Collaborative Learning (Group Work) - Module 1 - Introduction To International Business

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Module 1: Introduction to International Business

Collaborative Learning (Group Work)


Please indicate your group members and work together on this:

1. Describe the shifts in the world economy over the past 30 years. What are the implications
of these shift for international businesses based in Great Britain? North America?

2. “The study of international business is fine if you are going to work in a large multinational
enterprises, but it has no relevance for individuals who are going to work in small firms.”

3. Ultimately, the study of international business is no different from the study of domestic
business? Thus, there is no point in having a separate course on international business.”
Evaluate this statement.

Rubric for Collaborative Learning

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of understanding of understanding of understand the
the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.
Collaboration Almost always Usually listens to, Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
with Peers listens to, shares shares with, and shares with, and shares with, and
with, and supports the supports the supports the
supports the efforts of others efforts of others efforts of others
efforts of others in the group. in the group but in the group.
in the group. Does not cause sometimes is not Often is not a
Tries to keep \"waves\" in the a good team good team
people working group. member. member.
well together.
Stays on Topic Stays on topic all Stays on topic Stays on topic It was hard to tell
(100%) of the most (99-90%) of some (89%-75%) what the topic
time. the time. of the time. was.
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not
completely pretty prepared somewhat seem at all
prepared and has but might have prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously needed a couple clear that present.
rehearsed. more rehearsals. rehearsal was
Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for or more) words or
the audience. the audience. the audience. phrases that are
Extends Includes 1-2 Does not include not understood
audience words that might any vocabulary by the audience.
vocabulary by be new to most of that might be new
defining words the audience, but to the audience.
that might be new does not define
to most of the them.

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