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FACTS: Defendant Mayor Lawrence blew up by DE FILIPINAS
gunpowder, burned and destroyed the goods FACTS: The Government drew plans to extend
and merchandizes of Plaintiff American Print Azcarraga street from its junction with Mendiola
Works. street, up to the Sta. Mesa Rotonda, Sampaloc,
The mayor was sued for damages by the owner Manila to ease and solve the daily traffic
of the building. congestion on Legarda Street. The government
offered to buy a portion of a parcel of land
Mayor’s contention was that it was lawful for belonging to La Orden de PP. Benedictinos de
him to do as Mayor of the city of New York Filipinas, however the two parties have not
“That when any building in the city of New York reached an agreement. The Government then
shall be on fire, it shall be lawful for the Mayor, instituted the expropriation proceedings.
to direct and order the same, or any other
building which they may deem hazardous and Trial Court ordered the Government to take
likely to take fire, or to convey the fire to other possession of the land upon depositing the
buildings, to be pulled down or destroyed.” by amount. Upon deposit, trial court issued an
order to place the Government in possession of
virtue of a law that remained in full force and
the aforesaid property.
effect, and unrepealed.
La Orden de PP. Benedictinos de Filipinas
“An Act to reduce several Laws relating moved to dismiss, stating that the property
particularly to the city of New York, into one sought to be expropriated was already
Act,” dedicated to public use and therefore, cannot be
subject to expropriation. Furthermore, there is
However, the plaintiff American Print Works no necessity for the expropriation because the
contend that there was an expropriation and he proposed Azcarraga Extension could pass
was entitled to payment for just compensation. through a different site which would entail less
expenses on the part of the Government.
ISSUE: W/N the action of the mayor is Trial Court granted the motion, holding that the
considered as expropriation. “expropriation was not of extreme necessity”.
Hence, this appeal by the Government.
SC RULING: No. In the case at bar, there was ISSUE: W/N the expropriation of the property
no expropriation, the property in question does in question is necessary.
not come under the right of eminent domain. It SC RULING: No. it does not need extended
is under the right of necessity or self- argument to show that whether or not the proposed
preservation. The plaintiff American Print opening of the Azcarraga extension is a necessity in
Works can recover indemnification for order to relieve the daily congestion of traffic on
damages, but cannot claim just compensation Legarda St., is a question of fact dependent not only
upon the facts of which the trial court very liberally
because the destruction is not a form of taking took judicial notice but also up on other factors that
contemplated in the exercise of eminent do not appear of record and must, therefore, be
domain. established by means of evidence. We are,
therefore, of the opinion that the parties should have
been given an opportunity to present their respective
evidence upon these factors and others that might
be of direct or indirect help in determining the vital
question of fact involved, namely, the need to open
the extension of Azcarraga street to ease and solve
the traffic congestion on Legarda street.
FACTS: The defendant PLDT entered into an
FACTS: The City of Manila, plaintiff herein, agreement with RCA Communications Inc., an
prayed for the expropriation of a portion private American corporation, whereby telephone
cemetery for the conversion into an extension of messages coming from the US and received by
Rizal Avenue. Plaintiff claims that it is necessary RCA’s domestic station, could automatically be
that such public improvement be made in the transferred to the lines of PLDT, and vice versa.
said portion of the private cemetery and that the
said lands are within their jurisdiction. The plaintiff through the Bureau of
Telecommunications, after having set up its own
Chinese Community answered that the said Government Telephone System, by utilizing its
expropriation was not necessary because other own appropriation and equipment and by
routes were available. They further claimed that renting trunk lines of the PLDT, entered into an
the expropriation of the cemetery would create agreement with RCA for a joint overseas
irreparable loss and injury to them and to all telephone service.
those persons owing and interested in the
graves and monuments that would have to be Alleging that plaintiff is in competition with them,
destroyed. PLDT notified the former and receiving no reply,
disconnected the trunk lines being rented by the
The lower court ruled that the said public same; thus, prompting the plaintiff to file a case
improvement was not necessary on the before the CFI praying for judgment
particular-strip of land in question. commanding PLDT to execute a contract with
the Bureau for the use of the facilities of PLDT’s
Plaintiff herein assailed that they have the right telephone system, and for a writ of preliminary
to exercise the power of eminent domain and injunction against the defendant to restrain the
that the courts have no right to inquire and severance of the existing trunk lines and restore
determine the necessity of the expropriation. those severed.
Thus, the same filed an appeal.
ISSUE: W/N the trunk lines of PLDT can be
Issue: Whether or not the courts may inquire validly expropriated.
into, and hear proof of the necessity of the
expropriation. SC RULING: YES. While the Republic may not
compel the PLDT to celebrate a contract with it,
Held: The courts have the power of restricting the Republic may, in the exercise of the
the exercise of eminent domain to the actual sovereign power of eminent domain, require the
reasonable necessities of the case and for the telephone company to permit interconnection of
purposes designated by the law. The moment the government telephone system and that of
the municipal corporation or entity attempts to the PLDT, as the needs of the government
exercise the authority conferred, it must comply service may require, subject to the payment of
with the conditions accompanying the authority. just compensation to be determined by the
The necessity for conferring the authority upon court.
a municipal corporation to exercise the right of
eminent domain is admittedly within the power
of the legislature.

But whether or not the municipal corporation or

entity is exercising the right in a particular case
under the conditions imposed by the general
authority, is a question that the courts have the
right to inquire to.
FACTS: Private respondent Express FACTS: Causby (plaintiff) owned a dwelling and
Telecommunications Co., Inc. (ETCI) obtained a chicken farm near a municipal airport. In 1942,
from Congress Republic Act No. 2090 a the United States (defendant) began using this
franchise to establish radio stations for domestic airport for frequent and regular military flights,
and transoceanic telecommunications. which passed directly over Causby’s property at
83 feet, which was 67 feet above the house, 63
Petitioner PLDT invoked the “prior operator” or feet above the barn and 18 feet above the
“protection of investment” doctrine in its highest tree. They frequently came so close to
opposition to ETCI’s subsequent application for respondents' property that they barely missed
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity the tops of trees, the noise was startling, and the
(CPCN). glare from their landing lights lighted the place
up brightly at night. This led to the death of 150
The National Telecommunications chickens which destroyed the use of the
Commission (NTC) granted provisional property as a chicken farm and caused loss of
authority to ETCI subject to the condition that it sleep, nervousness, and fright on the part of
shall enter into “interconnection agreement” with respondents.
Causby sued in the Court of Claims to recover
PLDT assailed the orders of National for an alleged taking of their property and for
Telecommunications Commission granting damages to their poultry business.
Express Telecommunications provisional
authority to install, operate and maintain a The court of claims held that the United States
Cellular Mobile Telephone System in Metro had taken an easement over the property, and
Manila now ETC. PLDT also alleged essentially granted an award of $2,000 for the easement
that the interconnection ordered was in violation and resulting property damage. However it
of due process and that the grant of provisional made no finding as to the precise nature or
authority was jurisdictionally and procedurally duration of the easement.
infirm. However, NTC denied the
reconsideration. Hence, the petition at bar. Issue: Whether or not Causby was owed
compensation under the Takings Clause (U.S.
ISSUE: W/N PLDT may refuse NTC order to Constitutional Amendment V)
enter into “interconnection agreement” with
ETCI. SC RULING: YES. The majority opinion cited
the law (49 U.S.C. § 180) where Congress
SC RULING: NO. The PLDT cannot justifiably defined the "navigable airspace" in the public
refuse to interconnect. domain, as that above the "minimum safe
Rep. Act No. 6849, or the Municipal Telephone altitude" which varies from 500 to 1000 feet
Act of 1989, mandates interconnection depending on time of day, aircraft, and type of
providing as it does that "all domestic terrain. Since the aircraft passing over Causby's
telecommunications carriers or utilities ... shall property were at 83 feet, the court determined
be interconnected to the public switch telephone the flight path was an easement, a form of
network." The interconnection which has been property right. Because the government had
required of PLDT is a form of “intervention” with taken the easement through private property,
property rights dictated by the encompassing Causby was owed compensation under the
objective for the common good. The NTC, as the Takings Clause.
regulatory agency of the State, merely
exercised its delegated authority to regulate the
use of telecommunications networks when it
decreed interconnection.
FACTS: Fajardo and Babilonia (son-in law) are
FACTS: Ayala de Roxas applied to the charged with violation of Ordinance 7 Series of
defendant city engineer for a license to 1950 of the Municipality of Baao, Camarines Sur
construct a terrace over “the strip of land 3 which penalizes a person who constructs a
meters in width between the main wall of her building without permit from the mayor.
house and the edge of the said canal of Sibacon
or San Jacinto, which strip of land belongs After his incumbency, Fajardo applied for a
exclusively to her”; but the defendant refused to permit to build a building beside the gasoline
grant the license or authorize the plaintiff to build station near the town plaza. His request was
the terrace. repeatedly denied due to the reason that
it “hinders the view of travelers from the
Plaintiff has been informed, that sole reason National Highway to the public plaza”.
wherefore the license was denied is because
“the said defendants pretend to compel the Fajardo and Babilonia proceeded with the
plaintiff to leave vacant and without any construction of the building without a permit,
construction whatever thereon the said strip of 3 because they needed a place of residence very
meters in width which is a portion of the ground badly, their former house having been
belonging to her, in order to use the same as the destroyed by a typhoon and they had been living
wharf or public way so that the plaintiff will only on leased property.
be able to use the said strip in the same manner
and for the same purposes as the public in Appellants were charged and convicted by
general, thus losing the enjoyment, use, and peace court of Baoo for violating such
exclusive possession of the said strip of the ordinance.
property which the plaintiff and the former
owners thereof have enjoyed quietly and ISSUE: W/N the ordinance is constitutional.
peacefully during more than seventy years.
SC RULING: NO. The ordinance is
Additionally, it was agreed between both parties unreasonable and oppressive, in that it operates
that the strip above referred to had not been to permanently deprive appellants of the right to
expropriated in whole or in part by the use their own property; hence, it oversteps the
municipality of Manila, and that neither had the bounds of police power, and amounts to a taking
latter offered any compensation for the same to of appellants property without just
the owner thereof. compensation.

Issue: W/N the non-issuance of a license to An ordinance which permanently so restricts

Ayala de Roxas is tantamount to a taking that the use of property that it cannot be used for any
requires just compensation. reasonable purpose goes, it is plain, beyond
regulation and must be recognized as a taking
Held: Yes. What the City of Manila have of the property.
therefore done is to prevent the Ayala de Roxas
from continuing to enjoy, use, and freely dispose While property may be regulated to the interest
of such strip of their ground, as they had been of the general welfare, and the state may
doing up to the time when they applied for a eliminate structures offensive to the sight, the
license to construct a terrace over said strip, and state may not permanently divest owners of the
the City prevented it with the intention of beneficial use of their property and practically
establishing a public easement provided for in confiscate them solely to preserve or assure the
an ordinance of their own which they consider is aesthetic appearance of the community.
pursuant to the provisions of the Law of Waters
and of the Civil Code in force.

FACTS: National Power Corporation (NPC) FACTS: Richards commenced an action in the
filed a case for expropriation against Petrona O. Supreme Court of the District of Columbia to
Dilao, et al. before Regional Trial Court of Cebu, recover for the damage to his property resulting
involving parcels of land located in Cebu. from the maintenance of an alleged nuisance by
Expropriation was instituted to implement Leyte- Washington Terminal by means of the operation
Cebu Interconnection Project. NPC moved for of a railroad and tunnel upon its own lands. The
the issuance of writ of possession of the tunnel and the tracks were used for the passage
lands. The RTC issued an order granting NPC‘s of trains, all of them being passenger trains with
motion. It appointed 3 Board of Commissioners the exception of an occasional shifting engine.
to determine just compensation.
Richard’s property has been damaged by the
However, NPC filed an opposition assailing the volumes of dense black or gray smoke, and also
correctness of the appraisal for failing to take by dust and dirt, cinders and gases, emitted
into account Republic Act No. 6395 which from the exhaust fan and trains. His house was
provides that the just compensation for right-of- pleasant and comfortable for purposes of
way easement shall be equivalent to ten percent occupation before the construction of the tunnel
(10%) of the market value of the property. NPC and tracks, but since then it has not only
asserted that Dilao, et al. could still use the depreciated in value.
traversed land for agricultural purposes, subject
only to its easement. It added that the lots were Washington Terminal pleaded not guilty, the
of no use to its operations except for its issue then came on for trial by jury, and, at the
transmission lines. conclusion of Richard’s evidence, a verdict was
directed in favor of Washington Terminal. The
The RTC rendered its decision ordering NPC to court of appeals affirmed the judgment. Hence,
pay fair market value at P516.66 per square the petition at bar.
meter. NPC appealed but the same was denied.
On appeal, the CA affirmed the lower court‘s ISSUE: W/N Richards is entitled to recover for
decision. Hence, this petition. the damage to his property.

Issue: W/N the just compensation for right-of- SC RULING: YES. Richard is entitled to a just
way easement being expropriated is proper. compensation under the power of eminent
domain. He is entitled to compensation for such
SC RULING: YES. The just compensation special damages as devolve exclusively upon
recommended, which was approved by the trial his property.
court, is just and reasonable compensation for
the expropriated property of Dilao and her
siblings. In the case at bar, the easement of
right-of-way is definitely a taking under the
power of eminent domain. The limitation
imposed by NPC against the use of the land for
an indefinite period deprives private
respondents of its ordinary use. Aside from the
actual damage done to the property transversed
by the transmission lines, the agricultural and
economic activity normally undertaken on the
entire property is unquestionably restricted and
perpetually hampered as the environment is
made dangerous to the occupant’s life and limb.
11. REPUBLIC VS. CASTELLVI eminent domain, the just compensation should
be determined as of the date of the filing of the
FACTS: In 1947, the republic, through the complaint.
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), entered
into a lease agreement over a land in Pampanga Based on the requisites for the power of
with Castellvi on a year-to-year basis. When expropriation, only requisites 1, 3 and 4 are
Castellvi gave notice to terminate the lease in present in this case.
1956, the AFP refused because of the
permanent installations and other facilities worth
almost P500,000.00 that were erected and
already established on the property.

Despite repeated demands, the Republic had

been illegally occupying her property since July
1, 1956, thereby preventing Castellvi from using
and disposing of it, thus causing her damages
by way of unrealized profit. Castellvi then
instituted an ejectment proceeding against the
AFP. However, in 1959, the Republic
commenced the expropriation proceedings for
the said land.

RTC approved that the lowest price that should

be paid was P10.00/sqm for the land of Castellvi
and ordered that Republic will pay 6% interest
per annum from July 1, 1956 when Republic
commenced its illegal possession of the
Castellvi land until July 10, 1959 when the
provisional value thereof was actually deposited
in court.

ISSUE: W/N the compensation should be

determined as of 1947 or 1959.

SC RULING: The Supreme Court ruled that the

taking should not be reckoned as of 1947, and
that just compensation should not be
determined on the basis of the value of the
property that year. The lower court was correct
when it held that the “taking” of the property
under expropriation commenced with the filing
of the complaint in this case.

Under Sec. 4, Rule 67 of the Rules of Court,

“just compensation” is to be determined as of
the date of the filing of the complaint. The
Supreme Court has ruled that when the taking
of the property sought to be expropriated
coincides with the commencement of the
expropriation proceedings, or takes place
subsequent to the filing of the complaint for
FACTS: Victoria Amigable is the registered
owner of Lot No. 639, which is an Estate in Cebu
FACTS: City Gov’t of Quezon enacted
City. She had a transfer certificate title issued by
Ordinance No. 6118, S-64 which provides that
the Register of Deeds of Cebu on February 1, at least 6% of the total area of the memorial park
1924. No annotation in favor of the government cemetery shall be set aside for the charity burial
of any right or interest in the property appears at of deceased persons who are paupers and have
the back of the certificate. Without prior been residents of Quezon City for at least 5
expropriation or negotiated sale, 6,167 square years prior to their death. The Quezon City
meters of land was used for the construction the engineer then required the respondent,
Mango and Gorordo Avenues. Himlayang Pilipino Inc, to stop any further
selling and/or transaction of memorial park lots
In 1958, Amigable’s counsel wrote the President in Quezon City where the owners thereof have
of the Philippines, requesting the payment for failed to donate the required 6% space intended
her lot. The claim was indorsed to the Auditor for paupers burial.
General and was disallowed it in his 9th
Indorsement dated December 9, 1958. Himalayang Pilipino reacted by filed with the CFI
of Riza, seeking to annul Sec. 9 of the
Amigable then filed a complaint against the Ordinance in question, to which the CFI, though
Republic of the Philippines and Nicolas Cuenca Hon. Ericta, responded favorably.
in his capacity as Commissioner of Public
Highways for the recovery of the portion of the City Government of Quezon City now argues
lot used. Cuenca’s defense was that the case that the taking of the property of Himlayang
was premature, barred by prescription, and the Pilipino, Inc., is a valid and reasonable exercise
government did not give its consent to be sued. of police power and that the land is taken for a
public use as it is intended for the burial grounds
ISSUE: W/N Amigable may properly sue the of paupers. Furthermore, Quezon City Council is
government. authorized under its charter, in the exercise of local
police power
HELD: YES. Where the government takes away
property from a private landowner for public use ISSUE: WON Sec. 9 of Ordinance No. 6118, S-
without going through the legal process of 64 a valid exercise of police power.
expropriation or negotiated sale, the aggrieved
party may properly maintain a suit against the RULING: NO. There is no reasonable relation
government without violating the doctrine of between the setting aside of at least six (6)
governmental immunity from suit. percent of the total area of private cemeteries
for charity burial grounds of deceased paupers
The doctrine of immunity from suit cannot serve and the promotion of health, morals, good order,
as an instrument for perpetrating an injustice to safety, or the general welfare of the people. The
a citizen. The only relief available is for the ordinance is actually a taking without
government to make due compensation which it compensation of a certain area from a private
could and should have done years ago. To cemetery to benefit paupers who are charges of
determine just compensation of the land, the the municipal corporation. Instead of building or
basis should be the price or value at the time of maintaining a public cemetery for this purpose,
the taking. the city passes the burden to private
14. PHILIPPINE PRESS To compel print media companies to donate
“Comelec-space” amounts to “taking” of private
INSTITUTE VS. COMMISSION ON personal property for public use or purposes
ELECTIONS without the requisite just compensation. The
extent of the taking or deprivation is not
FACTS: COMELEC issued resolution 2772 insubstantial; this is not a case of a de minimis
directing newspapers to provide provide free temporary limitation or restraint upon the use of
print space of not less than one half (1/2) page private property. The monetary value of the
for use as “Comelec Space” which shall be compulsory “donation,” measured by the
allocated by the Commission, free of charge, advertising rates ordinarily charged by
among all candidates within the area in which newspaper publishers whether in cities or in
the newspaper, magazine or periodical is non-urban areas, may be very substantial
circulated to enable the candidates to make indeed.
known their qualifications, their stand on public
issues and their platforms and programs of

Philippine Press Institute, a non-stock, non-

profit organization of newspaper and magazine
publishers asks the Court to declare said
resolution unconstitutional and void on the
ground that it violates the prohibition imposed by
the Constitution upon the government, and any
of its agencies, against the taking of private
property for public use without just

The Office of the Solicitor General, on behalf of

Comelec alleged that the resolution does not
impose upon the publishers any obligation to
provide free print space in the newspapers. It
merely established guidelines to be followed in
connection with the procurement of “Comelec
space”. And if it is viewed as mandatory, the
same would nevertheless be valid as an
exercise of the police power of the State- a
permissible exercise of the power of supervision
or regulation of the Comelec over the
communication and information operations of
print media enterprises during the election
period to safeguard and ensure a fair, impartial
and credible election.

ISSUE: Whether the resolution was a valid

exercise of the power of eminent domain?

SC RULING: No. The court held that the

resolution does not constitute a valid exercise of
the power of eminent domain.
15. PROVINCE OF CAMARINES of the people of the Province of Camarines Sur.
Once operational, the center would make
SUR V. COURT OF APPEALS available to the community invaluable
FACTS: The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the information and technology on agriculture,
Province of CamSur passed a Resolution fishery and the cottage industry. Ultimately, the
livelihood of the farmers, fishermen and
authorizing the Provincial Governor to purchase
or expropriate property contiguous to the craftsmen would be enhanced. The housing
project also satisfies the public purpose
provincial capitol site. The San Joaquins failed
to appear at the hearing of the motion, moved to requirement of the Constitution.
dismiss the complaints on the ground of
inadequacy of the price offered for their
property. The trial court denied the motion and
authorized the Province of CamSur to take
possession of the property upon the deposit with
the Clerk of Court. The trial court then issued a
writ of possession.
On appeal, The CA set aside the order of the
trial court, allowing the Province of Camarines
Sur to take possession of private respondents'
lands and the order denying the admission of
the amended motion to dismiss. It also ordered
the trial court to suspend the expropriation
proceedings until after the Province of
Camarines Sur shall have submitted the
requisite approval of the Department of Agrarian
Reform to convert the classification of the
property of the private respondents from
agricultural to non-agricultural land.

ISSUE: WON, the expropriation was for a

public purpose.

SC RULING: YES. There has been a shift from

the literal to a broader interpretation of “public
purpose” or “public use” for which the power of
eminent domain may be exercised. Under the
new concept, “public use” means public
advantage, convenience or benefit, which tends
to contribute to the general welfare and the
prosperity of the whole community, like a resort
complex for tourists or housing project. The
expropriation of the property authorized by the
questioned resolution is for a public purpose.
The establishment of a pilot development center
would inure to the direct benefit and advantage

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