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Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379

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Comparison between pinch analysis and bridge analysis to retrofit

the heat exchanger network of a kraft pulp mill
J.C. Bonhivers a, E. Svensson b, T. Berntsson b, P.R. Stuart a, *
NSERC Design Engineering Chair in Process Integration, Department of Chemical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
b €teborg, Sweden
Heat and Power Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Go

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Reducing the heat consumption im-

plies decreasing the flow-rate of heat
cascaded through the HEN.
 A bridge between cooler and heater
is necessary to achieve heat savings
in an existing HEN.
 Bridge analysis provides more infor-
mation for network retrofit than
pinch analysis does.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pinch analysis is based on the hot, cold and grand composite curves and is the most commonly-used
Received 30 January 2014 approach to identify strategies for reducing energy consumption by heat exchanger network retrofit.
Accepted 19 April 2014 This method was originally developed for the synthesis of new networks, and there remain certain
Available online 14 May 2014
difficulties for its application to improve existing networks. The advanced composite curves have been
developed for retrofit situations specifically, and use data about existing heat exchangers to provide more
information about the modifications necessary to achieve heat savings. Bridge analysis, which is based on
Process integration
the energy transfer diagram, is a new method and enumerates the sets of heat transfer modifications
Heat-exchanger network
necessary to save energy. In this paper, the grand composite curve, the advanced composite curves and
Energy savings the energy transfer diagram have been constructed for analysis of the heat exchanger network of a kraft
pulp mill. Links between these methods are made explicit; then results are discussed and compared. It is
shown that the information provided by these approaches is consistent; however, the level of detail
progressively increases from the grand composite curve to the advanced composite curves until the
energy transfer diagram. Fundamentally, reducing the energy consumption implies decreasing the flow
rate of heat cascaded through the network from the hot utility until the environment. As a consequence,
any heat savings solution includes network modifications bridging coolers to heaters. Traditional pinch
analysis does not provide information about the network modifications required after removal of cross-
pinch transfers, while the advanced composite curves indicate the heat savings potential attainable
through modifications of few existing heat exchanger units. Bridge analysis provides more detail about
heat savings modifications, which bridge existing heaters and coolers, than traditional pinch analysis and
the advanced composite curves do.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Stuart).
1359-4311/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
370 J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379

Abbreviations and conventions EMAT exchanger minimum approach temperature

Env environment
ACC advanced composite curves ETD energy transfer diagram
ACLC actual cooling load curve FRAM future resource-adapted mill, Swedish programme
AHLC actual heat load curve GCC grand composite curve
AILC actual internal load curve Hz heater z
crx receptor of cooling system Cx (environment) hrz receptor of heater Hz
csx supplier of cooling system Cx hsz supplier of heater Hz (hot utility steam)
CUC cold utility curve HEN heat exchanger network
Cx cooling system x HRAT heat recovery approach temperature
Ey internal heat exchanger y HU hot utility
ery receptor of internal heat exchanger Ey HUC hot utility curve
esy supplier of internal heat exchanger Ey TCLC theoretical cooling load curve
ECLC extreme cooling load curve THLC theoretical heat load curve
EHLC extreme heat load curve TILC theoretical internal load curve
EILC extreme internal load curve

1. Introduction the economic assumptions are largely based on grassroots design

Increasing energy costs and environmental concerns provide In order to enable a more accurate representation of the costs
motivation for reducing the energy use in industry. Heat exchanger involved in HEN retrofit, including costs such as costs for piping,
networks (HENs) play a significant role in industrial process energy pressure drops and area extensions of existing heat exchanger, the
systems. A high degree of heat recovery in the HEN is important for Matrix method [10] was developed. Also the Matrix method, which
overall energy efficiency of the plant. By retrofitting existing HENs is based on the concepts of pinch analysis, aims at eliminating pinch
for improved heat recovery, utility consumption and thereby also violations. However, some relaxation of this requirement is
energy costs are reduced. allowed. The approach is iterative and based on heuristics.
Methods for energy analysis of existing heat exchanger net- Different approaches have been proposed in order to simplify or
works (HEN retrofit) involve the identification and evaluation of relax the HEN retrofit problem. For example, the so-called Path
inefficiencies in the current network, heat-saving modifications to analysis was proposed by van Reisen et al. [24] as a way to reduce
reduce these inefficiencies, and the selection of the most promising the complexity of the problem by decomposition and prescreening
modifications, i.e., the most profitable ones with acceptable oper- of the HEN before solution. An extension of the Path analysis called
ability. Methods for HEN retrofit can be broadly categorized into Structural targeting was presented a few years later [25].
optimization-based approaches and insight-based approaches. The Lakshmanan and Ban ~ ares-Alc
antara [15] proposed a visualiza-
optimization-based methods for HEN retrofit can, in turn, be tion tool called the retrofit thermodynamic diagram (RTD). The RTD
divided into deterministic and stochastic methods. The determin- is a modification of the conventional stream representation grid
istic methods range from early developments by, e.g., Ciric and used in pinch analysis and allows for a graphical visualization of
Floudas [11] and Yee and Grossmann [27] to more recent contri- possible retrofit options.
butions by, e.g., Bjork and Nordman [5], Kralj [14], Nguyen et al. [18] The concept of network pinch was introduced by Asante and Zhu
and Zhang and Rangaiah [28]. One risk of using deterministic [1] based on the observation that heat recovery in a HEN is ther-
models is that they can be trapped in local optima. The stochastic modynamically constrained by the network topology. The network
methods (see, e.g., Athier et al. [2]; Bochenek and Jezowski [6]; pinch, unlike the process pinch, can be altered by modifications such
Rezaei and Shafiei [21]; Wang et al. [26] are more likely to find the as relocations or introductions of heat exchangers, or re-piping. The
global optimum for HEN retrofits, but usually at the expense of long two-stage approach proposed by Asante and Zhu [1] makes use of
computation times even for small problems. The optimization- the knowledge about the network pinch by starting with the iden-
based methods are highly complex, and evaluation of the quality tification of a modification that eliminates the network pinch. The
of solution may be difficult in practice considering possible trap- approach relies on mathematical programming for the final opti-
ping in local optimum and inevitable model and parameter un- mization of the network design parameters. Hybrid methods
certainties. Therefore, in practice, the insight-based approaches combining pinch analysis and optimization have been proposed also
such as pinch analysis [16] are still the most widely used for in- by others (see, e.g., Briones and Kokossis [9]; Smith et al. [22]).
dustrial applications e also for retrofit (see, e.g., Asante and Zhu [1]; The main advantages of insight-based methods such as pinch
Tjoe and Linnhoff [23]). In pinch analysis, the insights from analysis are their simplicity, their graphical representation, and the
graphical tools such as composite curves are used to calculate en- possibility of the design engineer to interact and influence the so-
ergy targets. Heuristics are then applied for network design to lution process. However, difficulties in data extraction, practical
achieve these targets. targeting and redesign of the network are still encountered using
The first complete method based on pinch technology for HEN pinch analysis, not the least in retrofit situations.
retrofit targeting and design was presented by Tjoe and Linnhoff In retrofitting, the existing equipment constrains the opportu-
[23]. Their main point in the retrofit design is to eliminate heat nities for cost-efficient integration. Consequently information
transfer across the pinch by identifying and modifying heat ex- about the existing heat exchanger network has to be included in the
changers in the existing HEN that exchange heat through the pinch. analysis. The advanced composite curves [19] which are based on
While the aim of the retrofit design method of Tjoe and Linnhoff the classical pinch curves, include information about the actual
[23] is to minimize the investment costs for a certain energy saving, placement of heaters and coolers in the existing HEN. The advanced
J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379 371

composite curves provide an illustration of the current energy curves show in a single illustration the potential savings that would
demand as well as the potential savings that would result from a result from a reduced temperature difference, the actual locations
reduced temperature driving force, but they also illustrate the of heaters and coolers in the network before retrofit, the theoretical
location of heaters and coolers in the current network as well as upper and lower temperatures of each, and the excess heat, both
their theoretical upper and lower temperatures. directly available and potential.
A new insight-based method that has the advantages of pinch The method uses four composite curves above the pinch and
analysis in terms of user interaction and graphical visualization four below [19]. Only the construction of the curves above the
tools, and also overcomes some of the problems with data extrac- pinch is explained; the curves below the pinch are constructed in
tion and representation of the existing network has recently been the same way. The four curves above the pinch are called the Hot
proposed by Bonhivers et al. [7,8]. To reduce the hot utility con- Utility Curve (HUC), the Theoretical Heat Load Curve (THLC), the
sumption in a HEN, the flow rate of heat transferred from the Actual Heat Load Curve (AHLC), and the Extreme Heat Load Curve
heating utility, through the existing heat exchangers and ultimately (EHLC). The corresponding curves below the pinch are the Cold
rejected to the environment must be reduced. This progressive Utility Curve (CUC), the Theoretical Cooling Load Curve (TCLC), the
transfer of heat in the existing heat exchanges is explicitly illus- Actual Cooling Load Curve (ACLC), and the Extreme Cooling Load
trated in the so-called energy transfer diagram (ETD) [8], and the Curve (ECLC).
insight of these so-called heat transfer bridges is captured in the The HUC is a composite curve of the utility streams in the existing
method of bridge analysis [7]. heaters plotted at real temperatures. Correspondingly, the AHLC is a
While bridge analysis is a promising approach for energy ret- composite curve of the parts of the process streams that are heated
rofits of process plants, pinch analysis is still the most used by utility in the existing heaters. The EHLC shows the temperatures
approach in industrial applications. Consequently, there is a clear at which heat would be supplied to the process if the heat exchange
need to compare the concepts and results of these two methods. was carried out so that all the external heat was supplied at the
In this article, a case study of the heat exchanger network of a highest possible temperature and with the same heat requirement as
typical Scandinavian Kraft pulp mill forms the basis of such a for the existing process. This corresponds to the part of the cold
comparison. composite curve at the highest temperature. The THLC shows the
lowest possible temperatures at which external heat could be sup-
1.1. Objective plied for the same heat requirement as for the existing process if
allowing an exchanger minimum approach temperature difference
The aim of this paper is to illustrate and critically analyze the (EMAT) smaller than the Heat Recovery Approach Temperature
similarities and differences between bridge analysis and the pinch- (HRAT) corresponding to the current network.
based approach to HEN retrofit based on a case study of a typical Correspondingly, the TCLC shows the highest possible temper-
Scandinavian Kraft pulp mill. More specifically, one objective of the atures at which heat would be extracted if all thermodynamically
paper is to describe the links between the basic pinch curves, the possible measures for Energy Conservation had been used with a
advanced composite curves (ACC) and the energy transfer diagram given EMAT. Consequently, a certain amount of cooling demand in
(ETD), both in general terms and as applied to the heat exchanger the TCLC can be matched with a certain amount of heat demand in
network of the pulp mill. A second objective is to compare the re- the THLC. This amount of transfer corresponds to the heat savings
sults for the retrofit analysis of the pulp mill obtained using the resulting from reducing the minimum temperature between the
pinch and bridge approaches; this involves the identification of composite curves from HRAT to EMAT. In summary, the curves
heat-saving bridges and their correspondence to previously iden- above the pinch show the loads and temperature levels of the
tified pinch violations. utilities in heaters (HUC), the process streams in the actual (AHLC),
the lowest (THLC) and the highest (EHLC) possible temperature
2. Principles of compared methods for HEN retrofit levels for heaters; the curves below the pinch show the loads and
temperature levels of the utilities in coolers (CUC), the process
HEN retrofit opportunities can be investigated if a preliminary streams in the actual (ACLC), the lowest (ECLC), and the highest
analysis of the industrial energy system shows that there is an in- (TCLC) possible temperature levels for coolers.
vestment opportunity for heat savings. This part presents the The advanced composite curves provide an estimation of heat-
principles of the three approaches for network retrofit that are saving potential of economically feasible projects before detailed
compared in the paper, i.e. classical pinch analysis, advanced design calculations. Releasing heaters placed low in temperature
composite curves and bridge analysis. and coolers placed high in temperature is usually easier and less
expensive than releasing other heaters or coolers, because fewer
2.1. Classical pinch analysis heat exchanger modifications and less exchange area are required.
Consequently, the number of modifications and the required heat
The reader is assumed to be familiar with pinch analysis con- exchanger area of a HEN retrofit ought to be smaller when the AHLC
cepts and visualization tools (see e.g., Linnhoff and Hindmarsh [16], and the ACLC are close. The advanced composite curves also indi-
Smith [17], and Kemp [13] for comprehensive material on this cate the temperature levels at which usable excess heat, that is,
topic). The principle of basic pinch-based retrofit methods is to heat below the pinch, can be extracted and used, e.g., for eco-cyclic
identify modifications that remove pinch violations. Cross-pinch industrial parks, district heating or cooling, or heat upgrading.
heat transfers, heaters below the pinch and coolers above the
pinch in the actual network are identified and removed; then the 2.3. Bridge analysis
network is rebalanced below and above the pinch.
Energy is conserved and degraded through heat exchanges and
2.2. Advanced composite curves process operations. To reduce the heat consumption in an existing
HEN, it is necessary to reduce the flow rate of heat cascaded from
The major difference between the traditional pinch curves and the heating utilities to the environment by modifications in the
the advanced composite curves is that information about the heat exchangers. It has been shown that heat savings modifications
existing network is included in the latter. The advanced composite must include a bridge between heat outlets and hot utility users
372 J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379

[7,8]. Bridge analysis has been developed for HEN retrofit and in- consequence, the flow rate of heat cascaded from the hot utility
cludes the following: the description of the heat transfer modifi- until the environment is reduced.
cations necessary to save energy which are termed “bridge”, an Evaluation of the heat savings capacity of a bridge corresponds to
energy transfer diagram which allows identifying the bridges, a a small linear programming problem (LP). It is important to
method to enumerate them, and a network table for easy remember that bridge analysis identifies heat transfer modifications.
evaluation. The corresponding network design, including eventual stream
The terminology and conventions of the method are here pre- splitting, can then be identified by engineering analysis or mathe-
sented. Heat is transferred in a heat exchanger from a supplier to a matical programming. The optimization approach implies the use of
receptor. Supplier of cooling system Cx, internal (processeprocess) binary variables to take into account design constraints. A formula-
heat exchanger Ey, and heater Hz are noted csx ; esy and hsz ; respec- tion based on a transportation model for heat exchanges, such as the
tively. Receptor of cooling system Cx, internal (processeprocess) model developed in Refs. [20,4,18], can be used, and solved by mixed
heat exchanger Ey and heater Hz are noted crx ; ery and hrz ; respec- integer linear programming (MILP). The decision variables are
tively. A match is a couple composed of a supplier and receptor. For limited to the streams involved in bridge modifications.
example, the match corresponding to heater Hz is noted hsz hrz : It is important to make the distinction between a bridge and a
A match is a couple composed of a supplier and a receptor. A set heater-cooler path. A bridge is a set of heat transfer modifications. A
of new matches connecting heat outlets to hot utility users is heater-cooler path is a structural characteristic in a heat exchanger
termed “bridge”. A prime bridge cannot be decomposed into other network; this is not a set of modifications. Methods for HEN retrofit
bridges and has one of the two following formats: have been developed using the concept of path, e.g. Path-Analysis
[24] and Network Pinch Approach [1]. The presence of a path in
the HEN before or after retrofit is not necessary for achieving heat
 s r
cx hz savings. In bridge analysis, it is proposed to identify heat savings
n or o modifications systematically, without taking into account paths or
csx ery1 ; esy1 ery2 ; …; esyn1 eryn ; esyn hrz any other structural characteristics of the network. As a conse-
quence, bridge modifications occurring along a path and resulting
where x is the label of a cooler C, z is the label of a heater H, and in profit, if there are, also are identified.
{y1,…, yn} is a subset of n distinct labels of processeprocess ex-
changers E. 3. Case study
In the first format, heat that was sent to the environment before
retrofit is directly used for the receptor of a heater. In the second A model of the average Scandinavian kraft pulp mill has been
format heat that was sent to the environment before retrofit is used developed in the framework of the Swedish national research
for the receptor of an internal heat exchanger; its supplier before programme “Future Resource-Adapted Pulp Mill” [12]. The aim of
retrofit which is now partially or totally released can be used for the programme is to investigate how the pulp and paper produc-
another receptor, and so until reaching the receptor of a heater. No tion can have less environmental impact. A central part of FRAM is
heat can be saved without including a bridge. Bridges can be to assess the energy-saving potential of the model mills. Details
identified with an algorithm, a grid diagram, an energy transfer about model mills can be found in FRAM [12]. The mill was created
diagram, or a network table. to represent a typical Scandinavian market Kraft pulp mill in the
The energy transfer diagram presents the flow rate of cascaded year 2000 with regard to equipment, size and efficiency. It produces
heat through each actual cooler, heater, and internal heat 1000 ADt/d of bleached market pulp from softwood and has a total
exchanger in function of temperature. Each curve corresponds to a steam consumption of 193 MW. Our case study is the bleached
heat exchanger unit; all the curves are summated (stacked); the market pulp mill with high water usage, which has a process water
total flow rate is presented by the “network curve”. All bridges can consumption of 21 ton per air dried ton.
be identified with this diagram. A detailed energy analysis of this mill is presented in Ref. [3],
A bridge, which connects a cooler supplier csx (heat outlet) to a where results from pinch analysis, change in equipment, and use of
heater receptor hrz through a set of matches, is necessary to reduce an innovative system to reduce the steam consumption at the black
the hot utility consumption. Fig. 1 shows the meaning of a bridge. liquor multiple-effect evaporation, called “process-integrated
Cooler supplier csx ; which is heat sent to the environment before evaporation”, are compared. Based on the hot and cold streams
retrofit, is used to exchanger receptor ery ; the corresponding sup- extracted from the FRAM typical Scandinavian kraft pulp mill with
plier esy is released and used to heater receptor hrz : As a high water usage (ibid.), a heat exchanger network has been

Fig. 1. Necessity of a bridge to achieve heat savings e bridge fcsx ery ; esy hrz g is shown, which results in translating down the flow rate of cascaded heat by S and in S heat savings.
J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379 373

Fig. 2. Grid diagram of FRAM kraft pulp mill.

designed. The corresponding grid diagram is presented on Fig. 2; it 4.1. Links between the grand composite curves (GCC) and the
includes 40 units, i.e. 13 coolers, 19 heaters, and 8 internal heat energy transfer diagram (ETD)
exchangers. The individual contribution to minimal temperature
difference from each stream is also indicated. The hot utility con- The GCC translated until reaching the actual consumption re-
sumption before retrofit is equal to 147 MW, after exclusion of sults in the ETD network curve; reciprocally the network curve
46 MW of high pressure steam at 450  C used for power generation translated until touching the temperature axis results in the GCC.
and soot blowing. The GCC (with individual minimum temperature differences) cor-
The grand composite curves, advanced composite curves and responding to the mill HEN is presented on Fig. 3. The GCC shows
energy transfer diagram of the actual network mill are first pre- the flow rate of heat cascaded through the network at minimal
sented; then results from the three methods for HEN retrofit will be consumption, i.e. 113 MW. Two pinch points are present, located at
discussed. 60  C and 105  C. The actual heat demand is greater than the
minimum heat consumption by 34 MW.
Energy is conserved, and if not converted into another form of
4. Comparison between the diagrams of these approaches for energy, is progressively degraded until environment temperature
HEN retrofit through process operations and heat exchangers. The energy
transfer diagram of a complete process shows the flow rate of heat
This part presents the GCC, the ACC, and the ETD corresponding cascaded through each actual heat exchanger and process opera-
to the case study, as well as the links between them. tion from the hot utility until the environment. In this paper, only
374 J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379

used to evaluate the HRAT and the pinch and if only then individual
temperature differences were considered, difficulties may appear;
e.g., it might be impossible to use all the hot streams above the pinch
or all the cold streams below. Consequently, adjusted curves should
be used from the beginning.
Fig. 4 presents the resulting advanced composite curves with
individual minimum temperature differences. The HRAT is equal to
28  C, and the resulting pinch is located at 32  Ce60  C. The mini-
mum sum of THLC and TCLC indicates the total potential for heat
savings, which is equal to 34 MW. The part where the AHLC overlaps
ACLC indicates potential for heat savings opportunity simply by
replacing a heater and a cooler by a processeprocess heat exchanger
at “much lower” investment cost”; this corresponds to prime
bridges that include only one match, which has the format fcsx hrz g:
More precisely, the minimum of (ACLC þ AHLC) is equal to the heat
savings capacity resulting from replacing a heater and a cooler by a
processeprocess heat exchanger. The part where the AHLC and the
ACLC are close indicates potential for heat savings opportunity at
“lower investment cost” than if they are far apart; this corresponds
to bridges that include a small number of matches. A positive and
greater temperature difference between AHLC and ACLC indicates
that heat savings projects could require increased investment cost,
for these would imply more HEN modifications; these projects
correspond to bridges including a greater number of matches.
Fig. 3. grand composite curve and network curve of FRAM kraft pulp mill (with in- The area between the AHLC and HUC (i.e. AHLCeHUC) shows
dividual DTmin). the flow rate of heat cascaded through actual heaters; the area
between the ACLC and CUC (i.e. ACLCeCUC) shows the flow rate of
the part corresponding to the HEN is presented in order to explain heat cascaded through actual coolers. (THLCeHUC) and
its links with the pinch analysis curves. The network curve repre- (TCLCeCUC) indicate the flow rate of heat cascaded through
sents the total flow rate of heat cascaded through the actual HEN; it heaters and coolers if these were placed at lowest and highest
results from the sum of all energy transfer curves of the heat ex- temperature, respectively. (EHLCeHUC) and (ECLCeCUC) indicate
changers (Fig. 3). The ETD is normally represented with tempera- the flow rate of heat cascaded through heaters and coolers if these
ture on the X-axis and heat flow rate on the Y-axis. This corresponds were placed at highest and lowest temperature, respectively.
to the common graphical representation of a parameter Y that is a
function of another parameter X e in this case, the heat flow rate is 4.2.1. Links between the advanced composite curves and the energy
a function of temperature. However, the network curve of ETD on transfer diagram
Fig. 3 has been plotted according to the pinch analysis convention To complete the description, three supplementary advanced
of having heat flow rate on the X-axis and temperature on the Y-axis composite curves corresponding to internal heat exchanges are
to facilitate the comparison.

4.2. Advanced composite curves of the mill HEN

The usual approach to evaluate the advanced composite curves

when no individual temperatures are specified is the following. First,
a Heat Recovery Approach Temperature (HRAT) is evaluated from
the actual hot utility consumption and actual stream temperatures;
then the system is divided into two parts, below and above the
resulting pinch. A common Exchanger Minimum Approach Tem-
perature (EMAT), which is smaller than the HRAT, is specified; the
hot streams above the pinch are down-shifted and the cold streams
below the pinch are up-shifted by the value of EMAT. The EHLC, ECLC,
THLC, and TCLC are finally evaluated from the flow rate of cascaded
heat. In order to consider individual temperature differences, a
slightly different approach is used here. Firstly, streams are shifted
according to their individual contribution to temperature difference,
which are indicated on Fig. 2. Secondly, a HRAT is evaluated from the
actual hot utility consumption. Then the network is divided into two
parts, below and above the resulting pinch. Finally the EHLC, ECLC,
THLC, and TCLC are evaluated from the flow rate of cascaded heat
without any EMAT. It has been decided to use from the beginning the
curves that consider individual temperature differences, i.e. before
evaluating the HRAT and not after. This is due to the fact that the
curves that consider individual temperature differences can
completely differ from the original ones. If the original curves were Fig. 4. Advanced composite curves for the HEN of FRAM kraft pulp mill.
J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379 375

proposed in this article: AILC, EILC, and TILC. The Actual Internal then curves of other units (internal heat exchangers and coolers) are
Load Curve AILC represents the flow rate of heat cascaded through placed according to increasing hot-end temperature of supplier.
the actual internal exchangers. The Extreme Internal Load Curve With this arrangement, upward arrows correspond to new criss-
EILC represents the flow rate of heat that would be cascaded cross matches, and downward arrows correspond to thermody-
through internal exchanges if heaters and coolers were placed as namically favorable new matches. Fig. 7b presents a simplified ETD,
far away from the pinch temperature as possible (which corre- with heat transfer curves merged into main groups. As noted pre-
sponds to the EHLC and EHLC). The Theoretical Internal Load Curve viously, the sum of cooler heat transfer curves results in ACLC; the
TILC represents the flow rate of heat that would be cascaded sum of heater heat transfer curves results in AHLC; the sum of heat
through internal exchanges if heaters and coolers were placed as transfer curves of internal exchanger results in AILC. Fig. 7c presents
close to the pinch temperature as possible (which corresponds to two examples of bridge for the mill HEN. Arrow A shows the bridge
the THLC and TCLC). Notice that the TILC is null at the pinch. fcs7 hr1 g; arrows B show the bridge fcs13 er7 ; es7 er8 ; es8 hr5 g:
The sum of AHLC, ACLC, and AILC (Fig. 5), the sum of EHLC, ECLC, Fig. 8 shows the effect of bridge modification on the energy
and EILC, and the sum of THLC, TCLC, and TILC (Fig. 6) result all in transfer diagram: the network curve is down-translated by the value
the network curve. The links between the grand composite curve, of heat savings. The total flow rate of cascaded heat between the hot
advanced composite curves, and energy transfer diagram are utility and the environment is reduced by the value of heat savings.
summarized in Table 1. A tabular presentation is proposed for bridge identification and
evaluation. In network table resulting from first stream decompo-
4.3. Energy transfer diagram sition rows correspond to suppliers, columns correspond to re-
ceptors, and cells correspond to matches. Fig. 9 presents the
In the next part, the energy transfer diagram is shown according network table corresponding to the case study. Match heat transfer
to the common convention regarding function of variable; flow rate capacities which are indicated in MW provide information about
of cascaded heat which is a function of temperature is represented bridge heat savings capacity. For example, the heat savings capacity
on the vertical ordinate axis; temperature variable is represented of prime bridge fcs1 hr1 g is equal to 1.6 MW and the heat savings
on the horizontal abscissa axis. Only the ETD corresponding to the capacity of prime bridge fcs1 er1 ; es1 hr2 g is equal to 1.1 MW, i.e. min
HEN is presented in order to show its links with GCC and ACC's. (9.0, 1.1). Column er8 corresponds to chips heating from 7 to 77  C;
However, the ETD can also include the individual process opera- its supplier before retrofit es8 is steam from second flash at the
tions. If heat is not converted into another form of energy, then heat digester. Because chips can be heated in practice only with steam
is conserved and progressively degraded from the hot utility until from the first or second flash, i.e. es7 or es8 ; heat transfer capacities of
the environment; consequently the sum of the process operation all the other suppliers are null. Column hr2 corresponds to building
and HEN parts results in a rectangle shape. Note that the minimum heating. It is supposed that building can be heated only with hot
of flow rate of cascaded heat through the HEN corresponds to the utility steam in practice; therefore heat transfer capacities of pro-
maximum flow rate of process operation part. The minimum of cess suppliers are null in this column. Receptors of heaters from
flow rate of cascaded heat through the HEN corresponds to the heat H11 to H19 can be heated only by hot utility steam; as a conse-
savings capacity by HEN retrofit. quence, these heaters cannot be included in any bridge; these are
The ETD is composed of heat transfer curves. Each curve repre- not shown in network table of Fig. 9. Cells above the diagonal of the
sents the flow rate of heat cascaded through an actual cooler, heater, internal exchanger area correspond to new thermodynamically
or internal exchanger. Several arrangements of heat transfer curves unfavorable matches (these are also called criss-cross matches).
in the diagram are possible. On Fig. 7a, curves of heaters are placed Notice that suppliers and receptors in this network table can be
first at the bottom according to increasing cold-end temperature; decomposed; this results in new rows and columns, and leads to
network table from second decomposition which can be used for
exact evaluation of bridge heat savings capacity and for network
design (cf. paper about concepts of bridge analysis).

5. Results from pinch analysis and bridge analysis

5.1. Preliminary comment

As shown in Fig. 7c, the internal heat exchangers E7 and E8 are

important with regard to heat saving opportunities in the mill. In-
ternal heat exchanger E7 refers to the production of hot water with
steam from the second flash at the digester. Internal heat exchanger
E8 refers to chips heating with steam resulting from the first flash at
the continuous digester; i.e., chips are heated from 7  C to 77  C by
direct contact with steam at 130  C. This heat recovery with large
temperature difference is well-known in the kraft industry for
having a big impact on the energy consumption. In principle, for
heating purposes, chips could be preheated by a heat supplier at
much lower temperature. However, direct contact with steam al-
lows impregnation of chips with water, which is beneficial for the
cooking, and most modifications of E8 are difficult in practice. The
ETD of Fig. 7 clearly shows that modifying the chips heating, i.e. heat
exchanger E8, would be beneficial. Hot water can be produced with
heat sources other than steam from second flash in heat exchanger
E7, e.g. the cooling of digester bottom cs11 ; the stripper condenser cs12
Fig. 5. Link between actual load curves and network curve. or steam from smelt dissolver cs13 ; which are sent to the
376 J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379

Fig. 6. a: Link between theoretical load curves and network curve. b: Link between summated (stacked) theoretical load curves and network curve.

environment today. Heating water with these heat suppliers would Main sets of modifications proposed to solve pinch violations,
release all the steam from second flash, i.e. supplier es7 ; which can which result in 17 MW savings, are the following.
then be used to preheat the chips er8 and release steam from the first
flash es8 which can then be used for heater receptors at the digester Set 1. Hot utility steam that is currently used for hot water
and consequently reduce the hot utility consumption. production can be replaced by other heat sources available at
lower temperature, thanks to a new hot and warm water sys-
5.2. Pinch analysis tem. Also, hot utility steam that is currently used for the wood
yard can be replaced by other sources, such as a warm effluent.
Results from pinch analysis are reported in the study by Axels- Set 2. An important part of the pinch violations that can be
son et al. [3]. Two pinch points are present, located at 60  C and solved are related to the use of black liquor flash steam at the
105  C. The total amount of cross-pinch transfers is equal to 34 MW. digester system. In the original configuration, the second flash

Table 1
Links between the grand composite curve, advanced composite curves and network curve.

Curves of pinch analysis Energy transfer diagram

GCC Network curve

➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded at minimum heat consumption ➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded through actual HEN
➢ After translation until actual consumption, GCC results in network curve. ➢ After translation until temperature axis, network curve results in GCC.
AHLCeHUC Area corresponding to the actual heaters (sum of heat transfer curves
➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded through the actual heaters of actual heaters)
ACLCeCUC Area corresponding to the actual coolers (sum of heat transfer curves
➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded through the actual coolers of coolers)
AILC (Actual Internal Load Curve) Area corresponding to the actual internal exchangers (sum of heat transfer
➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded through the actual internal exchangers curves of actual internal exchangers)
(THLCeHUC) and (TCLCeCUC) Area corresponding to heaters and coolers if they were placed at lowest
➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded through heaters and coolers if they were placed and highest temperature, respectively (not shown in the usual ETD)
at lowest and highest temperature, respectively.
(EHLCeHUC) and (ECLCeCUC) Area corresponding to heaters and coolers if they were placed at highest
➢ Flow rate of heat cascaded through heaters and coolers if they were placed and lowest temperature, respectively (not shown in the usual ETD)
at highest and lowest temperature, respectively.
Heat savings capacity ¼ minimum of total flow rate of cascaded heat Heat savings capacity ¼ minimum of total flow rate of cascaded heat
Total flow rate ¼ ACLC þ AHLC þ AILC Total flow rate ¼ network curve
Total flow rate ¼ ECLC þ EHLC þ EILC
Total flow rate ¼ TCLC þ THLC þ TILC
ACLC overlapping AHLC Possibility of bridges that include one match
➢ Min (ACLC þ AHLC) ¼ heat savings capacity by replacement of a cooler and
a heater with one internal exchanger, at “very low” investment cost
AHLC close to ACLC Possibility of bridges that include a small number of matches
➢ Possibility of heat savings at “low“ investment cost
AHLC far above ACLC Possibility of bridges that include a higher number of matches
➢ Possibility of heat savings at “higher“ investment cost
J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379 377

Fig. 7. a e Energy transfer diagram of mill HEN. b e Simplified energy transfer diagram with identification of curves. c e Energy transfer diagram with arrows showing bridges.

steam is used for hot water production (i.e. the heat exchanger 5.3. Bridge analysis
denoted by E7) and the first flash steam is used for chips heating
(i.e. the heat exchanger denoted by E8). However, heat for hot On Fig. 7c, arrow A shows a bridge of first format which corre-
water production can be supplied by surplus heat at lower sponds to set 1; arrows B show a bridge of second format which
temperature. This first change releases the second flash steam corresponds to the second set of modifications. Fig. 9 shows the
which can then be used to preheat the chips; this second bridge modifications (circled matches) corresponding to the solu-
modification releases the first flash steam which can be used to tion proposed by Axelsson et al. [3]. The two sets of modifications
replace hot utility steam for heating of chips and white liquor at proposed to solve pinch violations described here above are visible.
the digester system. Set 1: use of unused heat sources to replace hot utility steam for
378 J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379

Fig. 8. Network curve before and after HEN retrofit.

heating of water and wood yard, fcs1 hr1 ; cs8 hr3 ; cs9 hr3 ; cs13 hr4 ; cs13 hr6 g: In pinch analysis, removal of a cross-pinch transfer results in
Set 2: use of unused heat sources to replace second flash steam for releasing a receptor below the pinch and a supplier above the
heating of water, use of second flash steam to replace first flash pinch. Modification of the network is then necessary to rebalance
steam for chips preheating, and use of first flash steam to replace the released receptor and released supplier; this ultimately results
hot utility steam for heating chips and cooking liquor, in a bridge linking cooler suppliers to heater receptors through a set
fcs8 er7 ; cs12 er7 ; cs13 er7 ; es7 er8 ; es8 hr5 ; es8 hr7 ; es8 hr8 g: As shown in Fig. 9, of matches. In reality, removing a transfer that does not cross the
other heat savings modifications are theoretically possible; how- pinch and then rearranging the network to rebalance the released
ever, the practical feasibility of most of them is lower. receptor and released supplier such that a bridge is achieved can
also result in heat savings. The importance of the pinch is related to
6. Discussion the Pinch Design Method which is more useful for the synthesis of
new networks than for retrofit.
It is important to note that the present inefficient way of heating Data for this study have been extracted in the framework of pinch
wood chips being fed to the digester in the Kraft pulping is a well- analysis which especially works with indirect-contact heat ex-
known problem; neither pinch analysis nor bridge analysis are changes; e.g., some non-isothermal mixings which are important in
required to identify it and formulate remedial action. However, water-borne process such as Kraft pulping have been excluded.
these methods are useful for system analysis. To reduce the energy Given this set of data, which consider minimal individual tempera-
consumption implies decreasing the flow rate of heat cascaded ture differences for extracted streams, each heat savings project
from the hot utility to the environment through the existing HEN. identified with pinch analysis can be identified with bridge analysis,
As a consequence, a bridge is necessary to achieve heat savings. and reciprocally. The difference is the level of detail: bridge analysis

Fig. 9. Network table with match heat transfer capacity (MW). Circles show bridge modifications corresponding to pinch analysis based solution proposed by Axelsson et al. [3]. Set
1 , Set 2 .
J. Bonhivers et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 70 (2014) 369e379 379

Table 2 the environment, the advanced composite curves provide more in-
Comparison of functionalities between methods for HEN retrofit. formation about network rearrangement than the GCC does. Smaller
Method Complexity Information about Information about temperature differences between AHLC and ACLC indicate that heat
savings capacity new design savings projects could require lower investment cost; these projects
GCC e classical pinch 1 1 1 correspond to bridges including a small number of matches.
analysis The principle of bridge analysis is fundamental and simple.
ACC's e advanced 2 2 2 However, the method uses new symbols and terminology.
composite curves
Improvement in pedagogy and explanation should facilitate its use.
ETD e bridge analysis 3 3 3

1: lower; 2: medium; 3: higher.


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