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Bahan Ulangan Tengah Semester

1. What is he best title for the text? C. the school garden

2. There are many flowers in the garden
There are b. rose, hibiscusand jasmine
3. “behind it” the underline word refers to a. school
4. Who is the main character of the story? B. Pinocchio
5. Teacher: have you read the story about Pinocchio?
Student: yes, sir.
Teacher: so, what do you think about Pinocchio?
Student: d. at the end. Pinocchio lived happily
6. What does the second paragraph of the story tells you about? C. Pinocchio made
problems at school
7. Teacher: well students. That’s all about the story. Do you like story?
Student: sure it was a c. happy ending to the story
8. Kevin: please b. tell me about the city. Where were you born
David: well, it is small quiet and clear
9. Wendy: I hear that you will move to Bandung c. is that right?
Candy: yes, that’s true. My father has got a new job there
10. Jane: thank you. My sister made it, her self.
Risa: b. did she
Jane: yes, she did
11. Mother: Lia, what is your sister doing?
Lia: d. she is cleaning her bedroom
12. A: what is your plan for thenext holiday?
B: d. I will visiting my grandma
13. The teacher taught us English lesson
The interrogative forms of the sentence is
d. did the teacher teach us English lesson?
14. Listen! My younger sister is singing a son b. now
15. “is it really? Can you tell me further?
The sentence expresses c. asking clarification
16. A. wake B. waking c. wakes d. woke
17. A. house b. hole c. nest d. cage
18. A. big cock b. independent cock c. bad cock d. impolite cock
19. Ratih: what is the main?

Mary: he is the teacher

Ratih: how does he teach?

Mary: he teaches d. clearly
20. Katty: d. what do you think of our English test today?

Cindy: well, it seems difficult forme. I can’t do them well

21. Cindy: I am thirsty. D. could you give me a glass of water, please?

Ratih: certainly. I’ll take it.

22. Andy: did you go to zoo last holiday?
Rini: yes, I did
Andi: a. what do you see at the zoo?
Rini: I saw many animals
23. Andy: I just lost my new mobile phone
Benny: a. how come?

Andy: I think, I forget where I put it

24. Michael: b. what do you think about the police action right now in handling on
Lisa: according to my opinion. Police should do quick action in handling the corruption
25. (1) Put in a small cup of popcorn
(2) keep shaking pan

(3) it is so easy to make popcorn

(4) put some oil in a pan and heat it
(5) when the popcorn stops popping. It’s done.
D. 3-4-1-2-5
26. (1) it is very large and grows the largest flower in the world
(2) it has nostern or leaves
(3) the diameter of the flower can reach one water in wide
(4) raflesia arnold is anative flowering plant of Indonesia
c. 4-1-2-3
27. How many things do we need to play snakes and ladder? A. there
28. Which one is true based on the text? D. the winner is someone who get as many
snakes us possible
29. What is the purpose of the text? A. to tell how to play snakes and ladder
30. What does the world “popular” mean? C. famous (30,1)
31. The correct question to the answer.(30, 2)
“by plane” is c. why do you go to Malaysia
32. Anne: could you pass me the salt, please
Gwen: c. sure, here you are
33. Barbana: this is nice. Can you give me the recipe?
Lucy: B. yes, please. I’m glad you like it
34. Which sentence is wrong according to the text above? B. Mr. Bob sleep in the evening
35. What does the world them refers to? D. fish
36. What does Mr. bob do on Sunday evening? A. fishing
37. A. clever B. difficult c. funny d. easy
38. A. lend B. lends c. lent d. lending
39. The following sentences are true, except c. the cafeteria does not serve fried chicken
40. Who is Blewuk? C. the writer’s male cat
41. Why is the cat called Blewuk? Because, d. it has grey fur
42. “he has and feeble sweet voice” the world “feeble” means b. weak
43. What does the worl “him” in the last paragraph refers to? B. blewuk
44. “here you are” is the expression of c. giving something
45. What is the announcement about? C. the students organication program
46. When did the students organization begin announce the information above? A. march
14, 2011
47. What is the purpose of the text? D.inviting the students to take part is the competition
48. A. at b. to c. on d. for
49. A. follow b. invite c. arrane d. change
50. a. run away b. keep it win c. go away d. keep going
51. the caution means c. you may not start doing installation when the computer is still on
52. “he works for private company” the world underline nearly means b. individual
53. The writer writer’s the text to d. describe a new art teacher

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