Test Name:Jr MPC EAMCET - 23-08-2020 - No'of Questions (160) Test Category:EAMCET

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New Era Jr college - New Era

Test Name:Jr MPC EAMCET ||23-08-2020||

No'of Questions (160)
Test Category:EAMCET

Q 1: The no.of chain isomer possible for C5H12

A)2 B)3 C)4 D)5 MCQ
Q 2: Which compound can exhibits metametrism
C)CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - O - CH3 MCQ

D)All the above

Q 3: Which compound can exhibit G.I

A)CH3 - CH = CH2 MCQ

D)CH3 - CH = CH - CH3

Q 4: 10 , 20 and 30 amines are

A)Position isomers B)Functional group isomers C)Chain isomers D)None MCQ
Q 5: Which pairs are positional isomer



D)both b&c

Q 6: Metamers have
A)Same M.F B)Same Functional group C)Same alkyl group D)both a&b MCQ
Q 7: Alkenes can exhibits
A)chain isomer B)Position C)G.I D)All MCQ
Q 8: No.of Benzene derivatives are possible with M.F C8 H10
A)4 B)3 C)2 D)5 MCQ
Q 9:


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A)Position B)metamers C)both a&b D)Functional group isomers MCQ

Q 10: Which is correct

B) are functional group isomers

C) are position isomers

D) are position isomers

Q 11: Which pair of Compound are chain isomer


A) C)


Q 12: What is the full degeneracy of the n = 3 stage of a H-atom in the absence of a magnetic field
A)4 B)10 C)8 D)18 MCQ
Q 13:

The metamer of

B) C)
D)both a&b

Q 14: Which compound can exhibits metamerisim

A)R - NH2 B)R - OH D)R - O - R MCQ

Q 15:

The Functional group isomer of

D)both b&c MCQ

A) B) C)

Q 16: CH3CH2 - OH and CH3 - O - CH3 ARE

A)Functional group B)Metamer C)Optical D)both a&b MCQ
Q 17:
The Functional group isomer of IS

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A) D)both b&c


Q 18:

Which pairs exhibits both Functional group and Ring chain isomerism
A)CH3 - CH = CH2 MCQ

D)both a & b

Q 19:
A)Positional isomer B)Functional group C)Metamers D)Chain isomer MCQ
Q 20: The positional isomer of C = C - C - C - C is
A)C - C = C - C - C D)All the above MCQ

B) C)

Q 21: Which of the following can not exhibit chain isomerism

A)C3H8 B)C4H10 C)C5H12 D)C6H14 MCQ
Q 22: The set of quantum numbers n = 3, l = 2, m1 = 0
A)Describes an electron in a 2s orbital B)Is not allowed C)Describes an electron in a 3p orbital MCQ
D)Describes one of the five orbitals of a similar type

Q 23: The max. number of electron that can be accommodated in all the orbitals for which l = 3 is
A)2 B)6 C)10 D)14 MCQ
Q 24: The electrons occupying the same orbital have the same values for all the quantum number except for
A)n B)1 C)m D)s MCQ
Q 25: The minimum angular momentum of an electron with the magnetic quantum numbers -1, 0, +1
B) C) D)

Q 26: The angular wave function depends upon quantum numbers.

A)n and l B)l and m C)l and s D)m and s MCQ
Q 27: i) n = 4, l = 1 ii) n = 4, l = 0
In an atom the order of increasing energy of electrons with quantum numbers iii) n = 3, l = 2 iv) n = 3, l = 1 is
A)iii < I < iv < ii B)ii < iv < i < iii C)i < iii < ii < iv D)iv < ii < iii < i MCQ
Q 28: Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom?
A)n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = +1/2 B)n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = +1/2 C)n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2 MCQ
D)n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2

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Q 29: The total number of m values for n = 4 is

A)8 B)16 C)12 D)20 MCQ
Q 30: Number of electrons of manganese with magnetic quantum number value ‘0’ is
A)1 B)8 C)12 D)13

Q 31: The orbital having minimum ‘m’ value

A)Spherical in shape B)Dumbell in shape C)Double dumbbell in shape D)Tetrahedral MCQ
Q 32: The quantum number 1 and the number of electrons (n) in the sub level are related by
A)n = 2l + 1 B)l = 2n + 1 C)n = 4l + 2 D)n = 2l2 MCQ
Q 33: The quantum numbers n = 3, l = 1, m = +1 and s = +1/2 represent the unpaired electron present in
A)Sodium atom B)Aluminium atom C)Fluorescence D)Potassium atom MCQ
Q 34: The lowest orbital in which an electron with Azimuthal quantum no. value 3 is
A)4 B)5 C)1 D)6 MCQ
Q 35: An orbital made of four lobes can have the following quantum numbers
A)n = 2, l = 2, m = 0 B)n = 3, l = 1, m = -2 C)n = 3, l = 2, m = 0 D)n = 3, l = 3, m = -3 MCQ
Q 36: During ionization of copper atom, the quantum numbers of electron removed may be
A)= 4 l = 0 s = + 1/2 B)n = 3 l = 0 s = -1/2 C)n = 4 l = 0 s = + 1/2 D)n = 4 l = 2 s = -1/2 MCQ
Q 37: The azimuthal quantum number and the principal quantum number of the 17th electron are
A)l = 1, n = 3 B)l = 3, n = 2 C)l = 1, n = 17 D)l = 2, n = 1 MCQ
Q 38: The sub-energy level which can accommodate spin values is
A)4p B)6s C)3d D)6p MCQ
Q 39: The set of quantum numbers n = 2, l = 2, m1 = 0
A)Describes an electron in a 2s orbital B)Describes one of the five orbitals of a similar type MCQ
C)Describes an electron in a 2p orbital D)is not allowed

Q 40: How many sets of four quantum numbers are possible for electrons present in He2- anion.
A)2 B)4 C)5 D)7 MCQ
Q 41:

C) D)
A) B)

Q 42: cos ecA + cot A = 2/3 ⇒ cos A =

A)5/13 B)13/5 C)-5/13 D)-13/5 MCQ
Q 43: If a sin2 θ + bcos2 θ = c , tan2 θ =
A) C) D)

Q 44:

A)-1 B)0 C)1 D)2 MCQ

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Q 45: In ΔABC , tan (A – B – C) =

A)sin 2A B)1 C)tan 2A D)0 MCQ
Q 46:

A) B) C) D)

Q 47: 9cos2 x + 4sin2 x = 5 ⇒ tan x =

A)±1 B)±2 C)±3 D)±4 MCQ
Q 48: 5 sin x + 4 cos x = 3 ⇒ 4 sin x – 5 cos x =
A)4 B)4√2 C)3√2 D)√2 MCQ
Q 49: log (tan 10) log (tan 20) log (tan 30) …log(tan 450) =
A)0 B)1 C)-1 D)1/2 MCQ
Q 50: log tan 180 + log tan 360 + log tan 540 + log tan 720 =
A)log 4 B)log 3 C)log 2 D)0 MCQ
Q 51: cos 50 + cos 240 + cos 1750 + cos 2040 + cos 3000 =
A)1/2 B)1 C)3/2 D)2 MCQ
Q 52: Cot(13580) + tan(36080) =
A)-1 B)0 C)1 D)2 MCQ
Q 53: If cos ec θ - cot θ = 5 then θ lies in the quadrant
Q 54: tan 200 + tan 400 + tan 600 + ….. + tan 1800 =
A)0 B)1 C)2 D)3 MCQ
Q 55:
radians =
A)-3900 B)-620° C)-6100 D)6600 MCQ
Q 56: sin 45300 =
A)1/2 B)-1/2 C)√3/2 D)- √3/2 MCQ
Q 57:
In a right angled triangle ABC, , then cos2 A + cos2 B =
A)2 B)1 C)1/2 D)3/4 MCQ
Q 58:

A)1 B)-1 C)√3 D)-√3 MCQ

Q 59: If α , ß are complementary angles, sin α = 3/5, then cos α cos ß - sin α sin ß =
B)2 C)4/5 D)0

Q 60:

If tan θ = p/q then


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A) B) C)

Q 61: If a sec θ + b tan θ = c then (a tan θ + bsec θ )2 =

A)a2 + b2 + c2 B)– a2 + b2 + c2 C)a2 – b2 + c2 D)a2 + b2 – c2 MCQ
Q 62:

If α , ß are complementary angles and then sin α cosß - cosα sinß =

A)7/25 B)7/25 C)25/7 D)- 25/7 MCQ
Q 63: sin 480 sec 420 + cos 480 cosec 420 =
A)0 B)2 C)1 D)-1 MCQ
Q 64: log tan 170 + log tan 370 + log tan 530 + log tan 730 =
A)0 B)1 C)2 D)3 MCQ
Q 65: cos 240 + cos 550 + cos 1250 + cos 2040 =
A)-1 B)0 C)1 D)2 MCQ
Q 66: sec A + tan A = 3 ⇒ sec A =
A)10/3 B)5/3 C)2/3 D)4/3 MCQ
Q 67: sec θ - tan θ - 3 = ⇒ θ lies the quadrant
Q 68: sin 100 + sin 200 + sin 300 + …. + sin 3600 =
A)0 B)1 C)-1 D)2 MCQ
Q 69: 3[sin x – cos x]4 + 6[sin x + cos x]2 + 4[sin6 x + cos6 x] =
A)3 B)6 C)4 D)13 MCQ
Q 70:

A)-1 B)0 C)1 D)2 MCQ

Q 71:
If A, B, C are the angles of a triangle ABC then
A)0 B)1 C)cos A D)cos C MCQ
Q 72: sin2 (510 – x) + sin2 (390 + x) =
A)-1 B)0 C)1 D)2 MCQ
Q 73:

A)1 B)2 C)3 D)4 MCQ

Q 74:

A)0 B)2 C)4 D)8 MCQ

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Q 75: 8sin2 x + 3cos2 x = 5 ⇒ cot x =

B) C) D)

Q 76: If sin x + cosec x = 2 then sin8 x +cosec8 x =

A)1 B)2 C)3 D)4 MCQ
Q 77: log sin 10.log sin 20……log sin 1790
A)1 B)0 C)-1 D)2 MCQ
Q 78: If a = sin 1700 + cos 1700 then
A)a > 0 B)a < 0 C)a = 0 D)a = 1 MCQ
Q 79:

If θ lies in the first quadrant and 5 tan θ = 4 , then

A)5/14 B)3/14 C)1/14 D)0 MCQ
Q 80:

A) B) C)

Q 81: If the straight line drawn through the point P(√3, 2) making an angle π/6 with x-axis meets the line √3x - 4y + 8 = 0 at Q. Then PQ is
A)4 B)5 C)6 D)9 MCQ
Q 82: The equation of the straight line whose inclination is π/4 and x-intercept is 4 is
A)x + y + 4 = 0 B)x + y + 4 = 0 C)x - y - 4 = 0 D)x - y + 4 = 0 MCQ
Q 83: A straight line passes through (4,5) and makes an angle 60O with x-axis in the positive direction, its equation in the symmetric form
A)(x - 4)/√3 = (y + 5) B)( x - 4) / √3 = 5 - y C)(x + 4) / √3 = y + 5 D)x - 4 = (y - 5) / √3 MCQ
Q 84: A straight line is such that its distance of 5 units from the origin and its inclination is 135O. The intercepts of the line on the
coordinate axes are
A)5, 5 B)√2,√2 C)5√2, 5√2 D)5/√2, 5√2 MCQ
Q 85:
If the line joining the points is parallel to y=x then t1 + t2=
A)1/2 B)4 C)1/4 D)2 MCQ
Q 86: If the distance between the points (k,b) and (3,d) is 8 then k =

B)√60 C)-√60 D)57 MCQ

Q 87: A line passing through the pionts (7,b) (-3,b) then the image of the line in x-axis is
A)y = 4 B)y = 9 C)y = -1 D)y = -2 MCQ
Q 88: The y-intercept of the line passing through the points (4,7),(1,5) is
A)13/3 B)-13/2 C)15/2 D)3 MCQ
Q 89: Distance between the points (2, cot α) and (1, 0) is
A)cosecα B)sec α C)|Sec α| D)|cosec α| MCQ

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Q 90:
If (3,-a),(2,d),(-5,7) are the mid points of the sides of triangle ABC. Then the equation of the side is
A)2x+y-8=0 B)x+2y-12=0 C)x+y-6=0 D)x-y+6=0 MCQ
Q 91: The points (0, -a), (2,a), (0,c), (-2,a) taken is order from a
A)Parallelogram B)Rhombus C)Rectangle D)Square MCQ
Q 92: If the line (3x+14y+7)+k(5x+7y+6)=0 is parallel to y axis then the value of k is
A)1/3 B)-3/5 C)-2 D)2 MCQ
Q 93: A=(7,a) B=(-3,c) are two points. If the point (k,a) lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB. Then the value of k is
A)3 B)6 C)2 D)-4 MCQ
Q 94: If the line passing through the points (-8,c) (2,a) is parallel to the line passing through the points (11,-a) (k,0) then the value of k is
A)5 B)7 C)5/2 D)6 MCQ
Q 95: The inclination of a line is 15O. Its slope is
A)√3 - 1 B)1 + √3 C)3 - 2√3 D)2 - √3 MCQ
Q 96: The point P(x,y) is equidistant from the points Q (c + d, d - c) and R(c - d, c + d) then
A)cx = dy B)cx + dy = 0 C)dx + cy = 0 D)dx = cy MCQ
Q 97: Circumradius of the triangle with vertices (2a,0), (2a, 2b), (0,2b) is
A) C) D)


Q 98: If (2,a), (2,5) are opposite corners of a square then the length of its side is
A)4 B)2√2 C)3 D)√2 MCQ
Q 99: P and Q are two points on the line joining A(-2,5), B(3,a) such that AP=PQ=QB then PQ is

A) C) D)

Q 100: If (1,b), (4,c), (6,d) are the mid points of the sides BC, CA, AB of triangle ABC then vertex A is
A)(9,5) B)(3,c) C)(-1,a) D)(-9,-5) MCQ
Q 101: The pionts (1,c) (5,a) are two opposite vertices of a rectange. If the other two vertices lie on y = 2x + c then the value of c is
A)4 B)-4 C)5 D)7 MCQ
Q 102:

The distance between the points (1,a) and is

A)4t B)3t C)1 D)24 MCQ
Q 103: The points (5, - c), (-3, -b), (9, 1b), (17,1a) taken in order form
A)Parallelogram B)Rhombus C)Rectangle D)Square MCQ
Q 104: A point of trisection of the line joining the points (-1, b), (3,-d) is
A)(1/3, a) B)(5/3, -b) C)(1/3, b) D)(5/3, 1a) MCQ
Q 105: The line join of the points (2,c) and (-1,5) subtends a right angle at P. If the locus of P is a circle its radius is
A)√3 B)√13/2 C)5 D)3 MCQ
Q 106: Point on the line 2x - 3y = 5 equidistant from (1,b), (3,d) is

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A)(2,c) B)(4,a) C)(1,-a) D)(4,6) MCQ

Q 107: The mid point of (-5, 12) and (9, -2) divides the join of the points (-8, -5), (7,10) in the ratio
A)2 : 1 B)3:2 C)1:3 D)4 : 3 MCQ
Q 108:
If the points A(a,b), B(-a, -b) and P(a2, ab) are collinear then the ratio in which p divides is
A)1 + a : 1 - a B)1: :a C)a : 1 D)1 - a : 1 + a MCQ
Q 109: The ratio in which the y-axis divides the line segment joining (3,6), (12, - c) is
A)1:4 internally B)-2 : 1 C)1:4 externally D)2 : 1 MCQ
Q 110: The coordinates of the point which divides the line joining (a+b, a-b) and (a-b, a+b) in the ratio of a:b externally is

A) C)


Q 111: The farthest point from (1,a) is

A)(3, -b) B)(2,-c) C)(-3,-b) D)(3,b) MCQ
Q 112: The distance between the points (sin α, cos α) and (cos α, -sin α) is
A)1 B)√2 C)2 D)√6 MCQ
Q 113: Equation of the line on which the length of the perpendicular from origin is 5 and the angle which this perpendicular makes with the
x axis is 60°
A)x + √3y = 12 B)√3x + y = 10 C)x + √3y = 8 D)x + √3y = 10 MCQ
Q 114: A line through (2,b) is perpendicular to the line 3x+y=3. Its y-intercept is
A)1/3 B)2/3 C)1 D)4/3 MCQ
Q 115: Equation of the line perpendicular to 3x+4y-10=0 with x-intercept -3/7 is
A)4x-3y+12/7=0 B)4x-3y+15/7=0 C)4x-3y+5/7=0 D)x-3y+11/7=0 MCQ
Q 116: Equation of the line which makes an angle 450 with x-axis and having an intecept-3 on Y-axis is
A)x-y-3=0 B)x-y+3=0 C)x+y+3=0 D)x+y-3=0 MCQ
Q 117: intercept of the line parallel to 4x+7y=9 and passing through (2,c) is
A)25/4 B)17/4 C)29/4 D)29/7 MCQ
Q 118: Equation of the line passing through the point (1,b) and having intercepts on the axes in the ratio 2:3 is
A)3x + 4y = 11 B)3x + 2y = 7 C)3x - 2y = 7 D)4x + y = 6 MCQ
Q 119: Normal form of x - √3y + 6 = 0 is
A) B) C)


Q 120: Equation of the line with slope -3/2 and x-intercept 5 is

A)3x+2y=15 B)3x-2y=15 C)3x+2y=10 D)3x+2y=12 MCQ
Q 121: Which one of the following timedisplacement graphs is not possible in nature:

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A) B) C) D)

Q 122: The relation between time ‘t’ and distance ‘x’ is t = ax2 + bx, where a and b are constants. The acceleration is:
A)-2 av3 B)2 av2 C)-2 av2 D)2 bv3 MCQ
Q 123: A car moving with a speed of 50 kmh-1, can be stopped by brakes after at least 6 m. If the same car is moving at the speed of 100
kmh-1, the minimum distance is:
A)6 m B)12 m C)18 m D)24 m MCQ
Q 124: Speeds of two identical cars are 4 and 4 u at a specific time. If the same deceleration is applied on both the cars, the ratio of the
respective distances in which the two cars are stopped from that instant is:
A)1:1 B)1:4 C)1:8 D)1:16 MCQ
Q 125: A train starts from a station with an acceleration of 1 ms-2. A passenger is 48 m behind the train and is running with constant velocity
10 ms-1 on the platform to catch the train. The time taken by the passenger to catch the train will be:
A)4.8 s B)8 s C)10 s D)12 s MCQ
Q 126: A person is moving eastward with a speed of 5 ms-1 and in 10 s the speed changes to 5 ms-1 northwards. The average acceleration
will be:
A)Zero MCQ

B) towards N-W C) towards N-W D) towards N-E

Q 127: A body cannot have:

A)Zero speed and non-zero acceleration B)Non-zero speed and zero acceleration C)Constant velocity and a varying speed MCQ
D)Constant speed and a varying velocity

Q 128: The time taken by an electron to go to the excited state from ground energy state is one shake. This time in nanosecond will be: (... 1
shake = 10-1 s)
A)2 ns B)4 ns C)6 ns D)10 ns MCQ
Q 129: For a particle, the displacement x meter at time t sec is given by x2 = 1 + t2. Its acceleration (ms-2) at time t seconds is:
A)x-3 B)–tx-3 C)x-1 – t2x-3 D)x-1 – x-2 MCQ
Q 130: The velocity of a particle is v = v0 + gt + ft2. If its position is x = 0 at t = 0, then displacement after unit time (t = 1) is:
B) D)

Q 131: If the velocity (v), force (F) and energy (E) are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensional formula for mass will be:

A) B) C) D)

Q 132: If M is the mass suspended from a spring of force constant K, then the dimensions of formula (M/K)1/2 is same as that for:
A)Frequency B)Time period C)Velocity D)Wavelength MCQ
Q 133: A body moves along a straight line with an acceleration 3ms-2 for 2s and then with an acceleration 4ms-2 for 2s. What is its average
A)2.6 ms-2 B)3.6 ms-2 C)4.6 ms-2 D)5.6 ms-2 MCQ

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Q 134: When a girl drives a scooty at a speed of 40 kmh-1 for the first 0.5 h and then at a speed of 60 kmh-1 for the next 0.5 h, the average
speed will be:
A)0.5 kmh-1 B)5 kmh-1 C)50 kmh-1 D)48 kmh-1 MCQ
Q 135: The slope of velocity-time graph for retarded motion is:
A)Positive B)Negative C)Zero D)None of these MCQ
Q 136: The displacement ‘x’ and time ‘t’ are related as t = px2 + qx + r, where p, q and r are constants then the relation between velocity ‘v’
and acceleration ‘a’ is:
A) C)
B) D)

Q 137: An athlete completes one and half round of circular track of radius R, then the distance and displacement covered by the athlete are:
A)2πR and R B)2πR and 2R C)3πR and R D)3πR and 2R MCQ
Q 138: Which of the following decreases in motion along a straight line with constant acceleration:
A)Speed B)Acceleration C)Displacement D)Distance MCQ
Q 139: A particle starting from rest moves upto 20 s with a constant acceleration. If S1 is the distance covered in the last 10 seconds, then:
A)S2 = S1 B)S2 = 2S1 C)S2 = 3S1 D)S2 = 4S1 MCQ
Q 140: A car travels a distance from A to B with the speed of 40 kmh-1 and returns to A with 30 kmh-1. The average speed of the car will be:
A)35 kmh-1 B)24.3 kmh-1 C)35.6 kmh-1 D)10 kmh-1 MCQ
Q 141: A car travels equal distances in the same direction will the velocities 60 kmh-1, 20 kmh-1 and 10 kmh-1 respectively. The average
velocity of car during the whole journey is
A)5 ms-1 B)6 ms-1 C)7 ms-1 D)8 ms-1 MCQ
Q 142: The time period of a simple pendulum may depend on mass (m) of the bob, length ( l ) of the string and acceleration due to gravity

(g), i.e. . The values of a, b and c will be:

A) B) C) D)

Q 143: If area (A), velocity (v) and density ( ρ ) are taken as fundamental units, what are the dimensions of force?

A) B) C)

Q 144: A force F is given F = at = bt2 , where t is time. What are the dimensions of ‘a’ and ‘b’?
A) B) C)


Q 145: If the unit of force, energy and velocity are 10N, 100J and 5 ms-1 respectively, the unit of mass is:
A)1 kg B)2 kg C)3 kg D)4 kg MCQ
Q 146:

The velocity (v) of particle at any time (t) is given by . Where a, b and c are constants. The dimensions of a, b
and c are:

B) C) D)

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Q 147: A particle moves along the sides AB, BC, CD of the square of side 25 m with the velocity at 15 ms-1. Its average velocity is:

A)15 ms-1 B)7.5 ms-1 C)5 ms-1 D)10 ms-1 MCQ

Q 148: If unit of force is kN, of time is milli second and power is kW, then the unit of length will be:
A)10-1 m B)10-2 m C)10-3 m D)1 m MCQ
Q 149: A body having uniform acceleration of 10 ms-2 has a velocity of 100 ms-1. In what time will the velocity of the body be doubled:
A)8s B)8.2s C)10s D)12s MCQ
Q 150: A car is moving on the road and rain is falling vertically downwards. Choose the correct answer
A)The rain drops will strike on the behind screen B)The rain drops will strike on the front screen MCQ
C)The rain drops will strike on both the screens D)None of these

Q 151: If the velocity (v), acceleration (A) and force (F) are taken as fundamental quantities instead of mass (m), length (L) and time (T),
then the dimensions of Young’s Modulus will be:

C) D)
A) B)

Q 152:

The velocity of a body is given by the equation . The dimensions of b is:

A) D)
B) C)

Q 153: A velocity-time graph is given for two particles P1 and P2, From the graph which statement is true? Their relative velocity:
A)is zero B)is non-zero but constant C)continuously decrease D)continuously increase MCQ
Q 154: The frequency (f) of vibration of mass (m) suspended from a spring constant K is given by the relation f = CmaKb where C is a
dimensionless constant, the value of a and b are:
B) C) D)

Q 155: A pressure of 106 dynes/cm2 is equivalent to:

A)105 Nm-2 B)104 Nm-2 C)106 Nm-2 D)107 Nm-2 MCQ
Q 156: The body starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration. The ratio of the distance covered in nth second to the distance
covered in n seconds is:
B) C) D)

Q 157: Which of the following is dimensionally constant?

A)Refractive index B)poisson’s Ratio C)Gravitational Constant D)Relative Velocity MCQ

12 of 13 23-08-2020, 11:28
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Q 158: A body starts from rest with an acceleration a1. After 2 seconds, another body B start with an acceleration a2. If they travel equal
distances in the 5th second after starting of body A, then the ratio of their acceleration is (a1:a2) is:
A)5:9 B)1:3 C)3:1 D)9:5 MCQ
Q 159: If ‘v’ is the velocity, ‘r’ is the radius and ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity, which of the following is dimensionless?
A)v2r/g B)v2/rg C)v2g/r D)v2rg MCQ
Q 160: A car moving with the speed of 40 kmh-1 can be stopped by applying brakes after at least 2 m. If the same car is moving with a speed
of 80 kmh-1, the minimum stopping distance will be:
A)8 m B)10 m C)10.2 m D)10.26 m MCQ

13 of 13 23-08-2020, 11:28

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