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Express Introductory Training in ANSYS Fluent

Lecture 3
Turbulence Modeling, Heat Transfer & Transient Calculations

Dimitrios Sofialidis
Technical Manager, SimTec Ltd.
Mechanical Engineer, PhD

PRACE Autumn School 2013 - Industry Oriented HPC Simulations, September 21-27,
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 1 Release 14.5

Lecture 3.
Turbulence Modeling, Heat Transfer &
Transient Calculations
14.5 Release

Introduction to ANSYS
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 2 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme: Part 1.
The problem definition for all CFD simulationsModeling
includes boundary conditions,
cell zone conditions and material properties. The accuracy of the simulation
results depends on defining these properly.

Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to define material properties.
• The different boundary condition types in FLUENT and how to use them.
• How to define cell zone conditions in FLUENT including solid zones and
porous media.
• How to specify well–posed boundary conditions.

Learning Objectives:
You will know how to perform these essential steps in setting up a CFD

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 3 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme:
The majority of engineering flows are turbulent. Successfully simulating
such flows requires understanding a few basic concepts of turbulence
theory and modeling. This allows one to make the best choice from the
available turbulence models and near –wall options for any given problem.
Learning Aims:
You will learn:
•Basic turbulent flow and turbulence modeling theory .
•Turbulence models and near–wall options available in Fluent.
•How to choose an appropriate turbulence model for a given problem.
•How to specify turbulence boundary conditions at inlets.
Learning Objectives:
You will understand the challenges inherent in turbulent flow simulation
and be able to identify the most suitable model and near–wall treatment
for a given problem.

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 4 Release 14.5
Observation by Osborne Reynolds [1]
• Flows can be classified as either :

(Low Reynolds Number)

(Increasing Reynolds Number)

(Higher Reynolds Number)

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Observation by Osborne Reynolds [2]
• The Reynolds number is the criterion used to determine whether the flow is
laminar or turbulent.

 .U .L
Re L 

• The Reynolds number is based on the length scale of the flow:
L  x, d, d hyd, etc.

• Transition to turbulence varies depending on the type of flow:

• External flow:
• Along a surface : ReX > 500000
• Around on obstacle : ReL > 20000
• Internal flow: : ReD > 2300

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Turbulent Flow Structures [1]
• A turbulent flow contains a wide range of turbulent eddy sizes.

• Turbulent flow characteristics:

• Unsteady, three–dimensional, irregular, stochastic motion in which transported
quantities (mass, momentum, scalar species) fluctuate in time and space.
• Enhanced mixing of these quantities results from the fluctuations.
• Unpredictability in detail.
• Large scale coherent structures are different in each flow, whereas small
eddies are more universal.

Small Large
structures structures
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Turbulent Flow Structures [2]
• Energy is transferred from larger eddies to smaller eddies.
(Kolmogorov Cascade).
• Large scale contains most of the energy.
• In the smallest eddies, turbulent energy is converted to internal energy by viscous

Energy Cascade
Richardson (1922),
Kolmogorov (1941)

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Backward Facing Step
• As engineers, in most cases we do not actually need to see an exact snapshot of
the velocity at a particular instant.
• Instead for most problems, knowing the time–averaged velocity (and intensity of
the turbulent fluctuations) is all we need to know. This gives us a useful way to
approach modelling turbulence.
Instantaneous velocity contours.

Time–averaged velocity contours.

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Mean and Instantaneous Velocities
• If we recorded the velocity at a particular point in the real (turbulent) fluid flow,
the instantaneous velocity (U) would look like this:
u  Fluctuating velocity.

U Time–average of velocity.

U Instantaneous velocity.


• At any point in time: U  U  u

• The time–average of the fluctuating velocity u must be zero: u  0
• BUT, the RMS of u' is not necessarily zero: u2  0
• Note you will hear reference to the turbulence energy, k. This is the sum of the
three normal fluctuating velocity components: k  1  u2  v2  w2  .
2 
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Overview of Computational Approaches
• Different approaches to make turbulence computationally tractable.


(Direct Numerical Simulation) (Large Eddy Simulation) (Reynolds Averaged Navier–
Stokes Simulation)

• Numerically solving the full • Solves the spatially averaged N–S • Solve time–averaged Navier–Stokes
unsteady Navier–Stokes equations. equations. equations.
• Resolves the whole spectrum of • Large eddies are directly • All turbulent length scales are
scales. resolved, but eddies smaller than modeled in RANS.
the mesh are modeled.
• No modeling is required. • Various different models are
• Less expensive than DNS, but the available.
amount of computational
• But the cost is too prohibitive! resources and efforts are still too • This is the most widely used approach
large for most practical for industrial flows.
Not practical for industrial flows!

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

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RANS Modeling: Averaging
• Thus, the instantaneous Navier–Stokes equations may be rewritten as
Reynolds–Averaged equations (RANS):

 u u  p   ui   Rij Rij  uiuj

 i  uk i      
 x  x
 t xk  xi x j (Reynolds stress tensor)
 j  j

• The Reynolds stresses are additional unknowns introduced by the averaging

procedure, hence they must be modeled (related to the averaged flow quantities) in
order to close the system of governing equations.

   u '2   u ' v '   u ' w ' 

  xx  xy  xz   
 R    uu  
τ   yx ij yy  yzi j    u ' v '   v '2   v ' w ' 
   
 zx  zy  zz     u ' w '   v ' w '   w ' 
 
Symmetric tensor  6 unknowns …

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

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RANS Modeling: The Closure Problem
• The Reynolds Stress tensor Rij  uiuj must be solved.
• The RANS models can be closed in two ways:
Reynolds–Stress Models (RSM) Eddy Viscosity Models
• Rij is directly solved via transport equations • Boussinesq hypothesis
(modeling is still required for many terms in the Reynolds stresses are modeled using an eddy (or
transport equations). turbulent) viscosity, μT.


uiuj  
 
 uk uiuj  Pij  Fij  DijT   ij  ij
 u u j  2 uk
Rij   uiuj   T  i    T
 x x  3 x
ij   k ij
 j i  k 3

• RSM is more advantageous in complex 3D • The hypothesis is reasonable for simple turbulent
turbulent flows with large streamline curvature shear flows: boundary layers, round jets, mixing
and swirl, layers, channel flows, etc.
• but the model is more complex, computationally
intensive, more difficult to converge than eddy
viscosity models.
• Note: All turbulence models contain empiricism.
• Equations cannot be derived from fundamental principles.
• Some calibrating to observed solutions and 'intelligent guessing' is contained in the models.

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Turbulence Models Available in Fluent
One–Equation Model
Two–Equation Models
Standard k–ε
RNG k–ε
Increase in
RANS based Realizable k–ε* Computational
Standard k–ω Cost
Per Iteration
SST k–ω*
Reynolds Stress Model
k–kl–ω Transition Model
SST Transition Model
Detached Eddy Simulation
Large Eddy Simulation
* Recommended choice for standard cases.

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Two–Equation Models
• Two transport equations are solved, giving two independent
scales for calculating t.
– Virtually all use the transport equation for the turbulent kinetic energy, k.
Dk   t  k 
        P   ; P  t S 2 ( ske) S  2Sij Sij
Dt x j  k  x j 
production dissipation
– Several transport variables have been proposed, based on dimensional arguments,
and used for second equation. The eddy viscosity t is then formulated from the two
transport variables.

• Kolmogorov, w: t  k / w, l  k1/2 / w, k   / w
– w is specific dissipation rate.
– Defined in terms of large eddy scales that define supply rate of k.
• Chou, : t  k2 / , l  k3/2 / 
• Rotta, l: t  k1/2l,   k3/2 / l

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

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RANS:EVM: Standard k–ε (SKE) Model
• The Standard k–ε model (SKE) is the most widely–used engineering turbulence
model for industrial applications.
– Model parameters are calibrated by using data from a number of benchmark
experiments such as pipe flow, flat plate, etc.
– Robust and reasonably accurate for a wide range of applications.
– Contains submodels for compressibility, buoyancy, combustion, etc.

• Known limitations of the SKE model:

– Performs poorly for flows with larger pressure gradient, strong separation, high
swirling component and large streamline curvature.
– Inaccurate prediction of the spreading rate of round jets.
– Production of k is excessive (unphysical) in regions with large strain rate (for example,
near a stagnation point), resulting in very inaccurate model predictions.

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RANS:EVM: Realizable k–epsilon
• Realizable k–ε (RKE) model (Shih):
– Dissipation rate (ε) equation is derived from the mean–square
vorticity fluctuation, which is fundamentally different from the SKE.
– Several realizability conditions are enforced for Reynolds stresses.

– Benefits:
• Accurately predicts the spreading rate of both planar and round jets.
• Also likely to provide superior performance for flows involving rotation,
boundary layers under strong adverse pressure gradients, separation, and


Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

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RANS: EVM: Spalart–Allmaras (S–A) Model
• Spalart–Allmaras is a low–cost RANS model solving a single
transport equation for a modified eddy viscosity.

• Designed specifically for aerospace applications involving wall–

bounded flows .
– Has been shown to give good results for boundary layers subjected to adverse
pressure gradients.
– Used mainly for aerospace and turbomachinery applications.

• Limitations:
– The model was designed for wall bounded flows and flows with mild separation
and recirculation.
– No claim is made regarding its applicability to all types of complex engineering

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k–omega Models
• In k–w models, the transport equation for the turbulent dissipation rate, , is
replaced with an equation for the specific dissipation rate, w.
– The turbulent kinetic energy transport equation is still solved.
– See Appendix for details of w equation.
• k–w models have gained popularity in recent years mainly because:
– Much better performance than k– models for boundary layer flows.
• For separation, transition, low –Re effects, and impingement, k–w models are more
accurate than k– models.
– Accurate and robust for a wide range of boundary layer flows with pressure gradient.
• Two variations of the k–w model are available in Fluent.
– Standard k–w model (Wilcox, 1998).
– SST k–w model (Menter).

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SST Model
• Shear Stress Transport (SST) Model.
– The SST model is an hybrid two–equation model that combines the advantages of
both k– and k–w models.
• k–w model performs much better than k– models for boundary layer flows.
• Wilcox’ original k–w model is overly sensitive to the freestream value (BC) of w,
while k– model is not prone to such problem.



– The k–e and k–w models are blended such that the SST model functions like the k–ω
close to the wall and the k–ε model in the freestream.

SST is a good compromise between k– and k–w models

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary
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RANS: Other Models in Fluent
• RNG k– model.
– Model constants are derived from renormalization group (RNG) theory instead of
– Advantages over the standard k– model are very similar to those of the RKE
• Reynolds Stress model (RSM).
– Instead of using eddy viscosity to close the RANS equations, RSM solves transport
equations for the individual Reynolds stresses.
• 7 additional equations in 3D, compared to 2 additional equations with EVM.
– More computationally expensive than EVM and generally difficult to converge.
• As a result, RSM is used primarily in flows where eddy viscosity models are
known to fail.
• These are mainly flows where strong swirl is the predominant flow feature, for
instance a cyclone (see Appendix).

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Turbulence Near a Wall [1]
• The Structure of Near–Wall Flows.

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Turbulence Near a Wall [2]
• Near to a wall, the velocity changes rapidly.
Velocity, U

Distance from Wall, y

• If we plot the same graph again, where:

– Log scale axes are used.

– The velocity is made dimensionless, from U/U ( ,, is friction velocity)

– The wall distance vector is made dimensionless.

• Then we arrive at the graph on the next page. The shape of this is generally the same for all flows:

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

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Turbulence Near a Wall [3]
• By scaling the variables near the wall the velocity profile data takes on a
predictable (universal) form (transitioning from linear to logarithmic behavior).

Scaling the non–dimensional

velocity and non–dimensional
distance from the wall results in a Linear
predictable boundary layer profile Logarithmic
for a wide range of flows.

• Since near wall conditions are often predictable, functions can be used to
determine the near wall profiles rather than using a fine mesh to actually
resolve the profile.
– These functions are called wall functions.

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Choice of Wall Modeling Strategy.
• In the near–wall region, the solution gradients are very high, but accurate calculations
in the near–wall region are paramount to the success of the simulation.

The choice is between:

Resolving the Viscous Sublayer.
– First grid cell needs to be at about y+ = 1.
– This will add significantly to the mesh count.
– Use a low–Reynolds number turbulence model (like k–omega) .
– Generally speaking, if the forces on the wall are key to your simulation (aerodynamic drag,
turbomachinery blade performance) this is the approach you will take.
Using a Wall Function.
– First grid cell needs to be 30<y+<300.
(Too low, and model is invalid. Too high and the wall is not properly resolved).
– Use a wall function, and a high Re turbulence model (SKE, RKE, RNG).
– Generally speaking, this is the approach if you are more interested in the mixing in the middle of
the domain, rather than the forces on the wall.

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Limitations of Wall Functions
• In some situations, such as boundary layer separation, logarithmic–based
wall functions do not correctly predict the boundary layer profile.

Wall functions applicable. Wall functions not applicable.

Non–Equilibrium Wall Functions have been developed
in Fluent to address this situation but they are very
empirical. A more rigorous approach is recommended if

• In these cases logarithmic–based wall functions should not be used.

• Instead, directly resolving the boundary layer can provide accurate results.
Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary
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Choosing a Near Wall Treatment
• Standard Wall Functions.
– The Standard Wall Function options
is designed for high Re attached flows.
– The near–wall region is not resolved.
– Near–wall mesh is relatively coarse.

• Non–Equilibrium Wall Functions.

– For better prediction of adverse pressure gradient flows and
– Near–wall mesh is relatively coarse.

• Enhanced Wall Treatment*

– Used for low–Re flows or flows with complex
near–wall phenomena.
– Generally requires a very fine near–wall mesh capable of
resolving the near–wall region.
– Can also handle coarse near–wall mesh.

• User–Defined Wall Functions.

– Can host user specific solutions.
* Recommended choice for standard cases.
Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary
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Inlet Boundary Conditions
• When turbulent flow enters a domain at inlets or outlets (backflow), boundary
conditions for k, ε, ω and/or u'u' must be specified, depending on which
i j
turbulence model has been selected.

• Four methods for directly or indirectly specifying turbulence parameters:

1) Explicitly input k, ε, ω, or Reynolds stress components (this is the only method that
allows for profile definition).
• Note by default, the Fluent GUI enters k=1 [m²/s²] and  =1 [m²/s³]. These values
MUST be changed, they are unlikely to be correct for your simulation.

2) Turbulence intensity and length scale.

• Length scale is related to size of large eddies that contain most of energy.
– For boundary layer flows: l  0.4δ99.
– For flows downstream of grid: l  opening size.
3) Turbulence intensity and hydraulic diameter (primarily for internal flows).

4) Turbulence intensity and viscosity ratio (primarily for external flows).

The default setting is turbulent intensity=5% and turbulent viscosity ratio=10. This
should be reasonable for many flows if more precise information not available.

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Inlet Turbulence Conditions
• If you have absolutely no idea of the turbulence levels in your simulation, you
could use following values of turbulence intensities and viscosity ratios:

– Usual turbulence intensity ranges from 1% to 5%.

– The default turbulence intensity value of 0.037 (that is, 3.7%) is sufficient for nominal
turbulence through a circular inlet, and is a good estimate in the absence of
experimental data.
– For external flows, turbulent viscosity ratio of 1÷10 is typically a good value.
– For internal flows, turbulent viscosity ratio of 10÷100 it typically a good value.
• For fully developed pipe flow at Re=50,000, the turbulent viscosity ratio is around

Introduction Theory Models Near–Wall Treatments Inlet BCs Summary

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RANS Turbulence Model Usage
Model Behavior and Usage
Spalart–Allmaras Economical for large meshes. Performs poorly for 3D flows, free shear flows, flows with strong
separation. Suitable for mildly complex (quasi–2D) external/internal flows and boundary layer flows
under pressure gradient (e.g. airfoils, wings, airplane fuselages, missiles, ship hulls).

Standard k–ε Robust. Widely used despite the known limitations of the model. Performs poorly for complex flows
involving severe pressure gradient, separation, strong streamline curvature. Suitable for initial
iterations, initial screening of alternative designs, and parametric studies.

Realizable k–ε* Suitable for complex shear flows involving rapid strain, moderate swirl, vortices, and locally transitional
flows (e.g. boundary layer separation, massive separation, and vortex shedding behind bluff bodies, stall
in wide–angle diffusers, room ventilation).

RNG k–ε Offers largely the same benefits and has similar applications as Realizable. Possibly harder to converge
than Realizable.

Standard k–ω Superior performance for wall–bounded boundary layer, free shear, and low Reynolds number flows.
Suitable for complex boundary layer flows under adverse pressure gradient and separation (external
aerodynamics and turbomachinery). Can be used for transitional flows (though tends to predict early
transition). Separation is typically predicted to be excessive and early.

SST k–ω* Offers similar benefits as standard k–ω. Dependency on wall distance makes this less suitable for free
shear flows.

RSM Physically the most sound RANS model. Avoids isotropic eddy viscosity assumption. More CPU time
and memory required. Tougher to converge due to close coupling of equations. Suitable for complex
3D flows with strong streamline curvature, strong swirl/rotation (e.g. curved duct, rotating flow
passages, swirl combustors with very large inlet swirl, cyclones).

* Recommended choice for standard cases

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RANS Turbulence Model Descriptions
Model Description
Spalart – A single transport equation model solving directly for a modified turbulent viscosity. Designed specifically
for aerospace applications involving wall–bounded flows on a fine near–wall mesh. Fluent’s implementation
Allmaras allows the use of coarser meshes. Option to include strain rate in k production term improves predictions of
vortical flows.

Standard k–ε The baseline two–transport–equation model solving for k and ε. This is the default k–ε model. Coefficients
are empirically derived; valid for fully turbulent flows only. Options to account for viscous heating,
buoyancy, and compressibility are shared with other k–ε models.

RNG k–ε A variant of the standard k–ε model. Equations and coefficients are analytically derived. Significant changes
in the ε equation improves the ability to model highly strained flows. Additional options aid in predicting
swirling and low Reynolds number flows.

Realizable k–ε A variant of the standard k–ε model. Its "realizability" stems from changes that allow certain mathematical
constraints to be obeyed which ultimately improves the performance of this model.

Standard k–ω A two–transport–equation model solving for k and ω, the specific dissipation rate (ε / k) based on Wilcox
(1998). This is the default k–ω model. Demonstrates superior performance for wall–bounded and low
Reynolds number flows. Shows potential for predicting transition. Options account for transitional, free
shear, and compressible flows.

SST k–ω A variant of the standard k–ω model. Combines the original Wilcox model for use near walls and the
standard k–ε model away from walls using a blending function. Also limits turbulent viscosity to guarantee
that τT ~ k. The transition and shearing options are borrowed from standard k–ω. No option to include

RSM Reynolds stresses are solved directly using transport equations, avoiding isotropic viscosity assumption of
other models. Use for highly swirling flows. Quadratic pressure–strain option improves performance for
many basic shear flows.

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Summary – Turbulence Modeling Guidelines
• Successful turbulence modeling requires engineering judgment of:
– Flow physics.
– Computer resources available.
– Project requirements.
• Accuracy.
• Turnaround time.
– Choice of Near–wall treatment.
• Modeling procedure
1. Calculate characteristic Reynolds number and determine whether flow is turbulent.
2. If the flow is in the transition (from laminar to turbulent) range, consider the use of one
of the turbulence transition models (not covered in this training).
3. Estimate wall–adjacent cell centroid y+ before generating the mesh.
4. Prepare your mesh to use wall functions except for low–Re flows and/or flows with
complex near–wall physics (non–equilibrium boundary layers).
5. Begin with RKE (Realizable k–ε) and change to S–A, RNG, SKW, or SST if needed. Check
the tables on previous slides as a guide for your choice.
6. Use RSM for highly swirling, 3–D, rotating flows.
7. Remember that there is no single, superior turbulence model for all flows!

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Lecture Theme: Part 2.
The problem definition for all Transferincludes boundary conditions,
CFD simulations
cell zone conditions and material properties. The accuracy of the simulation
results depends on defining these properly.

Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to define material properties.
• The different boundary condition types in FLUENT and how to use them.
• How to define cell zone conditions in FLUENT including solid zones and
porous media.
• How to specify well–posed boundary conditions.

Learning Objectives:
You will know how to perform these essential steps in setting up a CFD

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

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Lecture Theme:
Heat transfer has broad applications across all industries. All modes of heat
transfer (conduction, convection – forced and natural, radiation, phase
change) can be modeled in Fluent and solution data can be used as input for
one–way thermal FSI simulations.
Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to treat conduction, convection (forced and natural) and radiation in
• How to set wall thermal boundary conditions.
• How to export solution data for use in a thermal stress analysis (one–way

Learning Objectives:
You will be familiar with Fluent’s heat transfer modeling capabilities and be
able to set up and solve problems involving all modes of heat transfer.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
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Heat Transfer Modeling in Fluent
• All modes of heat transfer can be taken into account in the CFD
– Conduction.
– Convection (forced and natural).
– Fluid–solid conjugate heat transfer.
– Radiation.
– Interphase energy source (phase change).
– Viscous dissipation.
– Species diffusion.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
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Enabling Heat Transfer
• To model heat transfer, the energy equation must be activated.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
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Energy Equation – Introduction
• Energy transport equation:

Unsteady Convection Conduction Species Viscous Enthalpy

Diffusion Dissipation Source/Sink

– Energy E per unit mass is defined as:

– Pressure work and kinetic energy are always accounted for with compressible
flows or when using the density–based solvers. For the pressure–based solver,
they are omitted and can be added through a text command:

– The TUI command define/models/energy? will give more options

when enabling the energy equation.
Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
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Governing Equation : Convection
• As a fluid moves, it carries heat with it  this is called convection.
– Thus, heat transfer can be tightly coupled to the fluid flow solution.
– Energy + Fluid flow equations activated  means Convection is computed.

• Additionally:
• The rate of heat transfer is strongly
dependent of fluid velocity. T
• Fluid properties may vary significantly q
with temperature (e.g., air).
• At walls, heat transfer coefficient is
computed by the turbulent thermal q  h (Tbody  T )  h T
wall functions.
h  average heat transfer coefficient (W/m2–K)

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 38 Release 14.5
Governing Equation: Conduction
• Conduction heat transfer is governed by Fourier’s Law.
• Fourier’s law states that the heat transfer rate is directly proportional to the gradient of
Thermal conductivity
• Mathematically, qconduction  k T

• The constant of proportionality is the thermal conductivity (k).

– k may be a function of temperature, space, etc.
– for isotropic materials, k is a constant value.
– for anisotropic materials, k is a matrix.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 39 Release 14.5
Governing Equation: Viscous Dissipation
• Energy source due to viscous

– Also called viscous heating.

• Often negligible, especially in
incompressible flow.
– Important when viscous shear in
fluid is large (e.g., lubrication)
and/or in high–velocity,
compressible flows.
– Important when Brinkman
number approaches or exceeds
U e2
Br 
Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 40 Release 14.5
Thermal Wall Boundary Conditions
• Six thermal conditions at Walls:
– Heat Flux.
– Temperature.
– Convection – simulates an external convection environment which is not modeled (user–
prescribed heat transfer coefficient).
qconv  hext (Text  Tw )

– Radiation – simulates an external

radiation environment which is not
modeled (user–prescribed external
emissivity and radiation temperature).
qrad   ext  (T4  Tw4 )

– Mixed – Combination of
Convection and Radiation
boundary conditions.
qmixed  hext (Text  Tw )   ext  (T4  Tw4 )
– Via System Coupling – Can be used when Fluent is coupled with another system in
Workbench using System Couplings.
Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 41 Release 14.5
Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT)
• At Fluid/Solid or Fluid/Fluid interface, a wall/wall_shadow is created
automatically by Fluent while reading the mesh file.

– By default energy is balanced automatically on the two sides of the walls.

– Possibility to uncouple and to specify different thermal conditions on each side.


Velocity Vectors

Temperature Contours

Coolant Flow Past Heated Rods

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 42 Release 14.5
• Convection heat transfer results from fluid motion.
– Heat transfer rate can be closely coupled to the fluid flow solution.
– The rate of heat transfer is always strongly dependent on fluid velocity and
fluid properties (uncoupled equations – can solve energy after flow solution).
– Fluid properties may vary significantly with temperature (coupled equations).
• There are three types of convection.
– Natural convection: fluid moves due to buoyancy effects.
– Boiling convection: body is hot enough to cause fluid phase change.
– Forced convection: flow is induced by some external means.

Example: When cold air flows

past a warm body, it draws
away warm air near the body
and replaces it with cold air.

Flow and heat transfer past a heated block.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 43 Release 14.5
Heat Transfer Coefficient

• In general, h is not constant but is usually a

function of temperature gradient. Typical
values of h
• There are three types of convection. (W/m2·K)

– Natural Convection – Fluid moves due to

buoyancy effects. Thot Tcold 4 – 4,000
h  T 1/ 4 , h  T 1/ 3
(Laminar) (Turbulent)
– Forced Convection – Flow is induced by some Tcold
external means.
Thot 10 – 75,000
h  f (T )
– Boiling Convection – Body is hot enough to
cause fluid phase change.
h  T 2 300 – 900,000

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 44 Release 14.5
Natural Convection: Gravity–Reference Density
• Momentum equation along the direction of gravity (z
in this case).
  W  P
    U W     2W  abs   g
t z
• In Fluent, a variable change is done for the pressure
field as soon as gravity is enabled.

P  Pabs  Poperating  0 g z

– Hydrostatic reference pressure head and operating

pressure are removed from pressure field.

• Momentum equation becomes.

  W  P
    U W     2W      0  g
t z

where P' is the static gauge pressure used by Fluent for

boundary conditions and post–processing.
• This pressure transformation avoids round off error
and simplifies the setup of pressure boundary

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 45 Release 14.5
• Radiative heat transfer is a mode of energy transfer where the energy is
transported via electromagnetic waves.
• Thermal radiation covers the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from
0.1 to 100 m.


Ultraviolet Infrared

X rays Thermal Radiation

 rays Microwaves

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
log10 (Wavelength), m

Solar load (HVAC) Headlight Glass furnace

• For semi–transparent bodies (e.g., glass, combustion product gases),

radiation is a volumetric phenomenon since emissions can escape from
within bodies.
• For opaque bodies, radiation is essentially a surface phenomena since
nearly all internal emissions are absorbed within the body.
Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 46 Release 14.5
When to Include Radiation?
• Radiation effects should be accounted for if:

qrad    Tmax
 Tmin

Stefan–Boltzmann constant
5.6704×10–8 W/(m2·K4)

is of the same order or magnitude than the convective and conductive

heat transfer rates. This is usually true at high temperatures but can also
be true at lower temperatures, depending on the application.

• Estimate the magnitude of conduction or convection heat transfer in the

system as: qconv  h Twall  Tbulk 

• Compare qrad with qconv.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 47 Release 14.5
Optical Thickness and Radiation Modeling
• The optical thickness should be determined
before choosing a radiation model.
Optical Thickness  (a+s)L
a= absorption coefficient.
s=scattering coefficient (often=0).
L= mean beam length.
• a Absorption Coefficient (m–1)
(Note: ≠Absorptivity of a Surface).
• L Mean beam length (m)
(a typical distance between 2 opposing walls).
• Optically thin means that the fluid is transparent to the radiation at
wavelengths where the heat transfer occurs.
– The radiation only interacts with the boundaries of the domain.

• Optically thick/dense means that the fluid absorbs and re–emits the

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 48 Release 14.5
Choosing a Radiation Model
• The radiation model selected must be appropriate for the optical thickness of
the system being simulated.
Available Model
Surface to surface model (S2S) 0
Solar load model 0 (except window panes)
Rosseland >5
P–1 >1
Discrete ordinates model (DO) All
Discrete Transfer Method (DTRM) All

• In terms of accuracy, DO and DTRM are most accurate.

– S2S is accurate for optical thickness = 0.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 49 Release 14.5
Additional Factors in Radiation Modeling
• Additional guidelines for radiation model
– Scattering.
• Scattering is accounted for only with
P1 and DO.
– Particulate effects.
• P1 and DOM account for radiation
exchange between gas and
– Localized heat sources.
• S2S is the best.
• DTRM/DOM with a sufficiently large
number of rays/ ordinates is most
appropriate for domain with
absorbing media.
Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 50 Release 14.5
Phase Change
• Heat released or absorbed when matter changes
• There are many different forms of phase change.
– Condensation.
– Evaporation.
– Boiling.
– Melting/Solidification.
• Multiphase models and/or UDFs are needed to
properly model these phenomena.
Contours of vapor volume fraction for
boiling in a nuclear fuel assembly
calculated with the Eulerian
multiphase model. Tracks from evaporating liquid
pentane droplets and temperature
contours for pentane combustion
with the non–premixed combustion
Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 51 Release 14.5
• After activating heat transfer, you must provide:
– Thermal conditions at walls and flow boundaries.
– Fluid properties for energy equation.

• Available heat transfer modeling options include:

– Species diffusion heat source.
– Combustion heat source.
– Conjugate heat transfer.
– Natural convection.
– Radiation.
– Periodic heat transfer.

• Double precision solver usually needed to balance accurately the

heat transfer rate inside the domain.

Intro. Energy Equation Wall BCs Applications 1–way Thermal FSI Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 52 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme: Part 3.
The problem definition for all Calculations
CFD simulations includes boundary conditions,
cell zone conditions and material properties. The accuracy of the simulation
results depends on defining these properly.

Learning Aims:
You will learn:
• How to define material properties.
• The different boundary condition types in FLUENT and how to use them.
• How to define cell zone conditions in FLUENT including solid zones and
porous media.
• How to specify well–posed boundary conditions.

Learning Objectives:
You will know how to perform these essential steps in setting up a CFD

Introduction Material Properties Cell Zone Conditions Boundary Conditions Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 53 Release 14.5
Lecture Theme:
Performing a transient calculation is in some ways similar to performing a
steady state calculation, but there are additional considerations. More
data is generated and extra inputs are required. This lecture will explain
these inputs and describe transient data post–processing.
Learning Aims:
You will learn:
•How to set up and run transient calculations in Fluent.
•How to choose the appropriate time step size for your calculation.
•How to post–process transient data and make animations.

Learning Objectives:
Transient flow calculations are becoming increasingly common due to
advances in High Performance Computing (HPC) and reductions in
hardware costs. You will understand what transient calculations involve
and be able to perform them with confidence.
Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 54 Release 14.5
• Nearly all flows in nature are unsteady!
– Steady–state assumption is possible if we:
• Ignore unsteady fluctuations.
• Employ ensemble/time–averaging to remove unsteadiness.
– This is what is done in modeling RANS turbulence.

• In CFD, steady–state methods are preferred.

– Lower computational cost.
– Easier to post–process and analyze.

• Many applications require resolution of unsteady flow:

– Aerodynamics (aircraft, land vehicles, etc.) – vortex shedding.
– Rotating Machinery – rotor/stator interaction, stall, surge.
– Multiphase Flows – free surfaces, bubble dynamics.
– Deforming Domains – in–cylinder combustion, store separation.
– Unsteady Heat Transfer – transient heating and cooling.
– Many more …

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

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Origins of Unsteady Flow
• Natural unsteadiness.
– Unsteady flow due to growth of instabilities within the fluid or a non–equilibrium
initial fluid state.
– Examples: natural convection flows, turbulent eddies of all scales, fluid waves (gravity
waves, shock waves).
• Forced unsteadiness.
– Time–dependent boundary conditions, source terms drive the unsteady flow field.
– Examples: pulsing flow in a nozzle, rotor–stator interaction in a turbine stage.

Kelvin–Helmholtz Cloud Instability. Rotor–Stator Interaction in an Axial Compressor.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 56 Release 14.5
Unsteady CFD Analysis [1]
• Simulate a transient flow field over a specified time period.
– Solution may approach:
• Steady–state solution: Flow variables stop changing with time.
• Time–periodic solution: Flow variables fluctuate with repeating pattern.
– Your goal may also be simply to analyze the flow over a prescribed time interval.
• Free surface flows.
• Moving shock waves.
• …
• Extract quantities of interest.
– Natural frequencies (e.g. Strouhal Number).
– Time–averaged and/or RMS values.
– Time–related parameters (e.g. time required to cool a hot solid, residence time
of a pollutant).
– Spectral data – Fourier Transform (FT).

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 57 Release 14.5
Unsteady CFD Analysis [2]
Time step size = 2 [s]
• Transient simulations are solved by computing
a solution for many discrete points in time. Initial Time = 0 [s]
Total Time = 20 [s]

• At each time point we must iterate & converge Number of time steps = 10
to the solution.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (seconds) Several iterations per time step.
Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary
© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 58 Release 14.5
Convergence Behavior
• Residual plots for transient simulations are not always indicative of a converged
• You should select the time step size such that the residuals reduce by around three
orders of magnitude within one time step.
– This will ensure accurate resolution of transient behavior.
– For smaller time steps, residuals may only drop by 1–2 orders of magnitude – look for a
monotonic decrease throughout the time step.
• A residual plot for a simple transient calculation is shown here.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 59 Release 14.5
Selecting the Transient Time Step Size [1]
• The time step size is an important parameter in transient simulations.
– t must be small enough to resolve time–dependent features …

True solution. Time step too large to resolve transient changes.

– Note the solution points generally will not lie on the true
solution because the true behaviour has not been resolved.
Variable of


Variable of A smaller time step can

resolve the true solution.
interest. – At least, 10–20 t per period.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary
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Selecting the Transient Time Step Size [2]
• … and it must be small enough to maintain solver stability.
– The quantity of interest may be changing very slowly (e.g. temperature in a solid),
but you may not be able to use a large time step if other quantities (e.g. velocity)
have smaller timescales.

• The Courant Number is often used to estimate a time step:

Characteristic flow velocity  t
Courant Number 
Typical Cell Size

– This gives the number of mesh elements the fluid passes through in one time step.
– Typical values are 1÷10, but in some cases higher values are acceptable.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

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Selecting the Transient Time Step Size [3]
• Tips & Tricks for the estimation of the time step:
1 L
• Usual Case: t  .
3 V
– Restrictive but safe for convergence with L=cell characteristic size, V=characteristic velocity.

1 Number of Blades
• Turbomachinery: t  .
10 Rotational Velocity
• Natural Convection: t 
(g.  . T.L)1/2

• Conduction in solids: t 
  
  L = Characteristic length
  .Cp 
V = Characteristic velocity

• A smaller time step will typically improve convergence.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 62 Release 14.5
Transient Flow Modeling Workflow
• Similar set–up as steady–state simulation, then:
1. Enable the unsteady solver.
2. Set up physical models and boundary conditions as usual.
• Transient boundary conditions are possible – you can use either a UDF or profile to
accomplish this.
3. Prescribe initial conditions, according to the type of transient flow:
• Time History : Cannot be any guess; must be what is the situation at time t=0 [s].
• Steady–State or Cyclic: Best to use a physically realistic initial condition, such as a
steady solution.
4. Assign solver settings and configure solution monitors.
5. Configure animations and data output/sampling options.
6. Select time step size and max iterations per time step.
7. Prescribe the number of time steps.
8. Run the calculations (Iterate).

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 63 Release 14.5
Enabling the Transient Solver
• To enable the unsteady solver, select the Transient button on the General
problem setup form.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 64 Release 14.5
Set Up Time Step Size
• Set the time step size.
– This controls the spacing in time
between the solution points.

• Options are:
– Number of time steps.
– Maximum number of iterations
per time step.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 65 Release 14.5
Non–Iterative Time Advancement
• Non–iterative Time Advancement
(NITA) is available for faster
computation time (not always

– NITA runs about 2x to 10x as fast as ITA


• Limitations: Available with pressure–

based solvers only.
• NITA schemes are not available for
multiphase (except VOF), reacting
flows, radiation models, porous
media, fan models, etc.

• Consult the Appendix and Fluent

Documentation for additional details.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 66 Release 14.5
Unsteady Flow Modeling Options
• Adaptive Time Stepping.
– Automatically adjusts time–step size
based on local truncation error analysis.
– Customization possible via UDF.

• Extrapolate Variables.
– Speed up the transient solution by reducing required sub–
• Using Taylor series expansion solution will be
extrapolated to the next time level to improve the
predicted initial value.

• Data Sampling for Time Statistics.

– Particularly useful for LES turbulence calculations.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 67 Release 14.5
• Physically realistic initial conditions should be
– A converged steady state solution is often used as the
starting point (for cyclic or steady–state flows).

• If a transient simulation is started from an

approximate initial guess, the initial transient
will not be accurate.
– The first few time steps may not converge.
– A smaller time step may be needed initially to
maintain solver stability.
– For cyclic behavior the first few cycles can be ignored
until a repeatable pattern is obtained.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (seconds)

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 68 Release 14.5
Tips for Success in Transient Flow Modeling
• With Pressure–based Solvers, use PISO scheme for Pressure–Velocity Coupling:
this scheme provides faster convergence for unsteady flows than the standard
SIMPLE approach.

• Select the number of iterations per time step to be around 20.

– It is better (faster) to reduce the time step size than to do too many iterations per time

• Remember that accurate initial conditions are as important as boundary

conditions for unsteady problems.
– Initial condition should always be physically realistic!

• To iterate without advancing in time, specify zero time steps.

– This will instruct the solver to converge the current time step only.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 69 Release 14.5
Unsteady Flow Modeling – Animations [1]
• You must set up any animations BEFORE performing iterations.
– Animation frames are written/stored on–the–fly during calculations.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 70 Release 14.5
CFD–Post: Fourier Transform
• FT can be applied to signals to extract frequency

Original Signal.

FT of Signal Showing
Dominant Frequency.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 71 Release 14.5
• No matter what solver is being used.
– The time step size will be determined by the minimum of:
• The value at which the solution will converge.
• The value needed to resolve mean flow physical time scales (e.g. vortex
shedding frequency given by Strouhal number) and/or turbulent eddies
(Courant number 1).
– The solution must converge at every time step.
• Non–convergence within the very first steps may be acceptable when there is
a non–physical initial condition.
• If the solution is not converging, it is almost always more efficient to reduce
the time step size.
– Solution monitors are an important tool for ensuring the solution is correct.
• Watch out for physically unrealistic behavior of monitored variables.
– Second order temporal discretization is almost always preferred.

Introduction Unsteady Flow Time Step Setup Post–Processing Summary

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. September 19, 2013 72 Release 14.5

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