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Ms. Negron/Mr.

Global 9H
Unit II Assignment Sheet

Note: You will be receiving an assignment sheet similar to this one for each unit we cover in class. You are
responsible for keeping up to date. As honors students you will be responsible for, and tested on, all
readings and homework assignments in addition to in-class activities, discussions and notes.
Also, be sure to check in on Edmodo on a regular basis as additional assignments and/or date changes will be
posted there along with important announcements. (These sheets are frequently 2-sided…Take the time to
examine each assignment sheet when you receive it. This way you will know what is expected of you during the
course of each unit!). This is where we will begin using our new textbooks. Remember, you are not to
mark or write in any part of the book at any time. As honors students your answers should be
6-8 sentences in length. Responses to questions should be in paragraph form unless otherwise
noted. All the homework in this unit will be submitted to Read carefully, some of the
questions have more than one part to them.

Homework #6 Date Due: Tuesday, 9/17/19

● Read pages: 30-40
● Respond to the following questions:
o How did the first settlers in Mesopotamia alter their environment to suit their needs?
o Explain the significance of the first writing system. (What was it?, how was it used? Why was it
o What was Hammurabi’s code? How did it reinforce existing social class and gender divisions?

Homework #7 Date Due: Wednesday, 9/18/19

● Read pages: 40-49
● Respond to the following questions:
o How did Egyptian leaders use religion to strengthen their rule?
o Identify and explain at least (2) of the technological and/or cultural achievements of the Ancient
o Who were the Hittites? What technology were they responsible for? How did they expand their

Homework #8 Date Due: Thursday, 9/19/19

● Read pages: 62-69
● Respond to the following:
o How did the people of the Indus River Civilizations adapt to their environment in order to
survive and thrive?

Homework #9 Date Due: Friday, 9/20/19

● Read pages: 90-96 (Stop at Confucianism)
● Respond to the following:
o How did the environmental conditions in the Yellow River Valley contribute to the development
and spread of agriculture in China?
o How were the Shang able to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty?
Homework #10 Date Due: Monday, 9/23/19
● Read pages 48-49
● Respond to the following:
○ How did environmental factors and technological developments help the Hittites expand their
● Read pages 56-57
● Respond to the following:
○ How did the Assyrians build and maintain their empire?
● Read pages 158-160 (section on the Phoenicians)
● Respond to the following:
○ How do the contributions of the Phoenicians continue to impact our modern world?

● Test on Unit #2 – Early Complex Societies: Tuesday, September 24, 2019.

Note: You will receive a study guide for each unit we cover. Completion of many of these guides is not
mandatory. However, as honors students it would be in your best interest to complete these handouts…you are
responsible for all of this material for your unit test, midterm exam, final exam, AP test (next year) & regents
Exam (next year.) The more you do while the information is fresh, the easier it will be to review at a later date!

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