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I. What Happened?

Activity 1: PRE-TEST
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. A


Singaporian Philippine
Literature Literature

How A like?

I can say that one of the similarities between and among the literature of
Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines is the their association to culture,
customs and traditions. They are all based on stories that depict the ways of
the people.Although there are cultural differences between Singapore and
Philippines since Singapore is mainly composed of the Chinese community,
there are many similarities of Malaysia and Philippine culture since people
from both countries are of Malay descent.

Philippine literature is the literature

the literature of Singapore is associated with the Philippines and
viewed as a distinct body of includes the legends of prehistory,

II. What To Know?


1. The Taximan's The protagonist of the tale is a very generous and hard-working father of eight. He works as a
taximan, collecting money for his family by driving all day. He narrates the life and important events that take place
in their town as a taximan. He thinks that if you work hard, particularly for those who are like him, who have no hope
of having an education or money, success is achieved.
Madam, A heroine also of the novel, a teacher and the passenger of the taximan who rushes for her meeting. She is
listening to the Taximan's true tale of what's happening in their city as they ride along the way. She was innocent of
how, without her knowledge, the teenagers are currently doing, not until the taximan tells every detail of those things
that are unwanted to happen in their city.
Lay Choo, The daughter of the taximan he was proud of because in her studies she is very determined not until one
day she was caught by her father doing the thing her father knew and certainly did not want and expected to happen to
2. The following research reveals a thorough look at the Taxi Driver Storyform. This in-depth study details the actual
encoding for each structural object, unlike most of the research contained here, which merely lists the distinct
individual story appreciations. This also implies that it has been integrated as an easily referenced contextual instance
into the Dramatica Story Expertapplication itself.
3. Genuine Love, Here we can tell that the story is patronizing about the taximan’s genuine love towards his family
especially to his children. He works all day eventhough sometimes he can observe some of his passengers are doing
“unlikeably things” in his car or during his travels just for the sake of earning more for their family’s expenses. With
his knowledge about his passenger’s dirty little secrets (like some teenagers tend to bring clothes in their bagpacks,
telling their parents that they will be going home late due to their meeting but then, they’ll change their uniforms in
comfort rooms and go out somewhere), he consider that as a lesson or a reminder for him if ever that’ll happen to his
daughter. Yes, it was when he confirmed that he saw his daughter at a cafe looking so different and scolded her. Well
for that, let us understand that as a parent they have also the right to be mad and scold their children to discipline them
not because of their fault but for them to learn their lesson and never be doing stupid things.
4. No. Because people have the same personality. We all are not same on beliefs. Even you're a same taxi driver, your
personality may be different since you're born or you've learned it for whom you meet.

Activity 4: Appreciating the text


Lim was born in Kulim (Malaya) and studied in the In 1942, Lim came from a large family of 14 children
Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus four boys and ten girls she was the eighth child. Her father
was Chew Chin Hoi, a plantation accountant.
Nationality Singaporean Catherine Lim Poh Imm is a Singaporean fiction author
known for writing about Singapore society and of themes
of traditional Chinese culture
Occupation Writer, teacher Catherine is a published author who loves learning she
does.Author and Technical Writer will teach grade
school/college students to read and write better.
Lim has published nine collections of short stories Five novels, two poetry collections, and numerous
political commentaries to date.[

Activity 5 Assessment
The story centers around a taxi man who catches his daughter in the act. He beats her so much that his wife and
neighbours had to step in, lest he kill her. From then on he becomes very strict about her activities.
Rising Action:
He then suddenly shared about and describe her daughter named Lay Choo, as a good girl and striving hard for her
studies. She always got a good compliment from her teachers on her report card. She was his favorite daughter, asked her
what she wants after she left school and she answered him that she wanted to go to a University. None of his children
could go to a university unlike Lay Choo who is a smart and very helpful on her mother even though she is sometimes a
little lazy that her teacher advises her to do extra work at her weak subject which is math. So then he let her go back again
at her school.
One day, as he was driving, he saw a girl that looks familiar to him, she was all dolled up with the other girls and some
Europeans outside a coffee-house. He didn’t think that it was Lay Choo because she was in her school and that girl was
dressed-up with make-up on and she was bold in her behaviour. He then suspect her daughter and then there find her out
the next day, confirming that it was really her. He suddenly outraged going to her, slapped then dragged her to his taxi and
went home. When they arrived at their house, he trashed the food and beat her so bad that his wife and his neighbours are
pulling him away.
Falling Action:
He decided to lock his daughter at her room for three days and lied to his daughter’s teacher that she is sick so that she
will be excused. Not long after that incident, things are going on well according to what they want for them.
The taximan tells about the tricks and the dirty secrets that these girls are doing so to earn money. Four of his sons are
working-one businessman, two clerks, one a teacher of a Primary school, one working in a National service and the other
one is still on her second year in her secondary level. Success for him is a matter of striving hard because he didn't get a
chance to get an education nor have any capital for a business so he should have to go work hard to earn and feed his
family of 78.

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