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ºC Degree Centigrade
AC Alternating Current
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced
amsl Above Mean Sea Level
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
B/C Ratio Benefit Cost Ratio
BM Bench Mark
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
BoQ Bill of Quantities
CB Circuit Breaker
Cm Centimetre
cumecs Cubic Meter per Second
D/L Distribution Line
D/S Downstream
DC Direct Current
DDC District Development Committee
DF Discount Factor
DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
DHQ District Headquarter
Dwg. No. Drawing Number
EDM Electronic Distance Meter
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
FDC Flow Duration Curve
FSR Feasibility Study Report
Fig Figure
FY Fiscal Year
GLOF Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
GoN Government of Nepal



GW Gigawatt
GWh Gigawatt Hour
H/H Household
Ha Hectare
HFL High Flood Level
HPP Hydropower Project
Hrs. Hours
HT High Tension
Hz Hertz
IEE Initial Environment Examination
INPS Integrated Nepal Power System
IPP Independent Power Producers
IRR Internal Rate of Return
Kg Kilogram
Km Kilometer
kV Kilovolt
kVA Kilovolt Ampere
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt Hour
km2 Square Kilometre
L/B Left Bank
LF Load Factor
LJKHP Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project
LT Low Tension
m Meter
m3/s Cubic Meter per Second (cumecs)
Max Maximum
masl Meters above sea level
Mg/l Milligram per Litre
MHP Micro Hydro Project
Min Minimum


mm Millimetre
MS Mild Steel
MVA Mega Volt Ampere
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt Hour
N North
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NPV Net Present Value
NRs. Nepalese Rupees
NW North West
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PCC Plain Cement Concrete
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
ppm Part per Million
PV Present Value
R/B Right Bank
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
rpm Revolution per Minute
SF6 Sulphur Hexa Fluoride
SHP Small Hydropower Project
U/S Upstream
USD United States Dollar
V Volt
VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker
VDC Village Development Committee
VHF Very High Frequency
W Watt
yrs. Years


Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project is a Run

of the River (ROR) scheme in Jogmai River of Ilam District, Mechi Zone of Eastern
Development Region or the Province number one (1) in current federal system.


Project area lies between 26° 53' 00" N and 26° 53' 56" N latitude and 87° 57' 26” E
and 87° 59' 50" E longitudes. Project site will be accessible by motorable road from
Phikkal of Mechi Highway in Ilam district.
Project layout optimization was carried out during the study period. An optimal
layout passes along the right bank of the Jogmai River. Headworks site is located at
points 87º 59' 38" E, 26º 53’ 49.10” N at 645 amslmasl. Jogmai is a perennial but
non-snow-fed River originating from higher mountains. Catchment area of Jogmai
River at the proposed intake site is 132.35 km 2. Likewise, powerhouse site is located
at an elevation of 510 amsl masl having a catchment area of 152km2.
Design discharge of the project at 40% exceedance flow is 5.78m 3/s. Design of the
diversion weir and the headworks has been carried out considering 100 years return
period flood discharge of 614 m3/s.
Installed capacity of the project is optimized at 6.60MW. This scheme comprises of
20m wide barrage with weir crest level at 649 amslmasl, which will divert the design
flow to the intake located at the left side of the River. Weir will be built with a layer
of boulder lining. An Under sluice having 2m width has been provided before the
intake. Sediment settling system of the plant is located at the distance of about
200m from the intake. It has two chambers of size 62m x 6.05m x 6m (L x B x H).
The scheme comprises of a 2870m long headrace pipe having diameter of 1.8m. A
55m long surge pipe of 3.0m diameter is designed to arrest the surge in the scheme.
Powerhouse is connected by 430m long penstock having 1.8m diameter. Two
HorizantalHorizontal-axis Francis turbines each of 3.30MW capacity will be installed
in the powerhouse.
The generated power will be evacuated through 4km long, 33 kV Single Circuit
Transmission line from the project to the 132/33kV Godak sub-station of NEA.
Construction period of this project is estimated about 24 months. This project is
planned to be commissioned by the November 2020, if construction is to start in
2019. Construction power is planned by connecting from the nearest transmission
line or through diesel generator sets.
The scheme will generate 5.77GWH of dry season energy and 30.64GWH of wet
season energy.
Cost estimate of the project has been estimated based on 2018 price levels. Major
cost components are divided into Land acquisition, Pre-operating expenses, infra-
structure works, main civil works, hydro-mechanical works and electromechanical
works & transmission line works. Cost of value added tax and contingencies has also
been considered in the cost estimate. Total construction cost of the project with IDC
is estimated at NRs. 1,231,500,190 (U$D 10,708,697.31).
Financial analysis of the project is carried out to assess the financial viability of the
project. Power purchase agreement (PPA) is expected to follow the prevailing
practice in Nepal i.e. NRs. 8.40/kWh in the dry season and NRs. 4.80/kWh in the wet
season with annual escalation of 3% for eight times from the commercial operation
date. Overall financial parameters are summarized below.



Capacity IRR (%) B/C Ratio DSCR NPV (M NRs)

6.60 MW 13.91 1.30 1.40 NRs.145.72 million




Source River : Jogmai River/Khola
District : Ilam
Zone : Mechi
Development Region : Eastern
Type of Scheme : ROR
Latitude : 26° 53' 00" N and 26° 53' 56" N
Longitude : 87° 57' 26” E and 87° 59' 50" E
Gross Head : 140.6m
Net Head : 130.99m
Design Discharge : 5.78m3/s
Installed Capacity : 6.60MW
Net Annual Generation : 36.41GWh

2.0Hydrology & Meteorology

Catchment Area at Intake : 132.35km2
Catchment Area at Powerhouse : 152km2
Average Annual Precipitation : 2212mm
Design 100-yrs Flood : 614.00m3/s
Design Discharge : 5.78m3/s
20 yrs flood discharge at intake : 428.00m3/s

3.0Diversion Weir and Intake

Diversion Weir- Type : Broad-Crested Weir
- Length : 20.00m
- Crest Level : 649.00 masl
Intake - Type : Side Intake (orifice)
- No : 2
- Opening Size : 2.4m X 2m (W X D)
- Sill Level : 657.00 m
Under sluice - Size : 2m X 4m (W X H)
- No. of Bays : 1 No.
- Sill Level : 644.00 masl

4.0Gravel Trap


Length : 6.14 m
width : 5.80
Storage Depth : 1.8m

5.0Approach Canal
Canal -Type : Open
Length : 178m
Size : 2m x 2.7m (W x D)

6.0Settling Basin
Location : Surface
Type : Double bay intermittent flushing
No of Chambers : 2
Size (L x W x H) : 62m x 6.15m x 3.5m
Particle Size to be settled : 0.2mm

7.0Headrace Pipe
Headrace pipe-type : Mild steel
Length : 2870m
Diameter : 1.8m

8.0Surge Pipe
Diameter : 3m
Length : 55m

- Type : Mild Steel
- Length : 430m
- Diameter : 1.8m

10.0 Powerhouse
Location : Surface
Clear Size : 26m x 16.2m x 12m (L x B x H)

11.0 Tailrace Canal

Type : Rectangular (Surface)
Size : 1.0m X 2.5m
Length : 120m

12.0 Turbine
Type of Turbine : Horizontal Axis-Francis



Number of Units : 2 No.

Gross Head : 140.60m
Net Head : 130.99m
Overall Efficiency : 87.89%

13.0 Power and Energy

Dry Season Energy : 5.77 GWh
Wet Season Energy : 30.64 GWh
Annual Estimated Energy : 36.41 GWh
14.0 Total Cost of the Project : NRS 1,231.50 Million

15.0 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) : 13.91%

16.0 Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) : 1.30

17.0 Construction Period : 24 months

LJKHP viii



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective and Scope of Work...........................................................................................1
1.3 Project Description..........................................................................................................2
1.3.1 Project Location......................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Physical Features.....................................................................................................2
i. Topography....................................................................................................................2
ii. Climate..........................................................................................................................3
iii. Geology.........................................................................................................................4
1.3.3 Project Features......................................................................................................4
1.4 Accessibility....................................................................................................................6
1.5 Methodology..................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY...........................................................................................8
2.1 General..........................................................................................................................8
2.2 Available Maps................................................................................................................8
2.3 Collection of Trigonometric Points and Benchmarks..........................................................9
2.4 Reconnaissance and Fixing of Permanent Control Points...................................................9
2.5 DGPS Survey for Base Control Point...............................................................................10
2.6 Total Station Traverse for Horizontal and Altimetric Control.............................................11
2.7 Altimetric Control Survey...............................................................................................11
2.8 Accuracy......................................................................................................................12
2.9 Data Processing............................................................................................................12
2.10 Detail Topographic Survey.............................................................................................12
2.11 Topographical Mapping.................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3 HYDROLOGY.....................................................................................................14
3.1 Catchment Characteristics.............................................................................................14
3.1.1 Basin Physiography................................................................................................14
3.1.2 Drainage...............................................................................................................15
3.1.3 Climate.................................................................................................................15
3.2 Available Data...............................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Stream Flow Data..................................................................................................16
3.2.2 Precipitation Data..................................................................................................16



3.3 Analysis of Precipitation Data.........................................................................................16

3.4 Field Hydrology.............................................................................................................17
3.4.1 Flow Measurement observation..............................................................................17
3.4.2 Hydrological Analysis.............................................................................................18
3.5 Methodologies for Ungauged Catchment........................................................................18
3.5.1 HYDEST................................................................................................................18
3.5.2 MHSP (MEDIUM HYDROPOWER STUDY PROJECT)...................................................18
3.5.3 CATCHMENT CORRELATION..................................................................................19
3.6 Long Term Hydrology....................................................................................................19
3.6.1 Mean Monthly Flow................................................................................................19
3.6.2 HYDEST................................................................................................................19
3.6.3 MHSP (Medium Hydropower Study Project) Method.................................................20
3.6.6 ADOPTED MONTHLY FLOW....................................................................................22
3.7 Water Sharing Issues....................................................................................................23
3.8 Flow Duration Curve......................................................................................................23
3.9 Extreme Hydrology.......................................................................................................25
3.9.1 Low Flow..............................................................................................................25
3.9.2 Flood Flow............................................................................................................25
3.10 Conclusion and Recommendations.................................................................................27
CHAPTER 4 GEOLOGY..............................................................................................................28
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................28
4.2 Objectives....................................................................................................................28
4.2.1 Scope of the work.................................................................................................28
4.2.2 Methodology.........................................................................................................29
4.3 Present Investigation....................................................................................................29
4.4 General Geology of Nepal Himalaya...............................................................................29
4.5 Regional Geology..........................................................................................................31
4.6 Geomorphology............................................................................................................31
4.7 Seismicity.....................................................................................................................32
4.7.1 Seismicity of Nepal................................................................................................32
4.7.2 Seismic Coefficient.................................................................................................33
4.8 Engineering Geology of the Project Area.........................................................................35
4.8.1 Headwork Site.......................................................................................................35
4.8.2 Approach Canal.....................................................................................................37



4.8.3 Settling Basin........................................................................................................37

4.8.4 Water way (pipe) alignment...................................................................................38
4.8.5 Surge pipe............................................................................................................39
4.8.6 Penstock Alignment...............................................................................................40
4.8.7 Powerhouse Site....................................................................................................40
4.9 Construction Material Survey.........................................................................................42
4.10 Conclusion and Recommendations.................................................................................43
CHAPTER 5 PROJECT OPTIMIZATION.......................................................................................44
5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................44
5.2 Objectives and General Approach...................................................................................44
5.3 Hydrology.....................................................................................................................46
5.4 Conceptual Layout and Cost Comparison........................................................................47
5.5 Range of Option and Energy Productions........................................................................47
5.6 Result of Financial Analysis............................................................................................48
5.7 Conclusions..................................................................................................................49
CHAPTER 6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN....................................................................50
6.1 Design Basis.................................................................................................................50
6.2 Headworks...................................................................................................................50
6.3 Intake..........................................................................................................................53
6.4 Gravel Trap..................................................................................................................53
6.5 Approach Canal............................................................................................................53
6.6 Settling Basin................................................................................................................54
6.7 Water Conveyance system (Pressure pipe).....................................................................54
6.7.1 Optimization of the pressure pipe...........................................................................54
6.8 Surge Pipe....................................................................................................................55
6.9 Penstock Pipe and Supports...........................................................................................55
6.10 Powerhouse and Tailrace...............................................................................................56
CHAPTER 7 ELECTROMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS......................................................................57
7.1 General........................................................................................................................57
7.2 Powerhouse Layout.......................................................................................................57
7.3 Generating Equipments.................................................................................................58
7.4 Type, Number of Unit and Unit Size Selection.................................................................58
7.4.1 Turbine Type.........................................................................................................58
7.4.2 Number of Units....................................................................................................59
7.4.3 Unit Capacity.........................................................................................................59
7.5 Mechanical Equipments.................................................................................................61
7.6 Hydraulic Turbine..........................................................................................................61


7.6.1 Governor...............................................................................................................67
7.6.2 Pressure Oil System...............................................................................................69
7.6.3 Main Inlet Valves...................................................................................................69
7.6.4 Cooling Water Supply.............................................................................................69
7.6.5 Drainage and Dewatering System...........................................................................70
7.6.6 Mechanical Workshop............................................................................................70
7.6.7 Ventilation and Air Cooling System..........................................................................70
7.6.8 Fire Protection System...........................................................................................71
7.6.9 Powerhouse Overhead Travelling Crane..................................................................72
7.7 Electrical Equipments....................................................................................................72
7.7.1 General.................................................................................................................72
7.7.2 Generator.............................................................................................................73
7.7.3 Generation Voltage Level.......................................................................................75
7.7.4 Generator Breaking................................................................................................75
7.7.5 Generator Grounding.............................................................................................75
7.7.6 Excitation and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)...................................................75
7.7.7 Power Transformers..............................................................................................76
7.7.8 Auxiliary Transformers...........................................................................................77
7.7.9 MV Switchgears.....................................................................................................78
7.7.10 Diesel Generator....................................................................................................81
7.7.11 DC power Supply...................................................................................................81
7.7.12 Grounding/Earthing System....................................................................................82
7.7.13 Black Start/Island Mode Operation..........................................................................82
7.7.14 Communication System..........................................................................................82
7.7.15 Illumination...........................................................................................................82
7.7.16 Control and SCADA System....................................................................................83
7.8.1 High Voltage Switch Yard.......................................................................................84
7.8.2 33KV MEASURING AND PROTECTION EQUIPMENTS................................................85
7.8.3 POWER EVACUATION............................................................................................86
7.9 132KV MEASURING AND PROTECTION EQUIPMENTS.....................................................86
7.10 CONSTRUCTION POWER...............................................................................................88
CHAPTER 8 POWER AND ENERGY............................................................................................90
8.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................90
8.2 Hydrology.....................................................................................................................90
8.3 Headloss......................................................................................................................90
8.4 System Outages............................................................................................................90


8.5 Electromechanical Efficiencies........................................................................................91

CHAPTER 9 CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING.......................................................93
9.1 General........................................................................................................................93
9.2 Major Components........................................................................................................93
9.3 Access to Site...............................................................................................................93
9.3.1 Access in India......................................................................................................93
9.3.2 Access within Nepal...............................................................................................94
9.4 Construction Material....................................................................................................94
9.4.1 General.................................................................................................................94
9.4.2 Stone Masonry Works............................................................................................94
9.4.3 Reinforcement steel and cement.............................................................................94
9.4.4 Structural Steel......................................................................................................95
9.4.5 Other materials.....................................................................................................95
9.5 Construction Contracts..................................................................................................95
9.6 Land Acquisition............................................................................................................95
9.7 Mobilization..................................................................................................................96
9.8 Construction Power.......................................................................................................96
9.9 Camp Establishment......................................................................................................96
9.10 Construction Planning....................................................................................................96
9.10.1 Construction Facilities............................................................................................97
9.11 Construction of Civil Works............................................................................................97
9.11.1 River Diversion and Headwork’s Construction..........................................................97
9.12 Implementation scheduled Bar chart............................................................................100
CHAPTER 10 IEE STUDY......................................................................................................102
CHAPTER 11 COST ESTIMATES............................................................................................103
11.1 General......................................................................................................................103
11.2 Criteria, Assumptions and Cost Components.................................................................103
11.3 Civil Works..................................................................................................................103
11.4 Resource Costs...........................................................................................................104
11.5 Construction Material...................................................................................................104
11.6 Electrical and Mechanical Equipment............................................................................104
11.7 Unit Rates...................................................................................................................105
11.8 Total Estimated cost....................................................................................................105
CHAPTER 12 PROJECT EVALUATION.....................................................................................107
12.1 Financial Evaluation.....................................................................................................107
12.2 Financial Analysis, Assumptions and Result...................................................................108
12.3 Sensitivity Analysis......................................................................................................110
LJKHP xiii


CHAPTER 13 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................112




Figure 2-1 Topographic Map of the project site................................................................8

Figure 3-1 Catchment Area of Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project.......................................................................................................14
Figure 3-2: Isohyet map.................................................................................................17
Figure 3-3 Mean Monthly Hydrograph.............................................................................23
Figure 3-4 Flow duration curve.......................................................................................25
Figure 4-1 Geological Map of Nepal (DMG)......................................................................30
Figure 4-2 Regional Geological Map (DMG)......................................................................31
Figure 4-3 Seismic Risk Map of Nepal..............................................................................34
Figure 4-4 Seismic Hazard Map of Nepal..........................................................................34
Figure 4-5 Diversion weir site viewing towards upstream direction....................................35
Figure 4-6 Left bank geology of diversion weir................................................................36
Figure 4-7 Stereographic projection of major discontinuity planes of headwork site............36
Figure 4-8 Location of the proposed Settling Basin...........................................................38
Figure 4-9 Pipe alignment from chainage 1+175m to 2+875m.........................................39
Figure 4-10 Geology around Surge pipe area...................................................................40
Figure 4-11 Penstock Alignment......................................................................................41
Figure 4-12 Geological Condition at Powerhouse area......................................................41
Figure 4-13: Potential construction material deposits around Project area.........................42
Figure 6-1: Pressure pipe optimization results..................................................................55
Figure 7-1 Turbine Selection chart for LJKHP...................................................................60
Figure 7-2 Turbine and Generator Arrangement..............................................................65
Figure 7-3 Spiral Case and Draft Tube Dimension............................................................67
Figure 7-4 Distributor Dimension....................................................................................67




Table 1-1 Accessibility to the Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project Site...................................................................................................6
Table 2-1: List of Coordinates, Elevations and Information.................................................9
Table 2-2 : DGPS Survey data.........................................................................................10
Table 2-3: Coordinates in MUTM Projection System..........................................................11
Table 3-1 Catchment characteristics of the Project site.....................................................15
Table3-2 Details of gauging station.................................................................................16
Table 3-3 Rainfall stations nearby project area................................................................16
Table 3-4 Average annual precipitation in each station, mm.............................................16
Table 3-5 Flow measurement observations......................................................................18
Table 3-6 Catchment characteristics of gauging station (Station No. 728)..........................19
Table 3-7 Mean monthly flow at intake area, m3/s...........................................................20
Table 3-8 Mean monthly flow (MHSP method), m3/s.........................................................20
Table 3-9 Long term average daily flow at the intake, m 3/s..............................................21
Table 3-10: Mean monthly flows from various methods, m3/s...........................................21
Table 3-11 Adopted Long-term Average Daily flows, m3/s.................................................22
Table 3-12 Flow duration curve data..............................................................................24
Table 3-13 Low flows at the intake site, m3/s...................................................................25
Table 3-14 Flood flow at gauging station (m3/s), Station No. 728......................................26
Table 3-15 High Flood at intake site (m3/s).....................................................................26
Table 3-16 High Flood at Powerhouse site (m3/s).............................................................27
Table 3-17 Construction Flood at intake site (m3/s)..........................................................27
Table 4-1: Major joint sets on the Headworks area..........................................................37
Table 4-2: Summary of different sources for construction materials.................................42
Table 5-1 Average Monthly Flows..................................................................................46
Table 5-2 Flow Exceedance Discharge............................................................................46
Table 5-3: Summary for different options........................................................................48
Table 5-4: Summary for Economic analysis of different option..........................................48
Table. 8-1 Monthly Average Estimate of the Energy.........................................................92
Table 9-1 Contract Packaging........................................................................................95
Table 9-2 Project Implementation Schedule...................................................................101
Table 11-1 Summary of Total Project Cost.....................................................................105



1.1 Background

Mai River is one of the major rivers in eastern Nepal. It serves as a major source of
water for all the ongoing Mai corridor projects that are at various stages of
development. Jogmai River is the major tributary of Mai River. Lower Jogmai Khola
Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project is one of the different projects
licensed to private developers.

Proposed headworks of the Lower Jogmai Khola project lies at an altitude of about
650m amsl masl and the power-house is located at an altitude of 508m amslmasl.
The project facilities have been positioned confirming that there is no overlapping,
with upstream of the project. No interference has been confirmed on the water
resources as well as of the project components namely weir/intake, de-sander,
headrace pipe, surge-tank, penstock, Powerhouse and tailrace.

Headworks site is about 4.0km upstream from the Mai – Jogmai confluence and the
powerhouse site is located on a stable foundation which is about 550m upstream
from Mai- Jogmai confluence. Initially alignment of the project runs along the left
bank of Jogmai River then it crosses the Jogmai River almost in the middle portion
and aligned in right bank. Power will be evacuated through about 4 km long, 33 kV
Single Circuit transmission line from the project to the 132 kV Godak sub-station of

1.2 Objective and Scope of Work

The main objective of the present study is to prepare Feasibility Study Report with
sufficient details and rigour. The report thus prepared shall be able to give close to
accurate information on energy generation, revenue estimation, project alignment,
design of the project components and cost of the project, among others. In the
nutshell this feasibility study will determine the bankability of the project. As a result
the scope covers to assessing catchment area, estimation of design discharge,
topographic survey of the project alignment, and engineering design of the project
components, preparing bill of quantities, rate analysis, costing and preparing financial
analysis of the project as per the industry standards.


1.3 Project Description

1.3.1 Project Location

Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project is located
at Namsaling and Goduk VDCs of Ilam district. Project area lies between longitude
87° 57' 26” and 87° 59' 50" East and Latitude 26° 53' 00" and 26° 53' 56" North.
It takes about two hour’s drive from Charali Bazar to the project site along the Mechi
highway to Ilam via Phikkal. Project site from the powerhouse to intake is accessible
by a fair weather track road. Location of the project site is shown below in Figure 1 -.

Lower Jogmai
Khola Project

Figure 1-1 Project Location

1.3.2 Physical Features

i. Topography
The project is situated within Longitude between87° 57' 26” and 87° 59' 50" East
and Latitude 26° 53' 00" and 26° 53' 56" North. Altitude of the project area varies
from about 508 amsl at powerhouse, 650 amsl masl at the headworks to about 3000
amsl masl from where the river originates. Within this range, topography lies on
Middle Mountains (Mahabharat range). The Physiography of the Nepal Himalaya and
location of Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower Project site is shown in Figure 1 - below:


Figure 1-2 Physiography of the Nepal Himalaya (after Dahal and Hasegawa, 2008) and
location of the Lower Jogmai Khola hHydropower Project Site

ii. Climate
Nepal experiences an exceptional climate variation owing to its steep gradient from
high Himalayas in north to plains in south. Five different climatic zones i.e. tropical,
sub-tropical, temperate, alpine and tundra have been classified from low land in
south to snow peaked Himalayas in north. The country as a whole receives most of
its rainfall due to south-west monsoon, which arises from the Arabian Sea and
passes through India before entering Nepal from eastern part during June-July.
Difference between the warm humid summer and the cold dry winter becomes more
marked with the change in the altitude. As the project area lies in the medium
altitude, the catchment area experiences warm to cool atmosphere. Like other parts
of Nepal, this region is also influenced by the physiography of the region. The
climatological map of Nepal is shown in Figure 1 - below.


Lower Jogmai

Figure 1-3 Climatological Map of Nepal and location of Project area

iii. Geology

The rocks of the Project area are classified into a geological unit named as the
higher Himalayan succession. The higher Himalaya is tectonic unit which is separated
to the north by South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) from Tibetan Sedimentary
zone and to the south by Main Central Thrust (MCT) from low grade metamorphic
rocks of the Lesser Himalaya Rock Succession. The Higher Himalayan succession
contains high grade metamorphic rock comprising gneiss, quartzite and marble,
migmatitic and granitic gneiss present predominantly in the upper part.
The rocks of the project area are quartzite with schist partings and banded gneiss.
The quartzite is light grey, fine grained, jointed (3 to 4 set joints) very weathered to
slightly weathered medium strength and gneiss is medium to coarse grained,
massive to jointed slightly weathered medium strength.

1.3.3 Project Features

Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project utilizes

design discharge of 5.78 m3/s and has net head of 130.99m. The main structures of
the project are weir, under sluice, intake, gravel trap, approach canal, settling basin,
headrace pipe, surge pipe, penstock, powerhouse and tailrace.
Diversion Weir
A broad crested, 20m long and 4.8m high, diversion weir is proposed. Its crest level
lies at 649.00 amslmasl.

Under sluice
A single bay under sluice, 2m wide, has been designed at the left bank of the river.
It is separated from the weir by a divide wall. A vertical sliding gate has been
provided to control the flow of water and bed load to be discharged when necessary.


Intake will carry the discharge through two orifices of same size - 2m high and 2.4m
wide, which are divided by a 1.0m thick pier. Deck level as well as side walls are
fixed at 657.00 amslmasl. Intake discharge will be 7.08m 3/sec, including the
additional discharge for flushing of sediments. Its sill level has been provisioned to
be raised by 2m from the sill level of the under sluice.

Gravel Trap
A hopper shaped gravel trap of 6.14 m length and 5.80 m width is provided
immediately after the intake to trap the coarse particles of size greater than 2 mm.
Longitudinal slope of the hopper is 1:5 (V:H). A flushing canal has been designed to
flush the gravel at the end of the structure.

Approach Canal
An open channel, 178m long approach canal with dimensions 2.0m (W) × 2.7m (H)
has been designed to convey water from the gravel trap to the settling basin.

Settling Basin
A 2-bay settling basin has been provided to settle particles of size greater than
0.2mm with 90% trap efficiency. Size of each bay is 62m (L) x 6.15m (W) x 6.0m (H
– including hopper section). Flushing channel is a rectangular type having 1.0m
width and 1m height. A head pond has been provided at the end of the settling basin
to collect water before proceeding to the headrace pipe.

Headrace Pipe
A mild steel headrace pipe of 2870m length has been provided with a diameter of
1.8m to convey the water from settling basin to surge-pipe.

Surge Pipe
An inclined 3m diameter steel pipe has been proposed to negate the effect of water
hammer caused by sudden change in flow condition. Total inclined length of surge
pipe is 55m.

Penstock Pipe
A 430m long penstock pipe having 1.8m 6m diameter has been provided which
bifurcates to branch pipes of 1.20m diameter.

Powerhouse and Tailrace

A 26m long, 16.2m wide and 12m high powerhouse has been proposed to house two
horizantal axis Francis turbines and other accessories as well as the maintenance
area. Each turbine will have the capacity of 3.30 MW.
Likewise, a 120m long rectangular section (1.0m x 2.5m) tailrace channel canal has
been provided to discharge the water back to the river.


Transmission line
Power from this project will be evacuated through a 4.5 km long, 33 kV Single Circuit
transmission line to the 132/33kV Godak sub-station of NEA.

Construction Period
Construction period of 30 24 month has been estimated for this project.

1.4 Accessibility

Roadway access is available up to headworks site of the project. Nearest road head is
at Mechi Highway around Phikkal, about 15Km far from proposed headworks site.

The roadway accessibility of the project from Kathmandu is as shown in Table 1 -1.
Table 1-1 Accessibility to the Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project Site

From To Distance (KM)

Kathmandu Charali (Jhapa) 601
Charali Phikkal 40
Phikkal Headworks 15
Total 656

1.5 Methodology

This feasibility report has been prepared using the conventional method as practiced
across the industry. Typically a site is selected based on the secondary data - physical
parameters such discharge and elevation difference. This gives a rather tentative
estimate of project capacity, revenue, cost etc. Once the license is availed
comprehensive primary data is collected on site and, processed, analyzed in office by
using various engineering software. Likewise, appraisal of the project is conducted
through filed field visits by the experts involving design engineer, engineering
geologist, project planner among others. A variety of specialized service providers are
engaged in the process. All focusing in their respective area of expertise. Such as filed
investigations like topographic survey, discharge measurements and design and

As per the scope of the works undertaken – to study and prepare feasibility study
report of the project, the team of the Consultant were involved from the appraisal
stage to final report production.

Major works undertaken sequentially included:

 Site visit by the team of experts

 Derivation of design discharge
 Sizing and placement of the hydraulic structures
 Optimization of project layout
 Tender level design drawings of the scheme

 BOQ, rate analysis, financial analysis and

 Report preparation



2.1 General

Detailed topographical survey works were carried out to prepare topographical map of
the project area and also to design, place and prepare BOQ of the proposed
components of the Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower
Following survey works were carried out during study:
a) Coordinates and elevations from the known Trig. Points are transferred up to
the project area
b) A closed traverse survey was carried out to establish necessary ground control
points at various locations in the project area.
c) All major ground control points and benchmarks were established on concrete
pillars or marked on permanent boulders with chiselling.
d) Topographical maps of headworks site, settling basin, Headrace pipe
alignment, surge pipe, penstock pipe and powerhouse site were prepared in
scale 1: 1,000 with contour interval of 1m.
e) River cross sections of Jogmai River were taken at various locations at weir site
and powerhouse site.
2.2 Available Maps

Information available for carrying out the feasibility study of Lower Jogmai Khola
Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project area as follows:

Electronic and printed copy of topographical maps Department of Survey.

Scale : 1:25,000

Sheet No : 2688-01A (PASHUPATINAGAR)


Figure 2-1 Topographic Map of the project site

2.3 Collection of Trigonometric Points and Benchmarks

The coordinates and Elevation data of Trigonometric Points and Benchmarks available
in the vicinity of the project area have been collected from Survey Department, GoN.
From Survey Department, the following data and information were available:

Table 2-2: List of Coordinates, Elevations and Information

Grid Trig/BM/ D- card Coordinates Average Remarks

Sheet Gravity Easting (m) Northing (m) mean sea
Alignmen No level (amsl)
173 131 Available 595959.543 2970000.615 - amsl is not
174 13 Available 600304.521 2972701.459 - amsl is not
200 200-64 Available - - 454.921 Coordinates are
not available
200 200-65 Available - - 454.912 Coordinates are
not available
200 200-66 Available - - 454.932 Coordinates are
not available

2.4 Reconnaissance and Fixing of Permanent Control Points

A preliminary reconnaissance survey was executed by an experienced surveyor. He

visited and rapidly examined the whole area to be surveyed and identified the suitable
locations for establishment of the survey control stations and benchmarks.

During the reconnaissance survey, the team came to know that the Trig. Points of
Survey Department were not available. Communication Towers have been constructed
on the spot of trig. Points and hence the points were destroyed. But the benchmarks
were available on the ground. Based on the reconnaissance information, it was
decided to introduce DGPS approach for providing base planimetric controls and
trigonometric leveling for altimetric controls.

During the reconnaissance visit, the condition and usefulness of the identified ground
control stations were verified. Additional new points were establishment on the
strategic locations for later uses. Issues such as accessibility to proposed survey
stations, visibility, lengths of lines of sight, ground cover, need for cutting and clearing
of vegetation, etc. was studied during the visit to confirm the proposed survey plans.

After the finalization of the survey stations to be established, wooden peg, monuments
and stable boulders were used for the fixation of survey stations and benchmarks. The

points have been fixed on the strategic locations from where the detail survey,
longitudinal sectioning and cross sectioning as well as the setting out for survey can be
carried out. Most of the benchmarks have been established on a stable boulder in the
vicinity of project area. The land marks thus fixed have been referenced with some
prominent witness marks so that they will be identified easily for the future uses.

A clear and well descriptive Description Cards (D-Cards) of each permanent point has
been prepared together with the photographs control points and benchmarks.

There are 23 nos. of permanent survey control points and benchmarks fixed on stable
boulders for permanent use. Other survey points are of temporary nature which was
fixed especially on wooden pegs and by enamel paint on the boulder.

2.5 DGPS Survey for Base Control Point

Since, the Total Station Traverse was not possible for the transfer of coordinates from
the known trig. Stations of Survey Department, the DGPS survey was carried out. The
coordinates from this approach were in WGS1984 Projection System. These
coordinates have been converted into Modified Universal Transverse Mercator
(MUTM) by applying the conversion parameters of Survey Department.

Table 2-3 : DGPS Survey data

Date and Time Ellipsoidal

Point Description of Observation Latitude Longitude Height (m)

BASE Reference 8:31 26° 54' 37.10650" N 87° 55' 35.97102" E 1181.205

ROV1 Measured 10:36 26° 53' 24.27571" N 87° 56' 44.82248" E 627.875

ROV2 Measured 11:34 26° 53' 14.40145" N 87° 56' 36.80949" E 444.9705

ROV3 Measured 15:32 26° 55' 30.35169" N 87° 56' 52.50646" E 588.8315

ROV4 Measured 15:38 26° 55' 33.63716" N 87° 56' 51.79179" E 592.9163

JM-1 Measured 12:30 26° 53' 49.09647" N 87° 59' 33.93472" E 610.722

JN-2 Measured 12:52 26° 53' 51.07166" N 87° 59' 38.49638" E 619.9989

BM64 Measured 10/29/2017 8:19 26° 53' 00.45605" N 87° 55' 39.92098" E 409.0896

T-13 Measured 12:39 26° 52' 00.96853" N 88° 00' 24.88621" E 1713.196


T131 Measured 15:01 26° 50' 34.43161" N 87° 57' 46.75006" E 1480.1859

BL27 Measured 10/30/2017 7:18 26° 55' 30.35186" N 87° 56' 52.50629" E 588.7731

BL21 Measured 10/30/2017 9:32 26° 53' 14.40128" N 87° 56' 36.80989" E 444.9517

Table 2-4: Coordinates in MUTM Projection System

S. N. Eastings (m.) Northings (m.) Codding Remarks

ROV1 594211.910 2975221.936 ROV1 M-41

ROV2 593993.041 2974916.383 ROV2 BL-21

ROV3 594394.909 2979103.828 ROV3 BL-27

ROV4 594374.435 2979204.800 ROV4 BL-26

JM-1 598872.901 2976021.573 JM-1 TP-8 (Jogmai HPP Intake)

JN-2 598998.304 2976083.352 JN-2 BM-8 (Jogmai HPP Intake)

BM 64 592426.207 2974475.585 BM 64 Survey Department Benchmark

T-13 600305.374 2972704.741 T-13 Trig. 13/1

T131 595960.624 2970007.447 T131 Trig. 131/1

BL27 594394.904 2979103.833 BL27 Maibeni HPP Intake

BL21 593993.052 2974916.378 BL21 Maibeni HPP Powerhouse

2.6 Total Station Traverse for Horizontal and Altimetric Control

Since, the DGPS survey was carried out only for the base control points in the project
area, and additional points were planned to be carried out by Total Stations traversing
referring to the DGPS base points. The Total Station Traverse surveys were applied for
horizontal and vertical controls required for the project. This process has been
performed by establishing a framework of survey lines connecting a series of traverse
stations and by measuring the lengths and directions. Based on these measurements,
the relative horizontal positions of the traverse stations have been calculated.

In order to get the co-ordinates of survey points required for mapping, the Horizontal/
Zenithal angles and the horizontal distances have been recorded by the inbuilt
recording system of the Total Stations. The recorded data have been downloaded and
processed in the computer. The final correct co-ordinates and elevations have been
found after the proper adjustments of tolerable errors in observation.

2.7 Altimetric Control Survey

Vertical control survey has established the elevations of control points and benchmarks
in the project area. These control points and benchmarks have served as points of

departure and closure for leveling operations and as a reference framework for
determining elevation difference in the project area.

Because of the steep and undulating terrain, the sprit leveling method was not
applicable and the trigonometric approach has been introduced for the elevations of
control points. Trigonometric LevelingLevelling has been carried out to determine the
difference in elevation between points by observing the zenithal angles and the
horizontal distances between them and applying the fundamentals of trigonometry.
The levelinglevelling has originated from and tied into existing known control.

Reference Benchmark for Altimetric Control

There are 3 Benchmarks established at Mai Khola bridge of Mechi Rajmarg. These
points have been established by Survey Department and have been referred for this
purpose. The elevations have been transferred up to the project area by
trigonometrical leveling process. The calculations of the work are presented in the

2.8 Accuracy

Closing errors were distributed according to survey standards. Since, in all the survey
works, high accuracy survey instruments with a least count of 1" were employed, the
accuracy in linear closing error in closed traverse is better than Scale 1:10,000. A
reasonable closing error was achieved.

2.9 Data Processing

All the survey data were computed in the field as well as in the Kathmandu office by
using Excel and SW DTM-Softwel. Similarly, some field data were evaluated and
horizontal distance and elevation were calculated reciprocally. All the co-ordinates and
elevations of each station and survey points were then computed with respect to given
National co-ordinate and amsl masl datum.

2.10 Detail Topographic Survey

The features of terrain have surveyed by means of spot surveying. Spot positions were
taken by the total station from different traverse and offset points. The survey
adopted the break line method of survey. Points were taken on the original ground
surfaces where the break of slop seemed to appear.

Sufficient points were surveyed to represent the existing ground surface to the fullest.

The detail topographical survey depicted following information on ground:


 High Flood Level, Water Level, River Center, River Bank, etc.,
 Kulo, Gully, Kholsi etc.,
 Boulders, Rock, Cliff, Land Slides etc.,
 Trees etc.,
 Houses, Shed, Temples, Mane, Gumba etc,
 Tap, Water tank etc.
 Roads, Bridges, Tracks etc.
 Agricultural, Forest, Village boundaries.

2.11 Topographical Mapping

The data acquired by the surveyors were plotted in site itself to check for gaps and
errors in survey works. The data was then brought to Kathmandu for final plotting and
map preparation. The topographical map was prepared in Auto CAD using SW DTM
software. All the natural and manmade features like houses, rivers, roads, tracks, kulo
etc., were drawn and appropriate symbols were used to show these on map. Map was
prepared with a contour interval of 1m and major contour at interval of every 5m.
Major contours were annotated in appropriate places with height values. Spot heights
were also placed in appropriate places for further height information. Further map
information such as place names, river names, direction of flow of rivers, way to
places were placed on the map. Legends of the symbols were also prepared. The
Topographical Drawings are provided in next volume. The detail Topographical
mapping of headworks, surge pipe and Powerhouse and tailrace area is carried out in
the following scale.

Proposed Headworks site Scale 1:1000

Proposed Surge Pipe Site Scale 1:1000
Proposed Powerhouse Scale 1:1000
Whole Project Area Scale 1:2500



3.1 Catchment Characteristics

3.1.1 Basin Physiography

The Jogmai River constitutes one of the tributaries of the Mai Beni River and the Mai
River is one of the major rivers of the Koshi River basin. The map of catchment area
of Jogmai River at the proposed intake and powerhouse sites is shown in Figure 3.-1.

Figure 3-2 Catchment Area of Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project


The catchment of Jogmai River at the project site has characteristics of mountainous
catchment. The catchment area of the river is 132.35km2 at the proposed intake
site and 152km2 at the proposed powerhouse site. The catchment area of Jogmai
River at the proposed intake site and powerhouse site above El.3000 mm asl is
almost nilNil.

3.1.2 Drainage
The Jogmai River is one of the tributaries of the Mai River which is further major part
of Koshi River basin. The Koshi River lies in the eastern part of Nepal. Jogmai River
lies in Ilam district and it joins Mai River at Maibeni ghat. The River flows with an
average river slope of about 1 in 24 in the vicinity of headworks area of the project.
According to the hydrological regions of Nepal categorized by the study conducted by
WECS and DHM, the catchment area belongs to the Hydrological Region 6. The
catchment characteristics according to the topography of the Jogmai River at the
proposed intake site and the proposed powerhouse site are presented in Table 3 -5.

Table 3-5 Catchment characteristics of the Project site

Intake Area Powerhouse Area

Elevation, amsl
Area in km2 % of total area Area in km2 % of total area
Above 5000m 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
5000m and 3000m
Below 3000 m 132.35 100.0 152.0 100.0
Total Catchment 132.35 100.0 152.0 100.0

3.1.3 Climate
As it is a typical watershed of Nepal, the Jogmai Basin covers a wide range of
climates. Substantial differences occur over very short distances and are strongly
influenced by altitude. The distinct meteorological regions exit in the basin. The
basin is surrounded by mountains, thus having subtropical to tropical climates.
The monsoon commences from June till September. Rainfall intensity varies in the
catchment with elevation. In general, the amount of precipitation is the highest in
the south at the lower elevation and gradually decreases to the north with the
increase in elevation. The nearest precipitation stations are located at Memeng jagat,
Ilam Tea Estate, Himali Gaun, Soktim Tea Estate and Phidim. The mean annual
precipitation over the project is estimated to be 2212 mm.


3.2 Available Data

3.2.1 Stream Flow Data

The mean daily flow records are available from gauging station established and
maintained by DHM. The daily discharge data of this station have been collected
from DHM. The detail of the gauging station is presented in Table 3 -6.

Table3-6 Details of gauging station

Station Drainage area, Year of

Location River Name
No. km 2
728 Rajdwali Mai Beni Khola 377 1983-2006

3.2.2 Precipitation Data

There is no availability of hydrologic and hydro-meteorological data as DHM has no
rainfall station at Jogmai River catchment. However, in the vicinity of its catchment,
DHM has five rainfall stations. For the hydrological study, these stations have been
selected due to their proximity to the project area. The details of meteorological
stations are presented in Table 3 -7.

Table 3-7 Rainfall stations nearby project area

Index Co- Elevation Year of

Location District
No. ordinates (amslmasl) records
1406 Memeng Jagat 27o12” Panchthar 1830 1947-2008
1407 Ilam Tea Estate 26o55” Ilam 1300 1956-2008
1410 Himali Gaun 26053” Ilam 1654 1970-2008
Soktim Tea
1411 26048” Jhapa 530 1966-2002
1419 Phidim 27009” Panchthar 1205 1978-2008

3.3 Analysis of Precipitation Data

Attempts have been made to estimate the average annual areal precipitation in the
catchment of Jogmai River at the intake site of the project. Isohyet method was
applied to calculate the areal rainfall. The average annual precipitation of each station
is presented in Table 3 -7 after completing the missing data.

Table 3-8 Average annual precipitation in each station, mm


Average annual
Index no. Location
1406 Memeng Jagat 2266
1407 Ilam Tea Estate 1631
1410 Himali Gaun 2419
1411 Soktim Tea Estate 2783
1419 Phidim 1378

An isohyet map was drawn based on average annual rainfall from above five stations
within the vicinity of the catchment to check whether the rainfall distribution with
respect to space is uniform or not and to estimate areal rainfall in the catchment.

Figure 3-3: Isohyet map

It can be seen in Figure that the rainfall pattern is not uniform throughout the area.
From the Isohyet map, the average annual areal rainfall over the catchment is found
to be 2212 mm.


3.4 Field Hydrology

3.4.1 Flow Measurement observation

In order to find the flow of the Jogmai Khola at intake area, the river flow was
measured using current meter. The measured flow records are tabulated as below in
Table 3 -9.

Table 3-9 Flow measurement observations

Date of
Measured Corresponding
measuremen Remarks
flow m3/s gauge height, m
10 December Measured flow is average of 2
1.729 0.55
2017 set of measurements

3.4.2 Hydrological Analysis

Since the Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project
is a Run-off-River project, it is essential to conduct long-term hydrological
investigation as well as to estimate the low flow and flood flow. As mentioned earlier,
Jogmai is an ungauged River. Therefore, data from other River gauge stations has
been taken to derive the long term flow of Jogmai Khola at the intake site.

3.5 Methodologies for Ungauged Catchment

As the River is an ungauged type river, various methodologies, common for ungauged
catchment, are used to determine the hydrology of the River. There are various
methodologies, common for ungauged catchment in Nepal such as Hydest, MHSP,
MIP, Catchment correlation etc. As these methods give the estimation of the flow in
this particular catchment, same has been used to estimate hydrology of Jogmai Khola
in this study which is described in the subsequent chapter.

3.5.1 HYDEST
The HYDEST method has been used to estimate mean flow series at the proposed
intake site. The method was developed by WECS/DHM in 1990 for evaluating the
hydrologic characteristics of ungauged catchments. For the complete hydrological
analysis by this approach, the catchments area and its distribution in altitude are
essential along with monsoon index of the catchments. The monsoon wetness index
from the isohyet map for Jogmai Khola catchment is 1800 mm. In present study, this
approach was used to compute the long-term hydrology of the Jogmai Khola.

3.5.2 MHSP (Medium Hydropower Study Project)

The Medium Hydropower Study Project (MHSP) under NEA in 1997 developed a
method to predict long-term flows, flood flows and flow duration curves at ungauged

sites through regional regression technique. The MHSP method has been used to
estimate mean monthly flow series at the proposed intake site. Daily flows,
maximum and minimum instantaneous flows of 66 hydrometric stations obtained
from the DHM are used in the regression. The input variables are similar to those
used in WECS/DHM method.
This approach uses both monsoon wetness index and average precipitation of the
area along with catchment area.


Since there is no availability of hydrological data of the project area, an attempt was
made to correlate the flows with one gauging station having similar catchment area
and characteristics. The catchment characteristics are tabulated in Table 3-6.
Table 3-10 Catchment characteristics of gauging station (Station No. 728)

Station 728
Elevation, masl
Area in km 2
% of total area
Above 5000m 0 0
Between 5000m & 3000m 292 77.45
Below 3000m 85 22.55
Total catchment area 377 100
CAR with the proposed
intake site
CAR with the proposed
powerhouse site

Therefore, the daily flow data of Mai Beni Khola at Rajdwali (Station 728) has been
taken as a reference station to transpose the daily flow data to the intake of the
project by direct catchment area ratio method.

3.6 Long Term Hydrology

Water availability assessment of run-off-river hydroelectric projects is made on the

basis of long-term hydrology of the proposed area. The long-term hydrology depends
on climate, topography and geology of the area. Major approaches of defining long-
term hydrology are mean monthly flow and flow duration curve, which play important
role in the financial and economic viability of hydroelectric projects.

3.6.1 Mean Monthly Flow

Comparisons of the mean monthly flows have been derived by various methods as
explained below:


3.6.2 HYDEST
As discussed in previous section, the monsoon wetness index from the isohyet map
for Jogmai Khola catchment is 1800 mm. By this method, the mean annual flow was
computed for intake area. The results from HYDEST method is presented in Table 3
Table 3-11 Mean monthly flow at intake area, m3/s

Month Discharge (m3/s)

January 2.617
February 2.170
March 2.047
April 1.897
May 2.448
June 7.925
July 22.102
August 31.699
September 22.958
October 10.441
November 4.657
December 3.158
Annual flow 9.510
Maximum flow occurred 31.699
Minimum flow 1.897

3.6.3 MHSP (Medium Hydropower Study Project) Method

As in HYDEST, mean monthly flows for intake area was computed using annual and
monsoon wetness index of 1800 mm. The results from this method are presented
Table 3 -12.

Table 3-12 Mean monthly flow (MHSP method), m3/s

Monthly Flow
Month C A1 A2
Jan 0.0312 0.8644 0 2.13
Feb 0.0242 0.8753 0 1.74
Mar 0.0205 0.8902 0 1.59
Apr 0.0178 0.9558 0 1.90
May 0.0193 0.9657 0 2.16
Jun 0.0114 0.9466 0.2402 7.03
Jul 0.0164 0.9216 0.3534 20.92
Aug 0.0259 0.9095 0.3242 25.02
Sep 0.0221 0.8963 0.3217 19.65
Oct 0.015 0.8772 0.2848 9.21
Nov 0.0079 0.8804 0.2707 4.43
Dec 0.0054 0.889 0.258 2.87
Avg. 8.22



NO. 728)
As discussed in Section 3.5, the mean monthly flows were also computed correlating
ungauged Jogmai Khola with gauged Mai River. For this purpose, the daily flow data
of the Mai River at Rajdwali (station 728) was transposed to the intake of the project
by applying direct catchment area ratio method. In transposing the data, the daily
data of each day was averaged from 1983 to 2006 and mean monthly flow was
calculated. The mean monthly flow of Jogmai Khola at the intake site is presented
in Table 3.9.
Table 3-13 Long term average daily flow at the intake, m3/s

Month Discharge Remarks

Jan 2.07
Feb 1.74
Mar 1.68
Apr 2.15
May 3.35
Jun 9.38
Jul 22.55
Aug 24.01
Sep 20.28
Oct 10.09
Nov 4.11
Dec 2.50
Average 8.66


Mean monthly flow at the intake site of the project from different methods are
presented in Table 3.10.
Table 3-14: Mean monthly flows from various methods, m3/s

with Station
Jan 2.07 2.617 2.13
Feb 1.74 2.170 1.74
Mar 1.68 2.047 1.59
Apr 2.15 1.897 1.90
May 3.35 2.448 2.16
Jun 9.38 7.925 7.03


Jul 22.55 22.102 20.92

Aug 24.01 31.699 25.02
Sep 20.28 22.958 19.65
Oct 10.09 10.441 9.21
Nov 4.11 4.657 4.43
Dec 2.50 3.158 2.87
Average 8.66 9.51 8.22


The values calculated by different methods were compared carefully. There is a
single discharge measurement in Jogmai Khola to rely on them, but they are useful
for comparison with the other methods. The calculated flow based on the catchment
correlation is almost same with the flow from MHSP and HYDEST methods. The flow
calculated by the HYDEST and MHSP model gives higher values in dry months as
well in wet months which is not quite realistic compared to CAR. Although, HYDEST
and MHSP gives more reliable result if the catchment is almost below El.3000 m masl
and catchment of Jogmai khola at intake site has total catchment area below EL.
3000 mmasl, the monthly flow from the catchment area ratio method is adopted in
this study. The adopted monthly flows are presented in Table 3.11.
Table 3-15 Adopted Long-term Average Daily flows, m3/s

Day Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1 2.17 1.89 1.67 2.01 2.94 4.14 23.30 21.05 20.08 14.94 5.64 3.03
2 2.18 1.86 1.61 1.91 2.93 4.24 20.69 21.30 18.99 14.29 5.40 2.95
3 2.15 1.83 1.58 1.95 2.97 4.88 17.57 20.88 20.16 13.81 5.25 2.88
4 2.12 1.83 1.58 1.91 3.20 5.04 16.82 17.88 21.69 13.09 5.14 2.85
5 2.09 1.81 1.58 1.83 3.15 4.81 19.62 28.30 22.45 19.61 5.01 2.79
6 2.09 1.80 1.56 1.79 3.12 5.63 21.03 16.90 24.69 13.60 4.91 2.74
7 2.07 1.82 1.55 1.82 2.99 6.55 23.06 18.99 22.27 12.57 4.82 2.70
8 2.06 1.81 1.55 2.29 2.84 6.99 20.03 18.23 21.95 11.96 4.64 2.68
9 2.08 1.79 1.62 2.28 2.85 6.14 25.47 19.67 24.09 12.20 4.59 2.67
10 2.05 1.78 1.63 2.01 2.96 6.24 22.24 44.38 22.35 11.57 4.65 2.92
11 2.07 1.77 1.61 1.84 3.26 7.45 20.39 46.34 25.87 11.00 4.68 2.86
12 2.02 1.75 1.73 1.76 2.71 7.80 28.67 26.44 22.58 10.42 4.46 2.77
13 2.00 1.73 1.70 1.73 3.01 7.74 22.99 27.35 21.60 9.97 4.24 2.72
14 1.99 1.74 1.63 1.87 2.93 7.78 24.11 32.69 20.79 9.60 4.09 2.63
15 1.99 1.69 1.56 1.77 4.17 8.98 32.36 24.36 21.42 9.22 4.00 2.61
16 3.12 1.70 1.56 1.83 2.98 9.52 24.37 22.59 19.83 8.88 3.98 2.41
17 2.25 1.67 1.54 1.86 2.84 11.53 21.60 25.21 24.93 10.52 3.90 2.39
18 2.14 1.67 1.51 2.00 3.04 9.38 20.66 26.40 20.94 9.76 3.82 2.35
19 2.12 1.71 1.51 2.12 2.87 9.68 25.07 23.48 19.09 10.86 3.76 2.33
20 2.11 1.72 1.49 2.35 3.18 10.38 23.90 22.46 19.37 9.53 3.68 2.29
21 2.07 1.70 1.53 2.11 2.91 9.98 23.78 22.39 18.71 8.35 3.60 2.28
22 2.06 1.68 1.49 2.01 3.50 11.18 22.50 22.12 17.17 7.82 3.53 2.25


23 1.98 1.64 1.47 2.20 3.54 16.25 26.56 22.27 17.13 7.47 3.42 2.21
24 1.99 1.69 1.54 2.41 3.50 15.70 21.43 20.54 18.26 7.39 3.34 2.19
25 1.96 1.69 1.58 2.91 3.91 10.57 21.13 19.83 17.82 7.06 3.25 2.16
26 1.94 1.68 1.62 2.89 3.93 10.14 21.29 24.60 16.78 6.76 3.24 2.15
27 1.89 1.65 2.20 2.82 3.86 12.13 22.24 20.76 15.97 6.49 3.17 2.17
28 1.86 1.68 2.34 2.63 5.15 14.44 20.89 21.04 18.50 6.26 3.09 2.19
29 1.88 1.59 2.26 2.74 4.42 16.54 20.56 21.31 16.82 6.08 3.03 2.20
30 1.86 2.18 2.73 4.16 19.49 21.28 22.55 15.97 5.91 2.96 2.16
31 1.85 1.95 4.13 23.53 22.13 5.75 2.11
2.0 1.7 20.2 10.0
Avg. 1.68 2.15 3.35 9.38 22.55 24.01 4.11 2.50
7 4 8 9

Similarly, the monthly hydrograph at the intake site of the project is shown below.

Mean Monthly Flows



Discharge (m3/s)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 3-4 Mean Monthly Hydrograph

3.7 Water Sharing Issues

There are some cultivated lands in the project area, leading to consumptive uses (e.g.
irrigation, water supply) of the water from Jogmai Khola in the area. It is therefore
whatsoever flow available in the river cannot be used for the power generation but
downstream release of 10% of driest mean monthly flow as a riparian release will be

3.8 Flow Duration Curve

The FDC is a probability discharge curve that shows the percentage of time; a
particular flow is equaledequalled or exceeded. In a run-off-the-river hydropower
project, it is useful to know the variation of flow over the year so as to make ease to

select the most appropriate turbine configuration as well as for project optimization. It
is more realistic to derive the flow duration curve based on daily data therefore it is
necessary to have the daily flow data at the intake site. For this purpose, daily flow
data of station 728 from 1983 to 2006 was transposed to the intake site by using
direct catchment area ratio method. The numerical value of the flow duration curve is
presented in Table 3.12

Table 3-16 Flow duration curve data

ExceedenceExceedanc Discharge, m3/s
5 24.37
10 22.30
15 21.04
20 19.61
25 16.79
30 11.16
35 8.64
40 5.78
45 4.40
50 3.53
55 3.01
60 2.85
65 2.40
70 2.18
75 2.07
80 1.95
85 1.82
90 1.70
95 1.60

Similarly, a flow duration curve is presented in Figure 3.4.


Flow Duration Curve



Discharge, m3/s




5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Percentage exceedence of flow, %

Figure 3-5 Flow duration curve

3.9 Extreme Hydrology

3.9.1 Low Flow

A low flow analysis was carried out by analyzing the derived daily inflow series
(1983-2006) at Mai Beni Khola and extracting the annual 1-day, 7-day, 15-day and
30-day minimum flows. A number of probability distribution functions were fitted to
each minimum flow series and the result from Weibull method was adopted. The
result is presented in Table 3.13.
Table 3-17 Low flows at the intake site, m3/s

Return period Minimum Daily flows, m3/s

(T-year) 1-day 7-days 15-days 30-days
2 1.03 1.10 1.18 1.29
5 0.66 0.73 0.79 0.88
10 0.50 0.55 0.61 0.69
20 0.38 0.42 0.47 0.54
50 0.26 0.30 0.34 0.39
100 0.20 0.23 0.27 0.31

3.9.2 Flood Flow

In order to estimate the flood flow at intake and powerhouse sites, regional method
was carried out. In this method, instantaneous maximum flow data from one
gauging station of Koshi basin was collected and its individual frequency analysis was
carried out using Gumbel, Log normal and Log pearson III distributions.

The regional analysis method has been used to estimate flood flow at the proposed
intake and powerhouse sites. In this method, the flood flow has been estimated from
the relationship obtained between the flood flow of each station and their respective
catchment area.
The regression analysis is carried out between the flood flow of the station and its
respective catchment area and the equation obtained is as follows:
Y =a X b
Y=Flood flow at the proposed intake and powerhouse sites
X=Catchment area at the intake and powerhouse sites, Km2
a, b= Coefficients

The flood flows at the station are given in Table 3.14.

Table 3-18 Flood flow at gauging station (m3/s), Station No. 728

Return Discharge (m3/s)

Period Log normal Log Pearson lll Gumbel
2 240.48 227.59 286.17
5 480.80 471.53 568.81
10 690.86 715.04 755.94
20 931.88 1027.64 935.44
50 1304.95 1578.31 1167.79
100 1633.30 2127.61 1341.90
200 2005.67 2821.67 1515.37
500 2572.41 4019.70 1744.24
1000 3063.02 5192.63 1917.22

Regression analysis was carried out between the catchment area and T-year return
period. Flood flow for different return periods at intake and powerhouse sites using
this method are presented in Table 3.15 and Table 3.16 respectively.
Table 3-19 High Flood at intake site (m3/s)

Return Discharge (m3/s)

Period Log normal Log Pearson lll Gumbel
2 110 104 131
5 220 216 260
10 316 327 346
20 427 470 428
50 597 722 535
100 748 974 614
200 918 1292 694
500 1178 1840 798
1000 1402 2377 878


Table 3-20 High Flood at Powerhouse site (m3/s)

Return Discharge (m3/s)

Period Log normal Log Pearson lll Gumbel
2 121.68 115.16 144.79
5 243.27 238.58 287.80
10 349.56 361.79 382.49
20 471.50 519.96 473.31
50 660.27 798.58 590.87
100 826.40 1076.51 678.96
200 1014.81 1427.68 766.74
500 1301.57 2033.86 882.54
1000 1549.80 2627.33 970.06

Table 3-21 Construction Flood at intake site (m3/s)

Return Discharge (m3/s)

Period Log normal Log Pearson lll Gumbel
2 39.78 38.34 43.76
5 69.92 69.00 75.73
10 93.93 95.96 96.89
20 119.85 127.50 117.20
50 157.65 177.86 143.48
100 189.26 223.80 163.17
200 223.70 277.71 182.79
500 273.95 363.35 208.68
1000 315.79 440.85 228.24

3.10 Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the above studies, conclusions and recommendations are made as

 The average annual flow of the project at the intake site is 8.66 m 3/s.
 The design discharge is 5.78 m3/s corresponding to 40 percentile exceedance
 The 100-year flood discharge is 614m 3/s at the intake site and 678.96 m 3/s at the
powerhouse site (adopted from Gumbel’s method).
 The 20-year construction flood is 117.20m 3/s at the intake site as obtained from
Gumbel’s method.
 It is recommended that daily staff gauge readings of the river at the intake and
powerhouse sites are taken at least one flow per month. River discharge
measurements should also be taken regularly at various gauge heights so as to
develop reliable rating curves at the Intake and Powerhouse sites.
 It is recommended to conduct sediment sampling during Monsoon and post
Monsoon seasons.



4.1 Introduction

This Section of the report includes description of regional geology related to the
project area, detailed engineering geological and geotechnical study of the project
area and provides an assessment of the surface and sub-surface geological conditions
of the project area with respect to the various project structures.

4.2 Objectives

Main objective of the study is to carry out engineering geological survey and mapping
of the proposed project site. The work is to assess the surface geological and
geotechnical condition of the site. The results obtained from geological survey and
mapping works will be used to assess the technical viability of the project during the
next study phase. The scope of work includes,
 To obtain information on the regional geology of the project area and site
specific surface geological condition in order to assess the suitability and
stability of the project structures.
 To carry out the detailed geological mapping
 To assess the foundation condition of the weir and powerhouse.
 To identify the construction material location
 To assess the rock mass condition of the project area.
 To produce engineering geological maps, geological sections of the major

4.2.1 Scope of the work

The main scope of this study included the following:

 Literature review of existing geological information

 Detailed geological mapping at headwork and powerhouse site at a scale of
 Discontinuity (joints) survey at the proposed major hydraulic structural sites.
 Identification of the zones of geological hazards such as faults, thrusts and
landslides etc.
 Analysis of the geological information for slope stability for the major
 Rock Mass Classification at major hydraulic structures.


 Identification of Construction materials such as coarse and fine aggregates

for concrete and impervious materials.

4.2.2 Methodology
Geological maps were prepared by mapping the surface outcrops using Brunton
Compass, GPS and measuring tape and observing other surface deposit and
geomorphologic features. Brunton compass was used to measure the dip and dip
direction of structural features such as bedding, foliation, joint, fault and shear.
Statistical analysis of joints was carried out by using DIPS software.

4.3 Present Investigation

Present investigations mainly included the assessment of the rock mass condition of
the project area, geological mapping, detailed discontinuity mapping, general
construction material survey and identification and observation of the hazardous areas
and unstable slopes. Geological maps of the headworks site, pipe alignment, surge
pipe, penstock alignment and powerhouse site have been prepared in the scale of
1:2000. Geological cross-sections at diversion weir site and powerhouse site have
been prepared in the scale of 1:1000.

4.4 General Geology of Nepal Himalaya

Nepal has been broadly divided into five lithological units, from north to south. These
are: 1) Tibetan Tethys unit, 2) Higher Himalayan unit, 3) Lesser Himalayan unit, 4)
Siwalik unit, and 5) Terai plain. Tibetan Tethys unit is exposed only occasionally within
the territory of Nepal, while the other four units are distributed from east to west of
the country. Tibetan-Tethys Zone begins at the top of the Higher Himalayan Zone and
extends to the north into Tibet. This zone is composed of sedimentary rocks such as
shale, limestone and sandstone ranging in age from Lower Paleozoic to Paleogene.

Higher Himalayan Unit includes the rocks lying north of the MCT and below the
fossiliferous Tibetan-Tethys Zone. This zone consists of an approximately 10 km thick
succession of crystalline rocks also known as the Tibetan Slab. Crystalline unit of the
higher Himalaya extends continuously along the entire length of the country and its
width varies from place to place. High-grade kyanite-sillimanite bearing gneisses,
schists and marbles of the zone form the basement of the Tibetan Tethys zone.
Granites are found in the upper part of the unit.

Lesser Himalayan Zone is bordered in the south by the MBT and in the north by the
Main Central Thrust (MCT). Lesser Himalayan rocks throughout the Himalayas consist
of two sequences: allochthonus and autochthonus. The MBT itself is a fault zone that

has brought older Lesser Himalayan rocks over the Siwalik. Lesser Himalayas are
mostly comprised of un-fossiliferous, sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks such as
slate, phyllite, schist, quartzite, limestone, dolomite etc. ranging in age from
Precambrian to Eocene. There are also some granitic intrusions in this zone.

The Siwalik is bounded in the north by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and in the
south by the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). It consists basically of fluvial deposits of the
Neogene age. Lower Siwalik consists of finely laminated sandstone, siltstone and
mudstone. Middle Siwalik are comprised of medium to coarse grained salt and pepper
type sandstones. Likewise, Upper Siwalik is comprised of conglomerates and boulder
beds. Dun valleys within the Siwalik consist of Quatenary fluvial sediments.

Terai Zone represents the northern edge of the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain and is the
southernmost tectonic division of Nepal. Though physio-graphically this zone does not
belong to the main part of the Himalayas, it is a foreland basin and owes its origin to
the rise of the Himalayas, it is thus genetically related. To the north, this zone is often
delineated by an active fault, the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). Siwalik rocks are found
to rest over the sediments of the Terai in many places along this thrust. Terai is
covered by Pleistocene to recent alluvium. Average thickness of the alluvium is about
1500m. Basement topography of the Terai is not uniform. Terai region contributes
significant quantity of good quality construction material and groundwater in Nepal.

Figure 4-6 Geological Map of Nepal (DMG)


4.5 Regional Geology

The rocks of the Project area are classified into a geological unit named as the higher
Himalayan succession. The higher Himalaya is tectonic unit which is separated to the
north by South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) from Tibetan Sedimentary zone
and to the south by Main Central Thrust (MCT) from low grade metamorphic rocks of
the Lesser Himalaya Rock Succession. The Higher Himalayan succession contains high
grade metamorphic rock comprising gneiss, quartzite and marble, migmatitic and
granitic gneiss present predominantly in the upper part.
The rocks of the project area are quartzite with schist partings and banded gneiss.
The quartzite is light grey, fine grained, jointed (3 to 4 set joints) very weathered to
slightly weathered medium strength and gneiss is medium to coarse grained, massive
to jointed slightly weathered medium strength. Most of the area is covered by alluvial
deposit that of some are is covered by colluvial and residual soil. Similarly, the banded
gneiss light grey to grey medium to coarse grained. 3-set of joints slightly weathered
to fresh, medium to high strength. Mainly the banded gneiss observed at the

Project area

Figure 4-7 Regional Geological Map (DMG)

4.6 Geomorphology

Jogmai Khola is one of the major tributary of Mai River. The head water area of the
river is characterized by the medium to low topographic relief with sharp crested
ridges, medium to very steep slope and wide river valleys with occasional narrow river


valley. Jogmai Khola follows from northeast to southwest in the project area. River
terraces, gentle to steeply sloping river valleys, rock cliff, ridge, saddle, alluvial fans
and flood plains are the major geomorphologic elements of the area. The highest
mountainous areas of the surrounding project site have ranges from 1200 m masl to
510 m above mean sea level (amsl)masl. The headworks area situated at around 650
m amslmasl and the powerhouse site is located at around 510 m amslmasl. Slope of
the headworks area is 30° to 50° at the left bank and flat at the right bank. Similarly,
slope of the powerhouse site is 25° to 35° at the right bank of the Mai Khola. Most of
the tributary of the JogMai Khola have moderate to high gradient, however, they have
been contributing significant amount of sediment into the main river in some

4.7 Seismicity

Himalayan belt is characterized by four different litho-tectonic provinces, which can

be traced in a WNW-ESE direction throughout the entire length of the Himalayas.

The southernmost unit consists of folded and faulted Siwaliks. Lesser Himalayas,
north of Siwaliks consists of meta-sediments. Further north, the Higher Himalaya is
made of crystalline rocks in the form of a tectonic slab. Tethyan Himalaya province
consists of fossiliferous sediments of Late Precambrian to Cretaceous age.

Main Central Thrust (MCT) system is the tectonic contact between the Higher
Himalaya and Lesser Himalaya. MCT was mainly active during the early phase of the
Himalayan Orogeny, but is considered to be inactive at present.

Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) is the active contact between the Lesser Himalaya and
the Siwaliks.

Himalayan Frontal Fault (HFF), south of the MBT is the most active tectonic contact
between the Indian Plate in south and the Tibetan Plate in the north.

4.7.1 Seismicity of Nepal

Earthquake generation is confined to the crustal depth of about 20 km. It is
generated as a result of released stresses, which are accumulated in the geodynamic
under thrusting process of the Indian plate against the Eurasian plate. However, the
shallow earthquakes of depth up to 6 km are generated as a result of strike slip
Records of seismic activities are limited in the Nepal Himalayas and hence correlation
of seismic events with the adjacent Himalayan Region would be a useful source of
information for designing the hydraulic structures. Several seismicity studies have

been carried out for various projects in the country during the study and engineering
design phases. Theoretically, Nepalese standard and Indian Standard are two basic
criterions to derive the design coefficient for the design of hydraulic structures in the
absence of detailed seismicity study of the projects. Therefore, based on seismicity
study carried out for other projects and theoretical methods, the basic design
coefficient for the Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower projectLower Jogmai Hydropower
Project can be derived for the design of various hydraulic structures.

4.7.2 Seismic Coefficient

In order to determine the seismic coefficient a seismic design code for Nepal has
been prepared. Country is divided into three seismic risk zones based on allowable
bearing capacity of three types of soil foundation. Lower Jogmai HEP Hydropower
Project is located in the second seismic risk zone of Nepal shown in Fig. No. 4-3 and
the soil foundation at the headworks site belong to average soil type. Therefore, the
basic horizontal seismic coefficient is considered to be 0.06. By using above empirical
method, the effective design coefficient according to seismic design code of Nepal is
given by the equation,

αeff = R * α = R * Amax/980
αeff = effective design seismic coefficient
R = Reduction Factor (Empirical value of R = 0.5 – 0.65)
For the maximum acceleration of 150 gal, according to Seismic Hazard Map of Nepal
(Refer Fig no 4-4), Published by DMG, National seismological Centre, September
2002 and reduction factor of 0.6, the calculated effective design seismic coefficient
of Lower Jogmai HPP is approximately 0.10 to 0.12


Figure 4-8 Seismic Risk Map of Nepal

Figure 4-9 Seismic Hazard Map of Nepal


4.8 Engineering Geology of the Project Area

4.8.1 Headwork Site

The headworks site is located about 100 m upstream from the suspension bridge.
The river width at weir axis is about 20 m. The bedrock is exposed only on the left
bank at weir axis. The predominant rock type in the headworks site is gneiss
intercalation with quartz feldspar biotite schist and quartzite. The rocks are grey,
medium-grained, moderately weathered, medium to thickly foliated, and moderately
strong. The dipping of foliation is constrained on SE direction with dip amount
ranging from 30-50 degree.

Figure 4-10 Diversion weir site viewing towards upstream direction

Other two prominent joint sets dip towards NW and NE at average of 50 degree to
almost vertical. Rock is classified as fair.

Right bank is mainly comprises recent alluvium deposit. The riverbed at the
headworks area consists of sub-angular to well-rounded pebbles, cobbles, and
boulders of size up to 5 m. The river banks near the base as well as on the slopes
also show the similar aggregate. Maximum depth to bed rock at weir site is expected
to be more than 10 m. The weir and settling basin are located on the same
geological terrain of alluvial deposits. Since past high floods laid down the large
boulders, it is recommended to design the headworks structures with due
consideration of highest possible floods as well as the bed load of Jog Mai Khola
during such high floods. Hence, some bank protection works might be required.


Figure 4-11 Left bank geology of diversionof diversion weir

Exposed rock on left bank is medium weathered, fractured owing to the random joint
sets. The joints are mostly tight occasionally open, rough, irregular and moderately
spaced with moderate persistence. The stereographic projection of the
discontinuities indicates that the slope is stable because of foliation plane is oblique
to hill slope but there is a chance of instability of wedge failure formed by J1 and J2.
Detail of measurements of joints sets are given in Table 4-1. Intake and gravel trap
lie on recent alluvial deposit.

Figure 4-12 Stereographic projection of major discontinuity planes of headwork


Table 4-22: Major joint sets on the Headworks area

Dip Dip amount Spacing Persistence Joint set


170 40 20-150mm 3-10m J1(Foliation Plane)

350 35 0.5m- 1.0m 0.5-1m J2

060 60 0.3m-0.8 m 0.5.0-3m J3


Foundation condition of the headworks site was investigated mainly by the geological
mapping. Rocks are exposed only on the left banks of the river at the weir axis
indicate the thickness of deposit is about 10 to 15 m thick. Therefore, weir would be
founded on the alluvial deposistdeposit. Boulder, cobbles, gravel and sand represent
the alluvium deposit. River alluvium is considered to be moderately high permeable.
Exact depth of the bedrock elevation for the foundation of the weir should be
confirmed either by means of detailed geophysical study (2D Electric Resistivity
Survey) or by drilling at the headworks area. Permeability test at the drill hole will
give the permeability condition of foundation material.

4.8.2 Approach Canal

Surfacial deposit of this alignment is alluvium which is the river bed deposit of the
Jogmai Khola. The deposit consists of loose, well graded, coarse gravel and boulder.
The boulders, pebbles, cobbles are in sand and silt matrix. Maximum depth to bed
rock is expected to be more than 15 m.

4.8.3 Settling Basin

The proposed settling basin area lies just after the proposed intake and approach
canal on the left bank of the Jog Mai Khola. This area also belongs to river terrace of
Jog Mai Khola .The settling basin area is primarily cultivated land on flat area
consisting gravel bearing pebbly and sandy soil with some boulders of gneiss. The
boulders are sub-rounded to round. Maximum depth to bed rock at this site is
expected to be more than 12 m. The terrace consists of boulder size to fine particles.
The alluvial deposits consists of about boulder 15%, cobble 25%, pebble 30%, sand
15% and fine particles 15% by visual estimation.


Figure 4-13 Location of the proposed Settling Basin

4.8.4 Water way (pipe) alignment

Headrace alignment consists of Pipe option. The headrace alignment starts from
chainage 0+000m and passes through the rocks and different type of deposits
mainly alluvial, colluvial, flood plain deposits and occasionally crossed by some
tributaries. At the stretches of the rock exposure along the alignment, the alignment
runs oblique to the strike direction of the rock. General geological logging of the
headrace alignment is presented in the following paragraphs.

Chainage 0+000 to 1+050

This portion of the pipe alignment runs through the alluvial terrace deposits. The
terrace is flat widely and composed of boulders, pebbles, cobbles on matrix of sand
and silt. This is an old terrace buried with thin cover of slope wash materials. The
area is loose and fragile considering the river bank cutting action during flood. At
present this stretch is used for cultivation. Asale Khola is located around change
0+390m, characterized by steep gradient towards upstream from the confluence.
The maximum size of boulder is 3m and derived from gneiss rock. Necessary
protection is required during construction.

Chainage 1+050 to 1+175

This is a crossing section in the Jogmai Khola. It is composed of recent alluvial
deposits. The nature of the deposit indicates that the river carries remarkable
quantity carrying during monsoon season. Hence, instead of surface structures a
buried structure is recommended for the safety of the structure. This is an active
flood plain deposit with debris with maximum size of 4m dia.


Chainage 1+175 to 2+200

This section is composed of thin alluvio-colluvial deposits on the right bank slope and
is covered with dense vegetation. The rock below the overburden are schistose
phyllite with gneiss. The slope is stable due to the gentle slope.

Chainage 2+200 to 2+875

This section is composed of colluvial and residual soil deposits on the slope covered
with vegetation and some cultivated land. The rock below the overburden is gneiss.
Which is about greater than 7m depth. About 10m stretches passes through rocky
area. The slope is stable due gentle slope and vegetation cover.

Figure 4-14 Pipe alignment from chainage 1+175m to 2+875m

4.8.5 Surge pipe

The area is composed of colluvial and residual soil deposits. The area is mainly
cultivated land on the slope. The sloping terrace at surge pipe area is composed of
colluvial soil with silty-clay and rock fragments. The deposit is relatively compact and
the slope mass is expected to be fairly stable. The thickness of the deposits at surge
pipe area is estimated to be 5 to 10 m.


Figure 4-15 Geology around Surge pipe area

4.8.6 Penstock Alignment

The penstock alignment is proposed on a medium sloping terrain below the
surgetankSurge Pipe. The upper portion of the penstock alignment is on the material
with same composition of colluvial deposits that is found at the surgetank Surge Pipe
area. The surface geological condition of the final half portion of the penstock lies on
the loose and fine materials of old alluvial terrace deposits.
The natural slope of the penstock alignment is about 35 degree. The soil deposits
along the penstock alignment and its vicinity is very thick. The thickness of the
deposits is expected to be more than 5 m on the final portion of the penstock. The
terrace is cultivated and composed of thin colluvial deposits on the first half portion
and loose old flood plain deposits on the final half portion.

4.8.7 Powerhouse Site

The surface powerhouse is proposed on alluvial terrace deposits on the right bank of
Jogmai Khola at Maibeni area. The powerhouse will be founded on alluvial deposits.
The deposits composed of boulders with sands and silt matrix. The thickness of
alluvial deposits at the area of the powerhouse foundation is expected to be more
than 10 m. The alluvial deposit in the powerhouse area consists of loose and
medium dense boulders, cobbles, pebbles and gravels of different rock types in
sandy-silty matrix.


The proposed tailrace is also located on alluvial deposits of Mai Khola. Alluvial
deposits are rounded to sub rounded pebble, cobble and, loosely compact pervious.
The danger of flood as well as bank erosion is expected to the tail race alignment;
therefore river training work is required.

Figure 4-16 Penstock Alignment

Figure 4-17 Geological Condition at Powerhouse area


4.9 Construction Material Survey

A cursory attempt was made to identify the quarry sites and borrow areas for coarse
aggregates, riprap boulders, sand and cohesive material during the field survey and
mapping. For coarse aggregates and sand, the terraces of Mai and Jogmai Khola can
be explored. The bedrock exposed in the headworks site on the right bank can be
used as riprap material. All the materials required for the construction purposes are
available within the easy haulage distance from the project area.
Table 4-23: Summary of different sources for construction materials

S. N. Locations Descriptions Quantity

(m3) AxH
1 Downstream of weir axis Alluvial terrace deposit 20000*1.5
at Jogmai River consists of boulder, gravel =30000
in the matrix of silty sand.

2 At Jogmai River along the Old and recent alluvial >50,000

project stretch terrace deposit consists of
boulder, gravel in the
matrix of silty sand.

3 Right bank of Jog Mai Recent alluvial deposit >50,000

Khola near Powerhouse consists of gravel mixed
area silty sand.

Figure 4-18: Potential construction material deposits around Project area


4.10 Conclusion and Recommendations

Headworks constitute a diversion weir, intake and approach canal. The diversion weir
will be founded on alluvial deposit. Other structures will be founded partly on alluvial
and colluvial soil.

The settling basin basin will also be excavated on alluvial deposit. The soil in the
proposed settling basin basin area is medium dense, boulder mixed soil.

Total length of headrace alignment is about 30003300mm including penstock. Two

types of rock mass have been mapped along the alignment – schist and gneiss. Mostly
pipe alignment passes through colluvial deposits.

The powerhouse will be founded on alluvial deposit on right bank of Jogai Jogmai
Khola. Depth to bed rock is expected to be about more than 10m below the power
house foundation. Sufficient amount of fine and coarse aggregates are available at the
bank of Mai Khola.

The following investigations and works are recommended for the detail design and
construction of the project.

The following recommendations are made for further study and during construction

 Bank erosion should be remedied in the headworks area on the right bank as
there is not bedrock exposed.
 Necessary protection measures at critical locations on the pipe alignment are
 Subsurface investigation such as drilling and Geophysical survey is required to
get information on geotechnical properties of the subsurface material
especially in the critical structure locations such in headworks , surge pipe
and powerhouse site



5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the methodology and assumptions considered for the
optimization of the project to determine the optimal plant capacity. Optimization study
is carried out taking a range of technically viable alternative plant capacities. As per
available mean monthly river discharge data and head, energy is calculated at
different plant capacities. Project cost at different capacity is derived by calculating the
cost of major items of different structures of the project such as diversion weir,
settling basin, headrace pipe, powerhouse and tailrace. Alternative with (least)
generation cost has been selected as the optimum project size.

5.2 Objectives and General Approach

Objective of the optimization study is to determine a technically most feasible project

capacity, which will produce the energy at minimum cost. As such, the derivation of
project cost and its benefits in terms of energy produced will be required to form a
matrix of different alternatives from which the optimum project capacity could be
selected. Study requires determination of optimum dimensions of various project
structures or components like tunnel, penstock and water level at headwork. These
studies are based on available hydrological, topographical and geological data.

Optimization process is undertaken to reflect on financial analysis with results

expressed as financial costs and benefits. Conceptual layouts are developed for each
alternative from which cost estimates are prepared. Revenue benefits are determined
for each alternative and compared with costs.

Its objective is to determine the element size, which maximizes the benefits of power
supply. Optimization procedure in this study follows the general procedure outlined

For each case of the installed capacity, a preliminary layout on the available
topographical map was carried out and preliminary cost estimate is derived including
electro-mechanical costs. Common costs like cost for environmental mitigation, access
road and transmission line are considered same for all alternatives. For each case,
energy calculation depending on the available hydrological data was carried out to
determine the dry and wet energy.


The major project structures which differ from one case to another with different
installed capacity are listed below.
 Intake & Settling basin
 Pipe alignment
 Surge pipe & Penstock
 Powerhouse and tailrace
 Hydro-mechanical structures like gates and trash-racks
 Electro-mechanical equipment

Quantity estimate and tentative costs are calculated for each of these structures.
Water conveyance system is the major variable in this project. Electro-mechanical
costs are based on supplier’s quotations of various recent projects in Nepal. Per
Kilowatt cost of equipment on “water to wire” basis has been considered. Unit rates
for various works based on the projects of similar nature have been considered.

Following assumptions are made for the optimization studies.

 Discount rate is taken as 10%.
 Financial analysis is carried out for 30 years.
 Operation and maintenance cost is assumed to be about 1.5% of the total
financial cost.
 Cost distribution is done in 3 phases of 20%, 40% and 40% in the first, second
and third year.
 The price of energy generated and supplied to the NEA grid has been taken
from the average of would be negotiated rates with NEA by the developer – as
per the prevailing practice. An annual escalation of 3% for first 8 years is
 Efficiency of turbine, generators and transformers considered are 91%, 97%
and 99% respectively.

Financial evaluation was carried out using discounted cash flow techniques for each
case to determine Financial and economic indicators like benefit-cost (B/C) ratio,
internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) of the project. Financial and
economic indicators for all the cases were tabulated and appropriate charts were
drawn. The case producing the maximum RoE and B/C ratio was then selected as the
optimum one.


5.3 Hydrology

Capacity and energy potential of a particular option is dependent on the River flows.
Long term mean monthly flows at the intake site of the project are derived from
hydrological analysis. Mean monthly flow series is shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5-24 Average Monthly Flows

Month Discharge (m3/s)

Jan 2.07
Feb 1.74
Mar 1.68
Apr 2.15
May 3.35
Jun 9.38
Jul 22.55
Aug 24.01
Sep 20.28
Oct 10.09
Nov 4.11
Dec 2.50
Avg. 8.66
These flows have been used in the computations of dry and wet energies and the
capacity potential for project optimization

Similarly, Flow Exceedance is presented in Table 5.2

Table 5-25 Flow Exceedance Discharge

% Exceedance Discharge, m3/s % Exceedance Discharge, m3/s

5 24.37 50 3.53
10 22.30 55 3.01
15 21.04 60 2.85
20 19.61 65 2.40
25 16.79 70 2.18
30 11.16 75 2.07
35 8.64 80 1.95
40 5.78 85 1.82
45 4.40 90 1.70
95 1.60


5.4 Conceptual Layout and Cost Comparison

Layout of the project components consists of a broad crested weir with side intake.
Water drawn from the intake, is passed through the approach canal into the settling
basin. Just after settling basin, a connecting pipe will convey the water. Water
conveyance from the Settling basin to the powerhouse consists of Headrace pipe,
surge pipe and penstock pipe.

Sizes of all individual structures for each capacity option were computed to determine
the respective cost of the structure. As the flood hydrology does not change for the
different cases, the design of weir and under sluice has been kept constant. However,
change in the installed capacity changes the design discharge; accordingly, the sizes
of settling basin and mainly the cost of penstock pipe were adjusted. Diameters of the
penstock are designed based on the annual costs and benefits. Powerhouse size is
also changed in consideration of the equipment capacity.

Preliminary quantity and cost estimates were developed for all the cases. Only the
major items were computed in detail, while minor items were estimated based on the
rates and data of similar structures of other projects. As the optimization is a relative
process, it was considered sufficiently reliable for comparison purposes. Unit rates
were derived and modified from completed similar size and type of projects in Nepal.
Electro-mechanical equipment costs have been estimated with reference to similar size
of projects and from quotations of different suppliers and manufacturers also based on
the recent projects by private developers. The cost estimates also considered the cost
for access roads, infrastructure development and environmental mitigation costs.
Technical contingencies have been taken into account as required.

Many alternative locations of the project components (especially the headworks

component) were considered for the Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower
Jogmai Hydropower Project that altered the plant capacity and annual energy
generation. Among all, the best locations for weir and intake, approach canal and
settling basin were so chosen that minimised major problems like dislocation of the
existing bridge at the headworks area along with better Plant capacity and Annual
Energy Generation.

5.5 Range of Option and Energy Productions

In order to determine the optimum installed capacity of the project, a total of three
alternatives ranging from 9.80MW to 5.15MW with varying exceedence exceedance
flows ranging from 35% to 45% were considered. Different alternative capacities and
corresponding energy generation have been calculated.


As the project is run-of-river scheme, energy productions were calculated for all
alternatives considering average monthly flows as given in Table 5.1. Design discharge
given above were derived for each of the flows assuming an overall efficiency of
turbine, generator and transformer as 86.40% and the head loss in the water
conveyance system for each design flow is calculated.

Gross head is calculated from the water level at the weir crest level to the normal level
of tailrace. The summary of options is given in Table 5.3.

Table 5-26: Summary for different options

% Exceedence Discharge Power Energy Project Cost in
(m3/s) (MW) (GWh) NRs. millions

35 8.64 9.80 45.72 1911

40 5.78 6.60 36.41 1221

45 4.40 5.15 31.85 836

5.6 Result of Financial Analysis

The financial analysis of the different alternatives were carried while keeping the
assumptions same for all the alternatives. Financial analysis was carried out to
determine the basic economic parameters like net present value (NPV), internal rate of
return (IRR), benefit-cost ratio (B/C) etc. The results of the economic analysis for all
the cases are summarized in Table 5.4.

Table 5-27: Summary for Economic analysis of different option

Power (MW) B/C Ratio Project

IRR (%)
9.80 1.08 12.10

6.60 1.12 12.84

5.15 1.10 12.40


5.7 Conclusions

With respect to B/C ratio, internal rate of return and the specific energy cost the
optimum installed capacity is determined as 6.60MW.

Being a run-of-river project lower installation is preferred as the higher installation will
only increase the production of secondary energy in the wet season, which is largely
undesirable at the moment in Nepal Power system. Hence, plant capacity of 6.60 MW
is selected as the optimum case and recommended for the detail engineering of the
project. The optimum plant capacity of 6.60MW corresponds to the design discharge
of 5.78 m3/s, which is 40% of flow exceedance of Jogmai River.



6.1 Design Basis

Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project is a Run-

of-the-River (RoR) project. The project will have a discharge of 5.78 m3/s at 40%
exceedance. Following hydrological parameters are taken into consideration prior to
design of the project. The hundred years design flood at headworks and powerhouse
site is calculated by Gumbel’s method.
Design Discharge (Q40) 5.78 m3/s

100 years Design Flood Discharge at Headworks Q flood 614.00m3/s

100 years Design Flood Discharge at Powerhouse Qflood 678.96 m3/s

Weir crest level El 649.00 mmasl

Tail Water level El 508.4 mmasl

6.2 Headworks

Design of headworks is basically governed by the type of River, quantity of flow of

water and sediment, type of scheme, etc. For Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower
ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project, the headworks layout has been fixed
considering quantity of flow of water and sediment in the River, required design
discharge, existing topography, geological conditions and optimum utilization of space
needed. Besides, the project has been designed taking into consideration the efficient
operation during all normal situations. Following basic principles are considered for
design of the headworks for Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project (LJKHPLJHP).

 The structures will divert necessary flow into the system.

 Bed load entry into intake is negligible and mostly passed through under sluice.
 Structures will be safe from any hazardous floods and excess flood in the River
will safely be passed over uncontrolled free flow spillway.
 The headworks will be operational even during 1 in 100 years flood event.
 Any floating debris will not choke the intake and will safely pass to the

Diversion Weir


A 4.8m high 20m long broad crested shape weir has been proposed. The crest level of
the weir is 649.00 amsl while the upstream bed level of the weir is at 644.20 amsl.
The head over the crest has been calculated by using the weir formula.
Q=C × L × H 2
C : Weir discharge coefficient
L : Length of the weir
H : Head over crest
While considering the afflux an implicit equation is used to calculate the head over
Q 23 1 2
H= ( )
− (
2 g L ( P+ H ) )
The diversion weir has been designed to pass one in hundred years flood, which is
estimated as 614.00 m3/s. The flood water level for corresponding flood discharge is
651.50 amslmasl. The flood wall has been kept up to 653.00 amslmasl.

Energy Dissipation
For dissipation of the hydraulic energy downstream of the weir, a stilling basin is
designed. The length of the stilling basin has been checked for the hydraulic jump that
develops for the 1 in 100 year flood discharge.

Seepage Analysis
The exit gradient and uplift are estimated using the Khosla’s theory of permeable
foundations. Depth of the upstream cut-off and downstream cut-off has been
determined through seepage analysis. Additional protection of boulder lining and stone
pitching has been provided based on the scour depth calculation for flood discharge.

Stability of the Weir

Sufficient factor of safety FOS is to be taken for the stability of weir.
Factor of Safety against sliding is calculated as follows.
A ∑ ( W −U ) tan ∅
Fos : Factor of safety
C : cohesion
A : contact area of dam +stilling basin
W : Vertical forces (dead loads of dam and stilling basin)


U : Uplift force
H : Sum of all Horizontal Forces
ɸ : Friction angle of the material beneath the dam

Factor of safety against sliding should be 2 at normal operating condition and 1.5 at
design flood.

Safety against Overturning

The safety factor against overturning is the ratio of the righting moment to the
overturning moment about the toe. It is expressed as:
Restoring Moment
Overturning Moment

Factor of safety should be equal to or greater than 1.5 for normal operating condition
and 1.1 for design flood. Resultant force must fall within the middle third of the base
for all condition of loading uplift.

Stability check is carried out mainly for the following conditions:

 Normal operating Condition
 Flood: Flood occurring once in 100years
 Earthquake:
 Operating Earthquake:
 Peak ground acceleration= 0.24
 Maximum Credible Earthquake
 Peak ground acceleration=0.50

Under sluice
A single bay under sluice having a width of 2m has been designed to prevent bed load
entering the intake and possible build-up of the bed load in front of the intake. For
controlling flow through the under sluice one vertical sliding gate has been provided.
Under sluice has been designed with the characteristics given below.

 Maintain a guided and uniform flow in front of the intake.

 Enable the intake to draw desired discharge during normal flow in the River
with no or insignificant suspended sediments.
 Scour and sluice the sediment deposited in front of the intake.
 Pass maximum pre-monsoon flood and part of the high flood during monsoon.
 Protection from erosion and abrasion.

The maximum capacity of the under sluice at 100 years return period flood has been
estimated by using orifice formula with the details given below.


Q max =C × A × √ 2× g × H
C : Coefficient of discharge
H : Effective head over the orifice
A : Opening area
By using above formula, the following values have been obtained.

Invert level of under sluice gate : 644.00 amslmasl

Top level of Opening : 648 amslmasl
Opening Width : 2.00 m

6.3 Intake

Side intake has been designed to divert design discharge of 5.78 m3/s and an
additional 30% discharge required as flushing discharge for gravel trap and settling
basin. Intake level is placed at 646.00 amslmasl, rising by 2.00m from the invert level
of under sluice to prevent the entry of sediment into the intake.

Intake will have 2 orifices each of 2.4m wide and 2.0m high. Coarse trash racks have
been proposed in front of intake. Two intake stop logs and service gates have been
provided to prevent entry of log and regulation of the flow. Each opening of the intake
has been separated by 1.00m wide pier. Intake will easily pass the design discharge at
the NWL with the approach velocity about 1 m/s. Deck level of the side wall are fixed
at 657.00 amslmasl.

6.4 Gravel Trap

A hopper shaped gravel trap of 6.14 length and 5.80 m width is provided immediately
after the intake to trap the coarse particles of size greater than 2 mm. Longitudinal
slope of the hopper is 1:5 (V:H). A flushing canal has been designed to flush the
gravel at the end of the structure.

Gravel flushing may be continuous during high flows, whereas the flushing operation
may be carried out intermittently during low flows. Settled gravel particles will be
flushed back to Jogmai Khola downstream through the gravel flushing canal. Gravel
flushing canal will be a closed concrete canal lined with hard stone lining on the floor
having internal dimensions of 1.0 m width and 1.0 m height.


6.5 Approach Canal

Immediately after the gravel trap 2m wide and 2.7 high approach canal has been
provided to convey design discharge. Length of approach canal is 178m with a slope
of 1:1000m. The section has been designed as open canal.

6.6 Settling Basin

The purpose of the settling basin is to trap the sediment particle before water
proceeds towards the turbines. The settling basin in Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower
ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project meets the following criteria.

 Particles of 0.2 mm size or more are trapped with at least 90% efficiency,
calculated using Vetter’s Method.
 The settled particles are effectively flushed back into the river.
Two number of hopper type settling basins have been provided to settle the particles.
Each bay is 62 m long 6.15 m wide and 3.5 m high. An extra depth of 2.5m has been
provided for settling of particle.

Proposed settling basin is designed as an intermittent flushing type with the provision
of 10% extra discharge. The flushing channel is a rectangular type having 1.0m width
and 1.0 m high.

A head pond has been provided just after the settling basin to collect the water before
proceeding into the headrace pipe. Size of head pond is 9.00m long and with a varied
width of 3.5m to 12m. Fine trash rack has been provided to clean the incoming trash
from the settling basin. Invert level of the head pond is 642.50 masl. Headrace pipe
starts from the head pond invert level. Sufficient submergence has been provided at
head pond for the regulation of flow into headrace pipe.

6.7 Water Conveyance system (Pressure pipe)

A 1.8m diameter headrace pipe starts just after the head pond. It has been designed
on the basis of minimum revenue loss from head loss due to friction and other minor
losses and minimum cost of the pipe including excavation, construction and annual
maintenance of pipe. Thickness has been designed by taking extra surge head as 30%
of the gross head due to water hammer. The thickness of pipe varies from 8mm to
10mm. Total length of headrace pipe is 2870m.

6.7.1 Optimization of the pressure pipe

Penstock pipe has been optimized considered the following input parameters:


 Length of the pipe: 2870m

 Yield strength: 350 N/mm2
 Ultimate tensile strength: 510 N/mm2
 Allowable design stress: 120 N/mm2
 Life period: 30 years
 Corrosion allowance: 2mm
 Welding efficiency: 90%
 Cost of pipe (all complete): NRs. 160/kg
 Surge pressure: 40%

Result of the optimization with the above input parameters provides the optimum
diameter of penstock as 1.8m.

Figure 6-19: Pressure pipe optimization results

6.8 Surge Pipe

An inclined pressure pipe has been provided at the end of headrace pipe for the
function like surge pipe. Extreme values of surge level have been calculated by
running hytran transient analysis software. Time of valve closure and opening has
been taken as 10sec. Similarly, the time of valve opening has also been taken as 10
sec. Diameter of pipe has been taken as 3m. The extreme levels of surge are as
Down surge level : 640.30 masl (at valve fully opened condition)

Up surge level : 654.50 masl (at valve fully closed condition)

Top level of pipe has been kept as 657.00 amslmasl. And bottom of the pipe has been
connected by headrace at 639.10 amslmasl.


6.9 Penstock Pipe and Supports


Penstock pipe is used to convey the water from headrace pipe to the turbines. It is a
surface steel structure just after the headrace pipe. In this case economical diameter
of penstock pipe is also same as that of headrace pipe – 1.8m 6m but the thickness
varies from 8mm to 16mm. Total length of the penstock pipe is 430m.

Pipe material

Pipe material is designed to follow the Indian standard JIS G 3106, SM 5700 or
equivalent having yield strength of 450Mpa and ultimate tensile strength of 640MPa.

Anchor block and support piers

Penstock section has been divided in to two parts as horizontal and vertical part.
Horizontal part lies on the support pier and the vertical part is embedded in the
concrete. The spacing of the support pier is kept as 7m c/c. Anchor blocks have been
provided at all the vertical and horizontal bends.

6.10 Powerhouse and Tailrace

Surface power house has been proposed based on the topography of the powerhouse
area. Powerhouse dimensions have been fixed based on the space requirement for
electro-mechanical items. Spacing of the turbines, dimension of the spiral casings,
space for service and maintenance of equipment, the geometry of the bifurcation, inlet
penstock pipe and outlet arrangement, etc. have been considered while fixing the
dimensioning of the powerhouse. Turbine center line has been fixed based on the
average annual monsoon flood level in tailrace outlet and turbine setting requirement
to prevent cavitation. Control building arrangement has been fixed based on the space
requirement for installation of different controlling equipment and other general-
purpose usage. Dimension of powerhouse is 26m long, 16.2m wide and 12m high.

120m long cut and cover tailrace canal has been designed to safely pass the water
into the River. Manning’s equation has been adopted for the design of tailrace canal.



7.1 General

Hydroelectric power generation involves conversion of hydraulic energy into

mechanical energy by the hydraulic turbine and conversion of mechanical energy into
electrical energy by an electric generator. The generating equipment housed in power
house is divided into mechanical generating equipment, comprising of inlet valves,
turbines, governor, cooling water supply, etc and electrical equipment comprising of
generator, excitation system, circuit breakers, metering, protection & control
equipment, etc. Generating units with high efficiency build from modern state-of-the-
art technology and the best one that can be economically realized in practice are
considered in Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower
Project (LJKHPLJHP).

Succeeding sections provide the study and design of all the major generating
equipment in detail.

Powerhouse consists of the machine floor, assembly/erection bay, general workshop,

control room and all the hydro-mechanical and electromechanical equipment.

7.2 Powerhouse Layout

Main powerhouse floor consists of:

1) Machine hall
2) Erection bay
3) Workshop, store, rest room, and common room

Machine floor of the powerhouse contains two 3450 kW horizontal axis Francis
turbines and generator assembly. Moreover, the main powerhouse floor comprises of
main inlet valves, unit control boards, governor systems, battery and battery charger
room and space for compressed air system and oil treatment system.

Control Room

A medium voltage switchgear room is provided in the control building. Power cables
which run through under-floor ducts will connect the generator to the switchgear
control panel. Control cables will also run along the ducts. The control room is
provided with the adequate space for the control panels, SCADA system and number
of operators monitoring the overall plant.


Switchyard Area

Switchyard is provisioned to be on the plain land nearby the powerhouse. It will

require approximately 20m x 40m area including fencing. This area will be equipped
with the various outdoor electrical installations. All required for the power evacuation
to the nearest load centre or to the national grid. All the necessary equipment and
fittings are supposed to be kept outdoors in this area. Since there is a risk of fatal
electric shock, this area is sensitive and is fenced well to protect from all kind of
intruders. Power from the powerhouse is evacuated to the nearest Godak sub-station
through 33kV single circuit line of about 4Km, from where it is connected to the
national grid.

7.3 Generating Equipments

Power generating equipments housed in powerhouse include both mechanical

generating equipments comprising of turbines, inlet valves, governor, cooling water
supply, etc and electrical equipments comprising of generator, excitation system,
breakers, metering, protection and control equipments, etc. Both types are discussed
in detail in the following section.

7.4 Type, Number of Unit and Unit Size Selection

7.4.1 Turbine Type

The selection of type of turbine primarily depends upon the net head available and
design discharge. For the rated net head of 130.99 meter and unit design discharge
of 2.89 m3/s (for two units option, as discussed above), Francis Turbine having
horizontal shaft arrangement is the most suitable choice of the turbine as presented
in Figure 7 - 1. Although, the figure shows that the turbine type lies in the overlap
zone of Vertical Francis and Horizontal Francis; Francis with horizontal shaft is
considered because of its advantages on:

a. Less vertical excavation

b. Ease in maintenance, and
c. Ease in plant operation as all the EM equipments lies in the same floor

To sum up, for a given design discharge and net head available at powerhouse, 2.89
m3/s and 130.99m respectively, two units Horizontal axis Francis turbine is
recommended and succeeding discussions are based on it.


7.4.2 Number of Units

The selection of number of units is based on the assumption that minimum number
of units could be installed for the more economic development of the project,
reliability of generation, and minimum loss of power during maintenance and
operation at different stages of time. Unit capacity is generally determined by
considering the available discharge throughout the seasons, load demand, type of
operations, efficiency of the machine, among others. Single unit is not preferred due
to the fact that total generation loss will occur at time of the unit breakdown and
hence two or three units will be suitable for the Project. With the rated flow of
5.78m3/s of the project, for two units the unit rated flow is 2.89 m3/s and for the
three unit option, rated discharge per unit is 1.93 m3/s. The least discharge for
Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project is 1.53
m3/s for the month of Falgun. Percentage rated flow for two units option during
least discharge is about 52.9%. Similarly, the percentage rated flow during least
discharge for three units options comes out to be 79.4%. For Francis Turbine with
the turbine operating above 50% of rated unit discharge, the problem with cavitation
is limited.

Therefore, the study of Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai

Hydropower Project reveals that the installation of two (2) units of Francis turbines
will be more economical for the following reasons:

 With two (2) turbines, the peak power is the same as with three (3) units.
 Required repair and maintenance works of the power units can be performed in
the dry season in such a way that with exception of a temporary reduction of the
plant power, no energy loss will occur.

7.4.3 Unit Capacity

In calculating the required power output for turbine and generator for this study,
certain values of efficiency are assumed:

Efficiency of turbine : 92%

Efficiency of generator : 96.5%

Efficiency of power transformer : 99%

Other design parameters for turbine are as follows:

Rated net head (H) : 130.99m

Design discharge for each unit : 2.89 m3/s

The turbine output for each unit is calculated as below:


Turbine Capacity (Pt) = g x Q x H x ηt kW

= 9.81 x 2.89 x 130.99 x 0.92 kW

= 3416.59 kW

Therefore, the adopted turbine output is 3450 kW = 3.45MW

The output at generator (at a p.f. of 0.85) side is

Generator Output (Pg) = Pt x ηg

= 3416.59 x .965 = 3297.01 kW

Generator output in MVA = 3297.01/0.85=3878.83 kVA

Adopted Generator output = 3.9 MVA

Figure 7-20 Turbine Selection chart for LJKHPLJHP


7.5 Mechanical Equipments

The major mechanical equipment will comprise of the following:

1. Hydraulic turbine
2. Governors
3. Pressure oil system
4. Main inlet valve
5. Cooling water system
6. Drainage and dewatering system
7. Mechanical workshop and equipment
8. Ventilation and air conditioning system
9. Fire protection system
10. Powerhouse overhead travelling crane

7.6 Hydraulic Turbine

As discussed earlier in the section 7.1.1 Francis turbine in horizontal configuration is

adopted for the powerhouse of Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project.

The general design and performance specification for the mechanical equipment shall be
based on the standards issued by IEC and other publications such as Water Power and
Dam Construction, United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF RECLAMATION
(USBR), IS-12800 (Part I). On the above basis the design and selection of the turbines
are based on the following criteria derived from the main design parameters:

 A unit should be sized to allow 3.45 MW to be delivered from each unit at rated head
and discharge continuously.
 Turbine design and manufacturing shall permit easy dismantling of major
components for repair and maintenance based on a programme of routine
preventive maintenance.
 Turbine shall be designed to achieve its best performance at rated head and
 Turbine setting shall minimize cavitation and encourage natural turbine venting, thus
minimizing draft tube surge and avoiding draft tube column rupture on load
Two turbine units shall be identical and interchangeable between any of the units. These
turbines will be designed to operate continuously between minimum and maximum
output and within the given head range without exceeding the permissible stresses,
vibrations and bearing temperatures and without undue cavitations.


Further detailed information about the turbine operation during flood periods and part
load will be studied in the next phase of the study.

Turbine shall be equipped with a self-lubricating oil type guide bearing. Bearing will
consist of support or housing and a removable bearing sheet. The guide bearing will be
of self-lubricated and water cooled and complete with oil reservoir and water cooling

Turbine runner and the guide vanes will be made of stainless cast or welded steel, and
thus resistant to cavitation and sand erosion. In addition, the turbine will be equipped
with replaceable wearing plates and labyrinth rings. All made of stainless steel. To
facilitate maintenance, all guide vane bearings, joints of regulating mechanism etc. will
be self-lubricating type. In addition, the link between the guide vanes and the regulating
ring will be equipped with a self-restoring safety system to prevent an overstress of the
regulating mechanism, if one or several guide vanes are blocked by squeezed trash
material or any other reason.

All turbine instrumentation, such as unit control boards, and governor control cabinets
will be located close to the relevant units on the turbine floor. This is advantageous for
commissioning, service and maintenance.

Basic criteria for turbine design are specified below

Table 7 - 1 Criteria for Turbine Design

SN Parameters Unit Specification

1. Type Horizontal Francis

2. Number of Turbine Nos. Two (2)

3. Nominal Output kW 3450 @ 130.99m net head

4. Gross Head m 140.6m

5. Maximum Net Head m 139.93m

6. Minimum Net Head m 130.99m

7. Design Flow m3/s 2.89 (per turbine)

8. Rotational Speed Rpm 750

9. Maximum runaway speed Rpm 1275

Rotational Speed

Possible solutions for site conditions presented in turbine table (refer to Table 7 2) is
presented in table below.


Table 7 - 2 possible solutions for turbine speed

Speed Weight, kg Centreline Runner Diameter

setting (m) (mm)
Option rpm Rotor Runner

1500 5930 253 -6.41 550

1000 7920 393 2.12 644
750 9730 549 4.84 717
600 14830 682 5.67 773

Opting for higher speed has obvious advantage in terms of relatively lighter and
smaller machines. As illustrated in the table, maximum rotational speed of 1500 rpm
is achievable for the turbine units for the specified site conditions. It means the
lightest machine with smaller dimensions ultimately reducing overall powerhouse
dimension and the civil cost. Lighter and smaller machines also are handy during
operation and maintenance of the power plant.

However, adopting the maximum possible rotation speed (i.e. 1500 rpm) will have
following distinct disadvantages;

a) Turbine required to be installed 6.4 m below the minimum tailwater level to be

absolutely cavitation free. Deeper settings will have more excavation cost.
b) The earlier proposed horizontal turbine-generator arrangement now have a risk
of generator flooding as the machine floor is much lower than the tailwater level.
Hence, to rectify it, vertical turbine-generator configuration will be required
further increasing the powerhouse construction cost.

Hence, in view of above discussion, 1500 rpm is discarded. On the other hand,
opting for the lowest speed solution (600 rpm) for this size of machine has no real
advantage except for a small advantage of lesser wear and tear on the turbine
runner as compared to higher speed machine. But, considering the increase in
weight and dimensions of machine units and overall cost of the project, this is also

Out of the remaining possible solutions, design team has adopted 750 rpm as the
rated speed for the turbine and generator. Opting for 1000 rpm, the machines would
have been lighter and smaller in dimensions. However, for 1000 rpm, the machine is
required to be set at about level of tailwater. The site condition sometimes could
such that to set the machine to the tailwater level, a huge excavation is required.
Further, the turbine level could also be below the high flood level. Owing to these
reason, it is decided to opt for lower speed of 750 rpm.


Adopting 750 rpm will allow the machine centerline level to be placed above
tailwater level which reduces the excavation depth and cost. More importantly, this
arrangement will make sure the generator is at the safe level from the flood.

Turbine-Generator arrangement

The Francis runner will be coupled to the generators by turbine shaft or by

intermediate shaft, if required for sideways dismantling, as will be addressed in
detailed design. Both couplings of the shaft will be bolted flanges. The graphical view
of turbine arrangement is shown in Figure 7 - 2.

Turbine Components

I. Runner
Runner will be of the reaction type. Turbine runner will be forged disc type
having stainless steel 13-4 Cr-Ni material. The blades are manually ground to the
hydraulic shape.

Runner should be designed to withstand the loads imposed by any combination

of fully open wicket gate operation at any speed including maximum runaway
speed and maximum head without exceeding the stress limits.

Runner shall be coupled with shaft through shear pin & central bolt. Runner and
shaft coupling is realized by several pins that transmit the torque. This design
with central bolt and shear pins, as mentioned above, consists of a central bolt
from draft tube side (downstream side) to fix the runner to the shaft. The torque
transmission to the shaft shall be done via shear pins.


Figure 7-21 Turbine and Generator Arrangement

II. Spiral Casing

Spiral case is a welded embedded structure. Major components of the spiral case
are its segments, stay rings and stay vanes. Stay ring is a welded steel plate
designed to direct water from spiral casing to the wicket gate. It is provided with
adequate number of fixed stay vanes. Spiral case also consists of an inlet flange
for connection to the main inlet valve. It incorporates foundation feet and anchor
bolts for levelling the foundation feet. A hand hole is included for inspection
purpose. In addition, a drainage pipe connection at the lowest point of spiral
case as well as a by-pass connection is provided. Connection tabs for
instrumentation and air relief valve at the top most point of the spiral cases are

Spiral case and stay rings are designed to withstand maximum transient
pressures under the worst condition of head and load with adequate safety
margin. Hence, the Spiral Case will be pressure tested in workshop at 1.5 times
of the design pressure.

The Spiral Case is fabricated according to IS 2062 standard.

III. Head Cover

The function of head cover is to seal the turbine room from water leakages and
take the axial load acting on the runner crown side chamber. In addition, it
contains the wicket gate bearings and gives support to the shaft seal housing. It
also contains the runner seal wearing rings. Contact surface at the wicket gate
blade position is corrosion protected by facing plates. Wearing ring provides a


seal between the runner and the stationary part of the turbine and is bolted to
the head cover assembly. Inspection holes are provided to check the seal gaps.

Head cover consists of facing plates, coupling connection with stay ring, hole for
wicket gate stem bearing, coupling provision for runner crown seal wear ring,
holes for relief pipes, connection for clearance check at crown seal position and
coupling provision for shaft seal.

Head cover is a single plate design made of Structural Carbon Steel plates
according to IS 2062.

IV. Bottom Ring

Bottom ring contains the wicket gate lower stem bearings. Bottom ring and
discharge ring are welded together to become welded discharge ring assembly.
The wearing ring shall be bolted with the discharge ring from the draft tube side.

Bottom ring and discharge rings are made of Structural Carbon Steel plates
according to IS 2062.

V. Wicket Gates
The wicket gates are machined according to hydraulic shape and are mounted
between the head cover & bottom ring. To allow for smooth movement of the
wicket gates, self-lubricated bearings are used, which are mounted in the bearing
housing. A thrust ring is provided at the upper stem.

The wicket gates are casted from ASTM A 743 Grade CA-6 NM.

VI. Draft Tube

Draft tube shape is hydraulically optimized and is of circular shape design. As an
embedded part, the draft tube is normally assembled at site depending upon its

Draft tube cone is of welded steel plates and have machined flanged for bolting
with turbine discharge ring. It is reinforced sufficiently on the outside by means
of suitable ribs.

All parts of draft tube are made of Carbon Steel Plates according to IS 2062

Major Turbine Features and Dimensions

Based on site conditions specified above, the preliminary turbine dimensions are
calculated using Turbine-pro application. Some major dimensions of turbine and
its accessories are presented in Figure 7 - 3 and Figure 7 – 4 below. The runner
diameter and runner weight are approx. 641 mm and 400 kg respectively.


Figure 7-22 Spiral Case and Draft Tube Dimension

Figure 7-23 Distributor Dimension

7.6.1 Governor
Each turbine unit will be provided with an efficient automatic governing system of
adequate capacity to control the turbine under all conditions. Control and operation
of the turbines will be possible either from the station control room or from the local
unit control panel for the purpose of commissioning and testing.

Control of the turbine will be accomplished by controlling the opening of the guide
vanes, with minimum loss of water so that pressure in the penstock never exceeds


given limit. Governors will be designed and equipped for taking the unit
automatically to the rated speed at no-load operation. When the generator is
connected to the grid, the regulating parameters will be changed and load setting
will be possible. The governors will allow proper sharing of load between the two
units under any condition of load and speed without hunting. When the powerhouse
is interconnected with the existing power system, the units will be capable of
synchronizing with the other power stations in the system.

Each unit will consist of a Digital Electronic Governor with Proportional Integral
Derivative (PID) action while running on isolated as well as on Load Sharing Module.

The governor will control the speed of the turbine via modulation of the guide vanes.
The governing system should be highly accurate and rugged. Turbine governor
system shall include following control functions.

1. Manual Start-up by sequences of linked control actions,

2. Semi-automatic start up by sequences of linked control actions,
3. Full automatic start-up,
4. Operation with automatic power limitations, with power feedback,
5. Control of turbine output when the two units are operating in parallel,
6. Frequency control,
7. Load sharing between the units,
8. Rated speed no-load control,
9. Normal shut down,
10. Emergency shutdown, and
11. Provide oil pressure to control the main inlet valve.

The governor system will consist of the following main units:

1. Electronic speed governor,

2. Speed monitoring system,
3. Oil pressure system,
4. Oil pressure accumulator system,
5. Hydraulic actuator control unit,
6. Mechanical hydraulic over-speed device,
7. Servomotor feed-back system,
8. Instrumentation, alarm and safety devices and
9. Speed signal generator

The governor regulation data shall be as follows:

Speed rise during full load rejection : ≤ 30%


Pressure rise during full load rejection : ≤ 40%

Inlet Valve Closing Time : ≤ 65 seconds

Guide Vane closing time : 4 to 16 seconds

7.6.2 Pressure Oil System

Pressurized oil is to be used for control the following:

a. Two numbers, (Single acting) wicket gate servomotor (Open by oil

pressure & close by spring action).
b. One number, (Single acting) butterfly valve servomotor (Open by oil
pressure and close by counter weight).
c. Hydraulic Brake of Generator.
For application stated above, pressurized oil is required. Two nos. of gear pumps,
one as main & other as stand-by which driven by electrical motors, supply oil to the
system. Loading / unloading of the pumps shall be made by the signals given from
pressure switch provided at oil pressure line. The standard oil pressure unit operates
under a pressure of 64 bars. High-pressure units are advantageous because they
require smaller servomotors and associated parts. In addition, they use bladder
accumulators (viz. Nitrogen), thus eliminating the need for a separate high
compressed air station.

A common accumulator (bladder type) is provided for MIV & turbine wicket gate,
which maintain the required pressure in the system and also shall use for pressure
oil supply during emergency operation or pump failure. Capacity of the accumulator
shall be sufficient to meet the pressure oil requirements.

7.6.3 Main Inlet Valves

Butterfly type main inlet valves will be used for each unit. Valves are operated by oil
pressure supplied from the pressure oil servomotor of the governor and closed by
counter weight. Each inlet valve will be provided with a pressure oil operated by-pass
valve. By-pass valve will be of needle valve type and operated by pressure oil to be
supplied from the governor system.

7.6.4 Cooling Water Supply

Open circuit cooling water system with adequate capacity of pump shall be provided

Cooling water system of one set common for both units shall comprise of the

 Two Nos. of submersible pumps complete with motors, starters, base

plates etc., One No. of flow meter, flow switches etc. and one set of


 Design of the cooling water system shall be such that one pump can meet
the requirements of cooling water for one unit. The whole system shall be
designed in such a way, that any pump can be operated to supply cooling
water to that particular unit. Necessary sectionalizing valve shall be
 The cooling water shall be used for generator bearing lubricating oil
system heat exchanger and shaft sleeve (If applicable)
 This circuit shall be equipped with, flow indicators, piping and valves etc.
Return lines from heat exchanger shall be discharged to tailrace .

7.6.5 Drainage and Dewatering System

Drainage and dewatering systems for the project are provided as follows:

a. Station Drainage
Drainage water from different parts of the power station is collected in a deep
drainage sump. Drainage water from the sump is removed by two submersible water
pumps to the tailrace.

b. Unit Dewatering System

Dewatering system is designed to collect the water drained out from draft tube,
turbine space & spiral case into the dewatering pit and then this water is pumped
out from dewatering pit with the help of submersible pumps into the tailrace

Suitable size pump is provided to pump out the drained water from dewatering pit to
tailrace. Pumps are submersible type and when dewatering is required, the pumps
are lowered into the dewatering pit using chain pulley block. Pumps are operated
using a local electrical control panel near the pit in manual mode.

7.6.6 Mechanical Workshop

A mechanical workshop will be equipped with machine tools and devices appropriate
for the maintenance and repair of all mechanical components and machining of the
smaller components of the mechanical electrical equipment and hydraulic steel

7.6.7 Ventilation and Air Cooling System

This system provides the fresh air to working personnel and removes the heat
generated by mechanical and electrical equipment. It also provides the smoke
exhaust ventilation in case of fire to minimize the circulation of smoke and
production of combustion. Ventilation and air conditioning system consists of fresh
air handling unit and air conditioning unit.


The fresh air handling unit is installed inside the ventilation room and consists of air
filters and air admission fans, one “on duty” and one “stand by”. The unit sucks air
from outside and distributes it via appropriate ducting to different locations of
machine floor or other places such as control room.

The ventilation system will mainly consist of necessary numbers of axial ventilation
fans installed in appropriate locations. Various powerhouse rooms and areas like
switch- gear room, battery room, office floor, machine hall floor whose surroundings
are not air conditioned are continuously supplied with fresh filtered outside air.

7.6.8 Fire Protection System

Fire Fighting System is designed to safeguard the equipment installed in the
powerhouse & switchyard area.

Fire protection system shall comprise of following main parts;

1. Fire Hydrant System for Power House & switchyard and Pump
House Equipment
Hydrant system consists of over ground piping network, which is fed by two
Nos. of horizontal centrifugal pumps to be installed in Powerhouse. Hydrant
valves are installed on the stand post, which is connected to the main header
pipe and each hydrant valve is strategically located around powerhouse

In the event of fire, with the rapid fall in header pressure due to opening of
hydrant valve, the common fire pump shall start automatically. In case of
failure of main fire pump the standby fire pump will come into operation at a

2. CO2 fire protection for Generator and Water Spray System for
protection of Transformers and switchyard equipment
Automatic high velocity water spray system will be used to protect power
transformers located in switchyard area. Transformers and switchyard
equipments will be surrounded by a ring fitted with open high velocity spray
nozzles. Ring main will be connected to the spray system header through a
wet pilot deluge valve fitted with water motor gong and with upstream and
downstream Gate Valves. The header will remain charged with water under
pressure (7.0 bar) up to the inlet of the deluge valve.

Generator fire protection will be provided by a CO2 deluge system. Activation

of CO2 fire protection system will be conditional to the operation of the flame
or smoke detectors in the generator pit combined with the operation of the
generator differential protection. Extinguisher release will only be initiated
after a preset time delay and confirmation by operators in order to allow


evacuation of the personnel in the hall at that moment. It will first initiate
unit shutdown procedures by opening circuit breaker and excitation system
before release.

3. Portable fire extinguishers

Following portable fire extinguishers will also be provided for protection
against fire at powerhouse and switchyard area.

a. Dry Powder type fire extinguishers (4.5 kg)

b. CO2 type fire extinguishers (4.5 kg)
c. Foam type extinguisher (9 lts.)
d. Fire Bucket
7.6.9 Powerhouse Overhead Travelling Crane
An Electric Overhead Travelling (EOT) crane having main hook capacity of 15 tons
will be installed inside the powerhouse. It will be used for lifting and handling any
equipment during installation, maintenance, and operation of the plant. Basic data
and governing dimensions of the powerhouse crane are given below in Table.

The crane shall be complete in shape conforming to the standards of the

powerhouse service. Supply shall include current collector, down shop angle
conductor with bracket, insulator. The LT rails shall be supplied long with the crane.

Details of PH overhead travelling crane:

Description Unit Quantity

Main Hook capacity Tons 15
Auxiliary Hook capacity Tons 5
Heaviest part to be lifted (Generator Rotor), approx Tons 10
Voltage 3 Phase, 400V, 50Hz

7.7 Electrical Equipments

7.7.1 General
Purpose of the studies pertaining to electrical equipment is to identify and dimension
the principal components of the powerhouse electrical equipment for safe and
economic plant operation. Powerhouse electrical equipment of LJKHPLJHP will mainly
include generators, transformer, switchgears, protection schemes, control systems,
earthing systems, lighting systems, and communication systems. Ratings of the
equipment are designed safely to cope with all normal and fault conditions avoiding
any overstressing of material and equipment. Also, equipment will be of standard


design (IEC/IEEE/IS/BS whichever is applicable), providing highest degree of safety,

reliability, availability and ease in operation.

7.7.2 Generator
Self-excited, self-regulated, horizontal axis, three phase, salient pole, synchronous
generators built in accordance with IEC standard is proposed to be used.

Generators will have capacity to incorporate sufficient flywheel inertia to achieve

stable frequency control when running in isolated mode. The generator shall have
antifriction / sleeve bearing.

Stator winding of the generator will be made of individually insulated stranded

copper conductors, stacked and form pressed to constitute coils or half coils with the
design cross section. Each coil will be insulated for the full generator voltage.

Rotor will be of the salient pole type and built in accordance with the best practices
and designed to withstand safely all overloads and other stresses encountered during
abnormal operating or runaway speed conditions. Poles will be built of thin steel
laminations, bolted under high pressure and furnished with dovetails for fastening to
the rotor rim. Rotor will be designed so as to allow dismantling of the poles without
excessive disassembly of the stator or rotor. The damper winding will be installed on
pole faces with interconnecting type windings in order to maintain the stable
operation of the generator.

Generator will be capable of withstanding, without damage, a 30 second, 3 -phase

short circuit at its terminal when operating at rated MVA, rated power factor and at
5% over voltage with fixed excitation.

Generator shaft will adopt single shaft structure. It will have maximum rigidity and
strength so as to guarantee no abnormal deformation and vibration at various
speeds (including maximum runaway speed) when run together with the turbine.
Generator shaft shall be made of a high quality medium carbon steel, properly heat
treated and accurately machined all over and polished at the bearing surface and at
all accessible points for alignment checks. A complete set of test reports covering
metallurgical strength, & ultrasonic tests performed on each shaft shall be furnished.

The generators will have enough electric heaters and dehumidifiers and arranged in
fan shield of generator to protect it from moisture during shut down and to enable a
start up at any time without drying procedure. Insulation and other parts of the
generator will not be damaged when electric heater runs.

Resistance type temperature detectors of simplex / duplex type shall be arranged

symmetrically in the stator winding to indicate the temperature obtained during
operation. An auxiliary terminal box having suitable terminal blocks shall be mounted


on the generator frame to terminate the resistor element connections. Temperature

detector leads shall be kept flexible to facilitate disconnecting them without

Generator data for Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai

Hydropower Project

S.No. Description Parameters

1 Type Salient pole, synchronous
2 Capacity 3900kVA
3 Power Factor 0.85
4 Generating Voltage 6.6kV
5 Frequency 50Hz
6 Class of Insulation F
7 Protection IP54
8 Excitation System Type Static
9 Efficiency ≥ 96.5%
10 Heating class B
11 Number of Poles 6
12 Synchronous Speed 750
13 Generator Cooling TEWAC

Generator fire protection will be provided by carbon dioxide (CO2). Activation of the
CO2 fire protection system will be conditional to the operation of the flame or smoke
detectors in the generator hall combined with the operation of the generator
differential protection or a manual push button instruction. Upon receipt of a signal
from the fire detectors and of the generator differential relays, an alarm will be
initiated. The CO2 release will only be initiated after a preset time delay in order to
allow evacuation of the personnel in the hall at that moment unless the operation is
aborted by manual interruption instruction.

The generator shall have following major protection system:

a. Reverse power Relay,

b. Loss of field relay,
c. High speed trip relay,
d. Generator differential protection,
e. Under and over frequency,
f. Loss of synchronization relay,
g. Field ground detect relay,
h. Negative phase sequence relay,
i. Overvoltage relay, and
j. Stator earth fault relay.


7.7.3 Generation Voltage Level

Considering the size of the generator, insulation problem, switchgear connection and
common practice, the generator voltage of 6.6kV is selected.

The switchgear panels will have inbuilt bus bar cabinets housed in its back. Each
generator’s output terminals shall be connected to this 6.6 kV bus bar system with
XLPE cable of adequate size. Switchgear and other protection and control
components will accompany them in the switchgear panel to complete the incoming
generation power circuit. Individual switchgear panels for each generator incoming
and outgoing feeder will be provided to complete the generation level switchgear
system. This switchgear system will work in co-ordination with the control panels
accommodated in the control room.

7.7.4 Generator Breaking

Generator shall be provided with hydraulic operated brakes of sufficient capacity to
bring rotating parts of generator and turbine to stop from 30 % of rated speed.

7.7.5 Generator Grounding

Principle objective of grounding synchronous generator system is the protection of
the generator and associated equipment against damage caused by abnormal
electrical conditions. Grounding in Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower
Jogmai Hydropower Project is achieved by intentional insertion of resistance between
the generator neutral and ground. Each generator unit will be equipped with self-
ventilated, dry, resistive type grounding system. Rated voltage of resistor shall be
6.6kV and shall be made up of an alloy of Chrome, Aluminum and Iron.

7.7.6 Excitation and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)

Each generators of LJKHPLJHP project will be equipped with brushless excitation
system consisting of a 3-phase AC exciter and silicon diode type rotating rectifier
bridge mounted on the generator shaft extension. The system shall be complete
along with surge suppressor, automatic voltage regulator of solid-state type with
thyristor bridge and field suppression equipment etc.

The protection against voltage spikes shall be provided. The AVR shall have fast
response and anti-hunting features. The AVR shall be provided with cross
compensating devices for parallel operation of generators.

The excitation transformer of sufficient size, with 6.6kV on primary side shall be
used. The Transformer shall be of dry type.

The excitation shall be suitable for maintaining the voltage for a grid voltage
variation of ± 5% & for a frequency variation of ± 3%. The AVR shall be sensitive


enough to track and respond the changes upto +/- 0.5% of normal voltage (average
of 3 phases) of the Generator when operating under steady load conditions (for any
load) or excitation within operating range and shall initiate corrective action without
hunting. The response time of excitation system shall be less than 20ms.

After the initial maximum voltage following any load rejection up to 100% of rated
load, the AVR shall restore the terminal voltage to a value not more than 5% above
or below the voltage being held before load rejection and shall maintain the voltage
within these limits throughout the period of generator over speed.

The AVR shall have the following features:

a) Two auto channel with one manual mode for voltage control

b) Voltage / frequency during accelerating and decelerating of machine

c) Power factor / KVAR control mode

d) Reactive power shedding

e) KVAR limit

g) Short circuit maintenance

h) Diode failure indication

Besides these, equipment for limiting and regulating (both automatic/manual mode)
on generator rotor current shall be included. Voltage setting devices and necessary
control switches shall be included.

The AVR shall have sufficient binary and analog data interfaces for feedback of
status to Unit control and SCADA system.

7.7.7 Power Transformers

Power transformers are used to step-up the generated power so as to evacuate the
generated power to the nearest substation. Main transformer in LJKHPLJHP shall
have three phase, outdoor, oil immersed, ONAN type power transformer of 8000kVA
for stepping up the voltage of Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower Plant from 6.6kV to

Data for Power Transformer

S.No Description Parameters

1 Number of Transformers 3Phase*1

2 Type Outdoor, oil immersed

3 Cooling ONAN


4 Rating 8.0 MVA

5 Maximum Voltage Primary side – 6.6kV and Secondary Side -33kV

6 Rated Voltage (Line to Line) Primary side – 7.2kV and Secondary Side -36kV

7 Rated Lightning Impulse withstand Primary side - 60kV and Secondary Side -170kV

8 Power Frequency Induced Over Primary side - 20kV and Secondary Side -70kV

9 Type of Tap changing Off Load on High Voltage side

10 Tap Changing Range ±10% in Steps of 2.5

11 Principal tapping 33kV

12 Vector Group reference YNd11

13 Minimum Short Circuit Impedance 10%

Following protections are implemented in power transformers at LJKHPLJHP

1. Transformer differential Protection (87T)

2. Restricted Earth fault Protection (64T)
3. Thermal Protection (49)
4. Pressure Relief device (63)
5. Buchholtz (gas operated relays) protection
6. Low Oil level alarm

7.7.8 Auxiliary Transformers

Auxiliary transformer for the station supply provides electrical supply to the
powerhouse electrical equipments. Auxiliary transformer shall be three phase indoor
AN type. Auxiliary Transformers shall be two in numbers with one on duty and one
as stand by.

Data for Auxiliary Transformer at LJKHPLJHP

S.N Description Parameters


1 Number of Transformers 3 Phase (2 Nos. of auxiliary)

2 Type Indoor

3 Cooling AN (Auxiliary)

4 Rating 300kVA both

5 Maximum Voltage (Auxiliary) Primary side – 7.2kV and Secondary Side –



6 Power Frequency Induced Over Primary side - 20kV and Secondary Side 3kV
Voltage (Auxiliary)

7 Type of Tap changing Off Load

8 Tap Changing Range ±5% in Steps of 2.5

9 Vector Group reference Dyn11

10 Minimum Short Circuit Impedance 4%

7.7.9 MV Switchgears
Lower Jogmai Khola hydropower projectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project consists
of two numbers of AC generators each rated 6.6 kV, 50 Hz, 3900 kVA, 0.85 power
factor and connected to 33 kV system outdoor switchyard through a single three
phase power transformer rated 8.0 MVA, at 33/6.6kV. Each generator output is
connected to the 6.6kV bus bar through a 6.6 kV switchgear consisting of vacuum
circuit breakers.

Each Generator shall be synchronized with 6.6 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB). All
the generators circuit breakers and fuse switches will be arranged in one row
accessible from the front side with sufficient space on both side of the switchgear
assembly for safe operations.

There will be following number of switchgears in PH

 2 No of 6.6 kV Generator output switchgears.

 2 No. of 6.6 kV switchgear for auxiliary transformer.
 1 No. of 6.6 kV switchgear for LV side of Power Transformer.
Each switchgear comprises of

 Vacuum Circuit Breaker

 Cable box for incoming and outgoing cables
 Current transformers
 One unit of Voltage transformer sets for synchronization for each generating
 One set of Lightning arrester with lightning arrestors and capacitors
 Air insulated three phase bus-bar system, extensible to make connection with
the bus-bars of other adjacent panels

Current Transformer


Current transformers will be of dry, synthetic resin insulated type. All secondary
connections will be connected to a terminal block which will be located in a dust-
proof and watertight terminal box and will be clearly labeled. An earth connection to
the housing will be provided.

The current transformers will be designed to carry continuously a current of 120% of

the rated current. Rated current of the secondary windings will be 1 A. The core for
measuring purposes will have the following characteristics:

Accuracy class - 0.5

Cores for protection purposes will have the following characteristics:

Accuracy class - 5P

The rating, burden and location of current transformer shall be as specified in Single
Line Diagram (SLD).

Voltage Transformer
Indoor voltage transformers will be of the single-phase dry synthetic resin type. All
primary and secondary connections will be clearly marked. An earth connection to
the housing will be provided. Earthing of the cores and the neutrals will be done on
the transformers and not on the terminal boxes.

The windings for measuring purposes will be designed for accuracy according to
class 0.5. Voltage transformers will have an additional secondary winding for earth
fault protection, connected in open delta with a resistive burden. The accuracy class
will be 3P.

The secondary will be provided with miniature circuit breakers with alarm contacts
and primary will be protected with a fuse. The burdens of all windings will not be
less than 125% of the overall computed (design) burden of the connected apparatus
including cables.

Details of 6.6kV Potential Transformer

Particular Specifications
Type Indoor, oil-immersed

Rated primary voltage 6.6kV/√3

Rated secondary voltage 0.11kV/√3

Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 60kV

Frequency 50Hz

Burden As specified in SLD


Accuracy As specified in SLD

Lightening Arrestor
Lightning arresters will be of the gapless metal oxide (MOA) type. Generator will be
protected against incoming voltage surges by means of lightning arresters connected
between phases and earth.

Outdoor lightning arresters will be mounted on steel structures and will be fitted with
a pressure relief device. Surge counters shall be supplied. Earth conductor from the
arrester to the counter, as well as the terminal of the counter, will be suitably
insulated or screen protected against accidental touching. Lightning arrestors for the
protection of generator will be of rated voltage 7.2kV.

Details of 6.6kV Lightning Arrestor

Particular Specifications

Type Indoor, gapless Zno arrestor

Frequency 50Hz

System voltage 6.6kV

Rated voltage 6kV

Impulse withstand voltage 60kV

Power frequency withstand 20kV
Nominal discharge current 10kA

Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Metal enclosed cubicle indoor type three phase vacuum circuit breakers are used in
the 6.6kV side of powerhouse equipments. This includes, Generator Circuit Breaker
(2 Nos), LV side of Power Transformer (1 No.)

Data for Generator Circuit Breaker

S. Description Parameters

1 Type Vacuum, Metal Enclosed, Cubicle Indoor Type

2 Rated Continuous Current As shown in SLD

3 Rated Short Circuit Breaking Current 25kA


4 Number of Circuit Breakers 3

5 Operating Sequence O-3min-CO-3min-CO

7.7.10 Diesel Generator

It is proposed that one emergency generator set be installed in the diesel generator
building to provide an emergency source of power in the event of a system and
power outage. The diesel generator would be of adequate rating to supply sufficient
power to enable the black starting of one unit, and the operation of drainage pumps,
a governor oil pump, a bearing oil pump, an air compressor for governor system,
and feed the battery chargers. The diesel Generator for power house purpose will be
of 100kVA, 400V, 50Hz, 3 Phase type. The diesel generator shall have heating class
B, insulation class F and IP23 type of Protection of enclosure.

7.7.11 DC power Supply

For the utmost reliability, the control, protection, alarm, and tele-metering
equipment will be fed from a DC supply. The emergency lighting can be DC,
autonomous individual units or with UPS (uninterruptable power supply). For the
purpose of this study, a DC battery supplied emergency lighting has been selected.
The DC Auxiliary system in Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai
Hydropower Project will have 110V/400Ah DC battery bank. A DC–DC converter shall
generate 48V DC, from110V DC system and 24V DC, if required. Vented Type lead
acid batteries are proposed for DC auxiliary system of LJKHPLJHP.

One No. float and float cum boost charger (SCR controlled) operating on three
phase,415 V, 50 Hz, AC supply of solid state design to charge the battery shall be
used. The operation of the charger shall be automatic. Normally, float charger will be
feeding the load and charging battery. In case battery requires boost charging the
same shall be done automatically.

The following meters shall be provided in the charger

 A.C Voltmeter 0 – 500 V

 D.C. Ammeter
 D.C Voltmeter 0-200 V, DC
 Centre zero DC Ammeter 50 A- 0 – 50 A for battery.
 AC Main supply failure relay
 Rectifier fuse failure relay
 Charger failure relay
 Battery earth fault relay


 Over current Relay.

 Auxiliary Relay

7.7.12 Grounding/Earthing System

Adequate earthling is necessary to be provided inside the powerhouse and the
switchyard. The grounding/earthling grid will be designed such that the touch and
step potentials will be within the safety margin. Overall grid earth resistance shall not
exceed 1 Ohm.

Low grounding resistance will be achieved by increasing the grounding area i.e.,
interconnecting the powerhouse ground system with the tailrace pond and other
areas. Ground resistivity measurements will be required which will be performed
during the detail design of the grounding grid.

Powerhouse roof shall be provided with Lightning spikes properly connected to

ground mat.

7.7.13 Black Start/Island Mode Operation

Power plant shall have black start facilities and shall be able to operate in islanding
mode operation. Details of islanding mode of the operation shall be as fixed in the
connection agreement or as per the NEA grid code.

7.7.14 Communication System

For communications between LJKHPLJHP powerhouse and other powerhouses /
substations together with the Load Dispatch Center (LDC) of NEA, trunk dialing
telephone system either CDMA, or Landline phone or via fiber optic cable is also
considered. Optical fiber cable strung through overhead distribution poles will be
used for means of communication and data exchange between Powerhouse and

One or more telephone service will also be installed in the control room for trunk
dialing communications with the LDC and other substations. An automatic PABX
telephone system is envisaged for the communication between different sections of
powerhouse, offices, the residence of operational staffs, guard house and headworks

7.7.15 Illumination
400V/230V, 50 Hz, 4 wire star connections supply shall provide single phase supply
for the illumination circuits for normal lighting. Normal lighting in the rooms of the
powerhouse through corresponding Distribution Boards (DBs) will be by fluorescent
fixtures and energy efficient PL-S fixtures. Apart from this arrangement; emergency
DC supply circuits and fixtures will provide illuminations, in critical areas when supply


from station auxiliary transformer fails. Incandescent lamp lighting fixtures will be
installed in the main entrance. The lighting level / illuminations designed are
presented below:

450 lux – for the Control room, Office room, Electrical workshop, Mechanical
workshop, service bay, turbine floor, Generator floor and MIV floor.

300 lux – for the LV-switchgear room, MV- switchgear room, Battery room
and other facilities.

200 lux – for the pump pits and surge pipe area.

150 lux – for the stair cases.

Socket outlets will be provided in the office room; control room; battery room and
service bay, alternator and turbine floor.

7.7.16 Control and SCADA System

Computer supervisory and control system at LJKHPLJHP shall adopt the full
distributed mode in open environment in accordance with international open system
concepts so that compatibility of selection of various computers, transplantability of
system expanding and renewal of equipment shall be assured.

Open environment shall include application development environment, user interface

environment and interlink of system environment, which shall comply with the
specifications of the open environment recommended by international open system

The computer supervisory and control system shall have station control level (main
control level) and local control unit level.

The station control level, real time supervisor and control center of the plant shall be
responsible for automatic functions of the whole plant (AGC, AVC, generating
optimization control etc.), historical data process (various operation tables, operation
archives of important equipments and various operating parameters etc.) and man
machine dialogue of whole plant (operation monitor of plant equipment, accident
and failure alarm, manual intervention of operating equipment, modifying and setting
of various parameters for the Computer Supervisory and Control System). Station
control level shall be made up of the relevant equipment located at computer room
and central control room. Main computer will adopt dual computers for redundancy
and hot standby. At normal condition a computer works and the other is backing-up.
When master computer receives failure, the main computer is changed-over by back-


Local control unit (LCU) shall have turbine-generator local control unit. Each LCU
shall manipulate production procedures and accomplish the supervision and control
functions under controlling. LCUs will be connected with the production procedures
by means of input and output interface, with the network by communication
interface and exchanging information with main control level through network. The
information shall be exchanged among LCUs. LCUs may be independent from main
control level relatively. They shall directly finish real time data acquisition and pre-
processing, supervision, adjustment and control etc. of unit equipment conditions
with station control level divorced.

The operator’s console in the central control room shall be equipped with CRT
display that displays operation conditions of the power station. When the power
station is under normal operation, the operator can monitor the conditions of each
equipment in the power station. The major monitoring items shall be as follow:

 Operating conditions and output of generating units

 Operating conditions of auxiliary equipments of the generating units
 Operating conditions of the transformers
 Status of circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches.
 Operating conditions and transmission power of power lines
 Opening level of gates, main inlet valves, nozzle openings and deflector
 Operation mode of station service power, and
 Other important parameters

When the system receives any fault or the equipment has abnormality during
operation, supervisory control system shall automatically give alarm in both sound and
picture striking to the eye to indicate nature, location, time and abnormal parameter
values of the event.


7.8.1 High Voltage Switch Yard

A 33 kV outdoor type switchyard shall be constructed near the powerhouse to
evacuate the generated power. Switchyard components shall be suitable for hot,
humid and moderately polluted environment. Switchgear system for this switchyard
shall be equipped with circuit breakers, current transformers, potential transformers,
disconnecting switches with or without earthing and lightning arrestors and
synchronous check relay etc. for 33 kV incoming and outgoing circuits. Switchgear
system here will work in coordination with the associated control panels


accommodated in the control room and shall ensure the overall protection of the


Measuring and protection equipments shall be installed for 33kV side protection of
the outgoing line as well as the interconnection substation as shown in the SLD.
Technical details of measuring and protection equipment shall be as follows:

Details of 33kV VCB Breaker

Particular Specifications

Type VCB, Outdoor

Nominal system voltage 33kV

Rated maximum voltage 36kV

Rated continuous current 630A

Rated short circuit breaking current 25kA

One minute power frequency withstand 70kV

voltage (rms)
Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 170kV

Frequency 50Hz

Re-closing duty cycle O-0.3sec-CO-3min-CO

A. 33kV Current Transformer

The technical details of current transformer will be as follows:

Particular Specifications

Type Outdoor

Nominal system voltage 33kV

Rated maximum voltage 36kV

Frequency 50Hz

Current ratio As shown in SLD

Accuracy As shown in SLD

B. 33kV Potential Transformer

The technical details of potential transformer will be as follows


Particular Specifications

Type Indoor

Rated primary voltage 33kV/√3

Rated secondary voltage 0.11kV/√3

Frequency 50Hz

Accuracy As shown in SLD


The power generated from LJKHPLJHP will be connected to the 132/33kV Godak
substation through approximately 4kM long 33kV Single Circuit transmission line
having ACSR “Dog” Conductor. LJKHPLJHP shall install necessary bays, 132/33kV
transformer and other necessary equipments at the Godak Substation for the
interconnection of project with INPS.


Lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project shall

install 132/33kV transformer at Godak substation to step up 33kV line to
interconnect with 132kV busbar. Protection of the 132kV line bay and the
transformer shall be conducted. Metering of the evacuated power shall be on the
132kV side of the step-up Transformer. Technical details of measuring and
protection equipment shall be as follows:

A. Step-Up Transformer

The technical details of step-up transformer at Godak Substation will be as follows

S.No Description Parameters

1 Number of Transformers 3Phase*1

2 Type Outdoor, oil immersed

3 Cooling ONAN

4 Rating 8.0 MVA

5 Maximum Voltage Primary side – 33kV and Secondary Side -132kV

6 Rated Voltage (Line to Line) Primary side – 36kV and Secondary Side -145kV

7 Rated Lightning Impulse withstand Primary side - 170kV and Secondary Side -650kV

8 Power Frequency Induced Over Primary side – 70 kV and Secondary Side -275kV


9 Type of Tap changing Off Load on High Voltage side

10 Tap Changing Range ±10% in Steps of 2.5

11 Principal tapping 132kV

12 Vector Group reference YNyN0

13 Minimum Short Circuit Impedance 10%

B. Main Meter and Check Meter

Main and check meters and associated equipment including cables shall be provided
in accordance with the NEA Metering Guidelines on the Godak substation to provide
information for both real time and recording purpose. The metering system shall also
account for substation auxiliaries and compensation devices.

Meters shall be of three-element, 3-phase, 4-wire, Wye-connection, bi-directional

digital type, having facility for local and remote communication and shall be free of
data loss during transmission. Each meter shall be supplied with dedicated CT and
VT cores, accuracies of CTs and VTs shall be 0.2 as per NEA metringmetering
guidelines. CTs and VTs are specified in the section of Instrument transformers.

Accuracy of meters shall be 0.1 and shall be complying with relevant IEC standard.

C. SF6 Circuit Breaker

The technical details of SF6 Circuit Breaker will be as follows

Particular Specifications

Type SF6, Outdoor

Nominal system voltage 132kV

Rated maximum voltage 145kV

Rated continuous current 1600A

Rated short circuit breaking current 40kA

One minute power frequency withstand

voltage (rms)

Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 650kV

Frequency 50Hz

Re-closing duty cycle O-0.3sec-CO-3min-CO

D. 132kV Current Transformer

The technical details of Current Transformer will be as follows


Particular Specifications

Type Outdoor

Nominal system voltage 132kV

Rated maximum voltage 145kV

Frequency 50Hz

Current ratio As shown in SLD

Accuracy As shown in SLD

E. 132kV Potential Transformer

The technical details of potential transformer will be as follows

Particular Specifications

Type Indoor

Rated primary voltage 132kV/√3

Rated secondary voltage 0.11kV/√3

Frequency 50Hz

Accuracy As shown in SLD


11 kV transmission line is the cheapest mode of power required for the construction of
project. The 11kV line near to the powerhouse (200m) shall be used for the
construction power purpose. The same line shall be extended to about 3.2kM to reach
the headworks area for the headworks construction power supply. Tentative
breakdown of power requirement at different work fronts is presented herewith.

Construction power required will be approximately 0.75 MVA at peak load (estimated
in comparison to the project of similar capacity). Numbers and capacities of
transformers are estimated, as mentioned in the Table below.

Power Requirement for Construction Purpose

Description Number Unit Remarks

250kVA transformer 1 No Headworks Area

250kVA transformer 1 No Power house Area


150kVA transformer 1 No Employers camp and contractor camp at headworks

100kVA transformer 1 No Contractor camp & labor camps at PH site.



8.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the power generation from the project. For the option
selected, gross power and energy has been calculated. Net saleable energy for
revenue generation has been calculated deducting outage, self-consumption and
transmission losses to be borne by the power plant.

8.2 Hydrology

Energy computation is based on average daily discharge as mentioned in the related

chapter of this report. The turbine design discharge has been taken as 5.78m 3/s.
Minimum downstream release will be 10% of the minimum mean monthly flow which
is 0.17m3/s. Monthly flow in English calendar has been converted into Nepali calendar
based on the average daily flow from 1983 to 2006 as follows:

Month Baishakh Jestha Ashad Shrawan Bhadra Ashwin

Discharge,m3/s 2.73 4.53 15.91 24.03 22.43 15.00
Month Kartik Mangsir Paush Magh Falgun Chaitra
Discharge,m3/s 4.67 3.26 2.16 1.95 1.70 1.91

8.3 Headloss

Head loss in the project has been calculated considering each and every component
subjected to the losses. The gross head of the project is 140.6m. Total head loss is
9.61m. Net head after deduction of head losses like frictional loss, turbulence loss,
bend loss and other singular losses vary according to the turbine discharge which
varies during different time of the year. These head losses have been calculated
accordingly and the net head is shown in the respective energy tables.

8.4 System Outages

Outages consist of the time of the maintenance of the project components,

transmission line and faults in the national grid. For LJKHPLJHP, the total annual
outage is considered as 4%.


8.5 Electromechanical Efficiencies

The electro-mechanical components constitute of hydraulic turbine, generator and

transformer. In the study, the following efficiencies are considered:

a) Turbine = 92%
b) Generator = 96.5%
c) Transformer = 99%

Energy estimation is shown in the following table.

Feasibility Study Report

Table. 8-28 Monthly Average Estimate of the Energy




Weir elevation 649 masl

Tailrace water level 508.4 masl
Gross head 140.6 m
Design discharge 5.78 m /s
Considered outage 4%
Riparian release 0.17 m /s
Plant Capacity 6.59 MW

E/M efficiencies
River Riparian Available No. of Power Net
Month Headloss
flow release discharge days discharge head
Turbine Generator Transformer

Baishakh 2.73 0.17 2.56 31 2.56 3.28 137.32 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Jestha 4.53 0.17 4.36 31 4.36 5.85 134.75 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Ashadh 15.91 0.17 15.74 32 5.78 9.61 130.99 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Shrawan 24.03 0.17 23.86 31 5.78 9.61 130.99 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Bhadra 22.43 0.17 22.26 31 5.78 9.61 130.99 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Asoj 15.00 0.17 14.83 31 5.78 9.61 130.99 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Kartik 4.67 0.17 4.50 30 4.50 6.21 134.39 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Mangsir 3.26 0.17 3.09 29 3.09 3.04 137.56 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Poush 2.16 0.17 1.99 30 1.99 2.05 138.55 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Magh 1.95 0.17 1.78 29 1.78 1.67 138.93 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Falgun 1.70 0.17 1.53 30 1.53 1.27 139.33 92.00% 96.50% 99%
Chaitra 1.91 0.17 1.74 30 1.74 1.60 139.00 92.00% 96.50% 99%

Dry Season Energy 5773507.0 KWh 5.77 GWh

Wet Season Energy 30641447.2 KWh 30.64 GWh
Annual Estimated Energy 36414954.2 KWh 36.41 GWh


9.1 General

Lower Jogmai Khola hydropower projectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project is

proposed to be implemented in a period of about 2.5 years. It has been proposed
that the developer shall obtain all statutory and non-statutory approvals prior to
starting actual construction on site. In all probability, if financial closure, among
other things are pursued seriously it looks like the construction of civil works can
commence from February 2019 and commercial operation can be possible after 20
months, say by mid November 2020.

9.2 Major Components

The project comprises of the following major components;

a) Diversion weir and intake structure
b) Gravel trap, flood spillway and gravel flushing canal /pipe
c) Settling basin and silt flushing canal/pipe
d) Headrace Pipe


e) Surge Pipe
f) Penstock and Anchor Blocks/saddle support
g) Power House building
h) Electro-mechanical Equipment
i) Switch Yard
j) Tail Race Canal
k) Residential and office buildings
l) Transmission Line

9.3 Access to Site

9.3.1 Access in India

A preliminary assessment of transportation facilities within India was made based on
the information collected during various on-going and completed projects. Calcutta is
the preferred port for handling cargo from overseas as there is necessary lifting
crane capacity, adequate terminal facilities, and stacking area and railway yards. The
port is selected to meet the following objective:

 To determine the most feasible rail route for import of machinery and electro-
mechanical equipment
 To establish probable transit times to railheads
 To define the most feasible land routes from the railheads to the nearest Nepal
border towns
 To define the required terminal facilities at Calcutta port for items being imported
from third countries besides India
 To establish the need of using special wagons for transporting the permanent
equipment by rail
 With regards to transportation, this route has been selected for transportation of
foreign goods from India or Overseas.

9.3.2 Access within Nepal

The project can be accessed by road from Charali on the East-West Highway. For the
imported materials, the bordering point at Kakadbhitta will serve as the nearest rail
head from where major truck haul will be made to Charali. From Charali, the access
will be via Charali-Ilam road (single lane black topped road), and finally to the
project site at Ilam through feeder road (single lane fair weather earthen track). The
total length of the road from the inland container depot at Kakadbhitta to the project
site is approximately 110 kilometers.

Another alternative route can be accessed by road from Kathmandu through

Hetauda- Dhalkebar-Charali-Ilam and follows to project site. Besides road route it
can also be accessed by nearest air strip at Bhadrapur. There are scheduled flights
by jetstream category aircrafts operated by private airlines. From Bhadrapur, the


access will be via Bhadrapur-Charali-Ilam bazaar-project site. Additional project

internal tracks will be required to the headworks site and penstock, whereas
motorable track will be required for powerhouse and quarry sites.

9.4 Construction Material

9.4.1 General
Civil construction materials like granite, quartz boulders and stone are available
within the area of 3 KMs of the project area. These can be transported to the
working area by tractor /truck. Fine aggregate (sand) & course aggregate is available
in various pockets of Jogmai Riverbed in the project area. The material will be
screened and transported to the project site by tractor /truck.

9.4.2 Stone Masonry Works

Plenty of good quality stone for masonry work is available in the River – in the
vicinity of proposed major components of the project. These materials can be
sourced locally and used as required.

9.4.3 Reinforcement steel and cement

Reinforcement steel and cement in bulk quantities will be transported either from
Biratnagar / Birjung by road transport.

9.4.4 Structural Steel

Structural steel is a major item in this project. Steel for - headrace pipe, penstock,
surge pipe- gates, valves, stop logs, trash rack and powerhouse can be procured
from India and China. Fabrication work can be carried out at project site.

9.4.5 Other materials

CGI sheets, industrial gas and other materials required by the project can be sourced
and transported to the site from Biratnagar by road transport.

9.5 Construction Contracts

The major components of works for project execution are headworks, settling basin,
pressure pipe, surge pipe, penstock pipe, powerhouse, transmission line and
switchyard/ substation. For execution of all these components, contracts documents
under different type of packaging would be required to be prepared. The packages
can be divided as presented in Table 9 1.
Table 9-29 Contract Packaging

Work Packages Items of Works


Various petty contracts For infrastructure works at the project level

Headworks, settling basin, , headrace pipe, surge pipe,

Civil works contracts anchor blocks and saddle supports, powerhouse and

Hydro mechanical Penstock pipes, trash racks, expansion joins gates and
contract valves

Electro-mechanical Electro-mechanical equipment, transmission line and

contract switchyard

Transmission line and

interconnection Transmission line and interconnection

9.6 Land Acquisition

Land acquisition is one of the major activities of the project prior to construction.
General practice has it that private land within the project as per the requirements is
acquired from outright purchase from the owner(s). Government (public) land parcels
required for project, if any, are leased for the project life and other private land
required only for the duration of the construction is leased from the owner (s) as the
case may be.

9.7 Mobilization

It is assumed that the tender awarding will be done within October 2019 so that
mobilization will be started immediately and construction works will begin.
Construction works will start from the establishment of camps, workshops,
construction power lines, water supply, batching plant and preliminary works like
river diversion, earthworks, etc. Thus, mobilization of materials, accessories,
machineries and manpower shall be done as per need of the works. Excavators,
wheel loaders, dumpers, batching plants, compressors, water pumps, etc. shall be
mobilized to site at the beginning stages. Mobilization will be continued throughout
the construction period and as per specific requirement of works.

9.8 Construction Power

Necessary arrangement will be done to bring power at project site. For reliable
supply, diesel generator will be operated if the power supply is not sufficient.


9.9 Camp Establishment

There will be separate temporary and permanent camp facilities. The guesthouse
and other permanent houses in the lower Jogmai Khola Hydropower ProjectLower
Jogmai Hydropower Project will be used as permanent camp for the staff of

Temporary camps will be established near the Headworks site for contractor’s staff
and labors. In addition, temporary office, workshop, equipment and material yard,
store, water supply and sanitation system, etc. will be constructed. Such camp
structures will be temporary in nature and dismantled after the completion of
construction works.

9.10 Construction Planning

According to the scope of works, the entire site activities can be divided into three
major components: Civil Works, Hydro-mechanical Works and Electromechanical
Works. In order for a fast track and hassle free (to the extent possible) construction,
planning can look into the possibility of combining civil works and hydro mechanical
works. As it would do away with the conflicts arising out of miscommunication or
unaligned priorities of separate contractors if both works are separately awarded.
Likewise, construction shifts can be planned such that work keeps gaining
momentum each hour during the construction period.

9.10.1 Construction Facilities

Access Road
There is already a motorable road near the headworks and powerhouse which can
be upgraded to transport electro-mechanical equipment. For headrace pipe track is
to be opened.

Preparatory Works
The preparatory works include establishment of camp facilities for employer's and
contractor's staff, and transportation of construction equipment and material by the

Employer’s Camp
Site facilities like office building and staff residence can be accommodated in rental
houses during construction, however necessary infrastructure needed for operation
phase in headworks and powerhouse site are to be constructed during the
construction of the project.

Contractor's Camp


The camp will include residence for its staff, workshops/mechanical yards,
laboratories, construction materials, and equipment storage and maintenance areas.
Altogether 12 weeks are allocated for all preparatory work.

9.11 Construction of Civil Works

Major Civil Components of the Project are:

• Headworks structure consists of diversion weir, under sluice, intake, approach
canal, emergency spillway, and settling basin
• Water conveyance structures consists of pressure pipe
• Surge pipe
• Anchor blocks and saddle supports for headrace pipe, penstock pipe
• Powerhouse, tailrace and Switchyard

9.11.1 River Diversion and Headwork’s Construction

River Diversion Works
The construction works at the headworks start with construction of coffer dams and
diversion canal. Due to the nature of the River, River diversion will be done at the
right bank of the River. The diversion canal excavation will be started from the
downstream end. The excavated material will be used for upstream and downstream
cofferdam construction.

The cofferdam height will be such that the dry season flood shall not overtop it. It
will be trapezoidal in section made of the excavated material from diversion canal. It
will comprise of clay material as center core for control of seepage, filling with
excavated material and boulder riprap at the outer sloping surface exposed to the
river flow for protection against scouring. Proper compaction will be done on the
embankment filling. This coffer dam will protect the left bank and run along the walls
of under sluice and divide wall. Cofferdam will prevent water flow in the normal
water course so that construction works in the intake, bed load hopper, under sluice
can be done. A downstream cofferdam will also be constructed so that back flow of
the river will not affect the work area. This downstream cofferdam will be similar in
size as of the upstream cofferdam.

Such cofferdams will be in use until second phase diversion is commenced after
which works in weir will be started. The construction works of the under sluice, bed
load hopper and the intake headwall should finish before the second phase diversion
through the under sluice

Sluice and Intake


River diversion will be done as explained above before the construction of the bed
load hopper, divide wall, under sluice and intake and orifice. The remaining part of
the under sluice and intake, if any, will continue after the second phase diversion if
required. Hard stone and steel plate lining works will be done before flow is passed
through the under sluice.

Gravel Trap, Approach Canal

Construction of these structures will be started after the completion of foundation of
intake headwall. The gravel trap works will start from the bed slab connected with
the intake. The side slopes of the excavation will be stabilized during construction
and with provision of berms. Flushing conduit will be completed after or in parallel
with the gravel trap construction. Approach Canal will be constructed in parallel with
the gravel trap works.

Diversion Weir
Weir construction will be commenced after substantial completion of the under
sluice. The river will be diverted through the under sluice constructing upstream
coffer dam. The diversion weir construction requires huge excavation in the river
bed. Thus, sufficient dewatering arrangement will be made to make the working area
free of impounding. The weir construction starts from construction of central cut-off
wall. Downstream concrete floor will also be constructed in monolithic with the main
concrete weir or providing dowels with contraction joints. Clay, filter layer and
boulder riprap will be done after the completion of weir structures.

Settling Basin
The settling basin requires huge earthwork excavation in boulder mixed soil
colluvium deposit. Excavation works will be completed at required reach and in
parallel with the concrete works but fairly before. There will be separate crew for
handing the construction of these works. It will be started from the parallel sections.
It will be divided into panels having expansion joints. The transition section and the
gate structures will be completed at the later stage of the works. The bottom portion
of flushing conduit works will be completed before commencement of works of head
pond. The head pond and spillway works will be completed in parallel.

Flood Walls and River Training Works

After the completion of construction work for the diversion weir, boulder rip-rap work
will be carried out from under sluice end to the downstream. Flood wall of necessary
height has been provisioned at the upstream right bank to prevent flood effects.
Bottom of the flood walls will be protected with boulder riprap.


Steel Pressure and Penstock Pipe

Steel surface or buried headrace pipe will be the waterway for this project.
Construction of waterway begins with construction of anchor blocks and support
piers. Different crew will be involved in the construction in parallel.

The civil contractor will prepare necessary stage of construction for erection of steel
pipe. The hydro mechanical contractor will procure, manufacture and install the
penstock pipe in co-ordination with the civil contractor. Construction will commence
from mid part whereas the anchor block attached with the surge pipe will be
completed at the end.

Surge Pipe
The provision of surge tank has been replaced by surge pipe in this project.
Excavation for surge pipe will be carried out in parallel to the headrace pipe. The
excavation of surge pipe will consist of excavation from the end of headrace pipe to
the top of the surge pipe. The excavation orientation might change depending upon
the ease of the excavation.

The construction of waterway begins with construction of anchor blocks and support
piers. Different crew will be involved in the construction in parallel. The civil
contractor will prepare necessary stage of construction for erection of steel penstock
pipe. The hydro mechanical contractor will procure, manufacture and install the
penstock pipe in co-ordination with the civil contractor. Construction will commence
from mid part whereas the anchor block attached with the surge pipe will be
completed at the end.

Powerhouse, Tailrace and Switch Yard

The work at powerhouse, tailrace canal and switch yards will be relatively simple. But
it will be critical activity if the detail design of the electro-mechanical work is not
available on time. Hence, after the financial closure of the project the contract for
the electro-mechanical works should be awarded so that needed design for
powerhouse sizing and foundation work is available on time and sufficient time is
available for design and manufacture of electro-mechanical parts.

The powerhouse works will commence from the excavation work and will progress
from the foundation concrete, followed by structural concrete and the building
works. Finally, the installation of electro-mechanical works and final finishing work
will be carried out. Tailrace canal and switch yard will be carried out in parallel.


Hydro-mechanical Works
The penstock pipe procurement, manufacture and transport will be done
independent of other activities and installation will be done in parallel with anchor
blocks and support pier works. Hydro-mechanical embedding work such as, frames
for gates, stop logs, draft tubes etc should follow the respective civil works at
headworks and powerhouse. As per the need hydro-mechanical installations will be
carried out in parallel and after the construction of the civil works. Therefore, well
thought out planning and coordination will be required between the civil and hydro-
mechanical contractor.

Electro-mechanical Works
The contract for electro-mechanical works for the design, fabrication, supply,
installation and testing will be awarded immediately after the financial closure of the
project. It is estimated that the fabrication and transportation, machinery installation
and testing work of the electro-mechanical equipment to the site will be completed
within 24 months from the date of contractual agreement.

Transmission Line Works

Total six months have been scheduled for the contract from award to installation of
transmission line. Thus the total construction period of the project will be 2.5 years.
About 0.5 month is allocated for trial and commissioning of the project. The
implementation schedule of the project is attached in Figure.

9.12 Implementation scheduled Bar chart

The construction program in the form of Bar Chart is enclosed.

Table 9-30 Project Implementation Schedule



All infrastructure projects are bound to have both positive and adverse
environmental impacts. But the question is how such adverse impacts are managed
so that adverse consequences are limited and/or within tolerance. Nepal has a
comprehensive environmental policy Acts and regulations to take care of
environmental concerns while studying or building infrastructure projects.
Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1997 and subsequent regulations called
Environmental Protection Rules (EPR) 1997 have detailed provisions on
environmental issues and ways to mitigate them.

Lower Jogmai Khola hydropower projectLower Jogmai Hydropower Project does not
in any national park, conservation areas, wildlife sanctuary, buffer zone, wetlands,
historically and archaeologically important sites, or any other environmentally
sensitive and fragile zones. Therefore, it falls under IEE category. It means that the
project would need clearance by conducting Initial Environmental Examination as per
EPA and EPR 1997 mentioned above. EPA and EPR have outlined clear methods to
do such studies, intent and measures to protect environmental issues in question.

Technically an IEE study involves study of physical environment, biological

environment and socio- cultural environment. It involves understanding the issues,
likely impact on these issues due to construction of the project and mitigation
measures. The details of this study is a separate discipline in itself and will be
undertaken by the competent consultant at a later stage.



11.1 General

This chapter deals with methodology and process used to estimate the project cost.
Subsequent sections describe the details method of preparation of bill of quantities,
rate analysis and costing.

11.2 Criteria, Assumptions and Cost Components

Following criteria and assumptions form the basis of the cost estimate:
 All costs are in price level of 2018.
 For currency conversion, the exchange rate is taken as: US$ 1 = NRs.115
 Identifiable taxes and custom duties imposed by the Government of Nepal (GON)
are included.

11.3 Civil Works

Cost estimate was prepared for each element by taking out the bill of quantity of
each item/material and the current rates for material, labour and machinery required
to accomplish the task in question at the given location. Unit rates are inclusive of
contractor’s overhead and profit as per the industry practice. Generally, the following
steps are observed to prepare the cost estimate.
a) Subdivision of the total project cost into a number of distinct structures (River
diversion works, weir, intake, gravel trap, settling basin, headrace pipe, surge
pipe, penstock, powerhouse, tailrace etc.)
b) Breaking down of structures into a number of distinct construction tasks or
measurable pay items, these being overburden excavation, rock excavation,
fill work, concrete work etc.
c) Calculation of the appropriate quantity of each item estimated from designed
drawings as mentioned in feasibility report.
d) Identification of the borrow pits, quarries, stockpiling areas, disposal areas,
and construction roads needed.
e) Selection of the labour, material and construction equipment resources
required for all construction work.
f) Estimating the unit costs for the project by using the cost of the combined
resources used and their expected production.
g) Summation of all products of the quantities and the unit costs yields the total
cost of construction.


h) The summation with allowances for contractor’s profit, contingency and

allowances for engineering and management and provision for camp facilities
gives the total project cost.

11.4 Resource Costs

Transportation Costs
Transportation cost of the major items of construction materials may vary as per site
distance from factory. As a result transportation cost is item specific i.e. from the
source to site.

Labour Rates
For estimating purposes, labour forces will be subdivided into four categories of
workers: unskilled, semiskilled, skilled and highly skilled. These categories will then
be used to develop the unit rates as per crew requirements.

Considering the overall construction requirements for the project, hourly rates of
labour are developed based on prevailing rates of the project site. Since the project
site is accessible, availability of labour in the local area will be considered.

11.5 Construction Material

It has been assumed that most of the construction material likes cement,
reinforcement steel will be supplied from local market and specific materials like
penstock liners, gates will be imported from India or overseas.

11.6 Electrical and Mechanical Equipment

The costs of the electrical and mechanical equipment were estimated by a

combination of methods including:

 Interpretation of budget prices supplied by potential suppliers, for the large

and more expensive equipment such as turbines, generators, power
transformers, and inlet valves.
 In-house estimates using established international prices and/or relationships
for routine items. The in-house information is based on years of collection of
price data, and often eliminates the errors of variations of prices occurring
due to changes in supply and demand.
 Percentage of lump sum provisions on a ratio basis based on experience, for
lesser miscellaneous items.


11.7 Unit Rates

Unit rate have been derived for the major construction activities. Standard norms of
practice and consultant’s in-house experience have been utilized in derivation of the
unit rates. The prices of material and other equipment were obtained from local
market, district rates and also collected from projects under construction.

11.8 Total Estimated cost

On the basis of the analysis described above, the cost of the 6.6 MW Lower Jogmai
khola HydroelectricLower Jogmai Hydropower Project, including contingencies,
engineering and administration, and interest during construction (IDC) has been
estimated at NRs. 1,231,500,190. Construction period of this project is estimated to
be 2 years.

Note: All the costs are in Nepalese Rupees.

Table 11-31 Summary of Total Project Cost

Description of Works Amount in NRS.
A General  
Insurance against injury to personnel or damage to property
A1 during construction General Item 20,848,3865,848,386
A2 Construction of Permament CampPreliminary Works 20,000,00015,000,000
Mobilization and demobilization cost including batching plant,
A3 construction power etc.Camp Facilities 36,075,00020,000,000
Camp Facilities (Labouir Camp, Staff Quarter, Temporary Office .
Workshop etc.) 6,075,000
Access Road Construction 30,000,000

B Main Civil Works  

B1 River Diversion 15,433,752
B2 Headworks (Weir, Undersluice, stilling basin & floodwall) 87,449,626
B3 Intake & Gravel trap 14,711,203
B4 Approach Canal 17,014,922
B5 Settling Basin cum Headpond 65,096,682
B6 River Crossing Works (both) 24,997,963
B7 Headrace Pipe and Penstock Pipe 43,741,819
B8 Anchor Block and Saddle Support 27,311,545
B9 Surge Pipe 897,526
B10 Powerhouse 48,458,831
B11 Tailrace Canal 18,760,151
I Base Civil Cost Total 440,797,405
II Physical Contingencies@ 4.5 % for civil works (A and Up to B11) 19,835,883
III VAT @13% of Items (I+II) 59,882,328
IV Total Civil Cost (I+II+III) 520,515,616
C Hydro-electro-mechanical Works  
C1 Steel Headrace/Penstock/Surge Pipe and Accessories 218,548,845
C2 Y-Branch Bifurcation and Pipes 3,134,811
C3 Expansion Joints in Bends after Anchor Block 3,300,000


C4 Hydro-mechanical Items (Gates and Trash Racks) 25,019,331

C5 Electromechanical equipment 189,750,000
C6 Transmission Line including Substation, switchyard 35,000,000
C7 Base H-E/M Cost total 474,752,986
C8 Contingencies on H-EM Cost @ 3% 14,242,590
Custom Tax @ 1% (of Item No. 50% C 1 to C 3 + C 5 + 75% of
C9 C 6) 3,284,918
Value Added Tax @ 13% of Item No. (25% of C 1 to C 3+ C 4 +
C 10 25% of C 6) 11,701,982
  Total H-E/M Cost (Item No. C7 + C8 + C9 + C10) 503,982,476
Total Base Cost without Physical Contingencies and taxes (
D I+C7) 915,550,392
Total Base Cost with Physical Contingencies and taxes (Item
E A+B+C) 1,024,498,092
F Environmental Mitigation @ 1.5% of D 13,733,256
G Land Acquisition Cost 25,379,306
H Engineering, administration and management @4.5% of (Item D) 41,199,768
I Project Development Cost @ 4% of Item No. D 36,622,016
J VAT on Engineering Cost 13% on G 5,355,970
K Total Cost (Item No. E + F + G + H + I+J) 1,146,788,407
L Price Contengencies 2.5% of base cost 22,888,760
M Total Project Cost (Item No. L +K) 1,169,677,167
N Interest During Construction (IDC) 61,823,023
O Total Project cost with IDC 1,231,500,190
  Per MW cost 186,590,938



12.1 Financial Evaluation

Financial evaluation involves real expenditure and income scenario to predict
financial indicators like Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio, Debt
Service-Coverage Ratio (DSCR) and Net Present Value (NPV).

Financial evaluation is based on a number of key assumptions and parameters. A
reference or base case for analysis was prepared and then sensitivity cases were
analysed. The principal criteria and parameters are discussed below.

Analysis Period
Main civil construction work of the project is assumed to start in the Year 2019.
Financial analysis period has been taken as 30 years after Power Purchase

Project Benefits
Energy generated by the project will be supplied to Nepal Electricity Authority. In
accordance with the prevailing practice, the PPA tariff is expected to follow following

For four dry season months, Poush to Chaitra (16 Dec to 15 April) – NRs. 8.40/kWh
For eight wet season months, Baisakh – Mangshir (16 April to 15 Dec) – NRs.

Prices will be escalated at 3% per annum for eight years from commercial operation
date and will be flat thereafter.

Construction Period
Project is assumed to complete within 2 years’ time after start of construction.

Repair and Maintenance Cost

It has been assumed that 0.5% of the project cost will be required annually to meet
repair and maintenance cost including replacement costs. This value has been
derived from experience of hydropower projects in the country.

Depreciation rate applied is 3.33% percent per annum.


Value Added Tax (VAT)

VAT rate of 13% payable to the government has been considered in the financial

Debt Equity Ratio

Hydropower projects are highly capital intensive. Funds have to be obtained from
various financial institutions. As per the prevailing practice financial institutions in
Nepal finance up to seventy percent of the project cost as debt and remainder thirty
percent has to be employed by the project developer in the form of equity capital.
Therefore, a debt-equity ratio of 70:30 has been assumed to prepare the financial
model of the project.

Interest Rate
Currently, interest rates are about 10.5 percent. Same rate has been adopted in this
study as well.

Loan Repayment Period

Debt portion will have a grace period equal to the construction period and the
repayment starts after the revenue generation starts. For this project, a loan
repayment period of 10 years has been assumed after construction.

Other Charges
In addition, banks will charge service charges at the time of financial close. These
charges are bank specific and assumed to be 1% of the loan amount.

12.2 Financial Analysis, Assumptions and Result

A preliminary financial analysis was carried out for income and expenditure. Revenue
stream is from the sales of energy which is 5.77GWh in the dry season and 30.64
GWh in the wet season.

Royalties and taxes as applicable are incorporated in the cost elements.

Financial Analysis – Assumptions and Result

Base Year 2018
Construction Period
Debt : Equity 70:30 2 Years
Start Year of Construction 2019
Loan Amount NRs. 818.77million
Interest Rate 10.5%
No. of payment Costs
year 4
EnergyTotal Project Cost With
Production   NRs. 1,231.50 million
Firm or Dry Season 5.77 GWh


Secondary or Wet Season 30.64 GWh

Energy Prices  
Energy Benefit  
Dry Season Energy Price 8.40 NRs/kWh
Wet Season Energy Price 4.80 NRs/kWh
Estimated COD 2020 end
Escalation of Energy Prices 3%
Number of escalation 8
Income Tax  
Till 10th year of operation 0%
11th year to 15th year of 10%
After 15thyear of operation 20%
Up to 15 years - Energy 2%
Up to 15 years - Capacity NRs.100
Royalty / kW installed
After 15 years - Energy 10.00%
After 15 years - Capacity NRs.1000
Royalty / kW installed
Other Assumptions  
Assumed currency rate 115
(US$ to NRs)
Discount rate 10.00%


Equity IRR 17.16%

Project IRR 13.91%

NPV NRs. 145.72million

B/C ratio 1.30

Average DSCR 1.40

Project Payback Period 6 years


(from commissioning of the project)

12.3 Sensitivity Analysis

At Project Cost with 10% Cost Over-run

Sensitivity test was performed by increasing the investment cost by 10% i.e. the
project cost will be NRs. 1355.54 million.

Project IRR 12.53%
Project NPV NRs. 43.93 million
Project BC Ratio 1.08
Average DSCR 1.26
Project Payback Period 6.50 years

Project’s IRR under this sensitivity test is well above the opportunity cost of capital at
10% and Net Present Value is positive. Average DSCR and Benefit Cost Ratio are
more than one as well. Therefore, the project is economically viable even with 10%
increase in investment cost and IDC.

At 90% of project revenue

Annual Sales Revenue (after 1st year of NRs. 176.02 million
Project IRR 12.29 %
Project NPV NRs. 21.51million
Project BC Ratio 1.04
Average DSCR 1.24
Project Payback Period 7.0 years

According to the results obtained, the project is economically viable even with 10%
decrease in revenue.

Interest Rate Increased to 12%



Project IRR 13.72 %

Project NPV NRs. 132.70million
Project BC Ratio 1.27
Average DSCR 1.38
Project Payback Period 6 .20 years

According to the results obtained, the project is economically viable even with
interest rate at 12%.



Long term flow data of intake location of this project is not available. Mean monthly and
daily flows have been derived from average of correlated flow data from Rajdwali
stations established by DHM nearby LJKHPLJHP intake. The monthly flow generated
from catchment correlation is very close to the measured dry season discharge.
However, flow measurement and daily gauge reading should be continued even after the
feasibility study and flow data should be revised prior to detailed design of the project.

At least 10% of the driest flow shall be released downstream to maintain the river

Installed capacity of the project is optimized at 6.60MW. This scheme comprises of 20m
wide barrage with weir crest level at 649 amslmasl, which will divert the design flow to
the intake located at the left side of the River. Weir will be built with a layer of boulder
lining. An Under sluice having 2m width has been provided before the intake. Sediment
settling system of the plant is located at the distance of about 200m from the intake. It
has two chambers of size 62m x 6.05m x 6m (L x B x H). The scheme comprises of a
2870m long headrace pipe having diameter of 1.8m. A 55m long surge pipe of 3.0m
diameter is designed to arrest the surge in the scheme. Powerhouse is connected by
430m long penstock having 1.8m diameter. Two HorizontalHorizantal-axis Francis
turbines each of 3.30MW capacity will be installed in the powerhouse.

The generated power will be evacuated through 4km long, 33 kV single circuit
transmission line from the project to 132/33kV Godak sub-station of NEA.

Based on the hydrology, topography, geology and structural positioning of project

component as described above, it can be concluded that the project is technically
feasible. Likewise, cost estimates and financial analysis carried out for the project reveals
that the project is financially feasible.

Construction planning study shows that the project is likely to start construction in 2019
and can be commissioned by 2020 (in 2 years). Therefore, it is recommended that the
detail engineering and tender documents should start within the last quarter of 2018.

The IEE study required for Project Implementation and execution is recommended to be
concluded as soon as possible.


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