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Name :- Siddhant Surendra Sawant

Roll no. :- 51
Subject :- Data Visualization
Topic :- Different chart types and their significance in Excel

Excel provides you different types of charts that you can select as per the requirement of data
and based on the objective of the calculation.
Here are the following types of charts that are available in excel :-
I. Column chart :
A Column Chart typically displays the categories along the horizontal (category) axis and
values along the vertical (value) axis. To create a column chart, arrange the data in columns
or rows on the worksheet.
A column chart has the following sub-types −
• Clustered Column.
• Stacked Column.
• 100% Stacked Column.
• 3-D Clustered Column.
• 3-D Stacked Column.
• 3-D 100% Stacked Column.
• 3-D Column.
Column charts are typically used to compare several items in a specific range of values.
Column charts are ideal if you need to compare a single category of data between individual
sub-items, such as, for example, when comparing revenue between regions.

II. Line chart :

Line charts can show continuous data over time on an evenly scaled Axis. Therefore, they are
ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals, such as months, quarters or years. The
category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis where as the Value data is
distributed evenly along the vertical axis.
A Line chart has the following sub-types −
• Line
• Stacked Line
• 100% Stacked Line
• Line with Markers
• Stacked Line with Markers
• 100% Stacked Line with Markers
• 3-D Line
The line chart is one of the most frequently used chart types, typically used to show trends over
a period of time. If you need to chart changes over time, consider using a line chart.

III. Pie chart :

Pie charts show the size of items in one data series, proportional to the sum of the items. The
data points in a pie chart are shown as a percentage of the whole pie. To create a Pie Chart,
arrange the data in one column or row on the worksheet.
A Pie Chart has the following sub-types −
• Pie
• 3-D Pie
• Pie of Pie
• Bar of Pie
Another frequently used chart after the column chart and line chart is the old pie chart. A pie
chart represents the distribution or proportion of each data item over a total value (represented
by the overall pie). A pie chart is most effective when plotting no more than three categories
of data.
IV. Doughnut chart :-
A Doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole. It is similar to a Pie Chart with
the only difference that a Doughnut Chart can contain more than one data series, whereas, a
Pie Chart can contain only one data series. A Doughnut Chart contains rings and each ring
representing one data series. To create a Doughnut Chart, arrange the data in columns or rows
on a worksheet.
The Doughnut Chart is a built-in chart type in Excel. Doughnut charts are meant to express a
"part-to-whole" relationship, where all pieces together represent 100%. Doughnut charts work
best to display data with a small number of categories (2-5). For example, you could use a
doughnut chart to plot survey questions with a small number of answers, data split by gender,
Windows vs. Mac users, or other data where categories are limited. Doughnut charts should be
avoided when there are many categories, or when categories do not sum to 100%.

V. Bar chart :
Bar Charts illustrate comparisons among individual items. In a Bar Chart, the categories are
organized along the vertical axis and the values are organized along the horizontal axis. To
create a Bar Chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the Worksheet.
A Bar Chart has the following sub-types −
• Clustered Bar
• Stacked Bar
• 100% Stacked Bar
• 3-D Clustered Bar
• 3-D Stacked Bar
• 3-D 100% Stacked Bar
Bar charts are typically used to compare several categories of data. Bar charts are ideal for
visualizing the distribution or proportion of data items when there are more than three
categories. For instance a bar chart could be used to compare the overall revenue distribution
for a given set of products.
VI. Area chart :
Area Charts can be used to plot the change over time and draw attention to the total value across
a trend. By showing the sum of the plotted values, an area chart also shows the relationship of
parts to a whole. To create an Area Chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
An Area Chart has the following sub-types −
• Area
• Stacked Area
• 100% Stacked Area
• 3-D Area
• 3-D Stacked Area
• 3-D 100% Stacked Area
Area charts are ideal for clearly illustrating the magnitude of change between two or more data
points. For example, you can give your audience a visual feel for the degree of variance
between the high and low price for each month.

VII. XY (Scatter) chart :

XY (Scatter) charts are typically used for showing and comparing numeric values, like
scientific, statistical, and engineering data. A Scatter chart has two Value Axes as horizontal
x axis and vertical y axis. It combines x and y values into single data points and displays them
in irregular intervals, or clusters. To create a Scatter chart, arrange the data in columns and
rows on the worksheet. Place the x values in one row or column, and then enter the
corresponding y values in the adjacent rows or columns.
The scatter charts can be used to change the scale of the horizontal axis, when there are many
data points on the horizontal axis, to show similarities between large sets of data instead of
differences between data points, to compare many data points regardless of the time.

VIII. Bubble chart :

A Bubble chart is like a Scatter chart with an additional third column to specify the size of the
bubbles it shows to represent the data points in the data series.
A Bubble chart has the following sub-types −
• Bubble
• Bubble with 3-D effect
A bubble chart is a variation of an XY scatter plot. Just like the XY scatter plot, bubble charts
show the correlation between two sets of data. The difference is the addition of a third
dimension that is represented by the size of each bubble in the chart. This third dimension is
typically used to show the relative impact of a quantitative data item. For instance, in addition
to showing employee performance versus competency, you can have the size of each bubble
represent years of service, allowing your audience to quickly get a sense of how years of service
may affect the relationship between competency and performance.

References :-

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