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Lilah Denham

Alyssa Pritchett

7th grade English

April 9, 2021

Creating a Successful Jewelry business

Can you imagine creating your own successful business, making thousands of dollars a a teenager?! Most people would agree that it's challenging to become successful, especially

at a young age. Building up and creating a business is hard, even in the jewelry industry. Through

diligent work, anyone can have a successful business. Being young has a lot of advantages but there

are also disadvantages. One of those disadvantages is spending so much time in school and the fact

that teens have homework and extracurricular activities. To create a successful jewelry business as a

young person you must have a comprehensive business plan that includes raising capital, managing

inventory, branding and marketing, but most importantly having products that are desirable.

Everyone knows the people who put in the hard work do succeed. It may be challenging in the

beginning and there might be the temptation to quit but that is why staying focused is important.

When creating a brand there needs to be clear expectations on exactly what your jewelry

business is going to be. Going over all your goals for your business is key. Ask yourself what you

want to achieve in the future with your business. A business plan works well for planning and

organizing. Successful jewelry businesses need to have a clear vision and understanding of their

niche style and market (Matthews, 2020). A business plan is a document that outlines what exactly

your business is and where it appears to be going. Along with your business plan, create a business

budget. Estimate all your costs and compare them to your expected sales to see if your business is

ideal. From there on just plan out the expenses. You must be conservative with your numbers .

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to know that starting a business needs money.

Teenagers don't make much money. How will you afford jewelry making supplies? Since teenagers
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cannot take out loans from the bank yet, you can ask your parents or other family members if they

could loan you money. If that's not a possibility, funding your business will come largely from your

own pockets or an investor. Saving up will help a lot in this situation because stones and other

jewelry supplies can be extremely pricy.

When creating jewelry it all depends on what type of jewelry you want to sell. This is the

part where you began getting organized. After laying out the foundation of your business, you’re

going to start designing your jewelry and also coming up with a well thought out company name. If

you haven’t already, you’ll need to purchase wholesale jewelry making tools and equipment, as

well as the necessary materials to create your jewelry. Which includes proper safety equipment, but

it all depends on what type of jewelry you make. Buying supplies it's easier to buy in bulk, supplies

last longer and it will save you money in the long run. When buying from suppliers do some

research to make sure you're not getting scammed. A suggestion is to ask other jewelry makers and

designers about trustworthy wholesale suppliers. After getting the shipments of supplies, remember

to catalog all of your inventory to make sure everything adds up.

Once you’ve built up a startup inventory of finished products, you’ll need to find

somewhere to sell it. At first it's best to sell locally to get others around you to know about your

new business. You can also become a vendor at flea markets or ask other local businesses to sell

your jewelry in their stores. Make sure you create business cards, which includes links to your

online store and social media pages. After becoming well known in your community you will most

likely begin selling on an online store. Eventually most of your sales will be online. The right

selling place for your jewelry online all depends on what your needs and goals are. Some places

where you could possibly sell jewelry are on shopify, Amazon, Ebay and Etsy or any social media

accounts. There are countless options, so choose the first place to begin selling and set up your


As you get your store in order, you'll need to establish your company. Designing your logo

is necessary because it's a part of your brand. If you're not into making your own logo there are
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numerous online logo-creating businesses that can be hired for the job. Now is the step where

marketing needs to happen. Sharing the information of a new business is the most important, you

want people to know your brand and tell others about it. Creating accounts on social media can help

to promote and advertise your company and introduce your jewelry to new customers. Social media

is a great way of promoting your brand. Even if you don’t actually sell through social media

platforms, it’s still a great way of helping new customers discover your jewelry, and re-engaging

existing customers too ( Carney, 2021).These accounts are to share photos of your products and

information about your business. To become engaged with your followers become active, post at

least once per day, reply to comments and make interacting stories so that they could become more

involved. When creating a business it's hard to become well known and gain followers, so patience

and persistence are needed!

Only because you have established your business doesn't mean that the work is over yet.

The work certainly doesn’t stop once you’ve launched your jewelry business. With the challenges

of a business it's easy to forget why you began. Remember why you started your jewelry business in

the first place, the love of your craft and enjoying blessing others with it. When beginning a

business keep in mind that it's a time consuming job and that hard work is necessary. However,

once you get going, selling jewelry on social media can also be extremely time consuming when

managing it on a day to day basis (Carney, 2021). Make it a priority to plan out enough time in your

schedule to dedicate toward launching new products and managing your business. Even if that’s just

an hour at the end of the day to work on a piece of jewelry, create a few social media posts, or

check on your sales or marketing to accomplish your goals!

As noted earlier, having a jewelry business is challenging for a young person but by

following the key steps which include a business plan, raising capital, managing inventory,

branding and marketing, and selling products that are desirable, you will be on your way to creating

a successful business! It can certainly feel overwhelming at first, but creating your jewelry and
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selling it to people who show interest in your brand is very fulfilling and you can never go wrong

with that. Nevertheless, if you put in hard work you will be rewarded!
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Works Cited

Callarman, Shannon. "A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start a Jewelry Business: Niches,

Market Stats, & More.", June 29, 2020


Cannon, Lauren."How to Start a Jewelry Making BusinessBe it quartz or slightly quirky,

jewelry is a hot market. Here is how to find your niche and get started selling gems.", December 29, 2010,


Carney, Lucy. " How to Sell Jewelry Online, 8 Simple Steps to Creating a Successful Online

Jewelry Store.", April 8, 2021

Christensen, Holly." How I Started A Successful Jewelry Business.",

October 28, 2019


Design Hill."10 Essential Tips On How To Start A Jewelry Business."

October 7, 2017,


Matthews, Tracy."11 Steps to Start a Profitable Jewelry Business From Home.", December 9, 2020,

Street Directory."Starting a Jewelry Business?10 Things to Start Making Now!", (Sometime during 2021 not many details)

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Wikihow Staff. "How to Start a Jewelry Business.", January 14, 2021
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