Lesson Plan in Science 6: at The End of The Lesson The Students Should Be Able To

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(Q2 MODULE 4 )

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of each group of vertebrates

2. Classify each group of vertebrates
3. List examples of each group of vertebrates
A. Skill: Describing the distinguishing characteristics of each group of vertebrates
B. Reference: Self Learning Module English Quarter 2 Module 4
Science Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Animals: Characteristics of Vertebrate
(Objective 7- used appropriate teaching and learning resources such as SLM for
Science 6)
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Bluetooth Speaker,
Worksheets/Graphic Organizers
D. (indicator 9 – ICT
Value Focus: integrat
Love and care for animals; Respect for everyone
(Objective 1 Integration in English & ESP)
III. Instructional Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Show pictures containing images of different animals and let the students
identify its names
(Objective 2 – reflected in power point presentation)
2. Review
Directions: Find names of invertebrates inside the word hunt.
(Objective 2 – reflected in power point presentation)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Using your module, let us read the short poem and answer the questions that
(Objective 2 – reflected in power point presentation)

Complete the missing letters to form the correct answer

1. What is common among animals that swim? G _ _ _ s
2. What characteristic is common among reptiles?
3. What is common among parrots, owls, and doves? W _ _ _ s
4. What is common among mammals like dogs, cats, and goats? F _ _
5. What is common among amphibians? S _ _ _ t h s _ _ l _ skin

2. Presentation
Today, our learning journey will focus on describing the distinguishing
characteristics of each group of vertebrates.
Do you love animals? Why do we need to treat well our pets at home?
. (Objective 1 Integration in ESP)
3. Teaching/Modeling
(the class will watch a video about vertebrates)

According to the video, veretebrates are further classified into 5, what are those?

Very good, do you have pets in your house?

Have you seen them breastfeeding their puppies?
Did you ever wonder where those milks come from?

Milks are produced in the mammary gland, an organ that only mammals have.

Everybody please read the definition of mammals.

How do mammals reproduce? Do they give birth to live young or lay eggs?
4. Guided Practice (Objective 3 – Cooperative Learning)
Group Activity No. 1

There will be four groups in the class. Each group will receive a graphic organizer where they
are can write their answers. There will be a Leader, Recorder, Reporter, Time Keeper
and Materials Manager. Each group will observe the rules provided.

(Objective 2 & 7 –
flash pictures from
learning resources
using ICT
Independent Activity 1: Jigsaw Puzzle
Form the picture by assembling all the pieces on their proper places.

Activity No. 2 (Think-Pair-Share)

(Objective 3– Cooperative Learning)

: Crossword Puzzle
Answer the puzzle by completing the sentences below.

1.____ have wings, feathers and bills.

2. Mammals are ____ blooded animals.
3. Reptiles, fishes, and amphibians are ____ blooded animals

5. Independent practice
Students will work individually by answering the questions below.
Odd One Out
Find the odd animal and place it on the 2nd table, then classify it into mammal, bird, fish, amphibian
or reptile.



(10 pts.)
(10 pts.)
(10 pts.)

5. Generalization:
Using the KWLA chart
What have you learned today?

What are the classifications of vertebrates?

Earlier you mimic the movements of animals. What do you think is the right thing to do in
showing your care to them?

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_____1. Almost all mammals give birth to live young.

_____2. Amphibians spent the rest of their lives on the ground.
_____3. Birds has fins and gills.
_____4. Reptiles are warm blooded animals
_____5. Fishes has lungs.

List all the vertebrates and invertebrates in your community. Put them in the table below:
Vertebrates Invertebrates

Prepared by:
Master Teacher
Noted :


Principal II

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