoria Elliswehr Violet Hosler Virginia George
Victoria Johnson Violet Macklin Virginia Hampton
Victoria Richardson Segro Violet Macklin Trust Virginia Hansen
Victoria Sharp Violet Messecar Virginia Harting
Victoria Swan-Welch Violet Ramona Norris Virginia Heller
Victoria Thompson Violetta Dodge Virginia Hicks
Victoria Windiate Virgie Brown Virginia Hudson Chambers
Victor Joseph Marriott Virgie Small Tr
Victor Keyes Virgila Eoff-Reynolds Virginia Jacob
Victor Martinez Virgil Biggs Virginia Keeler
Victor Mireles Virgil H Biby Virginia Keeler
Victor Morris Virgil & Joleen Roggow Rev Virginia Keller
Victor Nebeker Trust Virginia Kline
Victor Sharum Virgil Meeke Virginia Larson
Victor Wood Virgil Rosa Tomberlin Jt Virginia Lay
Victor Wood Virgil Scott Virginia L Buchanan Trust
Victory Well Solutions Virgil Tanner Virginia L Cooper
Viersen Oil & Gas Company Virgil Watts Virginia L Gordon
Viking Minerals Llc Virgil Wayne Schoeling Virginia L & Mervel S Lunn
Viking Pipe & Supply Llc Virgil Wayne Schoeling And Jr
Vikki Lynn Bentley Rebecca Virginia Loewen
Vilette Owen Virgina Humphrey Tr Of Virginia Long
Vilinda Mallatt 2009 Virginia L Rexroad Rev
Villard Martin Jr Trust Virginia Alexander Trust
Villette Owen Virginia A Petty Virginia Mary Hull
Vina Gazzaway Virginia A Pflum Virginia Matheson
Vincent Edmondson Virginia Askew Virginia Mccollum
Vincent Ellspermann Virginia Austin Virginia Mcmanness
Vincent Mattocks Virginia A & William J Virginia M Parr Liv R
Vincent Sigala Zinsmeister Virginia Mryl Yates Weaver
Vineyard Oil And Gas Virginia A Zinsmeister And Virginia Myers
Company William Virginia Oneill
Vineyard Vines Virginia Banks Virginia Penney
Vinson & Elkins Llp Virginia Begnel Virginia Pennington
Vinson Process Controls Co Virginia B French Virginia Quigg O'beirne
Lp Virginia B Humphreys Rev Virginia S Hampton Rev Tr
Vintage Oil & Gas Llc Liv Tr 200 Virginia Shutler Trust
Viola Askew Virginia Bluzard Virginia Slaton
Viola Early Virginia Celeste Lohr Virginia Tizard
Viola E Merry Trust Virginia Clark Trust Virginia Zinck

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Virgnia Love Vzs Properties Lp Walter A Kelly Jr Operating

Vishal Dhar W2se Llc Company
Visicom Group Inc W2se Llc Series A Walter And Myrtle Adams Tr
Vista Verde Energy Llc W5k Properties Lp 4-3-15
Vital Outdoor Advertising Wabash Production Lp Walter A Schneider Estate
Viva Cadenhead Light Waco Earl Bridenstine Walter Baker
Viva Carothers Wade Costello Trust Walter Bartholome Jr Decd
Viva Foy Wade Gaeddert Walter Bentley
Vivah Earles Wade Hopkins Walter Bolin
Viva M Bolton & Letisha M Wade Pearson And Cynthia Walter Boyle
Heistand M Pearson Walter Bradford
Viva O Peterson Irrev Trust Wade Sheets Walter Britt Hill
Viverae Inc Wade Taylor Walter Decd
Vivian Arlene Smales Wade Trust Walter Descher
Vivian Arney Wade Voise Walter Duncan Oil Llc
Vivian B Proctor Wade Voise Walter Eads
Vivian Bunch Wade Williams Walterean Riekenberg
Vivian Cundiff Wagner & Brown Ltd Walter Elliott
Viviane Hertel Fisher Wagner Family Revocable Tr Walter Ervin
Vivian Frier Brown Dtd 10-1 Walter Fitzwater
Vivian L Houston Wagner Land Services Llc Walter Fitzwater
Vivian Lou Johnston Wahnee Campbell Walter Goe
Vivian Pollard Mock Waholi Capital Llc Walter Howell
Vivian Poston Waits Land Company Llc Walter Hunt
Vivian Poston Morin Decd Wake Energy Llc Walter J Hopfer Trust
Vivian Rice Living Trust Wakefield Trucking Llc Walter Kehres
Vivian Smith Waldinette M Johnson Walter Kehres
Vivian Sossaman Waldo Gray Walter Kelly
V Lee Vinyard Rev Waldon Jones Walter Kelly
Intervivos Tr Waldrop's Engine Service Walter Kelly Operating Co
V Meadows Co. Inc
V Nita K Durant Rev Trust Walker Companies Walter Krumrei
Vogel Family Tr Dtd 4-18- Walker Family Living Trust Walter Krumrei Jr Trust
1997 Walker-Pierce Royalty Co Walter L Farrington Iii
Voip Intergration Inc Walter & Lois Judge
Volney Wortman Wallace Crispin Revocable Trust
Vona L Parrish Wallace D Maloney Walter Page
Von Dell Curtis 2012 Wallace Gunkel Walter Powers
Von Eva Warren-Prichard Wallace Johnson Walter P Scheffe Energy Llc
Von Lauer Wallace Watt Walter R Welch
Von L Best Wallace Williams Walter Schieffer
Voor Mac Llc Walls Sanitation Inc Walter Sherman
Vorys Sater Seymour And Wallston Rixfield Llc Walter Stromberg
Pease Llp Walmart Walter Sue Andrews Living
Voskuhl-Smith Farms Llc Walnut Creek Holding Llc Trust
Voyage Energy Llc Wal Resources Llc Walter Tanksley
V Robert Kerr Testamentary Walsh Mineral Properties Llc Walter Van Dyke
Trust Fb Walter Adams Walter W And Lucille A
V Smith Walter A Kelly Jr Operating Voss Revtst
V-Ventures Llc Co Inc Walter Waters
V Wittch Walter W Voss Jr

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Walter W Voss Jr Inheritance Wanda S Cooke Warwick-Jupiter Llc

Trust Wanda Shiplett Warwick-Minerva Llc
Walton A Bernhardt And Wanda Shores Washington Electric Coop
Terri A Wanda Stafford Inc
Wam3 L.P Wanda Taylor Washington State
W. A. Moncrief Jr. Moncrief Wanda Wells Department Of Reve
Buildin Wanda Whitney Washita Valley
Wanda Allen Wanita Staley Waste Management Of
Wanda Buckles Wanita Thying Oklahoma Inc
Wanda Buckles Ward Adkins Waterloo Exploration Llc
Wanda Cavanaugh Ward Energy Llc Watkins Royalties Llc
Wanda Cox Warden Family Trust Watley Oil & Gas Inc
Wanda Dejaegher Ward Hall Watson Frick Trust Energy
Wanda Doggett Wardney R & Shirley J Llc
Wanda D Shipley Ttee Downey Tr Dtd W.A. Waterman & Co
Wanda Duckworth A Ward & Veda Vickery Heirs Wawrwick-Minerva Llc
Mpdissp Llc Waylon D Gauntt
Wanda E Hafner Warlock Sub Services Llc Wayman & Arlene Calavan
Wanda Geisinger Warner Family Trust Revocable L
Wanda G Firestone Warren Ahlden Waymar Acquisitions &
Wanda Gully Warren Akerson Holdings Llc
Wanda Gungoll Warren American Oil Wayne A Fillmore &
Wanda Gungoll Life Estate Company Deborah J
Wanda Haak Bedford Warren Associates Wayne Allen Boyce
Wanda Hart Warren Besly Wayne And Carolyn Allison
Wanda Hebard Warren B Knox I Jt
Wanda Hemphill Warren Boles Wayne Anne
Wanda Holzer Martin Warren Campbell Wayne Barnes
Wanda Jean Stout Groom Warren Curtis Wayne Burton
Wanda Jean Tontz Warren D Jones Wayne Casteel Life Estate
Wanda J Stewart Warren Dowling Wayne Dockery
Wanda June Snyder Rev Warren Edmundson Wayne Dodrill
Trust Warren E Taylor Family Wayne Dotter
Wanda J & Walter A Trust Wayne Dotter
Watkins Co Tts Warren E Taylor Trust Wayne Downey
Wanda Kiner Warren F Hinze Estate Wayne D Welch
Wanda Lee Warren & Katherine Wayne E And Constance
Wanda Lester Seck Schlinger Trust Hale
Wanda Lou Dean Ttee Warren Keesecker Wayne E Flesner (Deceased)
Wanda Malaby Warren K & Loretta D Wayne E Hale
Wanda Martin Akerson Rev Tr Wayne E & Laura J Hopfer
Wanda Mcmurray Warren L Pershall Co Ttees
Wanda Middleswarth Warren L Wells Wayne Ernce
Wanda Moran Warren Nancy Ford Jtros Wayne Hartman
Wanda Morrison Warren Ranch Inc Wayne Hazelbaker
Wanda Nance Warren Ritter Heirs Wayne Hilton
Wanda Peters Warren Rodgers Wayne Lee Weatherly
Wanda Quier Warren Thomas Wayne Leon Cornish
Wanda Robinson Warrior Exploration Llc Wayne Leon Taylor
Wanda Robinson Warrior Oil & Gas Llc Wayne L Hafner
Wanda Roundtree Warwick Ares Llc Wayne Lorance

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Wayne Mcmeen Weatherford Wendell Dee Riseley

Wayne Minshall Weatherford Artificial Lift Wendell Everett
Wayne Nealis Sys Inc Wendell Hawkes
Wayne Newkumet Weatherford Artificial Lift Wendell Hedrick
Wayne Null Systems Wendell Hicks
Wayne Owen Hammond Weatherford Us Lp Gemoco Wendell King
Wayne Q. Helberg Weaver 2005 Rev Trust Dtd Wendell O Beans Jr & Nancy
Wayne Ramsey 4-11-2005 G Beans
Wayne R Bradshaw Jr And Webber Homes Llc Wendell Widener
Joyce L Bra Webb Family Llc Wendi Aumiller
Wayne Scott Hoag Webb Family Oil And Gas Wendi Fields
Wayne Slater Trust Wendi Kehn
Wayne Snyder Jr. Trust Webb Family Trust Wendy Brock
Wayne Snyder Trust Webb Newton Wendy Eastburn
Wayne Taylor Webb Royalties Llc Wendy Faragollahi
Wayne Whipkey Life Estate We Broach Properties Llc Wendy Hall
Wayne Williams & Wedel 28-1wx Ri Owners Wendy Hall
Wayne Williams Wedel 28-1wx Wi Owners Wendy Lee Ulch
Wayne Williams Wedel Resources Llc Wendy Richards
W B And Carol L Swisher Wee 3c Family Rev Trust Wendy Schaedel
Trust Wehling Family Trust Wensdi Gonzales
W Bardo W E Horkey Properties Llc Wentworth Operating
W Bartlett Joint Venture Weil Gotshal & Manges Llp Company
W Beason Weimer Ltd Wep Operating Ok Llc
W Bowers Weinkauf Petroleum Inc W Eppler & N Gardner
W B Ratliff Minerals Llc Weise Living Trust Dtd 9-17- Living Trust
Wb Rayborne Trust 2007 Wep Royalty Holdings Llc
W Brewer Weis Oil Company Wes Dotter
W Brigance Weld America Llc Wesley C Bright
W Brown Weldon Keiller Haynie Jr. Wesley Dunworth
Wbs Inc Weldon W Schieffer & Sherri Wesley Earnest
W Burt Nelson Trust D Schie Wesley E Evans
W Bussard Wellco Energy Inc Wesley Evan Beal
Wccs Wellez Information Wesley Family Tr
Wc Energy Llc Management Wesley Foundation
W C Klein Trust Wellington B Russell Oklahoma State Un
W Cook Wells Fargo Bank Na Wesley Hein
W Cox Wells Fargo Bank Na Wesley Higginbothom
W C Payne Energy Llc Wells Fargo Comml Wesley Hunt
Wc Stroube Grandchildren Operations Wesley Rosson
Trust Wells Fargo Vendor Fin Serv Wesley S Holmes Jr
Wct Resources Llc Wellspring Royalties Ltd Wesley Short
W Davenport Wells Resources Inc Wesley Short
Wdb3 & Mdb Revocable Well Suspense Royalty & Westamerica Minerals Inc
Trust Orri Westenergy Llc
W Dearing Welltec Inc Western Conservation
Wd Rental Welty Building Company Ltd Foundation
Wd Royalties Llc Wendell & Becky Morton Western Drilling Program
W Dunnam Wendell Custer 2010 B
W Dupin Wendell Darrell Taylor & Western Drilling Program
Wd Von Gonten & Co Shirley K 2011 A

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238 of 236

Western Energy Whitco Supply Llc Wilbur Lahman Simank

Development Company Whitebread Minerals Llc Testamentary T
Western Hemisphere White Eagle Wilbur L & Carolyn B Frank
Western Horizontal Drilling White Family Minerals Llc Rev Tr
Program White Family Trust Wilbur Roy Clark
Western Interior Energy Inc White Living Trust Dtd 11- Wilda Marie Majors Rev
Western Natural Resources 18-1996 Trust
Western Oil & Gas Whiterock Oil And Gas Llc Wilda White
Development Compa White Rock Oil & Gas 1-B Wildboar Energy Llc
Westervelt Limited Lp Wildcard Family Lp
Partnership White Rock Oil & Gas Gp I Wild Horse Oil & Gas Inc
Westfalen Energy Llc Llc Wild Well Control Inc
Westfall Energy Llc White Rock Oil & Gas Llc Wiley Oil & Gas Lp
Westfall Family Trust Dtd 9 White Star Energy Inc Wilkof Industl Supply Ron's
2 2013 White Star Ii Working
Westlake Resources Inc White Star Petroleum Willa Berry
West Of Llc Holdings Llc Willa Clary
West Ok Trucking Inc White Star Petroleum Llc Willa Gunkel
West Plains Energy Co Inc White Star Royalty Company Willa Hulet
West Plains Energy Co Inc Whitetail Energy Inc Willa Kanehl
Weststar Oil & Gas Inc Whitetail Energy Inc Willa M Shelton
West Texas Gas Whiting Oil And Gas Corp Willard Dixon
West Virginia State Tax Whiting Petroleum Corp Willard Reupert
Department Whiting Petroleum Willard Sharum
West Virginia University Corporation Willenna Christian
Westway Ranches, Llc Whitney Ann Murray Willette Malone
Westwind Resources Inc Whitney Bailey Will Foster
Wetona Mccarty Whitney Castor Willhard Edna Carlson
Wetzel County Public Whitney Hopkins William A. Berry Trust A
Service Distri Whitney Price William A. Berry Trust B
W Fallis Whitney Song William Ahrberg
W Farmer Whitney Speer William A Lambert &
W F Bernhardt Whitson Services Llc Dolores L Lambe
Wfd Oil Corp W Hutcheson William Albert Vassar Iii
W Fitzhugh Lee W I C Inc William Albert Vassar Iii
Wfj And Mlj Revocable Widen Enterprises Inc William A Lorenz Jr
Living Trust Wiechman Properties Llc William A Mccord Jr.
W Goforth Wilbert Sumner (Deceased)
W Goforth Decd Wilbur A Burton Deceased William And Carla Shiner
W G Skeeters & Company Wilbur A Keith Life Estate Trust
W Hafner Wilbur A Keith Life Estate William A. Phillips And
W Hart Wilbur Arthur Burton Rev Patricia Ph
W H Bowdlear Deceased Liv Trst William A Ross
Wheeler 11-3wx Ri Owners Wilbur Diller William Atkinson
Whh Iii Grandchildren's 1980 Wilbur Domenica Kelly William Austin
Trust Wilbur Frank William A Vassar Iii And
Whh Royalty Holdings Llc Wilbur Henke Rene Jones
Whh Royalty Holdings Llc Wilbur Hughes William Bamberg
W Hill Wilbur Hughes William Baran
Whitacre Enterprises Inc Wilbur Keith William Bartholomew
Whit Arnhardt Life Estate William B Buxton Trust

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William B Cadenhead William C Parrish Trust William E Richardson Trust

William Beekly William C & Rose H Brock B
William Bell Rev Trust William E Schutkesting
William Bellis William C Schock Trust Fbo William Eugene Fagan
William Berry Deceased Irene Sc William E Williams
William Berrys William C Schock Trust Fbo William Fagan
William B Frick William William Fairchild
William B Glass & Kaye F Williamcurtis William F Disch & Shriley
Glass Rev William Curtis Disch
William B Hembree William D Arnold William Ferguson
William B & Juliana L William D Arnold & Mary William Fitzwater
Mcintosh Jt Linda Arnol William F Judge
William Blackmon William David Burns William Flesner
William Blair William Davis William Floyd
William B. Lanpher Jr William Davis William Flynn Peterson
William Bourbeau William Davis William Foster Decd
William Bowen William Dawson William F Peterson Iii Rev Tr
William Boyd William D Bennett 401k Plan William Frank Barron Iii
William Boyd And Lorene William Dean Sutton Rev William Frederick
Boyd Trust Goodenough
William Bradshaw William D & Earline Strom William Fry
William Breese Rev Fam William F Sinclair
William Bryan William Demoss William Fuller
William Bryan William De Vaul Decd William Fulton
William Bullock William D Godfrey Family William F Varner Living
William Burke Llc Trust
William Burton Wiley William D. Godfrey Family William Gallagher
William Busch Llc William G Anderson
William Buxton William Dickinson William Gardner
William Cadwallader William Dixon William Garrett
William Caldwell William D & Judy C Antle William Gass
William C & Anna M Family Tr William Gentry
Schmidt Rev Tr William Donald Diehl William George Hafner
William Carr William Douglas Sinclair & William G Hudson
William C Bartee & Candace Mary Hoa William Gibson
K Bartee William Downes William Gloria Perkins Jt
William Chandler William D Smith William Glover
William Chapman William Duane Graves William Goodenough
William Charles Root & Tina William Dunbar William Grable
Marie William E & Ann Marie Will William Graef
William Chisum Rev Tr William Graham
William Christopher William Earl Hughes & Betty William Graham
Compton Gay Hug William Gray
William Clayton William Earp Dec'd William G Steinert Jr Rev Tr
William Clements William E Aufleger Estate Dtd 5-
William Cleverdon William E Bartram Rev Trust William Hafner
William Clifton Cooper William Edmiston William Hales Iii Living
William Coats William Eiland Trust
William Coe William Elmore William Hall
William Combs William Elza Smith Jr William Hamilton
William Costello William E Richardson Ilt

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240 of 236

William H Anderson Iv & William Kirtley Garnett Rev William Morris Haynie
Dana Trust William Mueller
William Hansen William K Mcgarvey Trust William Mugler
William Harbaugh William Koger William Murdock
William Harry William Krepps William Murphy
William Harter William K Snyder William Mushrush
William Hartman William Kuhn William Mussman
William Hartman William K Weinberger William M. Zaloudek Trust
William Harvey Anderson William Lakey Dated 10-
William Hawkins William Lambert William Nixon
William H Carpenter William Lang William N Moxey Elizabeth
William Hemphill William L Ball A Moxey T
William H Heisler Jr William L Dejager & Cheryl William Orr
William H Holmberg & D Dejage William Orr
Donna Holmberg William Lee Beasley Living William Orr
William Hicks Trust William Otjen
William Hilson And William & Leesa Gonzales William Overholt
Kimberly J Hilso Rev Liv Tr William O Warner
William Hiner William L Goins & Eva E William Owen
William Hitzelberger 2012 Goins Trust William Patrick Fischer &
Legacy Tr William Lindaman Helen
William H Martin William Lindsey William Peek Decd
William H Martin Le William Linn William Perryman Liv Tr
William Hook William Litton William Peterson Decd
William Hopfer William L Jones Rev Trust William Phillips
William Horton William L O'neill William Phillips
William Hoy William Long William Pines
William Hubbard William Long William P Longan
William Hughes William Lopp William Pool
William Hughes William L Rieman William Preston
William Hughes William L Schloss Iii Rev William Pruitt
William H Womack Rev Trust William P Stroube Gst
Intervivos Tr William Luster Exempt Trust
William J Bicket William Main William Ramsey And Mary
William J Bicket William Martin Ramsey Hw T
William Jennings William Maxon William Ray Edmiston
William J Kalinec William Mayfield William Ray Tinnen
William Johnson William Mcclure William Reece Burns Ii
William John Wiggins William Mccomas William Resler
Attorney At La William Mcdowell William Reves
William J Sanderson William Mcfadden William R Hood Trust
William J True & Linda L William Mcgeorge William R Johnston Jr &
True Co Tt William Mcguire William R Jones And
William J. Wardell William Mckee Rebecca Ellen J
William J Yantis Jr Estate William Mcswane William R Nichols
William Kean William Mertena William Robert Henderson
William Keesecker William Meyer Estate
William Kennedy William Michael Edwards William Roberts
William Kennedy And William Miller William Robertson
William Kenneth Stewart William Mills William Rodgers
William Kinzie William Montgomery William Roten

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William Samuel Mckee Iii William T Heller Jr Rev Tr Willis U Barnes

William Samuel Mckee Jr No 2 Testamentary Trust
Deceased William Thomas Decd Willis U Barnes Test Trust B
William Sargent Sanders Pc William Thompson Willis Vestal
William Sawtelle William Timothy Willodine Van Nice
Williams Box Forshee & William Traugott Will Rogers Theatre
Bullard Pc William T Rodman Wilma Carlile
William S Boyd Inc William Uhles Wilma Dean Frye
William Scarce William Verwey Wilma Ethel Chapman
William Schiffer William V Hanks Iii Irrev Tr Deceased
Williams & Connolly Llp William Wade Wilma Gregg
William Scott Dotter William Walton Wilma Holbrook
William Scott Ragland William Warren Wilma Irene Day
Descendants William Warren Wilma Jean Mcmillan
William Shaffer William Washabaugh Wilma Jones Henderson
William Sharum William Watts Wilma Killingsworth
William Shaw William Watts Wilma Klagenberg
William Sheets William Webb Wilma Laveta Bezdicek
William Sheets William Webber Trust
William Siegele William Welch Wilma L Bezdicek
William Simon William Wells Wilma Luster
William Smiley William White Wilma Mcadams
William Snyder William Williams Wilma M Fuxa Rev Living
Williamson Construction & William Wilson Trust
Equipment William Winemiller Wilma Moerke
William Sooter William W Koelm Jr Wilma M Phillips Trust
William Spencer William W London Inc Wilma Pershall
Williams Properties Inc William Wooten Wilma Porter
William Staley William Wray Wilma Pyle
William Stallard William Yantis Jr Wilma Shipman
William Stallard Willie Burtch Wilma Speer
William Stephens Willie Haning Phillips Wilma Stephenson Fka
William Storey Willie J & Emma J Mouser Ireland Fka Fl
William Storm Trust Wilma Sue Miller
William Strunk Willie Koen-Potts Wilma Wehr
William Sundgren Willie Lee Sumner Life Wilma Wiley
William Svelan Estate Wilmer Pepmiller
William Swart Willie Mae Rubrecht Wilmington Trust Na
William Swart Willie Phillips Wilmoth Interests Inc
William Sylvester Willie Shippy Wilshire Oil Gp
William Tarwater Willie Sumner Wilson Energy Llc
William Taylor Willischild Oil & Gas Corp Wilson E Speer
William T & Debra D Basore Willis Decd Wilson Investments Llc
Hw Jts Willis Doggett Wilson Warnick
William Tell Willis Enterprises Corp Wiltoma Jones Ball
William Terrel Willis Garrett Winburn Trust
William Testa William J Willis Goodenough Windemere Investments
Testa Willis M Decker Irrev Trust Windmill Oil & Gas Co Llc
William Tester Willis Poe Windom Royalties Llc
William Thatcher Willis Smith Windswept Royalties Llc
Windy Ridge Llc

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Winfred Henderson W Mounger W R Ragsdale Jr

Winfrey Houston Wm V Montin Inc Wrt Minerals Llc
Winfrey Kinzie Woc Jr Lp Wr & W Oil & Gas
Wingard Equipment & W O Cutchell W Sasser
Rental Llc Wolffs Oilfield Service W Saunders
Winifred & Joe Traugher Wolf Pen Oil & Gas Co Wsb Resources Llc
Winifred Pralle Wolverine Directional Llc W Shields
Winmorr Llc Wondrue Johnson Ws Holding Llc
Winnie Bell Marneres Inter Wontok-Ii Royalty Company Wsp On Top Co.
Vivos Tr Woodall Exchange Llc Wtb Services Inc
Winnie Johnston Woodard Gates W Thomas
Winona Conca Woodard Gates Le W T Rapp Partnership
Winona Oates Woodberry Royalty Inc Wv Dunnam
Winonna Crumley Wood Oil Company W Wallis
Winston Family Trust Dtd 2- Woodrow Hart W Waterman
4-2005 Woodruff Energy Llc W W Energy Llc
Winston Goering Woods Rig Leveling Inc W W Grainger Inc
Winston International Llc Woodward Energy Llc W W Grainger Inc
Winston Lambert Est Woodward News W Wilcox
Winston Royalties Llc Woodward Regional Hospital W W Mershon
Winzeler Family Partnership Woodway Usa Inc Wwp Oil & Gas Llc
Rlllp Woody James Acton W&W Steel Company
Wisdom Resources Llc Woody Nickels Ww Worldwide Llc
Wise O&G Llc Woody R & Mildred R Smith Wyatt Earp
Wise Oil & Gas No 11 Ltd Wooldridge Investments Llc Wyatt Energy Partners
Wise Oil & Gas No 7 Ltd Woolridge Investments Wyatt Snow
Wishbone Strata Lp Word B Wilson Investments Wyche Murphy
Wishful Thinking Llc Lp Wyche Murphy Jr Fmly Lvg
Witman Family Trust Workiva Inc Trust
Wj Bishop Workplacedynamics Llc Wyche Murphy Jr Lvg Tr
W John & Astrid Roseanne Workpro Dtd 2-18-00
Shannon World Software Corporation Wycliffe Bible Translators
W J Westerheide Jr. Worsham Revocable Trust Inc
W Kirk Clausing Carole Worthy Family Rev Trust Wyenona Hawkes
Clausing Lan W O Trim Wylene Lengel
W Kurz W. Patrick And Jean M. Wylie Reed
W & L Johnson Family Llc W Prater Wynema Johnson
W Lott Wp Sullivan Wynn-Crosby Operating Ltd
W L Stephenson Jr Rev Lvg Wpts Sro Wynn-Crosby Partners Iii Ltd
Trust Dtd W Quier Decd Wynn-Crosby Partners Ii Ltd
W Main Wr Cubbage Wynonah M Biggs
W Marchant Wrede Family Investments Wynona I Passow Trust
W Martin Wrgm Ventures Llc Wynona Scoggins
W Mcclure Mcmaster W Rice Wyoming State Treasurer
W Merrill Wright Mcafee Consulting Wyonne V Balfe
Wmf Hawker Inc Lc Xanadu Exploration
W Mills Wright Technical Solutions Company
Wmj Living Trust Llc Xccelerated Construction
Wm Miller And Zola Miller Wright Way Oil & Land Unlimited
Jt Holdings Xerox Business Services Llc
Wm Montin Wr Oil & Gas Llc Xerox Financial Services

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243 of 236

Xto Energy Inc Young Mens Christian Zane Shippy

Xto Energy Inc Association Zarrow Investment Company
Xutapa Properties, Llc Young O&G Llc Llc
Xxi Resources Llc Young Womens Christian Zeal Producation Company
Yale Oil Association Inc Association Zeb Enterprises Inc
Yale Oil Association Inc Ype - Okc Zee Medical Inc
Yale Oil Assoc Inc Yukon Trading Co Llc Zege Minerals Llc
Yanasa Capital Llc Yukon Trading Co Llc Zelda Brownlee
Yesmur Exploration Llc (Carried) Zella Marie Taylor Family Tr
Yetta Decd Yvette Levy Zella Peck
Ye Yuan Yvette Pons Zelma M Nelson Rev Trst
Yggdrasil Minerals Llc Yvonne Alley Zelma Peters
Yinghua Huang Yvonne Gillan Zelma Rupp
Yoast Family Trust Dtd 4-26- Yvonne Hodge Zelma Vynetta Walker Life
1990 Yvonne Hodge Deceased Estate
Yolanda Moody Yvonne Kennedy Zena Trust
Yolanda Neal Yvonne Mary Dennis Zeno Bereznicki
Yolonda Killebrew Yvonne Platt Zephyr Resources Llc
Yost 17-2mh Ri Owners Yvonnie Meyer Zetta Archer
Yost 17-2mh Wi Owners Zachary Bryon Taylor Zeus Petroleum Inc
Yost And Hackleman Llc Zachary Cavett Zion Evangelican Lutheran
Yost And Sons Llc Zachary Cross Church
Yost Family Living Rev Tr Zachary Hirzel Zion Petroleum Company
Yost Family Special Needs Zachary Lee Wilfong Zorba Family Trust Dtd 10-3-
Tr Dtd 12 Zachary R Heister 2006
Young Family Rev Trust Dtd Zachary Sevy Zoyla Garcia
11-19-20 Zaloudek Heritage Farms Llc Zwetlands Family Lp
Co Dani Zzw Global Inc

DB1/ 105018388.3 206

Case: 19-12521 Doc: 968 Filed: 01/21/20 Page: 232 of 236

Schedule 2

H.I.G. Advantage Buyout Fund, L.P.

H.I.G. Capital Partners II, L.P.

H.I.G. Capital Partners III, L.P.

H.I.G. Capital Partners IV, L.P.

H.I.G. Capital Partners V, L.P.

H.I.G. Growth Buyouts & Equity Fund II, L.P.

H.I.G. Growth Buyouts & Equity Fund III, L.P.

H.I.G. Middle Market LBO Fund II, L.P.

H.I.G. Middle Market LBO Fund III, L.P.

Case: 19-12521 Doc: 968 Filed: 01/21/20 Page: 233 of 236

Schedule 3

White Star Petroleum, LLC – Case No. 19-12521

Riveron Past and Present Representation of and Connections with Parties in Interest
Riveron has represented and/or had connections with the following Parties in Interest, in
matters wholly unrelated to the Debtors and their bankruptcy case.
Name of Interested Party Riveron Connection
Addison Group Addison Group is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Alliance Maintenance Alliance Maintenance is a current or former vendor of Riveron
in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Allied Universal Allied Universal is a current or former client of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
AON Risk Services AON is a current or former vendor and referral source of
Southwest Inc. Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Aon Corp.
Aramark Refreshment Aramark Refreshment Services is a current or former vendor of
Services Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
AT&T Mobility AT&T is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Bank of America Bank of America is a current or former client and referral source
in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Bank of America Merrill Bank of America Merrill Lynch is a current or former client and
Lynch referral source in connection with situation unrelated to the
Bcf Group Fund 1 Bcf Group Fund is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
Bcf Group Fund 1 matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Bradsby Group Bradsby Group is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Capitol Corporate Services Capitol Corporate Services is a current or former vendor of
Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
CCH Incorporated CCH Incorporated is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
CCH Investments LLC matters unrelated to the Debtors.
CDW Direct CDW Direct is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
CDW LLC CDW is a current or former referral source of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
CT Corporation CT Corporation is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Dell Financial Service Dell Financial Service is a current or former vendor of Riveron
in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Dell Marketing LP Dell Marketing is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Case: 19-12521 Doc: 968 Filed: 01/21/20 Page: 234 of 236

Donnelley Financial Donnelly Financial Solutions is a current or former vendor and

Solutions referral source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Epiq Epiq is a current or former referral source in matters unrelated to
the Debtors.
Epiq Systems Acquisition Epiq Systems Acquisition Inc is a current or former client in
Inc matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Ernst & Young Ernst & Young is a current or former vendor and referral source
in matters unrelated to the Debtors. Ernst & Young is a former
employer of current Riveron employees.
Evergreen Natural Evergreen Natural Resources, LLC is a current or former client
Resources, LLC of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
FastSign FastSign is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
FedEx FedEx is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
First Reserve First Reserve is a current or former client and referral source of
Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Flexera Software LLC Flexera Software LLC is a current or former client and referral
source in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
GE Capital Information GE Capital is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
Technology S unrelated to the Debtors.
Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs is a current or former client and referral source
of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Grant Thornton Grant Thornton is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Graybar Electric Company Graybar Electric Company is a current or former client of
Inc Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Gyrodata Inc Gyrodata is a current, former, or future client of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Haynes and Boone Haynes and Boone is a current or former vendor and referral
source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Headington Oil Company Headington Oil Company Llc is a current or former client in
Llc matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Husky Husky is a current or former referral source in matters unrelated
to the Debtors.
Husky Ventures Inc Husky is a current or former client in matters unrelated to the
Independent Bank Independent Bank is a current or former client and referral
source in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Intralinks Intralinks is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Iron Mountain Iron Mountain is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Jacobs Engineering Jacobs Engineering is a current or former client of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.

Case: 19-12521 Doc: 968 Filed: 01/21/20 Page: 235 of 236

Jacobs Engineering represents 5.2% of total billing of Riveron in

2019 through November.
Jams Holdings LLC Jams is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
Jams Investment Properties unrelated to the Debtors.
Jet Specialty, Inc Jet Specialty is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Jpmorgan Chase Bank Jpmorgan Chase Bank is a current or former client of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
John Tipton John Tipton is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Knight Oil Tools, LLC Knight Energy Services is a current or former client of Riveron
in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Kodiak Energy Services Kodiak Energy Services is a current or former client of Riveron
LLC in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Lime Rock Resources Lime Rock Resources Operating Co In is a current or former
Operating Co In client of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Lucid Energy Group, LLC Lucid Energy is a current or former referral source of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Lucid Energy Westex Lie Lucid Energy is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
McAfee & Taft McAfee is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Mercer Mercer is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Navex Global Inc Navex Global is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
(Obo) Stephens Energy Stephens is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
Group LLC unrelated to the Debtors.
(Obo) Stephens Production
Park Place Technologies Park Place Technologies is a current or former client and referral
LLC source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Patterson-UTI Drilling Patterson-UTI Drilling Company is a current or former client of
Company LLC Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Percheron LLC Percheron Llc is a current or former client and referral source of
Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Pitney Bowes Global Pitney Bowes Global Financial Service is a current or former
Financial Service vendor of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Providence Energy Providence Energy Partners is a current or former client and
Partners li LP referral source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Purchase Power Purchase Power is a current or former vendor of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Quorum Business Quorum Business Solutions is a current or former client of
Solutions Inc Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.

Case: 19-12521 Doc: 968 Filed: 01/21/20 Page: 236 of 236

Red Bone Services LLC Red Bone Services is a current or former client and referral
source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Ryan, LLC Ryan is a current or former referral source of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Sharefile Sharefile is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Stephens Inc. Stephens is a current or former referral source of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Superior Energy Services Superior Energy Services is a current or former client and
LLC referral source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Texas Capital Texas Capital is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Texas Capital Bank Texas Capital Bank is a current or former senior lender of
Riveron and referral source of Riveron in matters unrelated to
the Debtors.
TopGolf TopGolf is a current or former referral source of Riveron in
matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Verizon Verizon is a current or former vendor of Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
Waste Management, Inc. Waste Management is a current or former client and referral
Waste Management of source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors. Waste
Oklahoma Management represents 1% of total billing of Riveron in 2019
through November.
Watkins Construction Co Watkins Construction is a current or former client and referral
LLC source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Wells Fargo Bank Na Wells Fargo is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
Wells Fargo Comml unrelated to the Debtors.
Wells Fargo Vendor Fin
Wells Fargo Capital Wells Fargo is a current or former referral source of Riveron in
Finance matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Don K Henderson Trust - Wells Fargo is a current or former client of Riveron in matters
Wells Fargo unrelated to the Debtors.
Winston & Strawn Winston & Strawn is a current or former vendor and referral
source of Riveron in matters unrelated to the Debtors.
Winston & Strawn provides legal services to Riveron in matters
unrelated to the Debtors.
The spouse of an executive of Riveron works at Winston &
Strawn on matters unrelated to the Debtors.

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