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Rafsun 01

MD Rafsun Amzad

Professor Dr. A F M Maswood Akhter

English 207

31 March 2021

Critical Appreciation of “Of Plantations”

The essay “Of Plantation” is one of the 58 essays written by Francis Bacon.

The essay was significant during the time period it was published. It shows interest in

the British colonization in America. Francis Bacon through the essay talked about how

to operate a plantation effectively. And in the context of the essay “Of Plantation” Bacon

used the word “plantation” as a synonym for colony.

When Francis Bacon speaks of plantations, he means colonies. This essay was

published in 1625, so he would have known much about the early colonization efforts of

Sir Walter Raleigh and the Virginia Company. The first disastrous settlement at

Jamestown was planted in 1607. He would have heard about the massacre of 1622. He

chose to provide his considered opinion about how colonization ought to be done.

Bacon compares the making of a country to the planting of woods. Investing in

the wood means one has to let the trees grow. Being hasty to withdraw the profits only

destroys the wood. Bacon says in the essay that being greedy and hasty when planting

a colony will end only a disaster. One has to be patient in order for the plantation to be
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Bacon insists to chose the settlers wisely. If the settlers of the newly planted

colony is wicked people, the plantation is bound to fall. Lazy people also won’t help in

the upbringing of the colony. Bacon tells us that in order for a colony to be profitable

peoples like gardeners, plowmen, laborers, smiths, carpenters, joiners, fishermen,

fowlers, surgeons, cooks, and bakers are essential.

Regarding victuals, or what we would call food, he suggests that settlers first

seek out what might be growing wild, such as chestnuts, walnuts, plums, cherries, and

so on. Next, he recommends crops that can be grown quickly, like carrots, turnips, and

onions. Bacon advises against immediately planting wheat, barley, and oats given their

labor-intensive nature and instead directs colonists to bring stores of these grains until

the plantation is well-established. Considering wildlife, he instructs the settlers to

choose livestock and avian life which is the least susceptible to disease and reproduces

most quickly: swine, goats, hens, turkeys, cocks, geese, and so on. He tells not to rush

into the commercial aspects of the venture but suggests keeping an eye out for profit.

Planting tobacco or looking out for natural resources like iron ore and sea salt.

He commends the use of salt as a seasoning and suggests that the evaporation of

seawater is the optimal technique for the production of bay-salt crystals.

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As regarding the government, Bacon writes that it should be in the hands of

one, assisted with some counsel. The colony should have some law but not too much.

Until the colony is strong enough the government shouldn’t expose too much tax. As for

the location Bacon tells us though a plantation is first set beside sea, river or marshland

later on move upwards the stream. And lastly when the colony is strong enough bring

in the women for the strong future of the colony. It gives us a glimpse of gender

discrimination during that time. He further adds if the colony is left behind once it is in

forwardness, it will crumble down due to many evil persons.

The methods and ideas presented by Francis Bacon regarding the

upbringing of a colony is praiseworthy. He presented some unique thoughts which

should lead to the prosperity of a colony. Such as the government of a new colony

should not impose any duties on exports and imports until the colony is strong enough,

this idea can help a plantation to bloom. He also suggested the natives of the land

should not be driven out. Bacon’s essays were praised by then readers for his style and

contents. He wrote about things he thought was not only important for him but also

issues he thought were important in general. He wrote about issues he saw around him

while presenting his own thoughts regarding the issues. Francis Bacon had a passion

for metaphors, analogies, and vivid imagery. He was a rhetorical writer and his essays

highlight his wisdom and incisive mind. “Of Plantation” is no other exception. After
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witnessing disastrous plantations Bacon presented his own thoughts on how an ideal

plantation could be built.

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