EAPP 4 Answer Key

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I. What Happened?



Bats use echolocation to navigate and find food in the dark. They make sounds with their mouth or
nose and listen for echoes. When they hear an echo, they can determine the size, shape, or distance of
an object—even a tiny mosquito! However, humans can’t hear their echolocation noises because they
are so high pitched. Bats aren’t blind, but echolocation helps them find their way around more easily in
the dark.

B. Now it’s your turn! Use the outline to write about an animal of your choice.

Topic Sentence: My dog, Tikboy, is the best pet anyone could have.

Supporting Detail #1: He is beautiful and easy to care for.

Supporting Detail #2: Playing with him is lots of fun.

Supporting Detail #3: He always takes care of me.

Concluding Sentence: There isn’t a better pet anywhere.


1. The process of photosynthesis

I. During photosynthesis

A. Plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. ... This transforms the
water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose. The plant then releases the oxygen back into the
air, and stores energy within the glucose

II. The step by step process of photosynthesis

A. The photosynthetic process in plants into four stages, each occurring in a defined area of the
chloroplast: (1) absorption of light, (2) electron transport leading to the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH,
(3) generation of ATP, and (4) conversion of CO2 into carbohydrates (carbon fixation).

III. Photosynthesis is beneficial to animals

A. Plants benefit from this directly because they use photosynthesis to make the glucose molecules
that are their food sources. Animals benefit indirectly because they, too, must have sources of food.

B. Animals either eat plants to obtain chemical energy in the form of glucose or they eat other
animals that ate plants.
2. The events leading up to the Philippine revolution against Spain.

Sentence outline

I. The Spanish used Philippine native languages to Christianize the natives.

A. The friars discovered that it was easier to Preach the Good News in the natives' own languages.

B. It was easier for priests to learn the native language and preach in it. than for the natives to
learn Spanish and learn Christianity in it.

II. The Spanish mixed terms from their own language with the Philippine native languages.

A. The Spanish retained certain key concepts in their own language because these terms did not
have equivalents in the native language. They also did this so the natives could not equate these terms
with their pagan beliefs.

1. These concepts include: God, Holy Trinity, Holy Ghost, Virgin Mary), the Pope, grace. sin, cross,
hell, Holy Church, Sunday, and the names of the Sacraments.

2. These words can be found in the first book to be Published in Ta9ak. named the Doctrina
Christiana This book was Published in 1593.

B. This was the beginning of the marriage of Spanish and the Philippine languages that came
under the Spanish Christian influence.

C. This allowed the “common people” to start learning Spanish not only in religion but also at
home and in everyday life.

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