"Año Del Bicentenario Del Perú: 200 Años de Independencia": Characteristics and Qualities

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“Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de Independencia”

Characteristics and qualities

Student: Rossana Isabel Sullón Farías

Level: Pre-Intermediate

Piura – Perú
 Who is this person?
My new neighbour, Louis

 What is he like?
Louis has short light brown hair
that is usually messy. He has blue
eyes and has a lovely smile. He
used to wear blue and white
striped tee but now, he usually
wears hoodie, pants and trainers.
He is known as the funny one
because he loves to make his
mates smile.

 How did you two meet?

We met on social media because of social distancing.

 What do you like about him?

He is pretty outgoing, very cheerful and easy-going. He is very optimistic
and pretty confident. He’s really trustworthy and so pleasant.

 What do you dislike about him?

He is really loud sometimes as is forgetful.

 Do you think you get along well with him?

Yes, I did. He is a nice person and I’m sure we’ll get along well.

 Do you think you are going to become good friends?

I don’t know if we’ll be best friends, but we can be friends.
Plan: A description of a person
Louis is my new neighbour. He has
moved since we started quarantine. So,
we met on social media due to social
distancing. But so far, he seems to be a
good person.

Louis is pretty outgoing. He is always

laughing and sharing happiness. Also,
he’s very cheerful and easy-going. He
cheer me up with a single word when I
am down. Is the best thing about him, he
is very optimistic. Louis is pretty
confident, too. When he sings, he does it
with great confidence. I've realised that
he is really trustworthy. I can tell him
about everything and then he wouldn't
say anything to others. In addition, he is
so pleasant. You can have a nice
conversation with him.

However, he is really loud sometimes. He

usually makes jokes and it’s funny, but he
laughs loud. Also, he is a little forgetful.
He sometimes forgets the things I say to
him. Something else I’ve notice is that he
is a kind of jealous, but he is trying to
change it.

I don’t know if Louis and me we’ll be the best friends of the whole world,
but I know that he is definitely a nice guy. A person I can count on.

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