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Explore your creative skills, give wings to your imagination and design a poster with a suitable
Title and slogans in an A4 size paper, bringing out the Theme of any one of the poems“Dust of
Snow” or “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost. (5 marks)


You are Arvind/Amrita, resident of 23, Gandhi Street, New Delhi and you are concerned for the
well being and safety of the people during Covid-19 pandemic. With a surging need to sensitize
people on COVID-19, write a letter to the Editor expressing your concerns. Mention a few points
on the precautionary measures that we should follow as responsible citizens to curb the spread of
COVID-19. (in about 120-150 words). (5 marks)

*Please make PDF of the above assignments and submit the same as per your Teacher’s

पत्र लेखन
१-दे श में कोरोना मरीजोों की बढ़ती हुई सोंख्या को दे खते हुए ऑक्सीजन की कमी के कारण होने वाले
दु ष्प्रभाव पर नवभारत टाइम्स समाचार पत्र के सोंपादक को पत्र ललखें।
२- अपने लवद्यालय के प्रधानाचायय को ऑनलाइन कक्षाओों के प्रभावोों का उल्लेख करते हुए पत्र ललखें।
कहानी लेखन-
१-अधूरी पोंक्ति को कहानी द्वारा पूणय करें -जहाों तक भी दृलि जा रही थी चारोों ओर चीख-पुकार हाहाकार
मचा हुआ था-------------------------।
२- मैं कभी भी मोंलदर नहीों गया था बार-बार मन में लवचार तो बहुत आता था लक अचानक एक लदन-----------

नोट :- उपर्युक्त कार्ु अपनी ह िंदी कॉपी में ी कीहिर्े।

नोट- सभी कायय सोंस्कृत की काॅपी में ही करना है।
1)शुलच पयायवरण और बुक्तिबयलवती सदा काअथय और अभ्यास ।
2) 5 अपलित गद्याों श, 5 पत्र, 5 लचत्र वणयन
NOTE:All questions to be done in French notebook.

Q1.Mettez au négatif.:(ne…pas;ne…personne;ne….plus;ne…..pas encore;ne….rien)

a) Nous allonstoujours au théâtre.
b) Cette bonne casse tout.
c) Ilrespecte tout le monde.
d) Il a déjà neigé.
e) Aimez-vous les tartes aux bananes?
Q2.Trouvez les questions.
a) Ilsviennentde Londres.
b) C’estMme Leclerc.
c) Ilsarriveront à 8h.
d) Si,j’aime le gateau au n
Q3.Remplacez les nomssoulignés avec les pronomspersonnels.
a) Ilsattendrontleurpère.
b) Iln’a pas donnéles journaux à son oncle.
c) Mangez-vous beaucoup de patisserie?
d) Montrecette photo à Marie.
Q4.Invitez votreami(e) pour passer quelquesjours chez vous à la champagne.Rédigezl’invitation
(30 mots)


1.E-Mail schreiben

Die Schule feiert ein Sommerfest in deiner Schule. Es gibt eine große Party mit DJ Nacht.
Schreib eine Einladung.

-Wann? Wo?

-Thema des Festes?

-Kiosk: Essen, Getränke

-Veranstaltungen Wettbewerbe Preise Anmeldeschluss

2. Dialog

Deine Schule hat jetzt eine neue Kantine.Du sprichst mit deinem Freund/deiner Freundin
über die Schulkantine. Was sagt er/sie? Was sagst du? Schreib mithilfe der gegebenen

- Wie ist die Kantinen?

-Welche Gerichte?
-vegetarische Gerichte


- Preis





1. What is the HCF of the smallest composite and the smallest prime number?
2. The decimal expansion of the rational number 2352 will terminate after
a) One decimal place
b) Two decimal places
c) Three decimal places
d) More than three decimal places

3. What is the HCF of 23× 5 and 22 × 55?

4. Prove that is an irrational number.
5. Given that √2 is irrational, prove that (6 + 3√2) is an irrational number.
6. If two positive integers p and q are written as p= a2b3 and q=a3b , where a and b are prime
numbers, then verify: LCM (p, q) × HCF (p, q) = p×q
7. Check if 5 × 4 × 3 + 5 and 1 × 2× 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 + 5 are composite numbers or not.

8. Find HCF and LCM of 510 and 92 and verify that HCF  LCM = Product of the two
given numbers.

9. Prove that the product of two consecutive positive integers is always divisible by 2.
10. 6 retired teachers, 8 retired doctors and 10 retired officers are willing to render their
services to a village. Each of doctor, teacher and defence officer serves equal number of
different persons in that village. Find the least number of persons served by each.
11. The traffic lights at three different road crossings change after 48 seconds, 72 seconds
and 108 seconds respectively. If they change simultaneously at 8:00 a.m., at what time
will they change together again?
12. Without actually performing the long division, state whether the following rational
number will have a terminating or non-terminating repeating decimal expansion, if
terminating then write down its decimal expansion:
621 35 23 919
i) 1500 ii) 343 iii) iv) 23× 52

13. Use Euclid’s division algorithm / Euclid’s Lemma to find HCF of the following:
i) 245,105 ii) 96,104 iii) 870, 225 iv)11008, 7344

14. Determine the smallest number which:

i) when increased by 27 is exactly divisible by 660 and 594.
ii) when increased by 14 is exactly divisible by 364 and 572.

15. Find HCF and LCM of the following by prime factorization method:
i) 36,54 and 63 ii) 16,75,125

16. Prove √3 is irrational, and hence prove that 7-2√3 is also an irrational number.
17. Find the largest positive integer that will divide 100, 245 and 343 leaving remainders 4, 5
and 7 respectively..
18. There are 104 students in class X and 96 students in class IX in a school. In the house
examination, the students are to be evenly seated in parallel rows. Find the maximum
number of parallel rows for the seating arrangement in the examination. Also, find the
number of students of class X and of class IX in each row.
19. 105 goats, 140 donkeys and 175 cows have to be taken across a river. There is only one
boat which will have to make trips in order to do so. The lazy boatman has his own
conditions for transporting them. He insists that he will take the same number of animals
in each trip and they have to be the same kind. He will naturally like to take the largest
possible number each time. Can you tell how many animals went in each trip?


20. The probability of an event is p, then probability of its complementary event will be
(a) p – 1
(b) 1 – p
(c) p
(d) 1 – 𝑝
21. The probability of drawing a green coloured ball from a bag containing 6 red and 5 black
balls is____________.
22. Which of the following cannot be the probability of an event?
(a) 1/3
(b) 0.1
(c) 3%
(d) 17/6
23. In a lottery, there are 5 prizes and 15 blanks, then the probability of getting a prize is :
(a) ¼ (b) 1/20 (c) 1/3 (d) 1/15
24. A letter is chosen at random from the word TRIANGLE. The probability that it is a vowel
25. An integer is chosen at random between 1 and 100. Find the probability that it is:
(i) divisible by 15. (ii) Not divisible by 5.
26. A box contains cards numbered 11 to 123. A card is drawn at random from the box. Find
the probability that the number on the drawn card is
(i) a square number (ii) a multiple of 7
27. Two different dice are thrown at the same time. Find the probability that the sum of the
two numbers appearing on the top of the dice is 7.

28. All the aces and jacks are removed from a pack of 52 cards and then well shuffled. A
card is then drawn at random from the remaining pack. Find the probability of getting
(i) an ace (ii) a club.
29. One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of
getting : (i) a non-face card
(ii) a black King or a red Queen
(iii) a card of spade or an ace
(iv) non-face card of red colour
30. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. Determine the probability that the difference of the
numbers on the two dice is 2.
31. A box contains 90 discs which are numbered from 1 to 90. If one disc is drawn at random
from the box, find the probability that it bears
(i) a two digit number
(ii) a perfect square number
(iii) a number divisible by 5.
32. A box contains cards numbered from 1 to 20. A card is drawn at random from the box.
Find the probability that number on the drawn card is
(i) a prime number
(ii) a composite number
(iii) a number divisible by 3.
33. A box contains 5 white, 3 black and 7 red marbles. If a marble is drawn at random from
the box, what is the probability that it will be-
(a) Not white
(b) black or white
(c) neither white nor black
34. The king, queen and jack of clubs are removed from a pack of 52 playing cards and then
the remaining pack is well shuffled. One card is selected from the remaining cards. Find
the probability of getting (i) a heart (ii) a king (iii) a club (iv) a jack.
35. Two unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting
(a) no heads
(b) atmost one tail
(c) exactly one tail
(d) one head and one tail

36. Cards marked with numbers 2 to 101 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly. One card
is drawn from the box. Find the probability that the number of the card is:
(i) an even number (ii) a number less than 14
(iii) a number which is perfect square (iv) a prime number less than 20


1.Using a mirror, Arul wants to project enlarged image of a candle flame on a screen kept at a
distance from the mirror.
(i) Which type of mirror should he use?
(ii) Draw a ray diagram to show the image formation in this case.
2. If the image formed by a mirror isalways virtual and diminished irrespective of the position of
object placed in front of it,state the nature of the mirror.Draw a ray diagram in support of your
3. Draw ray diagram to show the path of reflected ray from a spherical mirror, if incident ray is
directed though the center of curvature? What would be the angle of incidence and angle of
reflection in this case?
4. Name the mirror is used in the following cases. Give reason and support your answer with the
help of a ray diagram in each case:
i) Reflectors in streetlights
ii) Reflectors in headlights & torches
iii) Rear view mirror
iv) Dentists use it
v) Solar cookers & solar furnaces
5. Draw a ray diagram to show the path of the reflected ray corresponding to an incident ray
which is directed parallel to the principal axis of a convex mirror. Mark on it the angle of
incident and the angle of reflection.

I. ACTIVITY – Activity No. 1.3 given on page 2 of Class X, NCERT science textbook was
discussed in the class.
Answer the following questions on the basis of observations recorded:
1. How can the gas evolved during the activity be tested ?
2. Suggest whether the heat is being released or absorbed during the process of the activity?
What do you call such reactions ?
3. What observations tell us that addition of dilute acid to zinc granules leads to a chemical
change? Which type of reaction is taking place here?
4. Write the skeletal equation with chemical formulae of reactants and products.

II. Answer the following questions (based on your previous knowledge) :

1. Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air?

2. Why do we apply paint on iron articles?
3. What happens when sodium reacts with water?
4. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change, when an iron nail is dipped in it?
5. Why is photosynthesis considered as an endothermic reaction?
6. Give an example of a chemical reaction characterized by the change in temperature.
7. Write down the word equations for the following chemical reactions and then translate it into
chemical equations:
(a)Limestone is heated
(b)A magnesium wire is burnt in air
(c)Electricity is passed through water
(d) When a solution of barium chloride is mixed with a solution of sodium sulphate.

III.Translate the following statements into chemical equations with state symbols:
i.Solution of sodium chloride and silver nitrate in water react to give insoluble silver chloride and
the solution of sodium nitrate.
ii.Sodium hydroxide solution (in water) reacts with hydrochloric acid solution (in water) to
produce sodium chloride solution and water.
iii. Lead nitrate is heated to produce lead monoxide , gaseous nitrogen dioxide and oxygen is
iv.Potassium chlorate (KCIO3) on heating forms potassium chloride and oxygen.
v.When magnesium metal reacts with aqueous hydrochloric acid ,it produces a solution of
magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.
Complete the Questions and Answers (Assignment) of ‘AUTOTROPHIC NUTRITION’ in your
notebook which has been sent to you via WHATS APP on your class group.



PROJECT REPORT: Must be hand written by the students themselves. It is compulsory for each
student to submit the project.

FOR REFERENCE GO TO: 1. Consumer affairs ministry- website

2. Jago Grahak Jago- website

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROJECT: 1. Use A-4 size sheets (color as per choice)

2. Project should have 10-12 pages. Use both sides.

3. At the end of project attach one sheet for remarks and viva,

details will be given by the teacher.

4. Students will be assessed on the basis of content accuracy,

originality and analysis.


1. Prepare at least 30 one marker questions from chapter 1 Resources And Development and
chapter 3 Water Resources. (30 from each chapter).
2. Maintain the work given to you during online teaching on Google classroom either in the
copy or a file.
3. Make a map file for the maps of chapter 1, 2, and 3. This will be assessed as a part of
C.B.S.E subject enrichment.
● Chapter 1: Resources and Development (Identification only) a. Major soil Types
● Chapter 3: Water Resources Dams: a. Salal b. Bhakra Nangal c. Tehri d. Rana
Pratap Sagar e. Sardar Sarovar f. Hirakud g. Nagarjuna Sagar h. Tungabhadra
● Chapter 4: Agriculture a. Major areas of Rice and Wheat b. Largest / Major
producer states of Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cotton and Jute.


1. Complete the work of Ch-1 Power Sharing in your notebook.

2. Read the following chapters for discussion-

CH-3 Democracy and Diversity

CH-5 Popular Struggles and Movements
CH-8 Challenges to Democracy

1. Create a newsletter and a resume on the basis of the given template in Open Office/Libre
Office Writer (Also use different styles). Take the printouts and attach them to your practical
2. Edit any image of your choice using various editing tools or filters. Take the printout of the
original picture and the edited one and attach them to your practical folder.


Students have to make two paintings on cartridge sheet on any subject and also make few
Sketches with pencil during the summer vacations.


Dear students make a project file of athletics, yoga ,and any one game of your choice. Mention
all the rules and regulations with photographs.
Exercise regularly to stay fit and active.
Stay home, stay safe.

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